Re: sponsor wanted for 'ketchup' package

2004-07-01 Thread Manoj Srivastava
On Mon, 28 Jun 2004 12:37:40 -0700, Brian Nelson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said: 

> Laszlo 'GCS' Boszormenyi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>> * Anibal Monsalve Salazar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2004-06-28
>>   22:21:14 +1000]:
>>> I don't think you should create a debian package for small script,
>>> IMO.
>> Agree. Even if I don't know where it should go, but definiately
>> finding a backage which would include ketchup sounds a better idea.

> Maybe kernel-package?

Umm , I missed the beginnihg of this thread. What does
 ketchup do?

"I've got some amyls.  We could either party later or, like, start his
heart." "Cheech and Chong's Next Movie"
Manoj Srivastava   <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  
1024R/C7261095 print CB D9 F4 12 68 07 E4 05  CC 2D 27 12 1D F5 E8 6E
1024D/BF24424C print 4966 F272 D093 B493 410B  924B 21BA DABB BF24 424C

Re: RFS: akregator - RSS feed aggregator for KDE

2004-07-01 Thread Jeremy Lainé
Some preliminary comments as I have not yet had time to look at the
package proper:

- the diff.gz is pretty much empty, it just patches the
debian/changelog. I have not been able to verify if the upstream
tarballs contain debian/* as the files do not seem to be on the
mirrors yet. From the CVS logs you seem to be part of the development
team, so it might be simpler to have the upstream tarballs drop
debian/* and just include these files in your diff.gz (which doesn't
prevent you from keeping debian/* in the same CVS repository!).

- the package versions look dodgy, as there are 2 dashes
(1.0-beta4-1). Furthermore you are going to run into problems when the
final 1.0 version comes out:

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$ dpkg --compare-versions 1.0-beta4-1 lt 1.0-1 && echo

You might consider labeling the beta versions something like

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$ dpkg --compare-versions 0.99+1.0beta4-1 lt 1.0-1 &&
echo true

Will try to have a look at the packaging itself later today.


-- :  : Sailcut CAD MPman MP-F70 support for Linux

Re: RFS: akregator - RSS feed aggregator for KDE

2004-07-01 Thread Pierre HABOUZIT
> > - the diff.gz is pretty much empty, it just patches the
> > debian/changelog. I have not been able to verify if the upstream
> > tarballs contain debian/* as the files do not seem to be on the
> > mirrors yet.
they do.

> >  From the CVS logs you seem to be part of the development
> > team, so it might be simpler to have the upstream tarballs drop
> > debian/* and just include these files in your diff.gz (which doesn't
> > prevent you from keeping debian/* in the same CVS repository!).
> Yes, this is a problem, Pierre, please generate a proper .orig.gz tarball, 
> without debian/ dir at all.
no problem, I'm the release tech anyway.
I'm on it.

> > - the package versions look dodgy, as there are 2 dashes
> > (1.0-beta4-1). Furthermore you are going to run into problems when the
> > final 1.0 version comes out:
> Two dashes are perfectly valid according to Policy.
> >
> > [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$ dpkg --compare-versions 1.0-beta4-1 lt 1.0-1 && echo
> > true
> The final version will be labelled 1.0.0-1 of course.
> >
> > You might consider labeling the beta versions something like
> > "0.99+1.0beta4-1".
for historical reason I have to keep the dash atm. Will be dropped in
favour of your suggestion above for next betas (i mean for other than
1.0 betas)
and like said Peter, next version will be 1.0.0-1 and then no problem at

Pierre Habouzit

Description: Digital signature

Re: RFS: akregator - RSS feed aggregator for KDE

2004-07-01 Thread Peter Rockai (mornfall)
On Thursday 01 July 2004 08:55, Jeremy Lainé wrote:
> Some preliminary comments as I have not yet had time to look at the
> package proper:
> - the diff.gz is pretty much empty, it just patches the
> debian/changelog. I have not been able to verify if the upstream
> tarballs contain debian/* as the files do not seem to be on the
> mirrors yet. From the CVS logs you seem to be part of the development
> team, so it might be simpler to have the upstream tarballs drop
> debian/* and just include these files in your diff.gz (which doesn't
> prevent you from keeping debian/* in the same CVS repository!).
Yes, this is a problem, Pierre, please generate a proper .orig.gz tarball, 
without debian/ dir at all.
> - the package versions look dodgy, as there are 2 dashes
> (1.0-beta4-1). Furthermore you are going to run into problems when the
> final 1.0 version comes out:
Two dashes are perfectly valid according to Policy.
> [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$ dpkg --compare-versions 1.0-beta4-1 lt 1.0-1 && echo
> true
The final version will be labelled 1.0.0-1 of course.
> You might consider labeling the beta versions something like
> "0.99+1.0beta4-1".
> [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$ dpkg --compare-versions 0.99+1.0beta4-1 lt 1.0-1 &&
> echo true
> true
> Will try to have a look at the packaging itself later today.
> Cheers,
> Jeremy

Re: RFS: akregator - RSS feed aggregator for KDE

2004-07-01 Thread Pierre HABOUZIT
> no problem, I'm the release tech anyway.
> I'm on it.
revision 2 is on its way on kalyxo, and as ever it's on

and as ever lintian, linda and pdebuild clean.

any remark ?
Pierre Habouzit

Description: Digital signature

Re: RFS: akregator - RSS feed aggregator for KDE

2004-07-01 Thread Adam D. Barratt
On Thursday, July 01, 2004 8:50 AM, Peter Rockai (mornfall)

> On Thursday 01 July 2004 08:55, Jeremy Lainé wrote:
>> - the package versions look dodgy, as there are 2 dashes
>> (1.0-beta4-1). Furthermore you are going to run into problems when
>> the final 1.0 version comes out:
> Two dashes are perfectly valid according to Policy.

Indeed; however, as Jeremy pointed out `1.0-beta4' is greater than `1.0'

>> [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$ dpkg --compare-versions 1.0-beta4-1 lt 1.0-1 && echo
>> true
> The final version will be labelled 1.0.0-1 of course.

Erm, no, please don't. 1.0.0 is an NMU version number.

>> You might consider labeling the beta versions something like
>> "0.99+1.0beta4-1".
>> [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$ dpkg --compare-versions 0.99+1.0beta4-1 lt 1.0-1 &&
>> echo true
>> true

This, otoh, is a commonly used and well-known method of numbering versions
so that the final release version is greater than the betas.


Re: RFS: akregator - RSS feed aggregator for KDE

2004-07-01 Thread Christoph Wegscheider
Adam D. Barratt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> The final version will be labelled 1.0.0-1 of course.
> Erm, no, please don't. 1.0.0 is an NMU version number.
I thougth x-1.1 would be a NMU version number?


Re: On GPG keys and PhilOSC...

2004-07-01 Thread Zak B. Elep
On Wed, Jun 30, 2004 at 10:15:07PM -0300, Lucas Wall wrote:
>   That would be the [1]key signing coordination page.
>   K.
> [1]

Okies! Thanks a lot! 


|=-ZAK B. ELEP  (Registered Linux User #327585)-=|
||  Web:   GPG ID:  0xFA53851D ||
||   http://zakame.homelinux.orgICQ UIN: 33236644   ||
||  Location: Daet, Camarines Norte Running Linux 2.6   ||
|=--1486 7957 454D E529 E4F1  F75E 5787 B1FD FA53 851D--=|
 Debian - When you've got better things to do than to fix a borken system

Description: Digital signature

RFS: knoda

2004-07-01 Thread Stan Pinte
Name: knoda
Licence: GPL
Short description: knoda is a database frontend for KDE. It is based on
Long description:
Where can the package be obtained: by emailing me.

more info:

Description: Ceci est une partie de message	numériquement signée.

