drbd package

2004-05-17 Thread David Krovich
Hello Debian Mentors,

I'm the package maintainer for drbd.  Here is the situation.
Currently, the stable version of drbd is the 0.6.x series.  A new
version is on the way, the 0.7.x series.  I'd like to package the new
0.7.x version in debian, but keep the 0.6.x series in Debian as well.
How should I go about this?

Re: drbd package

2004-05-17 Thread Jeremy Lainé
> Currently, the stable version of drbd is the 0.6.x series.  A new
> version is on the way, the 0.7.x series.  I'd like to package the
> new 0.7.x version in debian, but keep the 0.6.x series in Debian as
> well. How should I go about this?

If the 0.7.x series is going to be the development version for a
while, maybe something à-la-Gimp like calling the package drbd0.7 (and
having the date in the Debian version) would be appropriate.

Otherwise, if the upstream development is pretty fast-moving, you
could possibly use "drbd-cvs" as the package name (and still have the
date in the Debian version). That way the ftpmasters wouldn't have to
keep making changes to the override file.


(Disclaimer : I am not a DD)
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http://mpf70.sourceforge.net/: MPman MP-F70 support for Linux

Re: drbd package

2004-05-17 Thread David Krovich
Jeremy Lainé <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

>> Currently, the stable version of drbd is the 0.6.x series.  A new
>> version is on the way, the 0.7.x series.  I'd like to package the
>> new 0.7.x version in debian, but keep the 0.6.x series in Debian as
>> well. How should I go about this?
> If the 0.7.x series is going to be the development version for a
> while, maybe something à-la-Gimp like calling the package drbd0.7 (and
> having the date in the Debian version) would be appropriate.
> Otherwise, if the upstream development is pretty fast-moving, you
> could possibly use "drbd-cvs" as the package name (and still have the
> date in the Debian version). That way the ftpmasters wouldn't have to
> keep making changes to the override file.

The drbd 0.7.x series has been in development for some time now, and
is nearly ready for it's first "stable" release.  Another issue is
that upstream has said the 0.6.x version will never work with the
2.6.x kernel, so 0.7.x will be the only option for people wanting to
use the 2.6.x kernel and drbd.  As 0.7.x is just releasing its first
stable version, I would assume people using drbd would still want to
stick with the 0.6.x version for the forseable future.  However, I
would assume they also would want to begin to evaluate the 0.7.x

The current source package is named drbd, and it currently yields 2
binary pacakges, drbd and drbd-source.  The binary drbd package
consists of userspace utils and documentation and the binary
drbd-source package contains the module source for building against
the 2.4.x kernel.  

One approach I could take would be to create a new source package for
the 0.7.x series.  I'm just not sure if that is the correct approach,
or what I would even name the new source package.

What to put in a devel deb package

2004-05-17 Thread Alejandro Arrieta Rios
I want to make deb packages of some programs that I use (quake2 dday mod). 
I saw that source packages need *-dev packages to be built. These -dev 
packages only contain header files, or something more? 
I need a quake2-dev to start trying to make my quake2 dday mod deb package, 
but it doesnt exists. So i want to make the quake2-devel myself. 
All hints are welcomed. 
I have almost finished replacing the textures from the Quake2 CD that are 
needed to play this mod, so it will have no problem to make into Debian. 
Alejandro Arrieta Rios 
CS Student UTFSM 

Re: What to put in a devel deb package

2004-05-17 Thread Anibal Monsalve Salazar
On Mon, May 17, 2004 at 06:07:57AM -0400, Alejandro Arrieta Rios wrote:
>I want to make deb packages of some programs that I use (quake2 dday mod). 
>I saw that source packages need *-dev packages to be built. These -dev 
>packages only contain header files, or something more? 
>I need a quake2-dev to start trying to make my quake2 dday mod deb package, 
>but it doesnt exists. So i want to make the quake2-devel myself. 
>All hints are welcomed. 

Look into source packages in the archive that are similar to what you
would like to package.

Build your own package and ask here for someone to check it.

Please read [0] if you haven't done so.

[0] http://people.debian.org/~mpalmer/debian-mentors_FAQ.html

>I have almost finished replacing the textures from the Quake2 CD that are 
>needed to play this mod, so it will have no problem to make into Debian. 
>Alejandro Arrieta Rios 
>CS Student UTFSM 

Anibal Monsalve Salazar
 .''`.  Debian GNU/Linux  | Building 28C
: :' :  Free Operating System | Monash University VIC 3800, Australia
`. `'   http://debian.org/| http://www-personal.monash.edu/~anibal/
  `-  |

Description: PGP signature

Re: drbd package

2004-05-17 Thread Nico Golde
Hello David,

* David Krovich <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2004-05-17 15:59]:
> I'm the package maintainer for drbd.  Here is the situation.
> Currently, the stable version of drbd is the 0.6.x series.  A new
> version is on the way, the 0.7.x series.  I'd like to package the new
> 0.7.x version in debian, but keep the 0.6.x series in Debian as well.

why do you want to do this?
regards nico
http://www.ngolde.de| GnuPG Key: http://www.ngolde.de/gpg/nico_golde.gpg
Fingerprint | FF46 E565 5CC1 E2E5 3F69  C739 1D87 E549 7364 7CFF
Is there life after /sbin/halt -p?

