Replacing a single file with Replaces:

2002-11-12 Thread Karolina Lindqvist
In the policy manual, section 7.5.1 "Overwriting files in other packages" it 
"However, if the overwriting package declares that it Replaces the one 
containing the file being overwritten, then dpkg will replace the file from 
the old package with that from the new. The file will no longer be listed as 
`owned' by the old package. "

I read that to mean that you can actually replace a single file from a 
package, in another package. But I can't get that to work. If I put 
"Replaces:" and the package name which I want to replace a file in, dpkg 
still aborts and says that the file exists in multiple packages. 

How to get this feature to work, to replace a single file in a package from 
within another package?

-- Karolina

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Re: Replacing a single file with Replaces:

2002-11-12 Thread Karolina Lindqvist
tisdagen den 12 november 2002 11.09 skrev Andrea Mennucc:
> can you post a copy of your debian/control file?

I have to come back with this and construct an example.

-- Karolina

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What does dpkg-source mean with this?

2002-11-12 Thread Karolina Lindqvist
When I run this, I get the following error messages. What does it mean?
Which file(s) are already existing?

$ dpkg-source -b noteedit-2.0.16 noteedit_2.0.16.orig.tar.gz
dpkg-source: building noteedit using existing noteedit_2.0.16.orig.tar.gz
tar: noteedit-2.0.16/doc/noteedit/afterCombine.png: Cannot open: File exists
tar: noteedit-2.0.16/doc/noteedit/afterCombine.png: Cannot open: File exists
tar: noteedit-2.0.16/noteedit/lyrics/water1.txt: Cannot open: File exists
tar: noteedit-2.0.16/noteedit/lyrics/water2.txt: Cannot open: File exists
tar: noteedit-2.0.16/noteedit/lyrics/whiskey1.txt: Cannot open: File exists
tar: noteedit-2.0.16/noteedit/lyrics/whiskey2.txt: Cannot open: File exists
tar: noteedit-2.0.16/noteedit/lyrics/whiskey3.txt: Cannot open: File exists
tar: noteedit-2.0.16/noteedit/lyrics/whiskey4.txt: Cannot open: File exists
tar: noteedit-2.0.16/noteedit/lyrics/whiskey5.txt: Cannot open: File exists
tar: noteedit-2.0.16/noteedit/lyrics/water1.txt: Cannot open: File exists
tar: noteedit-2.0.16/noteedit/lyrics/water2.txt: Cannot open: File exists
tar: noteedit-2.0.16/noteedit/lyrics/whiskey1.txt: Cannot open: File exists
tar: noteedit-2.0.16/noteedit/lyrics/whiskey2.txt: Cannot open: File exists
tar: noteedit-2.0.16/noteedit/lyrics/whiskey3.txt: Cannot open: File exists
tar: noteedit-2.0.16/noteedit/lyrics/whiskey4.txt: Cannot open: File exists
tar: noteedit-2.0.16/noteedit/lyrics/whiskey5.txt: Cannot open: File exists
tar: noteedit-2.0.16/noteedit/noteedit.desktop: Cannot open: File exists
tar: noteedit-2.0.16/noteedit/resources/breve.ppm: Cannot open: File exists
tar: noteedit-2.0.16/noteedit/resources/breve.xbm: Cannot open: File exists
tar: noteedit-2.0.16/noteedit/resources/breve_grey.ppm: Cannot open: File 
tar: noteedit-2.0.16/noteedit/resources/breve_red.ppm: Cannot open: File 
tar: noteedit-2.0.16/INSTALL: Cannot open: File exists
tar: Error exit delayed from previous errors
dpkg-source: failure: tar -xkf - gave error exit status 2

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Re: What does dpkg-source mean with this?

2002-11-12 Thread Karolina Lindqvist
tisdagen den 12 november 2002 21.28 skrev Roger Leigh:

> It looks like all the files are pre-existing.  Try running dpkg-source
> -b from another directory or renaming the noteedit-2.0.16 directory?

That might be the problem, so please bear me with some questions so that I get 
this very clear to me:

When you take a tar file from somewhere and make a debian package of it, 
should it be unchanged from upstream or can it be modified?

For example, should (in this case) noteedit_2.0.16.orig.tar.gz extract to 
noteedit, noteedit-2.0.16 or noteedit-2.0.16.orig? Does it matter?

Can the source tar file be called noteedit-2.0.16.tar or should it be renamed 
to noteedit_2.0.16.orig.tar

If there is an old debian directory in the upstreams tar file, for some old 
debian version. Should that be removed?

If there are bin-files or *.o files or similar in the upstreams tar file. 
Should they be removed?

In KDE applications, normally a "make -f Makefile.cvs" (or similar) is done 
before the upstreams tar file is packed. But often that is done with another 
version of automake than debian is using. Often an old automake1.4 or 
something. If some changes are needed to the *.am files, that will create 
problems due to automake incompatibilites. If no changes to the *.am files is 
needed, it might work even with incompatible versions, since automake is 
never called, but it might create trouble if something is changed.