Re: On GPG keys and PhilOSC...

2004-07-01 Thread Zak B. Elep
On Wed, Jun 30, 2004 at 10:15:07PM -0300, Lucas Wall wrote:
>   That would be the [1]key signing coordination page.
>   K.
> [1]

According to the Applicant's Checklist[1]:

> # The applicant's identity needs to be verified.
> This is usually done by having at least one signature on the applicant's
> GPG key from a Debian Developer. If the applicant's location makes it
> impossible to get a key signed by another Debian Developer, a scanned
> photo of their drivers license or passport signed with their GPG key can
> be accepted as an alternative method of identification.

But I don't have a driver's license (since I'd rather walk/commute) nor
a passport (I haven't traveled elsewhere). Are there any other means of
identification (such as a birth certificate or postal ID) that can be
used in lieu of the above mentioned media?



|=-ZAK B. ELEP  (Registered Linux User #327585)-=|
||  Web:   GPG ID:  0xFA53851D ||
||   http://zakame.homelinux.orgICQ UIN: 33236644   ||
||  Location: Daet, Camarines Norte Running Linux 2.6   ||
|=--1486 7957 454D E529 E4F1  F75E 5787 B1FD FA53 851D--=|
 Debian - When you've got better things to do than to fix a borken system

Description: Digital signature

Re: RFS: akregator - RSS feed aggregator for KDE

2004-07-01 Thread Pierre HABOUZIT
On Thu, Jul 01, 2004 at 11:16:23AM +0200, Christoph Wegscheider wrote:
> Adam D. Barratt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >> The final version will be labelled 1.0.0-1 of course.
> > 
> > Erm, no, please don't. 1.0.0 is an NMU version number.
> I thougth x-1.1 would be a NMU version number?

Indeed, in fact, where there will be a 1.1betax i'll use the
1.99-1+betax version number, that is really clear, and shorter than a

but in fact, the non-official debian repository where i dput my packages
atm had a q&dirty package named 1.0-beta1 and I had to produce version
numbers greater than this one (the historical thing)

starting with 1.0, my version numbering will follow a +betax scheme

but for the 1.0 betas (and maybe pre versions) I'll have to follow the
old scheme for backward compatibility
Pierre Habouzit

Description: Digital signature

Re: RFS: akregator - RSS feed aggregator for KDE

2004-07-01 Thread Adam D. Barratt
On Thursday, July 01, 2004 10:16 AM, Christoph Wegscheider

> Adam D. Barratt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>> The final version will be labelled 1.0.0-1 of course.
>> Erm, no, please don't. 1.0.0 is an NMU version number.
> I thougth x-1.1 would be a NMU version number?

You're correct, of course. It's one of those mornings


Re: RFS: knoda

2004-07-01 Thread Anibal Monsalve Salazar
On Thu, Jul 01, 2004 at 11:32:32AM +0200, Stan Pinte wrote:
>Name: knoda
>Licence: GPL
>Short description: knoda is a database frontend for KDE. It is based on
>Long description:
>Where can the package be obtained: by emailing me.

Please post to the list the location of your package. I would like to
have a look at it and post my comments to this list.

>more info:


Anibal Monsalve Salazar
 .''`.  Debian GNU/Linux  | Building 28C
: :' :  Free Operating System | Monash University VIC 3800, Australia
`. `'|
  `-  |

Description: PGP signature

Re: RFS: urlgfe

2004-07-01 Thread Anibal Monsalve Salazar
On Thu, Jul 01, 2004 at 04:55:42AM +0400, Dan Korostelev wrote:
>I'm also searching a sponsor to upload UrlGfe (
>packages from to debian unstable. UrlGfe is a
>graphical download manager, that's using GTK+ for its UI and the great
>libcurl for file downloading.

FTBFS (failed to build from source). Please see my pbuilder log file [0].

There is no ITP listed at [1].


>Dan Korostelev <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>


Anibal Monsalve Salazar
 .''`.  Debian GNU/Linux  | Building 28C
: :' :  Free Operating System | Monash University VIC 3800, Australia
`. `'|
  `-  |

Description: PGP signature

Re: On GPG keys and PhilOSC...

2004-07-01 Thread Nico Golde
Hallo Lucas,

* Lucas Wall <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2004-07-01 12:05]:
> >i dont no the url exactly, but search the website, there is a
> >site, where you can search for a dd in your environment.
> >try to search google for debian key signing program.
> that would be the [1]key signing coordination page.
> [1]

yes, thanks. i write my mails offline, so i could't find it out :)
regards nico
GPG: FF46 E565 5CC1 E2E5 3F69  C739 1D87 E549 7364 7CFF
Is there life after /sbin/halt -p?

Description: Digital signature

Re: RFS: akregator - RSS feed aggregator for KDE

2004-07-01 Thread Anibal Monsalve Salazar
On Thu, Jul 01, 2004 at 01:20:23AM +0200, Pierre HABOUZIT wrote:
>I'm looking for sponsor for the $SUBJ (and I would like to start my NM
>application too). The will be available soon at :
>  deb unstable main

You didn't put the following lines in debian/copyright (see [0] and

Copyright (c) 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004 Frerich Raabe <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Copyright (c) 2001, 2002, 2003 Frerich Raabe <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Copyright (c) 2003 Frerich Raabe <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Copyright (C) 2003 Georg Robbers <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Copyright (C) 2004 by Sashmit Bhaduri
Copyright (C) 2004 by Sashmit Bhaduri ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
Copyright (C) 2004 by Stanislav Karchebny
Copyright (C) 2004 by Stanislav Karchebny, Sashmit Bhaduri
Copyright (C) 2004 by Teemu Rytilahti
Copyright (c) 2004 Frerich Raabe <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Copyright (C) 2004 Gary Cramblitt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Some of the obove lines may be combined into one line. That was just a
simplified output of:

grep -ri copyright akregator-1.0_beta4fixed/akregator/src/

Please consider to put the URL of the home page of the package in the
description in debian/control. See [2] and [3].


>and is already at
>here you have the official releases :
>  (official site has not been updated, you can find them on [1] too)
>Here's the whereabouts of the package:
> o ITP Bug : 251871 (reported by Peter Rockai, but owned by me with his
>   agreement. he is btw in Cc:)
> o the package is lintian and linda clean
> o he builds in pbuilder

I also run pbuilder on your source package and lintian and linda on the
.dsc created by pbuilder.

>Version: 1.0-beta4
>Upstream Author: Stanislav Karchebny
>Description: RSS feed aggregator for KDE
> aKregator is a KDE RSS aggregator. It supports the best known metaphors
> from existing aggregators. It also facilitates good integration with KDE
> by maintaining an interface similar to Konqueror and KMail.
>best regards.
> [1]
>Pierre Habouzit


Anibal Monsalve Salazar
 .''`.  Debian GNU/Linux  | Building 28C
: :' :  Free Operating System | Monash University VIC 3800, Australia
`. `'|
  `-  |

Description: PGP signature

Re: sponsor wanted for 'ketchup' package

2004-07-01 Thread Anibal Monsalve Salazar
On Thu, Jul 01, 2004 at 12:57:22AM -0500, Manoj Srivastava wrote:
>On Mon, 28 Jun 2004 12:37:40 -0700, Brian Nelson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said: 
>> Laszlo 'GCS' Boszormenyi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>>> * Anibal Monsalve Salazar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2004-06-28
>>>   22:21:14 +1000]:
 I don't think you should create a debian package for small script,
>>> Agree. Even if I don't know where it should go, but definiately
>>> finding a backage which would include ketchup sounds a better idea.
>> Maybe kernel-package?
>   Umm , I missed the beginnihg of this thread. What does
> ketchup do?

