Re: bootx weirdness

2004-08-30 Thread Christian Leimer
simon raven wrote:

> hi,

> been having a problem booting last few days. what used to work was
> booting via quik, but now all i get in OF "cannot OPEN
> /bandit/gc/mesh/[EMAIL PROTECTED]:0" X being anything from 0 to 5 (the SCSI 
> ID is 0).
> last time it booted successfully was 3 days ago, just the usual stuff,
> "boot Linux" in OF (i have "auto-boot? false") and blam boots into
> linux. but now, nothing happens, and it complains it cannot OPEN it.

Whats the correct message? Maybe quik.conf was corrupted.

> last thing i know what happened was the machine froze as i was doing a
> db4.2_stat -h-- (mistyped a -h or something) on some bdb files. i hit
> the 3-finger salute (ctrl-cmd-power), it showed me the OF prompt, then
> couldn't OPEN anymore.
> the drive itself is fine, i can put it on the external bus (53c94) and
> it boots fine, but not the internal one (MESH).
> the machine is an 8500, with a newertech g3/336 (reported as 300)
> upgrade daughtercard, and an adaptec uw scsi card, and ati lt pro video.
> i wish these had 6 pci slots =).

First look at your /etc/quik.conf if all is like it should be.
Then reinstall the boot stuff on your drive. You can use  quikconfig or look
man quik.

Hope this helps.

Bye Chris.

Re: Red X -- was: Re: new oldworld pmac miboot 2.6 floppies, root size should be ok, net_drivers still too big, please test.

2004-08-30 Thread Rick Thomas

Sven Luther wrote:
> Rick Thomas wrote:
> > Is it possible the objcopy is corrupting it?
> This is indeed a possibility.
> I will disable this again for the 2.4 floppies, and we will see tomorrow what
> happens.
> That said, the 2.6 floppies are too big to work with miboot without the
> objcopy -O binary call, so we need to investigate this more in detail.

I downloaded the latest 2.4 floppy images, but it looks like you didn't get 
around to disabling the objcopy yet.

In any case, I still get a red X.

The objcopy and the bfd library on my most recent debian sarge install are 
dated May 19th, 2004.  Is it possible that we haven't had a successful powerpc 
OldWorld floppy boot since that time?


Re: Red X -- was: Re: new oldworld pmac miboot 2.6 floppies, root size should be ok, net_drivers still too big, please test.

2004-08-30 Thread Sven Luther
On Mon, Aug 30, 2004 at 01:58:34AM -0400, Rick Thomas wrote:
> Sven Luther wrote:
> > Rick Thomas wrote:
> > > Is it possible the objcopy is corrupting it?
> > 
> > This is indeed a possibility.
> > 
> > I will disable this again for the 2.4 floppies, and we will see tomorrow 
> > what
> > happens.
> > 
> > That said, the 2.6 floppies are too big to work with miboot without the
> > objcopy -O binary call, so we need to investigate this more in detail.
> I downloaded the latest 2.4 floppy images, but it looks like you didn't get 
> around to disabling the objcopy yet.

Yeah, alioth and thus the d-i svn repo was dead yesterday. It is up again, and 
i will remove it for tomorrow.

> In any case, I still get a red X.
> The objcopy and the bfd library on my most recent debian sarge install are 
> dated May 19th, 2004.  Is it possible that we haven't had a successful 
> powerpc OldWorld floppy boot since that time?

No, i don't think this has an influence.


Sven Luther

Modules missing in vmlinux-prep.initrd (netboot)

2004-08-30 Thread Jerome Walter

Hash: SHA1


Ok, Sven, i got your kernel booting on the OF prep machine, with the
daily netboot image (btw, now the other ppc (PPCBug) does not work...).

It boots quite well, switches from serial to console once the video card
(matrox millenium) has been detected, and lauches the setup.

It then freeze on hardware detection, and all i got from the logs are
some modules missing:
usb-storage (i don't care, i don't have usb controller)
ide-detect |
ide-generic| idem, i don't have ide.
ide-probe-mod  |

Before filing a bug report, i am calling for advice:
do i miss something ? Is there something i need to do to get the modules ?
And by the way, as i am writing, how can i get expert mode from netboot
installation ?

TIA to all people that give me advice.

Best regards,

Jerome Walter
Version: GnuPG v1.2.4 (MingW32)


Virus intercepted

2004-08-30 Thread pfreeman
A message sent from <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> to

contained Worm.Gibe.F and has not been delivered.

Re: Red X -- was: Re: new oldworld pmac miboot 2.6 floppies, root size should be ok, net_drivers still too big, please test.

