slow network name resolution?

2003-03-03 Thread Dave Howorth
I recently installed Debian on a PC for the first time, and consequently 
have some questions.  One that I thought it might be appropriate to ask 
on this forum concerns network speed.

The PC is on a local network connected to the Internet and connections 
generally appear to work properly, but there is a delay which seems to 
be around the time the PC is trying to resolve a hostname (e.g. a delay 
while loading pages in the browser, or before ping starts to send 
packets).  Once a connection is established, data transfer speeds are 
what I would expect.

This problem does not occur with other machines on the network 
(including an identical PC installed with Suse Linux) so I suspect some 
quirk of Debian's network configuration (3.0r1 stable).

Does anybody recognize this problem?  Or perhaps can point me to the 
appropriate documentation to investigate it.

Thanks and regards,
Dave Howorth
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Re: New

2003-03-21 Thread Dave Howorth
Jerome Johnson wrote:
I am very new to Debian Linux Can anyone help me by giving me a good
online reference and pointing me on what good books to get regarding
this OS.

Paul Johnson replied:
Running Debian Linux by O'Reilley and Associates is good.  Sometimes
referred to as the Mountie book because it has a picture of an RCMP
officer on a horse on the cover.
I can vouch that 'Running Linux' is very good, and has a man on a horse 
on the cover.

'Learning Debian Gnu/Linux' has a man on a bull, is out of print, and I 
haven't seen it.

I would also suggest the reference manual and other documentation on the 
Debian site.

Cheers, Dave

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2003-10-17 Thread Dave Howorth
I need to install wxWindows 2.4 on a Woody system so I can build another 
application (TreeView X).  Does anybody have any idea of the best way to 
do this, and what steps are involved?

Thanks, Dave

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Re: wxWindows

2003-10-17 Thread Dave Howorth
Joerg Johannes wrote:
On Friday 17 October 2003 16:13, Dave Howorth wrote:
I need to install wxWindows 2.4 on a Woody system so I can build
another application (TreeView X).  Does anybody have any idea of the
best way to do this, and what steps are involved?
apt-get install wxwin2.4-doc wxwin2.4-examples wxwin2.4-headers
Version 2.4 is only available for testing and unstable, not for Woody, 
from the standard sources. And I strongly suspect it will be 
incompatible because of the libc6 version issue.

So perhaps I can add to my question - is compiling wxWindows from source 
the best option or are there backports or whatever?  If compiling is the 
best option, are there any known problems? Are all eleven packages 
necessary, and is there any easy way to select them all?

Thanks, Dave

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Re: wxWindows

2003-10-17 Thread Dave Howorth
Derrick 'dman' Hudson wrote:
$ apt-get source libwxgtk2.4

Thanks for the instructions Derrick.

> I don't know how you came up with 11 packages.

11 comes from doing a search at Debian:

testing  wxwin2.4-examples   (2391.3k)
  wxWindows Cross-platform C++ GUI toolkit (examples)
testing wxwin2.4-i18n   (348.1k)
  wxWindows Cross-platform C++ GUI toolkit (i18n support)
testing libwxgtk2.4-python   (2290.8k)
  wxWindows Cross-platform C++ GUI toolkit (wxPython binding)
testing libwxbase2.4-dev   (507k)
  wxBase library (development) - non-GUI support classes of wxWindows 
testing libwxgtk2.4-dev   (2226.9k)
  wxWindows Cross-platform C++ GUI toolkit (GTK+ development)
testing wxwin2.4-headers   (548.5k)
  wxWindows Cross-platform C++ GUI toolkit (header files)
testing tipptrainer 0.5.0-2   (195.2k)
  A program to learn touch typing
testing libwxgtk2.4-contrib-dev   (1026.9k)
  wxWindows Cross-platform C++ GUI toolkit (development contrib libs)
testing libwxgtk2.4-dbg   (8518.8k)
  wxWindows Cross-platform C++ GUI toolkit (GTK+ development)
testing libwxbase2.4-dbg   (1238.3k)
  wxBase library (debug) - non-GUI support classes of wxWindows toolkit
testing wxwin2.4-doc   (1001.5k)
  wxWindows Cross-platform C++ GUI toolkit (documentation)
Responses 1-11 shown, out of total of 11.

and forgetting to subtract 1 for 'tipptrainer' :)

(As an aside, it would be nice if there was a single page linked to from 
the docs of all such related packages that summarised them all together, 
along with the interrelationship dependencies)

Thanks again,
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Re: wxWindows

2003-10-20 Thread Dave Howorth
I wrote:
(As an aside, it would be nice if there was a single page linked to 
from the docs of all such related packages that summarised them all 
together, along with the interrelationship dependencies)
and Roberto responded:
There is.  At the very bottom of each page for the individual packages,
is this statement:
Ron Lee is responsible for this Debian package. See the "developer 
information for wxwin2.4-doc."

The quoted (my quotes) part is a hyperlink which goes to:

That page lists news, all the binary packaes, their version, and other
bits of info.
What I meant was a page that *explained* what each package was and under 
what circumstances each particular group of packages should be 
downloaded. Remember I have the viewpoint of somebody who is essentially 
not interested in wxWindows; certainly not interested in developing it, 
or for that matter doing development using it. I only need it to build 
an application for which there is *not* a Debian package, AFAIK. So I 
have to work out the dependencies myself for wxWindows, about which I 
know nothing and hopefully shouldn't need to know anything.

If I go to wxWindows own site, there isn't a complicated list of so many 
packages; I would just choose one package, download and install it. But 
somebody (Ron Lee?) has decided that it is better to have many packages. 
Unless they tell me the rationale behind this, how can I appreciate the 
logic and wisdom?

So as a specific example, which Debian packages should I install to get 
the same effect as clicking on the Unix/GTK+ link on the wxWindows 
download site? (which is what the author of the application package 
recommends to new users.)  How am I supposed to discover this 

Thanks and regards,
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Re: wxWindows + building from source in Debian

2003-10-20 Thread Dave Howorth
On Friday 17 October 2003 16:13, I wrote:
| >>I need to install wxWindows 2.4 on a Woody system so I can build
| >>another application (TreeView X).  Does anybody have any idea of the
| >>best way to do this, and what steps are involved?
I haven't built Debian-ised software from source before (except a 
kernel). It seems a lot more complicated than just downloading the 
upstream package and building it.

Thankfully Derrick 'dman' Hudson replied:
$ apt-get source libwxgtk2.4
$ cd [wx...]# whatever the directory is called
$ fakeroot ./debian/rules binary
$ su
# dpkg -i ../libwxgtk2.4*.deb
You'll definitely need the "lib" package to run that other app.
You'll need the -dev package (or maybe it's called wxwin2.4-headers)
to compile that other app.
I suspect I need both the -dev and the -headers but when I did the 
apt-get it looked to me like it downloaded the same package three times.

I tried the fakeroot command but it just sat there so I looked in the 
Debian Reference and tried

wxwindows2.4- dpkg-buildpackage -us -uc

(I'm running as root so I left out the -rfakeroot). It ran but produced 
failed dependencies:

dpkg-buildpackage: source package is wxwindows2.4
dpkg-buildpackage: source version is
dpkg-buildpackage: source maintainer is Ron Lee <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
dpkg-buildpackage: host architecture is i386
dpkg-checkbuilddeps: Unmet build dependencies: libgtk1.2-dev, python 
(>=2.3), python2.3-dev, libpng2-dev, libtiff3g-dev, xlibmesa-gl-dev | 
libgl-dev, xlibmesa-glu-dev | libglu-dev, libesd0-dev
dpkg-buildpackage: Build dependencies/conflicts unsatisfied; aborting.

Which leaves me with a general question and a specific one.

The general question is why the dependencies weren't picked up when I 
did the apt-get source?  And is there in principle a general way to 
resolve them or do I have to apt-get them all individually.

The specific question is why these particular dependencies are arising. 
It's asking for python but I didn't ask for the Python interface 
(libwxgtk2.4-python) [and it wants a version of Python I don't have 
since I'm on Woody] and it's asking for GL support though GL support is 
an optional feature of wxWindows that I don't believe is needed by the 
application I actually want to use (it's a feature of the python 
interface, though).  So I'd like to eliminate the need for those 
dependencies rather than upgrade python and who knows what else.

All suggestions gratefully received.

Thanks, Dave

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Re: wxWindows + building from source in Debian

2003-10-20 Thread Dave Howorth
Mark Roach wrote:
On Mon, 2003-10-20 at 07:06, Dave Howorth wrote:
dpkg-checkbuilddeps: Unmet build dependencies: libgtk1.2-dev, python 
(>=2.3), python2.3-dev, libpng2-dev, libtiff3g-dev, xlibmesa-gl-dev | 
libgl-dev, xlibmesa-glu-dev | libglu-dev, libesd0-dev
dpkg-buildpackage: Build dependencies/conflicts unsatisfied; aborting.

The general question is why the dependencies weren't picked up when I 
did the apt-get source?  And is there in principle a general way to 
resolve them or do I have to apt-get them all individually.
apt-get build-dep 
Thanks for that.

The specific question is why these particular dependencies are arising. 
The reason is that all of those wxwindows packages come from the same
source package. Why exactly did you decide that you needed to compile
the whole thing again?
The full story is in the previous messages, which I trimmed to save 
bandwidth :)  But briefly, I need wxWindows to be able to build a 
specific non-Debian application. wxWindows is not supported on Woody, 
which is what I run. Hence, I need to compile it.  Not sure what you 
mean by again?

Cheers, Dave

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Re: wxWindows + building from source in Debian

2003-10-21 Thread Dave Howorth
I wrote:
I need wxWindows to be able to build a 
specific non-Debian application. wxWindows is not supported on Woody, 
which is what I run. Hence, I need to compile it.
Mark Roach replied:
That being the case, you could just grab the backport from this source
deb woody/
Thanks for that suggestion, Mark. I tried it yesterday but it failed. 
With the benefit of a night's sleep I can now see why. The backport was 
made for use with an application that uses the python interface, so the 
binary package and -python backports are available but not the -dev or 
-headers.  Sadly, I want to build a C++ application :(

Luckily, Roberto Sanchez had already said:
> I've been thinking about it, and in your case it iw probably easier
> build it from upstream and install it in /usr/local/.  Later, when
> 2.4 makes it into stable, you can just install those packages and then
> remove your upstream libraries.
I'll try this approach now. Thanks, Roberto.