The thread starts at:

>   manoj
>"I've got some amyls.  We could either party later or, like, start his
>heart." "Cheech and Chong's Next Movie"
>Manoj Srivastava   <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  
>1024R/C7261095 print CB D9 F4 12 68 07 E4 05  CC 2D 27 12 1D F5 E8 6E
>1024D/BF24424C print 4966 F272 D093 B493 410B  924B 21BA DABB BF24 424C


Anibal Monsalve Salazar
 .''`.  Debian GNU/Linux  | Building 28C
: :' :  Free Operating System | Monash University VIC 3800, Australia
`. `'|
  `-  |

Description: PGP signature

Re: RFS: cc65 - Cross development suite for 65xxx processors

2004-07-01 Thread Geert Stappers
On Mon, Jun 21, 2004 at 07:42:34PM -0600, Benjamin Cutler wrote:
>Package name: cc65
>Version : 2.10.1
>Upstream Author : Ullrich von Bassewitz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>URL :
>License : zlib-alike
>Description : Cross development suite for 65xxx processors
>   cc65 in a suite of utilities designed to allow development of programs that
>   run on computers and consoles based off the 65xxx series of processors.
>   It includes a C compiler, an assembler, a linker, and several libraries to
>   better allow development for a specific platform. Supported platforms
>   include:
>* Processors: 6502/65C02/65816
>* Commodore
> -C64
> -GEOS C64
> -C128
> -C16
> -C116
> -Plus/4
> -P500/600/700
>* Apple ][
>* Atari (8-bit)
>* Oric Atmos
>* Nintendo Entertainment System
>* Supervision Game Console
>   See the homepage at for more details!
> I was digging around trying to find a useful emulation-related utilities 
> after my failed attempt at packaging Gens due to legal issues[0], and 
> somebody pointed me to this little gem. At first it appeared that it was 
> non-free[1], but after some digging around I discovered it's just fine[2]. 
> Now, the odd part is that the tarball came with some debian stuff already in 
> it, so it looks like somebody tried to package this about two years ago. (I 
> saw a thread on an l.d.o list about it because of the legal issues mentioned 
> in [1], but I can't remember where and I can't find it again.) I can't find 
> any reference to it in the archive, unless I'm missing something obvious, so 
> I don't think it ever actually made it into Debian. It was pretty old 
> (Standards 3.2.1), and it split a 3 meg package into about 7 or 8 
> subpackages, which strikes me as a little silly, so I snagged the man pages 
> and wrote the rest of the debian/ tree from scratch. ITP is at [3], and 
> packages are available on m.d.n[4][5]. Copyright file is at [6] if you want 
> to glance at what I wrote for it without downloading first. Comments are 
> welcome, and thanks in advance. :)
> [0]
> [1]
> [2]
> [3]
> [4]
> [5]
> [6]

That is a solid RFS!

I still didn't made time to check it out
and will not able the next few days.

Try to find a sponsor at Debian mailinglist that have
interrest in other architectures and/or embedded application.

This posting is only to get attention for the package it's deserves.

Geert Stappers

Re: RFS: akregator - RSS feed aggregator for KDE

2004-07-01 Thread Pierre HABOUZIT
> You didn't put the following lines in debian/copyright (see [0] and
> [1]):
> grep -ri copyright akregator-1.0_beta4fixed/akregator/src/
very good point.

> Please consider to put the URL of the home page of the package in the
> description in debian/control. See [2] and [3].
done too

it's still lintian and linda clean (didn't test pdebuild, but no
modification to build process or to upstream has been done ...)

dput-ed to kalyxo again, and as allways at [1]

do you have any other advice/remark ?
Pierre Habouzit

Description: Digital signature

Re: RFS: knoda

2004-07-01 Thread Matthew Palmer
On Thu, Jul 01, 2004 at 11:32:32AM +0200, Stan Pinte wrote:
> Name: knoda
> Licence: GPL
> Short description: knoda is a database frontend for KDE. It is based on
> hk_classes

This description sucks.  Don't start with the package name, it's too long,
and what is hk_classes (and why should I, as a user, care?)

> Long description:

Care to elaborate?

> Where can the package be obtained: by emailing me.

OK, I'll bite.  Whereabouts?

It certainly looks like an interesting program, if it's in an appropriately
usable state.  Have a look at my sponsorship guidelines at

- Matt

Re: RFS: cc65 - Cross development suite for 65xxx processors

2004-07-01 Thread Laszlo 'GCS' Boszormenyi
* Geert Stappers <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2004-07-01 13:58:04 +0200]:

> That is a solid RFS!
> I still didn't made time to check it out
> and will not able the next few days.
> Try to find a sponsor at Debian mailinglist that have
> interrest in other architectures and/or embedded application.
> This posting is only to get attention for the package it's deserves.
 Actually it is already on my 'keep-an-eye-on-this' list; so if I would
be a Debian Developer already (~three more months from now), then I
would sponsor it. :-| So if no one volunteers until then, my first move
will be to sponsor this package. _Seriously_.


Re: sponsor wanted for 'ketchup' package

2004-07-01 Thread Laszlo 'GCS' Boszormenyi
* Manoj Srivastava <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2004-07-01 00:57:22 -0500]:

> > Maybe kernel-package?
 Exactly. That's the best place for it IMHO.

>   Umm , I missed the beginnihg of this thread. What does
>  ketchup do?
 Fetch the latest kernel version based on the user's choice (stable,
-pre, -mm), compiles and install it as far as I remember correctly.


Re: RFS: cc65 - Cross development suite for 65xxx processors

2004-07-01 Thread David Weinehall
On Mon, Jun 21, 2004 at 07:42:34PM -0600, Benjamin Cutler wrote:
> I was digging around trying to find a useful emulation-related utilities 
> after my failed attempt at packaging Gens due to legal issues[0], and 
> somebody pointed me to this little gem. At first it appeared that it was 
> non-free[1], but after some digging around I discovered it's just fine[2]. 
> Now, the odd part is that the tarball came with some debian stuff already 
> in it, so it looks like somebody tried to package this about two years ago. 
> (I saw a thread on an l.d.o list about it because of the legal issues 
> mentioned in [1], but I can't remember where and I can't find it again.) I 
> can't find any reference to it in the archive, unless I'm missing something 
> obvious, so I don't think it ever actually made it into Debian. It was 
> pretty old (Standards 3.2.1), and it split a 3 meg package into about 7 or 
> 8 subpackages, which strikes me as a little silly, so I snagged the man 
> pages and wrote the rest of the debian/ tree from scratch. ITP is at [3], 
> and packages are available on m.d.n[4][5]. Copyright file is at [6] if you 
> want to glance at what I wrote for it without downloading first. Comments 
> are welcome, and thanks in advance. :)

I'll have a look at this package this weekend, and if everything is ok,
I'll sponsor you.  I've got 16 years of experience with 6510-assembly,
which should be enough...  Granted, I haven't done any

Regards: David Weinehall
 /) David Weinehall <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> /) Northern lights wander  (\
//  Maintainer of the v2.0 kernel   //  Dance across the winter sky //
\)   Full colour fire   (/

Re: sponsor wanted for 'ketchup' package

2004-07-01 Thread Jack Wasey

Laszlo 'GCS' Boszormenyi wrote:

Umm , I missed the beginnihg of this thread. What does
ketchup do?