One solution is to make a "make -f Makefile.cvs" before building it on debian, 
but then the diffs with all the files etc. will become huge. Can 
that be done before packing the *.orig.tar file, to avoid rebuilding problems 
and making the diffs small?

Many questions, but it is things that I have been wondering about.

-- Karolina

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What to do with wrong files from upstreams

2002-11-12 Thread Karolina Lindqvist
tisdagen den 12 november 2002 21.28 skrev Roger Leigh:

> It looks like all the files are pre-existing.  Try running dpkg-source
> -b from another directory or renaming the noteedit-2.0.16 directory?

... And then yet another question. When I get the following error message:

In file included from knat_toolbar.cpp:18:
knat.moc:17: #error "This file was generated using the moc from 3.0.5. It"
knat.moc:18: #error "cannot be used with the include files from this version 
of Qt."
knat.moc:19: #error "(The moc has changed too much.)"

Oobviously I need to rebuild the *.moc files that comes from upstreams that 
are not deleted by "make distclean". Sometimes that goes automatically by the 
Makefile if the moc file is removed.  How should I handle this gracefully? 
Delete the *.moc files from the *.orig.tar file, delete them in the 
debian/rules files, delete them in the "clean" rule or something else?

-- Karolina

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Re: What to do with wrong files from upstreams

2002-11-13 Thread Karolina Lindqvist
Wednesday 13 November 2002 22.30 skrev Roger Leigh:

> The `clean' rule is run before the build (by dpkg-buildpackage), so I
> would do
> find . -name '*.moc' | xargs rm -f
> to remove the .moc files.  If they can easily be regenerated, I would
> ask upstream to remove them from the tarball (but I'm not a Qt/KDE
> expert).  Make sure you Build-Depend on libqt-dev (which provides
> moc)!

So I guess this is the best thing to do in this case, and as you say, ask 
upstream to remove the files that are regenerated in the makefile.

-- Karolina

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Re: What does dpkg-source mean with this?

2002-11-13 Thread Karolina Lindqvist
Wednesday 13 November 2002 12.18 skrev Paul Cupis:

> It can be modified. It should be unchanged. Being unchanged has beneifts
> including but not limited to allowing users to verify the original tgz with
> upstream and clearly showing (in the diff.gz) what changes were made during
> packaging. If these changes can be sent upstream for inclusion in a later
> release of the software, geat.

Ok, I understand. Unmodified if possible, even if dpkg-source complains.

> It doesn't matter. dpkg-source will extract the tgz to a correctly named
> directory.

It appears that it does not do that in the noteedit case, since it tries to 
extract over the build-directory. So something else is wrong.

> It should be called noteedit_2.0.16.orig.tar.gz, per the packaging manual.

Meaning the only modification is to change the name?

> I would be inclined to leave it in the orig.tar.gz, but either patch it or
> remove in the build process (in the clean target?). I'm don't have the
> details of how to best do this handy, but iirc, this is the recommended
> solution.

The problem is that the diff file becomes hard to understand, and you can't 
use the same diff file on a later version of the program, but have to unpack 
the version matching the diff file first, save the debian dir, and then 
unpack the version you want to build, remove the patches to the debian dir 
from the diff file, and apply the patches (if any). Therefore I actually 
prefer a clean debian dir in the tar file when the patch file is made. Of if 
somehow the debian files in the diff file can just completely replace the old 
ones with some diff option. If it is possible to make debian-source to 
understand that.

> Not by you? Bug upstream about it, i think. Again, this is related to
> having a pristine upstream orig.tar.gz if possible (but this is not
> essential).

So if there are any, I should just leave them and remove them in the clean 

-- Karolina

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How to include a binary file

2002-12-03 Thread Karolina Lindqvist
How do I include a binary file like a .png file in the diff?
I need to include a PNG file with the application icon, which is not
supplied in the upstreams tar.

-- Karolina

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Re: How to include a binary file

2002-12-03 Thread Karolina Lindqvist
tisdagen den 3 december 2002 09.32 skrev Karolina Lindqvist:
> How do I include a binary file like a .png file in the diff?
> I need to include a PNG file with the application icon, which is not
> supplied in the upstreams tar.

Sorry for that, that question was just answered recently.

-- Karolina

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Missing files in /etc

2003-01-08 Thread Karolina Lindqvist
I have a problem with files in /etc
As I understand, they are marked as "conffiles". The problem is if such a file 
is missing, it won't be reinstalled. How to tell the package system that this 
file should be reinstalled if it is deleted?
i.e. The file is essential, and can't be missing.

This has happened a few times, when upgrading packages, possibly from an 
eariler version. So I at least thought about a check, saying "file XXX is 
missing, it is an essential file, reinstall by doing YYY', or something like 
Only that I don't know what to tell apt-get to reinstall such files. And then, 
if another file should not be reinstalled, only the essential ones, how to 
deal with that?

