Re: sawfish and mozilla

2003-02-21 Thread Claudio Bley
On Thu, 21 Feb 2002 17:29:56 +0100, Ian Zimmerman wrote:

> Does anybody else notice that sawfish (1.0.1-6) keeps resizing the
> Mozilla window immediately after Mozilla (2:0.9.8-2) is started?  It
> doesn't happen with other window managers, so I am fairly sure it is
> sawfish' fault not Mozilla's.

It's not a fault - it's a feature ;). I'd guess it is the history module
of sawfish causing this. Just open the window menu of a mozilla window,
go down to "History" and choose "Forget saved state".

You should also check whether you have the "Automatically remember window
sizes" checkbox turned on in the sawfish configurator, "Placement"
section. If that's the case and it annoys you, just turn it off...


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Re: debian-user-digest Digest V2002 #19

2002-10-07 Thread Claudio Bley

On Mon, 2002-10-07 at 13:24, Larry Shields wrote:
> I have downloaded NetScape7's installer program, and it worked for
> me...You might want to delete the installer that you now have and try
> once again...
> NetScape7 works just fine...
> Larry/WD9ESU

... and you really needed to quote the whole digest in order to point
that out ??

Additionally, it would've been nice changing the subject to a more
appropriate one.

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Re: using xpdf to open pdf files from galeon

2002-10-07 Thread Claudio Bley

On Mon, 2002-10-07 at 17:13, Shri Shrikumar wrote:
> Hi,
> Can anyone point me in the right direction to be able to open pdf files
> directly from galeon using xpdf instead of the default(gv) because the
> default just shows a blank page.
> I installed plugger at some point. Here is the relevant part from
> /etc/pluggerrc-4.0
> application/pdf: pdf: PDF file
> application/x-pdf: pdf: PDF file
> text/pdf: pdf: PDF file
> text/x-pdf: pdf: PDF file
> #   repeat swallow(documentShell) fill: acroread -geometry
> +9000+9000 -xrm '*userFrontEndProgram: FALSE' "$file"
> #   repeat swallow(gv) fill: gv -safer -quiet -antialias -geometry
> +9000+9000 "$file" 2>/dev/null
> repeat swallow(xpdf) fill: xpdf -g +9000+9000 -err "$file"
> In the Settings->Preferences->Handlers->MIME Types section in Galeon,
> there seems to be three settings for pdf as below
> application/pdf   Run with helper xpdf -q %s  True
> text/pdf  Ask the UsernoneFalse
> text/x-pdfAsk the usernoneFalse
> How would I even go about troubleshooting this - How can I find out what
> application is being used or even what type Galeon thinks the file is. I
> have tried 

Have a look at the 'about:plugins' page in galeon. Is the plugger plugin
listed? Are the appropriate mime-types listed and enabled?

I'm not sure which setting gets the higher priority - so, I would try to
remove all the settings regarding pdf documents in galeon.

Last but not least, xpdf does not support an -err switch, remove that in
pluggerrc-4.0 or replace it with -q.

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Re: persistent windows in gnome+sawfish?

2002-10-07 Thread Claudio Bley

On Mon, 2002-10-07 at 21:52, Gary Hennigan wrote:
> Is there a way to make certain windows persistent across the
> Workspaces in sawfish+gnome? I'd like my xbiff windows to stick around
> on all my workspaces. These are remote xbiffs and so the only way I
> can start them is by logging in to the remote systems via ssh and
> starting xbiff, thus, I can't use one of the Gnome applets.

There are actually a lot of ways you can make a window 'sticky'. It
depends on how you configured sawfish, though. 

Usually, a W-Button2-Click inside a window brings up the window menu.
`W' being a special modifier key which represents either Meta, Alt,
Hyper or one of the other X modifier keys (depends on how you configured
sawfish, default is Meta if I remember correctly). Button2 is the middle
mouse button.

Depending on the theme you're using (and on how you configured sawfish
of course) pressing Button3 (right mouse button) on the "close window"
button on the taskbar, or pressing Button1 (left mouse button) on the
"window menu" button brings up the window menu.

Having said that, you may use the window menu to enable workspace
stickyness. ->Toggle->Sticky.

You may of course also have a key bound to make a window sticky (Sawfish
configurator->Bindings: Context = Window)?

"Matched Windows" is a more general tool which allows you to set a broad
range of other options too.

Just fire up the sawfish configurator, section Matched Windows.

Click on the Add button, choose e.g. "Class" from one of the drop down
lists in the upper area, click on the "Grab" button and click somewhere
into a xbiff window. Of course, you may also type a regular expression
manually into the text field right beside of the drop down list. The
entry should now be "^Xbiff/xbiff$" without the double quotes. Then
choose the "State" tab and enable the sticky attribute. 

As you mention that there are probably different xbiff windows running
on different machines, you may also match on the "Host" property of a
window e.g. in order to give each xbiff window another look.

Please note, that these settings only apply to windows that getting
mapped after applying the settings - not on windows that are already

> I see the "Persistent group ids" entry in sawfish->miscellaneous, but
> simply putting "xbiff" in doesn't seem to work, and I can't find any
> documentation explaining exactly what "Persistent group ids" is. The
> sawfish info manual under the "Workspaces" node says:
> "What do I want to say here?"

Well, this list just specifies what group ids exist in a persistent way.
;-) It is definitely not what you're looking for. These are just group
*identifiers* which exist also if there are no application running that
are part of such a group.

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Re: A question about X 4.2.1-1

2002-10-07 Thread Claudio Bley

On Tue, 2002-10-08 at 01:47, Seneca wrote: 
> I just upgraded from X 4.1.0-17 to 4.2.1-1. After the upgrade, I had to
> remove my .xsession file in order for startx (or logging in with xdm) to
> work. Is this a bug with X, or is there some other file (or syntax) that
> I should use instead?
> My (former) .xsession:
>   gom -G &

~/.xsession should not return until you want to end the X session and
shutdown the X server. 


# redirect all output to my error file 
exec &> ${HOME}/.xsession-errors 

# start up some apps here 
wmmon -s & wmmon & 
desklaunch & 
x-terminal-emulator -T 'Login Shell' -ls & 

# start the window manager 
exec fluxbox 

AFAIK, it always has been like that - and I'm still using XFree86 4.1.0
on sarge. So, I really don't know why it worked for you before. See 'man
Xsession', "DEFAULT STARTUP PROCEDURE", Step 3). Maybe your .xsession
file never got run before?

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2002-10-08 Thread Claudio Bley

On Tue, 2002-10-08 at 12:28, Bruno Boettcher wrote:
> On Tue, Oct 08, 2002 at 05:18:53PM +1000, Nick Hastings wrote:
> > > I have tried including "exec /usr/bin/wmaker" in ~/.xinitrc , 
>   hmmm not sure if the .xinitrc is called by default from the
>   .xsession try to call the .xinitrc from your .xsession...

See 'man startx'. It basically says that .xinitrc is only used by xinit
(which is called by startx but not from xdm, gdm etc.).

