
2016-05-22 Thread Joe Nosay
I have two PowerMac G4s. One is Blue and grey/white and the other has a
mirrored door. You will need a usb mouse and a monitor. Both seem to be
single cores from looking at the inside of the tower. I do Open Source/Free
software design and these two would be and are good for animating, audio,
and other artistic expressions. There are two operating systems similar to
what you already know. I am making an assumption from what your husband has
told me. I am able to set each with a Debian/Linux system and a FreeBSD
system. The first already has packages -software - available for it. The
second system needs to have packages built. I can take the tower which has
the least amount of CPU and other parts for compiling. Of course, I will
ask the community if they would aid and assist us in this endeavor.
We are setting up an animation station for children and will need some
packages to be built. The architecture is PowerPC 32. The packages would
be: GIMP, Blender, Pencil - which needs to be updated to Pencil-2d for the
download area of the Pencil application in /ports/graphics - librecad,
ChipmunkPhysics, the nlove animation engines, synfig & synfig studio,
adgali, py27-hypatia, solarus, g2, grx, libart, openrm, pencil -see the
above note, radius engine, biggles, geg, and grace
for the two dimensional animations.
Yes, there is needed some audio and 3d applications.
I'm asking a lot; and, the people are real.

2016-05-22 10:42 GMT-04:00 Tikun Olam :

> 4433654453
> Simon Grady
> Shalom

Re: de baja

2016-07-06 Thread Joe Nosay
¿En qué puedo ayudarle?

On Sat, Jul 2, 2016 at 11:20 PM, S@nto Hernandez 

> --
> S@ntoh

Re: Release Architectures for Debian 9 'Stretch'

2016-11-04 Thread Joe Nosay
Does this mean no support for e6500?

On Fri, Nov 4, 2016 at 6:13 AM, luigi burdo 

> Im thinking to start a petition about ... "dont kill debian penguins on
> powerpc"
> Luigi
> --
> *Da:* Herminio Hernandez Jr. 
> *Inviato:* venerdì 4 novembre 2016 11.05
> *A:* Christoph Biedl
> *Cc:* PowerPC List Debian
> *Oggetto:* Re: Release Architectures for Debian 9 'Stretch'
> To say that no one stepped forward is not true. Adrian stepped up and
> asked to be the porter for PowerPC. There was an entire thread on PowerPC
> qualifying for Stretch where he stated his desire to support it. In the end
> his request was turned down.
> Sent from my iPhone
> > On Nov 4, 2016, at 2:08 AM, Christoph Biedl <
>> wrote:
> >
> > Lennart Sorensen wrote...
> >
> >>> On Mon, Oct 31, 2016 at 09:09:56AM -0700, Herminio Hernandez Jr.
> wrote:
> >>> Is there even a chance for PowerPC to return as a release architecture
> for Debian 10 or is that just wishful thinking.
> >>
> >> Well as pointed out in the meeting, it does not seem any architecture
> >> has ever done so.
> >
> > I bet never before an architecture got kicked out that is ranking as
> > number 4 according to popcon. The question is, are there enough people
> > that are willing to support powerpc in Debian? The way downhill began
> > when nobody stepped forward in the role call.
> >
> >Christoph
> >

Re: Release Architectures for Debian 9 'Stretch'

2016-11-04 Thread Joe Nosay
A shame seeing that there is a laptop being developed that is powerpc.

On Fri, Nov 4, 2016 at 11:31 AM, luigi burdo 

> yes no support for all PPC BE , PPC64 too.
> Only PPCLE (power8 and power9) are supported.
> Luigi
> ------
> *Da:* Joe Nosay 
> *Inviato:* venerdì 4 novembre 2016 16.25
> *A:* luigi burdo
> *Cc:* Herminio Hernandez Jr.; PowerPC List Debian
> *Oggetto:* Re: Release Architectures for Debian 9 'Stretch'
> Does this mean no support for e6500?
> On Fri, Nov 4, 2016 at 6:13 AM, luigi burdo 
> wrote:
>> Im thinking to start a petition about ... "dont kill debian penguins on
>> powerpc"
>> Luigi
>> --
>> *Da:* Herminio Hernandez Jr. 
>> *Inviato:* venerdì 4 novembre 2016 11.05
>> *A:* Christoph Biedl
>> *Cc:* PowerPC List Debian
>> *Oggetto:* Re: Release Architectures for Debian 9 'Stretch'
>> To say that no one stepped forward is not true. Adrian stepped up and
>> asked to be the porter for PowerPC. There was an entire thread on PowerPC
>> qualifying for Stretch where he stated his desire to support it. In the end
>> his request was turned down.
>> Sent from my iPhone
>> > On Nov 4, 2016, at 2:08 AM, Christoph Biedl <
>>> wrote:
>> >
>> > Lennart Sorensen wrote...
>> >
>> >>> On Mon, Oct 31, 2016 at 09:09:56AM -0700, Herminio Hernandez Jr.
>> wrote:
>> >>> Is there even a chance for PowerPC to return as a release
>> architecture for Debian 10 or is that just wishful thinking.
>> >>
>> >> Well as pointed out in the meeting, it does not seem any architecture
>> >> has ever done so.
>> >
>> > I bet never before an architecture got kicked out that is ranking as
>> > number 4 according to popcon. The question is, are there enough people
>> > that are willing to support powerpc in Debian? The way downhill began
>> > when nobody stepped forward in the role call.
>> >
>> >Christoph
>> >

Re: I think I found why the iMac G3 that I have access to has not booted FreeBSD vintages: 2015-Mar+ . . . [Yep: booted!]