There does not appear to be any option to apt-get that does a --force-confmiss

When doing a

dpkg -i --force-confmiss 

I got the following messages:

Configuration file `/etc/kde3/colors/Web', does not exist on system.
Installing new config file as you request.

Configuration file `/etc/kde3/', does not exist on system.
Installing new config file as you request.

Configuration file `/etc/kde3/system.kdeglobals', does not exist on system.
Installing new config file as you request.

That is clearly unacceptable. I wonder how many users of my packages that have 
missing files, and get unexpected errors due to that.  I have gotten bug 
reports from more than one person regarding missing files. So I want some 
system so that this does not happen unless intentional.


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Re: Missing files in /etc

2003-01-09 Thread Karolina Lindqvist
onsdagen den 8 januari 2003 18.57 skrev Raphael Hertzog:

> apt-get -o dpkg::options::="--force-confmiss"
> You can put it once for all in a file in /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/.
> Check man apt.conf for details.

That is the individual solution when the trouble is there. But is there no way 
to make the package so that the trouble does not occur, or at least is warned 


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Re: Missing files in /etc

2003-01-10 Thread Karolina Lindqvist
fredagen den 10 januari 2003 16.49 skrev Bob Hilliard:

>  Policy prohibits overriding conffiles that have been changed by
> the admin.  Deleting a file is considered changing it.  One must
> assume that the admin deleted the file for a reason.  Debian does not
> prevent users from shooting themselves in the foot.  However, I
> believe the new conffile will be installed as .dpkg-dist.

The problem is that those files sometimes tend to disappear by themselves in 
some instances when upgrading. I don't know what circumstances. Maybe due to 
bugs in the packages? Maybe aborted upgrades? It is a reoccuring thing on the 
debian-kde list that someone has one of the essential files missing.  And as 
the problem occur often enough, I was thinking about somehow safeguarding 
that it can't happen.

If there are no mechanism that can prohibit this behaviour, the only thing I 
can think about is a shell-script in a postinst file that checks for the 
essential files. Or in preinst, that checks for this file, and somehow tell 
dpkg to install it, if I could just figure out what that could be. 
Does that sound like a good idea?


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Re: Missing files in /etc

2003-01-10 Thread Karolina Lindqvist
fredagen den 10 januari 2003 20.06 skrev Stephen Gran:

> I've seen this behavior occasionally on some of my boxes, and I wonder
> if the problem is that the newer version of a pckage has a conffile that
> the older version doesn't have.  Hmmm . . not very clear.  Like this:
> package-foo_1.2 conffiles:  file1
> file2
> package-foo_2.0 conffiles:  file1
> file2
> file3
> Does dpkg interpret the (missing) state of file3 as appropriate?  I
> haven't had the chance to investigate.  I would think that the intended
> behavior is no, but I've seen this come up on various lists and here, so
> I wonder.

I just got a report of a file in etc missing in one of my packages. It was a 
mistake, and I put it in. Installing it, replacing the old package, installed 
the file, so I think that answers that question. If a new file comes as a 
conffile, that was not in the previous version of the same package, it gets 

Still I don't understand the circumstances for which a file is not installed, 
when upgrading. It should not happen, but it does occasionally.

The new KDE, when it goes to SID, will have a potential to get this error 
since it has a very essential file in /etc. Let's see if anyone will get this 
problem when upgrading. If not, it is a very rare thing.


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How to debug apt-get dependencies

2003-01-28 Thread Karolina Lindqvist
The subject line says it all. I have a condition where apt-get refuses to 
upgrade. How can I figure out exactly what apt-get does not like:

Here follows my example run. The reason I use a versioned install is just 
because otherwise apt-get just refuses to consider the upgrade. This is a 
problem I have gotten before and found it quite hard to figure out the 
reason, and is never sure if I really got the right solution. There must be a 
way to figure out exactly what goes wrong.

shakti:~# dpkg --compare-versions '4:3.1.0++kl-1' '>' '4:3.1.0+rc6+kl-3'; echo 

Ok, version 4:3.1.0++kl-1 is the greater version.

shakti:~# apt-get install -t unstable libkdecore4
Reading Package Lists... Done
Building Dependency Tree... Done
Sorry, libkdecore4 is already the newest version.
0 packages upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 58  not upgraded.

Ooops. already the newest version?
But what about the following, and the compare-version above:

shakti:~# apt-cache show libkdecore4 | grep Version
Version: 4:3.1.0++kl-1
Version: 4:3.1.0+rc6+kl-3

Let's try this:

shakti:~# apt-get install -t unstable libkdecore4=4:3.1.0++kl-1

Some packages could not be installed. This may mean that you have
requested an impossible situation or if you are using the unstable
distribution that some required packages have not yet been created
or been moved out of Incoming.