Description: PGP signature

RFS for ITA: xmms-singit -- Display and edit lyrics with XMMS

2004-05-17 Thread Florian Ernst
Dear mentors,

wanna sing karaoke?

If so I'd be pleased to find someone to upload this package to the
archives and thus assist me in fixing some (11, sort of, that is)

This is an RFS for an ITA[0], I have packaged the newest upstream and
I believe this packaging fixes all outstanding bugs[1] of this package
(and introduces one new, but upstream bug, as I think).

Here the specs:
Package name : xmms-singit
Version  : 0.1.28-1
Upstream Author  : Jan-Marek Glogowski <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
URL  : http://stud.fbi.fh-darmstadt.de/~glogow/
License  : GPLv2
Description  : Display and edit lyrics with XMMS
Long Description :
 This "X Multi Media System" (XMMS) plugin displays formated lyrics.
 It also contains a lyrics editor, which can be used to tag timestamps in
 a song.
Closes: 98798 98869 134805 136506 148684 187662 187990 196283 206552 208376 
 xmms-singit (0.1.28-1) unstable; urgency=low
   * New maintainer (Closes: #214946)
   * New upstream release
 + Make sure the visualisation plug-ins are included and load fine
   (Closes: #136506, #187662, #187990)
 + Doesn't prevent xmms from starting (Closes: #148684)
 + Fix navigation displayer segfault (Closes: #208376)
   * debian/control:
 + added Homepage to long description
 + streamlined Build-Depends
 + bumped Standards-Version to
   * debian/copyright: follow best practices
   * debian/docs: added AUTHORS
   * debian/rules:
 + redo
 + remove boilerplates
 + follow best practices
   * debian/watch: added
   * Acknowledge NMUs, thanks to Andrew Pollock, Matthew Garret and Robert
 Woodcock (Closes: #98798, #98869, #134805, #196283, #206552)

All files can be found at .
The build process was done in a uptodate sid-chroot and verified using
pbuilder and lintian.

Maintaining this package will add to my part[2] of giving back to the
community. I recently added myself to the NM-queue[3] to show my
commitment, and I'm certainly well aware that Debian means more than
just packaging...

However, there is one issue I'd like to raise and hopefully to get
some hints on: RPATH

This package (and this package alone) places some libraries in
/usr/lib/xmms/Visualization/xmms-singit and makes use of them,
relocating them in the process. According to Richard Atterer[4] it is
in this case acceptable to just leave them like this, so this is what
I did. I also added some overrides to make lintian happy.

If this shouldn't be done I could surely take the necessary
precautions as outlined in the appropriate DebianWiki entry[5], but so
far I'd personally prefer to leave it as is, since this is the least
complex way.

Any comments, please?

BTW, the one new bug introduced in my packaging work is the new SDL
visualisation plugins causing a segfault of XMMS whenever one tries to
configure them. They are perfectly useable, though, but their settings
cannot be changed.
I'd file a bug and mark it as upstream as soon as the package will be

Thanks for taking your time,

[0] http://bugs.debian.org/214946
[1] http://bugs.debian.org/xmms-singit
[2] http://qa.debian.org/[EMAIL PROTECTED]
[3] http://nm.debian.org/nmstatus.php?email=florian_ernst%40gmx.net
[4] http://lists.debian.org/debian-devel/2002/07/msg02030.html
[5] http://wiki.debian.net/index.cgi?RpathIssue

Description: Digital signature

250% Gain Expected On CSRZ Monday

2004-05-17 Thread Investor Update


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And do NOT forget that we will cover the stock
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Consolidated Resources Group is a publicly traded
holding company (symbol: CSRZ). The Company was formed
in November 1998 using a profitable silk floral, plant
and tree wholesale business as the nucleus for the new
business, established as a private company well before
the formation of the public entity. The Company intends
to reapply to the Bulletin Board within the near future,
where it traded when the company first became public.


DELRAY BEACH, Fla., May 13, 2004 /PRNewswire-FirstCall
via COMTEX/ -- Consolidated Resources Group Inc. (OTC
Pink Sheets: CSRZ) announced today that its Decorative
Accessories International division has been awarded a
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On January 5, 2004 the Company announced that its board
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split was February 9, 2004. There are approximately
19,000,000 post-split common shares.

Consolidated Resources Group is a publicly traded holding
company. The Company was formed in November 1998 using a
profitable silk floral, plant and tree wholesale business
as the nucleus for the new business, established as a
private company well before the formation of the public
entity. The Company intends to reapply to the Bulletin
Board within the near future, where it traded when the
company first became public.