"Note that  in  the Debian system, what many people traditionally
 put in the .xinitrc file should go  in  .xsession  instead"

> > This will let you set the default wm for your machine. Or just for you, 
> > try putting "exec wmaker" in ~/.xsession or ~/.Xclients
> uhm what's the 'exec' for?? wmaker is surely allready executable, isn't
> it? what's the puropose of adding an exec? at least mine works without
> that

exec is a Shell builtin command. 'man sh' says:

exec [-cl] [-a name] [command [arguments]]
If  command  is  specified, it replaces the shell.  No new
process is created.

So, .xinitrc resp. .xsession is executed by sh and hence you have a shell 
process running which is unused but uses some of your memory. If you run
"exec x-window-manager" in these files the shell gets replaced by the
window manager process which is going to be a bit more efficient
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Re: Signed messages

2002-10-08 Thread Claudio Bley

On Tue, 2002-10-08 at 14:49, Jason Wojciechowski wrote:
> Hello,
> On Oct  8, wrote:
> |  I saw quite many PGP signed messages in this list.
> |  How can I get the posters' public keys easily from mutt?
> If you use the "keyserver options auto-key-retrieve" in your
> ..gnupg/options file, gnupg will try to grab the key automatically.

There needs to be a dash between the first two words:
"keyserver-options auto-key-retrieve"

Is it just me or is it normal that your message can't be proven to be

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Description: This is a digitally signed message part

Re: eliminate subwords in dpkg --search?

2002-10-08 Thread Claudio Bley

On Tue, 2002-10-08 at 15:09, Marcel Fehr wrote:
> hi there
> How do I search for a explicied pattern within all my installed packages?
> for e.g if I want to look which package owns the command cu, a "dpkg -S cu"
> will list all package where's a pattern starting with cu (cups, custom, ... 
> same
> as I would do "dpkg -S cu*"). Is there a way to limit that?

It seems you need at least one asterisk at the beginning or the end of
your pattern, else an asterisk is appended *and* prepended to your

You get better results whith 'dpkg -S \*cu' for example because this
just matches at the end of a file name.
> And is it possible to shapen the scope so that it looks
> into all available packages on the installation medium rather
> into the installed ones only?  Would avoid to check
> all the times :).

Just install apt-file. Then just run 'apt-file search cu' (make sure you
ran 'apt-file update' at least once before).

You may also want to check out grep-dctrl which should do something like
that also, but I haven't used it so far.

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Re: using locate properly

2002-10-08 Thread Claudio Bley

On Tue, 2002-10-08 at 15:15, Robert Wilhelm Land wrote:
> This could be more a question of bash fundamentals:
> By trying to find Muttrc on my HDD I used the locate
> program.
> This was the command I ueed:
> rland@MINI:~$ locate [Mm]uttrc
> ... no reaction.

> .so I tried:
> rland@MINI:~$ locate '[Mm]uttrc'
> rland@MINI:~$ locate "[Mm]uttrc"
> ...nothing.
> But:
> rland@MINI:~$ locate &pi0;[Mm]uttrc'
>  >
> put the bash into this ">" - mode and could
> only be reset by ctrl+C.
> What has happened here?
> I would be awfully grateful if someone would help.

If you specify a shell pattern to search for, the file needs to match
exactly to this pattern (including the directory part). 

$ locate '*/[Mm]uttrc'

Sorry, I can't read the special characters you've used throughout your
last paragraphs - so, I can't help you there. Probably "&pi0;" is a
quoting character and you forget to end the string with the same

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Re: getmail replacement

2002-10-08 Thread Claudio Bley

On Tue, 2002-10-08 at 16:51, Brooks R. Robinson wrote:
> Greetings,
>   My I.T. cohort wants to switch our email system around (mostly to start
> filtering spam).  He's nervous about doing any kind of linux implementation
> because he's mostly a Microsoft junky and feels "safe" with those sorts of
> products.  He wants to go to a maildrop or a domain mail set up where
> everything goes to one mailbox and gets sorted from there.  I said, "OK,
> I'll look into it".
>   Well, I tried fetchmail, and I don't like how it loops things though the
> MTA.  

Did you notice the -mda option of fetchmail?

'man fetchmail':

   -m , --mda 
  (Keyword:  mda)  You can force mail to be passed to an MDA
  directly (rather than forwarded to port 25) with the  -mda
  or  -m option.  To avoid losing mail, use this option only
  with MDAs like procmail or sendmail [...]

> I would prefer something that is already debified, but I would say no 
> to something that fits my needs that wasn't.

I guess you meant you "would *not* say no" to something not debianized,

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Re: zsh globbing

2002-10-08 Thread Claudio Bley

On Tue, 2002-10-08 at 22:01, Johann Spies wrote:
> In bash I can do this:
> js-21:57:41-~$dpkg -l zsh*

> In zsh:
> zsh % dpkg -l zsh*
> zsh: no matches found: zsh*
> Why?

In zsh:


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Re: floppy sized packages

2002-10-08 Thread Claudio Bley

On Tue, 2002-10-08 at 15:23, Michael R wrote:

> Does anyone know where to find floppy sized packages for Debian??? I need to 
> download them on my XP computer and then transfer them using floppies onto 
> my Debian box. Or if anyone happends to know of a file splitter for Windows 
> that will make files I can join with a linux program that would work too.
At first, you might use some sort of archiver such as rar which is able
to produce multi volume archives and also runs under linux.

My second suggestion would be to just have a look at e.g.,
in the windows section just search for "file splitter" and pick one that
sounds likely.

Under Windows I was using Shredder, but I'd recommend winsplit (see: - it does it's
job and it's quite small in size.

Usually a file splitter just cuts a file into pieces without twisting
any bytes. So, under linux you can join them using standard *nix tools:

For example you've split "" using winsplit into 3 seperate files
you may join them (assuming that you copied them into the current
directory) using 

bash$ cat debs_zip.{1,2,3} >

Of course you might also use wine in order to run winsplit under linux
and use that to join the files. Or just let winsplit generate a batch
file when splitting the files and just execute that under dosemu?!

There are always alternatives.
-- Spock, "The Galileo Seven", stardate 2822.3

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Re: eliminate subwords in dpkg --search?

2002-10-08 Thread Claudio Bley

>>>>> "Marcel" == Marcel Fehr <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

    Marcel> At 15:41 08.10.2002, Claudio Bley wrote:
>> On Tue, 2002-10-08 at 15:09, Marcel Fehr wrote: > And is it
>> possible to shapen the scope so that it looks > into all
>> available packages on the installation medium rather > into the
>> installed ones only?  Would avoid to check >
>> all the
>> times :).
>> Just install apt-file. Then just run 'apt-file search cu' (make
>> sure you ran 'apt-file update' at least once before).

Marcel> it look's like 'apt-file search' is the more powerfull
Marcel> tool for searching into the packages. Thanks for that
Marcel> pointer (it's not yet covered by the dwarfs guide :(.

Marcel> But unfortunaly I ran into a bug which is still pending
Marcel> (see [1]).  Any known workarounds so far?

Marcel> [1]

I don't know of any workarounds, unfortunately. I never run into this
bug myself until now. I'm using apt-file_0.2.5 on a up to date Sarge

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Re: Ext3 and Reiserfs

2002-10-08 Thread Claudio Bley

On Wed, 2002-10-09 at 01:53, Jamin W. Collins wrote:
> On Tue, Oct 08, 2002 at 09:53:08AM +0300, Chavdar Videff wrote:
> > Is there any problem giving it a go with debian and format all with
> > ext 3. 
> I don't have experience with ReiserFS, but have been using ext3 for
> quite a while now, on all my systems.  I haven't had a single file
> system problem that I could in anyway attribute to ext3.