Cheers, Dave

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[SOLVED] Re: wxWindows + building from source in Debian

2003-10-21 Thread Dave Howorth
I wrote:
I need wxWindows to be able to build a specific non-Debian 
application. wxWindows is not supported on Woody, which is what I 
run. Hence, I need to compile it.
Roberto Sanchez suggested:
 > I've been thinking about it, and in your case it iw probably easier
 > build it from upstream and install it in /usr/local/.  Later, when
 > 2.4 makes it into stable, you can just install those packages and then
 > remove your upstream libraries.
I tried that and it "Just Worked". Well, the minimal sample app runs :) 
Now to build the real app...

Thanks again to all who made suggestions.
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Re: phonetic symbols

2003-10-27 Thread Dave Howorth
L.F. wrote:
I have a file with words in English with the phonetic
transcription but Openoffice or KWord of Debian-Linux doesn't convert some of 
the symbols:the schwa, the symbol for sh in ship, 

I have downloaded the tippa fonts and all  the others from Debian and they
> are available in my computer.

As others have pointed out, a font mismatch is causing the problem. 
Sadly, fonts in Linux are more complicated than they should be. There 
are several different font systems used by different applications and 
they also vary depending which version of Debian you are using. So 
here's some things to try:

Can you make a new document in OOo or KWord that uses the symbols you 
need? (Using the fonts you installed - tippa?).  If not, then the 
problem is to do with the font installation on your machine.  Try 
searching the list archives for hints as to how to solve it and failing 
that post another question with details of your system.

If you can make a new document containing the symbols, then the problem 
most probably is that your imported document is using another font that 
is not installed on your system.  There are two ways to fix that.

First to try is to select all the text in your document and change it to 
the font that you just proved works.  That's an easy fix if it works.

If that doesn't work, you need to import the Windows font that your 
document is using. That's more difficult, but it's been discussed 
before, so search the archive as a first step (try truetype as a keyword).

HTH, Dave

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Re: DVI output of Radeon 9200 still doesn't work -- despite new XFree86 4.3

2003-09-12 Thread Dave Howorth
A long time ago (2003-08-15) ERDI Gergo wrote:
According to the list of patches applied to the XFree86 4.3 package in
Experimental (4.3.0-0pre1v1), a recent fix in XFree86 HEAD has been
backported to the Debian package that fixes the DVI handling of some
Radeons. However, using the DVI port of my Radeon 9200, I get no output as
soon as XFree86 is started.
Is there some special configuration option that is needed in the server
configuration? Are the patches not in the official Debian package -- i.e.
should I create my own xserver-xfree86.deb from source?
Just spotted this.  FWIW, Knoppix is able to detect and set up its X to 
run with a 9200 and a DVI-D cable (I use an LCD monitor; I've seen a 
claim that CRT's can be problematical). Perhaps you can glean some 
config info from it. OTOH, I have the same problem using SuSE 8.2 with a 
Mantel -64 kernel with or without ATI 3.2.5 drivers (works with an 
analogue cable but will only run at low resolution with a DVI-D cable). 
But the problem may also relate to my specific 9200 card - I'm trying to 
find out from my supplier exactly what it's provenance is, though I 
ordered ATI.

HTH, Dave

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gnome-terminal title

2003-09-16 Thread Dave Howorth
Is there a way to change the title of a gnome-terminal window?

I see that some programs (e.g. vim) do it but others (e.g. mysql) do not 
and it would be nice to know which was which in a list of icons.

Thanks, Dave

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Re: gnome-terminal title

2003-09-16 Thread Dave Howorth
Dave Howorth wrote:
> Is there a way to change the title of a gnome-terminal window?
Ashish Ariga replied:
> Depends on your terminal (echo $TERM).
> Commonly it is "]0;YourText"
> eg. printf "^[]0;MyTitle^G"
Torsten Reuss replied:
Have a look at the XTerm title mini howto
$ apt-get install doc-linux-text
$ zless /usr/share/doc/HOWTO/en-txt/mini/Xterm-Title.gz
Then write your own scripts that change the title before starting e.g. 
Thanks folks. I didn't realize all those howtos were there, so that's an 
extra bonus.  Now I've written a little bash function called xtitle so I 
can live in the past :)

Thanks again,
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[OT] slashapp & rss

2003-09-23 Thread Dave Howorth
Is there any way to persuade the gnome slash_applet to show headlines 
from another rss source?  Or alternatively, is there another application 
that provides this functionality?

Thanks, Dave

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Re: HyperThreading CPUs under Debian

2003-09-29 Thread Dave Howorth
Andrew Ingram wrote:
Can anyone tell me if there is anything special I should enable in my
kernel (or any other Debian configuration) to make the most out of an
Intel P4 processor with HyperThreading? Just realised my kernel has SMP
disabled which might have been a mistake, but I can't find a definitive
answer by googling.
Yes, you should have SMP enabled and the kernel will detect 2 CPUs. I'm 
using 2.4.21.

Cheers, Dave

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Re: HELP!Problems with 160GB SATA drive

2003-10-14 Thread Dave Howorth
Rob Weir wrote:
I don't think any SATA controllers are supported under 2.4.18 at all.

Yah, you'll need a newer kernel version.  Try looking at for newer boot floppies, or even try
out debian-installer (  Another
option (which I would probably pick) is to pull the drive and
controller, and put in another working Debian machine.  Install Debian
using the chroot deboostrap method
( onto the new disk, and
either build a kernel that supports the the controller or install a new
kernel-image package that supports it natively.  Once it's installed,
move the disk and controller back to the original machne, and boot.

Two other methods to do the bootstrap may be possible that don't need 
another machine or even opening the box. The first follows from:

> On Sat, Oct 11, 2003 at 11:18:49AM -0400, Sebastian Canagaratna said
> In the BIOS it is configured thus:
> ATA/IDE  Enhalnced (all SATA and PATA resources enabled
Which leads me to suspect that it is possible to instead configure it in 
'Legacy' mode so the SATA appears as a PATA. You may then be able to 
configure the system, put a new kernel on and reset the BIOS to 
'Enhanced' (don't forget to change fstab and grub/lilo device names)

The second method is to start from a distribution which already has a 
recent kernel. This will also cope with any other problems that may 
arise from recent chipsets (you don't state what it is).  I believe the 
latest Knoppix would work.

Cheers, Dave

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Re: net install with eepro100 / 845G

2003-08-14 Thread Dave Howorth
I'm attempting a network installation. Either woody or sarge would be fine.

The motherboard has an Intel 845G chipset, which includes an ethernet 
controller that uses the eepro100.o driver.

This driver doesn't seem to be easily loaded.

I've tried:
jigdo cd for woody bf2.4
diskette for woody bf2.4
80M netinst cd image for sarge
Is there a debian install that will use this driver?
The woody bf2.4 disks (blown on a CD) worked fine on my 845G-based m/c
(I don't remember any more - it's six months ago)
Cheers, Dave

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Re: OT: whinging (was Re: rms on debian : background noise)

2003-08-19 Thread Dave Howorth
cr wrote:
Hmm, I rarely heard it used in England (though I haven't lived there for 30+ 
years), but I've heard it used all the time here in New Zealand, I thought it 
was a Kiwi-ism.   
Mark wrote:
Whinge has been in common usage for as long as I can recall here (UK).
Probably the thing to do is for someone with access to check the OED for
the etymological references.
I'd agree with both of you :-)  It certainly gets used here in the UK 
but the archetypical use must be the Antipodean phrase 'whinging poms'.
Is that Kiwi or Aussie?

Cheers, Dave

PS  For any yanks who don't know the word, 'poms' is equivalent to 'limeys'

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Re: OT: Why is C so popular?

2003-08-27 Thread Dave Howorth
 Unfortunately, nowadays "s/C /Perl /".
Wouldn't it be easier to read if you wrote it s/C/Perl/ ?
So that it wouldn't change Choo-choo to Perlhoo-choo.
When I saw the question, I thought the obvious counter-example was so 
that it doesn't change C# to Perl#  :)

Now that's a frightening thought.  Just what would Perl# be like?

Cheers, Dave

PS  I'm a Luddite that refuses to learn C++. Backward compatibility with 
C was the single biggest mistake Stroustrup made.

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Re: TrueType fonts (again)

2003-08-28 Thread Dave Howorth
Nicos Gollan wrote:
Mozilla has its own font handling (via FreeType) while QT (and thus KDE) and 
other X applications use the X font system.
There's other complexities of course. GTK has its own variant, Abiword 
lives in a world of its own ...  To use a font server or not ...

If anybody knows of a single reliable statement of all the issues and a 
consistent solution that results in perfect fonts for all applications 
under Debian/Woody, they would be a hero(ine)...

Dave Howorth
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Re: i865 based systems

2003-09-05 Thread Dave Howorth
Neal Lippman wrote:
Has anyone installed a 2.4 series kernel on a system based on the intel
I865 chipset? If so, I am wondering if there are any recommendations re:
motherboards that seem to work well.
From a quick grep through the 2.4.21 source (latest kernel available for
testing) is appears that both i865 support and sATA support are in the
kernel, which are the two major issues with this chipset (since I think
the onboard gigabit LAN became supported in 2.4.19).
As far as I can tell, there is sATA support in 2.4.21, although I cannot
figure out what the device major number or /dev entries for that would
Hi Neal

Don't know how much this will help but as you've had no other answers, 
here goes.  I'm trying to get an i875P based m/c to work but am still 
having problems, but it sounds like you know more about kernels than me. 
FWIW, my machine appears to boot OK in general under 2.4.21 but:

- I have problems with the network. I haven't yet persuaded the network 
to boot properly. Once the system is up and running, I can start it by 
hand (ifdown eth0; ifup eth0).  The controller on my board (it's an 
Intel D875PBZ mobo) is apparently different from those supported in 
previous kernels. Once I've fixed it I'll have to come back to the disks:

- initially there were problems with disk errors and unexpected 
interrupts, so I switched the BIOS to legacy mode (the SATA disks appear 
as PATA but it's not possible to see all the devices). That made the 
problem go away but I'll have to come back to it when I've fixed the 

There are apparently problems with some other SATA support chips and 
perhaps with specific hard drives so check the lists and google 
carefully before buying.

People say they have got these boards working but I don't remember 
seeing anybody who claimed to have made native-mode SATA work who gave 
full details.

Cheers, Dave

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Re: Speeding up debian ... ?