2004-08-30 Thread Sven Luther
On Mon, Aug 30, 2004 at 08:23:28AM +0200, Sven Luther wrote:
> On Mon, Aug 30, 2004 at 01:58:34AM -0400, Rick Thomas wrote:
> > 
> > Sven Luther wrote:
> > > Rick Thomas wrote:
> > > > Is it possible the objcopy is corrupting it?
> > > 
> > > This is indeed a possibility.
> > > 
> > > I will disable this again for the 2.4 floppies, and we will see tomorrow 
> > > what
> > > happens.
> > > 
> > > That said, the 2.6 floppies are too big to work with miboot without the
> > > objcopy -O binary call, so we need to investigate this more in detail.
> > 
> > I downloaded the latest 2.4 floppy images, but it looks like you didn't get 
> > around to disabling the objcopy yet.
> Yeah, alioth and thus the d-i svn repo was dead yesterday. It is up again, 
> and i will remove it for tomorrow.

Fixed, please try tomorrows floppy-2.4 builds.


Sven Luther

Re: Modules missing in vmlinux-prep.initrd (netboot)

2004-08-30 Thread Sven Luther
On Mon, Aug 30, 2004 at 03:50:39PM +0900, Jerome Walter wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> Hi,
> Ok, Sven, i got your kernel booting on the OF prep machine, with the
> daily netboot image (btw, now the other ppc (PPCBug) does not work...).

We have only the prep kernels, what target for kernel_building are you using ?
mkvmlinuz knows how to create prep zImages only, so i guess that for those we
need to add support for a ppcbug arch in mkvmlinuz. For this, we need two
things from you : 

  1) a reliable way to autodetect a ppcbug ppc box. mostly done by probing
  /proc/cpuinfo for the other subarches, but i somehow feel that machine will
  show up as prep.

  2) information on what code path is traveled in arch/ppc/boot/simple to
  create the ppcbug image in the 2.6.8 kernel

Just look at the mkvmlinuz script, and the  arch/ppc/boot/simple makefile for

> It boots quite well, switches from serial to console once the video card
> (matrox millenium) has been detected, and lauches the setup.
> It then freeze on hardware detection, and all i got from the logs are
> some modules missing:
> ncr53c8xx

You need to use the sym53c8xx_2 driver, which is available, please fill a bug
report against the ddetect package, giving your lspci output (both normal and
with -n), as well as telling you are running a 2.6 kernel.

> usb-storage (i don't care, i don't have usb controller)
> ide-detect |
> ide-generic| idem, i don't have ide.
> ide-mod|
> ide-probe-mod  |

Well, since this is a netboot image, those should be pulled in by the second
hardware detection phase once net is configured. Please put this info in the
bug report.

> Before filing a bug report, i am calling for advice:
> do i miss something ? Is there something i need to do to get the modules ?
> And by the way, as i am writing, how can i get expert mode from netboot
> installation ?

you can just go back in one of the menu questions, but you can also boot with
DEBCONF_PRIORITY=medium or low. Not sure if prep allows for command line
arguments when netbooting though, i can simply say : 

  ok> boot net vmlinuz-chrp.initrd DEBCONF_PRIORITY=medium

on my pegasos.


Sven Luther

Re: Modules missing in vmlinux-prep.initrd (netboot)

2004-08-30 Thread Jens Schmalzing

Jerome Walter writes:

> now the other ppc (PPCBug) does not work...

File a wishlist bug against mkvmlinuz asking for ppcbug support.
Include at least your /proc/cpuinfo, but a patch would be preferred.

Regards, Jens.

J'qbpbe, le m'en fquz pe j'qbpbe!
Le veux aimeb et mqubib panz je pézqbpbe je djuz tqtaj!

Re: Modules missing in vmlinux-prep.initrd (netboot)

2004-08-30 Thread Jens Schmalzing

Sven Luther writes:

> Not sure if prep allows for command line arguments when netbooting

It does.

Regards, Jens.

J'qbpbe, le m'en fquz pe j'qbpbe!
Le veux aimeb et mqubib panz je pézqbpbe je djuz tqtaj!

Re: Modules missing in vmlinux-prep.initrd (netboot)

2004-08-30 Thread Jerome Walter

Hash: SHA1

Sorry Sven, i missed the "reply to all" :/

Sven Luther wrote:

| On Mon, Aug 30, 2004 at 03:50:39PM +0900, Jerome Walter wrote:
|>Hash: SHA1
|>Ok, Sven, i got your kernel booting on the OF prep machine, with the
|>daily netboot image (btw, now the other ppc (PPCBug) does not work...).
| We have only the prep kernels, what target for kernel_building are you
using ?
| mkvmlinuz knows how to create prep zImages only, so i guess that for
those we
| need to add support for a ppcbug arch in mkvmlinuz. For this, we need two
| things from you :

Nope, the problem does not seem to come from the kernel this time. The
machine was running fine until i upgraded with the 2.6.8 debian kernel.
For netbooting problem, it is more a problem with the on-board controller.

|   1) a reliable way to autodetect a ppcbug ppc box. mostly done by probing
|   /proc/cpuinfo for the other subarches, but i somehow feel that
machine will
|   show up as prep.