 Fetch the latest kernel version based on the user's choice (stable,
-pre, -mm), compiles and install it as far as I remember correctly.

Actually, it only fetches the required patches, verifies signatures, and 
applies them. Compilation and installation are left to the user. 
Importantly, it only fetches the 30 or megabyte archive when necessary, 
saving a lot of bandwidth: good for as well as dial-up users.

There was a suggestion that this script could be packaged in an existing 
package. I had a look but there was no obvious place. Debian is geared 
completely towards debian packaged source, patches and kernel binaries, 
and this doesn't fit with that. Any suggestions, please?

Jack Wasey

Re: sponsor wanted for 'ketchup' package

2004-07-01 Thread Geert Stappers
On Thu, Dec 04, 2003 at 05:32:08PM +, Jack Wasey wrote:
> Laszlo 'GCS' Boszormenyi wrote:
> > 
> >>Umm , I missed the beginnihg of this thread. What does
> >> ketchup do?
> > 
> >  Fetch the latest kernel version based on the user's choice (stable,
> > -pre, -mm), compiles and install it as far as I remember correctly.
> Actually, it only fetches the required patches, verifies signatures, and 
> applies them. Compilation and installation are left to the user. 
> Importantly, it only fetches the 30 or megabyte archive when necessary, 
> saving a lot of bandwidth: good for as well as dial-up users.
> There was a suggestion that this script could be packaged in an existing 
> package. I had a look but there was no obvious place. Debian is geared 
> completely towards debian packaged source, patches and kernel binaries, 
> and this doesn't fit with that.

I also skipped the begin of the thread.
Funny to see after several posting _why_ a script is created.


 So, tell us what exactly your package does, and why it should be in Debian.
 If there is already a program that does a similar thing, say why your one is 
 Put a little "hot spice" in there to hold people's interest. in other words,
 think like an advertising executive. Just remember to wash the slime off 

> Any suggestions, please?

Mmmm, kernel-package?

Package: kernel-package (7.107)
Debian Linux kernel package build scripts.

This package provides the capability to create a debian kernel-image package
by just running make-kpkg kernel_image in a kernel source directory tree.
It can also package the relevant kernel headers into a kernel-headers package.
In general, this package is very useful if you need to create a custom kernel,
if, for example, the default kernel does not support some of your hardware,
or you wish a leaner, meaner kernel.
It also scripts the steps that need be taken to compile the kernel,
which is quite convenient (forgetting a crucial step once was the
initial motivation for this package).
Please look at /usr/share/doc/kernel-package/Rationale.gz for a full list
of advantages of this package.

> Jack Wasey

Geert Stappers

Description: PGP signature

Re: RFS: cc65 - Cross development suite for 65xxx processors

2004-07-01 Thread Benjamin Cutler

Hash: SHA1

| I'll have a look at this package this weekend, and if everything is ok,
| I'll sponsor you.  I've got 16 years of experience with 6510-assembly,
| which should be enough...  Granted, I haven't done any
| 65816-programming.
| Regards: David Weinehall

I should mention that after discussing this with upstream[1], it turns out
that four source files actually do fall under the old license, making one
program non-free. 95% of it is in contrib, because the program that's
non-free is the C compiler, and I decided that was important enough to be a
Depends. So it's been split into three packages now, cc65 (the free
binaries, contrib/arch), cc65-compiler (the non-free binary, non-free/arch)
and cc65-libs (the platform specific libs, but which I believe are
architecture independant, because they are simply built by the cc65 tools
themselves, contrib/all). Somebody told me that a lot of DDs don't like
sponsoring non-free packages, so I hope that doesn't change your mind. But I
thank you for the interest either way!

Version: GnuPG v1.2.4 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Thunderbird -


Re: RFS: cc65 - Cross development suite for 65xxx processors

2004-07-01 Thread David Weinehall
On Thu, Jul 01, 2004 at 02:46:10PM -0600, Benjamin Cutler wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> |
> | I'll have a look at this package this weekend, and if everything is ok,
> | I'll sponsor you.  I've got 16 years of experience with 6510-assembly,
> | which should be enough...  Granted, I haven't done any
> | 65816-programming.
> |
> |
> | Regards: David Weinehall
> I should mention that after discussing this with upstream[1], it turns
> out that four source files actually do fall under the old license,
> making one program non-free. 95% of it is in contrib, because the
> program that's non-free is the C compiler, and I decided that was
> important enough to be a Depends. So it's been split into three
> packages now, cc65 (the free binaries, contrib/arch), cc65-compiler
> (the non-free binary, non-free/arch) and cc65-libs (the platform
> specific libs, but which I believe are architecture independant,
> because they are simply built by the cc65 tools themselves,
> contrib/all). Somebody told me that a lot of DDs don't like sponsoring
> non-free packages, so I hope that doesn't change your mind. But I
> thank you for the interest either way!

Well, I'm not fond of non-free either, and I neither use nor maintain
any non-free packages, so sponsoring one would indeed be a bit awkward.
And reading the thread on debian-legal, it seems that upstream has a
somewhat strange perspective towards copyright issues, so I'm afraid
I'll have to withdraw my offer to sponsor you, at least for the time
beingg.  While it would be really nice to have this set of tools in
Debian, I'd rather suggest you either find some way to build only
package the free parts, or wait with the packaging until the
whole legal issues have been resolved and the entire package
is free.  While a 65xx/65xxx-development kit would be nice,
do we really want it at the expense of yet another non-free

Regards: David
 /) David Weinehall <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> /) Northern lights wander  (\
//  Maintainer of the v2.0 kernel   //  Dance across the winter sky //
\)   Full colour fire   (/

Re: RFS: kdetrayproxy -- Enable KDE systray icons outside of KDE or when using another WM

2004-07-01 Thread ARAKI Yasuhiro
Hi Michael (and d-mentors),

> All issues are fixed and updated packages are available:
> deb unstable main

I am going to sponsor.
I've uploaded to anonymous-ftp-master.

ARAKI Yasuhiro 
A Debian Official Developer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Fwd: saslauthd from binary package seg faulting?

2004-07-01 Thread ms419
I sent this message to the sasl2-bin package maintainer, but I suspect 
he's really busy. I haven't received a response.

I'm not sure whether to open a bug, because I don't understand the 
problem. I can't reproduce the problem with the sasl2-bin binary 
package, compiling the source package on my machine. Compiling the 
binary package on *my* machine is obviously not a solution : )

Maybe one of you can help?



Begin forwarded message:

Date: June 23, 2004 12:16:21 PM PDT
Subject: saslauthd from binary package seg faulting?

I've tried for many months to get saslauthd working with PAM - I 
happen to use the pam_krb5 module. Now it's working when I build it 
myself - but I don't know why. I have a pretty stock installation of 
unstable on a Pentium 75 and a Celeron 433.

Using the binary packages in unstable (sasl2-bin 2.1.18-4.1) and 
"testsaslauthd -u user -p incorrect", authentication correctly fails. 
Using, however, "testsaslauthd - u user -p correct", saslauthd seg 

Jeremy Rumpf had been helping me debug the problem, but when I 
recompiled the package to get debug symbols, it wouldn't seg fault - 
it worked! As a matter of fact, even if I compile sasl2-bin w/o debug 
symbols (dpkg-buildpackage -uc -us -rfakeroot) it works.

So ... Why does the Debian binary package seg fault, but the binary 
package built from the Debian source not? Maybe some library on my 
machine? Like I said, my installation is pretty stock. Jeremy Rumpf 
doesn't use Debian, so I don't know who to ask.