Since you only requested a single operation it is extremely likely that
the package is simply not installable and a bug report against
that package should be filed.
The following information may help to resolve the situation:

Sorry, but the following packages have unmet dependencies:
  libkdecore4: Depends: libdcop4 (>= 4:3.1.0++kl) but 4:3.1.0+rc6+kl-3 is to 
be installed
   Depends: libkdefx4 (>= 4:3.1.0++kl) but 4:3.1.0+rc6+kl-3 is to 
be installed
   Depends: kdeinit4 (= 4:3.1.0++kl-1) but 4:3.1.0+rc6+kl-3 is to 
be installed
   Depends: libkdecore-data but it is not going to be installed
E: Sorry, broken packages

Note here that all those missing packages are existing, and according to the 
dpkg compare-version above, have higher version numbers. apt-get is doing the 
wrong thing above. Why is it not updating those packages shown, libdcop4, 
libkdefx4 and kdeinit4, when there are newer version available that will 
satisfy the dependencies?

the full output of the run follows in the end


shakti:~# apt-get install -t unstable libkdecore4=4:3.1.0++kl-1
Reading Package Lists... Done
Building Dependency Tree... Done
Starting 2
Investigating libkdecore4
Package libkdecore4 has broken dep on libdcop4
  Considering libdcop4 2082 as a solution to libkdecore4 11796
Package libkdecore4 has broken dep on libkdefx4
  Considering libkdefx4 2079 as a solution to libkdecore4 11796
Package libkdecore4 has broken dep on kdeinit4
  Considering kdeinit4 1024 as a solution to libkdecore4 11796
Investigating libkdecore-data
Package libkdecore-data has broken dep on libkdecore4
  Considering libkdecore4 11796 as a solution to libkdecore-data 285
  Removing libkdecore-data rather than change libkdecore4
Investigating kdelibs4
Package kdelibs4 has broken dep on libkdecore4
  Considering libkdecore4 11796 as a solution to kdelibs4 3
  Removing kdelibs4 rather than change libkdecore4
Investigating kdelibs-dev
Package kdelibs-dev has broken dep on libkdecore4
  Considering libkdecore4 11796 as a solution to kdelibs-dev 3
  Removing kdelibs-dev rather than change libkdecore4
Investigating ksms
Package ksms has broken dep on kdelibs4
  Considering kdelibs4 3 as a solution to ksms 0
  Removing ksms rather than change kdelibs4
Investigating kio-locate
Package kio-locate has broken dep on kdelibs4
  Considering kdelibs4 3 as a solution to kio-locate 0
  Removing kio-locate rather than change kdelibs4
Investigating libkdegames-dev
Package libkdegames-dev has broken dep on kdelibs-dev
  Considering kdelibs-dev 3 as a solution to libkdegames-dev 0
  Removing libkdegames-dev rather than change kdelibs-dev
Investigating libkscan-dev
Package libkscan-dev has broken dep on kdelibs-dev
  Considering kdelibs-dev 3 as a solution to libkscan-dev 0
  Removing libkscan-dev rather than change kdelibs-dev
Investigating kickpim
Package kickpim has broken dep on kdelibs4
  Considering kdelibs4 3 as a solution to kickpim 0
  Removing kickpim rather than change kdelibs4
Investigating koffice-dev
Package koffice-dev has broken dep on kdelibs-dev
  Considering kdelibs-dev 3 as a solution to koffice-dev 0
  Removing koffice-dev rather than change kdelibs-dev
Investigating libkdecore4
Package libkdecore4 has broken dep on libdcop4
  Considering libdcop4 2082 as a solution to libkdecore4 11796
Package libkdecore4 has broken dep on libkdefx4
  Considering libkdefx4 2079 as a solution to libkdecore4 11796
Package libkdecore4 has broken dep on kdeinit4
  Considering kdeinit4 1024 as a solution to libkdecore4 11796
Package libk

Looking for a sponsor

2003-01-30 Thread Karolina Lindqvist
I have been inofficially packing KDE 3.1 since several months. I have also 
packed a number of KDE 3.1 applications (47 different right now) together 
with it. (But that is fast packing, without bug fixing, except for making 
them build)

Now KDE 3.1 is going to make it into SID, so I was thinking that I maybe can 
pack a couple of applications for KDE 3.1. Just a one or two, or something, 
or whatever is needed. But as I am not a debian developer, I need some 
sponsor. I guess someone who uses KDE.

I have really no preference of which KDE application(s) to pack, just as long 
as I don't have to rewrite it, and I at least understand how to use it and 
thus can test it. 

Any takers or suggestions?


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Re: Looking for a sponsor

2003-01-31 Thread Karolina Lindqvist
fredagen den 31 januari 2003 14.03 skrev Russell Coker:
> On Thu, 30 Jan 2003 20:04, Karolina Lindqvist wrote:
> > Any takers or suggestions?
> I'll sponsor you if no-one else does, particularly if you take kdm.

Thank you.

Unfortunately kdm is part of KDE, and can't be separated. That is, it is 
already claimed. Otherwise I would not mind.


