
2005-06-12 Thread John Skaller
I could use a 'build-recommends' dependency, 
but  I understand 'recommends'
is only available for the binary package, not the source.
Is this correct?

The situation: the packaging machine requires 'ocaml'
to make binaries from my source package, but if 
'ocaml-native-compilers' is also installed it will
do so faster, however that package is not available
on all architectures.

This isn't an essential feature, but here is a case,
possibly isolated, where it could be useful.

[There is a related problem, see next email please]

John Skaller, skaller at
PO Box 401 Glebe, NSW 2037, Australia Ph:61-2-96600850 
Download Felix here:

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

How to cope with bad package

2005-06-12 Thread John Skaller
How should a package build script cope with a fault
in a package used in a build?

The situation: there is a fatal bug in the 'ocaml' binary
package for the amd64 architecture. This package would
contain the native code ocaml compiler for amd64, which
has a bug. Native code compilers for x86 works.

The debian/rules can detect amd64, and there is a way
to force the upstream source to not use the native code

However, the problem will probably be fixed, but I cannot
predict in which release of Ocaml. 

I propose to 'hack' debian/rules to cope. Would that
be the proper way?

John Skaller, skaller at
PO Box 401 Glebe, NSW 2037, Australia Ph:61-2-96600850 
Download Felix here:

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: How to cope with bad package

2005-06-12 Thread Pierre Habouzit
Le Dim 12 Juin 2005 08:51, John Skaller a écrit :
> How should a package build script cope with a fault
> in a package used in a build?
> The situation: there is a fatal bug in the 'ocaml' binary
> package for the amd64 architecture. This package would
> contain the native code ocaml compiler for amd64, which
> has a bug. Native code compilers for x86 works.
> The debian/rules can detect amd64, and there is a way
> to force the upstream source to not use the native code
> compiler.
> However, the problem will probably be fixed, but I cannot
> predict in which release of Ocaml.
> I propose to 'hack' debian/rules to cope. Would that
> be the proper way?

could you bemore specific on the bugs you encounter ? because your 
explanation lost me a bit.

moreover, you may want to ask your question on the ocaml maintainer list 
(search on, I don't remember the exact name, but you 
will meet there a lot of active people with big experience with ocaml 
apps/libs packaging)
·O·  Pierre Habouzit

Description: PGP signature

Re: namespace conflict != package Conflict?

2005-06-12 Thread Hamish Moffatt
On Sat, Jun 11, 2005 at 11:11:16AM -0600, Sebastian Kuzminsky wrote:
> Adam Majer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > rename /usr/bin/git to /usr/bin/cogito-git or whatever. It is not that hard.
> That's true Adam: renaming a file is not hard...  But in this case it
> has terrible consequences.
> Naming it "cogito-git" makes no sense at all.  Cogito uses git, but
> git doesnt know or care about cogito.  That'd be like naming glibc
> "mozilla-glibc", because mozilla uses glibc.

Not really. If your package provides git, it's logical to name
that binary /usr/bin/cogito-git.

> People coming from other systems will correctly percieve this as
> debian-induced breakage.  Users downloading helper scripts and finding
> cookbook recipies on mailing list etc will discover that they are
> incompatible with the rest of the universe.
> That seems like too high a price to pay.

You need to convince either git or GNU Interactive Tools
to change its name upstream then. Since git is the newcomer
and its name is already taken (by a GNU project no less!)
perhaps you could start there.

>From my reading of your package description for cogito,
the name GIT (the version control system) doesn't seem to
mean anything in particular. So renaming it would not be a big loss.


with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: How to cope with bad package

2005-06-12 Thread John Skaller
On Sun, 2005-06-12 at 10:30 +0200, Pierre Habouzit wrote:
> Le Dim 12 Juin 2005 08:51, John Skaller a écrit :
> > How should a package build script cope with a fault
> > in a package used in a build?
> >
> > The situation: there is a fatal bug in the 'ocaml' binary
> > package for the amd64 architecture. This package would
> > contain the native code ocaml compiler for amd64, which
> > has a bug. Native code compilers for x86 works.
> >
> > The debian/rules can detect amd64, and there is a way
> > to force the upstream source to not use the native code
> > compiler.
> >
> > However, the problem will probably be fixed, but I cannot
> > predict in which release of Ocaml.
> >
> > I propose to 'hack' debian/rules to cope. Would that
> > be the proper way?
> could you bemore specific on the bugs you encounter ? because your 
> explanation lost me a bit.

1. The program 'flxg' is an Ocaml program in the Felix system,
and is the primary executable of the Felix package. The ITP
registration is here:

Bug#312734: Acknowledgement (ITP:  felix -- a high performance
statically typed scripting language)

2. When the source code for 'flxg' is compiled by the Ocaml native code
compiler 'ocamlopt' on the amd64 the resulting executable segfaults.