I was using ext3 with a 2.4.17 and 2.4.18 kernel on my machine for quite
some time and I definetely had problems related to the ext3 file system.

I guess there are/were some problems using ext3 on several partitions (I
had 9 ext3 partitons). I have no other explanation that it didn't work
out for me but gets good reviews from others in general.

The problem was that after some time I couldn't access certain
partitions anymore and programs would just stall that used some files on
these partitions. I can't remember correctly but I think I also had 
some crashes due to it. Of course I couldn't shutdown cleanly in these
situations but thankfully to my journalled file system rebooting was
almost painless and fast :-) (well, as painless as rebooting a Linux
system can be I guess ;-)

It happened very irregularly and wasn't related to any partition or
disc. I guess it was just a race condidtion I ran into there. (and yes,
I checked my file systems for errors and bad blocks. negative. ;-))

Eventually, I switched to xfs which was a little more work especially
converting my root file system but it was worth it and the problems went
away. I just downloaded a small iso image somewhere which had a xfs
enabled kernel and the appropriote tools to make xfs file systems.

Additionally, one gets ACL (Access Control List) support within the file
system which provides fine grained control over file permissions. xfs
uses a special data structure to store file information which (should)
also increase(s) the file system performance.

I'm using xfs (2.4.18-xfs-1.1) now since Aug the 17th and haven't had a
single problem with it. 

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Re: files contained by a package that is not installed

2002-10-09 Thread Claudio Bley

On Wed, 2002-10-09 at 04:33, Diego Biurrun wrote:
> The problem is that sometimes there is no web browser or net connection
> available and I just prefer working from the command line. apt-file
> almost fulfills my needs, but it does only the reverse thing, look up
> in which package a file is to be found.

apt-file list 

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Re: installation cds

2002-10-09 Thread Claudio Bley

On Tue, 2002-10-08 at 19:31, Bruce Park wrote:
> Hello,
> I was just wandering, it seems like the latest version has this thing called 
> "flavors" where you decide what type of installation you want to do 
> regarding your hardware. So, is it OK for me to JUST download disk 2 that 
> contains the vanilla flavor? Will this include all the necessary kernel 
> files and software packages such as gnome and gcc.. etc?

No. Packages are not duplicated across CDs. We already have 7 CDs in the
set, this would increase the number dramatically.

It is just that you can use CD 2 to boot your system with the vanilla
kernel flavor. You'll need at least also CD 1.

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Re: floppy sized packages

2002-10-09 Thread Claudio Bley

On Wed, 2002-10-09 at 11:27, Karl E. Jorgensen wrote:
> On Tue, Oct 08, 2002 at 06:23:44AM -0700, Michael R wrote:
> > 
> > 
> > Does anyone know where to find floppy sized packages for Debian??? I need 
> > to download them on my XP computer and then transfer them using floppies 
> > onto my Debian box. Or if anyone happends to know of a file splitter for 
> > Windows that will make files I can join with a linux program that would 
> > work too.
> What about zip archives that span disks? You won't get much compression
> (if any) out of it, but...
> PS: never used XP, but zip has been able to do this for quite a while
> (at least since 2.04g in the bad old DOS days)

AFAIK, disc spanning only works when all files in the zip archive are
smaller than the space on the medium you want to transfer it to. The
files in the archive are just distributed over several floppies then,
but without splitting them apart. 

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Re: floppy sized packages

2002-10-09 Thread Claudio Bley

On Wed, 2002-10-09 at 13:41, Seneca wrote:
> On Wed, Oct 09, 2002 at 11:56:18AM +0200, Claudio Bley wrote:
> > On Wed, 2002-10-09 at 11:27, Karl E. Jorgensen wrote:
> > > What about zip archives that span disks? You won't get much compression
> > > (if any) out of it, but...
> > > 
> > > PS: never used XP, but zip has been able to do this for quite a while
> > > (at least since 2.04g in the bad old DOS days)
> > 
> > AFAIK, disc spanning only works when all files in the zip archive are
> > smaller than the space on the medium you want to transfer it to. The
> > files in the archive are just distributed over several floppies then,
> > but without splitting them apart. 
> Back when I had a FAT16 partition (hda1, ~100M) on my laptop and I
> couldn't access the network with that system (borked NIC), I copied
> pkzip onto that partition, and booted with an old DOS floppy. pkzip
> could split over disks, mid-file, and properly reattach them at the
> other end. I'm not sure if unzip could handle them properly, though.

Yes, you're right. It seems pkzip is able to produce splitted archives.
I was using WinZip back in these days - and it wasn't possible to do
that (or I simply overlooked something). At least it isn't possible
using zipsplit. So, I doubt that unzip can handle those files properly
then, but one may install pkzip for linux in that case.

Anyway, thanks for correcting me.

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Re: WindowMaker Menu Crazies

2002-10-10 Thread Claudio Bley

On Thu, 2002-10-10 at 19:08, D. wrote:
> Hi all,
>   I'm running unstable with the 2.4.19 kernel using
> Window Maker. 
>   I've installed the mplayer-686.deb and when I select
> the Mplayer from the menu is does not open.  If I open
> a terminal and type mplayer in the terminal Mplayer
> will open.  I have looked at
> /etc/X11/WindowMaker/menu.hook and the Mplayer command
> is EXEC /usr/bin/mplayer -gui.  The /etc/mplayer.conf
> has the gui=yes .   I guess what I need to know is how
> do I change the menu to be EXEC /usr/bin/mplayer ?
> Appreciate the help.

Just have a look at /usr/lib/menu/mplayer. Mine looks like this:

?package(mplayer):command=/usr/bin/gmplayer section="Apps/Viewers"
needs=X11 title=gmplayer

Then, try to re-run update-menus.

If that doesn't work or you really want to call mplayer (without the
gui) just drop on appropriate menu definition into /etc/menu (just read
the README in there) and re-run update-menus.

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Re: Make applications remember their positions and sizes

2002-10-11 Thread Claudio Bley

On Fri, 2002-10-11 at 09:22, Jerome Lacoste (Frisurf) wrote:
> I am tired of having to redimension abiword Xemacs and the like each
> time I run them. I know I can specify the applications to start
> maximized using Window Maker but that is not enough flexible for me.
> I used to modify the .XResources, but I was wondering if there was some
> kind of easier way built-in Gnome, so that these settings get
> automatically kept for each application.
> Is there something like that available?

No, not that I know of. Either the application itself (e.g. gkrellm has
an option to remember its position) or the window manager (sawfish <=
1.0.1 has a history function) should provide this ability.

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Re: unix.o module

2002-10-14 Thread Claudio Bley

On Mon, 2002-10-14 at 06:24, Paul Johnson wrote:
> On Sun, Oct 13, 2002 at 11:09:51PM +1000, Rob Weir wrote:
> > Uh, was that a question?
> Context, man!

What context? Here's no context. Weird.