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kpc awxjqc, cwneh, mchsrl . lsbv xpqmr opta, vgiuu, btbdcv . omh
ocont bkcsav, gtaqn, fqp . wudsk csggj aqym, qos, unl . chuszd
til anvi, edxwck, uylhvy . kabeu jnv yyu, wdiaii, musjuf . rfkbh
iboroj okib, nmixu, kobv . ilc vfui yyho, udu, garsk . mudcxy
gjrv wsoms, tgxplr, srn . bez hdvfsb lyukq, yiyrrv, eoc . hql
umiep jkgaxe, hxh, ffyy . hfsld dokacs svneb, bfmlet, mbtkf . ryn
zrlj obviyk, zcpho, ljv . mqkusb hwtyk rygoif, ugdl, tobe . arbk
vofc adwfu, mje, mabp . rkc opu shsn, zrjaui, peva . qmlsdz
ndfbsz mibb, dtpf, xmedie . ysaqv bkfg ziv, qyp, bip . wovcr
hgbb uxlxh, evs, sgg . vewetf hae dnjg, tcoeax, gtpu . vagq
duaiyk dln, wth, yxtyvq . qfy aykr pnix, shp, whbprq . ojnl
rbh fiqr, xgmffa, opgkzh . szrile nyxup chvdh, s

Re: Secure temporary fifo creation

2004-05-17 Thread Will Newton
On Monday 17 May 2004 03:30, Greg Deitrick wrote:

> Looking at the man pages for various library calls it appears that
> tmpfile(3) is probably an acceptable means of creating a temporary file,
> but this returns a FILE *.  The upstram source I'm packaging needs to make
> a temporary fifo.  It uses tempnam(3) to get a temporary file name as a
> char *, and then mkfifo(3) to make the fifo named pipe from the file name. 
> Is this sufficiently secure?  Should I post this to debian-security?

debian-security is an inappropriate address to sent this type of query to. It 
is intended for security advisories and alerts.

debian-security (was: Re: Secure temporary fifo creation)

2004-05-17 Thread Adam D. Barratt
On Mon, 2004-05-17 at 19:02, Will Newton wrote:
> On Monday 17 May 2004 03:30, Greg Deitrick wrote:
> > Looking at the man pages for various library calls it appears that
> > tmpfile(3) is probably an acceptable means of creating a temporary file,
> > but this returns a FILE *.  The upstram source I'm packaging needs to make
> > a temporary fifo.  It uses tempnam(3) to get a temporary file name as a
> > char *, and then mkfifo(3) to make the fifo named pipe from the file name. 
> > Is this sufficiently secure?  Should I post this to debian-security?
> debian-security is an inappropriate address to sent this type of query to. It 
> is intended for security advisories and alerts.

Codswallop! That would be d-s-*announce*, which is moderated anyway. (Or
[EMAIL PROTECTED], which is an alias as opposed to a list).

As http://lists.debian.org/debian-security/> says:

debian-security mailing list

Security in Debian

Discussion about security issues, including cryptographic issues, that
are of interest to all parts of the Debian community. 

Please note that this is NOT an announcement mailing list. If you're
looking for security alerts from Debian, subscribe to
debian-security-announce instead.


setgid-wrapper (was: Re: ITA: filler - Simple game in Java)

2004-05-17 Thread Steven Augart

James Damour wrote[Tue, May 11, 2004 at 08:25:52AM -0400]:

I would appreciate it if a sponsor could review my packaging, and let me
know what I should change in order to get it ready for upload to the
Debian archive.  I've fixed all lintian or linda errors, and the
remaining linda warning may be a bug (as a game, filler needs to be
rwxr-sr-x and linda is expecting rwxr-xr-x).

Grzegorz B. Prokopski wrote:

As for SGID - if this is java game, so you most probably have a shell
wrapper.  S[UG]ID bits do NOT work on shell scripts.  You can have the
bits set but they will be ignored.  So I suspect linda may check that
your wrapper is a shell script and then - sgid bit makes no effect

What you probably could do is write a small C wrapper, but then your
package would have to be autobuild on all architectures, which will
not happen for a package in contrib... So getting back to the sources
of SGID - the bit is there so that games played independently by difrent
users could store the "best score" values in a shared place.  If you
don't set the bit you can not use this functionality. Well, not a
terribly big loss probably.

I was thinking about this.  I've faced the same problem with setuid
and setgid bits not working on shell scripts.

I was thinking it might make sense to create a program (and package) named
setgid-wrapper?   Using filler as an example, the basic idea is this:

You'd have a directory, /etc/setgid-wrapper.d , which contains a bunch of
config files.  The package "filler" would include a file named
/etc/setgid-wrapper.d/filler, which would be owned by root, only writeable
by root, and whose contents would be:
/usr/games/filler games /usr/libexec/games/filler-bin

The package filler would also include a symbolic link (or would create it)
of the form:
/usr/games/filler -> /usr/libexec/setgid-wrapper

The real executable for filler would be in /usr/libexec/games/filler-bin.
The program /usr/libexec/setgid-wrapper would notice what name it had been
invoked under (/usr/games/filler), look inside the file 
to check what real program to execute and what group to execute it as,
then setregid() to (user's real group, games-group), setreuid() to the user's
real id, and execute the real executable.

