Le Dim 12 Juin 2005 08:51, John Skaller a écrit :
> How should a package build script cope with a fault
> in a package used in a build?
> The situation: there is a fatal bug in the 'ocaml' binary
> package for the amd64 architecture. This package would
> contain the native code ocaml compiler for amd64, which
> has a bug. Native code compilers for x86 works.
> The debian/rules can detect amd64, and there is a way
> to force the upstream source to not use the native code
> compiler.
> However, the problem will probably be fixed, but I cannot
> predict in which release of Ocaml.
> I propose to 'hack' debian/rules to cope. Would that
> be the proper way?

could you bemore specific on the bugs you encounter ? because your 
explanation lost me a bit.

moreover, you may want to ask your question on the ocaml maintainer list 
(search on lists.debian.org, I don't remember the exact name, but you 
will meet there a lot of active people with big experience with ocaml 
apps/libs packaging)
·O·  Pierre Habouzit
··O                                                [EMAIL PROTECTED]
OOO                                                http://www.madism.org

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