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Re: Setting gnome up

2002-10-14 Thread Claudio Bley

On Mon, 2002-10-14 at 09:42, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> Using startx the very first time I got an awful gray screen with twm. 
> So, I've put 'panel' in .xinitrc than started the gnome control 
> center, set sawfish (instead of the default twm) as my pet desktop and
> then "settings session- save session". Unfortunately when I've quitted
> I've found the following message:
> /bin/bash: save-session : command not found.
> And, needless to say, nothing has changed.

Just put 'gnome-session' instead of 'panel' in your .xinitrc.

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Re: Debian Linux Compatability

2002-10-14 Thread Claudio Bley

On Mon, 2002-10-14 at 16:50, Nick Hastings wrote:
> Howdy,
> * Marcus Bendall <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [021014 16:11]:
> > I am considering using Debian Linux, but I have one question. Can you
> > install Debian onto a computer running Windows 98, and keep 98 as the
> > main OS so that it automatically runs on startup, and then run Debian if
> > I want from Windows? 
> As other posters have stated, you can install and run either. More
> specifically you can _boot_ to either. You can not "run Debian _from_ 
> Windows."

Well, you can use loadlin to fire up Linux (Debian) from Windows without
rebooting. I set up my father's machine like that.

> This is a very important distinction. You have to shutdown Windows and
> then boot to Debian. However it is possible to run Windows from Debian.
> To do this you need to use some sort of virtual machine like VMware, but
> I guess this is going a little bit further than what you want.

You can also do this the other way round. Installing Linux as a guest OS
under Windows. But personally I wouldn't do so because if Windows
crashes (which it does from time to time :-|) it also shuts down your
linux OS. So, Linux would be just as stable as Windows ...

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Re: Make applications remember their positions and sizes

2002-10-14 Thread Claudio Bley

[sorry, for replying so late]

On Fri, 2002-10-11 at 16:44, Sean 'Shaleh' Perry wrote:
> On Friday 11 October 2002 02:28, Claudio Bley wrote:
> > On Fri, 2002-10-11 at 09:22, Jerome Lacoste (Frisurf) wrote:
> > > I am tired of having to redimension abiword Xemacs and the like each
> > > time I run them. I know I can specify the applications to start
> > > maximized using Window Maker but that is not enough flexible for me.
> > > I used to modify the .XResources, but I was wondering if there was some
> > > kind of easier way built-in Gnome, so that these settings get
> > > automatically kept for each application.
> > >
> > > Is there something like that available?
> >
> > No, not that I know of. Either the application itself (e.g. gkrellm has
> > an option to remember its position) or the window manager (sawfish <=
> > 1.0.1 has a history function) should provide this ability.
> To be correct it is the session manager's job which as defined in the ICCCM 
> does not have to the window manager.  As I understand it both GNOME and KDE 
> offer session managers in their desktop environments.

I think this depends on what you want. A session managers job (as I
understood it) is to remember several things on demand (i.e. when you
save your session) *across* sessions in order to provide these saved
values to the applications.

But what I (and I assumed the OP also) wanted was to remember such
attributes (automatically) during a session, ie. resizing an app,
closing it and re-opening it again and have it the same size or

Note, I may be completely wrong.

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Re: problem with \n and variables in bash script

2002-10-15 Thread Claudio Bley

On Tue, 2002-10-15 at 17:27, Iñaki Martínez wrote:
> HI
> I have this bash script:
> #!/bin/bash
> SALIDA=$(diff file1 file2)
> if [ $? == 1 ]
> then
>echo -e $SALIDA | mail -s variable my_email
>diff file1 file2 | mail -s directly my_email
> fi
> Well, when i get the emails, the one with subject "variable" it is in ONE line
> but the one with subject "directly" is display correctly.
> So my question is how to get \n processed with variables.

You need to set the IFS variable. Read 'man bash'. Just put 

IFS=' \t' 

at the front of your script. (no need for the -e switch to echo then)

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Re: kernel need to be reconfigured for Zip drive ?

2002-10-15 Thread Claudio Bley

On Wed, 2002-10-16 at 03:17, ThanhVu Nguyen wrote:
> On Tue, 15 Oct 2002 17:27:18 -0400
> "Bruce Best (CRO)" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Did you try "/dev/sdd"??
> > 
> > 
> Hello, I get ... 
> # mount /dev/sdd /zip/
> mount: /dev/sdd is not a valid block device
> Any ideas ? 

Usually, only the 4th partition on a Zip disc is formatted. Try
/dev/sd?4. Replace the ? with the appropriate letter. 

Just run 'fdisk -l /dev/sd?'.

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Re: Simple HTTP Server Recommendation

2002-10-16 Thread Claudio Bley

On Wed, 2002-10-16 at 16:41, Doug MacFarlane wrote:
> Team:
> I need to put up a simple, HTML-only site.  No database/CGI/anything.
> Apache looks like overkill.  
> Can you recommend a nice, compact, efficient alternative?

I'm using thttpd. It's secure, simple to configure and its memory
footprint is very small. It would even do CGI if you want.

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Re: locales and terminal

2002-10-23 Thread Claudio Bley
On Wed, 2002-10-23 at 13:50, Matt Price wrote:
> I've recently started geting emails in french and german that I need
> to be able read.  And I'd like to be able to respond to them in french
> and german as well...  
> so I set LC_ALL=en_US.utf8 .

Is this variable exported to other programs?
> but this does not allow the display of the relevant accented
> characters.  Instead, I get a variety of responses from different
> programs -- emacs gives ?'s, cat gives funny hieroglyphics, and mutt
> in the default pager gives what I take are numerical character codes,
> eg \344 .  
> so what's the problem?  do I need a different system font or
> something?  I would have thought locales would take care of that...  

With UTF-8 you need a multibyte aware terminal emulator. Which terminal
emulator do you use? Try mlterm as it allows you to change the encoding
at run time (Ctrl-button3).

For emacs, it might be a good idea to install mule-ucs. Yudit is also a
very nice UTF aware editor with integrated truetype support.

> the other thing is, when I run dpkg-reconfigure locales, it doesn't
> let me set the default locale.  The menu dialog comes up, but there
> are no choices.

Weird. Did you choose to generate the desired locales then?

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Re: Galeon Mail/News ?

2002-10-18 Thread Claudio Bley
On Fri, 2002-10-18 at 12:35, Jerome BENOIT wrote:
> Hi All !
> I have just installed Galeon
> and I palne to remove the Mozilla stuff now  !

Galeon depends on (parts of) Mozilla. So that won't be completely

> Is there any kind of Galeon Mail/News ?

Look at its website. The Galeon motto is "The web. only the web". So,
*no*, there is no Galeon Mail/News - and there most likely never will

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Re: XMMS and ogg

2002-10-18 Thread Claudio Bley
On Fri, 2002-10-18 at 12:43, Raffaele Sandrini wrote:
> Hi
> The xmms webpage says:
> Since XMMS 1.2.4, Ogg Vorbis is distributed with XMMS.
> I have here on my woody box 1.2.7 installed and am not able to load/play ogg 
> files. There is also no ogg output plugin located in the output dir. Do i 
> have to install some additional packages to bring ogg to live on my system?

It's an input plugin. You want to read *in* ogg vorbis files and listen
to its output. It should be in the Input plugins folder.

