Help About: to propose package

2006-11-25 Thread Salokine

I learn to create my first new package (tremulous-mappack). I've finished to 
create it and download to ftp//

What must I do now to continue integration process ?
Why my package isn't to "My Packages" view ?
Why don't I received email confirmation ?
Where can I say "Need Sponsor = Yes" ?
Is my package too big ?

Sorry for my basic questions ...
Thanks and have a nice day.


with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Help About: to propose package

2006-11-25 Thread Salokine

I learn to create my first new package (tremulous-mappack). I've finished to 
create it and download to ftp//

What must I do now to continue integration process ?
Why my package isn't to "My Packages" view ?
Why don't I received email confirmation ?
Where can I say "Need Sponsor = Yes" ?
Is my package too big ?

Sorry for my basic questions ...
Thanks and have a nice day.


with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Beginner Maintainer: tremulous-editor, tremulous-mappack

2006-11-28 Thread Salokine
Dear Debian Developers,

I am looking for a sponsor to control my fist packages.

This is my first attempt, so I need help to control integrity of my packages.
Can you tell me what is wrong and what is it recommended (or not) in my 
packages or in my approach?

* Package name    : tremulous-mappack
  Version         : 0.1
  Upstream Author : Salokine <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
* URL             :
* License         : GPL
  Programming Lang: GtkRadiant (1.5.0), Q3Map (1.0), Q3Map-ydnar (2.5.16)
  Description     : Bricosoft's Official maps for Tremulous game

To install tremulous-editor, I need gtkradiant package managed by  Frits 
Daalmans. I think he's currently waiting for upload his package too.

* Package name    : tremulous-editor
  Version         : 0.0.1
  Upstream Author : Tim Angus <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
* URL             :
* License         : GPL
  Programming Lang: xml, GTK Radiant
  Description     : This package configure GTK Radiant for Tremulous game


... Sorry for my poor english language.

Salokine Terata.

Description: PGP signature

Re: Beginner Maintainer: tremulous-editor, tremulous-mappack

2006-11-28 Thread Salokine
Hi and thanks for your answer,

> you need to give us a URL where we can review the source package.

You can find it on Debian Mentors web site:

Package Name: tremulous-editor
Repository URL:

Package Name: tremulous-mappack
Repository URL:


with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Beginner Maintainer: tremulous-editor, tremulous-mappack

2006-12-08 Thread Salokine


I'm sorry for this long silence, 

I'll work on this package this week-end. (last week it was my birthday ... )

I'm very interesting to continue these packages !


Description: PGP signature

RFS: tremulous-editor

2006-12-08 Thread Salokine
Hi Daniel,

I prefer to finish tremulous-editor package before continue with 

Thank you for important help. Have a nice Week-end.


Next, my answers:

Le mercredi 29 novembre 2006 01:58, Daniel Baumann a écrit :

> >
>   at least give the URI to the *.dsc, i don't want to fire up
>   ${www-browser} just because of you.
OK: The full URL of .dsc (new version)

>   * package should be non-native.
OK: Package is now non-native

>   * README and README.Debian are useless, doesn't contain any
> information at all.
OK: Files deleted

>   * why priority extra?
OK: Package is now setting to optional priority

>   * it should be debhelper (>= 5), not debhelper (>=5),
> and tremulous (>= 1.1.0), gtkradiant (>= 1.5.0)
> not tremulous (>=1.1.0), gtkradiant (>=1.5.0).
OK: First space is adding

>   * short and long descriptions must be improved/extended a lot.

>   * do you have no own website, do you really want to do the primary
> distribution through
??: My own site don't speak about tremulous (see ;-) )
I have insert the official wiki which explains how to do manualy
what I do with this package. Is it good ?

>   * your copyright is incomplete, there is other code with different
> authors/license in the tarball. you need to list that too. look
> at tineyerp-client from unstable for an example how to do
> multi-authors/multi-license copyright files properly.
??: I'm not sure. I think I need help on this section. I couldn't find
tineyerp-client package. I saw "tremulous" package as exemple.
But I don't know what licence to use and 
upstream author don't answer to my email 
(Tim Angus <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>).