An alternative approach (if you think that programs shouldn't behave
differently depending upon how they're named -- the GNU coding standards
say they shouldn't) would be for /usr/games/filler to be:
#! /bin/sh
exec setgid-wrapper filler /usr/libexec/games/filler-bin "$@"

Under this alternative scheme (requires that you start an extra subshell, but
that's no big deal, given how long the game will take to play), setgid-wrapper
would live in /usr/bin instead.  I actually like the alternative scheme better;
it is just marginally slower to start up.

--Steve Augart

Steven Augart

Jikes RVM, a free, open source, Virtual Machine:

Re: debian-security (was: Re: Secure temporary fifo creation)

2004-05-17 Thread Will Newton
On Monday 17 May 2004 19:27, Adam D. Barratt wrote:

> Codswallop! That would be d-s-*announce*, which is moderated anyway. (Or
> [EMAIL PROTECTED], which is an alias as opposed to a list).

My apologies. I was thinking of [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: debian-security (was: Re: Secure temporary fifo creation)

2004-05-17 Thread Adam D. Barratt
On Mon, 2004-05-17 at 19:27, Adam D. Barratt wrote:
> On Mon, 2004-05-17 at 19:02, Will Newton wrote:
> > debian-security is an inappropriate address to sent this type of query to. 
> > It 
> > is intended for security advisories and alerts.
> Codswallop! That would be d-s-*announce*, which is moderated anyway. (Or
> [EMAIL PROTECTED], which is an alias as opposed to a list).

Or, indeed, [EMAIL PROTECTED], which has the same destination as
[EMAIL PROTECTED] afaik. Either way, [EMAIL PROTECTED] is a public mailing
list that is indeed /exactly/ for the type of question posed by the OP.


Re: debian-security (was: Re: Secure temporary fifo creation)

2004-05-17 Thread Andreas Metzler
On 2004-05-17 "Adam D. Barratt" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Mon, 2004-05-17 at 19:27, Adam D. Barratt wrote:
> > On Mon, 2004-05-17 at 19:02, Will Newton wrote:
> [...]
> > > debian-security is an inappropriate address to sent this type of
> > > query to. It is intended for security advisories and alerts.

> > Codswallop! That would be d-s-*announce*, which is moderated anyway. (Or
> > [EMAIL PROTECTED], which is an alias as opposed to a list).

> Or, indeed, [EMAIL PROTECTED], which has the same destination as

No (unless this has changed recently without me noticing),
cu andreas

Re: drbd package

2004-05-17 Thread David Krovich
Nico Golde <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Hello David,
> * David Krovich <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2004-05-17 15:59]:
>> I'm the package maintainer for drbd.  Here is the situation.
>> Currently, the stable version of drbd is the 0.6.x series.  A new
>> version is on the way, the 0.7.x series.  I'd like to package the new
>> 0.7.x version in debian, but keep the 0.6.x series in Debian as well.
> why do you want to do this?
> regards nico

It seems like the right thing to do.  It would give people the option
to easily experiment with the 0.7.x version, but still use the 0.6.x
version as well.

Re: drbd package

2004-05-17 Thread Andreas Metzler
On 2004-05-17 David Krovich <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Nico Golde <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > * David Krovich <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2004-05-17 15:59]:
> >> I'm the package maintainer for drbd.  Here is the situation.
> >> Currently, the stable version of drbd is the 0.6.x series.  A new
> >> version is on the way, the 0.7.x series.  I'd like to package the new
> >> 0.7.x version in debian, but keep the 0.6.x series in Debian as well.
> >
> > why do you want to do this?
> > regards nico

> It seems like the right thing to do.  It would give people the option
> to easily experiment with the 0.7.x version, but still use the 0.6.x
> version as well.

How about uploading 0.7 to experimental now, and once it has stabilized
(and sarge has been released) put it in sid?
cu andreas

Re: debian-security (was: Re: Secure temporary fifo creation)

2004-05-17 Thread Adam D. Barratt
On Mon, 2004-05-17 at 20:15, Andreas Metzler wrote:
> On 2004-05-17 "Adam D. Barratt" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Or, indeed, [EMAIL PROTECTED], which has the same destination as
> > [EMAIL PROTECTED] afaik.
> [...]
> No (unless this has changed recently without me noticing),

I'll take your word for it. :-) I vaguely remember a protracted
`discussion' on -devel some time ago as to where security@ *should* go,
I obviously misremembered the result; thank you for correcting that.

(www.d.o/security/faq just says [EMAIL PROTECTED] and [EMAIL PROTECTED] are
both read by members of the security team, which is technically


FWD: An invitation for you

2004-05-17 Thread Adela Kurtz
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2004-05-17 Thread Tovar
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Re: drbd package

2004-05-17 Thread Jeremy Lainé
> Currently, the stable version of drbd is the 0.6.x series.  A new
> version is on the way, the 0.7.x series.  I'd like to package the
> new 0.7.x version in debian, but keep the 0.6.x series in Debian as
> well. How should I go about this?

If the 0.7.x series is going to be the development version for a
while, maybe something à-la-Gimp like calling the package drbd0.7 (and
having the date in the Debian version) would be appropriate.