3. When the bytecode compiler 'ocamlc' is used to build 'flxg'
the resulting program executes. When the native code
compiler is used on the x86, 'flxg' works.

4. The choice between 'ocamlopt' and 'ocamlc' is made by
by the upstream build system.

5. There is an override in the configuration script
to force the use of the bytecode compiler.

6. I propose to check for 'amd64' in the debian/rules
makefile, and call configure like this:

./configure --set-int-NATIVE_CODE_COMPILER=0

if architecture 'amd64' is detected: this will stop
the build process using the faulty native code compiler
even if it is detected.

Unfortunately the condition is not correct: it will
exclude all versions of the Ocaml native code compiler
for the amd64, even versions in which the bug is 
fixed (which I'm sure it will be). However

(a) I don't know in which version it will be fixed

(b) I don't know how to specify a condition on
a particular range of versions of a package, particularly
when the upper limit of the range is unknown at this time.

(c) I cannot simplify the conditions under which the 
fault occurs, and so can't provide an 'autoconf' style
executable test for it: at best I could 'try' the default
build and rebuild the whole binary package from scratch
using the bytecode compiler if build failed using the
native code compiler .. this solution is quite general
but extremely ugly .. this is my first attempt to make
a Debian package and I suspect people would frown on
this technique .. :)

John Skaller, skaller at
PO Box 401 Glebe, NSW 2037, Australia Ph:61-2-96600850 
Download Felix here:

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: RFS: Sponsor needed for em-panel-applet

2005-06-12 Thread Sven Mueller
Søren Hansen wrote on 09/06/2005 22:20:
>>- The license is GPL, the copyright is "Copyright 2005 Novell, Inc.",
>>  you said the opposite.
> Not understood. Miguel wrote it, passed the copyright to Novell and the
> license is GPL. What am I doing wrong then? 

The way you filled out the debian/copyright file, it looks as if the GPL
wrote the software while the license is "Copyright 2005 Novell, Inc.".
In other words, you exchanged the values for "license" and "copyright".

>>- You added a line with docbook-to-man to the build-stamp target, but
>>  commented it out. Why?

You didn't answer my question here. Is there a reason why you added
docbook-to-man but commented it out?

>>- You should remove, not only comment-out unneeded dh_* calls
> I used dh_make to make the debian directory including the rules file,
> and dh_make puts all of those in. That's why they're there. I'll remove
> them.

Right, dh_make always adds all of them. Unless you expect to need and
use one of them in the future, you should remove the unneeded ones as
they only increase the size of the diff and make it more difficult to
see what debian/rules actually does.

>>Did you remove config.sub/config.guess from the upstream tarball or
>>didn't it contain those from the beginning?
> They weren't there.

Interesting. The package uses autoconf/automake but those weren't in the
package? Weird (or, at least, unusual).

>>W: em-panel-applet; File /usr/share/doc/em-panel-applet/NEWS.gz in
>>package has zero size.
>> The file above has a size of zero, which probably means it shouldn't
>> be installed.
>>* So you added a NEWS file, but didn't fill it with anything. Either
>>* remove it  or add content.
> No, actually, the NEWS file was in the upstream, but empty. Just like
> README, AUTHORS and ChangeLog. I'll remove them, no problem.

At least you shouldn't install them with the corresponding dh_* commands
so that they are not included in the package.

>>E: em-panel-applet; Binary /usr/bin/em-panel-applet contains unneeded
>>section .comment.
>> This binary or shared library is not completely stripped. It contains
>> the unneeded section .note, or .comment.
> Hmm... I may have compiled it with nostrip and debug options.
> Whoops. :-)

That's one of the reason why it is always a good idea to run linda and
lintian on your final package.

>>E: em-panel-applet; Binary /usr/bin/em-panel-applet is not stripped.
>> The binary shown is not stripped, and is included in a standard
>> package, while Policy shows that it should be stripped.
>>* Forgot to strip the binary ("strip em-panel-applet")
> dh_strip does that, right?

It should, IIRC.

>>lintian also finds these additional ones:
> Weirdness. When I ran lintian, it was totally quiet..

What file did you run it on? You get the most complete output if you run
it on the .changes file (which causes lintian to check both source and
binary package, if both are included in there).

> Thanks for all you excellent input.

No problem.


Description: OpenPGP digital signature

co-maintainers sought

2005-06-12 Thread martin f krafft
OB: cross-posted; please reply privately (Reply-To set).

