On Wed, 2002-10-23 at 13:50, Matt Price wrote:
> I've recently started geting emails in french and german that I need
> to be able read.  And I'd like to be able to respond to them in french
> and german as well...  
> so I set LC_ALL=en_US.utf8 .

Is this variable exported to other programs?
> but this does not allow the display of the relevant accented
> characters.  Instead, I get a variety of responses from different
> programs -- emacs gives ?'s, cat gives funny hieroglyphics, and mutt
> in the default pager gives what I take are numerical character codes,
> eg \344 .  
> so what's the problem?  do I need a different system font or
> something?  I would have thought locales would take care of that...  

With UTF-8 you need a multibyte aware terminal emulator. Which terminal
emulator do you use? Try mlterm as it allows you to change the encoding
at run time (Ctrl-button3).

For emacs, it might be a good idea to install mule-ucs. Yudit is also a
very nice UTF aware editor with integrated truetype support.

> the other thing is, when I run dpkg-reconfigure locales, it doesn't
> let me set the default locale.  The menu dialog comes up, but there
> are no choices.

Weird. Did you choose to generate the desired locales then?

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