2003-06-09 Thread Dave Howorth
Colin Watson wrote:
Audio encoding and decoding are indeed fine examples of CPU-dependent
Hmm, they'd probably run faster on a graphics chip. Has anybody built 
audio codecs to run on a graphics card?

Cheers, Dave

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2003-06-10 Thread Dave Howorth
Paul Johnson wrote:
> Amaya's the only one you need.  Standards compliant, too, so instead
> of disgracing yourself by saying it's viewable in only one browser,
> you can proudly say anybody on anything can display it properly.
> apt-get install amaya
I just installed it with exactly that command line.  When I type
  % amaya
it boldly but not very helpfully says:
  *** Amaya: Irrecoverable error ***
The man page says:
  For a pointer to documentation on how to use  amaya,  run
  the program with no arguments.
which isn't very helpful in the circumstances. I can't find anything 
about troubleshooting on the amaya web site either.

I'm running Woody.

Anybody know how to start to diagnose the problem? Or is this another 
case where it's easier to get the current version direct from upstream 
(V8 instead of two-year old V5.1).

Dave Howorth
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Re: Amaya

2003-06-10 Thread Dave Howorth
Emma Jane Hogbin wrote:
I think I get a little further than that...Do you remember what packages
were installed?
It installed just the amaya package. I removed it and installed it again 
to be sure but the result was the same.

Cheers, Dave
Dave Howorth
MRC Centre for Protein Engineering
Hills Road, Cambridge, CB2 2QH
01223 252960
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Re: Amaya

2003-06-11 Thread Dave Howorth
Emma Jane Hogbin wrote:
I just installed the debian package that's distributed from the W3C with
much better luck!
I used:
	dpkg -i amaya_gtk-8.0-1_i386.deb 
I did the same and it installed with no broken dependencies (I have some 
Perl packages that needed up to date gtk). It now gets a little bit further:

Gdk-CRITICAL **: file gdkfont.c: line 220 (gdk_font_ref): assertion 
`font != NULL' failed.

Gdk-CRITICAL **: file gdkfont.c: line 220 (gdk_font_ref): assertion 
`font != NULL' failed.

Gdk-CRITICAL **: file gdkfont.c: line 220 (gdk_font_ref): assertion 
`font != NULL' failed.

Gdk-CRITICAL **: file gdkfont.c: line 220 (gdk_font_ref): assertion 
`font != NULL' failed.

Gdk-CRITICAL **: file gdkfont.c: line 220 (gdk_font_ref): assertion 
`font != NULL' failed.

Gdk-CRITICAL **: file gdkfont.c: line 220 (gdk_font_ref): assertion 
`font != NULL' failed.

Gdk-CRITICAL **: file gdkfont.c: line 220 (gdk_font_ref): assertion 
`font != NULL' failed.

Gdk-CRITICAL **: file gdkfont.c: line 220 (gdk_font_ref): assertion 
`font != NULL' failed.

Gdk-CRITICAL **: file gdkfont.c: line 220 (gdk_font_ref): assertion 
`font != NULL' failed.

Gdk-CRITICAL **: file gdkfont.c: line 220 (gdk_font_ref): assertion 
`font != NULL' failed.

Gdk-CRITICAL **: file gdkfont.c: line 318 (gdk_string_width): assertion 
`font != NULL' failed.

Gdk-CRITICAL **: file gdkfont.c: line 394 (gdk_text_width_wc): assertion 
`font != NULL' failed.
*** Amaya: Irrecoverable error ***

At least this gives a hint that there might be a problem with fonts, so 
there's some chance I might be able to track it down.

Thanks for your help, Emma.
Cheers, Dave
Dave Howorth
MRC Centre for Protein Engineering
Hills Road, Cambridge, CB2 2QH
01223 252960
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font selection errors

2003-06-11 Thread Dave Howorth
I have noticed what seems to be a problem with many applications when 
using fonts on my Debian Woody box. The applications ask for fonts that 
are installed on the system, but fail to find them. The applications 
handle it more or less gracefully, many revert to some default font 
while others refuse to start altogether.

As an example, acroread says:

Warning: Cannot convert string
to type FontStruct
but according to xfontsel, 4 names match
xfontsel can also find fonts that other applications have difficulty with.

Does anybody have any idea what the problem is?

Thanks, Dave
Dave Howorth
MRC Centre for Protein Engineering
Hills Road, Cambridge, CB2 2QH
01223 252960
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SVG graphics and mozilla

2003-11-19 Thread Dave Howorth
Mozilla crashes whenever I try to display an SVG graphic :(
so I'm trying to work out how to display the graphic instead :)
I'm running Woody with mozilla 1.2.1 (Mozilla Debian Package 
1.2.1-2.bunk - Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv:1.2.1) 
Gecko/20021213 Debian/1.2.1-2.bunk).

As far as I can see, SVG is not yet fully supported by mozilla natively, 
even if I went to the bleeding edge.  And there don't seem to be any 
Debian packages at all - a search for svg turns up only SVGA-related 
things.  So it seems I need to look elsewhere.  Mozilla says the most 
popular plugin is that from Adobe.  Adobe's offering for Linux seems to 
be:  RedHat Linux 7.1  3.0 beta 1  11/2001, which doesn't fill me with 
expectations of a stable product either!

Does anyone know how well this works?  Or have alternative suggestions 
for SVG support?

Thanks, Dave

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

OT mail system configuration

2003-11-21 Thread Dave Howorth
I use a mail forwarding address at the ACM.  There's a problem with 
their mail system in that when they have temporary systems problem their 
mail system returns a permanent 550 5.1.1 error to the sender. They 
claim they can't fix the problem!

I'm not a mail expert, so I'm hoping that somebody may be able to tell 
me what mail system they're using (some headers below) and confirm 
whether or not it can be configured correctly.  Also, can anybody tell 
me the name of a mail system on Debian that would be a suitable replacement?

Thanks, Dave

Received: from [] (
by with esmtp (Exim 4.20)
id 1AMtBy-0002AA-GG
for [EMAIL PROTECTED]; Thu, 20 Nov 2003 18:06:10 +
Received: by with Internet Mail Service (5.5.2657.72)
id ; Thu, 20 Nov 2003 13:06:13 -0500
From: Haritini Kanthou <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
X-Mailer: Internet Mail Service (5.5.2657.72)

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gv and filenames with spaces

2003-11-21 Thread Dave Howorth
There seems to be a problem with gv and filenames with spaces in them.
I don't use it regularly but when I open a file whose name contains a 
space (e.g. 'junk space.pdf') and then try to print it, I see an error 

  Failed to scan file /tmp/gv_whatever_junk

(why do programs not let you copy messages from errors and instead force 
you to type them again!) and the following appears on stdout:

Error: /undefinedfilename in (
Operand stack:
Execution stack:
   %interp_exit   .runexec2   --nostringval--   --nostringval-- 
--nostringval--   2   %stopped_push   --nostringval--   --nostringval-- 
  --nostringval--   false   1   %stopped_push   --nostringval-- 
Dictionary stack:
   --dict:1062/1123(ro)(G)--   --dict:0/20(G)--   --dict:68/200(L)--
Current allocation mode is local
Last OS error: 2
GNU Ghostscript 7.07: Unrecoverable error, exit code 1

I guess there's a configuration file somewhere in the debian package 
that is missing some quotes. Does anybody happen to know what the fix is?

I run Woody
$ gv -v
gv 3.5.8 (debian)
Cheers, Dave

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Re: building a tivo?

2003-11-25 Thread Dave Howorth
Matt Price wrote:
Anyone out there built a tivo-like DVR to record programs off of
cabsle or stellite tv?  What's involved?
You could look at 

Cheers, Dave

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Re: RFC: Create d-user-woody, d-user-sarge maillists, deactivate d-user

2003-12-01 Thread Dave Howorth
I disagree with this request. See below for my reasons.

Hereon wrote:
Request For Comment on:
  Enhancing the Debian mailing lists by:
  Creating debian-user-woody and debian-user-sarge mailing lists,
  and deactivating debian-user.

1) The Debian user community is substantially suboptimally served
   with the existence of the current debian-user list.
2) The debian-user list is _unnecessarily_ overtrafficked,
   [due to it being the most likely place to ask user questions, and find
   answers, regarding both Stable(Woody), and
   which causes several problems for the Debian community:
   a) Wasted mental effort discerning which version a message
  pertains to,
   b) Wasted mental effort searching for information on either
  Woody or Sarge/Sid in the (currently) combined list.
It is true that there is a lot of traffic and that it is usually 
necessary to specify which version of debian is being run. I sometimes 
find I waste time because of the ambiguity or volume of traffic but more 
often I find that messages related any version of the package are useful 
because either:

* the problem I'm trying to solve doesn't depend on the package version, or
* I discover from information in response to a sarge/sid query that the 
best solution is to download a backport (I run woody)

3) The Debian community would be much better served
   a) by the creation now of two new mailing lists, called:
 1) debian-user-woody,
 2) debian-user-sarge, 
   b) and, perhaps, by deactivating debian-user.
This would have the effect of dividing the community into three:
* those who subscribed to just the woody list
* those who subscribed to just the sarge list
* those who subscribed to both
Ignore the third group for now, because they have essentially decided to 
remain in substantially the same situation as now. So the split means 
that the expertise of those in group 1 is not available to anybody 
asking a question on list 2 (and presumably netiquette would prevent 
even people in group 3 from posting a question to both lists). Similarly 
the expertise of those in group 2 is lost to questioners on list 1.

This division will reduce the quality of answers on the lists.

I believe it will also be divisive for the community.

So I do not believe it is a good idea to create new lists as suggested.

I guess an alternative would be to require messages to contain some 
fixed content about os version, enforced by the mail list software but 
I'm not convinced that's worthwhile.

Regards, Dave

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Re: S-ATA med Debian

2003-12-08 Thread Dave Howorth
Bjorn Johansson wrote:
Funkar S-ATA diskar med Debian woody?
Not with the standard kernel. I'd suggest getting a copy of Knoppix, 
which hopefully will work, and then use the settings it deduces to 
figure out what you need to change in Woody.

Please use English on the list!

Cheers, Dave

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Re: eclipse install

2004-11-22 Thread Dave Howorth
Eduard Pauna wrote:
Did somebody succeded in running eclipse on debian?
I have running on woody with a bunch of 
backports. So there's light at the end of the tunnel.