I am looking for co-maintainers for the following of my packages.
Most of these packages are also up for adoption in case someone
wants to take them over. If interested, please talk to me and I will
assess whether I'd bestow ownership to you. I am not trying to be
picky, but certain packages are difficult and thus should probably
not be taken over by novices.

Nevertheless, this is not an RFA as I am happy to continue
maintenance of these packages (unless otherwise noted), but would
like to have a co-maintainer by my side to help keep bug closing
delays short.

If you want to help out with any of the packages, please drop me
a private line (Reply-To set):

  - [RFA] bcm4400-source - module source for Broadcom's bcm4400 ethernet driver

  - gjay - An automatic and learning DJ for xmms

  - ipcalc - Parameter calculator for IPv4 addresses

  - iprelay - User-space bandwidth shaping TCP proxy daemon

  - kernel-patch-suspend2 - Linux kernel patch for software suspend 2

  - libfactory++ - C++ template factory framework

  - libhid - userspace USB HID access library

  - libkdtree++ - C++ template container implementation of kd-tree sorting

  - libloki - a C++ library of generic design patterns

  - libphidgets - Phidgets access library

  - libs11n - a powerful, extensible C++ serialisation framework

  - libspf - the ANSI C SPF reference library

  - libtut - elegant C++ unit test framework

  - [RFA] libunit++ - a C++ unit testing framework

  - muttprofile - a utility to choose profiles in Mutt

  - poppass-cgi - a CGI script to interact with a poppassd server

Thanks for your attention.

Please do not send copies of list mail to me; I read the list!
 .''`. martin f. krafft <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
: :'  :proud Debian developer, admin, user, and author
`. `'`
  `-  Debian - when you have better things to do than fixing a system
Invalid/expired PGP subkeys? Use as keyserver!
if you see an onion ring -- answer it!

Description: Digital signature

Re: Build-Recommends

2005-06-12 Thread Adeodato Simó
  [People from debian-ocaml-mail, please keep -mentors CC'ed.]

* John Skaller [Sun, 12 Jun 2005 16:27:21 +1000]:
> I could use a 'build-recommends' dependency, 
> but  I understand 'recommends'
> is only available for the binary package, not the source.
> Is this correct?

> The situation: the packaging machine requires 'ocaml'
> to make binaries from my source package, but if 
> 'ocaml-native-compilers' is also installed it will
> do so faster, however that package is not available
> on all architectures.

> This isn't an essential feature, but here is a case,
> possibly isolated, where it could be useful.

  Normally, one resolves this and similar situations like this:

Build-Depends: ocaml-native-compilers [!m68k !mips !mipsel !s390], 
   ocaml [m68k mips mipsel s390]

  Where m68k, mips, mipsel and s390 are the architectures that don't
  have ocaml-native-compilers (I not 100% that the list is correct or
  complete). This, as you can imagine, instructs the buildds to install
  one package or the other depending on the architecture the package is
  being built for.

  *BUT*, checking build-dependencies of ocaml packages I don't really
  see that being used, which makes me suspect there's perhaps another
  mechanism in place to solve this in the Ocaml world in Debian. :)

  I'm CC'ing debian-ocaml-maint so that somebody there can clear up the
  issue for us. John, you may want to post there in the future for
  ocaml-related questions (or search the archives), since there'll be
  more ocaml-specific knowledge there than in debian-mentors.

> [There is a related problem, see next email please]

  See you there. :)


Adeodato Simó
EM: asp16 [ykwim] | PK: DA6AE621
The first step on the road to wisdom is the admission of ignorance. The
second step is realizing that you don't have to blab it to the world.

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Build-Recommends

2005-06-12 Thread Roberto C. Sanchez
On Sun, Jun 12, 2005 at 03:21:54PM +0200, Adeodato Simó wrote:
>   [People from debian-ocaml-mail, please keep -mentors CC'ed.]
> * John Skaller [Sun, 12 Jun 2005 16:27:21 +1000]:
> > I could use a 'build-recommends' dependency, 
> > but  I understand 'recommends'
> > is only available for the binary package, not the source.
> > Is this correct?
> > The situation: the packaging machine requires 'ocaml'
> > to make binaries from my source package, but if 
> > 'ocaml-native-compilers' is also installed it will
> > do so faster, however that package is not available
> > on all architectures.
> > This isn't an essential feature, but here is a case,
> > possibly isolated, where it could be useful.
>   Normally, one resolves this and similar situations like this:
> Build-Depends: ocaml-native-compilers [!m68k !mips !mipsel !s390], 
>ocaml [m68k mips mipsel s390]

Couldn't you also Build-Depend on 'ocaml-native-compilers | ocaml'?
That would look first for ocaml-native-compilers and then if that is not
available, for ocaml.  Plus, if the ocaml-native-compilers package
becomes available for other architectures, it does not require a
modification to the Build-Depends to take advantage of it.


