Dear mentors, wanna sing karaoke?
If so I'd be pleased to find someone to upload this package to the archives and thus assist me in fixing some (11, sort of, that is) bugs. This is an RFS for an ITA[0], I have packaged the newest upstream and I believe this packaging fixes all outstanding bugs[1] of this package (and introduces one new, but upstream bug, as I think). Here the specs: Package name : xmms-singit Version : 0.1.28-1 Upstream Author : Jan-Marek Glogowski <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> URL : License : GPLv2 Description : Display and edit lyrics with XMMS Long Description : This "X Multi Media System" (XMMS) plugin displays formated lyrics. It also contains a lyrics editor, which can be used to tag timestamps in a song. . Homepage: <> Closes: 98798 98869 134805 136506 148684 187662 187990 196283 206552 208376 214946 Changes: xmms-singit (0.1.28-1) unstable; urgency=low . * New maintainer (Closes: #214946) * New upstream release + Make sure the visualisation plug-ins are included and load fine (Closes: #136506, #187662, #187990) + Doesn't prevent xmms from starting (Closes: #148684) + Fix navigation displayer segfault (Closes: #208376) * debian/control: + added Homepage to long description + streamlined Build-Depends + bumped Standards-Version to * debian/copyright: follow best practices * debian/docs: added AUTHORS * debian/rules: + redo + remove boilerplates + follow best practices * debian/watch: added * Acknowledge NMUs, thanks to Andrew Pollock, Matthew Garret and Robert Woodcock (Closes: #98798, #98869, #134805, #196283, #206552) All files can be found at <>. The build process was done in a uptodate sid-chroot and verified using pbuilder and lintian. Maintaining this package will add to my part[2] of giving back to the community. I recently added myself to the NM-queue[3] to show my commitment, and I'm certainly well aware that Debian means more than just packaging... However, there is one issue I'd like to raise and hopefully to get some hints on: RPATH This package (and this package alone) places some libraries in /usr/lib/xmms/Visualization/xmms-singit and makes use of them, relocating them in the process. According to Richard Atterer[4] it is in this case acceptable to just leave them like this, so this is what I did. I also added some overrides to make lintian happy. If this shouldn't be done I could surely take the necessary precautions as outlined in the appropriate DebianWiki entry[5], but so far I'd personally prefer to leave it as is, since this is the least complex way. Any comments, please? BTW, the one new bug introduced in my packaging work is the new SDL visualisation plugins causing a segfault of XMMS whenever one tries to configure them. They are perfectly useable, though, but their settings cannot be changed. I'd file a bug and mark it as upstream as soon as the package will be uploaded. Thanks for taking your time, Cheers, Flo [0] [1] [2][EMAIL PROTECTED] [3] [4] [5]
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