Re: working with Debian subversion sources

2004-08-17 Thread Laszlo 'GCS' Boszormenyi
* Faheem Mitha <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2004-08-17 01:12:46 +]:

> > I've been trying to package subversion, version 1.1.0-rc2,
 I think David already started with it, as we got a request for the
package. But please note two things: we short of postponed it, as it
won't make into Sarge and David is moving back to the US of A so he does
not have an internet access for some weeks.

> > It doesn't look like David Kimdon is using svn-buildpackage.
 He does not as far as I know.

> Apparently not, after all. I see that the orig tarball is a tarball
> within a tarball. I guess that answers one of my questions. :-) I am
> still not sure why it is done that way, though.
 Simple: Subversion contains a copy of Neon and libapr0, and at least
Neon is not DFSG free and as libapr0 is pulled from the Apache2 package,
both are _removed_ for copyright reasons, or not to crush with the Apache2


Description: Digital signature

RFH Re: conglomerate_0.7.14-2_powerpc.changes REJECTED

2004-08-17 Thread Geert Stappers
On Tue, Aug 17, 2004 at 03:35:14AM -0400, Randall Donald wrote:
> hi,
 Hello ftpmaster,
(Hello ftpmasters, ;-)
 Hello debian-mentors,

> E: conglomerate: no-copyright-file
> W: conglomerate: non-standard-dir-perm usr/ 0775 != 0755
> W: conglomerate: non-standard-dir-perm usr/bin/ 0775 != 0755
> E: conglomerate; No changelog.Debian installed for package.
> W: conglomerate-common: non-standard-dir-perm usr/ 0775 != 0755
> W: conglomerate-common: non-standard-dir-perm usr/share/ 0775 != 0755
> W: conglomerate-common: non-standard-dir-perm usr/share/locale/ 0775 != 0755
> W: conglomerate-common: non-standard-dir-perm usr/share/locale/az/ 0775 != 
> 0755
> W: conglomerate-common: non-standard-dir-perm 
> usr/share/locale/az/LC_MESSAGES/ 0775 != 0755
> etc etc etc etc 
> Please fix these.
For the permission warnings on the directories, I have a clue how to fix it.
See below for the request for help.

> The no copyright file and changelog are quite important.
> you can just use a symlink from /usr/share/doc/conglomerate -> 
> /usr/share/doc/conglomerate-common. 

That symbolic link is meanwhile available in 0.7.14-3.
> Randall Donald
> If you don't understand why your files were rejected, or if the
> override file requires editing, reply to this email.

I'm surprised that your lintian procedures more information then mine.
According to is the most recent version 1.23.2,
I use that version also. The linda program does report also
the missing manpage, but not the permissions on directories warning.

Which tool do I have to use to make these warnings visible?

Geert Stappers

Description: PGP signature

Problems with cylcing dependencies in sid->sarge

2004-08-17 Thread Christian Hammers

Two packages, libdbi-perl and libdbd-csv-perl have problems going to testing 
also each of them seems to be fine and they should be able to
go in simultaneously. 

Can anybody explain to me what's wrong here?

 libdbi-perl 1.43-1 Conflicts: libdbd-csv-perl <= 0.2002-1
 libdbd-csv-perl 0.2002-1.1 Depends: libdbi-perl >= 0.42-3
  Why is package X not in testing yet?
Checking libdbd-csv-perl
* trying to update libdbd-csv-perl from 0.2002-1 to 0.2002-1.1   
(candidate is 10 days old)
* libdbd-csv-perl is waiting for libdbi-perl
  o Updating libdbi-perl makes 1 depending packages
uninstallable on alpha: libdbd-csv-perl 
* Updating libdbd-csv-perl makes 1 non-depending packages
  uninstallable on alpha: libdbd-csv-perl

  Dependency analysis (including build-depends; i386 only):
* libdbd-csv-perl depends on libdbi-perl >= 1.42-3 
  but testing has 1.41-1 (unstable has 1.43-1)
  o libdbi-perl is explained above



Description: PGP signature

Re: Problems with cylcing dependencies in sid->sarge

2004-08-17 Thread Andreas Metzler
On 2004-08-17 Christian Hammers <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Two packages, libdbi-perl and libdbd-csv-perl have problems going to
> testing also each of them seems to be fine and they should be able
> to go in simultaneously. 

> Can anybody explain to me what's wrong here?

Testing does not automatically resolve situations like this (Two
packages need to go in at _exactly_ the same time, updating either one
of them separately does not work). - The release managers need to
manually add a hint.

If you ever encounter this situation you should verify that the hint
not yet been added and send a mail to debian-release. - I'll try to
take care of this specific one by grabbing a RM on IRC.
cu andreas
"See, I told you they'd listen to Reason," [SPOILER] Svfurlr fnlf,
fuhggvat qbja gur juveyvat tha.
Neal Stephenson in "Snow Crash"

Re: advice on site-specific modified .debs

2004-08-17 Thread Justin Pryzby
I'm going to respond here and hope someone corrects me if I'm wrong or
if there's a better way.

On Fri, Aug 13, 2004 at 10:52:42AM +0200, Alexander List wrote:
> Hello,
> I am about to create site-specific debs, e.g. patched versions of official
> Debian packages with local add-ons (that don't make sense for upstream).
> So far, we were naming those packages:
> -packagename
> This has the disadvantage that a lot of stuff in debian/rules etc. has to
> be changed (directory names below debian are -packagename
> instead of packagename).
> Another possibility is to add the company name after the package name,
> including it in the version number, e.g. package--1.2.3-1.
This would be an improvement.  I think you could also increment the
epoch number.  This will ensure that your packages are higher priority. 

> I want to assure that only the site-specific packages are use. What's the
> best way to achieve this? Apt-Pinning my local repository?
This is an interesting idea; instead of unstable/testing/stable pinning,
you could have company and stable, or whatever.  Then, you wouldn't need
to play with the package versions.


Description: Digital signature

Re: working with Debian subversion sources

2004-08-17 Thread Faheem Mitha

On Tue, 17 Aug 2004, Laszlo 'GCS' Boszormenyi wrote:

> * Faheem Mitha <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2004-08-17 01:12:46 +]:
> > > I've been trying to package subversion, version 1.1.0-rc2,
>  I think David already started with it, as we got a request for the
> package. But please note two things: we short of postponed it, as it
> won't make into Sarge and David is moving back to the US of A so he does
> not have an internet access for some weeks.