Re: Changes to copyright file upon package adoption

2004-07-01 Thread Nathaniel W. Turner

On Monday 28 June 2004 01:11 pm, Andreas Metzler wrote:
> On Mon, Jun 28, 2004 at 07:05:54PM +0200, Frederik Dannemare wrote:
> > Regarding the debian/copyright: Should I leave the line 'This package
> > was debianized by ...' untouched? Or should this line be updated to
> > reflect new maintainership?
> Policy 12.5 "It should name the original authors of the package and
> the Debian maintainer(s) who were involved with its creation."
> I'd suggest to use something like
> Current Maintainer: you
> Originally packaged by: somebody else.
>   cu andreas

I get the impression from reading [1] that you should get rid of the overly 
verbose "This package was debianized..." stuff and (re)write it like this:

Copyright - Upstream Author One
   Upstream Author Two
  - Previous Maintainer (previous Debian package maintainer)
   Current Maintainer (Debian package maintainer)



Nathaniel W. Turner
Tel: +1 508 579 1948 (mobile)

Re: RFS: akregator - RSS feed aggregator for KDE

2004-07-01 Thread Jeremy Lainé
Some preliminary comments as I have not yet had time to look at the
package proper:

- the diff.gz is pretty much empty, it just patches the
debian/changelog. I have not been able to verify if the upstream
tarballs contain debian/* as the files do not seem to be on the
mirrors yet. From the CVS logs you seem to be part of the development
team, so it might be simpler to have the upstream tarballs drop
debian/* and just include these files in your diff.gz (which doesn't
prevent you from keeping debian/* in the same CVS repository!).

- the package versions look dodgy, as there are 2 dashes
(1.0-beta4-1). Furthermore you are going to run into problems when the
final 1.0 version comes out:

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$ dpkg --compare-versions 1.0-beta4-1 lt 1.0-1 && echo

You might consider labeling the beta versions something like

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$ dpkg --compare-versions 0.99+1.0beta4-1 lt 1.0-1 &&
echo true

Will try to have a look at the packaging itself later today.


-- :  : Sailcut CAD MPman MP-F70 support for Linux

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: RFS: akregator - RSS feed aggregator for KDE

2004-07-01 Thread Pierre HABOUZIT
> > - the diff.gz is pretty much empty, it just patches the
> > debian/changelog. I have not been able to verify if the upstream
> > tarballs contain debian/* as the files do not seem to be on the
> > mirrors yet.
they do.

> >  From the CVS logs you seem to be part of the development
> > team, so it might be simpler to have the upstream tarballs drop
> > debian/* and just include these files in your diff.gz (which doesn't
> > prevent you from keeping debian/* in the same CVS repository!).
> Yes, this is a problem, Pierre, please generate a proper .orig.gz tarball, 
> without debian/ dir at all.
no problem, I'm the release tech anyway.
I'm on it.

> > - the package versions look dodgy, as there are 2 dashes
> > (1.0-beta4-1). Furthermore you are going to run into problems when the
> > final 1.0 version comes out:
> Two dashes are perfectly valid according to Policy.
> >
> > [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$ dpkg --compare-versions 1.0-beta4-1 lt 1.0-1 && echo
> > true
> The final version will be labelled 1.0.0-1 of course.
> >
> > You might consider labeling the beta versions something like
> > "0.99+1.0beta4-1".
for historical reason I have to keep the dash atm. Will be dropped in
favour of your suggestion above for next betas (i mean for other than
1.0 betas)
and like said Peter, next version will be 1.0.0-1 and then no problem at

Pierre Habouzit

Description: Digital signature

Re: RFS: akregator - RSS feed aggregator for KDE

2004-07-01 Thread Peter Rockai (mornfall)
On Thursday 01 July 2004 08:55, Jeremy Lainé wrote:
> Some preliminary comments as I have not yet had time to look at the
> package proper:
> - the diff.gz is pretty much empty, it just patches the
> debian/changelog. I have not been able to verify if the upstream
> tarballs contain debian/* as the files do not seem to be on the
> mirrors yet. From the CVS logs you seem to be part of the development
> team, so it might be simpler to have the upstream tarballs drop
> debian/* and just include these files in your diff.gz (which doesn't
> prevent you from keeping debian/* in the same CVS repository!).
Yes, this is a problem, Pierre, please generate a proper .orig.gz tarball, 
without debian/ dir at all.
> - the package versions look dodgy, as there are 2 dashes
> (1.0-beta4-1). Furthermore you are going to run into problems when the
> final 1.0 version comes out:
Two dashes are perfectly valid according to Policy.
> [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$ dpkg --compare-versions 1.0-beta4-1 lt 1.0-1 && echo
> true
The final version will be labelled 1.0.0-1 of course.
> You might consider labeling the beta versions something like
> "0.99+1.0beta4-1".
> [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$ dpkg --compare-versions 0.99+1.0beta4-1 lt 1.0-1 &&
> echo true
> true
> Will try to have a look at the packaging itself later today.
> Cheers,
> Jeremy

Re: RFS: akregator - RSS feed aggregator for KDE

2004-07-01 Thread Pierre HABOUZIT
> no problem, I'm the release tech anyway.
> I'm on it.
revision 2 is on its way on kalyxo, and as ever it's on

and as ever lintian, linda and pdebuild clean.

any remark ?
Pierre Habouzit

Description: Digital signature

Re: RFS: akregator - RSS feed aggregator for KDE

2004-07-01 Thread Adam D. Barratt
On Thursday, July 01, 2004 8:50 AM, Peter Rockai (mornfall)

> On Thursday 01 July 2004 08:55, Jeremy Lainé wrote:
>> - the package versions look dodgy, as there are 2 dashes
>> (1.0-beta4-1). Furthermore you are going to run into problems when
>> the final 1.0 version comes out:
> Two dashes are perfectly valid according to Policy.

Indeed; however, as Jeremy pointed out `1.0-beta4' is greater than `1.0'

>> [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$ dpkg --compare-versions 1.0-beta4-1 lt 1.0-1 && echo
>> true
> The final version will be labelled 1.0.0-1 of course.

Erm, no, please don't. 1.0.0 is an NMU version number.

>> You might consider labeling the beta versions something like
>> "0.99+1.0beta4-1".
>> [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$ dpkg --compare-versions 0.99+1.0beta4-1 lt 1.0-1 &&
>> echo true
>> true

This, otoh, is a commonly used and well-known method of numbering versions
so that the final release version is greater than the betas.


with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: RFS: akregator - RSS feed aggregator for KDE

2004-07-01 Thread Christoph Wegscheider
Adam D. Barratt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> The final version will be labelled 1.0.0-1 of course.
> Erm, no, please don't. 1.0.0 is an NMU version number.
I thougth x-1.1 would be a NMU version number?


with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: On GPG keys and PhilOSC...

2004-07-01 Thread Zak B. Elep
On Wed, Jun 30, 2004 at 10:15:07PM -0300, Lucas Wall wrote:
>   That would be the [1]key signing coordination page.
>   K.
> [1]

Okies! Thanks a lot! 


|=-ZAK B. ELEP  (Registered Linux User #327585)-=|
||  Web:   GPG ID:  0xFA53851D ||
||   http://zakame.homelinux.orgICQ UIN: 33236644   ||
||  Location: Daet, Camarines Norte Running Linux 2.6   ||
|=--1486 7957 454D E529 E4F1  F75E 5787 B1FD FA53 851D--=|
 Debian - When you've got better things to do than to fix a borken system

Description: Digital signature

RFS: knoda

2004-07-01 Thread Stan Pinte
Name: knoda
Licence: GPL
Short description: knoda is a database frontend for KDE. It is based on
Long description:
Where can the package be obtained: by emailing me.

more info:

Description: Ceci est une partie de message	=?ISO-8859-1?Q?num=E9riquement?= =?ISO-8859-1?Q?_sign=E9e=2E?=

Re: On GPG keys and PhilOSC...