2016-11-25 Thread Joe Nosay
THis is going to bounce ; but, have any of you thought about joining with
the debian powerpc team now that they have been put off for ppc64el - POWER
8&9 - and the 32 and 64 bit parts are unsupported?

It's time for you people to start working together. Put your differences
aside and you will solve the problems.

On Mon, Nov 21, 2016 at 6:22 AM, Mark Millard  wrote:

> [Top post of operational confirmation.]
> I'm now logged in on the iMac G3 under a variant of head -r308874 .
> (Finally after about 1.8 years.)
> It is currently running a variation of head -r308874 with a debug
> kernel that has the two isync's added around moea_activate's
> mtsrin (and KTR turned back off).
> With no such isync's (or other such "context-synchronizations")
> the iMac G3 does not boot. (The below likely does not preserve
> tabs.)
> # svnlite diff /usr/src/sys/powerpc/aim/mmu_oea.c
> Index: /usr/src/sys/powerpc/aim/mmu_oea.c
> ===
> --- /usr/src/sys/powerpc/aim/mmu_oea.c  (revision 308874)
> +++ /usr/src/sys/powerpc/aim/mmu_oea.c  (working copy)
> @@ -991,7 +991,9 @@
> CPU_SET(PCPU_GET(cpuid), &pm->pm_active);
> PCPU_SET(curpmap, pmr);
> +   isync();
> mtsrin(USER_SR << ADDR_SR_SHFT, td->td_pcb->pcb_cpu.aim.usr_vsid);
> +   isync();
>  }
> stable/11 should also get such a change, not just head.
> It would be nice if releng/11 eventually picked up such a
> change so that some release/11.0.? booted on iMac G3's as well.
> Otherwise it waits for release/11.1.0 .
> I wonder if there might be intermittent problems for
> TARGET_ARCH=powerpc systems that are (usually) booting
> for release/11.0.x currently.
> (I only have access to one iMac G3 to test and no access
> to any other kinds of G3's. I have access to a few types
> of PowerMac G4's and 2 types of PowerMac G5's. All the
> PowerPc family machines that I have access to are Apple
> machines.)
> Note:
> stable/10 still has the old powerpc/swtch32.S code and so is
> fine for this issue.
> Part of the context from back in early 2015 was that I
> switched from 10 to 11 as part of getting ready to investigate
> projects/clang380-import for powerpc and powerpc64 use. I
> did not revert back to 10.x despite the iMac G3 not booting.
> ===
> Mark Millard
> markmi at
> On 2016-Nov-21, at 2:10 AM, Mark Millard  wrote:
> > First I report my understanding of the PowerPc background information
> > involved:
> > (then later the code that has that background involved)
> >
> > For reference:
> >
> >   82 mtsrin(vm_offset_t va, register_t value)
> >   83 {
> >   84
> >   85 __asm __volatile ("mtsrin %0,%1" :: "r"(value), "r"(va));
> >   86 }
> >
> > PowerPC requirements:
> >
> > mtsr(instruction access):   no synchronization required before;
> >context synchronization required after
> > mtsrin(instruction access): no synchronization required before;
> >context synchronization required after
> >
> > So the same criteria. isync, sc, or rfi would be
> > "context-synchronizing".
> >
> > mtsr(data access):   context synchronization required before;
> > context synchronization required after
> > mtsrin(data access): context synchronization required before;
> > context synchronization required after
> >
> > So even more required for this context: before and after.
> > Again isync would be "context-synchronizing".
> >
> >
> > Now the code that has that background involved. . .
> >
> > aim/mmu_oea.c's moea_activate does mtsrin without any explicit
> > "context-synchronizing" before or after it --and it replaced
> > code that did have the "context-synchronizing".
> >
> > The modern (2015-Mar-4+) code:
> >
> > /*
> > * Activate a user pmap.  The pmap must be activated before it's address
> > * space can be accessed in any way.
> > */
> > void
> > moea_activate(mmu_t mmu, struct thread *td)
> > {
> >   pmap_t  pm, pmr;
> >
> >   /*
> >* Load all the data we need up front to encourage the compiler to
> >* not issue any loads while we have interrupts disabled below.
> >*/
> >   pm = &td->td_proc->p_vmspace->vm_pmap;
> >   pmr = pm->pmap_phys;
> >
> >   CPU_SET(PCPU_GET(cpuid), &pm->pm_active);
> >   PCPU_SET(curpmap, pmr);
> >
> >   mtsrin(USER_SR << ADDR_SR_SHFT, td->td_pcb->pcb_cpu.aim.usr_vsid);
> > }
> >
> > I expect that two isync's are missing.
> >
> > At the assembler level of detail the modern code in my example
> > build is:
> >
> > 0080e3fc  stwur1,-32(r1)
> > 0080e400  stw r31,24(r1)
> > 0080e404  mr  r31,r1
> > 0080e408  lwz r9,4(r4)
> > 0080e40c  lwz r10,308(r9)
> > 0080e410  lwz r8,312(r10)
> > 0080e414  mfsprg  r9,0
> > 0080e418  lwz r9,36(r9)
> > 0080e41c  rlwinm  r9,r9,27,5,31
> > 0080e420  mfsprg  r11,0
> > 0080e424  rlwinm  r9,r9,2,0,29
> > 0080e428  add r9,r