I'm trying to package subversion for practice, and because I'm keen to
switch to using the fsfs filesystem as soon as I can. If I get it
successfully packaged, I'll post an annoucement on subversion-users.

In that event, would it also be appropriate to cc debian-mentors and ask
if someone could take a look at the package?

> > Apparently not, after all. I see that the orig tarball is a tarball
> > within a tarball. I guess that answers one of my questions. :-) I am
> > still not sure why it is done that way, though.
>  Simple: Subversion contains a copy of Neon and libapr0, and at least
> Neon is not DFSG free and as libapr0 is pulled from the Apache2 package,
> both are _removed_ for copyright reasons, or not to crush with the Apache2
> libapr0.

I see. Maybe I am being dense, but even if the upstream sources have been
modified, why is it better to put them inside an orig.tar.gz tarball? To
serve as a warning that it is not the original tarball, or does something
in policy demand it be done this way?

Thanks. Faheem.

RFS: qtfprot: Qt-based GUI for F-PROT Anti-Virus 4.x

2004-08-17 Thread Lawrence Williams

Package: qtfprot
Maintainer: Lawrence Williams <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Upstream Author: Christian Link ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
Upstream URL:
Debian URL:

Description: QTFprot is a QT-based frontend for F-Prot that makes it as 
easy to use as PC-Cillin for Windows!

I know viruses are currently not a big problem on Linux, but it would be 
nice to have a easy-to-use GUI for F-PROT be available in Debian. F-PROT 
4.x is available in .deb form, so my package will just include the GUI 
and Depends: as needed.

Re: RFS: qtfprot: Qt-based GUI for F-PROT Anti-Virus 4.x

2004-08-17 Thread Thomas Viehmann

Lawrence Williams wrote:
> Description: QTFprot is a QT-based frontend for F-Prot that makes it as
> easy to use as PC-Cillin for Windows!
Your description is - er - a lookalike of a bad example on [1].
I think your package cannot be part of Debian (as in main) but only
contrib if it needs non-free fprot.

Kind regards

Thomas Viehmann, 

Description: PGP signature

Re: RFS: qtfprot: Qt-based GUI for F-PROT Anti-Virus 4.x

2004-08-17 Thread Ricardo Mones
On Tue, 17 Aug 2004 13:35:27 -0230
Lawrence Williams <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Description: QTFprot is a QT-based frontend for F-Prot that makes it as 
> easy to use as PC-Cillin for Windows!

  You should remove this comparison from description. Is meaningless for
anyone who has not used such software and can even be discouraging for the
ones who used it and found it unfriendly ;-)

  IMO "QTFprot is a QT-based frontend for F-Prot that makes it easy to use"
should suffice. Disclaimer: I'm not a DD.

  Ricardo Mones Lastra - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Centro de Inteligencia Artificial, Universidad de Oviedo en Gijon
  33271 Asturias, SPAIN. -

Re: RFS: qtfprot: Qt-based GUI for F-PROT Anti-Virus 4.x

2004-08-17 Thread Lawrence Williams


My mistake... i forgot about that lol. It's still early here :P

I am gonna make the changes suggested so far and give it a test with the 
new QT 3.3 that has just been installed on my system by Synaptic.

P.S. I plan on keeping all messages on the list.

Thomas Viehmann wrote:

Lawrence Williams wrote:


So I really should label it as non-free even though it is GPL but
depends on a non-free package?

No. Contrib is just for cases like yours (free software that depends on
non-free software to be useful/functioning/compiled).
Note that you probably know that from studying the Debian policy
document. ;)

Kind regards


P.S.: Please keep the traffic on the list unless you specifically don't
want to.

RFS: http-replicator

2004-08-17 Thread Gertjan van Zwieten

I'm looking for a sponsor for http-replicator, a program I wrote myself.
It's a single-threaded proxy server written in python. I started working
on it some time ago because I needed a way to cache my downloaded debian
packages so they won't have to be redownloaded for each individual pc.
The existing solutions like apt-cacher and apt-proxy didn't really offer
what I was looking for. I have tried to explain this on the website:

A difference with these other solutions is that although http-replicator
has package caching as its primary purpose it still is a general proxy
server. The gentoo community also seems to find it quite useful, seeing
this discussion:
Currently http-replicator is in the process of becoming an official
ebuild, which is a bit odd considering I wrote it for debian :-). I hope
it can be in debian as well.

I've read the FAQ, it seems the following information is required:

* Name: http-replicator
* Licence: GPL
* Description: Replicating HTTP proxy server
* Website:


Gertjan van Zwieten

Re: RFS: LSongs? :)

2004-08-17 Thread Lawrence Williams

Lawrence Williams wrote:


Due to it's python-based nature, it doesn't require python-kde3 to be 
installed while building ( only requires debhelper and python2.3-dev 
if i remember right ). However, it won't load if it is not installed ( 
will error out during loading ). I've used lintian to clean up my 
packaging. Just got a few nagging issues left ( copyright file and 
package description ) to fix. Nothing major.

My main concern is finding a sponsor to perform the upload once 
python-kde3 becomes available.


Wesley J Landaker wrote:

On Friday 13 August 2004 20:30, Lawrence Williams wrote:

Hey guys,

Just a quick update before i head to bed: I have filed an ITP for
lsongs and been in touch with the maintainer for python-kde3 and
things are looking good. He is planning on doing an upload in the
next day or so. All that leaves for me to do, is find a sponsor for
lsongs and clean up any remaining lint in the packaging.