>   * dirs is useless here.
OK: "debian/dirs" deleted

>   * docs is empty, hence useless.
OK: "debian/docs" deleted

>   * your package is only building one binary-package, hence i do
> recommend to not mix prefixed helpers and not prefixed.
> therefore, rename tremulous-editor.dirs to dirs.

>   * remove the commented useless things in rules

>   * if you don't do something in configure:, remove it completely.

>   * if you don't do something in buid:, replace it with this:
> ---snip---
> build:
> ---snap---

>   * remove the commented useless dh_* calls.

Many thanks and good night.

Description: PGP signature

Re: Fwd: Re: Beginner Maintainer: tremulous-editor, tremulous-mappack

2006-12-19 Thread Salokine

As-tu pu voir mon paquet tremulous-editor ?

J'ai des difficultés pour déterminer le fichier debian/copyright et je 
n'arrive pas à contacter les développeurs de Tremulous.

As-tu des contacts ?

@+ et merci de ton aide.

Le jeudi 30 novembre 2006 00:37, Heretik a écrit :
> Salokine a écrit :
> > Bonjour,
> >
> > Voici le recap de la discussion sur .
> Ok, je vais lire tout ça
> > Je suis à ta disposition pour en discuter.
> As tu un compte Jabber ? Je ne détaille pas trop mes réponses car je
> préfère en parler sur Jabber que par courriel, parce que c'est plus
> réactif et donc plus agréable.
> > J'accepte aussi volontier de l'aide
> > sur la création de ces paquets car, comme dit précédement, ce sont mes
> > premiers paquets.
> Oui, je vais regarder tout ça et essayer de t'aider.

Re: Fwd: Re: Beginner Maintainer: tremulous-editor, tremulous-mappack

2006-12-20 Thread Salokine

I'm sorry, it's an error of email address.
You can ignore it.


Le mercredi 20 décembre 2006 08:07, Adam Cécile (Le_Vert) a écrit :
> Le mercredi 20 décembre 2006 02:23, Andrew Donnellan a écrit :
> > Could this be translated into English?
> >
> > On 12/20/06, Salokine <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > Salut,
> Hi
> > > As-tu pu voir mon paquet tremulous-editor ?
> Did you have a look to tremulous-editor ?
> > > J'ai des difficultés pour déterminer le fichier debian/copyright et je
> > > n'arrive pas à contacter les développeurs de Tremulous.
> I don't manage to fill debian/copyright and I can't contact tremulous
> developpers.
> > > As-tu des contacts ?
> Do you have any contact ? (with the tremulous guys, I guess)
> > > @+ et merci de ton aide.
> > > Salokine.
> > >
> > > Le jeudi 30 novembre 2006 00:37, Heretik a écrit :
> > > > Salokine a écrit :
> > > > > Bonjour,
> > > > >
> > > > > Voici le recap de la discussion sur
> > > > > .
> > > >
> > > > Ok, je vais lire tout ça
> > > >
> > > > > Je suis à ta disposition pour en discuter.
> > > >
> > > > As tu un compte Jabber ? Je ne détaille pas trop mes réponses car je
> > > > préfère en parler sur Jabber que par courriel, parce que c'est plus
> > > > réactif et donc plus agréable.
> > > >
> > > > Moi c'est [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > > >
> > > > > J'accepte aussi volontier de l'aide
> > > > > sur la création de ces paquets car, comme dit précédement, ce sont
> > > > > mes premiers paquets.
> > > >
> > > > Oui, je vais regarder tout ça et essayer de t'aider.

Re: Beginner Maintainer: tremulous-editor, tremulous-mappack

2007-01-02 Thread Salokine

Le mardi 2 janvier 2007 12:55, Daniel Baumann a écrit :
> what is the current state?


I think maybe you don't receive my last message "RFS: tremulous-editor" (see 
the end of this message for the copy of original message).

I have no answer about licence to use. Upstream author don't contact me. How 
can I proceed ?

I have send the next email to:
 - Damien Laniel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>: He's Maintener of "tremulous" Dedian 
Package (
- Tim Angus <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>: Official Upstream author
- Official Forum of Termulous:
- Official Maillist of Developers:

What can i do !!