2004-07-01 Thread Zak B. Elep
On Wed, Jun 30, 2004 at 10:15:07PM -0300, Lucas Wall wrote:
>   That would be the [1]key signing coordination page.
>   K.
> [1]

According to the Applicant's Checklist[1]:

> # The applicant's identity needs to be verified.
> This is usually done by having at least one signature on the applicant's
> GPG key from a Debian Developer. If the applicant's location makes it
> impossible to get a key signed by another Debian Developer, a scanned
> photo of their drivers license or passport signed with their GPG key can
> be accepted as an alternative method of identification.

But I don't have a driver's license (since I'd rather walk/commute) nor
a passport (I haven't traveled elsewhere). Are there any other means of
identification (such as a birth certificate or postal ID) that can be
used in lieu of the above mentioned media?



|=-ZAK B. ELEP  (Registered Linux User #327585)-=|
||  Web:   GPG ID:  0xFA53851D ||
||   http://zakame.homelinux.orgICQ UIN: 33236644   ||
||  Location: Daet, Camarines Norte Running Linux 2.6   ||
|=--1486 7957 454D E529 E4F1  F75E 5787 B1FD FA53 851D--=|
 Debian - When you've got better things to do than to fix a borken system

Description: Digital signature

Re: RFS: akregator - RSS feed aggregator for KDE

2004-07-01 Thread Pierre HABOUZIT
On Thu, Jul 01, 2004 at 11:16:23AM +0200, Christoph Wegscheider wrote:
> Adam D. Barratt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >> The final version will be labelled 1.0.0-1 of course.
> > 
> > Erm, no, please don't. 1.0.0 is an NMU version number.
> I thougth x-1.1 would be a NMU version number?

Indeed, in fact, where there will be a 1.1betax i'll use the
1.99-1+betax version number, that is really clear, and shorter than a

but in fact, the non-official debian repository where i dput my packages
atm had a q&dirty package named 1.0-beta1 and I had to produce version
numbers greater than this one (the historical thing)

starting with 1.0, my version numbering will follow a +betax scheme

but for the 1.0 betas (and maybe pre versions) I'll have to follow the
old scheme for backward compatibility
Pierre Habouzit

Description: Digital signature

Re: RFS: akregator - RSS feed aggregator for KDE

2004-07-01 Thread Adam D. Barratt
On Thursday, July 01, 2004 10:16 AM, Christoph Wegscheider

> Adam D. Barratt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>> The final version will be labelled 1.0.0-1 of course.
>> Erm, no, please don't. 1.0.0 is an NMU version number.
> I thougth x-1.1 would be a NMU version number?

You're correct, of course. It's one of those mornings


with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: RFS: knoda

2004-07-01 Thread Anibal Monsalve Salazar
On Thu, Jul 01, 2004 at 11:32:32AM +0200, Stan Pinte wrote:
>Name: knoda
>Licence: GPL
>Short description: knoda is a database frontend for KDE. It is based on
>Long description:
>Where can the package be obtained: by emailing me.

Please post to the list the location of your package. I would like to
have a look at it and post my comments to this list.

>more info:


Anibal Monsalve Salazar
 .''`.  Debian GNU/Linux  | Building 28C
: :' :  Free Operating System | Monash University VIC 3800, Australia
`. `'|
  `-  |

Description: PGP signature

Re: RFS: urlgfe

2004-07-01 Thread Anibal Monsalve Salazar
On Thu, Jul 01, 2004 at 04:55:42AM +0400, Dan Korostelev wrote:
>I'm also searching a sponsor to upload UrlGfe (
>packages from to debian unstable. UrlGfe is a
>graphical download manager, that's using GTK+ for its UI and the great
>libcurl for file downloading.

FTBFS (failed to build from source). Please see my pbuilder log file [0].

There is no ITP listed at [1].


>Dan Korostelev <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>


Anibal Monsalve Salazar
 .''`.  Debian GNU/Linux  | Building 28C
: :' :  Free Operating System | Monash University VIC 3800, Australia
`. `'|
  `-  |

Description: PGP signature

Re: On GPG keys and PhilOSC...

2004-07-01 Thread Nico Golde
Hallo Lucas,

* Lucas Wall <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2004-07-01 12:05]:
> >i dont no the url exactly, but search the website, there is a
> >site, where you can search for a dd in your environment.
> >try to search google for debian key signing program.
> that would be the [1]key signing coordination page.
> [1]

yes, thanks. i write my mails offline, so i could't find it out :)
regards nico
GPG: FF46 E565 5CC1 E2E5 3F69  C739 1D87 E549 7364 7CFF
Is there life after /sbin/halt -p?

Description: Digital signature

Re: RFS: akregator - RSS feed aggregator for KDE

2004-07-01 Thread Anibal Monsalve Salazar
On Thu, Jul 01, 2004 at 01:20:23AM +0200, Pierre HABOUZIT wrote:
>I'm looking for sponsor for the $SUBJ (and I would like to start my NM
>application too). The will be available soon at :
>  deb unstable main

You didn't put the following lines in debian/copyright (see [0] and

Copyright (c) 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004 Frerich Raabe <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Copyright (c) 2001, 2002, 2003 Frerich Raabe <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Copyright (c) 2003 Frerich Raabe <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Copyright (C) 2003 Georg Robbers <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Copyright (C) 2004 by Sashmit Bhaduri
Copyright (C) 2004 by Sashmit Bhaduri ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
Copyright (C) 2004 by Stanislav Karchebny
Copyright (C) 2004 by Stanislav Karchebny, Sashmit Bhaduri
Copyright (C) 2004 by Teemu Rytilahti
Copyright (c) 2004 Frerich Raabe <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Copyright (C) 2004 Gary Cramblitt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Some of the obove lines may be combined into one line. That was just a
simplified output of:

grep -ri copyright akregator-1.0_beta4fixed/akregator/src/

Please consider to put the URL of the home page of the package in the
description in debian/control. See [2] and [3].


>and is already at
>here you have the official releases :
>  (official site has not been updated, you can find them on [1] too)
>Here's the whereabouts of the package:
> o ITP Bug : 251871 (reported by Peter Rockai, but owned by me with his
>   agreement. he is btw in Cc:)
> o the package is lintian and linda clean
> o he builds in pbuilder

I also run pbuilder on your source package and lintian and linda on the
.dsc created by pbuilder.

>Version: 1.0-beta4
>Upstream Author: Stanislav Karchebny
>Description: RSS feed aggregator for KDE
> aKregator is a KDE RSS aggregator. It supports the best known metaphors
> from existing aggregators. It also facilitates good integration with KDE
> by maintaining an interface similar to Konqueror and KMail.
>best regards.
> [1]
>Pierre Habouzit


Anibal Monsalve Salazar
 .''`.  Debian GNU/Linux  | Building 28C
: :' :  Free Operating System | Monash University VIC 3800, Australia
`. `'|
  `-  |

Description: PGP signature

Re: sponsor wanted for 'ketchup' package

2004-07-01 Thread Anibal Monsalve Salazar
On Thu, Jul 01, 2004 at 12:57:22AM -0500, Manoj Srivastava wrote:
>On Mon, 28 Jun 2004 12:37:40 -0700, Brian Nelson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said: 
>> Laszlo 'GCS' Boszormenyi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>>> * Anibal Monsalve Salazar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2004-06-28
>>>   22:21:14 +1000]:
 I don't think you should create a debian package for small script,
>>> Agree. Even if I don't know where it should go, but definiately
>>> finding a backage which would include ketchup sounds a better idea.
>> Maybe kernel-package?
>   Umm , I missed the beginnihg of this thread. What does
> ketchup do?

