On Tue, Aug 17, 2004 at 03:35:14AM -0400, Randall Donald wrote:
> hi,
 Hello ftpmaster,
(Hello ftpmasters, ;-)
 Hello debian-mentors,
> E: conglomerate: no-copyright-file
> W: conglomerate: non-standard-dir-perm usr/ 0775 != 0755
> W: conglomerate: non-standard-dir-perm usr/bin/ 0775 != 0755
> E: conglomerate; No changelog.Debian installed for package.
> W: conglomerate-common: non-standard-dir-perm usr/ 0775 != 0755
> W: conglomerate-common: non-standard-dir-perm usr/share/ 0775 != 0755
> W: conglomerate-common: non-standard-dir-perm usr/share/locale/ 0775 != 0755
> W: conglomerate-common: non-standard-dir-perm usr/share/locale/az/ 0775 != 0755
> W: conglomerate-common: non-standard-dir-perm usr/share/locale/az/LC_MESSAGES/ 0775 
> != 0755
> etc etc etc etc 
> Please fix these.
For the permission warnings on the directories, I have a clue how to fix it.
See below for the request for help.

> The no copyright file and changelog are quite important.
> you can just use a symlink from /usr/share/doc/conglomerate -> 
> /usr/share/doc/conglomerate-common. 

That symbolic link is meanwhile available in 0.7.14-3.
> Randall Donald
> If you don't understand why your files were rejected, or if the
> override file requires editing, reply to this email.

I'm surprised that your lintian procedures more information then mine.
According to packages.qa.debian.org is the most recent version 1.23.2,
I use that version also. The linda program does report also
the missing manpage, but not the permissions on directories warning.

Which tool do I have to use to make these warnings visible?

Geert Stappers

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