****Message (Begin)
> Package Debian: tremulous-editor
> From: Salokine <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> - 2006-12-08 13:53 
> Hi, 
>  I'm working to create "tremulous-editor" package on Linux/Debian system. 
>  This package configure GTK-Radiant for Tremulous following 
> instructions 
>  I'm using these two files: 
>  - 
>  - 
>  I must create non-native package (including official source code) 
>  Can you say me where I could find official release of these files ? > 
> (homepage, 
>  CVS ...etc). 
>  Can you give me more informations about : 
>  - Upstream Authors (Tim Angus, Eutectic ?) 
>  - Copyright/Licence (nothing in this files) 
>  Who can help me for other questions about "tremulous-editor" ? 
>  Thanks for your answers. 
>  Good evening. 
>  Salokine. 
Message (End)

Except this point, I think my package is Ok ?

I'll work on tremulous-mappack only after this package (tremoulus-editor) is Ok.

Have an nice day and thanks for your help Daniel.


My Previous message:

--  Message transmis  --

Subject: RFS: tremulous-editor
Date: samedi 9 décembre 2006 02:15
From: Salokine <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: Debian Mentors ML 

Hi Daniel,

I prefer to finish tremulous-editor package before continue with

Thank you for important help. Have a nice Week-end.


Next, my answers:

Le mercredi 29 novembre 2006 01:58, Daniel Baumann a écrit :
> >
>   at least give the URI to the *.dsc, i don't want to fire up
>   ${www-browser} just because of you.

OK: The full URL of .dsc (new version)

>   * package should be non-native.

OK: Package is now non-native

>   * README and README.Debian are useless, doesn't contain any
> information at all.

OK: Files deleted

>   * why priority extra?

OK: Package is now setting to optional priority

>   * it should be debhelper (>= 5), not debhelper (>=5),
> and tremulous (>= 1.1.0), gtkradiant (>= 1.5.0)
> not tremulous (>=1.1.0), gtkradiant (>=1.5.0).

OK: First space is adding

>   * short and long descriptions must be improved/extended a lot.


>   * do you have no own website, do you really want to do the primary
> distribution through

??: My own site don't speak about tremulous (see ;-) )
I have insert the official wiki which explains how to do manualy
what I do with this package. Is it good ?

>   * your copyright is incomplete, there is other code with different
> authors/license in the tarball. you need to list that too. look
> at tineyerp-client from unstable for an example how to do
> multi-authors/multi-license copyright files properly.

??: I'm not sure. I think I need help on this section. I couldn't find
tineyerp-client package. I saw "tremulous" package as exemple.
But I don't know what licence to use and
upstream author don't answer to my email
(Tim Angus <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>).

>   * dirs is useless here.

OK: "debian/dirs" deleted

>   * docs is empty, hence useless.

OK: "debian/docs" deleted

>   * your package is only building one binary-package, hence i do
> recommend to not mix prefixed helpers and not prefixed.
>     therefore, rename tremulous-editor.dirs to dirs.


>   * remove the commented useless things in rules


>   * if you don't do something in configure:, remove it completely.


>   * if you don't do something in buid:, replace it with this:
> ---snip---
> build:
> ---snap---


>   * remove the commented useless dh_* calls.


Many thanks and good night.


Description: PGP signature

Re: Beginner Maintainer: tremulous-editor, tremulous-mappack*

2007-01-13 Thread Salokine
Dear Debian Developpers

I have no answer again from authors about licence to use.
I tried many kind of solutions (forum, mail, maillist) ... no reply.

I can't continue, I'm VERY sorry.

I decide to stop to try to create tremulous-editor et tremulous-mappack 
packages  ;-(

If someone can find how to write this debian/licence file, contact me to my 
personal email ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

If someone want to continue my work, you can do it.

Special thank to Daniel. Sorry, and I hope to meet you for another package.