The thread starts at:

>   manoj
>"I've got some amyls.  We could either party later or, like, start his
>heart." "Cheech and Chong's Next Movie"
>Manoj Srivastava   <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  
>1024R/C7261095 print CB D9 F4 12 68 07 E4 05  CC 2D 27 12 1D F5 E8 6E
>1024D/BF24424C print 4966 F272 D093 B493 410B  924B 21BA DABB BF24 424C


Anibal Monsalve Salazar
 .''`.  Debian GNU/Linux  | Building 28C
: :' :  Free Operating System | Monash University VIC 3800, Australia
`. `'|
  `-  |

Description: PGP signature

Re: RFS: cc65 - Cross development suite for 65xxx processors

2004-07-01 Thread Geert Stappers
On Mon, Jun 21, 2004 at 07:42:34PM -0600, Benjamin Cutler wrote:
>Package name: cc65
>Version : 2.10.1
>Upstream Author : Ullrich von Bassewitz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>URL :
>License : zlib-alike
>Description : Cross development suite for 65xxx processors
>   cc65 in a suite of utilities designed to allow development of programs that
>   run on computers and consoles based off the 65xxx series of processors.
>   It includes a C compiler, an assembler, a linker, and several libraries to
>   better allow development for a specific platform. Supported platforms
>   include:
>* Processors: 6502/65C02/65816
>* Commodore
> -C64
> -GEOS C64
> -C128
> -C16
> -C116
> -Plus/4
> -P500/600/700
>* Apple ][
>* Atari (8-bit)
>* Oric Atmos
>* Nintendo Entertainment System
>* Supervision Game Console
>   See the homepage at for more details!
> I was digging around trying to find a useful emulation-related utilities 
> after my failed attempt at packaging Gens due to legal issues[0], and 
> somebody pointed me to this little gem. At first it appeared that it was 
> non-free[1], but after some digging around I discovered it's just fine[2]. 
> Now, the odd part is that the tarball came with some debian stuff already in 
> it, so it looks like somebody tried to package this about two years ago. (I 
> saw a thread on an l.d.o list about it because of the legal issues mentioned 
> in [1], but I can't remember where and I can't find it again.) I can't find 
> any reference to it in the archive, unless I'm missing something obvious, so 
> I don't think it ever actually made it into Debian. It was pretty old 
> (Standards 3.2.1), and it split a 3 meg package into about 7 or 8 
> subpackages, which strikes me as a little silly, so I snagged the man pages 
> and wrote the rest of the debian/ tree from scratch. ITP is at [3], and 
> packages are available on m.d.n[4][5]. Copyright file is at [6] if you want 
> to glance at what I wrote for it without downloading first. Comments are 
> welcome, and thanks in advance. :)
> [0]
> [1]
> [2]
> [3]
> [4]
> [5]
> [6]

That is a solid RFS!

I still didn't made time to check it out
and will not able the next few days.

Try to find a sponsor at Debian mailinglist that have
interrest in other architectures and/or embedded application.

This posting is only to get attention for the package it's deserves.

Geert Stappers

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: RFS: akregator - RSS feed aggregator for KDE

2004-07-01 Thread Pierre HABOUZIT
> You didn't put the following lines in debian/copyright (see [0] and
> [1]):
> grep -ri copyright akregator-1.0_beta4fixed/akregator/src/
very good point.

> Please consider to put the URL of the home page of the package in the
> description in debian/control. See [2] and [3].
done too

it's still lintian and linda clean (didn't test pdebuild, but no
modification to build process or to upstream has been done ...)

dput-ed to kalyxo again, and as allways at [1]

do you have any other advice/remark ?
Pierre Habouzit

Description: Digital signature

Re: RFS: knoda

2004-07-01 Thread Matthew Palmer
On Thu, Jul 01, 2004 at 11:32:32AM +0200, Stan Pinte wrote:
> Name: knoda
> Licence: GPL
> Short description: knoda is a database frontend for KDE. It is based on
> hk_classes

This description sucks.  Don't start with the package name, it's too long,
and what is hk_classes (and why should I, as a user, care?)

> Long description:

Care to elaborate?

> Where can the package be obtained: by emailing me.

OK, I'll bite.  Whereabouts?

It certainly looks like an interesting program, if it's in an appropriately
usable state.  Have a look at my sponsorship guidelines at

- Matt

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: RFS: cc65 - Cross development suite for 65xxx processors

2004-07-01 Thread Laszlo 'GCS' Boszormenyi
* Geert Stappers <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2004-07-01 13:58:04 +0200]:

> That is a solid RFS!
> I still didn't made time to check it out
> and will not able the next few days.
> Try to find a sponsor at Debian mailinglist that have
> interrest in other architectures and/or embedded application.
> This posting is only to get attention for the package it's deserves.
 Actually it is already on my 'keep-an-eye-on-this' list; so if I would
be a Debian Developer already (~three more months from now), then I
would sponsor it. :-| So if no one volunteers until then, my first move
will be to sponsor this package. _Seriously_.


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Re: sponsor wanted for 'ketchup' package

2004-07-01 Thread Laszlo 'GCS' Boszormenyi
* Manoj Srivastava <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2004-07-01 00:57:22 -0500]:

> > Maybe kernel-package?
 Exactly. That's the best place for it IMHO.

>   Umm , I missed the beginnihg of this thread. What does
>  ketchup do?
 Fetch the latest kernel version based on the user's choice (stable,
-pre, -mm), compiles and install it as far as I remember correctly.


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Re: RFS: cc65 - Cross development suite for 65xxx processors

2004-07-01 Thread David Weinehall
On Mon, Jun 21, 2004 at 07:42:34PM -0600, Benjamin Cutler wrote:
> I was digging around trying to find a useful emulation-related utilities 
> after my failed attempt at packaging Gens due to legal issues[0], and 
> somebody pointed me to this little gem. At first it appeared that it was 
> non-free[1], but after some digging around I discovered it's just fine[2]. 
> Now, the odd part is that the tarball came with some debian stuff already 
> in it, so it looks like somebody tried to package this about two years ago. 
> (I saw a thread on an l.d.o list about it because of the legal issues 
> mentioned in [1], but I can't remember where and I can't find it again.) I 
> can't find any reference to it in the archive, unless I'm missing something 
> obvious, so I don't think it ever actually made it into Debian. It was 
> pretty old (Standards 3.2.1), and it split a 3 meg package into about 7 or 
> 8 subpackages, which strikes me as a little silly, so I snagged the man 
> pages and wrote the rest of the debian/ tree from scratch. ITP is at [3], 
> and packages are available on m.d.n[4][5]. Copyright file is at [6] if you 
> want to glance at what I wrote for it without downloading first. Comments 
> are welcome, and thanks in advance. :)

I'll have a look at this package this weekend, and if everything is ok,
I'll sponsor you.  I've got 16 years of experience with 6510-assembly,
which should be enough...  Granted, I haven't done any

Regards: David Weinehall
 /) David Weinehall <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> /) Northern lights wander  (\
//  Maintainer of the v2.0 kernel   //  Dance across the winter sky //
\)   Full colour fire   (/

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Re: sponsor wanted for 'ketchup' package

2004-07-01 Thread Jack Wasey
Laszlo 'GCS' Boszormenyi wrote:

Umm , I missed the beginnihg of this thread. What does
ketchup do?
 Fetch the latest kernel version based on the user's choice (stable,
-pre, -mm), compiles and install it as far as I remember correctly.
Actually, it only fetches the required patches, verifies signatures, and 
applies them. Compilation and installation are left to the user. 
Importantly, it only fetches the 30 or megabyte archive when necessary, 
saving a lot of bandwidth: good for as well as dial-up users.