Otherwise, if the upstream development is pretty fast-moving, you
could possibly use "drbd-cvs" as the package name (and still have the
date in the Debian version). That way the ftpmasters wouldn't have to
keep making changes to the override file.


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http://sailcut.sourceforge.net/  : Sailcut CAD
http://mpf70.sourceforge.net/: MPman MP-F70 support for Linux

Re: drbd package

2004-05-17 Thread David Krovich
Jeremy Lainà <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

>> Currently, the stable version of drbd is the 0.6.x series.  A new
>> version is on the way, the 0.7.x series.  I'd like to package the
>> new 0.7.x version in debian, but keep the 0.6.x series in Debian as
>> well. How should I go about this?
> If the 0.7.x series is going to be the development version for a
> while, maybe something Ã-la-Gimp like calling the package drbd0.7 (and
> having the date in the Debian version) would be appropriate.
> Otherwise, if the upstream development is pretty fast-moving, you
> could possibly use "drbd-cvs" as the package name (and still have the
> date in the Debian version). That way the ftpmasters wouldn't have to
> keep making changes to the override file.

The drbd 0.7.x series has been in development for some time now, and
is nearly ready for it's first "stable" release.  Another issue is
that upstream has said the 0.6.x version will never work with the
2.6.x kernel, so 0.7.x will be the only option for people wanting to
use the 2.6.x kernel and drbd.  As 0.7.x is just releasing its first
stable version, I would assume people using drbd would still want to
stick with the 0.6.x version for the forseable future.  However, I
would assume they also would want to begin to evaluate the 0.7.x

The current source package is named drbd, and it currently yields 2
binary pacakges, drbd and drbd-source.  The binary drbd package
consists of userspace utils and documentation and the binary
drbd-source package contains the module source for building against
the 2.4.x kernel.  

One approach I could take would be to create a new source package for
the 0.7.x series.  I'm just not sure if that is the correct approach,
or what I would even name the new source package.

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

What to put in a devel deb package

2004-05-17 Thread Alejandro Arrieta Rios
I want to make deb packages of some programs that I use (quake2 dday mod). 
I saw that source packages need *-dev packages to be built. These -dev 
packages only contain header files, or something more? 
I need a quake2-dev to start trying to make my quake2 dday mod deb package, 
but it doesnt exists. So i want to make the quake2-devel myself. 
All hints are welcomed. 
I have almost finished replacing the textures from the Quake2 CD that are 
needed to play this mod, so it will have no problem to make into Debian. 
Alejandro Arrieta Rios 
CS Student UTFSM 

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: What to put in a devel deb package

2004-05-17 Thread Anibal Monsalve Salazar
On Mon, May 17, 2004 at 06:07:57AM -0400, Alejandro Arrieta Rios wrote:
>I want to make deb packages of some programs that I use (quake2 dday mod). 
>I saw that source packages need *-dev packages to be built. These -dev 
>packages only contain header files, or something more? 
>I need a quake2-dev to start trying to make my quake2 dday mod deb package, 
>but it doesnt exists. So i want to make the quake2-devel myself. 
>All hints are welcomed. 

Look into source packages in the archive that are similar to what you
would like to package.

Build your own package and ask here for someone to check it.

Please read [0] if you haven't done so.

[0] http://people.debian.org/~mpalmer/debian-mentors_FAQ.html

>I have almost finished replacing the textures from the Quake2 CD that are 
>needed to play this mod, so it will have no problem to make into Debian. 
>Alejandro Arrieta Rios 
>CS Student UTFSM 

Anibal Monsalve Salazar
 .''`.  Debian GNU/Linux  | Building 28C
: :' :  Free Operating System | Monash University VIC 3800, Australia
`. `'   http://debian.org/| http://www-personal.monash.edu/~anibal/
  `-  |

Description: PGP signature

Re: drbd package

2004-05-17 Thread Nico Golde
Hello David,

* David Krovich <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2004-05-17 15:59]:
> I'm the package maintainer for drbd.  Here is the situation.
> Currently, the stable version of drbd is the 0.6.x series.  A new
> version is on the way, the 0.7.x series.  I'd like to package the new
> 0.7.x version in debian, but keep the 0.6.x series in Debian as well.

why do you want to do this?
regards nico
http://www.ngolde.de| GnuPG Key: http://www.ngolde.de/gpg/nico_golde.gpg
Fingerprint | FF46 E565 5CC1 E2E5 3F69  C739 1D87 E549 7364 7CFF
Is there life after /sbin/halt -p?

Description: PGP signature

RFS for ITA: xmms-singit -- Display and edit lyrics with XMMS

2004-05-17 Thread Florian Ernst
Dear mentors,

wanna sing karaoke?

If so I'd be pleased to find someone to upload this package to the
archives and thus assist me in fixing some (11, sort of, that is)

This is an RFS for an ITA[0], I have packaged the newest upstream and
I believe this packaging fixes all outstanding bugs[1] of this package
(and introduces one new, but upstream bug, as I think).