Roberto C. Sanchez

Description: PGP signature

Re: How to cope with bad package

2005-06-12 Thread Adeodato Simó
  [debian-ocaml-maint CC'ed again, quoting at full for the benefit of
  its subscribers.]

* John Skaller [Sun, 12 Jun 2005 20:40:09 +1000]:
> On Sun, 2005-06-12 at 10:30 +0200, Pierre Habouzit wrote:
> > Le Dim 12 Juin 2005 08:51, John Skaller a écrit :
> > > How should a package build script cope with a fault
> > > in a package used in a build?

> > > The situation: there is a fatal bug in the 'ocaml' binary
> > > package for the amd64 architecture. This package would
> > > contain the native code ocaml compiler for amd64, which
> > > has a bug. Native code compilers for x86 works.

> > > The debian/rules can detect amd64, and there is a way
> > > to force the upstream source to not use the native code
> > > compiler.

> > > However, the problem will probably be fixed, but I cannot
> > > predict in which release of Ocaml.

> > > I propose to 'hack' debian/rules to cope. Would that
> > > be the proper way?

> > could you bemore specific on the bugs you encounter ? because your 
> > explanation lost me a bit.

> 1. The program 'flxg' is an Ocaml program in the Felix system,
> and is the primary executable of the Felix package. The ITP
> registration is here:

> Bug#312734: Acknowledgement (ITP:  felix -- a high performance
> statically typed scripting language)

> 2. When the source code for 'flxg' is compiled by the Ocaml native code
> compiler 'ocamlopt' on the amd64 the resulting executable segfaults.

> 3. When the bytecode compiler 'ocamlc' is used to build 'flxg'
> the resulting program executes. When the native code
> compiler is used on the x86, 'flxg' works.

> 4. The choice between 'ocamlopt' and 'ocamlc' is made by
> by the upstream build system.

> 5. There is an override in the configuration script
> to force the use of the bytecode compiler.

> 6. I propose to check for 'amd64' in the debian/rules
> makefile, and call configure like this:

>   ./configure --set-int-NATIVE_CODE_COMPILER=0

> if architecture 'amd64' is detected: this will stop
> the build process using the faulty native code compiler
> even if it is detected.

> Unfortunately the condition is not correct: it will
> exclude all versions of the Ocaml native code compiler
> for the amd64, even versions in which the bug is 
> fixed (which I'm sure it will be). However

> (a) I don't know in which version it will be fixed

> (b) I don't know how to specify a condition on
> a particular range of versions of a package, particularly
> when the upper limit of the range is unknown at this time.

  Well, why don't you just put the ./configure option there for amd64
  without checking for versions, and when a version of ocaml-native-compilers 
  that fixes the issue gets uploaded, you re-upload your package with a
  versioned build-dependency on it.

  There should be a bug about this breakage on amd64, so you should be
  able to find out when the issue gets closed. Also, you could submit a
  bug against your own package ("ocaml-native-compilers not being used
  for amd64 because of Bug#XXX), so that the need of removing that
  ./configure option is not forgotten.

  There'd be also the option of a build-conflicts, but if the configure
  option works fine, it seems best.

  And yet a third option would be to remove the amd64 ocaml-native-compilers
  binaries from the archive, if this breakage is known, affects all
  packages, and will take a while to solve. The maintainer would know
  more about this.

> (c) I cannot simplify the conditions under which the 
> fault occurs, and so can't provide an 'autoconf' style
> executable test for it: at best I could 'try' the default
> build and rebuild the whole binary package from scratch
> using the bytecode compiler if build failed using the
> native code compiler .. this solution is quite general
> but extremely ugly .. this is my first attempt to make
> a Debian package and I suspect people would frown on
> this technique .. :)


Adeodato Simó
EM: asp16 [ykwim] | PK: DA6AE621
Don't worry about what anybody else is going to do. The best way to
predict the future is to invent it.
-- Alan Kay

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Build-Recommends

2005-06-12 Thread Goswin von Brederlow
John Skaller <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> I could use a 'build-recommends' dependency, 
> but  I understand 'recommends'
> is only available for the binary package, not the source.
> Is this correct?
> The situation: the packaging machine requires 'ocaml'
> to make binaries from my source package, but if 
> 'ocaml-native-compilers' is also installed it will
> do so faster, however that package is not available
> on all architectures.
> This isn't an essential feature, but here is a case,
> possibly isolated, where it could be useful.