Make sure it is enabled in xmms (Options->Preferences:Audio I/O

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Re: XMMS and ogg

2002-10-18 Thread Claudio Bley
On Fri, 2002-10-18 at 14:02, Raffaele Sandrini wrote:
> On Friday 18 October 2002 13:12, Stephan Seitz wrote:
> > Hi!
> >
> > On Fri, Oct 18, 2002 at 12:43:32PM +0200, Raffaele Sandrini wrote:
> > > files. There is also no ogg output plugin located in the output dir.
> >
> > No, its name is
> >
> > > Do i have to install some additional packages to bring ogg to live
> > > on my system?
> I looked into the xmms dir (/usr/lib/xmms/input) and there IS a

That should've read /usr/lib/xmms/Input, right?

> > Yes. you need libvorbis0, libogg0 and libvorbisfile3, too.
> >
> I have all these paks installed.
> XMMS does not list in its input dialog...

May be a permission problem. What are the permissions on the file in the
Input directory? Try to run 'ldd'. Any missing libraries
perhaps? Maybe running ldconfig as root might help?

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Re: Mailing list software for

2002-10-21 Thread Claudio Bley
On Mon, 2002-10-21 at 18:54, Mike Egglestone wrote:
> Quoting Mike Egglestone <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> > Hi,
> > Which software package does this mailing list use
> > to run the list? 
> > I understand that Mailman is popular but wonder what
> > others are out there. Mostly curious as to what 
> > this list uses.
> Ahh, after checking around a bit more, Majordomo looks like the software,
> Please correct me if I'm wrong.

Actually, it's driven by SmartList (as mentioned on But there's a backend (called
"Major Smart") at [EMAIL PROTECTED] which accepts majordomo
commands in the message body and translates them to SmartList commands.

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Re: F*****g locales ....

2002-10-21 Thread Claudio Bley
On Mon, 2002-10-21 at 15:07, Andrew Fowler wrote:
> I live in Germany and would like to use German standards (e.g for date
> formating) as well as have all German, French, Spanish and the Euro
> symbols at my disposal (both in X and on terminal).  I wish to retain
> English (British version if poss.) as the default system language
> though.  
> I've figured so far that I should use ISO-8859-15 (or Unicode .. is that
> available) char sets.  
> Trying to reconfigure the system using dpkg-reconfigure locales just
> generates locales but does nothing more (doesn't seem to set them up for
> use).  This morning I found a reference to localedef and tried that with
> en_GB@ISO-8859-15 and set it up which resulted in a mess: now even a
> simple "ls" in an xterm results in a weird mix of characters - more or
> less incomprehensible 
> Anyway .. has anybody succeeded in such a situation - what's the answer
> ?  Otherwise, does anybody know of good documentation which explains the
> how and why behind all this stuff ??

You just need to set a few environment variables accordingly. 



See 'man locale' for a list and description of other variables. Just run
`locale' to see your current settings.

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Re: wget logging

2002-10-21 Thread Claudio Bley
On Tue, 2002-10-22 at 01:20, Andre Berger wrote:
> * Bijan Soleymani <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, 2002-10-21 09:51 -0400:
> > Andre Berger wrote:
> > >* Rob Weir <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, 2002-10-21 09:31 -0400:
> > >>On Mon, Oct 21, 2002 at 09:07:50AM -0400, Andre Berger wrote:
> > >>>Is it possible to see wget's messages on the console, and at the same
> > >>>time log them with "-a"? I haven't been able to figure that one out. 
> [...]
> > $ wget -c $MYURL -a | tail logfile
> That works. Can I make this a bash alias somehow? Like
> alias wget='wget -c $ -a $HOME/.wget.log | tail $HOME/.wget.log'
> where I would have to figure out $

You can't use aliases like that because there's no variable expansion
done on them. But you can use functions. For example:

wget() {
  command wget -c "$@" -a "${HOME}/.wget.log" | tail "${HOME}/.wget.log"

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Re: Why is there no german installation manual? (was: Unidentifiedsubject!)

2002-10-22 Thread Claudio Bley
On Tue, 2002-10-22 at 03:13, Fritz Kiesenhofer wrote:
> warum gibt es keine Installationsanleitung in Deutsch ?
> Catalanisch Dänisch Französisch Italienisch Japanisch Portugiesisch Spanisch 
>Tschechisch , verstehe ich nicht
> und meine Englisch - Grundkenntnisse reichen hier nicht
> mfG Fritz

As the subject says, his question was why there's no german installation
manual. I already sent him a private mail redirecting him to the german
debian-user list and pointing him at the german potato install manual.

Just so there's no confusion ;-)
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Re: looping ogg123 file

2002-10-22 Thread Claudio Bley
On Tue, 2002-10-22 at 22:05, Lance Hoffmeyer wrote:
> Any ideas on how to create a loop with ogg123
> so that I can play the same sound file over
> and over again?  Maybe play it only 3 times?

Is the following bash script okay for you?

loopOgg() { 
  local -i n=$1; shift; 
  while [ $n -ne 0 ]; do 
ogg123 "$@"; 
if [ $n -gt 0 ]; then

Usage: loopOgg N-TIMES ARGS

A positive value for N-TIMES means play it that many times. A negative
value plays ad nauseam. 0 doesn't do anything.

Example: loopOgg 3 -q -b 128 -d oss file1.ogg file2.ogg 

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Re: script to search ebay?

2002-09-02 Thread Claudio Bley

On Mon, 2002-09-02 at 07:07, Lance Hoffmeyer wrote:
> Anyone have any idea how I can create a script that will search
> ebay and put the results in a text file?
> I thought of starting with links
> links
> Command=GetResult&query=Fernandez


$ links -dump "$url"
$ links -source "$url"

Or just try wget or curl:

$ wget "$url" -O - 
$ curl "$url" 

Or lynx ? 

$ lynx -dump "$url"
$ lynx -source "$url"

Or w3m ?

$ w3m -dump "$url"
$ w3m -dump_source "$url"

Just read 'man curl wget w3m lynx links'.


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Re: programming in linux

2002-09-04 Thread Claudio Bley

On Wed, 2002-09-04 at 16:13, Irvin Temp wrote:
> Ive just been exploring programming in linux. I want to install all 
> teh headers for c and c++, but im not sure what are the packages
> needed to be installed?

Just run 'tasksel' and select "C and C++" in the Development section and
you're set.

> is it glibc only? where can i get a list of all the libraries package in debian that 
>can be used for c programming.

glibc (aka libc6) is the C library - yes. You need to install at least
libc6-dev (and a C compiler of course) for compiling C programs.

There are a lot of other libraries which serve different purposes - just
pick what you need. All the development packages (those providing header
files and static libraries) end in "-dev" ('dpkg -l \*-dev' will list
all those packages).


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Re: Gnome/sawfish - font problem (sid)

2002-09-04 Thread Claudio Bley

On Wed, 2002-09-04 at 14:50, Oliver Elphick wrote:
> I have ugly fonts used in gnome-terminal and some other places. It isn't
> consistent: gnome-terminal uses an ugly font in its menu bar, but
> control centre's menu bar is OK.  (See the screen picture at
> ).  I can't find
> where to change things.