I may be willing to help look over your packaging, but after this 
weekend my time may be limited for a little while. I would suggest 
re-posting an RFS message when python-kde3 is in and your lsongs 
package can be [more easily] built and tested. =)


Hey guys,

I'm starting working on my lsongs package again, now that all the 
required dependencies are in unstable :)

Re: RFS: http-replicator

2004-08-17 Thread Erik Schanze
"Gertjan van Zwieten" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Hello,
> I'm looking for a sponsor for http-replicator, a program I wrote myself.
> It's a single-threaded proxy server written in python. I started working
> on it some time ago because I needed a way to cache my downloaded debian
> packages so they won't have to be redownloaded for each individual pc.
> The existing solutions like apt-cacher and apt-proxy didn't really offer
> what I was looking for. I have tried to explain this on the website:
> A difference with these other solutions is that although http-replicator
> has package caching as its primary purpose it still is a general proxy
> server. The gentoo community also seems to find it quite useful, seeing
> this discussion:
> Currently http-replicator is in the process of becoming an official
> ebuild, which is a bit odd considering I wrote it for debian :-). I hope
> it can be in debian as well.
> I've read the FAQ, it seems the following information is required:
> * Name: http-replicator
> * Licence: GPL
> * Description: Replicating HTTP proxy server
> * Website:
After short look over http-replicator-2.1.tar.gz I have these suggestions:
- In debian/rules you should remove commented out lines.
- There is no *.dsc file downloadable, I'm not able to build package myself.
- According Policy 12.1 you should provide manpages for 
  http-replicator and http-replicator_maintenance
- Current Standards-Version is 3.6.1.
- Because the programs are not specific to Debian (as I understand) and someone
  else (e.g. Gentoo) find it useful, you should consider to build it as a normal
  Package, not native.


-- *
 Bitte keine HTML-Mails! No HTML mails, please! Maillimit: 1 MB *
  * Linux-Info-Tag in Dresden, am 30. Oktober 2004  *
 Info: *

Re: gprolog: buildds not touching it

2004-08-17 Thread Salvador Abreu
Adreas and Adam,

Thanks for the help, I think I'll finally be able to get gprolog into
testing now ;)


Description: PGP signature

seeking a "temp" sponsor

2004-08-17 Thread Jacob Luna Lundberg


I maintain the xscorch package and my usual sponsor isn't responding (I 
think he's just too busy).  I have a new debian version which fixes a 
bug with 64-bit platforms and updates standards compliance just a tad.  
I'm looking for somebody to upload for me, hopefully in time to get it 
into testing.  :)

New package:

Debian info and the 64-bit bug:



"Freedom without opportunity is the devil's gift."
 -Noam Chomsky

Description: PGP signature

Re: RFS: LSongs? :)

2004-08-17 Thread Wesley J Landaker
On Tuesday 17 August 2004 15:48, Lawrence Williams wrote:
> Lawrence Williams wrote:
> I'm starting working on my lsongs package again, now that all the
> required dependencies are in unstable :)

I would be happy to look your package over and provide 
comments/suggestions if you post a link to them when you're ready.

Wesley J. Landaker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
OpenPGP FP: 4135 2A3B 4726 ACC5 9094  0097 F0A9 8A4C 4CD6 E3D2

Description: signature

Re: RFS: LSongs? :)

2004-08-17 Thread Lawrence Williams

Wesley J Landaker wrote:

On Tuesday 17 August 2004 15:48, Lawrence Williams wrote:

Lawrence Williams wrote:
I'm starting working on my lsongs package again, now that all the
required dependencies are in unstable :)

I would be happy to look your package over and provide 
comments/suggestions if you post a link to them when you're ready.


Actually, I spoke a bit too soon. I'll still need 2 more packages to get 
in before uploading. One is simple and small ( njbtools ) and could 
probably get in unstable easily. However, PyLAME might take a bit of 
work. Hopefully, I can get something going soon.


Re: RFS: LSongs? :)

2004-08-17 Thread Lawrence Williams

Lawrence Williams wrote:

Wesley J Landaker wrote:

On Tuesday 17 August 2004 15:48, Lawrence Williams wrote:

Lawrence Williams wrote:
I'm starting working on my lsongs package again, now that all the
required dependencies are in unstable :)

I would be happy to look your package over and provide 
comments/suggestions if you post a link to them when you're ready.


Actually, I spoke a bit too soon. I'll still need 2 more packages to 
get in before uploading. One is simple and small ( njbtools ) and 
could probably get in unstable easily. However, PyLAME might take a 
bit of work. Hopefully, I can get something going soon.


Update: just got both of 'em done... thanks again to Neil ( who 
originally packaged LSongs on mentors ). I'll do an ITP for them in the 
morning and ask for a multi-package RFS: ( all three: njbtools, pylame, 
and lsongs ).

RFS: perltidy 20031021-2 -- perl script indenter and reformatter

2004-08-17 Thread Don Armstrong
I'm looking for a sponsor for perltidy to upload a new upstream
version to replace the unmaintained version from 2001 that is
currently in the archive. [Matt Hope, my normal sponsor, seems to be
temporarily away.]

Packages are at

Description of perltidy follows for those not familiar with it:

Perltidy is a Perl script which indents and reformats Perl
scripts to make them easier to read.

The formatting can be controlled with command line parameters.
The default parameter settings approximately follow the
suggestions in the Perl Style Guide.

Perltidy can also generate formatted HTML output from POD, and can
even generate colored output in HTML for scripts. See examples at


NB: If you decide to sponsor this, please use the appropriate -v (and
-sa) options to dpkg-buildpackage.

Don Armstrong

 -- Maritza Campos

Re: RFS: LSongs? :)

2004-08-17 Thread Lawrence Williams

Lawrence Williams wrote:

Lawrence Williams wrote:

Wesley J Landaker wrote:

On Tuesday 17 August 2004 15:48, Lawrence Williams wrote:

Lawrence Williams wrote:
I'm starting working on my lsongs package again, now that all the
required dependencies are in unstable :)

I would be happy to look your package over and provide 
comments/suggestions if you post a link to them when you're ready.


Actually, I spoke a bit too soon. I'll still need 2 more packages to 
get in before uploading. One is simple and small ( njbtools ) and 
could probably get in unstable easily. However, PyLAME might take a 
bit of work. Hopefully, I can get something going soon.


Update: just got both of 'em done... thanks again to Neil ( who 
originally packaged LSongs on mentors ). I'll do an ITP for them in 
the morning and ask for a multi-package RFS: ( all three: njbtools, 
pylame, and lsongs ).

haha now i've discovered another problem. python2.3-kde3 works only up 
to KDE 3.2.3 by the looks of things. So, me, using KDE 3.3, can't use it 
at the moment. I can build LSongs and all, but it won't run because 
python2.3-kde3 is incompatible with KDE 3.3 ( a problem with the 
upstream itself, not the package or even KDE ).