On all archs that have a native ocaml compiler ocaml-native-compiler
is available. On all others only bytecode can be build. Any
architecture that has ocamlopt also has ocamopt.opt.

You can Build-Depend on ocaml-native-compiler [arch, arch, arch] |
ocaml [arch, arch].


with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: How to cope with bad package

2005-06-12 Thread Goswin von Brederlow
John Skaller <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> How should a package build script cope with a fault
> in a package used in a build?
> The situation: there is a fatal bug in the 'ocaml' binary
> package for the amd64 architecture. This package would
> contain the native code ocaml compiler for amd64, which
> has a bug. Native code compilers for x86 works.
> The debian/rules can detect amd64, and there is a way
> to force the upstream source to not use the native code
> compiler.
> However, the problem will probably be fixed, but I cannot
> predict in which release of Ocaml. 
> I propose to 'hack' debian/rules to cope. Would that
> be the proper way?

'Build-Conflict: ocaml (== version) [amd64]' I believe. You just have
to hope the next upload fixes the problem.


with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: co-maintainers sought

2005-06-12 Thread Christoph Hellwig
>   - [RFA] bcm4400-source - module source for Broadcom's bcm4400 ethernet 
> driver
> :

What problems do you see with the in-kernel b44 driver that you still
need bcm4400?

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Build-Recommends

2005-06-12 Thread Adeodato Simó
* Roberto C. Sanchez [Sun, 12 Jun 2005 09:28:24 -0400]:

> Couldn't you also Build-Depend on 'ocaml-native-compilers | ocaml'?

  Good idea, but it won't work (at least with the version of sbuild in
  unstable, if buildds are using something more recent and smarter,
  that's another story).

> That would look first for ocaml-native-compilers and then if that is not
> available, for ocaml.  Plus, if the ocaml-native-compilers package
> becomes available for other architectures, it does not require a
> modification to the Build-Depends to take advantage of it.

  As Ian Lynagh pointed me out on IRC, and I later checked on my system,
  sbuild blindly tries to install the first alternative, and completely
  fails if it's not available. So you necessarily need to specify arches,
  modulo my remarks above. Example output from sbuild follows:

$ sbuild -d u -v foo_1.dsc
** Using build dependencies supplied by package:
Build-Depends: sll | sl, debhelper
Checking for already installed source dependencies...
sll: missing
sl: missing
debhelper: already installed
Checking for source dependency conflicts...
  /usr/bin/sudo /usr/bin/apt-get --purge $CHROOT_OPTIONS -q -y install sll
Reading Package Lists...
Building Dependency Tree...
E: Couldn't find package sll


Adeodato Simó
EM: asp16 [ykwim] | PK: DA6AE621
Under capitalism, man exploits man.
Under communism, it's just the opposite.
-- J.K. Galbraith

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Build-Recommends

2005-06-12 Thread Adeodato Simó
* Adeodato Simó [Sun, 12 Jun 2005 16:14:00 +0200]:
> * Roberto C. Sanchez [Sun, 12 Jun 2005 09:28:24 -0400]:

> > Couldn't you also Build-Depend on 'ocaml-native-compilers | ocaml'?

>   Good idea, but it won't work (at least with the version of sbuild in
>   unstable, if buildds are using something more recent and smarter,
>   that's another story).
  Uhm, I stand corrected:

16:34  Yoe: do you know if the (new?) sbuild used by buildds copes with
 the situation above?
16:34  dato: yes, it should handle it
16:35  dato: it will install the preferred package, but either fall back
if that doesn't exist on the given architecture,
16:35  or not touch whatever is already installed if one is
16:35  ok, sweet
16:35  I will mail -mentors again, sbuild in sid couldn't cope
16:35  for instance, many buildd chroots already have ssmtp installed, so
an alternative like 'exim4 | mail-transport-agent' will not do
16:35  then sbuild in sid is broken
16:36  but no official autobuilder uses that one anyway; it's been
modified so that it's useful to "normal" users as a generic build
16:37  Yoe: ok. has this been a recent change in the sbuild used by
 buildds, or has it been behaving like that for a long time already?
16:37  the latter
16:37  I don't recall it ever behaving differently, in fact

  Sorry for the false alarm. ;-)

Adeodato Simó
EM: asp16 [ykwim] | PK: DA6AE621
Any life, no matter how long and complex it may be, is made up of a
single moment: the moment in which a man finds out, once and for all,
who he is.
-- Jorge Luis Borges

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: co-maintainers sought

2005-06-12 Thread Bartosz Fenski aka fEnIo
On Sun, Jun 12, 2005 at 02:57:38PM +0200, martin f krafft wrote:
>   - ipcalc - Parameter calculator for IPv4 addresses
> :

I would be interested in adoptioning or co-maintaining this package, since
I'm using it quite often.