I will tell you that once this machine will have booted. Give me a few
minutes to mount the drive on another machine.

|>It boots quite well, switches from serial to console once the video card
|>(matrox millenium) has been detected, and lauches the setup.
|>It then freeze on hardware detection, and all i got from the logs are
|>some modules missing:
| You need to use the sym53c8xx_2 driver, which is available, please
fill a bug
| report against the ddetect package, giving your lspci output (both
normal and
| with -n), as well as telling you are running a 2.6 kernel.

i didn't see sym53c8xx_2 either in
/lib/modules/2.6.8-powerpc/kernel/drivers/scsi. Just scsi_mod, sd_mod
and sr_mod.

|>usb-storage (i don't care, i don't have usb controller)
|>ide-detect |
|>ide-generic| idem, i don't have ide.
|>ide-probe-mod  |
| Well, since this is a netboot image, those should be pulled in by the
| hardware detection phase once net is configured. Please put this info
in the
| bug report.

Yes, I am wondering if the freeze does not finally come from the DEC
controller, that gave me a lot of problems earlier.

|>Before filing a bug report, i am calling for advice:
|>do i miss something ? Is there something i need to do to get the modules ?
|>And by the way, as i am writing, how can i get expert mode from netboot
|>installation ?
| you can just go back in one of the menu questions, but you can also
boot with
| DEBCONF_PRIORITY=medium or low. Not sure if prep allows for command line
| arguments when netbooting though, i can simply say :
|   ok> boot net vmlinuz-chrp.initrd DEBCONF_PRIORITY=medium

bah, i have the prompt for the boot parameters on the serial console.
As i am asking a lot of questions, is there a lot to disable the ide and
~ dec controller on the command line ?

Thank you for all.


Version: GnuPG v1.2.4 (MingW32)


Re: Linux on a Motorola PowerStack

2004-08-30 Thread Michael Rex
Quoth Sven Luther <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Just netboot the powerpc/netboot/vmlinuz-prep.initrd file, and you should be
> dropped directly in the debian-installer. If this doesn't work, fill a bug
> report against debian-installer. If it works, please go to /root, and fill an
> installation report from the template found there.

Are you sure the image supports serial console? It starts fine, but after

Uncompressing Linux...done.
Now booting the kernel

nothing shows up on the console.

Anyway, thanks. At least I've gotten somewhat farther now than I got

Bye, Michael

Happy monday -
The mother of all oxymorons
-- Garfield, 2000-07-10

Re: bootx weirdness

2004-08-30 Thread simon
Ce jour Mon, 30 Aug 2004, Christian Leimer a dit:

> simon raven wrote:
> > hi,
> > 
> Hi!
> > been having a problem booting last few days. what used to work was
> > booting via quik, but now all i get in OF "cannot OPEN
> > /bandit/gc/mesh/[EMAIL PROTECTED]:0" X being anything from 0 to 5 (the SCSI 
> > ID is 0).
> > 
> > last time it booted successfully was 3 days ago, just the usual stuff,
> > "boot Linux" in OF (i have "auto-boot? false") and blam boots into
> > linux. but now, nothing happens, and it complains it cannot OPEN it.
> > 
> Whats the correct message? Maybe quik.conf was corrupted.

see above . the "cannot OPEN..." bit.

> > last thing i know what happened was the machine froze as i was doing a
> > db4.2_stat -h-- (mistyped a -h or something) on some bdb files. i hit
> > the 3-finger salute (ctrl-cmd-power), it showed me the OF prompt, then
> > couldn't OPEN anymore.
> > 
> > the drive itself is fine, i can put it on the external bus (53c94) and
> > it boots fine, but not the internal one (MESH).
> > 
> > the machine is an 8500, with a newertech g3/336 (reported as 300)
> > upgrade daughtercard, and an adaptec uw scsi card, and ati lt pro video.
> > i wish these had 6 pci slots =).
> > 
> First look at your /etc/quik.conf if all is like it should be.
> Then reinstall the boot stuff on your drive. You can 
> use  quikconfig or look
> man quik.

everything is fine w.r.t. quik. i should know, the machine booted to linux using
the external SCSI bus via quik. in this box, quik is in /boot, with
symlinks there too, and a symlink to /etc(/quik.conf) so quik thinks
/boot is /, and the /vmlinux* link in / are really in /boot.


- quik.conf
- second.b
- first.b
- vmlinux-foo1
- vmlinux-foo2
- @vmlinux -> vmlinux-foo1
- @vmlinux.old -> vmlinux-foo2

- @quik.conf -> /boot/quik.conf

very nice :). allows for an XFS (or anything else for that matter) /,
and you just need a /boot of ext2:

Filesystem Mount   Megs UsedAvail %used fs Type
/dev/sdd8  /  295.3207.4 87.9  70%  xfs
/dev/sdd7  /boot   38.7 17.8 18.9  51%  ext2   
tmpfs  /dev/shm26.2  0.0 26.2   0%  tmpfs
/dev/sdd12 /home 1317.0465.9851.1  35%  xfs

(documenting this here before i forget since i haven't posted it
anywhere on my blog or wiki).