I got the package, unzip it and
when I run eclipse I obtain this error
The Eclipse executable launcher was unable to locate its 
companion startup.jar file (in the same directory as the executable).

but startup.jar is in the same directory...
I didn't see this error. What's your environment? Debian version? JVM 

Cheers, Dave
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running debian on graphics cards

2004-12-06 Thread Dave Howorth
I was just reading about how powerful GPUs are getting and I wondered 
whether anybody has got Debian to run on one?

There, that's a wacky question for today! I don't even know whether the 
question makes sense.

Cheers, Dave
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Re: running debian on graphics cards

2004-12-07 Thread Dave Howorth
Andrea Vettorello wrote:
I was just reading about how powerful GPUs are getting and I wondered
whether anybody has got Debian to run on one?
If you look on google you should find a project to do math on your
GPU, IIRC was someting like "GPGPU"...
Thanks Andrea, that was a good link. the site is 
. There doesn't seem to be a full-blown OS yet, 
but there is an implementation of a language called Brook 
 that claims 
to be an extension of ANSI C. So it's just a matter of time ...

Thanks again,
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Re: wi-fi - choice of hardware

2004-12-09 Thread Dave Howorth
Eugen Leitl wrote:
This is getting a bit offtopic for the list, perhaps we should take it to
private mail.
Please keep it on the list. It's a very interesting thread.
Cheers, Dave
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Re: Why do people use 1280x1024? (was Re: custom gdm screen resolution? [SOLVED - work around])

2004-12-10 Thread Dave Howorth
Dave Ewart wrote:
I never understand why people want 1280x1024.  This is a different
aspect ratio to all the other resolutions listed.
Because that's what size our TFT monitors are?
Cheers, Dave
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Re: decyphering spam

2005-06-03 Thread Dave Howorth

michael wrote:

It seems this spam leads to which is registered by
somebody in UK (see below) - do you think it's worth reporting or taking
legal action? I guess we could just bombard their phone number

Or perhaps do a little research first?

The registrant claims to be in York.

The phone number is nowhere near York. It apparently belongs to a 
company in Stockport called Railweight

The postcode YO51 9AF isn't in York either and isn't on Orchard Terrace.

Cheers, Dave

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/tmp$ whois |less
Domain ID:   D7444563-US
Sponsoring Registrar:SCHLUND + PARTNER AG
Domain Status:   ok
Registrant ID:   SPAG-4476
Registrant Name: Julie Prescott
Registrant Address1: Orchard Terrace
Registrant Address2: 8
Registrant City: York
Registrant Postal Code:  YO51 9AF
Registrant Country:  Great Britain (UK)
Registrant Country Code: GB
Registrant Phone Number: +44.1614315155
Registrant Email:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Registrant Application Purpose:  P1
Registrant Nexus Category:   C11
Administrative Contact ID:   SPAG-4476
Administrative Contact Name: Julie Prescott
Administrative Contact Address1: Orchard Terrace
Administrative Contact Address2: 8
Administrative Contact City: York
Administrative Contact Postal Code:  YO51 9AF
Administrative Contact Country:  Great Britain (UK)
Administrative Contact Country Code: GB
Administrative Contact Phone Number: +44.1614315155

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Re: Good backup software for Linux

2005-06-20 Thread Dave Howorth

Siju George wrote:

 Could some one please tell me a good backup software for Linux.

Now I should be able to restore "dir1" from "backup2" with only "fle1"
and "file2"

You might want to take a look at dirvish, which can certainly do this. 
Every differential backup looks like a full backup. Seems to work.

Cheers, Dave

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Re: Good backup software for Linux

2005-06-20 Thread Dave Howorth

Siju George wrote:

ome of the folders I want to backup regularly is



2.3. Practical Considerations


Relational Database Systems (RDBMS) cannot be backed up while live.

This is just a fact of life, true for any backup system. It depends what 
guarantees of integrity you need and what table types you're using. I 
use InnoDB and want error-free backups so I just send '/etc/init.d/mysql 
stop' as my 'pre-client' command and '/etc/init.d/mysql start' 
afterwards. An alternative is to run a mysql replica. I recommend 'High 
Performance MySQL' by Zawodny & Balling for a survey of issues and 

I use dirvish rather than amanda because I can do some specific tricks 
with dirvish and because I felt amanda is way more complicated than I 
wanted. YMMV :)

Cheers, Dave

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Re: Good backup software for Linux

2005-06-21 Thread Dave Howorth

Maurits van Rees wrote:

On Mon, Jun 20, 2005 at 01:57:56PM +0100, Dave Howorth wrote:

Siju George wrote:

Relational Database Systems (RDBMS) cannot be backed up while live.

This is just a fact of life, true for any backup system. It depends what 
guarantees of integrity you need and what table types you're using. I 
use InnoDB and want error-free backups so I just send '/etc/init.d/mysql 
stop' as my 'pre-client' command and '/etc/init.d/mysql start' 
afterwards. An alternative is to run a mysql replica. I recommend 'High 
Performance MySQL' by Zawodny & Balling for a survey of issues and 

I recommend using mysqlhotcopy:

This doesn't work for InnoDB tables. There is a paid-for equivalent.

Also: take a look at mysqldump. Something like:

This takes a very long time (which locks the server) and produces a huge 

Better to backup the tablespace after synchronising it by either 
stopping the server, locking a replica, or using LVM plus flushing, IMHO.

Cheers, Dave

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Re: Editing PDF forms

2004-09-28 Thread Dave Howorth
In reply to:
Does anybody know of a way to edit PDF forms then save the result?
Hugo Vanwoerkom wrote:
I just checked that again and with the latest Sarge the output looks 
super. This presumes you start out with a pdf form of some sort...

use: pstoedit -f "fig:-startdepth 999"  %d.fig to generate your 
.fig files.

These you edit with xfig.
Sadly the form looks dreadful in xfig and so does the result in gv. 
Fonts are horrible, greyscale has been discarded and there's a large 
black rectangle where there should be a table. Oh, well.
(I used pstoedit 3.33 and xfig 3.2.4)

I wonder if Acrobat Pro runs under cygwin ...
Cheers, Dave
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Re: MySQL Administrator - segmentation fault

2004-10-18 Thread Dave Howorth
Mateusz Łoskot wrote:
I've just installed the newest MySQL Administration GUI
(mysql-admin) and I noticed that every time I try to Apply some changes 
I make i.e. after I add new database user this program exits with 
segmentation fault error message.

I have no idea what is the reason.
I use Sarge (Woody distupdated),
MySQL 4.0.21-log
and MySQL Client Version 4.0.20.
Has anyone noticed such problem ?
You might have better luck asking this question on the mysql gui-tools 
list at   It may even already be 
answered :)  Giving more details of the segfault might also help 
somebody help you.

Cheers, Dave

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gps & radio modem

2004-10-20 Thread Dave Howorth
I want to use a GPS (PCI card i/f, not serial) and a radio modem with 
Debian. Does anybody know of a good place to look for advice about the 
practicalities and gotchas?

Thanks and regards,
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D-Link DGE 550T gigabit network card

2004-10-20 Thread Dave Howorth
Does anybody have any experience, positive or negative, with a D-Link
Thanks, Dave
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Re: Editing PDF forms

2004-10-25 Thread Dave Howorth
I wrote:
Does anybody know of a way to edit PDF forms then save the result?
Our accounts/systems departments in their wisdom have decided that to 
make a purchase we must now fill out a PDF form. I can do that using 
acroread but it won't let me save the result (you have to buy Acrobat 
for that capability). Since there's a lot of repetition in the forms (my 
name and dept etc, plus repeated orders to the same vendors) I would 
like to save part-completed forms so I don't have to fill the same 
information in again.
Just in case anybody else searches the thread, what I actually did was 
install VMware and run Adobe Acrobat Pro in that. It does what I need.

Not free in either sense but we already had the licences for w2000 and 
Acrobat and VMware doesn't cost too much.

Cheers, Dave
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vmware cut and paste

2004-10-26 Thread Dave Howorth
I'm running VMware (4.5.2 build 8848) on Woody, with a Win2K guest. 
Everything I've tried works fine except for cut and paste between host 
and guest.

If I make a primary X selection in an xterm, all the VMware Edit menu 
items stay grey. If I make a selection in Windows (CTRL-C or using a 
menu or just highlighting), all the VMware Edit menu items stay grey. 
I've also tried selecting and pasting in various Gnome and KDE apps, but 
that doesn't work either.

Has anybody seen these symptoms, or have any idea where to look to try 
to localise the problem? For that matter, does anybody have VMware cut 
and paste working on Woody?

BTW, VMware's response was: "It appears that you are running a host 
operating system that is not officially supported with VMware 
Workstation 4.x (Debian Woody)." There are a number of messages on their 
forums from people with this problem, but no solutions I could see.

Thanks, Dave
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Re: vmware cut and paste

2004-10-26 Thread Dave Howorth
Douglas G. Phillips wrote:
I'm running VMware (4.5.2 build 8848) on Woody, with a Win2K
guest. Everything I've tried works fine except for cut and paste
between host and guest.
If I make a primary X selection in an xterm, all the VMware Edit menu
items stay grey. If I make a selection in Windows (CTRL-C or using a
menu or just highlighting), all the VMware Edit menu items stay
grey. I've also tried selecting and pasting in various Gnome and KDE
apps, but that doesn't work either.
I use Afterstep as my WM, WinXP in VMWare.  No probs here.
I'm running sawfish. kernel is 2.4.21. XFree86 Version 4.2.1. Don't know 
if any of this is relevant though. Their docs say they use X primary 
selection, and that's clearly working between other apps, so there 
shouldn't be much can stop it.

Are you running the VMWare services in windows?
Yes, I've installed the tools.
Something tells me that there is an option in the VMWare Services thingy
(click on it in the taskbar) that says to allow or disallow clipboard sharing
with X.
I've got that option selected, along with the grab/ungrab stuff which 
does work.

Cheers, Dave
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eclipse 3.0.1 install problem

2004-10-29 Thread Dave Howorth
I just downloaded eclipse 3.0.1 but can't get it to run. It produces a 
log that I've included below. I can't see anything in the download or on 
the eclipse site that explains how to install it and all the newsgroups 
or mailing lists seem to deal with developer issues.