You're using Sawfish and gnome-terminal from Gnome 2 and the control
center is a GNOME 1 application.

The settings (themes, fonts etc.) of GNOME 1 and 2 are distinct from
each other. In GNOME 2 you need to use the appropriate config program or
the gconf-editor to change them.

> Also, sawfish's options no longer appear in the Control centre menu.  I
> don't know if this is related, but both happened around the same time.

Your sawfish was compiled for GNOME 2 - of course its options don't show up 
in control-center 1.


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Re: Compiling OpenGL on Debian

2002-09-04 Thread Claudio Bley

On Wed, 2002-09-04 at 20:10, ThanhVu Nguyen wrote:
> I am trying to compile opengl code and have the following errors 
> gcc -Wall -I/usr/X11R6/include/ -o cube -L/usr/X11R6/lib cube.o -lX11
> -lXi -lXmu -lglut -lGL -lGLU -lm
> /usr/X11R6/lib/libGL.a(glxext.o): In function `__glXGetCurrentContext':
> glxext.o(.text+0x1a): undefined reference to `pthread_key_create'
> glxext.o(.text+0x31): undefined reference to `pthread_getspecific'
> - seems like there's some problem with pthread(?) - anyone programs
> openGL ? what do I miss here ? 

-lpthread maybe?


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Re: Gnome/sawfish - font problem (sid)

2002-09-04 Thread Claudio Bley

On Thu, 2002-09-05 at 07:17, Oliver Elphick wrote:
> On Thu, 2002-09-05 at 06:00, Philippe Marzouk wrote:
> > On Wed, Sep 04, 2002 at 06:21:06PM +0200, Claudio Bley wrote:
> > > On Wed, 2002-09-04 at 14:50, Oliver Elphick wrote:
> > > > Also, sawfish's options no longer appear in the Control centre menu.  I
> > > > don't know if this is related, but both happened around the same time.
> > > 
> > > Your sawfish was compiled for GNOME 2 - of course its options don't show up 
> > > in control-center 1.
> I can't find a control-center 2 in sid.  What package is it in?

I don't know - I just installed garnome. The program is called
gnome-control-center. You might want to use the --use-shell option when
starting the program.

> > Try 'sawfish-ui' to configure sawfish
> That is what is run by the sawfish configuration button in the control
> centre.  There is no option in it that affects the ugly font that it
> uses.
> I also tried gconf-editor.  Again, nothing in it seems to affect that
> choice of fonts. (See

You mean you don't have a "font_name" key in /desktop/gnome/interface ??

Try to run the gnome-font-properties program instead...
> As usual with gnome, there seems to be a complete lack of useful
> documentation.  The only docs we have are Microsoft level stuff - press
> button x to do y.  Yuk!  Isn't there anything that describes the
> underlying system?

I'm not sure. But it is said that the "average" user doesn't care about
the underlying system and must be protected at all costs, hidden from
her/him the fact that computers are complex devices.


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Re: Abwesenheitsnotiz: Running IDE-SCSI on both drive

2002-09-05 Thread Claudio Bley

On Thu, 2002-09-05 at 10:20, Zafer Dündar wrote:
> On Wed, 4 Sep 2002 14:05:19 +0200 
> Bonk Sascha <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Ich bin vom 2. Septemper bis 13. September  nicht im Haus. In dringend
> > Fällen kontaktieren Sie bitte Herrn Konnert [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > 
> > Vielen Dank
> > Sascha Bonk
> ???
> Sorry, but I don't understand German.

Don't worry, it's just an automatic reply which states that Sascha Bonk
is absent and cannot be contacted in the time interval from the 2nd to
13th september at this address.


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Re: Alt Tab no longer cycles windows

2002-09-09 Thread Claudio Bley

On Sun, 2002-09-08 at 23:43, Hanasaki JiJi wrote:
> Alt Tab is no longer cycling through the windows in Gnome on Woody Gome 
> with Sawmill.  I have checked the configuration and it looks OK.  Alt 
>  continue to work.

Sawmill? Oh man, it has been renamed to sawfish a looong time ago ...

> Any ideas?  thank you.

Well, check whether you bound Alt-Tab in the sawfish configurator
(sawfish-ui) to cycle-windows in the global context. By default it is
bound to W-TAB - where W is a modifier placeholder which is set to meta
by default if I remember correctly.


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Re: How to make kernel-modules-.deb?

2002-09-09 Thread Claudio Bley

On Mon, 2002-09-09 at 19:15, Eric Richardson wrote:
> Manoj Srivastava wrote:
> > Hi,
> > 
> >>>"Eric" == Eric Richardson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> >>>
> > 
> >  Eric> I've been able to to use make-kpkg kernel-image to create a custom
> >  Eric> kernel .deb file from a kernel source package. All the modules are
> >  Eric> compiled and I tried make-kpkg modules-image but no deb file gets
> >  Eric> created. How do I create the modules deb file?
> > 
> > What moduls.deb file? Do you have stand alone modules packages
> >  installed? Which modules packages are these? The modules you
> >  designated that come with the kernel are part of the kernel imagfe
> >  deb itself.
> Hi Manoj,
> I guess I'm totally confused. When I upgraded to 2.4.18, I had to 
> install the kernel-pcmcia-modules-2.4.18 so I guess I'm thinking of this.
> So let me see if I got this correct. Installing the kernel-image I 
> created will install the modules compiled in /lib/modules/. 
> This of course are not the modules I chose to compile into the kernel.
> Also, not sure why I get what seems to be an error when I do a make-kpkg
> modules_image. See end of message. What is that command suppose to do? 
> How do I include the pcmcia modules or is this a seperate think I need 
> to make a deb for?

Install the pcmcia-source package. Then, go to /usr/src and 'tar xvzf 
pcmcia-cs.tar.gz'. Go into your kernel source directory and run
'make-kpkg -rev k6.1 modules_image'.

Btw, this is not an error you've seen before, there's just nothing to do
because you haven't unpacked any sources into the /usr/src/modules


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Re: Controlling the list?

2002-09-10 Thread Claudio Bley

On Tue, 2002-09-10 at 17:28, Dennis Wicks wrote:
> Greetings;
> How do I get a list of commands for this list server?

It seems to be a rather simple list server (actually, it's driven by
SmartList which is based on procmail). Try to send a message with a body
of "help" to [EMAIL PROTECTED] and you'll get back a summary of
available commands.
> What I am looking for is how to start/stop digest mode,
> sending me a copy of my own posts, holding (stopping)
> the posts while on vacation, things like that.

It seems all of this is not possible. There are seperate lists for
digest mails (debian-user vs. debian-user-digest etc.) - you need to
unsubscribe/subscribe to one or another to change the digest mode.

If you're on vacation you just have the option to unsubscribe and
re-subscribe later, AFAIK.

Be aware, that I've not read much of the documentation of SmartList.
Probably there are some commands I'm missing, so you might want to read
the manual and consult the FAQ about it.