> Hope this helps.

thanks for your input, but it didn't :). i think the issue is more a
hardware one than software. as to what it is, i *still* have no clue. i
would much prefer having the boot drive on the internal bus, as that's
the faster one - 10 MB/s vs. 5; not much better, but crucial for this
box does - and i hate having uncracked nuts lying around (an expression
i use for any difficult problem is and how i tackle it is "i'm gonna
crack this nut!").

though i'm sure glad to be running linux again after 2+ days of mock os
9.2.2... :)

thanks again,

> Bye Chris.

"I believe that part of what propels science is the thirst for wonder.  It's a
very powerful emotion.  All children feel it.  In a first grade classroom
everybody feels it; in a twelfth grade classroom almost nobody feels it, or
at least acknowledges it.  Something happens between first and twelfth grade,
and it's not just puberty.  Not only do the schools and the media not teach
much skepticism, there is also little encouragement of this stirring sense
of wonder.  Science and pseudoscience both arouse that feeling.  Poor
popularizations of science establish an ecological niche for pseudoscience."
- Carl Sagan, The Burden Of Skepticism, The Skeptical Inquirer, Vol. 12, Fall 87

Description: Digital signature

Re: Linux on a Motorola PowerStack

2004-08-30 Thread Jens Schmalzing

Michael Rex writes:

> Are you sure the image supports serial console?

Yes.  You may need to type "console=ttyS0" at the "Linux/PPC load:" prompt.

Regards, Jens.

J'qbpbe, le m'en fquz pe j'qbpbe!
Le veux aimeb et mqubib panz je pézqbpbe je djuz tqtaj!

Re: iBook G4 PmDisk

2004-08-30 Thread Matijs van Zuijlen
On Fri, Aug 27, 2004 at 12:41:35PM +0200, Nivox wrote:
> Hi all...
> I have a problem with software suspend (pmdisk) with an iBook G4.
> Some information on my system:
> Suspend and resume work fine if I am in console. But from X the system crash 
> when X turn on after resume. I try to suspend and resume in console and after
> switch to the X session but it crash anyway. Here is my XFree config
> I try to search in google but the only hint I found was to disable DRI. I try 
> that but it still don't work.
> Has anyone any hint?

Are you using udev? I tried using udev recently on my ibook 2.2, and that
made it crash on resume. Removing udev solved the problem. I don't know if
this is related to your problem, but it's worth a try.

> Thanks to everyone and sorry for my poor english ;-)

Matijs van Zuijlen

Description: Digital signature

Re: iBook G4 PmDisk

2004-08-30 Thread Nivox
Hash: SHA1

Alle 14:00, sabato 28 agosto 2004, Guido Guenther ha scritto:
> Try using offb instead of radeonfb.
Thanks for the help Guido... I try to compile the kernel (2.6.8) whitout the 
radeonfb but only with the offb. With this configuration when X start the 
screen remains black. In other test I found the system works correctly only 
with the radeonfb. But maybe I missunderstanding what you tell me.

>  -- Guido
Thanks a lot, Andrea Zito

- -- 

Linux Registered User #290686
Powered by: Debian Testing/Unstable
GPG Key ID: 0xC6A50D8D (info:
GPG Keyserver:
Version: GnuPG v1.2.5 (GNU/Linux)


Re: iBook G4 PmDisk

2004-08-30 Thread Florian Reitmeir
On Sat, 28 Aug 2004, Guido Guenther wrote:

> > I try to search in google but the only hint I found was to disable DRI. I 
> > try 
> > that but it still don't work.
> > Has anyone any hint?
> Try using offb instead of radeonfb.
this also does not work on my Ibook G4, without radeonfb even my Console is
unstable (flickers).

PMdisk is working here, but after X resume the colors are broken. With or
without DRI, there is no difference.

mfG Florian Reitmeir

Re: iBook G4 PmDisk

2004-08-30 Thread Nivox
Hash: SHA1

Alle 12:30, lunedì 30 agosto 2004, Matijs van Zuijlen ha scritto:
> Are you using udev? I tried using udev recently on my ibook 2.2, and that
> made it crash on resume. Removing udev solved the problem. I don't know if
> this is related to your problem, but it's worth a try.
No I'm not using udev. But thanks anyway.

Andrea Zito
- -- 

Linux Registered User #290686
Powered by: Debian Testing/Unstable
GPG Key ID: 0xC6A50D8D (info:
GPG Keyserver:
Version: GnuPG v1.2.5 (GNU/Linux)


Re: iBook G4 PmDisk

2004-08-30 Thread Guido Guenther
On Mon, Aug 30, 2004 at 12:12:59PM +0200, Nivox wrote:
> Alle 14:00, sabato 28 agosto 2004, Guido Guenther ha scritto:
> > Try using offb instead of radeonfb.
> Thanks for the help Guido... I try to compile the kernel (2.6.8) whitout the 
> radeonfb but only with the offb. With this configuration when X start the 
> screen remains black. In other test I found the system works correctly only 
> with the radeonfb. But maybe I missunderstanding what you tell me.
I don't have any radeon based mac hardware, so I can't help here. X
should work without radeonfb, though.
 -- Guido

Re: How to boot w/o initrd?