Here the specs:
Package name : xmms-singit
Version  : 0.1.28-1
Upstream Author  : Jan-Marek Glogowski <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
URL  : http://stud.fbi.fh-darmstadt.de/~glogow/
License  : GPLv2
Description  : Display and edit lyrics with XMMS
Long Description :
 This "X Multi Media System" (XMMS) plugin displays formated lyrics.
 It also contains a lyrics editor, which can be used to tag timestamps in
 a song.
Closes: 98798 98869 134805 136506 148684 187662 187990 196283 206552 208376 214946
 xmms-singit (0.1.28-1) unstable; urgency=low
   * New maintainer (Closes: #214946)
   * New upstream release
 + Make sure the visualisation plug-ins are included and load fine
   (Closes: #136506, #187662, #187990)
 + Doesn't prevent xmms from starting (Closes: #148684)
 + Fix navigation displayer segfault (Closes: #208376)
   * debian/control:
 + added Homepage to long description
 + streamlined Build-Depends
 + bumped Standards-Version to
   * debian/copyright: follow best practices
   * debian/docs: added AUTHORS
   * debian/rules:
 + redo
 + remove boilerplates
 + follow best practices
   * debian/watch: added
   * Acknowledge NMUs, thanks to Andrew Pollock, Matthew Garret and Robert
 Woodcock (Closes: #98798, #98869, #134805, #196283, #206552)

All files can be found at .
The build process was done in a uptodate sid-chroot and verified using
pbuilder and lintian.

Maintaining this package will add to my part[2] of giving back to the
community. I recently added myself to the NM-queue[3] to show my
commitment, and I'm certainly well aware that Debian means more than
just packaging...

However, there is one issue I'd like to raise and hopefully to get
some hints on: RPATH

This package (and this package alone) places some libraries in
/usr/lib/xmms/Visualization/xmms-singit and makes use of them,
relocating them in the process. According to Richard Atterer[4] it is
in this case acceptable to just leave them like this, so this is what
I did. I also added some overrides to make lintian happy.

If this shouldn't be done I could surely take the necessary
precautions as outlined in the appropriate DebianWiki entry[5], but so
far I'd personally prefer to leave it as is, since this is the least
complex way.

Any comments, please?

BTW, the one new bug introduced in my packaging work is the new SDL
visualisation plugins causing a segfault of XMMS whenever one tries to
configure them. They are perfectly useable, though, but their settings
cannot be changed.
I'd file a bug and mark it as upstream as soon as the package will be

Thanks for taking your time,

[0] http://bugs.debian.org/214946
[1] http://bugs.debian.org/xmms-singit
[2] http://qa.debian.org/[EMAIL PROTECTED]
[3] http://nm.debian.org/nmstatus.php?email=florian_ernst%40gmx.net
[4] http://lists.debian.org/debian-devel/2002/07/msg02030.html
[5] http://wiki.debian.net/index.cgi?RpathIssue

Description: Digital signature

250% Gain Expected On CSRZ Monday

2004-05-17 Thread Investor Update


Our last profitable offers:
> DCZ - we profiled at 60 cents and it went to $1.20


* CSRZ - Division of CSRZ Wins Government Contract *



***CSRZ will be profiled from 14 newsletters, to over
   150 Million Investors WorldWide get in first thing
   Monday morning.

== Company Profile ="">

Consolidated Resources Group Inc
Symbol: CSRZ
Current Price: $0.35



And do NOT forget that we will cover the stock
for over 1 week in this and other newsletters.


Consolidated Resources Group is a publicly traded
holding company (symbol: CSRZ). The Company was formed
in November 1998 using a profitable silk floral, plant
and tree wholesale business as the nucleus for the new
business, established as a private company well before
the formation of the public entity. The Company intends
to reapply to the Bulletin Board within the near future,
where it traded when the company first became public.


DELRAY BEACH, Fla., May 13, 2004 /PRNewswire-FirstCall
via COMTEX/ -- Consolidated Resources Group Inc. (OTC
Pink Sheets: CSRZ) announced today that its Decorative
Accessories International division has been awarded a
contract to supply permanent silk trees to a naval air
force base in Florida. The value of the contract was not
disclosed. Furthermore, Decorative Accessories
International has submitted bids on another government
contract for an additional installation.

Decorative Accessories International Inc. markets and
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"We welcome the opportunity to supply U.S. Government
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is part of our strategy to expand the division's customer

On January 5, 2004 the Company announced that its board
of directors approved the forward stock split. Through
the stock split Consolidated Resources Group's shareholders
received two additional shares of common stock for each
common share they own. The payment date for the stock
split was February 9, 2004. There are approximately
19,000,000 post-split common shares.