PS: I'll unscribe me from

Le mardi 2 janvier 2007 14:56, Salokine a écrit :
> Le mardi 2 janvier 2007 12:55, Daniel Baumann a écrit :
> > what is the current state?
> Hi,
> I think maybe you don't receive my last message "RFS: tremulous-editor"
> (see the end of this message for the copy of original message).
> I have no answer about licence to use. Upstream author don't contact me.
> How can I proceed ?
> I have send the next email to:
>  - Damien Laniel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>: He's Maintener of "tremulous"
> Dedian Package ( - Tim Angus
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>: Official Upstream author - Official Forum
> of Termulous:
>kine&sid=81a87023f53aedf8644d65254eae6c18 - Official Maillist of Developers:
> What can i do !!
> Message (Begin)
> > Package Debian: tremulous-editor
> > From: Salokine <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> - 2006-12-08 13:53
> > Hi,
> >
> >  I'm working to create "tremulous-editor" package on Linux/Debian system.
> >  This package configure GTK-Radiant for Tremulous following
> > instructions
> >
> >  I'm using these two files:
> >
> >  -
> >  -
> >
> >  I must create non-native package (including official source code)
> >  Can you say me where I could find official release of these files ? >
> > (homepage, CVS ...etc).
> >
> >  Can you give me more informations about :
> >  - Upstream Authors (Tim Angus, Eutectic ?)
> >  - Copyright/Licence (nothing in this files)
> >
> >  Who can help me for other questions about "tremulous-editor" ?
> >
> >  Thanks for your answers.
> >
> >  Good evening.
> >  Salokine.
> >  FRANCE.
> Message (End)
> Except this point, I think my package is Ok ?
> I'll work on tremulous-mappack only after this package (tremoulus-editor)
> is Ok.
> Have an nice day and thanks for your help Daniel.
> @+
> Salokine
> My Previous message:
> --  Message transmis  --
> Subject: RFS: tremulous-editor
> Date: samedi 9 décembre 2006 02:15
> From: Salokine <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: Debian Mentors ML 
> Cc: Tim Angus <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Heretik
> Hi Daniel,
> I prefer to finish tremulous-editor package before continue with
> tremulous-package.
> Thank you for important help. Have a nice Week-end.
> Salokine.
> Next, my answers:
> Le mercredi 29 novembre 2006 01:58, Daniel Baumann a écrit :
> > >
> >
> > at least give the URI to the *.dsc, i don't want to fire up
> > ${www-browser} just because of you.
> OK:   The full URL of .dsc (new version)
>to r_0.0.20060518.dsc
> >   * package should be non-native.
> OK:   Package is now non-native
> >   * README and README.Debian are useless, doesn't contain any
> > information at all.
> OK:   Files deleted
> >   * why priority extra?
> OK:   Package is now setting to optional priority
> >   * it should be debhelper (>= 5), not debhelper (>=5),
> > and tremulous (>= 1.1.0), gtkradiant (>= 1.5.0)
> > not tremulous (>=1.1.0), gtkradiant (>=1.5.0).
> OK:   First space is adding
> >   * short and long descriptions must be improved/extended a lot.
> OK
> >   * do you have no own website, do you really want to do the primary
> > distribution through
> ??:   My

Searching tool before to start to create it

2007-05-15 Thread Salokine Terata
Dear Mentors,

Before to start to create a new package, I'd like to ask you: Does it
already exist.

The goal of this tools is to work like initscripts mechanism.

A program like "initd" could accept command-line like this:

initd [DIRECTORY] [OPTION] ...

[DIRECTORY] = directory contains scripts (not daemon style)
[OPTION] = command to give to deamons.

Why I need it ?
My provider have created a suite of program not like as deamons
To start this application, I need to load each scripts (and respect the
To stop this applications, I need to kill each process (and respect the
opposite order)

With the "initd" concept, I could control initialisation of all application
with only one command (very useful because it must work with DRBD !)

Is this program "initd-like" does already exist ?

I think to use "run-parts" and "start-stop-daemon" tools to create
my program.

What name is more appropriate for this tool ?

Initialize Directory as Daemons : initdd, initd, dinit  ?

Thank you for your help or your point of view and reflexions.
Sorry for my poor english...


Description: PGP signature