2004-08-30 Thread Matthew T. Atkinson

On Wed, 2004-08-25 at 16:54, Deidre Nair wrote:
> otherwise just boot from your debian install cd, switch to a virtual 
> console
>  - mount your filesystem somewhere like /mnt
>  - mount /proc ( mount -t /proc none /mnt/proc
>  - chroot /mnt /bin/bash
> edit your yaboot.conf
>  - /usr/sbin/ ybin -v
> this should work , hopefully.
> good luck

Thanks very much -- it solved the problem.  Unfortunately, my kernel
hangs on the ``Welcome to Linux 2.6.8'' screen at the line ``openpic:

Is there any way I can find out what kernel option I've got wrong or is
it better to start again with a known-good config for the
PowerBook5,4?   If anyone else with this machine could send me their
config, it would be much appreciated (I haven't seen any on the sites
mentioned during recently discussed topics on pre-made kernel configs).

bye just now,

Matthew T. Atkinson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Pismo internal modem

2004-08-30 Thread Nick Croft

I've just tried wvdialconf on my recently acquired pismo.
It looked for the modem and tried all the usual ports. No modem 

I've googled and grepped. No solid result.

So I'm asking here. If wvdialconf can't do it, can I? To what should I 
ln -s the modem?

Surely it's been done.


Re: Pismo internal modem

2004-08-30 Thread david howe
I may be wrong.

but the internal modem on a pismo is unsupported (well that was the


On Mon, 2004-08-30 at 23:33, Nick Croft wrote:
> Hi
> I've just tried wvdialconf on my recently acquired pismo.
> It looked for the modem and tried all the usual ports. No modem 
> found.
> I've googled and grepped. No solid result.
> So I'm asking here. If wvdialconf can't do it, can I? To what should I 
> ln -s the modem?
> Surely it's been done.
> Nick
David Howe

Re: Pismo internal modem

2004-08-30 Thread Nick Croft
* Jens Schmalzing ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
> Nick Croft writes:
> > I've just tried wvdialconf on my recently acquired pismo.  It looked
> > for the modem and tried all the usual ports. No modem found.
> Maybe you need to load the pmac_zilog module.  What kernel are you running?  
> Regards, Jens.
Thanks Jens, I'll look into it. The kernel is home made from benh 1.

> -- 
> J'qbpbe, le m'en fquz pe j'qbpbe!
> Le veux aimeb et mqubib panz je pézqbpbe je djuz tqtaj!

Intriguing signature!.

Re: Pismo internal modem

2004-08-30 Thread Jens Schmalzing

Nick Croft writes:

> I've just tried wvdialconf on my recently acquired pismo.  It looked
> for the modem and tried all the usual ports. No modem found.

Maybe you need to load the pmac_zilog module.  What kernel are you running?  

Regards, Jens.

J'qbpbe, le m'en fquz pe j'qbpbe!
Le veux aimeb et mqubib panz je pézqbpbe je djuz tqtaj!

Debian and Ibm RS6000 7043-150

2004-08-30 Thread Nicolas Raspail

I've a problem installing Debian on my 7043-150 (powerpc 604e, chrp I
think). I've tried the DI rc1 on sarge ppc and woody's bootdisks but I
always have an error message unexpected firmware error or CLAIM failed.
I've read a lot of websites and mailling lists but I haven't success on
installing Debian.

I've tried setenv load-base 10, the cdrom seems to boot, but as soons
as the 7043-150 boots again, load-base is reset to 4000.

I need someone who can provides me a working kernel/ramdisk to launch the
installation process or provides me instruction to build them. I don't
have access to a powerpc host, only x86




Re: Pismo internal modem

2004-08-30 Thread Uwe Steinmann
On Mon, Aug 30, 2004 at 11:37:52PM +1000, david howe wrote:
> I may be wrong.
> but the internal modem on a pismo is unsupported (well that was the
> line)
Sure it is supported.

pmac_zilog: 0.6 (Benjamin Herrenschmidt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>)
pmac_zilog: serial modem detected
ttyS0 at MMIO 0x80013020 (irq = 22) is a Z85c30 ESCC - Internal modem
ttyS1 at MMIO 0x80013000 (irq = 23) is a Z85c30 ESCC - Infrared port


Description: Digital signature

Re: Pismo internal modem

2004-08-30 Thread Jens Schmalzing

Nick Croft writes:

> Thanks Jens, I'll look into it. The kernel is home made from benh 1.

If it doesn't work, send me the output of 'uname -a' and your .config file.

Also, note that nowadays Ben's tree tends to be slightly out of date,
since he checks stuff into Linus' tree directly.  Consider switching
to the official Debian kernel, which supports the Pismo very well.  If
you insist on building your own kernel, consider switching to the
vanilla source, which also supports the Pismo very well.

Regards, Jens.