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Replacing a single file with Replaces:

2002-11-12 Thread Karolina Lindqvist
In the policy manual, section 7.5.1 "Overwriting files in other packages" it 
"However, if the overwriting package declares that it Replaces the one 
containing the file being overwritten, then dpkg will replace the file from 
the old package with that from the new. The file will no longer be listed as 
`owned' by the old package. "

I read that to mean that you can actually replace a single file from a 
package, in another package. But I can't get that to work. If I put 
"Replaces:" and the package name which I want to replace a file in, dpkg 
still aborts and says that the file exists in multiple packages. 

How to get this feature to work, to replace a single file in a package from 
within another package?

-- Karolina

Re: Replacing a single file with Replaces:

2002-11-12 Thread Karolina Lindqvist
tisdagen den 12 november 2002 11.09 skrev Andrea Mennucc:
> can you post a copy of your debian/control file?

I have to come back with this and construct an example.

-- Karolina

What does dpkg-source mean with this?

2002-11-12 Thread Karolina Lindqvist
When I run this, I get the following error messages. What does it mean?
Which file(s) are already existing?

$ dpkg-source -b noteedit-2.0.16 noteedit_2.0.16.orig.tar.gz
dpkg-source: building noteedit using existing noteedit_2.0.16.orig.tar.gz
tar: noteedit-2.0.16/doc/noteedit/afterCombine.png: Cannot open: File exists
tar: noteedit-2.0.16/doc/noteedit/afterCombine.png: Cannot open: File exists
tar: noteedit-2.0.16/noteedit/lyrics/water1.txt: Cannot open: File exists
tar: noteedit-2.0.16/noteedit/lyrics/water2.txt: Cannot open: File exists
tar: noteedit-2.0.16/noteedit/lyrics/whiskey1.txt: Cannot open: File exists
tar: noteedit-2.0.16/noteedit/lyrics/whiskey2.txt: Cannot open: File exists
tar: noteedit-2.0.16/noteedit/lyrics/whiskey3.txt: Cannot open: File exists
tar: noteedit-2.0.16/noteedit/lyrics/whiskey4.txt: Cannot open: File exists
tar: noteedit-2.0.16/noteedit/lyrics/whiskey5.txt: Cannot open: File exists
tar: noteedit-2.0.16/noteedit/lyrics/water1.txt: Cannot open: File exists
tar: noteedit-2.0.16/noteedit/lyrics/water2.txt: Cannot open: File exists
tar: noteedit-2.0.16/noteedit/lyrics/whiskey1.txt: Cannot open: File exists
tar: noteedit-2.0.16/noteedit/lyrics/whiskey2.txt: Cannot open: File exists
tar: noteedit-2.0.16/noteedit/lyrics/whiskey3.txt: Cannot open: File exists
tar: noteedit-2.0.16/noteedit/lyrics/whiskey4.txt: Cannot open: File exists
tar: noteedit-2.0.16/noteedit/lyrics/whiskey5.txt: Cannot open: File exists
tar: noteedit-2.0.16/noteedit/noteedit.desktop: Cannot open: File exists
tar: noteedit-2.0.16/noteedit/resources/breve.ppm: Cannot open: File exists
tar: noteedit-2.0.16/noteedit/resources/breve.xbm: Cannot open: File exists
tar: noteedit-2.0.16/noteedit/resources/breve_grey.ppm: Cannot open: File 
tar: noteedit-2.0.16/noteedit/resources/breve_red.ppm: Cannot open: File 
tar: noteedit-2.0.16/INSTALL: Cannot open: File exists
tar: Error exit delayed from previous errors
dpkg-source: failure: tar -xkf - gave error exit status 2

Re: What does dpkg-source mean with this?

2002-11-13 Thread Karolina Lindqvist
tisdagen den 12 november 2002 21.28 skrev Roger Leigh:

> It looks like all the files are pre-existing.  Try running dpkg-source
> -b from another directory or renaming the noteedit-2.0.16 directory?

That might be the problem, so please bear me with some questions so that I get 
this very clear to me:

When you take a tar file from somewhere and make a debian package of it, 
should it be unchanged from upstream or can it be modified?

For example, should (in this case) noteedit_2.0.16.orig.tar.gz extract to 
noteedit, noteedit-2.0.16 or noteedit-2.0.16.orig? Does it matter?

Can the source tar file be called noteedit-2.0.16.tar or should it be renamed 
to noteedit_2.0.16.orig.tar

If there is an old debian directory in the upstreams tar file, for some old 
debian version. Should that be removed?

If there are bin-files or *.o files or similar in the upstreams tar file. 
Should they be removed?

In KDE applications, normally a "make -f Makefile.cvs" (or similar) is done 
before the upstreams tar file is packed. But often that is done with another 
version of automake than debian is using. Often an old automake1.4 or 
something. If some changes are needed to the *.am files, that will create 
problems due to automake incompatibilites. If no changes to the *.am files is 
needed, it might work even with incompatible versions, since automake is 
never called, but it might create trouble if something is changed.