How are you doing?

2017-01-28 Thread Joe Nosay
Thanks for standing up for the entire Vinux community, Mr. Eric Oyen. We
all appreciate this and the work many of you have done.

This is the link to the daemonforums registration.
Please tell the other members of the Vinux community to register with the
"registration problem" option along with their "dmesg -vv" output from
their desired shell of choice.

They will have to listen to you when there are many of you to make your
voices known.

Thank you: and,
have yourself a most blessed and truly righteous day.

Re: How are you doing?

2017-01-28 Thread Joe Nosay
On Sat, Jan 28, 2017 at 2:31 PM, Joe Nosay  wrote:

> Thanks for standing up for the entire Vinux community, Mr. Eric Oyen. We
> all appreciate this and the work many of you have done.
> This is the link to the daemonforums registration.
> Please tell the other members of the Vinux community to register with the
> "registration problem" option along with their "dmesg -vv" output from
> their desired shell of choice.
> They will have to listen to you when there are many of you to make your
> voices known.
> Thank you: and,
> have yourself a most blessed and truly righteous day.

Re: PowerMac G5 and KMS

2017-03-04 Thread Joe Nosay
This will bounce for the ppc list.
As I have stated before: you will need to work with the debian ppc group to
create the proper drivers.
Since there are people who know how to make the Linux system calls, there
should be people that are willing to
work across OS and mailing list lines.
Just don't be stubborn.

On Thu, Mar 2, 2017 at 12:34 PM, Mark Millard  wrote:

> On 2017-Mar-2, at 9:37 AM, Justin Hibbits 
> wrote:
> > On Thu, Mar 2, 2017 at 5:42 AM, Hiroo Ono (小野寛生)
> >  wrote:
> >> I recently installed 12-current powerpc64 r313561 to a PowerMac G5
> >> (it is dual processor, but I do not know its detail).
> >>
> >> When I try to load drm2.ko and radeonkms.ko,
> >> the screen turns into black and recovers, then the system locks.
> >> kldload command does not return, no response to keyboard input, etc.
> >>
> >> Is it possible to use KMS on FreeBSD/powerpc64?
> >>
> >> The log in /var/log/messages is
> >>
> >> after "kldload drm2",
> >>
> >> kernel: info: [drm] Initialized drm 1.1.0 20060810
> >>
> >> and then, after "kldload radeonkms",
> >>
> >> kernel: iic0:  on iicbus0
> >> kernel: iic1:  on iicbus1
> >> kernel: drmn0:  on vgapci0
> >> kernel: info: [drm] RADEON_IS_AGP
> >> kernel: info: [drm] initializing kernel modesetting (RV350 0x1002:0x4150
> >> 0x1002:0x4150).
> >> kernel: info: [drm] register mmio base: 0x9000
> >> kernel: info: [drm] register mmio size: 65536
> >> kernel: info: [drm] igp_read_bios_from_vram: ===> Try IGP's VRAM...
> >> kernel: info: [drm] igp_read_bios_from_vram: VRAM base address:
> 0x9800
> >> kernel: info: [drm] igp_read_bios_from_vram: Map address:
> >> 0xc00061412000 (262144 bytes)
> >> kernel: info: [drm] igp_read_bios_from_vram: Incorrect BIOS signature:
> >> 0x
> >> kernel: info: [drm] radeon_read_bios: ===> Try PCI Expansion ROM...
> >> kernel: info: [drm] radeon_read_bios: Map address: 0xc00061412000
> >> (131072 bytes)
> >> kernel: info: [drm] radeon_read_bios: Incorrect BIOS signature: 0x2AFF
> >> kernel: info: [drm] legacy_read_disabled_bios: ===> Try disabled BIOS
> >> (legacy)...
> >> kernel: info: [drm] radeon_read_bios: ===> Try PCI Expansion ROM...
> >> kernel: info: [drm] radeon_read_bios: Map address: 0xc00061412000
> >> (131072 bytes)
> >>
> >> As the system locks up here, I have to power it off forcibly.
> >
> > Congratulations (?) you are quite possibly the first person to report
> > even attempting to use radeonkms on powerpc64.  Frankly, I'm not
> > surprised that it doesn't work for you.  Unfortunately, I don't have a
> > solution, or even a means to track it down.  Looking at the log
> > snippet, my first guess is there may need to be a provision added to
> > the driver for non-x86.  Do you know what card this is?
> >
> > Adding a couple other lists with people who might have more insight.
> >
> > If it can be made to work, I'd definitely want to get a Radeon card for
> my G5(s)
> >
> > - Justin
> Back on 2014-Nov-21 I wrote the following in one of my messages on the
> lists on that day:
> > FYI: I've been building and trying Jean-Sébastien Pédron's
> kms-drm-update-38 branch when Jean requested (sometimes with patches that
> Jean provided). This was to give Jean some (indirect) access to a powerpc64
> (PowerMac G5) Radeon context for some radeonkms development. (Jean had been
> hoping to get my card going in that context.) We got to the point that a
> kldload for radeonkms did not complain/refuse but the display was then
> munged up and the driver could not find the Video BIOS. The fact that it is
> a Radeon X1950 for the video hardware may make it odder than usual for
> PowerMac G5 Radeons. But it is the only Radeon that I have access to for
> G5's. (The card works in Mac OS X 10.5.)
> (As I remember this was a PowerMac G5 so-called "Quad Core" as the G5
> context. I do not currently have access to the X1950 card.)
> I'm not sure from what I read if things are about the same vs. if things
> are worse now. I do not remember the details from back then, such as
> console vs. X11 that I was not explicit about in the quoted material.
> I eventually gave up on using X11 "for a time" --and have not tried again
> so far. I've no clue about the current status for X11 on PowerMacs of
> any kind --or what I'd need to do to try it for the Radeon X1950 or
> any NVIDIA cards. (Currently an NVIDIA card is installed.)
> I will eventually have access to the X1950 again, but not soon.
> ===
> Mark Millard
> markmi at
> ___
> mailing list
> To unsubscribe, send any mail to ""