So please decide whether you want to stay as co-maintainer or give me its


  ,''`.  Bartosz Fenski | mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] | pgp:0x13fefc40 | irc:fEnIo
 : :' :   32-050 Skawina - Glowackiego 3/15 - w. malopolskie - Poland
 `. `'   phone:+48602383548 | proud Debian maintainer and user
   `- | jid:[EMAIL PROTECTED] | rlu:172001

Description: Digital signature

Re: co-maintainers sought

2005-06-12 Thread Drasko Draskovic
I am interested in maintaining gjay. I never maintanined any package,
so I will need some help, but I am very willing to learn (and

Best regards,

On 6/12/05, martin f krafft <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> OB: cross-posted; please reply privately (Reply-To set).
> I am looking for co-maintainers for the following of my packages.
> Most of these packages are also up for adoption in case someone
> wants to take them over. If interested, please talk to me and I will
> assess whether I'd bestow ownership to you. I am not trying to be
> picky, but certain packages are difficult and thus should probably
> not be taken over by novices.
> Nevertheless, this is not an RFA as I am happy to continue
> maintenance of these packages (unless otherwise noted), but would
> like to have a co-maintainer by my side to help keep bug closing
> delays short.
> If you want to help out with any of the packages, please drop me
> a private line (Reply-To set):
>   - [RFA] bcm4400-source - module source for Broadcom's bcm4400 ethernet 
> driver
> :
>   - gjay - An automatic and learning DJ for xmms
> :
>   - ipcalc - Parameter calculator for IPv4 addresses
> :
>   - iprelay - User-space bandwidth shaping TCP proxy daemon
> :
>   - kernel-patch-suspend2 - Linux kernel patch for software suspend 2
> :
>   - libfactory++ - C++ template factory framework
> :
>   - libhid - userspace USB HID access library
> :
>   - libkdtree++ - C++ template container implementation of kd-tree sorting
> :
>   - libloki - a C++ library of generic design patterns
> :
>   - libphidgets - Phidgets access library
> :
>   - libs11n - a powerful, extensible C++ serialisation framework
> :
>   - libspf - the ANSI C SPF reference library
> :
>   - libtut - elegant C++ unit test framework
> :
>   - [RFA] libunit++ - a C++ unit testing framework
> :
>   - muttprofile - a utility to choose profiles in Mutt
> :
>   - poppass-cgi - a CGI script to interact with a poppassd server
> :
> Thanks for your attention.
> --
> Please do not send copies of list mail to me; I read the list!
>  .''`. martin f. krafft <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> : :'  :proud Debian developer, admin, user, and author
> `. `'`
>   `-  Debian - when you have better things to do than fixing a system
> Invalid/expired PGP subkeys? Use as keyserver!
> if you see an onion ring -- answer it!
> BodyID:46613293.2.n.logpart (stored separately)

Drasko Draskovic 
MSc Student in Computer Sciencies
School of Electrical Engeneering
University of Belgrade

Re: namespace conflict != package Conflict?

2005-06-12 Thread Adam Majer
Sebastian Kuzminsky wrote:

>Adam Majer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>Sebastian Kuzminsky wrote:
>>>Hi folks, I have a noob question for you.  I maintain the Cogito package
>>>(my first), and it wants to install an executable as /usr/bin/git.  The
>>>GNU Interactive Tools package (git) also wants to install an executable
>>>as /usr/bin/git.  To avoid this conflict I made cogito Conflict with git.
>>Of course this is *seriously* wrong. Why are you preventing people from
>>using git and cogito together?
>As I see it, it's not _me_ preventing them from being used together,
>it's Linus Torvalds, the upstream developer of git-as-in-cogito, who
>chose a conflicting name for his project.  The problem has been pointed
>out to him and he doesnt care:
Not a big deal if you ask me. Upstream is not preventing you from
renaming git -> cognito-git or similar.

>>>I have been told by Jurij Smakov that this is "seriously wrong", and
>>>I'm asking for help here.  What's the proper way to handle this situation?
>>rename /usr/bin/git to /usr/bin/cogito-git or whatever. It is not that hard.
>That's true Adam: renaming a file is not hard...  But in this case it
>has terrible consequences.
I don't see them. Debian already has a big mess of stuff like
saslpasswd2 instead of saslpasswd. Having cogito-git instead of git
makes a lot of sense (see below).

>Naming it "cogito-git" makes no sense at all.  Cogito uses git, but
>git doesnt know or care about cogito.  That'd be like naming glibc
>"mozilla-glibc", because mozilla uses glibc.
It is git and comes in the cogito package so it is named cogito-git ---

If mozilla had their own glibc, then they would probably call it
mozilla-glibc because it is glibc that is part of mozilla package.