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Re: missing modversions.h

2002-09-11 Thread Claudio Bley

On Wed, 2002-09-11 at 16:08, Srinivas Nyayapati wrote:
> Hi 
> I am trying to get my network card working, which stopped working since
> I upgraded my kernel from 
> 2.2.20 to a 2.4.18. I have a Intel 82558 network card. I downloaded the
> necessary files for putting in a new module for my card. 
> I got eepro100.c, pci-scan.c, pci-scan.h and kern_compat.h.
> I am compilling eepro100.c by 
> % gcc -DMODULE -Wall -Wstrict-prototypes -O6 -c eepro100.c
> eepro100.c:100: linux/modversions.h: No such file or directory

AFAIK, this file is autogenerated. You need to configure your kernel and
you need to run 'make dep' before trying to compile the module.

PS: Please, no HTML mails. See 

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 ASCII ribbon campaign ( )
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Re: download

2002-09-12 Thread Claudio Bley

On Wed, 2002-09-11 at 13:36, New Star Service Company wrote:
> I recently subscribe this mailing list and also newbie in Debian.
> I would like to download previous all mail from Debian website such
> as July/August-2002 all mail.
> How I do this ?

Just send a message to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with a
subject of "archive help". Remember that if you want access to the
archive you have to have "archive" as the first word of your subject,
commands are written in the body.

Claudio Bley_ 
 ASCII ribbon campaign ( )
ICQ# 83197241 - against HTML email  X & vCards / \

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: connect two computers with USB

2002-09-12 Thread Claudio Bley

On Thu, 2002-09-12 at 16:23, Olivier Esser wrote:
> To be more precize, I would like to be able to transfer files from one computers
> to another using a USB cable. I have no idea how to configure this.

You probably should have a look at

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 ASCII ribbon campaign ( )
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Re: ssh refuses to install (potato)

2002-09-27 Thread Claudio Bley

On Fri, 2002-09-27 at 14:13, Robert L. Harris wrote:
>   This looks like a bug in the install scripts within the .deb.  Did
> anything else fail as well?  Mine upgraded fine but I'm on woody not
> potato.  See if dpkg upgraded (it may use -t).  If not then just hang on
> a day or so, the maintainer will hopefully fix it (my experience is they
> fix em very quickly) or the maintainer or the broken dependancy needs to
> have something pushed to potato.

The problem apperantly seems be that there are no precautions made in
the postinst script to use the ssh-keygen program that came with the
package. Instead it uses the first available program in the PATH.

> > The prvious, working version of ssh is this one:
> > 
> > # ssh -V   
> > SSH Version 1.2.27 [i686-unknown-linux], protocol version 1.5.
> > Standard version.  Does not use RSAREF.

If you want to install the package just make sure to move the locally
installed version of ssh-keygen out of the way.

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Re: Gnome Themes

2002-09-30 Thread Claudio Bley

On Tue, 2002-10-01 at 03:02, Jerry Van Brimmer wrote:
> I can't find which package to install to have more Gnome themes. Which
> package is it?

Try the gtk-engine-* packages.

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Re: pine compilation woes

2002-09-30 Thread Claudio Bley

On Tue, 2002-10-01 at 06:29, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> 5. Based on info in made sure
>that I had the following:
>libssl0.9.6 and 

Just run 'apt-get build-dep pine'. This should install the necessary
packages. The packages above are needed for the binary version, but when
you want to build it yourself you need the appropriate -dev packages too
(such as libssl-dev).

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Re: problem with sound card from a newbie

2002-09-30 Thread Claudio Bley

On Tue, 2002-10-01 at 08:14, Sandip P Deshmukh wrote:
> >>>>>>"Sandip" == Sandip P Deshmukh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>>
> >> while installing, in the section of device driver modules, i
> >> have included i810. it also selected some yamaha ac97 and
> >> reported it to be a success.
> >
> >> now, my system boots up and as a user i can log into
> >> it. however, none of the sound files can play. kde's control
> >> panel shows that there is no sound card.
> >
> >You probably have to add yourself to the "audio" group.
> >
> >as root:
> >
> ># adduser  audio
> >
> >Then log out and then log back in.
> >
> oh well - tried this also. in fact, logged in as root and tried to play 
> music - still it wont.

What's the error message? What does 'dmesg | tail' say?

In case there's no error message most likely the channels of your sound
device are just tuned to a low volume or are muted.

Run a mixer application (aumix is good) and turn up the volume and
unmute the appropriate channels.

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Re: gdm login does not appear under "who"

2002-10-01 Thread Claudio Bley

On Sun, 2002-09-29 at 10:39, Jason Pepas wrote:
> I have noticed that if I log into gdm, I do not show up as being logged in 
> via commands like "who" and "w".
> not only that, but if I open up a konsole, I am still "not logged in".  
> However, opening up an xterm will list me under "who".
> is this normal / expected behavior?

Do you have such an entry in /etc/X11/gdm/PreSession/Default: 

/usr/bin/X11/sessreg -a -w /var/log/wtmp -u none -l $DISPLAY $USER

Does this program exist? (apt-get install xutils maybe?)

I think there should be an option somewhere in konsole that let's you
specify to write to /var/log/wmtp when opening a new term.

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Re: Mounting SCSI Emulated CD-RW

2002-10-02 Thread Claudio Bley

On Wed, 2002-10-02 at 00:55, BOND ISCT wrote:

> Attached scsi CD-ROM sr0 at scsi0, channel 0, id 0, lun 0
> Attached scsi CD-ROM sr1 at scsi0, channel 0, id 1, lun 0
> sr0: scsi3-mmc drive: 48x/48x cd/rw xa/form2 cdda tray
> Uniform CD-ROM driver Revision: 3.12
> sr1: scsi3-mmc drive: 32x/32x writer cd/rw xa/form2 cdda tray
>   I was able to read the contents of cdrom using the command .
> mount -t iso9660 /dev/cdrom /cdrom
>   By reading the documentation, I came to know that /dev/sg0 can 
> be used for cd-writers , but the /dev/sg0 is char device and I donot know 
> how to mount it. Can any body help me with mountiing a cd-read write device.

/dev/sg0 is used by cd writing software (such as cdrecord) to access and
control the drive. Mounting a CD in the CDRW drive works exactly like
for CD-ROM drives:

mount -t iso9660 /dev/scd1 /cdrw

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Re: update-inetd and vsftpd

2002-10-02 Thread Claudio Bley

On Wed, 2002-10-02 at 15:10, Richard Otte wrote:
> I wanted to use a simple ftp server so I installed vsftp.  I checked my
> /etc/inetd.conf file and see the following line:
> ##ftp stream  tcp nowait  root/usr/sbin/tcpd
> /usr/sbin/vsftpd

AFAIK, the default comment string which is prepended to a service line
when disabling a service is "##". So, I think you need to use
--comment-chars "##" on the command line to have it effect
your entry.

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Re: getting Sawfish

2002-10-03 Thread Claudio Bley

On Thu, 2002-10-03 at 15:51, Phil wrote:
> I updated and now have problems with Gnome.  It seems I don't have a Gnome 
> compliant window manager.  

Why does it only "seem"? Do you have window decorations? What's the

> is there an apt-get method to get sawfish?

apt-get install sawfish-gnome 

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Re: Gnome and Sound

2002-10-03 Thread Claudio Bley

On Thu, 2002-10-03 at 15:39, Jerome BENOIT wrote:
> Bonjour,
> I have just configured Gnome on Woody:
> whereas I can listen to my favorite CD with the cdplayer,
> I can not ear the sound events from Gnome
> (despite the fact that there are allowed via the Gnome control center).
> I guess I have missed something.
> Any idea ?