I'm running woody. I have a working Java installation. I just downloaded 
eclipse to a random directory and typed ./eclipse and it died as below. 
Does anybody know what the problem is, or a more appropriate forum to go 

BTW, my purpose is to run the EPIC Perl plugin; I'm not a Java wizard :)
Thanks, Dave
!SESSION Oct 29, 2004 11:50:12.629 
java.vendor=Blackdown Java-Linux Team
BootLoader constants: OS=linux, ARCH=x86, WS=gtk, NL=en_GB

!ENTRY org.eclipse.core.runtime Oct 29, 2004 11:50:12.630
!MESSAGE Product org.eclipse.platform.ide could not be found.
!ENTRY org.eclipse.osgi Oct 29, 2004 11:50:12.654
!MESSAGE Application error
java.lang.RuntimeException: No application id has been found.
at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
at org.eclipse.core.launcher.Main.basicRun(
at org.eclipse.core.launcher.Main.main(

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Re: IBM Rack Server recommendation

2004-11-01 Thread Dave Howorth
Douglas G. Phillips wrote:
We use Dell Servers here with great success, and there's a dell linux support
site with a debian section.
I quote from :
  *  Debian
 o  Woody (testing)
Not sure how much I'd value that support :)
Versions of the other distros are also well out of date.
Cheers, Dave
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Re: HardWare: wireless router for Debian ?

2004-11-02 Thread Dave Howorth
I am envisaging to buy a (cheap) wireless router (at least b compatible)
which can run (Debian) Linux ?
You might want to consider the Linksys WRT54G:
Cheers, Dave
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new colour printer only uses black and white

2004-11-03 Thread Dave Howorth
I'm a lucky boy! We just installed a new HP4650dn colour laserjet. 
Almost everything seems good but it is printing in monochrome from my 
Debian box (mostly!).

It's a network printer that replaces a previous one (a QMS magicolor 
2200). I use CUPS and I've added the HP. I can still print as before in 
colour to the QMS. I can print to the HP but it comes out in b&w, 
including: CUPS test page, mozilla, gvim, acroread, gv, lpr from the 
command line. BUT ... gimp prints in colour. All the other boxen in the 
room seem to have no trouble printing in colour (Suse, OS X, even W2K in 
a VMware cage)

I've looked at every control panel and dialog box I can find and 
searched the CUPS user manual but can't find the problem. If anybody has 
any clues, I would much appreciate it.

Thanks, Dave
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Re: new colour printer only uses black and white

2004-11-03 Thread Dave Howorth
Jeff Self wrote:
We've got an HP Color Laser 4650dn as well.  I can print in color from
my Debian desktop system.  What driver are you using?  I'm using the HP
Color LaserJet 4600 Foomatic/Postscript (recommended) driver.
Thanks for this.
Where does that appear? I just added the printer again using the CUPS 
web interface. The only page that looks relevant asks for "Model/Driver 
for hp4650dn_new" and the options it lists are:

  HP DeskJet Series CUPS v1.1. (en)
  HP LaserJet Series CUPS v1.1. (en)
  HP New DeskJet Series CUPS v1.1. (en)
There's no 'browse' or 'have disk' box. I guess at this point in the 
conversation, versions are appropriate :) I'm running woody. synaptic 
says I have cupsys 1.1.14-5 but no cupsys-driver-gimpprint or, 
interestingly, foomatic-bin or foomatic-db. Who knew they existed? 
foomatic isn't listed as a dependency or suggestion and IIRC didn't come 
up in the installation.

Anyway, after installing them I now have a much longer list of printers 
but it still doesn't include anything like a Color LaserJet 4600 
Foomatic/Postscript. Do you know where it comes from?

And let me plug OS X's Rendezvouz technology.  My ibook "found" the
4650dn on its own.  Never had to install drivers for it or anything.
Big plus using "Rendezvouz" or "ZeroConf" technology.  Can't wait to see
this get implemented more in Linux.
I was impressed by that too :)
And SuSE and Windows both were a reasonable install. It's just Debian 
that's giving me grief. For another example, even though the CUPS manual 
 lists three possible commands to restart the daemon, Debian uses 
something different and doesn't provide a man page to document it.

I was also impressed that from the printer's web interface, I could 
place an order for more consumables.

Cheers, Dave
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Re: new colour printer only uses black and white

2004-11-04 Thread Dave Howorth
It's working at last! Thanks, Jeff. Details below for anybody with the 
same problem.

Jeff Self wrote:
On Wed, 2004-11-03 at 17:02 +0000, Dave Howorth wrote:
I'm running woody. synaptic says I have cupsys 1.1.14-5 but no
cupsys-driver-gimpprint or, interestingly, foomatic-bin or
Anyway, after installing them I now have a much longer list of
printers but it still doesn't include anything like a Color
LaserJet 4600 Foomatic/Postscript. Do you know where it comes from?
Try installing the following packages:
Hmm, these are only available in testing, not woody. I found a backport 
at <> via <>

Cheers, Dave
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mozilla 1.6 backport issues

2004-11-12 Thread Dave Howorth
I run Woody and just upgraded my mozilla from Adrian Bunk's 1.2.1 to the 
1.6 from Sadly, it seems to have made things worse. Does 
anybody know how to fix any of the following:

font sizes
I've always had problems with fonts in Mozilla but had something that 
was just about OK. But now the menus, toolbars, status line, mail 
listing (but not mail contents) have all become much smaller. I've tried 
playing with all the font settings in preferences and I tried adding 
font.uifont.pointheight 20 to prefs.js based on a bug report I found but 
nothing has made any difference.

window sizes

Previously Mozilla remembered separate window sizes for the web browser, 
the mail browser and individual mail message windows. Now they all seem 
to open to whatever was the last size set for any of them.

Mozilla's never ben the fastest app but now the mail browser is really 
slow on startup, shutdown, switching mail folders etc

Any pointers to how to solve any of these issues would be great.
Oh, full version: Mozilla 1.6  Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; 
rv:1.6) Gecko/20040530 Debian/

Thanks, Dave
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Re: mozilla 1.6 backport issues

2004-11-12 Thread Dave Howorth
Dave Howorth wrote:
I run Woody and just upgraded my mozilla from Adrian Bunk's 1.2.1 to the 
1.6 from Sadly, it seems to have made things worse. Does 
anybody know how to fix any of the following:
Let me add two more issues I've discovered in the past five minutes:
composer crashes mozilla

From the web browser, I clicked on File / Edit Page and Mozilla 
promptly crashed! Completely repeatable.

home page
It has reset my home page to the default localstart page !
Not a real problem, this, since it's easy enough to change back.
font sizes
I've always had problems with fonts in Mozilla but had something that 
was just about OK. But now the menus, toolbars, status line, mail 
listing (but not mail contents) have all become much smaller. I've tried 
playing with all the font settings in preferences and I tried adding 
font.uifont.pointheight 20 to prefs.js based on a bug report I found but 
nothing has made any difference.

window sizes

Previously Mozilla remembered separate window sizes for the web browser, 
the mail browser and individual mail message windows. Now they all seem 
to open to whatever was the last size set for any of them.

Mozilla's never ben the fastest app but now the mail browser is really 
slow on startup, shutdown, switching mail folders etc

Any pointers to how to solve any of these issues would be great.
Oh, full version: Mozilla 1.6  Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; 
rv:1.6) Gecko/20040530 Debian/

Thanks, Dave

Dave Howorth
MRC Centre for Protein Engineering
Hills Road, Cambridge, CB2 2QH
01223 252960
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openoffice won't import eps postscript graphic

2004-07-09 Thread Dave Howorth
I'm trying to import an EPS file into OOo Writer. I choose 
Insert/Graphics/FromFile... then select EPS as the file type and click 
on my eps file But when I press the open button, it says 'Unknown 
graphic format'. I haven't been able to find anything in the help or on 
this list.

I'm running Woody with:  1.0.3-2  1.0.3-1woody2 1.0.3-2+1  1.0.3-2  1.0.3-2
(I don't know why the versions are slightly different)
The eps file was created by Grace 5.1.7.
Can anybody suggest what might be causing the problem or how to fix it?
Thanks, Dave
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Re: openoffice won't import eps postscript graphic

2004-07-09 Thread Dave Howorth
I wrote
I'm trying to import an EPS file into OOo Writer. I choose 
Insert/Graphics/FromFile... then select EPS as the file type and click 
on my eps file But when I press the open button, it says 'Unknown 
graphic format'. I haven't been able to find anything in the help or 
on this list.

I'm running Woody with:  1.0.3-2  1.0.3-1woody2 1.0.3-2+1  1.0.3-2  1.0.3-2
(I don't know why the versions are slightly different)
The eps file was created by Grace 5.1.7.
Can anybody suggest what might be causing the problem or how to fix it?
Roberto Sanchez replied:
IS it actually an EPS graphic? or a PS graphic that was just saved
with an EPS extension?  Try opening it in the GIMP and resaving it.
Well I saved it using the EPS device, not the PostScript device, and the 
first line says %!PS-Adobe-3.0 EPSF-3.0. There does seem to be something 
odd about it though because I get a different problem when loading other 
EPS files from our professional visual aids department. When I load 
those, OOo displays the title, creator, and time notes instead of the 
picture. Is there some way to see the image?

I tried saving my file from the GIMP. Then it has the second problem 
rather than the first. The GIMP rasterizes it when it loads it and saves 
that in the file - I certainly don't want that.

Cheers, Dave
with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: openoffice won't import eps postscript graphic

2004-07-09 Thread Dave Howorth
Dean Allen Provins wrote:
IS it actually an EPS graphic? or a PS graphic that was just saved
with an EPS extension?  Try opening it in the GIMP and resaving it.
You can check the file format via: 'file name_of_file'.
I think all file does is check whether the file contains 'EPSF', whereas 
GIMP has to parse the whole file.

EPS files from our professional visual aids department. When I load 
those, OOo displays the title, creator, and time notes instead of the 
picture. Is there some way to see the image?
EPS files can include a rastered version of the image which when opened
in OO, and also in MS presentation, is displayed in the preview box, and
on the page when finally positioned.  Only when the final PostScript is
generated does the actual EPS image get displayed.  To include such a
rastered version, use "ps2epsi".
Some of the images I got from our visual aids group had preview images, 
but OOo doesn't display them. Worse yet, it seems I can't print any OOo 
document that contains an EPS image!

I'm getting sorely tempted to boot into Win
Cheers, Dave
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Re: Grid: Globus in Debian

2004-07-14 Thread Dave Howorth
Leandro Guimaraens Faria Corsetti Dutra wrote:
is there a kind of Globus packet to Debian?
I can't find any reference to globus at that site. Could you be more 
specific with the link, please?