J'qbpbe, le m'en fquz pe j'qbpbe!
Le veux aimeb et mqubib panz je pézqbpbe je djuz tqtaj!

Re: Pismo internal modem

2004-08-30 Thread Jens Schmalzing

David Howe writes:

> I may be wrong.


> but the internal modem on a pismo is unsupported (well that was the
> line)

The Pismo has a hardware modem which works very well in Linux.  Apple
switched to softmodems later on, and you probably had those in mind.

Regards, Jens.

J'qbpbe, le m'en fquz pe j'qbpbe!
Le veux aimeb et mqubib panz je pézqbpbe je djuz tqtaj!

Re: iBook G4 PmDisk

2004-08-30 Thread Guido Guenther
On Mon, Aug 30, 2004 at 01:46:47PM +0200, Florian Reitmeir wrote:
> On Sat, 28 Aug 2004, Guido Guenther wrote:
> > > I try to search in google but the only hint I found was to disable DRI. I 
> > > try 
> > > that but it still don't work.
> > > Has anyone any hint?
> > Try using offb instead of radeonfb.
> this also does not work on my Ibook G4, without radeonfb even my Console is
> unstable (flickers).
> PMdisk is working here, but after X resume the colors are broken. With or
> without DRI, there is no difference.
You can otherwise switch back an forth fine between X and console?  So
switching to the console before suspend doesn't help, does it? Does
stopping/starting X after resume change anything? Did anybody of you try
a recent X?
 -- Guido

Re: iBook G4 PmDisk

2004-08-30 Thread Nivox
Hash: SHA1

Alle 19:50, lunedì 30 agosto 2004, Guido Guenther ha scritto:
> You can otherwise switch back an forth fine between X and console? 
No when resuming with X the machine crash I can only halt it and restart.

> So 
> switching to the console before suspend doesn't help, does it? Does
> stopping/starting X after resume change anything? Did anybody of you try
> a recent X?
If a switch to the console and then suspend the resume work fine, after that I 
can use the console, but when I turn back to X then it crash and I must halt 
the system. I never try to stop and restarting X after resume, but if could 
help to undertand the problem I will do it.
My X version is:
Package: xserver-xfree86
Versions: 4.3.0.dfsg.1-6

> Cheers,
>  -- Guido
Thanks a lot, Andrea Zito
- -- 

Linux Registered User #290686
Powered by: Debian Testing/Unstable
GPG Key ID: 0xC6A50D8D (info:
GPG Keyserver:
Version: GnuPG v1.2.5 (GNU/Linux)


Re: gcc install problems in sarge testing [solved]

2004-08-30 Thread Dylan Beaudette

Jérôme Warnier wrote:

Le dim 29/08/2004 à 23:08, [EMAIL PROTECTED] a écrit :


I recently installed sarge testing onto my powerbook G3.

i have most things working, however there seems to be no compiler!
I noticed that when i installed that there was no option for development stuff 
in tasksel... could this have been forshadowing of what was to come?

i noticed that gcc-3.3-base was installed, but the actual compiler collection 
was not..

so after an apt-get install gcc-3.3 i am left with a bunch of dpkg errors... 
(see below)

This is a known bug in Sarge on all arch, and should be fixed now.
See #268771 (there are lots of bugs which have been merged).


thank you very much. problem has since been solved!


Euro sign (ISO-8859-15) and a swiss german keyboard

2004-08-30 Thread Roland Wegmann
Hello all

I managed it to install a swiss german keyboard to my poserbook console
and X11 environment.

I use a de_CH / ISO-8859-1 combination - I suppose (not 100% sure) - but
when I run 'dpkg-reconfigure locales', there is no other combination for

I loaded (with modconf) the two NLS modules ISO-8859-1 and ISO-8859-15;
my LANG=de_CH (set in etc/environment); locale -a shows de_CH,
de_CH.iso88591 and C.

Nevertheless on the console I can produce the euro sign (modified the sg-
latin1.kmap.gz). But in the X11-kde-environmet modifing the macintosh/
de_CH file dosen't help.

I played with 

locale.alias <- de_CH.iso885915 de_CH.ISO-8859-15 
locale.gen/locale-gen <- de_CH ISO-8859-15
etc/environment <- de_CH.iso885915 or de_CH.ISO-8859-15

=> NO EFFECT in X11 (as far as I could check)
=> EFFECT in console: problem console font : setting up general console
font ... /etc/init.d/rcS: line 1: de_CH.ISO-8859-15: command not found

Does anyone of you have an idea how I can use the charset ISO-8859-15 in
combination with my swiss german keyboard in an X11-kde-environment (in
order to produce an euro sign)?