One solution is to make a "make -f Makefile.cvs" before building it on debian, 
but then the diffs with all the files etc. will become huge. Can 
that be done before packing the *.orig.tar file, to avoid rebuilding problems 
and making the diffs small?

Many questions, but it is things that I have been wondering about.

-- Karolina

What to do with wrong files from upstreams

2002-11-13 Thread Karolina Lindqvist
tisdagen den 12 november 2002 21.28 skrev Roger Leigh:

> It looks like all the files are pre-existing.  Try running dpkg-source
> -b from another directory or renaming the noteedit-2.0.16 directory?

... And then yet another question. When I get the following error message:

In file included from knat_toolbar.cpp:18:
knat.moc:17: #error "This file was generated using the moc from 3.0.5. It"
knat.moc:18: #error "cannot be used with the include files from this version 
of Qt."
knat.moc:19: #error "(The moc has changed too much.)"

Oobviously I need to rebuild the *.moc files that comes from upstreams that 
are not deleted by "make distclean". Sometimes that goes automatically by the 
Makefile if the moc file is removed.  How should I handle this gracefully? 
Delete the *.moc files from the *.orig.tar file, delete them in the 
debian/rules files, delete them in the "clean" rule or something else?

-- Karolina

Re: What to do with wrong files from upstreams

2002-11-14 Thread Karolina Lindqvist
Wednesday 13 November 2002 22.30 skrev Roger Leigh:

> The `clean' rule is run before the build (by dpkg-buildpackage), so I
> would do
> find . -name '*.moc' | xargs rm -f
> to remove the .moc files.  If they can easily be regenerated, I would
> ask upstream to remove them from the tarball (but I'm not a Qt/KDE
> expert).  Make sure you Build-Depend on libqt-dev (which provides
> moc)!

So I guess this is the best thing to do in this case, and as you say, ask 
upstream to remove the files that are regenerated in the makefile.

-- Karolina

Re: What does dpkg-source mean with this?

2002-11-14 Thread Karolina Lindqvist
Wednesday 13 November 2002 12.18 skrev Paul Cupis:

> It can be modified. It should be unchanged. Being unchanged has beneifts
> including but not limited to allowing users to verify the original tgz with
> upstream and clearly showing (in the diff.gz) what changes were made during
> packaging. If these changes can be sent upstream for inclusion in a later
> release of the software, geat.

Ok, I understand. Unmodified if possible, even if dpkg-source complains.

> It doesn't matter. dpkg-source will extract the tgz to a correctly named
> directory.

It appears that it does not do that in the noteedit case, since it tries to 
extract over the build-directory. So something else is wrong.

> It should be called noteedit_2.0.16.orig.tar.gz, per the packaging manual.

Meaning the only modification is to change the name?

> I would be inclined to leave it in the orig.tar.gz, but either patch it or
> remove in the build process (in the clean target?). I'm don't have the
> details of how to best do this handy, but iirc, this is the recommended
> solution.

The problem is that the diff file becomes hard to understand, and you can't 
use the same diff file on a later version of the program, but have to unpack 
the version matching the diff file first, save the debian dir, and then 
unpack the version you want to build, remove the patches to the debian dir 
from the diff file, and apply the patches (if any). Therefore I actually 
prefer a clean debian dir in the tar file when the patch file is made. Of if 
somehow the debian files in the diff file can just completely replace the old 
ones with some diff option. If it is possible to make debian-source to 
understand that.

> Not by you? Bug upstream about it, i think. Again, this is related to
> having a pristine upstream orig.tar.gz if possible (but this is not
> essential).

So if there are any, I should just leave them and remove them in the clean 

-- Karolina

How to include a binary file

2002-12-03 Thread Karolina Lindqvist
How do I include a binary file like a .png file in the diff?
I need to include a PNG file with the application icon, which is not
supplied in the upstreams tar.

-- Karolina

Re: How to include a binary file

2002-12-03 Thread Karolina Lindqvist
tisdagen den 3 december 2002 09.32 skrev Karolina Lindqvist:
> How do I include a binary file like a .png file in the diff?
> I need to include a PNG file with the application icon, which is not
> supplied in the upstreams tar.

Sorry for that, that question was just answered recently.

-- Karolina

Missing files in /etc

2003-01-08 Thread Karolina Lindqvist
I have a problem with files in /etc
As I understand, they are marked as "conffiles". The problem is if such a file 
is missing, it won't be reinstalled. How to tell the package system that this 
file should be reinstalled if it is deleted?
i.e. The file is essential, and can't be missing.

This has happened a few times, when upgrading packages, possibly from an 
eariler version. So I at least thought about a check, saying "file XXX is 
missing, it is an essential file, reinstall by doing YYY', or something like 
Only that I don't know what to tell apt-get to reinstall such files. And then, 
if another file should not be reinstalled, only the essential ones, how to 
deal with that?