What does 'fuser -v /dev/dsp' return?

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Re: Gnome and Sound

2002-10-03 Thread Claudio Bley

>>>>> "Jerome" == Jerome BENOIT <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Jerome> 'fuser -v /dev/dsp' return nothing.  Claudio Bley wrote:
>> On Thu, 2002-10-03 at 15:39, Jerome BENOIT wrote:
>>> Bonjour,
>>> I have just configured Gnome on Woody: whereas I can listen to
>>> my favorite CD with the cdplayer, I can not ear the sound
>>> events from Gnome (despite the fact that there are allowed via
>>> the Gnome control center).  I guess I have missed something.

You need to enable the "Settings->Multimedia->Sound:Enable sound
server startup" checkbox.

If it is enabled, esd (the sound server) failed to start. You may try
this manually; just run 'esd &' on a console prompt. Any errors?

Of course, you need to have the esound package installed.

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Re: X Windows Wont Accept New Font Path

2002-10-03 Thread Claudio Bley

On Thu, 2002-10-03 at 20:47, Thomas H. George,,, wrote:
> I created the directory /usr/local/share/fonts/ttfonts, move the fonts 
> from /c/windows/fonts to this directory, ran python, grep 
> 'iso8859-1"' fonts.alias > new.alias, and ran mv new.alias  fonts.alias 
> .  Then  I purged xfs and commented out FontPath unix/;7100 and added 
> FontPath /usr/local/share/fonts/ttfonts to XF86Config and rebooted the 
> computer.  No ttf fonts.

You're using XF86Config? Are you still running XFree86 3.i?

I've got ttf fonts installed too but I'm also still using xfs. Just
needed to add the fontpath to /etc/X11/fs/config instead.
> I then tried xset fp+ /usr/local/share/fonts/ttfonts and gor Error 82. 
>  Does anyone know what this means and/or how to fix the problem?

Just a shot in the dark: do you have the freetype module loaded?

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Re: Problems with esd

2002-10-03 Thread Claudio Bley

On Fri, 2002-10-04 at 02:09, Edward Guldemond wrote:
> Hey all,
> I'm having a problem with my esd.  Even though it keeps running, esd
> refuses to output sound, and the only way I can get sound back is by
> 'kill -9'ing esd.  If it helps, my sound module is i810_audio.  Thanks
> in advance for the help.

What did you do to have it output sound? Any errors?

esd is a sound server. In order to use it a program must connect to the
sound server - it must be aware of esd; i.e. you must configure it to
use esd.

You may start the program via the esddsp wrapper in order to attempt
re-routing sound output through esd (instead of the real device which
esd already occupies).

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Re: esd: naive question

2002-10-04 Thread Claudio Bley

On Fri, 2002-10-04 at 12:59, Jerome BENOIT wrote:
> Hi All,
> in order to ear sound when I lauch Gnome,
> I have to run `esd' by hand.
> Since I am a lassy guy,
> I wonder who must do this job in Debian ?

Usually, GNOME does this for you. 

$ grep start_esd ~/.gnome/sound/system

Have a look in Settings->Session->Session Properties. Is there a
"sound-properties" entry? If not, just start it from the command line
(esd should be running afterwards), re-open the "Session Properties"
dialog, set its Order to 20, its Style to Settings, hit OK and save the
session now or when logging out.

As a workaround, you may just add it (esd -nobeeps) to the startup
programs (Settings->Session->Session Properties & Startup Programs). The
difference may be that it is not killed when you log out.

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IO::Seekable::getpos missing

2004-11-04 Thread Claudio Bley

since a few days I always receive this error when I'm upgrading
my system for a few packages:

Setting up alsa-source (1.0.6a-5) ...
IO::Seekable::getpos missing at /usr/share/perl/5.8/ line 59.
Compilation failed in require at /usr/share/perl5/Debconf/ line 6.
BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at /usr/share/perl5/Debconf/ line 6.
Compilation failed in require at /usr/share/perl5/Debconf/ line 6.
BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at /usr/share/perl5/Debconf/ line 6.
Compilation failed in require at /usr/share/perl5/Debconf/ line 5.
BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at /usr/share/perl5/Debconf/ line 5.
Compilation failed in require at /usr/share/perl5/Debconf/ line 8.
Compilation failed in require at /usr/share/perl5/Debconf/ line 5.
BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at /usr/share/perl5/Debconf/ line 5.
Compilation failed in require at /usr/share/debconf/frontend line 4.
BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at /usr/share/debconf/frontend line 4.
dpkg: error processing alsa-source (--configure):
 subprocess post-installation script returned error exit status 255

Does someone happen to know what the problem might be? Perl wizards, 

I also got the message "perl might not be configured" or something like that 
(sorry, I'm not at my computer right now and I didn't copy it). Anybody seen this

I already re-installed the perl perl-base perl-module libperlXXX packages (basically 
almost every package which got perl in its name), ran a debsums check which didn't 
come up with anything suspicious and also installed the new perl packages (5.8.4-3) 
which appeared in testing yesterday. 


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Re: /etc/modules after a new kernel compile

2004-01-07 Thread Claudio Bley
On 2004-01-07, Kevin Coyner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Under the old kernel - 2.4.18-bf2.4 - I had used modconf to add-in the
> following modules:
> usb-uhciinput
> usbkbd  keybdev
> agpgart mousedev
> sg  maestro3
> usbmouseusb-storage
> binfmt_aout binfmt_misc
> apm ppp_generic
> ppp_synctty msdos
> tulip
> Now, under the new kernel - 2.4.23 - I've got these compiled in.  But
> when I boot, not unsurprisingly I get errors messages like:
> usbmouse modprobe: Can't locate module usbmouse
> and so on for every module that is now compiled in but used to be added
> in.
> These are the modules that are listed in /etc/modules.  Is it safe to
> just manually edit that file and remove the entries?

Yes, of course. Just comment out the lines or simply remove them if you 
don't need to load these modules.

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Re: Changing the name of my computer

2004-01-07 Thread Claudio Bley
On 2004-01-07, Tendril <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> The distro I have was installed for me but I would like to change it's name.
> ie. my computer is called achilles and I would like to change it to 
> something else. I would look in the help files, but I don't know what 
> this process is called.

Have a look in /etc/hostname :-)

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Re: Woody: Remembering Desktop Assignment?

2004-01-09 Thread Claudio Bley
On 2004-01-09, Joel Konkle-Parker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Is it possible to make Gnome 1.4 / Sawfish on Woody "remember" which 
> desktop an application is placed in? For example, when I download 
> something in Galeon, it opens up gtm to manage it. I usually move that 
> out of the way in desktop 4. But if it's not running already, it opens 
> up in whichever desktop I'm currently in. Is it somehow possible to 
> "assign" gtm to desktop 4?

Yes. This is what the "matched windows" feature is for. Just open the
sawfish configurator, select the "Matched windows" tab and add an
entry for gtm (e.g. match on its "Class" or "Name" property and just
"grab" the property from a gtm window you've currently running), then
set the workspace property for the entry to whatever workspace it
should appear when started.

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