Right now, the most I can do is get everything else ready ( any missing 
dependencies for lsongs sponsored into unstable ), wait for upstream to 
update PyKDE for KDE 3.3 support ( aka python2.3-kde3 as the package is 
called ), get Ricardo to do another upload, and then put the final 
touches on LSongs itself.


Re: seeking a "temp" sponsor

2004-08-17 Thread Wesley J Landaker
On Tuesday 17 August 2004 17:32, Jacob Luna Lundberg wrote:
> Howdy,
> I maintain the xscorch package and my usual sponsor isn't responding
> (I think he's just too busy).  I have a new debian version which
> fixes a bug with 64-bit platforms and updates standards compliance
> just a tad. I'm looking for somebody to upload for me, hopefully in
> time to get it into testing.  :)

I'm looking at it now and will upload within the hour if there are no 

Wesley J. Landaker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
OpenPGP FP: 4135 2A3B 4726 ACC5 9094  0097 F0A9 8A4C 4CD6 E3D2

Description: signature

Re: seeking a "temp" sponsor

2004-08-17 Thread Wesley J Landaker
On Tuesday 17 August 2004 17:32, Jacob Luna Lundberg wrote:
> Howdy,
> I maintain the xscorch package and my usual sponsor isn't responding
> (I think he's just too busy).  I have a new debian version which
> fixes a bug with 64-bit platforms and updates standards compliance
> just a tad. I'm looking for somebody to upload for me, hopefully in
> time to get it into testing.  :)

The package looks like it's in pretty good shape, but I have one issue 
I'd like resolved before I upload (perhaps kind of pedantic, maybe I've 
been reading too much debian-legal):

debian/copyright names the principal upstream authors and the license, 
but doesn't contain the actual copyright "statement". From what I could 
glean from the AUTHORS file and the headers from the source, you'd 
probably want something like:

   Copyright © 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004 Justin David Smith 
   Copyright © 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004 Jacob Luna Lundberg
   Copyright © 2000 Matti Hänninen
   Copyright © 2003 Jason House
   Copyright © 2000, 2001Jake Post
   Copyright © 2000 Nickolai Zeldovich

   This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
   the Free Software Foundation, version 2 of the License ONLY.

   This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
   General Public License for more details.

   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
   along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software 
   Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA

Wesley J. Landaker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
OpenPGP FP: 4135 2A3B 4726 ACC5 9094  0097 F0A9 8A4C 4CD6 E3D2

Description: signature

Seeking sponsors for 3 packages

2004-08-17 Thread Ken Bloom
I'm looking for sponsors for three small packages.

Two are my own development project:
   Package: qtzmanim
   Version: 1.0.7
   Description: A  program  for  computing  the  times for jewish rituals
This program calculates the zmanim (times for Jewish rituals)
according to the GR"A opinion. This is a GUI version using QT.

   Package: zmanim
   Version: 1.0.6
   Description: A  program  for  computing  the  times for jewish rituals
This program calculates the zmanim (times for Jewish rituals)
according to the GR"A opinion.

The third was written by someone else, but it's very useful:
   Package: svp
   Version: 0.2-3
   Description: An SVGAlib based viewer for PostScript and PDF files
svp is an SVGAlib based GhostScript frontend, allowing you to view
PostScript and PDF files on your virtual consoles.

All of my packages are at

I usually have a GPG digital signature included as an attachment.
See for info about these digital signatures.
My key was last signed 08/17/2004. If you use GPG *please* see me about 
signing the key. * My computer can't give you viruses by email. ***

Re: RFS: LSongs? :)

2004-08-17 Thread Wesley J Landaker
On Tuesday 17 August 2004 20:20, Lawrence Williams wrote:
> haha now i've discovered another problem. python2.3-kde3 works only
> up to KDE 3.2.3 by the looks of things. So, me, using KDE 3.3, can't
> use it at the moment. I can build LSongs and all, but it won't run
> because python2.3-kde3 is incompatible with KDE 3.3 ( a problem with
> the upstream itself, not the package or even KDE ).
> Right now, the most I can do is get everything else ready ( any
> missing dependencies for lsongs sponsored into unstable ), wait for
> upstream to update PyKDE for KDE 3.3 support ( aka python2.3-kde3 as
> the package is called ), get Ricardo to do another upload, and then
> put the final touches on LSongs itself.

I'm willing to help you out when you have everything in a state where it 
looks like it's working if I still have the time. My schedule may be a 
little in flux in the next few weeks, however, so I'd continue to ask 
on the list for assistance. =)

Wesley J. Landaker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
OpenPGP FP: 4135 2A3B 4726 ACC5 9094  0097 F0A9 8A4C 4CD6 E3D2

Description: signature

Re: RFS: LSongs? :)

2004-08-17 Thread Lawrence Williams

Wesley J Landaker wrote:

On Tuesday 17 August 2004 20:20, Lawrence Williams wrote:

haha now i've discovered another problem. python2.3-kde3 works only
up to KDE 3.2.3 by the looks of things. So, me, using KDE 3.3, can't
use it at the moment. I can build LSongs and all, but it won't run
because python2.3-kde3 is incompatible with KDE 3.3 ( a problem with
the upstream itself, not the package or even KDE ).

Right now, the most I can do is get everything else ready ( any
missing dependencies for lsongs sponsored into unstable ), wait for
upstream to update PyKDE for KDE 3.3 support ( aka python2.3-kde3 as
the package is called ), get Ricardo to do another upload, and then
put the final touches on LSongs itself.

I'm willing to help you out when you have everything in a state where it 
looks like it's working if I still have the time. My schedule may be a 
little in flux in the next few weeks, however, so I'd continue to ask 
on the list for assistance. =)



That would be great. For now, I'd just like some help with the two 
dependencies i need for my lsongs package. Both are only small packages 
and should be fairly easy to clean up. They are mostly clean now as I've 
inherited the work of a previous maintainer. I'll upload them to mentors 
later and send you the info.