Re: PowerMac G5 and KMS

2017-03-06 Thread Joe Nosay
Set up SSH tunneling with X11 forwarding.

On Mon, Mar 6, 2017 at 9:38 AM, Hiroo Ono (小野寛生) <> wrote:

> Thank you.
> Just unconditionally disabling AGP in R300 initialization made
> radeonkms to load successfully.
> It seems that no tunables for FreeBSD are described instead of
> MODULE_PARM_DESC and module_param_named.
> So, I have to learn how to add them to the source code.
> (/usr/src/sys/dev/drm2/os_freebsd.c seem to help.)
> Anyway, it worked. thank you.
> Some problems remain. The virtual screen is larger than the real one and
> I cannot see the command line I am inputting, and I did not yet test X  as
> there seem to be problems in building them from ports, but that are
> other things.
> 2017-03-06 13:03 GMT+09:00 Herminio Hernandez, Jr.
> :
> > Per the radeon man page here. However this option has been removed after
> > 10.2. Under Linux the you set it in yaboot bootloader by using
> > 'radeon.agpmode=-1'. I do not know if this will work in loader.conf
> >
> >
> >
> >   Option "BusType""string"
> > Used  to  replace  previous ForcePCIMode option.  Should
> only be
> > used when driver's bus detection is incorrect  or  you
> want  to
> > force an AGP card to PCI mode. You should NEVER force a PCI
> card
> > to AGP bus.
> > PCI-- PCI bus
> > AGP-- AGP bus
> > PCIE   -- PCI Express bus
> > (used only when DRI is enabled)
> > The default is auto detect.
> >
> >
> >
> > On Sun, Mar 5, 2017 at 3:35 PM, Hiroo Ono (小野寛生)
> >  wrote:
> >>
> >> Thank you. I see the point.
> >>
> >> 2017-03-05 17:20 GMT+09:00 Herminio Hernandez Jr.
> >> :
> >> > Try to force the Radeon driver into PCI mode. Under Linux doing this
> >> > stops
> >> > the blank screen and locks.
> >>
> >> Could anyone tell me how to do it? Can it be done from FreeBSD?
> >> I googled a little but could not find anything useful (maybe search
> >> words were not
> >> appropriate), so how to do it on Linux helps me also.
> >>
> >> pciconf -lc says:
> >> vgapci0@pci0:0:16:0: class=0x3 card=0x41501002 chip=0x41501002
> >> rev=0x00 hdr=0x00
> >>   cap 02[58] = AGP v3 8x 4x SBA disabled]
> >>   cap 01[50] = powerspec 2 supports D0 D1 D2 D3 current D0
> >
> >

Re: What are you guys running on your PowerBook G4's Debian PPC?

2017-03-13 Thread Joe Nosay
You can do a dual boot with FreeBSD and set up minimalist environments on
Run the Debian installation at 1000 hertz and the FreeBSD installation at
2000 hertz with both using blackbox, enlightenment, and lxde or xfce as the
possible graphical environments.
Firefox is a heavy browser. try running surf; or, if possible, find a
source for xombrero and run that.

The system is going to run more smooth if the same assembly language calls
to the CPU registers are constant.
Minimalist and simple works wonders on the Power architecture.