There does not appear to be any option to apt-get that does a --force-confmiss

When doing a

dpkg -i --force-confmiss 

I got the following messages:

Configuration file `/etc/kde3/colors/Web', does not exist on system.
Installing new config file as you request.

Configuration file `/etc/kde3/', does not exist on system.
Installing new config file as you request.

Configuration file `/etc/kde3/system.kdeglobals', does not exist on system.
Installing new config file as you request.

That is clearly unacceptable. I wonder how many users of my packages that have 
missing files, and get unexpected errors due to that.  I have gotten bug 
reports from more than one person regarding missing files. So I want some 
system so that this does not happen unless intentional.


Re: Missing files in /etc

2003-01-10 Thread Karolina Lindqvist
onsdagen den 8 januari 2003 18.57 skrev Raphael Hertzog:

> apt-get -o dpkg::options::="--force-confmiss"
> You can put it once for all in a file in /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/.
> Check man apt.conf for details.

That is the individual solution when the trouble is there. But is there no way 
to make the package so that the trouble does not occur, or at least is warned 


Re: Missing files in /etc

2003-01-10 Thread Karolina Lindqvist
fredagen den 10 januari 2003 16.49 skrev Bob Hilliard:

>  Policy prohibits overriding conffiles that have been changed by
> the admin.  Deleting a file is considered changing it.  One must
> assume that the admin deleted the file for a reason.  Debian does not
> prevent users from shooting themselves in the foot.  However, I
> believe the new conffile will be installed as .dpkg-dist.

The problem is that those files sometimes tend to disappear by themselves in 
some instances when upgrading. I don't know what circumstances. Maybe due to 
bugs in the packages? Maybe aborted upgrades? It is a reoccuring thing on the 
debian-kde list that someone has one of the essential files missing.  And as 
the problem occur often enough, I was thinking about somehow safeguarding 
that it can't happen.

If there are no mechanism that can prohibit this behaviour, the only thing I 
can think about is a shell-script in a postinst file that checks for the 
essential files. Or in preinst, that checks for this file, and somehow tell 
dpkg to install it, if I could just figure out what that could be. 
Does that sound like a good idea?


Re: Missing files in /etc

2003-01-10 Thread Karolina Lindqvist
fredagen den 10 januari 2003 20.06 skrev Stephen Gran:

> I've seen this behavior occasionally on some of my boxes, and I wonder
> if the problem is that the newer version of a pckage has a conffile that
> the older version doesn't have.  Hmmm . . not very clear.  Like this:
> package-foo_1.2 conffiles:  file1
> file2
> package-foo_2.0 conffiles:  file1
> file2
> file3
> Does dpkg interpret the (missing) state of file3 as appropriate?  I
> haven't had the chance to investigate.  I would think that the intended
> behavior is no, but I've seen this come up on various lists and here, so
> I wonder.

I just got a report of a file in etc missing in one of my packages. It was a 
mistake, and I put it in. Installing it, replacing the old package, installed 
the file, so I think that answers that question. If a new file comes as a 
conffile, that was not in the previous version of the same package, it gets 

Still I don't understand the circumstances for which a file is not installed, 
when upgrading. It should not happen, but it does occasionally.

The new KDE, when it goes to SID, will have a potential to get this error 
since it has a very essential file in /etc. Let's see if anyone will get this 
problem when upgrading. If not, it is a very rare thing.


How to debug apt-get dependencies

2003-01-28 Thread Karolina Lindqvist
The subject line says it all. I have a condition where apt-get refuses to 
upgrade. How can I figure out exactly what apt-get does not like:

Here follows my example run. The reason I use a versioned install is just 
because otherwise apt-get just refuses to consider the upgrade. This is a 
problem I have gotten before and found it quite hard to figure out the 
reason, and is never sure if I really got the right solution. There must be a 
way to figure out exactly what goes wrong.

shakti:~# dpkg --compare-versions '4:3.1.0++kl-1' '>' '4:3.1.0+rc6+kl-3'; echo 

Ok, version 4:3.1.0++kl-1 is the greater version.

shakti:~# apt-get install -t unstable libkdecore4
Reading Package Lists... Done
Building Dependency Tree... Done
Sorry, libkdecore4 is already the newest version.
0 packages upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 58  not upgraded.

Ooops. already the newest version?
But what about the following, and the compare-version above:

shakti:~# apt-cache show libkdecore4 | grep Version
Version: 4:3.1.0++kl-1
Version: 4:3.1.0+rc6+kl-3

Let's try this:

shakti:~# apt-get install -t unstable libkdecore4=4:3.1.0++kl-1

Some packages could not be installed. This may mean that you have
requested an impossible situation or if you are using the unstable
distribution that some required packages have not yet been created
or been moved out of Incoming.

