On Fri, Aug 27, 2004 at 12:41:35PM +0200, Nivox wrote:
> Hi all...
> I have a problem with software suspend (pmdisk) with an iBook G4.
> Some information on my system:
> Suspend and resume work fine if I am in console. But from X the system crash 
> when X turn on after resume. I try to suspend and resume in console and after
> switch to the X session but it crash anyway. Here is my XFree config
> I try to search in google but the only hint I found was to disable DRI. I try 
> that but it still don't work.
> Has anyone any hint?

Are you using udev? I tried using udev recently on my ibook 2.2, and that
made it crash on resume. Removing udev solved the problem. I don't know if
this is related to your problem, but it's worth a try.

> Thanks to everyone and sorry for my poor english ;-)

Matijs van Zuijlen

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