Thanks, Dave
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Re: enable duplex / Ethernet bonding

2004-07-15 Thread Dave Howorth
Jacob Friis Larsen wrote:
I have a HP ProLiant DL140 with Integrated Dual Broadcom 10/100/1000 NICs.
Am I correct that duplex means that I can use the two jacks as one?
Duplex means that the interface can send and receive information at the 
same time. It can be used on switched networks. It cannot be used on 
networks with shared media (hubs or coax cabling) where collision 
detection is needed.

If I've understood what you want to do, it's called bonding. Sorry, I 
don't know how to set it up.

Cheers, Dave
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mozilla lockup

2004-01-09 Thread Dave Howorth
I've been running mozilla on woody for quite a while now without any
problems, but it's just started locking up for no apparent reason and I'm
looking for help to fix it.

It starts normally and I can browse web pages or view mail but when I try
to view the source of a page or to compose a mail, it locks up. By which I
mean it stops responding or redrawing the screen; top shows it eating most
of the CPU cycles. The common factor to me seems to be that the problem
occurs when it is trying to open a new window, though I can open a mail
window from a browser window or open the About Mozilla window without a
problem. The lockup occurs regardless of whether I use the mouse or a
keyboard shortcut to try to open the window.

Does mozilla produce a log file? I can't find any mention of one, but
there's no output to stdout/stderr if I start it from a terminal.

I'm running Mozilla 1.2.1
Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv:1.2.1) Gecko/20021213

Thanks for any help,

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: mozilla lockup [SOLVED]

2004-01-09 Thread Dave Howorth
I wrote:
I've been running mozilla on woody for quite a while now without any
problems, but it's just started locking up for no apparent reason and I'm
looking for help to fix it.
It starts normally and I can browse web pages or view mail but when I try
to view the source of a page or to compose a mail, it locks up. By 
which I
mean it stops responding or redrawing the screen; top shows it eating 
of the CPU cycles. The common factor to me seems to be that the problem
occurs when it is trying to open a new window, though I can open a mail
window from a browser window or open the About Mozilla window without a
problem. The lockup occurs regardless of whether I use the mouse or a
keyboard shortcut to try to open the window.

Does mozilla produce a log file? I can't find any mention of one, but
there's no output to stdout/stderr if I start it from a terminal.
I'm running Mozilla 1.2.1
Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv:1.2.1) Gecko/20021213
Russell Shaw wrote:
I've found this problem on windows installs too.

Go to the directory similar to this:


Delete any large machine-generated database files. I always
delete this one (it's usuall 2-3MB or more): XUL.mfasl
Deleting that file seems to have fixed the problem - this reply is 
written in mozilla instead of pine :)

Many thanks Russell,
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Re: OT: Why stonehenge Sucks

2004-01-14 Thread Dave Howorth
Richard Lyons wrote:
On Tuesday 13 January 2004 16:29, Jim Higson wrote:
On Mon, 12 Jan 2004 22:54:13 -0800, Nano Nano
Stonehenge sucks!
Seriously, don't visit it. You get to walk around a rope 10 meters or
so from the stones, which have mostly fallen doen anyway. I spent
most of my visit playing Sonic2 on a RedHat laptop.
And then there's the people (mostly American) standing around filming
the stones with their camcorder - huh?
Really, the main problem is that it is far too distant from London,
That's true to a point ...

where most of the target audience (American or other) is visiting.  Far 
better would be a good replica close to London, complete with 
underground cinema/planetarium and all the gimmicks to explain the 
theories about what people might have done there.  Then 95% of visitors 
would use the replica for their filming and visiting.  They would not 
want to touch the stones because of the feeling of awe (however 
misplaced).  Many more visitors could be accommodated, and they would 
pay for the convenience and ancilliary facilities.
But surely it would be far better to build the replica in America and 
save them all the hassle of a long plane flight!  The food would be 
familiar.  There could even be stonehenge-east in say Atlantic City and 
stonehenge-west at Disneyland.

BTW, the general approach is pretty much what's been done in the Lake 
District. There's one road that's been improved and leads to the place 
that tourists are supposed to go (the average distance a tourist moves 
from their car is 300 yds or some such number).  Then there are lots of 
lanes and paths where nobody but locals and oddball tourists go :)

Cheers, Dave

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Re: If a computer is sold with preinstalled SUSE, shouldn't it work with Debian?

2004-01-15 Thread Dave Howorth
alex wrote:
If a computer works with a preinstalled SUSE system and doesn't have an 
installed MS Windows system,  what problems can be expected with adding 
and running additional systems like Debian and a MS Windows if the hard 
drive is properly partitioned?
Depends on the model of computer and what version of Debian you intend 
to run.  If the computer is recent it may well not run a Debian Woody 
system without a lot of fiddling (kernel, X/video, network, etc).

But you can extract a lot of useful config information from the SUSE 
system :)  Another thing to try would be to see what configuration 
Knoppix comes up with.  Both SUSE and Knoppix are a lot easier to set up 
than vanilla Debian IMHO.

Ryan Mackay wrote:
> However! To install the additional OS'es would require you to wipe
> your exisiting SuSE install or otherwise find a partition resizer that
> can handle ext2/3 filesystems.
Well SUSE uses reiserfs by default, but in any case, fdisk or cfdisk can 
resize the partitions as required.  You can also look in yast if you're 
more familiar with that than command line tools.

Cheers, Dave

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Intel D875PBZ or MSI 87P NEO-FIS2R

2003-07-02 Thread Dave Howorth

I'm thinking of buying a machine based on the Intel 875P chipset, 
probably using either the Intel D875PBZ or MSI 87P NEO-FIS2R 
motherboard, and I'd appreciate any advice as to whether/how the 
hardware works with Debian (Woody with whatever changes are required 
would be my favourite flavour).

Specifcally I'm concerned about:
- ECC memory support and 2 GB or more of memory.
- the serial ATA disks on both boards and the Promise 20378 controllers 
on the MSI board with RAID 1.
- the gigabit ethernet (or even 100 :-).

Any pointers would be useful.

Cheers, Dave
Dave Howorth
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Re: Intel D875PBZ or MSI 87P NEO-FIS2R

2003-07-03 Thread Dave Howorth
I wrote:
I'm thinking of buying a machine based on the Intel 875P chipset, 
probably using either the Intel D875PBZ or MSI 87P NEO-FIS2R 
and Nick Lidakis replied:
There is a review of this Intel  board at It's 
the same board that I will purchase next week. Everything on board is 
supported by kernel 2.4.21. The Gigabit is supposed to be supported bu 
Intel's alternate driver, which is incluede in the stock debian kernel.
Hi Nick,

Thanks for that. I read the review but was still left with some 
questions. (This may just be due to my lack of expertise in kernels). It 
seems that the reviewers didn't get even Intel's RAID 0 to work, and 
they installed on a 'PATA' drive and were only able to see the SATA 
drives with the BIOS configured to make them look like PATA - what does 
this do for the performance and capabilities - is it a complete 
long-term fix? (or they could see SATA drives with no DMA, no Ethernet 
and no video!)  They don't mention ECC at all.

So I'm still curious as to whether anybody has first hand success with 
either of these boards?

Thanks, Dave
Dave Howorth
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Re: unix file attributes: general question

2003-07-21 Thread Dave Howorth
I thought that the command lsattrib would display all this
information, but apparently no such command or utility exists. Is
there something that will display all the information about a file,
going beyond the ls -l command?
'stat' (in the stat package) shows you all the metadata. 'ls' can be
persuaded to show you pretty much all of that by using various options.
The lsattr command is probably what you were thinking of, Haines.
But it doesn't do what you want :-(
There is no information about file type in the file system. It is 
usually embedded at the start of the file according to various 
conventions. Try searching for 'magic cookies', for example, or reading 
the XML spec ;-|. As Colin says, programs use various methods to decide 
what is embedded in a particular file.

Cheers, Dave

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Re: [OT] Debian Users: Please boycott Paypal

2004-05-20 Thread Dave Howorth
Emma Jane Hogbin wrote:
I should have been more specific. What are the alternatives to PayPal
which do not require US/[insert other country name here] bank accounts.
Because PayPal is credit card based there's far less hassle for both those
paying and those receiving money. And as far as I know, PayPal is the only
one that will allow you to deposit from a credit card (via their account) 
into either a US or Canadian account.
In my personal experience, Paypal has a long history of not delivering 
for non-US people, including not accepting accounts at all, mandating 
transfers into US dollars, unhelpful customer service attitudes etc. 
Don't know what they're like now because I long ago took the decision to 
have nothing further to do with them :)

Cheers, Dave
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perl java jpl in woody

2004-06-02 Thread Dave Howorth
I want to combine Perl and Java - run some Perl code inside a Java 
program. On CPAN, I've found something called JPL that appears to do 
this. If I've read CPAN correctly, JPL is shipped as part of the Perl 
5.6.1 release, so it's not available as a separate release (except for 
an obsolete version)

But I can't seem to find it on my Woody system. perldoc fails for any of 
the modules listed on CPAN, such as JPL::Class. There should be a 
directory called 'jpl' but find / -name '*jpl*' turns up nothing.

So perhaps it is shipped in a separate Debian package? But I can't 
locate one on the Debian site.

Does anybody know anything about how to get JPL working on a Debian 
Woody system?  Any hints about whether it actually does what I want or 
whether there are other ways to call Perl from Java would also be helpful.

Thanks and regards,
Dave Howorth
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split large pdf to A4?

2004-08-13 Thread Dave Howorth
Is there some way to split a large-format PDF file into several A4-sized 
pieces to print it?

Thanks, Dave
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Re: split large pdf to A4?

2004-08-13 Thread Dave Howorth
Thomas Adam wrote:
Is there some way to split a large-format PDF file into several A4-sized 
pieces to print it?
Several ways.
convert (from imagemagick)
Thanks for the very swift answer Adam. I'm still confused. I should have 
been more specific and said that the PDF files contain images and text. 
I don't want to manipulate them, just print them as a patchwork.

So I don't think pdftotext or pdftohtml will help.
I couldn't find anything in the manpages of pdftops or convert about 
splitting pages into multiple parts.  Did I miss something?  Or are you 
suggesting converting it to an image and using image manipulation tools 
to select and print each piece individually? (I could do that but I was 
hoping there is some way to do it automatically)

Thanks again,
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Re: split large pdf to A4?