There was a suggestion that this script could be packaged in an existing 
package. I had a look but there was no obvious place. Debian is geared 
completely towards debian packaged source, patches and kernel binaries, 
and this doesn't fit with that. Any suggestions, please?

Jack Wasey
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Re: sponsor wanted for 'ketchup' package

2004-07-01 Thread Geert Stappers
On Thu, Dec 04, 2003 at 05:32:08PM +, Jack Wasey wrote:
> Laszlo 'GCS' Boszormenyi wrote:
> > 
> >>Umm , I missed the beginnihg of this thread. What does
> >> ketchup do?
> > 
> >  Fetch the latest kernel version based on the user's choice (stable,
> > -pre, -mm), compiles and install it as far as I remember correctly.
> Actually, it only fetches the required patches, verifies signatures, and 
> applies them. Compilation and installation are left to the user. 
> Importantly, it only fetches the 30 or megabyte archive when necessary, 
> saving a lot of bandwidth: good for as well as dial-up users.
> There was a suggestion that this script could be packaged in an existing 
> package. I had a look but there was no obvious place. Debian is geared 
> completely towards debian packaged source, patches and kernel binaries, 
> and this doesn't fit with that.

I also skipped the begin of the thread.
Funny to see after several posting _why_ a script is created.


 So, tell us what exactly your package does, and why it should be in Debian.
 If there is already a program that does a similar thing, say why your one is better.
 Put a little "hot spice" in there to hold people's interest. in other words,
 think like an advertising executive. Just remember to wash the slime off afterwards.

> Any suggestions, please?

Mmmm, kernel-package?

Package: kernel-package (7.107)
Debian Linux kernel package build scripts.

This package provides the capability to create a debian kernel-image package
by just running make-kpkg kernel_image in a kernel source directory tree.
It can also package the relevant kernel headers into a kernel-headers package.
In general, this package is very useful if you need to create a custom kernel,
if, for example, the default kernel does not support some of your hardware,
or you wish a leaner, meaner kernel.
It also scripts the steps that need be taken to compile the kernel,
which is quite convenient (forgetting a crucial step once was the
initial motivation for this package).
Please look at /usr/share/doc/kernel-package/Rationale.gz for a full list
of advantages of this package.

> Jack Wasey

Geert Stappers

Description: PGP signature

Re: RFS: cc65 - Cross development suite for 65xxx processors

2004-07-01 Thread Benjamin Cutler
Hash: SHA1
| I'll have a look at this package this weekend, and if everything is ok,
| I'll sponsor you.  I've got 16 years of experience with 6510-assembly,
| which should be enough...  Granted, I haven't done any
| 65816-programming.
| Regards: David Weinehall
I should mention that after discussing this with upstream[1], it turns out
that four source files actually do fall under the old license, making one
program non-free. 95% of it is in contrib, because the program that's
non-free is the C compiler, and I decided that was important enough to be a
Depends. So it's been split into three packages now, cc65 (the free
binaries, contrib/arch), cc65-compiler (the non-free binary, non-free/arch)
and cc65-libs (the platform specific libs, but which I believe are
architecture independant, because they are simply built by the cc65 tools
themselves, contrib/all). Somebody told me that a lot of DDs don't like
sponsoring non-free packages, so I hope that doesn't change your mind. But I
thank you for the interest either way!
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Re: RFS: cc65 - Cross development suite for 65xxx processors

2004-07-01 Thread David Weinehall
On Thu, Jul 01, 2004 at 02:46:10PM -0600, Benjamin Cutler wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> |
> | I'll have a look at this package this weekend, and if everything is ok,
> | I'll sponsor you.  I've got 16 years of experience with 6510-assembly,
> | which should be enough...  Granted, I haven't done any
> | 65816-programming.
> |
> |
> | Regards: David Weinehall
> I should mention that after discussing this with upstream[1], it turns
> out that four source files actually do fall under the old license,
> making one program non-free. 95% of it is in contrib, because the
> program that's non-free is the C compiler, and I decided that was
> important enough to be a Depends. So it's been split into three
> packages now, cc65 (the free binaries, contrib/arch), cc65-compiler
> (the non-free binary, non-free/arch) and cc65-libs (the platform
> specific libs, but which I believe are architecture independant,
> because they are simply built by the cc65 tools themselves,
> contrib/all). Somebody told me that a lot of DDs don't like sponsoring
> non-free packages, so I hope that doesn't change your mind. But I
> thank you for the interest either way!

Well, I'm not fond of non-free either, and I neither use nor maintain
any non-free packages, so sponsoring one would indeed be a bit awkward.
And reading the thread on debian-legal, it seems that upstream has a
somewhat strange perspective towards copyright issues, so I'm afraid
I'll have to withdraw my offer to sponsor you, at least for the time
beingg.  While it would be really nice to have this set of tools in
Debian, I'd rather suggest you either find some way to build only
package the free parts, or wait with the packaging until the
whole legal issues have been resolved and the entire package
is free.  While a 65xx/65xxx-development kit would be nice,
do we really want it at the expense of yet another non-free

Regards: David
 /) David Weinehall <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> /) Northern lights wander  (\
//  Maintainer of the v2.0 kernel   //  Dance across the winter sky //
\)   Full colour fire   (/

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Re: RFS: kdetrayproxy -- Enable KDE systray icons outside of KDE or when using another WM

2004-07-01 Thread ARAKI Yasuhiro
Hi Michael (and d-mentors),

> All issues are fixed and updated packages are available:
> deb unstable main

I am going to sponsor.
I've uploaded to anonymous-ftp-master.

ARAKI Yasuhiro 
A Debian Official Developer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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Fwd: saslauthd from binary package seg faulting?

2004-07-01 Thread ms419
I sent this message to the sasl2-bin package maintainer, but I suspect 
he's really busy. I haven't received a response.

I'm not sure whether to open a bug, because I don't understand the 
problem. I can't reproduce the problem with the sasl2-bin binary 
package, compiling the source package on my machine. Compiling the 
binary package on *my* machine is obviously not a solution : )

Maybe one of you can help?
Begin forwarded message:
Date: June 23, 2004 12:16:21 PM PDT
Subject: saslauthd from binary package seg faulting?
I've tried for many months to get saslauthd working with PAM - I 
happen to use the pam_krb5 module. Now it's working when I build it 
myself - but I don't know why. I have a pretty stock installation of 
unstable on a Pentium 75 and a Celeron 433.

Using the binary packages in unstable (sasl2-bin 2.1.18-4.1) and 
"testsaslauthd -u user -p incorrect", authentication correctly fails. 
Using, however, "testsaslauthd - u user -p correct", saslauthd seg 

Jeremy Rumpf had been helping me debug the problem, but when I 
recompiled the package to get debug symbols, it wouldn't seg fault - 
it worked! As a matter of fact, even if I compile sasl2-bin w/o debug 
symbols (dpkg-buildpackage -uc -us -rfakeroot) it works.

So ... Why does the Debian binary package seg fault, but the binary 
package built from the Debian source not? Maybe some library on my 
machine? Like I said, my installation is pretty stock. Jeremy Rumpf 
doesn't use Debian, so I don't know who to ask.


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