On Sun, Mar 12, 2017 at 4:36 PM, Luke  wrote:

> Il 08/mar/2017 10:54 PM, "PhiLLip Pi"  ha scritto:
> Server? Workstation? Old school text stuff? Just curious. I am trying to
> see what I can use my slow PowerBook G4 with 512 MB of RAM to do.
> I'm running Debian Jessie on G3 Pismo Power Book, like mini server,
> without graphic environment, for remote connections and web server.
> I've replaced the oldie HD with a 4Gb SDcard and internal adapter to IDE
> bus: so I've got a solid state storage for less 10€!!!
> The /home is on the traditional 40Gb external USB disk, but I will replace
> it with another SD or Micro SD.
> The battery was out and not replaced, but the DVD drive It was
> transplanted by an ibook.
> It's a little Frankenstein!

Fwd: Installing NetBSD on an iBook G4

2017-04-13 Thread Joe Nosay
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Date: Thursday, April 13, 2017
Subject: Installing NetBSD on an iBook G4

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Re: New discussion: ppc64 installer -- ext2 /boot partition to keep sabot happy.

2017-09-29 Thread Joe Nosay
MPC620 needs to be reinstated .
On a biosynthoid/android you would have eight five core chips for the top
part and eight five core chips for the lower part.
This would make the basic brain stem of the biosynthoid.
Merge Debian and FreeBSD together on the POWER architecture.
The boot loaders will need to be done in a standard language of FORTH.
FreeBSD will be the base/core system with Debian running as user through
the hypervisor.
This will allow bare metal and virtual to run as one without trouble.
I'll get to the XOrg layout later.

On Fri, Sep 29, 2017 at 8:24 AM, Milan Kupcevic  wrote:

> On 09/29/2017 03:16 AM, John Paul Adrian Glaubitz wrote:
> > On 09/29/2017 08:50 AM, Frank Scheiner wrote:
> >> (...)
> >> To be able  to load the yaboot config file from the partition that
> holds the root FS,
> >> yaboot needs to know which partition to use. Hence I assume there has to
> >> be an additional configuration file that is loaded maybe from the PReP
> partition.
> >
> > Thanks for the elaborate answer. However, I have come to the conclusion
> now that
> > I am going to drop Yaboot from debian-installer in favor of GRUB, both
> on powerpc
> > as well as ppc64 and even on sparc64.
> >
> > I have made some progress and the grub-installer entries already show up
> in the
> > menus of the debian-installer images for ppc64 and sparc64, there is
> still some
> > work left until everything works correctly though.
> >
> > Yaboot itself is a lost cause in my opinion. Users have to resort to
> workarounds
> > and upstream is factually dead and it's therefore probably just a matter
> of
> > time until the package gets removed from Debian. Let's just focus on GRUB
> > then.
> >
> I fully agree. As soon as creation of bootable iso images transit to
> GRUB I can safely ask FTP masters to remove yaboot from Debian
> repositories.
> Milan

Fwd: What are the codes that contain the marcos that are created directly or the .word directives?

2017-10-06 Thread Joe Nosay
-- Forwarded message --
From: SOUL_OF_ROOT 55 
Date: Thu, Oct 5, 2017 at 6:58 PM
Subject: What are the codes that contain the marcos that are created
directly or the .word directives?

It has come to my attention the following:

"The minority of  FreeBSD developers either create a macro expands to
something like ".word  “ or sometimes the .word  is just hard
coded inline when there’s only going to be one of them, sometimes expose
them both in assembly and in C code, in which case what we do varies a bit
to accommodate the different language’s syntax. It is rare, but has
happened, that we only expose it to C code.

Generally, though, the minority of  FreeBSD developers  try to add support
for the opcodes to gas so that get the constraint testing it does (making
sure the opcode is supported at the level you are compiling, making sure it
isn’t in a delay slot or violating some other precondition for its use).

People generally don’t write in raw machine opcodes. That is independent of

However, a few, specialized people will find the need to do it from time to
time. Usually because they are porting FreeBSD to a newer processor that
needs newer opcodes to do context switching, optimize interrupt handling,
code with a new type of cache coherency, etc. These people look up the
assembler in the docs from the vendor and then create the .word workaround
to make sure things work. If they have the time, they may add it to our
somewhat ancient gas assembler as well."

A few, specialized people still will find the need of  write in raw machine
opcodes from time to time  because usually  they are porting FreeBSD to a
newer processor that needs newer opcodes to do context switching, optimize
interrupt handling, code with a new type of cache coherency, etc?

These people still look up the assembler in the docs from the vendor and
then create the .word workaround to make sure things work?

If they still have the time, they still may add it to our somewhat ancient
gas assembler as well?

Some developers of FreeBSD still use the marcos that I described above
sometimes when doing specific, low-level coding?

A handful of developers of FreeBSD still  create the marcos directly or use
the .word directives in their work to make certain things work that cannot
work otherwise?

If yes, what are the codes that contain  the marcos that I described above
sometimes when doing specific, low-level coding?

What are the codes that contain the marcos that are created directly or the
.word directives that are used in their work to make certain things work
that cannot work otherwise?