P.S. you are a DD? :P

RFH Re: conglomerate_0.7.14-2_powerpc.changes REJECTED

2004-08-17 Thread Geert Stappers
On Tue, Aug 17, 2004 at 03:35:14AM -0400, Randall Donald wrote:
> hi,
 Hello ftpmaster,
(Hello ftpmasters, ;-)
 Hello debian-mentors,

> E: conglomerate: no-copyright-file
> W: conglomerate: non-standard-dir-perm usr/ 0775 != 0755
> W: conglomerate: non-standard-dir-perm usr/bin/ 0775 != 0755
> E: conglomerate; No changelog.Debian installed for package.
> W: conglomerate-common: non-standard-dir-perm usr/ 0775 != 0755
> W: conglomerate-common: non-standard-dir-perm usr/share/ 0775 != 0755
> W: conglomerate-common: non-standard-dir-perm usr/share/locale/ 0775 != 0755
> W: conglomerate-common: non-standard-dir-perm usr/share/locale/az/ 0775 != 0755
> W: conglomerate-common: non-standard-dir-perm usr/share/locale/az/LC_MESSAGES/ 0775 
> != 0755
> etc etc etc etc 
> Please fix these.
For the permission warnings on the directories, I have a clue how to fix it.
See below for the request for help.

> The no copyright file and changelog are quite important.
> you can just use a symlink from /usr/share/doc/conglomerate -> 
> /usr/share/doc/conglomerate-common. 

That symbolic link is meanwhile available in 0.7.14-3.
> Randall Donald
> If you don't understand why your files were rejected, or if the
> override file requires editing, reply to this email.

I'm surprised that your lintian procedures more information then mine.
According to is the most recent version 1.23.2,
I use that version also. The linda program does report also
the missing manpage, but not the permissions on directories warning.

Which tool do I have to use to make these warnings visible?

Geert Stappers

Description: PGP signature

Problems with cylcing dependencies in sid->sarge

2004-08-17 Thread Christian Hammers

Two packages, libdbi-perl and libdbd-csv-perl have problems going to testing also each 
of them seems to be fine and they should be able to
go in simultaneously. 

Can anybody explain to me what's wrong here?

 libdbi-perl 1.43-1 Conflicts: libdbd-csv-perl <= 0.2002-1
 libdbd-csv-perl 0.2002-1.1 Depends: libdbi-perl >= 0.42-3
  Why is package X not in testing yet?
Checking libdbd-csv-perl
* trying to update libdbd-csv-perl from 0.2002-1 to 0.2002-1.1   (candidate is 
10 days old)
* libdbd-csv-perl is waiting for libdbi-perl
  o Updating libdbi-perl makes 1 depending packages
uninstallable on alpha: libdbd-csv-perl 
* Updating libdbd-csv-perl makes 1 non-depending packages
  uninstallable on alpha: libdbd-csv-perl

  Dependency analysis (including build-depends; i386 only):
* libdbd-csv-perl depends on libdbi-perl >= 1.42-3 
  but testing has 1.41-1 (unstable has 1.43-1)
  o libdbi-perl is explained above



Description: PGP signature

Re: Problems with cylcing dependencies in sid->sarge

2004-08-17 Thread Andreas Metzler
On 2004-08-17 Christian Hammers <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Two packages, libdbi-perl and libdbd-csv-perl have problems going to
> testing also each of them seems to be fine and they should be able
> to go in simultaneously. 

> Can anybody explain to me what's wrong here?

Testing does not automatically resolve situations like this (Two
packages need to go in at _exactly_ the same time, updating either one
of them separately does not work). - The release managers need to
manually add a hint.

If you ever encounter this situation you should verify that the hint
not yet been added and send a mail to debian-release. - I'll try to
take care of this specific one by grabbing a RM on IRC.
cu andreas
"See, I told you they'd listen to Reason," [SPOILER] Svfurlr fnlf,
fuhggvat qbja gur juveyvat tha.
Neal Stephenson in "Snow Crash"

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: advice on site-specific modified .debs

2004-08-17 Thread Justin Pryzby
I'm going to respond here and hope someone corrects me if I'm wrong or
if there's a better way.

On Fri, Aug 13, 2004 at 10:52:42AM +0200, Alexander List wrote:
> Hello,
> I am about to create site-specific debs, e.g. patched versions of official
> Debian packages with local add-ons (that don't make sense for upstream).
> So far, we were naming those packages:
> -packagename
> This has the disadvantage that a lot of stuff in debian/rules etc. has to
> be changed (directory names below debian are -packagename
> instead of packagename).
> Another possibility is to add the company name after the package name,
> including it in the version number, e.g. package--1.2.3-1.
This would be an improvement.  I think you could also increment the
epoch number.  This will ensure that your packages are higher priority. 

> I want to assure that only the site-specific packages are use. What's the
> best way to achieve this? Apt-Pinning my local repository?
This is an interesting idea; instead of unstable/testing/stable pinning,
you could have company and stable, or whatever.  Then, you wouldn't need
to play with the package versions.


Description: Digital signature

Re: working with Debian subversion sources

2004-08-17 Thread Faheem Mitha

On Tue, 17 Aug 2004, Laszlo 'GCS' Boszormenyi wrote:

> * Faheem Mitha <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2004-08-17 01:12:46 +]:
> > > I've been trying to package subversion, version 1.1.0-rc2,
>  I think David already started with it, as we got a request for the
> package. But please note two things: we short of postponed it, as it
> won't make into Sarge and David is moving back to the US of A so he does
> not have an internet access for some weeks.

I'm trying to package subversion for practice, and because I'm keen to
switch to using the fsfs filesystem as soon as I can. If I get it
successfully packaged, I'll post an annoucement on subversion-users.

In that event, would it also be appropriate to cc debian-mentors and ask
if someone could take a look at the package?

> > Apparently not, after all. I see that the orig tarball is a tarball
> > within a tarball. I guess that answers one of my questions. :-) I am
> > still not sure why it is done that way, though.
>  Simple: Subversion contains a copy of Neon and libapr0, and at least
> Neon is not DFSG free and as libapr0 is pulled from the Apache2 package,
> both are _removed_ for copyright reasons, or not to crush with the Apache2
> libapr0.

I see. Maybe I am being dense, but even if the upstream sources have been
modified, why is it better to put them inside an orig.tar.gz tarball? To
serve as a warning that it is not the original tarball, or does something
in policy demand it be done this way?

Thanks. Faheem.

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

RFS: qtfprot: Qt-based GUI for F-PROT Anti-Virus 4.x

2004-08-17 Thread Lawrence Williams
Package: qtfprot
Maintainer: Lawrence Williams <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Upstream Author: Christian Link ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
Upstream URL:
Debian URL:
Description: QTFprot is a QT-based frontend for F-Prot that makes it as 
easy to use as PC-Cillin for Windows!

