On Thu, Dec 04, 2003 at 05:32:08PM +0000, Jack Wasey wrote:
> Laszlo 'GCS' Boszormenyi wrote:
> > 
> >>    Umm , I missed the beginnihg of this thread. What does
> >> ketchup do?
> > 
> >  Fetch the latest kernel version based on the user's choice (stable,
> > -pre, -mm), compiles and install it as far as I remember correctly.
> Actually, it only fetches the required patches, verifies signatures, and 
> applies them. Compilation and installation are left to the user. 
> Importantly, it only fetches the 30 or megabyte archive when necessary, 
> saving a lot of bandwidth: good for kernel.org as well as dial-up users.
> There was a suggestion that this script could be packaged in an existing 
> package. I had a look but there was no obvious place. Debian is geared 
> completely towards debian packaged source, patches and kernel binaries, 
> and this doesn't fit with that.
I also skipped the begin of the thread.
Funny to see after several posting _why_ a script is created.

From http://people.debian.org/~mpalmer/debian-mentors_FAQ.html

 So, tell us what exactly your package does, and why it should be in Debian.
 If there is already a program that does a similar thing, say why your one is 
 Put a little "hot spice" in there to hold people's interest. in other words,
 think like an advertising executive. Just remember to wash the slime off 

> Any suggestions, please?

Mmmm, kernel-package?
from http://packages.debian.org/stable/misc/kernel-package

Package: kernel-package (7.107)
Debian Linux kernel package build scripts.

This package provides the capability to create a debian kernel-image package
by just running make-kpkg kernel_image in a kernel source directory tree.
It can also package the relevant kernel headers into a kernel-headers package.
In general, this package is very useful if you need to create a custom kernel,
if, for example, the default kernel does not support some of your hardware,
or you wish a leaner, meaner kernel.
It also scripts the steps that need be taken to compile the kernel,
which is quite convenient (forgetting a crucial step once was the
initial motivation for this package).
Please look at /usr/share/doc/kernel-package/Rationale.gz for a full list
of advantages of this package.

> Jack Wasey

Geert Stappers

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