Thanks in advance for helping me

Roland Wegmann

Re: Euro sign (ISO-8859-15) and a swiss german keyboard

2004-08-30 Thread Johannes Mockenhaupt
Hash: SHA1

On Mon, Aug 30, 2004 at 09:31:48PM +0200, Roland Wegmann wrote:
> Hello all
> I managed it to install a swiss german keyboard to my poserbook console
> and X11 environment.
> I use a de_CH / ISO-8859-1 combination - I suppose (not 100% sure) - but
> when I run 'dpkg-reconfigure locales', there is no other combination for
> ISO-8859-x.
> I loaded (with modconf) the two NLS modules ISO-8859-1 and ISO-8859-15;
> my LANG=de_CH (set in etc/environment); locale -a shows de_CH,
> de_CH.iso88591 and C.
> Nevertheless on the console I can produce the euro sign (modified the sg-
> latin1.kmap.gz). But in the X11-kde-environmet modifing the macintosh/
> de_CH file dosen't help.
> I played with 
> locale.alias <- de_CH.iso885915 de_CH.ISO-8859-15 
> locale.gen/locale-gen <- de_CH ISO-8859-15
> etc/environment <- de_CH.iso885915 or de_CH.ISO-8859-15
> => NO EFFECT in X11 (as far as I could check)
> => EFFECT in console: problem console font : setting up general console
> font ... /etc/init.d/rcS: line 1: de_CH.ISO-8859-15: command not found
> Does anyone of you have an idea how I can use the charset ISO-8859-15 in
> combination with my swiss german keyboard in an X11-kde-environment (in
> order to produce an euro sign)?

This might help you:

Package: euro-support-x

Description: Use euro character in your X environment
 This package provides information on how to use the euro
 character in your Debian GNU/Linux system's X environment as well as
 dependancies that assure you have the needed software installed.
 The 'euro-test' script will tell you if your Debian system needs
 configuring in order to display the euro char.

> Thanks in advance for helping me
> Roland Wegmann

- -- 
 3. The most fun you can have with your clothes on.
Version: GnuPG v1.2.4 (GNU/Linux)


kde dosen't show battery status

2004-08-30 Thread Roland Wegmann

Is there a possibility that KDE 3.2 (testing) can show the status of my
Powerbook battery? Which package do I have to 'apt-get install'?

Thanks in advance for helping me and kind regards

Roland Wegmann

Re: iBook G4 PmDisk

2004-08-30 Thread Pau Rul·lan Ferragut
On Monday 30 August 2004 19:50, Guido Guenther wrote:
> On Mon, Aug 30, 2004 at 01:46:47PM +0200, Florian Reitmeir wrote:
> > On Sat, 28 Aug 2004, Guido Guenther wrote:
> > > > I try to search in google but the only hint I found was to disable
> > > > DRI. I try that but it still don't work.
> > > > Has anyone any hint?
> > >
> > > Try using offb instead of radeonfb.
> >
> > this also does not work on my Ibook G4, without radeonfb even my Console
> > is unstable (flickers).
> >
> > PMdisk is working here, but after X resume the colors are broken. With or
> > without DRI, there is no difference.
> You can otherwise switch back an forth fine between X and console?  So
> switching to the console before suspend doesn't help, does it? Does
> stopping/starting X after resume change anything? Did anybody of you try
> a recent X?

 I have not taken part of the thread before, but rigth now I am using the 
pmdisk in a iBook G4 (3.3) 14" with DRI disabled and the suspend-to-disk 
works. The  xfree86-common is version 4.3.0.dfsg.1-6 and I took the patch 
from Guido's web.
 I know this does not help a lot, but is for saying that it works (at least 
and for this while) for me.
Pau Rul·lan Ferragut
GPG id  B0AB 1B0D FA8E 9295

Re: iBook G4 PmDisk

2004-08-30 Thread Jesus Climent
On Mon, Aug 30, 2004 at 08:44:49PM +0200, Nivox wrote:
> My X version is:
> Package: xserver-xfree86
> Versions: 4.3.0.dfsg.1-6

ibook g4 12" here. same xserver. kernel config attached.

i stop and restart with pmdisk using:

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/root/bin$ cat 
ifdown wlan0
rmmod usbhid
rmmod ohci1394
rmmod ehci_hcd
rmmod ohci_hcd
rmmod therm_adt746x
rmmod eth1394
rmmod ieee1394
rmmod usbcore
rmmod snd-powermac

echo -n "disk" > /sys/power/state

#modprobe usbcore
#modprobe ieee1394
#modprobe eth1394
#modprobe therm_adt746x
modprobe ohci_hcd
modprobe ehci_hcd
#modprobe ohci1394
#modprobe usbhid

Kernel is a 2.6.7 (2.6.8 introduced the pmdisk+swsusp merge and no patches
have been made public with powerpc support, to my knowledge; guildo or benh?).

Linux frost 2.6.7 #1 Sat Jun 19 07:51:49 BRT 2004 ppc GNU/Linux

(funny, is a brazilian kernel)

Jesus Climent
Unix SysAdm|Linux User #66350|Debian Developer|2.4.26|Helsinki Finland
GPG: 1024D/86946D69 BB64 2339 1CAA 7064 E429  7E18 66FC 1D7F 8694 6D69

Shall I make us a nice cup of tea, Ma'am ?
--Mrs. Mills (The others)

Description: Binary data

Re: iBook G4 PmDisk

2004-08-30 Thread Jesus Climent
On Mon, Aug 30, 2004 at 08:44:49PM +0200, Nivox wrote:
> My X version is:
> Package: xserver-xfree86
> Versions: 4.3.0.dfsg.1-6

Ups! XF86Config-4 attached, too.