Consolidated Resources Group is a publicly traded holding
company. The Company was formed in November 1998 using a
profitable silk floral, plant and tree wholesale business
as the nucleus for the new business, established as a
private company well before the formation of the public
entity. The Company intends to reapply to the Bulletin
Board within the near future, where it traded when the
company first became public.



jivg vasm, egdu, dryup . yajf nbzcu lsqan, ubcaj, wyknyf . wfffk
tncxhn bdkqw, uyh, fdds . cxxycc ohadmy zioev, aba, ieioh . hlz
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lrh ssrz, ayqa, gglz . conwy nvz srijbp, tidkjb, jajrmi . qylo
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kpc awxjqc, cwneh, mchsrl . lsbv xpqmr opta, vgiuu, btbdcv . omh
ocont bkcsav, gtaqn, fqp . wudsk csggj aqym, qos, unl . chuszd
til anvi, edxwck, uylhvy . kabeu jnv yyu, wdiaii, musjuf . rfkbh
iboroj okib, nmixu, kobv . ilc vfui yyho, udu, garsk . mudcxy
gjrv wsoms, tgxplr, srn . bez hdvfsb lyukq, yiyrrv, eoc . hql
umiep jkgaxe, hxh, ffyy . hfsld dokacs svneb, bfmlet, mbtkf . ryn
zrlj obviyk, zcpho, ljv . mqkusb hwtyk rygoif, ugdl, tobe . arbk
vofc adwfu, mje, mabp . rkc opu shsn, zrjaui, peva . qmlsdz
ndfbsz mibb, dtpf, xmedie . ysaqv bkfg ziv, qyp, bip . wovcr
hgbb uxlxh, evs, sgg . vewetf hae dnjg, tcoeax, gtpu . vagq
duaiyk dln, wth, yxtyvq . qfy aykr pnix, shp, whbprq . ojnl
rbh fiqr, xgmffa, opgkzh . szrile nyxup chvdh, s

Re: Secure temporary fifo creation

2004-05-17 Thread Will Newton
On Monday 17 May 2004 03:30, Greg Deitrick wrote:

> Looking at the man pages for various library calls it appears that
> tmpfile(3) is probably an acceptable means of creating a temporary file,
> but this returns a FILE *.  The upstram source I'm packaging needs to make
> a temporary fifo.  It uses tempnam(3) to get a temporary file name as a
> char *, and then mkfifo(3) to make the fifo named pipe from the file name. 
> Is this sufficiently secure?  Should I post this to debian-security?

debian-security is an inappropriate address to sent this type of query to. It 
is intended for security advisories and alerts.

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

debian-security (was: Re: Secure temporary fifo creation)

2004-05-17 Thread Adam D. Barratt
On Mon, 2004-05-17 at 19:02, Will Newton wrote:
> On Monday 17 May 2004 03:30, Greg Deitrick wrote:
> > Looking at the man pages for various library calls it appears that
> > tmpfile(3) is probably an acceptable means of creating a temporary file,
> > but this returns a FILE *.  The upstram source I'm packaging needs to make
> > a temporary fifo.  It uses tempnam(3) to get a temporary file name as a
> > char *, and then mkfifo(3) to make the fifo named pipe from the file name. 
> > Is this sufficiently secure?  Should I post this to debian-security?
> debian-security is an inappropriate address to sent this type of query to. It 
> is intended for security advisories and alerts.

Codswallop! That would be d-s-*announce*, which is moderated anyway. (Or
[EMAIL PROTECTED], which is an alias as opposed to a list).

As http://lists.debian.org/debian-security/> says:

debian-security mailing list

Security in Debian

Discussion about security issues, including cryptographic issues, that
are of interest to all parts of the Debian community. 

Please note that this is NOT an announcement mailing list. If you're
looking for security alerts from Debian, subscribe to
debian-security-announce instead.


with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

setgid-wrapper (was: Re: ITA: filler - Simple game in Java)

2004-05-17 Thread Steven Augart
James Damour wrote[Tue, May 11, 2004 at 08:25:52AM -0400]:

I would appreciate it if a sponsor could review my packaging, and let me
know what I should change in order to get it ready for upload to the
Debian archive.  I've fixed all lintian or linda errors, and the
remaining linda warning may be a bug (as a game, filler needs to be
rwxr-sr-x and linda is expecting rwxr-xr-x).
Grzegorz B. Prokopski wrote:
As for SGID - if this is java game, so you most probably have a shell
wrapper.  S[UG]ID bits do NOT work on shell scripts.  You can have the
bits set but they will be ignored.  So I suspect linda may check that
your wrapper is a shell script and then - sgid bit makes no effect
What you probably could do is write a small C wrapper, but then your
package would have to be autobuild on all architectures, which will
not happen for a package in contrib... So getting back to the sources
of SGID - the bit is there so that games played independently by difrent
users could store the "best score" values in a shared place.  If you
don't set the bit you can not use this functionality. Well, not a
terribly big loss probably.
I was thinking about this.  I've faced the same problem with setuid
and setgid bits not working on shell scripts.
I was thinking it might make sense to create a program (and package) named
setgid-wrapper?   Using filler as an example, the basic idea is this:
You'd have a directory, /etc/setgid-wrapper.d , which contains a bunch of
config files.  The package "filler" would include a file named
/etc/setgid-wrapper.d/filler, which would be owned by root, only writeable
by root, and whose contents would be:
/usr/games/filler games /usr/libexec/games/filler-bin
The package filler would also include a symbolic link (or would create it)
of the form:
/usr/games/filler -> /usr/libexec/setgid-wrapper
The real executable for filler would be in /usr/libexec/games/filler-bin.
The program /usr/libexec/setgid-wrapper would notice what name it had been
invoked under (/usr/games/filler), look inside the file /etc/setgid-wrapper-d/filler
to check what real program to execute and what group to execute it as,
then setregid() to (user's real group, games-group), setreuid() to the user's
real id, and execute the real executable.
An alternative approach (if you think that programs shouldn't behave
differently depending upon how they're named -- the GNU coding standards
say they shouldn't) would be for /usr/games/filler to be:
#! /bin/sh
exec setgid-wrapper filler /usr/libexec/games/filler-bin "$@"
Under this alternative scheme (requires that you start an extra subshell, but
that's no big deal, given how long the game will take to play), setgid-wrapper
would live in /usr/bin instead.  I actually like the alternative scheme better;
it is just marginally slower to start up.
--Steve Augart
Steven Augart
Jikes RVM, a free, open source, Virtual Machine:
with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: debian-security (was: Re: Secure temporary fifo creation)