2004-08-16 Thread Dave Howorth
Brad Sawatzky wrote:
Is there some way to split a large-format PDF file into several A4-sized 
pieces to print it?
I have used a package called 'poster' that does exactly this with PS files.
A combination of pdf2ps and poster should get you what you need.
Thanks Brad and thanks also to Sridhar M.A. who suggested the same 
thing. This is exactly what I was looking for :)

Cheers, Dave
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Re: programming in c a window problem

2004-09-09 Thread Dave Howorth
Paul Akkermans wrote:
I am trying to program (in c) a simple window/Form in my X Windows 
environment in Debian. The trouble is that I can't find a good example 
which draws such a window or form on my screen. Does anybody know a good 
Try typing 'X11 tutorial' into Google.
The first hit  seems like a 
reasonable place to start :)

Cheers, Dave
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Re: installation dies on ide0 at 0x1f0-0x1f7,0x3f6

2004-09-15 Thread Dave Howorth
FireBright, Inc. wrote:
Howdy list!
Howdy and welcome.
I'm trying to get Debian to install
The installation dies on both the image of cd1 and the netboot
Now, I have an Intel d865gbf motherboard with a 3.2 1 meg p4 in it,
and about a gig of ram.  I've got an OEM Dell DVD+ drive in there, and
a single onboard 250GB WD SATA drive hooked up to onboard controller
The keyword is SATA. SATA support depends strongly on kernel version; 
you need either a 2.6.* kernel or a fairly recent 2.4.*. It also depends 
heavily on the chipset/controller. I think you have the same ICH5 as I 
do. You can find lots of good info by searching the archives for threads 
with SATA in the subject. Another good link is:
You don't say what version of Debian you're installing. If it's Woody 
then the default kernel is way too old. You'll need to find a more 
recent kernel (sorry, I'm out of touch with what's best currently).

Perhaps the best thing to do if you're just trying to get a feel for 
whether you like Debian is to install Knoppix. It is based on Debian and 
can be upgraded to native Debian, but it will install easily and should 
detect all your hardware.

Cheers, Dave
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Re: test if x server is running on a given display

2004-09-16 Thread Dave Howorth
Matt Price wrote:
thanks to stefan for that answer! works great.  though for fun, I'd still ike to
know whether there's a way to contact the server directly to see whether it's
REALLY running
The simplest way to me is to write an X client program that just makes a 
connection, then disconnects. Something like this in fact:

#define DISPLAY ":0.0"
int main(argc, argv) int argc; char **argv; {
 exit(XOpenDisplay(DISPLAY) ? 0 : -1);
Then cc -L/usr/X11R6/lib -lX11 xtest.c
Cheers, Dave
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Re: All these open ports

2004-09-22 Thread Dave Howorth
Tom Allison wrote:
More importantly today is to understand how 99.9% of the virus and 
malware is transmitted today.  It's not through unfiltered ports and 
such as described in your original email, but through the email 
mechanism (or http) itself.  And while I don't have any hard numbers at 
my desk to support the 99.9% claim, I don't believe it to be too far off 
the mark.
My machine at home receives some kind of port scan on average about 
every three seconds. That's a lot higher rate than it receives spam. Am 
I the 0.1%?

Cheers, Dave
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chgrp not permitted

2004-02-24 Thread Dave Howorth
I'm having trouble changing the group of a directory. I'm sure I'm doing 
something dumb, but I can't spot it :)

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$ chgrp www-data tmp
chgrp: changing group of `tmp': Operation not permitted
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$ groups dhoworth
dhoworth : dhoworth root adm www-data staff
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$ ls -ld tmp
drwxr-xr-x3 dhoworth dhoworth 4096 Feb 19 11:25 tmp/
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$ ls -ld .
drwxr-xr-x   50 dhoworth dhoworth 4096 Feb 24 12:13 ./
I'm the owner of the directory. I belong to the new group. I don't 
understand what's stopping me doing the chgrp?

Thanks, Dave

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Re: Can't find SATA driver

2004-02-02 Thread Dave Howorth
I have Soltek FRN2 motherboard with integrated Promise Fasttrak SATA RAID.
In the reatil pack, there have been drivers for Win XXX included, but no LINUX 
drivers. ;-(
NOONE - neither Soltek, nor Promise were able to send me drivers for my HDD.
I do not know much about Linux yet, but I don't think that there's already a Kernel 
that has built-in support for SATA drives, or is it?!
I do not want and plan to buy an IDE HDD, could U suggest anything that would help me 
solve this and install?!
Support for SATA drives does exist but is not mature 'works straight out 
of the box'.  There's been various correspondence on the list. Try 
searching the archives for 'SATA' or 'Promise' to discover more.

As to how to make your m/b work, my suggestion would be to download 
Knoppix and try that.

Cheers, Dave

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2004-02-11 Thread Dave Howorth

Does anybody have any recommendations or warnings about ADSL ISPs in the 
UK? I will also need (perhaps as part of the package) a mail address.

(I'm currently with BTO but their refusal to support anything other than 
Outlook Express has finally stung me into action.).

Thanks, Dave

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]


2004-02-12 Thread Dave Howorth
I wrote:
> Does anybody have any recommendations or warnings about ADSL ISPs in
> the UK?
Many thanks to all who made suggestions. I'll check them out and pick 
one. I'm sure I won't go wrong with one from the list:

Andrews & Arnold (AAISP)
Freedom to Surf
UK Free Software Network
Thanks, Dave

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[Fwd: Re: librrds-perl]

2004-02-17 Thread Dave Howorth
Oops, forgot to send to the list ...

Stefan Vunckx wrote:
I want to install librdds-perl on my server but:
"Sorry, but the following packages have unmet dependencies:
  librrds-perl: Depends: perlapi-5.6.1"
Sounds like you're trying to install the package from stable.

I have perl-5.8.2  installed but this doesn't seem to provide a perlapi 
package ?? Anyone got a workaround for this ??
Sounds like you have perl from testing or unstable installed.

If both of these are true, you need to get your librrds-perl from the
same release you got your perl from.
Cheers, Dave

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Re: [Fwd: Re: librrds-perl]

2004-02-17 Thread Dave Howorth
Stefan Vunckx wrote:
But I still have a question. Is there actually a safe way to downgrade a 
package (like say perl) without losing so many packages that depend on 
perl ?? Makes me want to think 3 times instead of the usual 2 before 
upgrading important packages ...
I'll leave that question for others more expert than I to answer!  I 
don't use the Debian sources for Perl-related stuff, I just go straight 
to CPAN :)

Cheers, Dave

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Re: Debian on a SUSE computer

2004-02-18 Thread Dave Howorth
Karsten M. Self wrote:
on Tue, Feb 17, 2004 at 11:23:45PM +0100, Thorsten Haude ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
* . wrote (2004-02-17 23:17):
What is the likelyhood that the hardware in these computers is 100% 
compatible with Debian
Very high.

and all it takes is the regular Debian installation procedure ?
Quite high.
Thought that's not the only way to fly.  A chroot install can give the
benefits of a known good installation, and the use of that installation
while you're getting Debian on the box.
I'd second this. Or if you're even more simple-minded (like me :) just 
create another smallish partition on the disk and install into that.

It's nice to be able to boot up into a working OS (SUSE in this case) in 
order to edit the parameters in the other, or to pick through its config 
files to find what version of something it's running or what setting for 
option x there is in config file y.  The downside here is that SUSE and 
Debian frequently use different names for the same thing and different 
ways to achieve the same goal, so you need to RTFM all the time.

I'd also agree with the other comment that Debian stable is [way, IMHO] 
behind SUSE in hardware compatibility.  Quite apart from its age, 
there's another reason for this.  Some Debian folks think that hardware 
detection code that only runs on Intel platforms is not portable and 
therefore shouldn't be used in Debian. I have trouble getting my head 
round that but suffer the resulting pain regardless.  I'd recommend 
installing Knoppix before trying a vanilla Debian install (it's only 
another small partition ...)

Cheers, Dave

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Re: Intel Pro/100 VE

2004-04-15 Thread Dave Howorth
Now with that all said and done, I simply am running into so many hardware
issues due to the my new laptop.  And so instead of using stable debian, I am
going to test the sid version because I have read of success with it.
I'd suggest trying Knoppix as a starting point, rather than sid. It is 
likely to make a good effort at configuring for your hardware.

Cheers, Dave

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

mouse suddenly behaving strangely

2004-04-23 Thread Dave Howorth

My mouse just started behaving strangely, although I haven't done 
anything, to the best of my knowledge. Hopefully somebody will have an 
idea what to try!

I was using my system (woody) as I have for the past many months when 
the mouse suddenly froze. It's a Logitech cordless M-RN66, plugged in 
via the PS/2 port.  I hadn't changed anything immediately prior to the 
freeze, for that matter I haven't changed any system level things for 
quite a while.

I rebooted into Windows 2000 and the mouse was frozen there too. I 
switched to another mouse (corded PS/2 Logitech M-CAA43), pushing the 
connector in and out a few times to clean it.  I booted into Windows 
again and it appeared to work.  I rebooted into Debian and now have 
weird behaviour. The pointer starts in the centre of the screen but as 
soon as I start moving the mouse around it jumps to the bottom left. If 
I move the mouse up and right, the pointer tracks up and right for a few 
inches and then jumps back to the bottom left corner again.

Feels like a hardware problem to me - has anybody seen these symptoms 

Thanks, Dave

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XML Tool Support

2004-05-12 Thread Dave Howorth
Recently, Debian News announced that "Debian adds integrated XML 

What I didn't find there was an indication of what tools there are in 
Debian for working with XML (viewers, editors, validators, transformers, 
formatters etc) and how they fit together.

I found "The Debian SGML/XML HOWTO" but it's limited to documentation 
applications and is somewhat old.

Can anybody point me to good sources?

Thanks, Dave

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uvcdynctrl on bullseye?

2022-09-02 Thread Dave Howorth

I'd like to use uvcdynctrl on a bullseye 64-bit system. But according
to the package
is not available for any flavour of bullseye. It is available for both
earlier (stretch and buster) and later (bookworm and sid) releases.

So I'm curious what the reason is? And if I could use one of the other
versions on my system? I'm sadly no expert on forwards and backwards
compatibility issues.

TIA, Dave

Re: uvcdynctrl on bullseye?