If is not possible speak what are all this codes, please, quote good amount
of examples.

*I wonder* what *Oko* would say about it.

de vírus.
___ mailing list
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Re: VNET jail and dhclient

2017-10-10 Thread Joe Nosay
See if you can get this ported to virtualization on the POWER architecture.

On Tue, Oct 10, 2017 at 5:37 AM, Oleg Ginzburg  wrote:

> in reply to
> comment: it looks like it's a regression in FreeBSD 12/Current,
> because in FreeBSD 11 dhclient works fine:
> --
> jail1:/root@[15:16] # dhclient eth0
> DHCPDISCOVER on eth0 to port 67 interval 3
> DHCPREQUEST on eth0 to port 67
> DHCPACK from
> bound to -- renewal in 900 seconds.
> jail1:/root@[15:16] # uname -a
> FreeBSD 11.0-RELEASE-p12 FreeBSD 11.0-RELEASE-p12 #0
> r324489: Tue Oct 10 14:57:58 MSK 2017
> amd64
> --
> ___
> mailing list
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Re: ppc32 Stretch

2017-12-23 Thread Joe Nosay
The Progressive Power Community is willing to work with Debian.

On Fri, Dec 22, 2017 at 10:46 AM, John Paul Adrian Glaubitz <> wrote:

> On 12/22/2017 06:02 AM, Jordan Waughtal wrote:
> > I have a number of G4 macs.  AFAIK they are new world macs but only work
> > with ppc32.  Since ppc32 support was dropped Stretch.  I am mostly on
> > my own.  From what I can tell, I can could create my own ppc32 port.
> Did you try installing Debian unstable on your machines?
> >
> We're working towards getting a testing release for Debian Ports, but we're
> not there yet.
> Adrian
> --
>  .''`.  John Paul Adrian Glaubitz
> : :' :  Debian Developer -
> `. `'   Freie Universitaet Berlin -
>   `-GPG: 62FF 8A75 84E0 2956 9546  0006 7426 3B37 F5B5 F913

Re: Model support revisit

2017-12-29 Thread Joe Nosay
The FreeBSD mailing list will bounce me.
Give a reply to all.
The reason I am doing this is that all involved are working on the POWERPC

On Wed, Dec 27, 2017 at 6:29 PM, Sevan Janiyan 

> Hello,
> The model support table[1] on our website lists system which are
> untested as well as missing more recent system in some cases. I was
> wondering if folks subscribed to this list could review the page and
> give a heads up if any systems are known to be working that are not
> listed as such. A copy of dmesg output from a working system on dmesgd
> would be appreciated[2] to validate the change.
> I thought it might be better to ask on the list than start making plans
> to amass a PowerPC Mac collection for testing purposes, though I have
> been looking at the 1.67Ghz 17 & 15" PowerBooks. :)
> Sevan
> [1]
> [2]

Fwd: Cannot boot installer on PowerBook6,8

2017-12-29 Thread Joe Nosay
This will bounce for me when sending the FreeBSD PowerPC mailing list.
Please forward the message to them.
Power architecture.
Group project.
Work together.
Be progressive and positive.
-- Forwarded message --
From: Sevan Janiyan 
Date: Wed, Dec 27, 2017 at 5:38 PM
Subject: Re: Cannot boot installer on PowerBook6,8
To: Julio Merino 

Does the hard disk installed currently have a readable filesystem (HFS
or FAT)??

Instead of trying to boot from the optical drive, it might be worth
copying ofwboot.xcf & a gzipped kernel to the disk & trying to boot from
there via openfirmware:

boot hd:,\ofwboot.xcf netbsd.gz

I'm using a re-writable CD to burn the macppc iso files and have not
tried a DVD.


Re: AmigaOne X1000/Nemo PowerPC Motherboard

2013-11-21 Thread Joe Nosay
On Thu, Nov 21, 2013 at 8:40 PM, Dean Hamstead  wrote:

> IBM recently announced a powerpc based public cloud
> not sure if this is relevant and/or helpful.
> obviously powermac sound card bugs wont be debugged...
> Dean
> On 22/11/13 12:34, nello martuscielli wrote:
> > well, cheap like a second hand POWER7 system :-D
> >
> > --nello
> >
> > On Thu, Nov 21, 2013 at 3:52 PM, Christian Zigotzky
> >  wrote:
> >> Just for info:
> >>
> >> A-EON's Christmas Cracker! : Special offer on Nemo PowerPC Motherboards
> for
> >> the holiday season.
> >>
> >
> --
> To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to
> with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact
> Archive:

Sunuva Vitch!! Where did you get hold of an Amiga? I thought they were a
limited sort.