I know viruses are currently not a big problem on Linux, but it would be 
nice to have a easy-to-use GUI for F-PROT be available in Debian. F-PROT 
4.x is available in .deb form, so my package will just include the GUI 
and Depends: as needed.

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: RFS: qtfprot: Qt-based GUI for F-PROT Anti-Virus 4.x

2004-08-17 Thread Thomas Viehmann

Lawrence Williams wrote:
> Description: QTFprot is a QT-based frontend for F-Prot that makes it as
> easy to use as PC-Cillin for Windows!
Your description is - er - a lookalike of a bad example on [1].
I think your package cannot be part of Debian (as in main) but only
contrib if it needs non-free fprot.

Kind regards

Thomas Viehmann, 

Description: PGP signature

Re: RFS: qtfprot: Qt-based GUI for F-PROT Anti-Virus 4.x

2004-08-17 Thread Ricardo Mones
On Tue, 17 Aug 2004 13:35:27 -0230
Lawrence Williams <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Description: QTFprot is a QT-based frontend for F-Prot that makes it as 
> easy to use as PC-Cillin for Windows!

  You should remove this comparison from description. Is meaningless for
anyone who has not used such software and can even be discouraging for the
ones who used it and found it unfriendly ;-)

  IMO "QTFprot is a QT-based frontend for F-Prot that makes it easy to use"
should suffice. Disclaimer: I'm not a DD.

  Ricardo Mones Lastra - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Centro de Inteligencia Artificial, Universidad de Oviedo en Gijon
  33271 Asturias, SPAIN. -

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: RFS: qtfprot: Qt-based GUI for F-PROT Anti-Virus 4.x

2004-08-17 Thread Lawrence Williams
My mistake... i forgot about that lol. It's still early here :P
I am gonna make the changes suggested so far and give it a test with the 
new QT 3.3 that has just been installed on my system by Synaptic.

P.S. I plan on keeping all messages on the list.
Thomas Viehmann wrote:
Lawrence Williams wrote:

So I really should label it as non-free even though it is GPL but
depends on a non-free package?

No. Contrib is just for cases like yours (free software that depends on
non-free software to be useful/functioning/compiled).
Note that you probably know that from studying the Debian policy
document. ;)
Kind regards
P.S.: Please keep the traffic on the list unless you specifically don't
want to.

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

RFS: http-replicator

2004-08-17 Thread Gertjan van Zwieten

I'm looking for a sponsor for http-replicator, a program I wrote myself.
It's a single-threaded proxy server written in python. I started working
on it some time ago because I needed a way to cache my downloaded debian
packages so they won't have to be redownloaded for each individual pc.
The existing solutions like apt-cacher and apt-proxy didn't really offer
what I was looking for. I have tried to explain this on the website:

A difference with these other solutions is that although http-replicator
has package caching as its primary purpose it still is a general proxy
server. The gentoo community also seems to find it quite useful, seeing
this discussion:
Currently http-replicator is in the process of becoming an official
ebuild, which is a bit odd considering I wrote it for debian :-). I hope
it can be in debian as well.

I've read the FAQ, it seems the following information is required:

* Name: http-replicator
* Licence: GPL
* Description: Replicating HTTP proxy server
* Website:


Gertjan van Zwieten

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: RFS: LSongs? :)

2004-08-17 Thread Lawrence Williams
Lawrence Williams wrote:
Due to it's python-based nature, it doesn't require python-kde3 to be 
installed while building ( only requires debhelper and python2.3-dev 
if i remember right ). However, it won't load if it is not installed ( 
will error out during loading ). I've used lintian to clean up my 
packaging. Just got a few nagging issues left ( copyright file and 
package description ) to fix. Nothing major.

My main concern is finding a sponsor to perform the upload once 
python-kde3 becomes available.

Wesley J Landaker wrote:
On Friday 13 August 2004 20:30, Lawrence Williams wrote:

Hey guys,
Just a quick update before i head to bed: I have filed an ITP for
lsongs and been in touch with the maintainer for python-kde3 and
things are looking good. He is planning on doing an upload in the
next day or so. All that leaves for me to do, is find a sponsor for
lsongs and clean up any remaining lint in the packaging.

I may be willing to help look over your packaging, but after this 
weekend my time may be limited for a little while. I would suggest 
re-posting an RFS message when python-kde3 is in and your lsongs 
package can be [more easily] built and tested. =)


Hey guys,
I'm starting working on my lsongs package again, now that all the 
required dependencies are in unstable :)

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: gprolog: buildds not touching it

2004-08-17 Thread Salvador Abreu
Adreas and Adam,

Thanks for the help, I think I'll finally be able to get gprolog into
testing now ;)


Description: PGP signature

Re: RFS: http-replicator

2004-08-17 Thread Erik Schanze
"Gertjan van Zwieten" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Hello,
> I'm looking for a sponsor for http-replicator, a program I wrote myself.
> It's a single-threaded proxy server written in python. I started working
> on it some time ago because I needed a way to cache my downloaded debian
> packages so they won't have to be redownloaded for each individual pc.
> The existing solutions like apt-cacher and apt-proxy didn't really offer
> what I was looking for. I have tried to explain this on the website:
> A difference with these other solutions is that although http-replicator
> has package caching as its primary purpose it still is a general proxy
> server. The gentoo community also seems to find it quite useful, seeing
> this discussion:
> Currently http-replicator is in the process of becoming an official
> ebuild, which is a bit odd considering I wrote it for debian :-). I hope
> it can be in debian as well.
> I've read the FAQ, it seems the following information is required:
> * Name: http-replicator
> * Licence: GPL
> * Description: Replicating HTTP proxy server
> * Website:
After short look over http-replicator-2.1.tar.gz I have these suggestions:
- In debian/rules you should remove commented out lines.
- There is no *.dsc file downloadable, I'm not able to build package myself.
- According Policy 12.1 you should provide manpages for 
  http-replicator and http-replicator_maintenance
- Current Standards-Version is 3.6.1.
- Because the programs are not specific to Debian (as I understand) and someone
  else (e.g. Gentoo) find it useful, you should consider to build it as a normal
  Package, not native.