>Renaming it something else, like "git.scm" or "git.debian" or
>"git.not-gnu-interactive-tools" or something, _might_ make sense, except
>then we'd have an incompatible debian-specific fork of git/cogito.
That's much, much worse. Using period is bad. Using unrelated things
like git.debian is not good either because git has little to do with
Debian. And the last one, well, kind of looong.
Neither of these are "forks". Rename != fork.

>People coming from other systems will correctly percieve this as
>debian-induced breakage.  Users downloading helper scripts and finding
>cookbook recipies on mailing list etc will discover that they are
>incompatible with the rest of the universe.
>That seems like too high a price to pay.

An alternative to renaming would be to contact the maintainer of git and
try to work something out. If the two commands are compatible, you may
want to get them added to alternatives (symlinks) like the alternatives
for 'editor' or 'www-browser' or the rest of the things in
/etc/alternatives. Then you can rename the file to cognito-git and still
have it pointed to as git unless someone installs git or whatever the
priorities are set to be.

If git's and cognito's git are not compatible, then you really should
rename your git -> cognito-git. Conflicting should always be considered
*the* last thing to do because it prevents users from using git and
cognito on the same system (it is even worse for multi-user systems).
Also, users that need to have git pointing to cignoto-git (if
/etc/alternatives is not the way to go) can always set up their own
symlink in ~/bin or whatever.

I hope this makes a little bit of sense. In summary,
* conflicts -> bad
* renaming binaries -> less bad. Try to rename to -
format.  could also be the name of the source if that makes
more sense.

- Adam

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Re: Build-Recommends

2005-06-12 Thread Ralf Treinen
On Sun, Jun 12, 2005 at 03:21:54PM +0200, Adeodato Simó wrote:
>   [People from debian-ocaml-mail, please keep -mentors CC'ed.]
> * John Skaller [Sun, 12 Jun 2005 16:27:21 +1000]:
> > I could use a 'build-recommends' dependency, 
> > but  I understand 'recommends'
> > is only available for the binary package, not the source.
> > Is this correct?
> > The situation: the packaging machine requires 'ocaml'
> > to make binaries from my source package, but if 
> > 'ocaml-native-compilers' is also installed it will
> > do so faster, however that package is not available
> > on all architectures.
> > This isn't an essential feature, but here is a case,
> > possibly isolated, where it could be useful.
>   Normally, one resolves this and similar situations like this:
> Build-Depends: ocaml-native-compilers [!m68k !mips !mipsel !s390], 
>ocaml [m68k mips mipsel s390]

>From a subsequent posting on the list I got the impression that you
have misunderstood the description of the ocaml-native-compilers
package. In fact there are two dimensions to consider when you talk
about "native code compiler":

- does the compiler produce byte code or native code?
- is the compiler itself a byte code executable or a native code

The package "ocaml-native-compilers" provides ocaml compilers
(both to byte code and native code) which are themselves 
machine code executables. Their advantage over byte code
executables is that they are faster, their disadvantage is
that they may take longer to load. 

If you want to say in your package control file to depend
on the fastest available compiler on any architecture then
your should depend on "ocaml-best-compilers" which is a virtual
package provided by "ocaml-best-compilers" on architectures
where it exists, and provided by ocaml on the other architectures.
If you want to use this then the makefile should be able to
call the *.opt executables when they are present on the system.

However, if you want to have a finer control over the *target* of the
compilation (byte code or machine code) then I guess the only way 
is to patch the makefile, or do an appropriate test in the 
debian/rules file.


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RFS: terraform 0.9.0-3

2005-06-12 Thread Kari Pahula

I'd like to adopt terraform (wnpp bug: #267911).  I'm not a DD yet, so
I'll be needing a sponsor for the upload.

Here's the changelog entry for my version:
terraform (0.9.0-3) unstable; urgency=low

  * New maintainer. (Closes: #267911)
  * Run povray instead of x-povray for rendering.
  * Updated standards-version to
  * Build-depends on autotools-dev. cp new versions of config.{guess,sub}
on each build.
  * Patched data/include/skies/ (Closes: #269096)

 -- Kari Pahula <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  Mon, 13 Jun 2005 00:47:47 +0300

It's uploaded to

Upstream seems to be inactive.  The program is in a bit sorry state.
I couldn't get autotools (even the old versions 2.13 and 1.4) to run
with a moderate effort.  Strictly that's not required, but it would've
made my life easier.