A proposal and a challenge

2015-12-02 Thread Joe Nosay
I know that everyone is familiar with the one laptop per child program;
and, that is good. Let's take it one step further. The debian team wants to
build a powerpc laptop. FreeBSD is working on the POWER8 with the PPC team.
The problem is convincing IBM to publicly open the CPU for a good purpose.
What's the sale's pitch? Let it be for education.
Four operating systems on a single machine - the apm layout is capable of
doing it with a boot, main, and swap. That's only twelve spaces used.
Yes, it can be concentrated down to 64 GB.
What can be done with it?
It's a POWER machine, load-store, learn.
64 bit. How many free registers usually? About five? Yes?
Enough for one application. Two would do for the application and system.
Let's make it real. Two chips. Four processors each.
Running about 2.0 to 2.25 GHz.
Let the kernel match that. Debian at 1Khz - unless someone can do a patch
to make the kernel go  the necessary mile.
Open and Net BSD have their own thing; so, this is for FreeBSD for the
kernel rate. Latency should match frequency.

GRUB should be able to handle four options on a screen.

Oh, Open graphics and sound.
Accessibility. Development. Creativity.
Show it.

Let them know what it can do.

Sound. Music.

Art. Design.


Let them see it from the start to finish.

Make it affordable.

For students, children, people to learn.

All of you can do this.

Why not me?

I am not able to afford it.

Yet, the rest of you are able to do such.

It will pay for itself and you know it.

Don't reply, just think on it.

You know my requirements: Don't pay me, just do it.

And respect.

Ladies and gentlemen, thank you for taking the time to read this.
Enjoy life.

Pardon the interruption.

2015-12-21 Thread Joe Nosay
Let's find out exactly what the laptop project needs and work from there. I
have some ideas on using it for accessibility and creativity. There needs
to be a working prototype - a few actually - for developers to build the
Have someone put together a model and we can work from there.

Re: Pardon the interruption.

2015-12-21 Thread Joe Nosay
Okay. Somebody needs to get a board and start building the actual laptop.
Since this is a crowd funding effort, it should be easy to have support.

On Mon, Dec 21, 2015 at 12:30 PM, Joe Nosay  wrote:

> Let's find out exactly what the laptop project needs and work from there.
> I have some ideas on using it for accessibility and creativity. There needs
> to be a working prototype - a few actually - for developers to build the
> systems.
> Have someone put together a model and we can work from there.

Re: PAGESIZE and btrfs

2016-01-10 Thread Joe Nosay
Obviously, yes, for the moment.

On Sat, Jan 9, 2016 at 11:33 AM, Linux User #330250  wrote:

> Hello!
> So, I managed to compile a new kernel and start it.
> I have a Debian system running and chrooted into a Gentoo system and
> compiled a gentoo kernel, one with 4k pagesize and one with 64k
> pagesize. The reason is that the nouveau driver is said to only work
> with 4k pagesize, but the standard Debian kernel for ppc64 uses 64k
> pagesize.
> No I have hit another issue:
> I use btrfs for the benefit of being able to return to previous
> snapshots, so would be able to reset a system to a working state, be it
> Debian (from a booted Gentoo as a resuce system) or Gentoo (from a
> booted Debian as a rescue system).
> No I am able to boot into Debian and into Gentoo: but ONLY with a 64k
> pagesize kernel!
> The 4k pagesize Gentoo kernel tells me that btrfs cannot be mounted,
> because of an unsupported sector size of 65536.
> This is a bad situation.
> Should I do it all over again on an ext4 file system?!?!?
> I would rather like the nouveau driver to be fixed to work on a 64k
> pagesize system (or the btrfs driver to work on both 64k and 4k equally).
> I hat it when things like this happen…
> Andreas  aka  Linux User #330250

Fwd: The Open Laptop Project

2016-01-10 Thread Joe Nosay
Forwarded to you.
-- Forwarded message --
From: William 'Cryo' Coldwell 
Date: Thu, Jan 7, 2016 at 1:27 AM
Subject: Re: The Open Laptop Project
To: Joe Nosay 
Cc: NetBSD Board 

While they are very Linux-oriented, we have an excellent group of
PowerPC developers.  When they have hardware to work on, rather than
just the development boards from Freescale, we can look into this
further.  Let us know when this happens and if they want us to look
at porting NetBSD to it.

William J. Coldwell T:@Cryo G:+Cryo  ARIN:WC25/AS7769 PGP:0x5E994445
Warped, Inc. 661-WARPED1 @warped @deadjournal @tapnet_app
NetBSD Foundation President,Project Security,Social Media
"Put on 3D glasses, otherwise you only see in 1½D.”  [self opinion];

On Jan 6, 2016, at 3:15 PM, Joe Nosay  wrote:

>From my email "Dear Joe,
I thank you to have contacted our team of Open Source PowerPC Notebook
we have chosen the NXP (Freescale) e6500 core Power Architecture processor
for our Notebook,
few hundreds of people are already involved in some way in our project, in
case you and the others people in the mailing list are interested in you
can find more information on our website ( 7 languages available).

Have Fun!


They picked the e6500. I am sure that you could help, aide, and assist them
on that part.

I have my reasons with trying to get the POWER8 to be used.

Now, since you are aware that they are trying with a smaller chip that can
be used for a laptop, would you be more willing to give
them assistance when needed?