-- *
 Bitte keine HTML-Mails! No HTML mails, please! Maillimit: 1 MB *
  * Linux-Info-Tag in Dresden, am 30. Oktober 2004  *
 Info: *

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

seeking a "temp" sponsor

2004-08-17 Thread Jacob Luna Lundberg


I maintain the xscorch package and my usual sponsor isn't responding (I 
think he's just too busy).  I have a new debian version which fixes a 
bug with 64-bit platforms and updates standards compliance just a tad.  
I'm looking for somebody to upload for me, hopefully in time to get it 
into testing.  :)

New package:

Debian info and the 64-bit bug:



"Freedom without opportunity is the devil's gift."
 -Noam Chomsky

Description: PGP signature

Re: RFS: LSongs? :)

2004-08-17 Thread Wesley J Landaker
On Tuesday 17 August 2004 15:48, Lawrence Williams wrote:
> Lawrence Williams wrote:
> I'm starting working on my lsongs package again, now that all the
> required dependencies are in unstable :)

I would be happy to look your package over and provide 
comments/suggestions if you post a link to them when you're ready.

Wesley J. Landaker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
OpenPGP FP: 4135 2A3B 4726 ACC5 9094  0097 F0A9 8A4C 4CD6 E3D2

Description: signature

Re: RFS: LSongs? :)

2004-08-17 Thread Lawrence Williams
Wesley J Landaker wrote:
On Tuesday 17 August 2004 15:48, Lawrence Williams wrote:

Lawrence Williams wrote:
I'm starting working on my lsongs package again, now that all the
required dependencies are in unstable :)

I would be happy to look your package over and provide 
comments/suggestions if you post a link to them when you're ready.


Actually, I spoke a bit too soon. I'll still need 2 more packages to get 
in before uploading. One is simple and small ( njbtools ) and could 
probably get in unstable easily. However, PyLAME might take a bit of 
work. Hopefully, I can get something going soon.

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: RFS: LSongs? :)

2004-08-17 Thread Lawrence Williams
Lawrence Williams wrote:
Wesley J Landaker wrote:
On Tuesday 17 August 2004 15:48, Lawrence Williams wrote:

Lawrence Williams wrote:
I'm starting working on my lsongs package again, now that all the
required dependencies are in unstable :)

I would be happy to look your package over and provide 
comments/suggestions if you post a link to them when you're ready.


Actually, I spoke a bit too soon. I'll still need 2 more packages to 
get in before uploading. One is simple and small ( njbtools ) and 
could probably get in unstable easily. However, PyLAME might take a 
bit of work. Hopefully, I can get something going soon.


Update: just got both of 'em done... thanks again to Neil ( who 
originally packaged LSongs on mentors ). I'll do an ITP for them in the 
morning and ask for a multi-package RFS: ( all three: njbtools, pylame, 
and lsongs ).

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

RFS: perltidy 20031021-2 -- perl script indenter and reformatter

2004-08-17 Thread Don Armstrong
I'm looking for a sponsor for perltidy to upload a new upstream
version to replace the unmaintained version from 2001 that is
currently in the archive. [Matt Hope, my normal sponsor, seems to be
temporarily away.]

Packages are at

Description of perltidy follows for those not familiar with it:

Perltidy is a Perl script which indents and reformats Perl
scripts to make them easier to read.

The formatting can be controlled with command line parameters.
The default parameter settings approximately follow the
suggestions in the Perl Style Guide.

Perltidy can also generate formatted HTML output from POD, and can
even generate colored output in HTML for scripts. See examples at


NB: If you decide to sponsor this, please use the appropriate -v (and
-sa) options to dpkg-buildpackage.

Don Armstrong

 -- Maritza Campos

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: seeking a "temp" sponsor

2004-08-17 Thread Wesley J Landaker
On Tuesday 17 August 2004 17:32, Jacob Luna Lundberg wrote:
> Howdy,
> I maintain the xscorch package and my usual sponsor isn't responding
> (I think he's just too busy).  I have a new debian version which
> fixes a bug with 64-bit platforms and updates standards compliance
> just a tad. I'm looking for somebody to upload for me, hopefully in
> time to get it into testing.  :)

I'm looking at it now and will upload within the hour if there are no 

Wesley J. Landaker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
OpenPGP FP: 4135 2A3B 4726 ACC5 9094  0097 F0A9 8A4C 4CD6 E3D2

Description: signature

Re: RFS: LSongs? :)

2004-08-17 Thread Lawrence Williams
Lawrence Williams wrote:
Lawrence Williams wrote:
Wesley J Landaker wrote:
On Tuesday 17 August 2004 15:48, Lawrence Williams wrote:

Lawrence Williams wrote:
I'm starting working on my lsongs package again, now that all the
required dependencies are in unstable :)

I would be happy to look your package over and provide 
comments/suggestions if you post a link to them when you're ready.


Actually, I spoke a bit too soon. I'll still need 2 more packages to 
get in before uploading. One is simple and small ( njbtools ) and 
could probably get in unstable easily. However, PyLAME might take a 
bit of work. Hopefully, I can get something going soon.


Update: just got both of 'em done... thanks again to Neil ( who 
originally packaged LSongs on mentors ). I'll do an ITP for them in 
the morning and ask for a multi-package RFS: ( all three: njbtools, 
pylame, and lsongs ).

haha now i've discovered another problem. python2.3-kde3 works only up 
to KDE 3.2.3 by the looks of things. So, me, using KDE 3.3, can't use it 
at the moment. I can build LSongs and all, but it won't run because 
python2.3-kde3 is incompatible with KDE 3.3 ( a problem with the 
upstream itself, not the package or even KDE ).

Right now, the most I can do is get everything else ready ( any missing 
dependencies for lsongs sponsored into unstable ), wait for upstream to 
update PyKDE for KDE 3.3 support ( aka python2.3-kde3 as the package is 
called ), get Ricardo to do another upload, and then put the final 
touches on LSongs itself.