2004-05-17 Thread Will Newton
On Monday 17 May 2004 19:27, Adam D. Barratt wrote:

> Codswallop! That would be d-s-*announce*, which is moderated anyway. (Or
> [EMAIL PROTECTED], which is an alias as opposed to a list).

My apologies. I was thinking of [EMAIL PROTECTED]

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: debian-security (was: Re: Secure temporary fifo creation)

2004-05-17 Thread Adam D. Barratt
On Mon, 2004-05-17 at 19:27, Adam D. Barratt wrote:
> On Mon, 2004-05-17 at 19:02, Will Newton wrote:
> > debian-security is an inappropriate address to sent this type of query to. It 
> > is intended for security advisories and alerts.
> Codswallop! That would be d-s-*announce*, which is moderated anyway. (Or
> [EMAIL PROTECTED], which is an alias as opposed to a list).

Or, indeed, [EMAIL PROTECTED], which has the same destination as
[EMAIL PROTECTED] afaik. Either way, [EMAIL PROTECTED] is a public mailing
list that is indeed /exactly/ for the type of question posed by the OP.


with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: debian-security (was: Re: Secure temporary fifo creation)

2004-05-17 Thread Andreas Metzler
On 2004-05-17 "Adam D. Barratt" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Mon, 2004-05-17 at 19:27, Adam D. Barratt wrote:
> > On Mon, 2004-05-17 at 19:02, Will Newton wrote:
> [...]
> > > debian-security is an inappropriate address to sent this type of
> > > query to. It is intended for security advisories and alerts.

> > Codswallop! That would be d-s-*announce*, which is moderated anyway. (Or
> > [EMAIL PROTECTED], which is an alias as opposed to a list).

> Or, indeed, [EMAIL PROTECTED], which has the same destination as

No (unless this has changed recently without me noticing),
cu andreas

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: drbd package

2004-05-17 Thread David Krovich
Nico Golde <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Hello David,
> * David Krovich <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2004-05-17 15:59]:
>> I'm the package maintainer for drbd.  Here is the situation.
>> Currently, the stable version of drbd is the 0.6.x series.  A new
>> version is on the way, the 0.7.x series.  I'd like to package the new
>> 0.7.x version in debian, but keep the 0.6.x series in Debian as well.
> why do you want to do this?
> regards nico

It seems like the right thing to do.  It would give people the option
to easily experiment with the 0.7.x version, but still use the 0.6.x
version as well.

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: drbd package

2004-05-17 Thread Andreas Metzler
On 2004-05-17 David Krovich <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Nico Golde <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > * David Krovich <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2004-05-17 15:59]:
> >> I'm the package maintainer for drbd.  Here is the situation.
> >> Currently, the stable version of drbd is the 0.6.x series.  A new
> >> version is on the way, the 0.7.x series.  I'd like to package the new
> >> 0.7.x version in debian, but keep the 0.6.x series in Debian as well.
> >
> > why do you want to do this?
> > regards nico

> It seems like the right thing to do.  It would give people the option
> to easily experiment with the 0.7.x version, but still use the 0.6.x
> version as well.

How about uploading 0.7 to experimental now, and once it has stabilized
(and sarge has been released) put it in sid?
cu andreas

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: debian-security (was: Re: Secure temporary fifo creation)

2004-05-17 Thread Adam D. Barratt
On Mon, 2004-05-17 at 20:15, Andreas Metzler wrote:
> On 2004-05-17 "Adam D. Barratt" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Or, indeed, [EMAIL PROTECTED], which has the same destination as
> > [EMAIL PROTECTED] afaik.
> [...]
> No (unless this has changed recently without me noticing),

I'll take your word for it. :-) I vaguely remember a protracted
`discussion' on -devel some time ago as to where security@ *should* go,
I obviously misremembered the result; thank you for correcting that.

(www.d.o/security/faq just says [EMAIL PROTECTED] and [EMAIL PROTECTED] are
both read by members of the security team, which is technically


with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

FWD: An invitation for you

2004-05-17 Thread Adela Kurtz
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2004-05-17 Thread Tovar
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with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]