Jesus Climent
Unix SysAdm|Linux User #66350|Debian Developer|2.4.26|Helsinki Finland
GPG: 1024D/86946D69 BB64 2339 1CAA 7064 E429  7E18 66FC 1D7F 8694 6D69

Thank you for pressing the self destruct button.
--[Computer] (Spaceballs)

Description: Binary data

Re: kde dosen't show battery status

2004-08-30 Thread Jens Schmalzing

Roland Wegmann writes:

> Is there a possibility that KDE 3.2 (testing) can show the status of my
> Powerbook battery?  Which package do I have to 'apt-get install'?

Probably you just need to load the apm_emu module.

Regards, Jens.

J'qbpbe, le m'en fquz pe j'qbpbe!
Le veux aimeb et mqubib panz je pézqbpbe je djuz tqtaj!

Re: kde dosen't show battery status

2004-08-30 Thread Peter O
> Is there a possibility that KDE 3.2 (testing) can show the status of my
> Powerbook battery?  Which package do I have to 'apt-get install'?

$apt-get install klaptopdaemon

Then go to KDE Control Center -> Power Control -> Laptop Battery, check "Show 
battery monitor" and click "Start battery monitor".

Re: iBook G4 PmDisk

2004-08-30 Thread Nivox
Hash: SHA1

Alle 22:18, lunedì 30 agosto 2004, Jesus Climent ha scritto:
> ibook g4 12" here. same xserver. kernel config attached.
Do you have the lastes version of iBook 12"? 1 Ghz model? 'Couse
that's my hardware. A friend of mine have an iBook G4 12"
800Mhz and pmdisk work fine for him too.

> i stop and restart with pmdisk using:
> Kernel is a 2.6.7 (2.6.8 introduced the pmdisk+swsusp merge and no patches
> have been made public with powerpc support, to my knowledge; guildo or
> benh?).
I could not compile 2.6.7 due a problem with gcc/binutils in Debian Sid. But
I patch 2.6.8 with this:

Your .config is like mine in the Graphic section, I found some difference in
XFree configuration. Tomorrow I'll give a try with your XF86config.

Andrea Zito
- -- 

Linux Registered User #290686
Powered by: Debian Testing/Unstable
GPG Key ID: 0xC6A50D8D (info:
GPG Keyserver:
Version: GnuPG v1.2.5 (GNU/Linux)


Re: iBook G4 PmDisk

2004-08-30 Thread Florian Reitmeir
On Mon, 30 Aug 2004, Pau Rul·lan Ferragut wrote:

> > > > > I try to search in google but the only hint I found was to disable
> > > > > DRI. I try that but it still don't work.
> > > > > Has anyone any hint?
> > > > Try using offb instead of radeonfb.
> > > this also does not work on my Ibook G4, without radeonfb even my Console
> > > is unstable (flickers).
> > > PMdisk is working here, but after X resume the colors are broken. With or
> > > without DRI, there is no difference.
> > You can otherwise switch back an forth fine between X and console?  So
> > switching to the console before suspend doesn't help, does it? Does
> > stopping/starting X after resume change anything? Did anybody of you try
> > a recent X?
console switching is working, but it doesn't help, also suspending the
display using "xset dpms ..." does not help.

>  I have not taken part of the thread before, but rigth now I am using the 
> pmdisk in a iBook G4 (3.3) 14" with DRI disabled and the suspend-to-disk 
> works. The  xfree86-common is version 4.3.0.dfsg.1-6 and I took the patch 
> from Guido's web.
i'm using xfree86 the dri-trunk debian packages. I'll try the normal debian
packages, maybe there is special patch applied

>  I know this does not help a lot, but is for saying that it works (at least 
> and for this while) for me. 
can you post /proc/cpuinfo and your kernel version?

mfG Florian Reitmeir

Re: iBook G4 PmDisk

2004-08-30 Thread Florian Reitmeir
On Mon, 30 Aug 2004, Guido Guenther wrote:

> > > Try using offb instead of radeonfb.
> > this also does not work on my Ibook G4, without radeonfb even my Console is
> > unstable (flickers).
> > PMdisk is working here, but after X resume the colors are broken. With or
> > without DRI, there is no difference.
> You can otherwise switch back an forth fine between X and console?  So
> switching to the console before suspend doesn't help, does it? 
it does not help, i tried (manual by suspending on the console, and using
chvt), i also tried suspending the display with xset.
X is stable after resume, but the colors are switched, not all, only 2 or 3.

> Does
> stopping/starting X after resume change anything? 
restarting X after resume, corrects the error. The color problems are X only,
the colors on the console are normal.
>Did anybody of you try a recent X?
I use the dri-trunk packages

mfG Florian Reitmeir