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: seeking a "temp" sponsor

2004-08-17 Thread Wesley J Landaker
On Tuesday 17 August 2004 17:32, Jacob Luna Lundberg wrote:
> Howdy,
> I maintain the xscorch package and my usual sponsor isn't responding
> (I think he's just too busy).  I have a new debian version which
> fixes a bug with 64-bit platforms and updates standards compliance
> just a tad. I'm looking for somebody to upload for me, hopefully in
> time to get it into testing.  :)

The package looks like it's in pretty good shape, but I have one issue 
I'd like resolved before I upload (perhaps kind of pedantic, maybe I've 
been reading too much debian-legal):

debian/copyright names the principal upstream authors and the license, 
but doesn't contain the actual copyright "statement". From what I could 
glean from the AUTHORS file and the headers from the source, you'd 
probably want something like:

   Copyright  2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004 Justin David Smith 
   Copyright  2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004 Jacob Luna Lundberg
   Copyright  2000 Matti HÃnninen
   Copyright  2003 Jason House
   Copyright  2000, 2001Jake Post
   Copyright  2000 Nickolai Zeldovich

   This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
   the Free Software Foundation, version 2 of the License ONLY.

   This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
   General Public License for more details.

   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
   along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software 
   Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA

Wesley J. Landaker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
OpenPGP FP: 4135 2A3B 4726 ACC5 9094  0097 F0A9 8A4C 4CD6 E3D2

Description: signature

Seeking sponsors for 3 packages

2004-08-17 Thread Ken Bloom
I'm looking for sponsors for three small packages.

Two are my own development project:
   Package: qtzmanim
   Version: 1.0.7
   Description: A  program  for  computing  the  times for jewish rituals
This program calculates the zmanim (times for Jewish rituals)
according to the GR"A opinion. This is a GUI version using QT.

   Package: zmanim
   Version: 1.0.6
   Description: A  program  for  computing  the  times for jewish rituals
This program calculates the zmanim (times for Jewish rituals)
according to the GR"A opinion.

The third was written by someone else, but it's very useful:
   Package: svp
   Version: 0.2-3
   Description: An SVGAlib based viewer for PostScript and PDF files
svp is an SVGAlib based GhostScript frontend, allowing you to view
PostScript and PDF files on your virtual consoles.

All of my packages are at

I usually have a GPG digital signature included as an attachment.
See for info about these digital signatures.
My key was last signed 08/17/2004. If you use GPG *please* see me about 
signing the key. * My computer can't give you viruses by email. ***

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: RFS: LSongs? :)

2004-08-17 Thread Wesley J Landaker
On Tuesday 17 August 2004 20:20, Lawrence Williams wrote:
> haha now i've discovered another problem. python2.3-kde3 works only
> up to KDE 3.2.3 by the looks of things. So, me, using KDE 3.3, can't
> use it at the moment. I can build LSongs and all, but it won't run
> because python2.3-kde3 is incompatible with KDE 3.3 ( a problem with
> the upstream itself, not the package or even KDE ).
> Right now, the most I can do is get everything else ready ( any
> missing dependencies for lsongs sponsored into unstable ), wait for
> upstream to update PyKDE for KDE 3.3 support ( aka python2.3-kde3 as
> the package is called ), get Ricardo to do another upload, and then
> put the final touches on LSongs itself.

I'm willing to help you out when you have everything in a state where it 
looks like it's working if I still have the time. My schedule may be a 
little in flux in the next few weeks, however, so I'd continue to ask 
on the list for assistance. =)

Wesley J. Landaker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
OpenPGP FP: 4135 2A3B 4726 ACC5 9094  0097 F0A9 8A4C 4CD6 E3D2

Description: signature

Re: RFS: LSongs? :)

2004-08-17 Thread Lawrence Williams
Wesley J Landaker wrote:
On Tuesday 17 August 2004 20:20, Lawrence Williams wrote:

haha now i've discovered another problem. python2.3-kde3 works only
up to KDE 3.2.3 by the looks of things. So, me, using KDE 3.3, can't
use it at the moment. I can build LSongs and all, but it won't run
because python2.3-kde3 is incompatible with KDE 3.3 ( a problem with
the upstream itself, not the package or even KDE ).
Right now, the most I can do is get everything else ready ( any
missing dependencies for lsongs sponsored into unstable ), wait for
upstream to update PyKDE for KDE 3.3 support ( aka python2.3-kde3 as
the package is called ), get Ricardo to do another upload, and then
put the final touches on LSongs itself.

I'm willing to help you out when you have everything in a state where it 
looks like it's working if I still have the time. My schedule may be a 
little in flux in the next few weeks, however, so I'd continue to ask 
on the list for assistance. =)


That would be great. For now, I'd just like some help with the two 
dependencies i need for my lsongs package. Both are only small packages 
and should be fairly easy to clean up. They are mostly clean now as I've 
inherited the work of a previous maintainer. I'll upload them to mentors 
later and send you the info.

P.S. you are a DD? :P
with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: seeking a "temp" sponsor

2004-08-17 Thread Jacob Luna Lundberg

On Tue, Aug 17, 2004 at 08:34:57PM -0600, Wesley J Landaker wrote:
> On Tuesday 17 August 2004 17:32, Jacob Luna Lundberg wrote:
> > I maintain the xscorch package and my usual sponsor isn't responding
> > (I think he's just too busy).  I have a new debian version which
> > fixes a bug with 64-bit platforms and updates standards compliance
> > just a tad. I'm looking for somebody to upload for me, hopefully in
> > time to get it into testing.  :)
> debian/copyright names the principal upstream authors and the license, 
> but doesn't contain the actual copyright "statement". From what I could 
> glean from the AUTHORS file and the headers from the source, you'd 
> probably want something like:

Ok, I'd like to make this 0.2.0-3 since -2 has been published on my 
archive for a while now.  I've created -3 with hopefully the needed 
amendment, available at (

The copyright file now says:

This package was debianized by Brian M. Almeida <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> on
Fri, 21 Apr 2000 21:43:28 -0400.

It was downloaded from

Upstream Authors:

Justin David Smith <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Jacob Luna Lundberg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>


Copyright (c) 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004 Justin David Smith
Copyright (c) 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004 Jacob Luna Lundberg
Copyright (c) 2003 Jason House
Copyright (c) 2000, 2001 Jake Post
Copyright (c) 2000 Matti Hnninen
Copyright (c) 2000 Nickolai Zeldovich

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, version 2 of the License ONLY.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA

On Debian systems, the complete text of the GNU General Public License,
version 2, can be found in the file "/usr/share/common-licenses/GPL-2".



Mistrust is the dark heart of wicked problems.

 - Jonathan B. King, ``Learning to Solve the Right Problems'', pg. 12.

Description: PGP signature