Since you only requested a single operation it is extremely likely that
the package is simply not installable and a bug report against
that package should be filed.
The following information may help to resolve the situation:

Sorry, but the following packages have unmet dependencies:
  libkdecore4: Depends: libdcop4 (>= 4:3.1.0++kl) but 4:3.1.0+rc6+kl-3 is to 
be installed
   Depends: libkdefx4 (>= 4:3.1.0++kl) but 4:3.1.0+rc6+kl-3 is to 
be installed
   Depends: kdeinit4 (= 4:3.1.0++kl-1) but 4:3.1.0+rc6+kl-3 is to 
be installed
   Depends: libkdecore-data but it is not going to be installed
E: Sorry, broken packages

Note here that all those missing packages are existing, and according to the 
dpkg compare-version above, have higher version numbers. apt-get is doing the 
wrong thing above. Why is it not updating those packages shown, libdcop4, 
libkdefx4 and kdeinit4, when there are newer version available that will 
satisfy the dependencies?

the full output of the run follows in the end


shakti:~# apt-get install -t unstable libkdecore4=4:3.1.0++kl-1
Reading Package Lists... Done
Building Dependency Tree... Done
Starting 2
Investigating libkdecore4
Package libkdecore4 has broken dep on libdcop4
  Considering libdcop4 2082 as a solution to libkdecore4 11796
Package libkdecore4 has broken dep on libkdefx4
  Considering libkdefx4 2079 as a solution to libkdecore4 11796
Package libkdecore4 has broken dep on kdeinit4
  Considering kdeinit4 1024 as a solution to libkdecore4 11796
Investigating libkdecore-data
Package libkdecore-data has broken dep on libkdecore4
  Considering libkdecore4 11796 as a solution to libkdecore-data 285
  Removing libkdecore-data rather than change libkdecore4
Investigating kdelibs4
Package kdelibs4 has broken dep on libkdecore4
  Considering libkdecore4 11796 as a solution to kdelibs4 3
  Removing kdelibs4 rather than change libkdecore4
Investigating kdelibs-dev
Package kdelibs-dev has broken dep on libkdecore4
  Considering libkdecore4 11796 as a solution to kdelibs-dev 3
  Removing kdelibs-dev rather than change libkdecore4
Investigating ksms
Package ksms has broken dep on kdelibs4
  Considering kdelibs4 3 as a solution to ksms 0
  Removing ksms rather than change kdelibs4
Investigating kio-locate
Package kio-locate has broken dep on kdelibs4
  Considering kdelibs4 3 as a solution to kio-locate 0
  Removing kio-locate rather than change kdelibs4
Investigating libkdegames-dev
Package libkdegames-dev has broken dep on kdelibs-dev
  Considering kdelibs-dev 3 as a solution to libkdegames-dev 0
  Removing libkdegames-dev rather than change kdelibs-dev
Investigating libkscan-dev
Package libkscan-dev has broken dep on kdelibs-dev
  Considering kdelibs-dev 3 as a solution to libkscan-dev 0
  Removing libkscan-dev rather than change kdelibs-dev
Investigating kickpim
Package kickpim has broken dep on kdelibs4
  Considering kdelibs4 3 as a solution to kickpim 0
  Removing kickpim rather than change kdelibs4
Investigating koffice-dev
Package koffice-dev has broken dep on kdelibs-dev
  Considering kdelibs-dev 3 as a solution to koffice-dev 0
  Removing koffice-dev rather than change kdelibs-dev
Investigating libkdecore4
Package libkdecore4 has broken dep on libdcop4
  Considering libdcop4 2082 as a solution to libkdecore4 11796
Package libkdecore4 has broken dep on libkdefx4
  Considering libkdefx4 2079 as a solution to libkdecore4 11796
Package libkdecore4 has broken dep on kdeinit4
  Considering kdeinit4 1024 as a solution to libkdecore4 11796
Package libk

Looking for a sponsor

2003-01-30 Thread Karolina Lindqvist
I have been inofficially packing KDE 3.1 since several months. I have also 
packed a number of KDE 3.1 applications (47 different right now) together 
with it. (But that is fast packing, without bug fixing, except for making 
them build)

Now KDE 3.1 is going to make it into SID, so I was thinking that I maybe can 
pack a couple of applications for KDE 3.1. Just a one or two, or something, 
or whatever is needed. But as I am not a debian developer, I need some 
sponsor. I guess someone who uses KDE.

I have really no preference of which KDE application(s) to pack, just as long 
as I don't have to rewrite it, and I at least understand how to use it and 
thus can test it. 

Any takers or suggestions?


Re: Looking for a sponsor

2003-01-31 Thread Karolina Lindqvist
fredagen den 31 januari 2003 14.03 skrev Russell Coker:
> On Thu, 30 Jan 2003 20:04, Karolina Lindqvist wrote:
> > Any takers or suggestions?
> I'll sponsor you if no-one else does, particularly if you take kdm.

Thank you.

Unfortunately kdm is part of KDE, and can't be separated. That is, it is 
already claimed. Otherwise I would not mind.