2022-09-02 Thread Dave Howorth
On Fri, 2 Sep 2022 12:09:31 -0400
Dan Ritter  wrote:

> Dave Howorth wrote: 
> > 
> > I'd like to use uvcdynctrl on a bullseye 64-bit system. But
> > according to
> > the package is not available for any flavour of bullseye. It is
> > available for both earlier (stretch and buster) and later (bookworm
> > and sid) releases.
> > 
> > So I'm curious what the reason is? And if I could use one of the
> > other versions on my system? I'm sadly no expert on forwards and
> > backwards compatibility issues.  
> Will v4l2-ctl work for what you want to adjust?

I don't know, I'm not familiar with it. I need to import the
logitech.xml file and then set an attribute that was loaded 'Led1 Mode'.

> I suspect that the reason for it not being in bullseye is simply
> that it didn't have a maintainer paying attention to it for a
> few years, and then it has been built since bullseye was
> released.
> -dsr-

Re: uvcdynctrl on bullseye?

2022-09-02 Thread Dave Howorth
On Fri, 2 Sep 2022 12:09:31 -0400
Dan Ritter  wrote:

> Dave Howorth wrote: 
> > 
> > I'd like to use uvcdynctrl on a bullseye 64-bit system. But
> > according to
> > the package is not available for any flavour of bullseye. It is
> > available for both earlier (stretch and buster) and later (bookworm
> > and sid) releases.
> > 
> > So I'm curious what the reason is? And if I could use one of the
> > other versions on my system? I'm sadly no expert on forwards and
> > backwards compatibility issues.  
> Will v4l2-ctl work for what you want to adjust?

I don't know, I'm not familiar with it. I need to import the
logitech.xml file and then set an attribute that was loaded 'Led1 Mode'.

> I suspect that the reason for it not being in bullseye is simply
> that it didn't have a maintainer paying attention to it for a
> few years, and then it has been built since bullseye was
> released.
> -dsr-

Re: uvcdynctrl on bullseye?

2022-09-02 Thread Dave Howorth
On Fri, 02 Sep 2022 18:43:29 +0200
Sven Joachim  wrote:

> On 2022-09-02 16:47 +0100, Dave Howorth wrote:
> > I'd like to use uvcdynctrl on a bullseye 64-bit system. But
> > according to
> > the package is not available for any flavour of bullseye. It is
> > available for both earlier (stretch and buster) and later (bookworm
> > and sid) releases.  
> That is true, unfortunately.
> > So I'm curious what the reason is?  
> The best way to find out is to visit and
> enter the package name (can be a source or binary package).  In this
> case, this leads to where you
> should be looking for "REMOVED from testing" links.

Ah, OK thanks.

I don't pretend to fully understand  what is being said in but I noticed
in post #64 "uvcdynctrl just adds some exotic uvc ctrls for older
logitech cameras, like a led ctrl." Unfortunately, that sounds like a
precise description of exactly why I need uvcdynctrl.

> > And if I could use one of the other versions on my system? I'm sadly
> > no expert on forwards and backwards compatibility issues.  
> Using an older version is usually possible, but it would expose you to
> exactly the same bug that is the reason why the package is not
> available in bullseye.

I had a buster version that worked perfectly well for years so I don't
understand what the problem is/was?

> Using newer versions is not recommended, because they depend on
> libraries not available on bullseye.  You do not want to upgrade to
> bookworm's libc6, for instance.
> The best option is often to use a backport[1].  For libwebcam such a
> backport has already been prepared by the maintainer, but not been
> accepted yet[2].  You would need to either wait for it to become
> available or build it yourself, e.g. from the tag in the package's git
> repository[3].

I'm happy to build it myself, though I'm not familiar enough with git
to be confident of how to get the right version. The word 'tag' doesn't
appear on [3] so I'm not sure how to select it?

> Cheers,
> 1.
> 2.
> 3.

Re: uvcdynctrl on bullseye?

2022-09-02 Thread Dave Howorth
On Fri, 02 Sep 2022 18:43:29 +0200
Sven Joachim  wrote:

> On 2022-09-02 16:47 +0100, Dave Howorth wrote:
> > I'd like to use uvcdynctrl on a bullseye 64-bit system. But
> > according to
> > the package is not available for any flavour of bullseye. It is
> > available for both earlier (stretch and buster) and later (bookworm
> > and sid) releases.  
> That is true, unfortunately.
> > So I'm curious what the reason is?  
> The best way to find out is to visit and
> enter the package name (can be a source or binary package).  In this
> case, this leads to where you
> should be looking for "REMOVED from testing" links.

Ah, OK thanks.

I don't pretend to fully understand  what is being said in but I noticed
in post #64 "uvcdynctrl just adds some exotic uvc ctrls for older
logitech cameras, like a led ctrl." Unfortunately, that sounds like a
precise description of exactly why I need uvcdynctrl.

> > And if I could use one of the other versions on my system? I'm sadly
> > no expert on forwards and backwards compatibility issues.  
> Using an older version is usually possible, but it would expose you to
> exactly the same bug that is the reason why the package is not
> available in bullseye.

I had a buster version that worked perfectly well for years so I don't
understand what the problem is/was?

> Using newer versions is not recommended, because they depend on
> libraries not available on bullseye.  You do not want to upgrade to
> bookworm's libc6, for instance.
> The best option is often to use a backport[1].  For libwebcam such a
> backport has already been prepared by the maintainer, but not been
> accepted yet[2].  You would need to either wait for it to become
> available or build it yourself, e.g. from the tag in the package's git
> repository[3].

I'm happy to build it myself, though I'm not familiar enough with git
to be confident of how to get the right version. The word 'tag' doesn't
appear on [3] so I'm not sure how to select it?

> Cheers,
> 1.
> 2.
> 3.

ssh -X authentication with sudo

2022-10-04 Thread Dave Howorth
I have a machine running debian that I access using ssh. I use the -X
with ssh and can successfully run e.g. xeyes on the debian machine
showing the display on my local machine. But now I want to run a
graphical program that needs to run as root on the debian machine
while displaying on my local machine.

I haven't figured out the correct incantation to use, nor which machine
to run the incantation on :( I tried completely disabling access
control on both machines (xhost +) but still got an error:

$ xeyes
[works with local display]
$ sudo linssid
X11 connection rejected because of wrong authentication.
QXcbConnection: Could not connect to display localhost:10.0

Re: Digital signing of printed documents

2005-07-04 Thread Dave Howorth

Alphonse Ogulla wrote:

Hi good people,
I wish to get your views on how I can implement a system that will
capture text of a financial document that is to be printed, run a hash
algorithm (SHA-1) over the document text, store an electronic copy of
the document and its digital signature to disk and lastly print the
document with the electronic signature at the last line of the
document. The financial document can be a ticket/receipt produced by a
POS application or an invoice/delivery note generated by an accounting


Do you think this is a reasonable way of going about this project? Is
Samba-CUPS and bash/perl scripting the best tools to use or are there
others? What is your recommendation and advise? Your comments, remarks
or criticism are welcome.

As others have mentioned, perhaps you need to tell us more about the 
project's purpose - what risks is it designed to protect against?

For example, the existence of the _c.txt leads me to suspect that you're 
worried the _b.txt files may be changed. But it's not clear why you 
wouldn't just store everything on the CD if that's the case?

And I'm not sure of the purpose of printing the hash on the paper 
ticket, since it may or may not correspond to the text that's actually 
printed on a specific piece of paper that's presented later. When does 
the printed hash get used?

Cheers, Dave

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

[OT] topfield pvr

2005-09-09 Thread Dave Howorth
Does anybody use their Debian box in conjunction with a Topfield PVR? 
I've just bought a TF5800PVR because of its connectivity and relative 
openness and am curious whether anybody has already set one up with a 
Linux host?

Cheers, Dave

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: fhs: where to mount other PCs ?

2005-09-12 Thread Dave Howorth

According to fhs, where should I mount network shares, e.g. a share for 
data exchange within a company ? /mnt is for temporary use only, but I 
don't know a better place...

Historically, I've always mounted them at /nfs/machine-name/whatever. 
The important point is to make the data appear at the same place on the 
serving machine as well (using symlinks), for portability.

Looking at fhs, I'd guess the correct place is under /srv, so my vote 
would go for:

or possibly

Cheers, Dave

BTW as regards media, fhs has this to say:

/media : Mount point for removeable media

This directory contains subdirectories which are used as mount points 
for removeable media such as floppy disks, cdroms and zip disks.

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: (OT) Beginner's Linux book recommendation

2005-10-31 Thread Dave Howorth
On Mon, 2005-10-31 at 11:09 -0500, [KS] wrote:
> Hi all,
> This is a little bit off topic but I thought I might get some good
> recommendations from subscribers to this list.
> A friend of mine has just installed Linux (err...SUSE) after a few
> tries. Now that he has his Linux running, he is curious to start
> learning Linux usage. He emailed to know which book is good for learning
> Linux. I haven't ever used a beginner's book to learn the basics so I
> don't know which one to recommend. Does anyone have some experience in
> this regards? Are there books for learning linux worth recommending?
> Also it would be perfect if the sale of each copy contributed to the OSS
> community.
> He wants a "user oriented" book rather than one focusing on
> administration. Also I think it should be a general one rather than for
> a specific distribution.

Perhaps it's too obvious but has he read the SUSE User Guide and
Administration Guide books? They should be his first step. After that,
he'll be in a better position to decide what other books will be usefult
to him.

Cheers, Dave

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: FW: System set-up

2005-11-22 Thread Dave Howorth
On Tue, 2005-11-22 at 14:39 +, marc wrote:
> Ed Paris said...
> > *   320 MB of RAM
> > Would you advise me to run GNOME or KDE instead of staying with BASH?
> You can do all three, if you like. ssh is the traditional way to admin a 
> server, but you might want to run a remote KDE/Gnome session on it, if 
> that's what you are more comfortable with. I often do the latter on a 
> few headless boxes that are locked away in a cold dark room. This 
> behaviour can cause seizures in the "command line or die" brigade, so 
> always wear dark glasses when doing so.

The memory footprint of gnome or kde or X is considerably larger. That
might be a reason not to run them.

Cheers, Dave

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Instalación

2025-03-25 Thread Dave Howorth
On Tue, 25 Mar 2025 17:17:24 - (UTC)
Greg  wrote:

> On 2025-03-23, Julio Gil Garcia  wrote:
> >
> > Thanks Andrew, also for your translation effort.  
> Hoy en día, realmente no supone ningún esfuerzo.


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