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RFS: lincity-ng

2005-06-12 Thread Moritz Muehlenhoff
I'm searching a sponsor for lincity-ng.
Lincity-ng is a fork of the original lincity game with a more user-friendly
interface and completely new, polished isometric graphics made in Blender.
See for an
example. The 0.9 release is playable with some rough edges.

As lincity-ng is more or less an almost new game and more resource demanding
than the original lincity, it has been agreed with the lincity maintainer
that both should co-exist for now.

The packages are lintian/linda clean, all files have been checked for
DFSG conformance, the arch-independant game data has been split off into
a separate package and the included copy of Bitstream vera has been
removed from the binary package.

Packages and source can be pulled from


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Re: RFS: lincity-ng

2005-06-12 Thread Kari Pahula
On Sun, Jun 12, 2005 at 11:45:29PM +0200, Moritz Muehlenhoff wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm searching a sponsor for lincity-ng.

Before anybody else looks for this too: this package does have an ITP
submitted for it

Sorry, I'm not a DD and can't sponsor it.

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2005-06-12 Thread Nelson, Quinten Charles


Re: Build-Recommends

2005-06-12 Thread Goswin von Brederlow
Adeodato Simó <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> * Adeodato Simó [Sun, 12 Jun 2005 16:14:00 +0200]:
>> * Roberto C. Sanchez [Sun, 12 Jun 2005 09:28:24 -0400]:
>> > Couldn't you also Build-Depend on 'ocaml-native-compilers | ocaml'?
>>   Good idea, but it won't work (at least with the version of sbuild in
>>   unstable, if buildds are using something more recent and smarter,
>>   that's another story).
>   Uhm, I stand corrected:
> 16:34  Yoe: do you know if the (new?) sbuild used by buildds copes with
>  the situation above?
> 16:34  dato: yes, it should handle it
> 16:35  dato: it will install the preferred package, but either fall back
> if that doesn't exist on the given architecture,
> 16:35  or not touch whatever is already installed if one is
> 16:35  ok, sweet
> 16:35  I will mail -mentors again, sbuild in sid couldn't cope
> 16:35  for instance, many buildd chroots already have ssmtp installed, so
> an alternative like 'exim4 | mail-transport-agent' will not do
> anything
> 16:35  then sbuild in sid is broken
> 16:36  but no official autobuilder uses that one anyway; it's been
> modified so that it's useful to "normal" users as a generic build
> tool
> 16:37  Yoe: ok. has this been a recent change in the sbuild used by
>  buildds, or has it been behaving like that for a long time 
> already?
> 16:37  the latter
> 16:37  I don't recall it ever behaving differently, in fact
>   Sorry for the false alarm. ;-)

I think yoe is wrong there.

Sbuild should not fall back to alternatives for Build-Depends and
afaik does not in any version. With fallback the build becomes

What is true is that sbuild only installs Build-Depends that are
missing but then always the first. So if ssmtp is preinstalled in the
chroot then 'exim4 | mail-transport-agent' is already fullfilled and
is skiped by sbuild.

In summary: If ocaml is preinstalled in the chroot then
'ocaml-native-compilers | ocaml' will do nothing. Otherwise
ocaml-native-compilers will be installed and fails on some archs.

Also if ocaml is preinstalled and ocaml-native-compilers exists it
still isn't installed and the debian/rules will not find ocamlopt.opt.


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Re: Build-Recommends

2005-06-12 Thread Goswin von Brederlow
"Roberto C. Sanchez" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> On Sun, Jun 12, 2005 at 03:21:54PM +0200, Adeodato Simó wrote:
>>   [People from debian-ocaml-mail, please keep -mentors CC'ed.]
>> * John Skaller [Sun, 12 Jun 2005 16:27:21 +1000]:
>> > I could use a 'build-recommends' dependency, 
>> > but  I understand 'recommends'
>> > is only available for the binary package, not the source.
>> > Is this correct?
>> > The situation: the packaging machine requires 'ocaml'
>> > to make binaries from my source package, but if 
>> > 'ocaml-native-compilers' is also installed it will
>> > do so faster, however that package is not available
>> > on all architectures.
>> > This isn't an essential feature, but here is a case,
>> > possibly isolated, where it could be useful.
>>   Normally, one resolves this and similar situations like this:
>> Build-Depends: ocaml-native-compilers [!m68k !mips !mipsel !s390], 
>>ocaml [m68k mips mipsel s390]
> Couldn't you also Build-Depend on 'ocaml-native-compilers | ocaml'?
> That would look first for ocaml-native-compilers and then if that is not
> available, for ocaml.  Plus, if the ocaml-native-compilers package
> becomes available for other architectures, it does not require a
> modification to the Build-Depends to take advantage of it.
> -Roberto

No it wouldn't.


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