On Tue, Jan 5, 2016 at 4:16 PM, William 'Cryo' Coldwell 

> Mr. Nosay,
> Thank you for submitting this to the board, but given the context provided
> of two likes to a forum that contained very little tangible material to
> work with, or the parties that are involved in this, it appeared as you
> were representing the project you describe.  We are not in a position to
> participate in hardware development, and would have no problem
> investigating
> getting NetBSD ported to a physical product once it is out of hardware
> testing.
> There was no direct personal intent to discredit the project or you, but
> we want to make clear that we are not a hardware development organization
> in our complete history (and even the “toaster” was developer experiment
> for their amusement and our publicity - we did not fund the development of
> that).
> The skepticism of POWER8 architecture in a laptop is warranted because
> the power requirements of even a lower number core POWER8 requires far
> more wattage than a laptop battery can provide.  The heat emission would
> exceed a passive heatsink size, and would require an active fan or water
> cooling system, which is infeasible.  The POWER8 architecture is not a
> PowerPC. PPC is effectively dead after Apple stopped shipping, and is
> available through Freescale and other embedded manufacturers.  I agree
> with the statement that it is not acceptable for building out a -NEW-
> system, where people want low power usage, long battery life, passive
> heatsink, and in competition to ARM/MIPS/Intel Atom and Edison which
> already have massive backing and already built hardware to run on.  The
> suggestion of a RiscV is reasonable given what you are trying to build.
> We are all for creating something beneficial for the communities and
> easily available, and also very affordable, especially for developing
> nations.  However, this outside our development model of working with
> manufacturers of products and chipsets to enhance their products with
> NetBSD.  This is not a personal attack, or an attack against such a
> product, but that you’re asking a brain surgeon to build a car out
> of whatever parts can be found.  We would be more than happy, as I
> said to see said car, and look at allocating resources necessary to
> get NetBSD up on it.
> Please do keep us updated on the progress of this, and we wish you
> great success in getting it kickstarted and out. Good luck!
> Speaking for the Board of Directors,
> William J. Coldwell
> President of the The NetBSD Foundation
> --
> William J. Coldwell T:@Cryo G:+Cryo  ARIN:WC25/AS7769 PGP:0x5E994445
> Warped, Inc. 661-WARPED1 @warped @deadjournal @tapnet_app
> NetBSD Foundation President,Project Security,Social Media
> "Put on 3D glasses, otherwise you only see in 1½D.”  [self opinion];
> On Jan 5, 2016, at 2:24 PM, Joe Nosay  wrote:
> 1. A mult-iboot laptop that is able to boot four or more systems from a
> single drive has not been done.
> 2. Each system has its strengths and weaknesses. Each OS can be dedicated
> to do a certain task.
> 3. The project is for the universities and colleges to w

Re: Firefox 52esr on PPC32 is outdated

2024-12-16 Thread Joe Nosay
Build from source and edit the file to work on RISC based systems. Don't
expect others to solve that problem.

On Monday, December 16, 2024, Leo Historias 

> Speaking about it,The only reason why there's no firefox on PowerPC 32
> bits is because of the lack of node.js,this is the reason why Firefox works
> on i386,even on non-sse2 processors unlike the official version.
> For example in windows,The last version of Firefox on non-sse2 processors,
> even on 7  is 48.0.2,which is too outdated to run some modern websites like
> Discord which simply won't work or Youtube which works but warns you that's
> unsupported. If you try to install something like 52esr or 102 using the
> offline installer,it'll prevent you from installing. If you try to bypass
> it by extracting it,it'll work after clicking on the EXE but it'll be
> unstable and might crash. This won't be apparent from the get-go,the only
> thing that causes the instability is by trying any heavy websites. Don't
> expect stability on non-sse2 processors due to memory leaks and crashing.
> Even the only sign before instability is the high ram usage. Wouldn't say
> it won't work,especially on Windows 7 which officially supports 102. On
> Vista and XP,this obviously won't work unless it's 52esr.
> Em seg., 16 de dez. de 2024 18:21, Ken Cunningham <
>> escreveu:
>> On 2024-12-16, at 12:38 PM, Herr Montag wrote:
>> > Hi,
>> >
>> > Am 2024-12-16 21:17, schrieb Riccardo Mottola:
>> >
>> >> TenFourFox was is somehwat usable actually, of course not general
>> browsing anymore, but specific friendly sites...
>> >
>> > I actually try SeaLion [^1] on my PowerMacG511,2 (2 Ghz, 12 GB-Ram, 1
>> TB NVMe-SSD) with Debian 12 SID and it is surprisingly usable for a lot of
>> websites I tried, inclusive GitHub etc.
>> >
>> >> Riccardo
>> > Jan
>> >
>> > [^1]:
>> >
>> > --
>> > Herzlichst Jan Montag
>> >
>> I would agree that SeaLion has been the browser that seems the most
>> functional to me as well. I recommended this one a few months ago, the last
>> time this question came up about a browser for these systems.
>> People at that time were very enthusiastic about Firefox being able to
>> work, naturally enough, but until such time as it does work, which may or
>> may not be never, it's nice to have SeaLion available.
>> Ken