Re: can't install from a local repository - success!!!

2003-08-26 Thread Geert Stappers
On Mon, Aug 25, 2003 at 05:02:31PM -0700, Eric Winger wrote:
> Got it! My package installed! Thank you Thank you Thank you everyone. I 
> think I was confusing the two types of repositories and how to access 
> them (automagic & simple - from the repository howto).
> Sorry for delayed response.
> Goswin von Brederlow wrote:
> > Luk Claes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> >
> >  
> > > I added deb-src http://mysite/ pool in sources.list
> >
> I didn't do this. I followed the comments below by Goswin for my 
> structure. In fact, pool doesn't appear in my sources.list at all. (just 
> fyi)
> > That means (replace {dist} and {section} with sid,main or sid,local):
> >
> > repository/dists/{dist}/{section}/binary-/Package.gz
> > reposirory/pool/
> >
> Question: Since this is a local-use only repository, wouldn't it make 
> more sense to give this a {dist} name that isn't linked with the current 
> debian builds - sid, woody, etc. It's clear I can name the dist anything 
> I want locally but current good practices should dictate what the name 
> should be. Any recommendations?

Use 'my' or 'sitename'

> > You can then generate the Packages and Sources files like this:
> > % cat repository/
> > cd repository
> > dpkg-scanpackages pool /dev/null 
> > >dists/{dist}/{section}/binary-i386/Packages
> > dpkg-scansources pool >dists/{dist}/{section}/source/Sources
> >
> > gzip -9  > >dists/{dist}/{section}/binary-i386/Packages.gz
> > gzip -9  > >dists/{dist}/{section}/source/Sources.gz
> >
> > And in sources.list:
> > deb http://repository {dist} {section}
> >
> I used file:///{repos name}. But I believe that is minor.
> > You should also create Release files which you can mostly copy from
> > debian. Take care to change the Origin for BTS purposes though.
> >
> I haven't done this yet. Still getting my feet wet. But pinning is 
> something I will look into.
> > MfG
> > Goswin
> >
> MfG? (just curious)

Mit freundliche Greusse
It is German for 


met vriendelijke groeten


With Friendly Greetings

Geert Stappers

Re: can't install from a local repository - success!!!

2003-08-26 Thread Thomas Wana
On Tuesday 26 August 2003 08:51, Geert Stappers wrote:
> > MfG? (just curious)
> Mit freundliche Greusse
> It is German for

Not exactly.

"Mit freundlichen Grüßen"

> WfG
> With Friendly Greetings

Does that really exist in English?


> Geert Stappers

Re: can't install from a local repository - success!!!

2003-08-26 Thread Goswin von Brederlow
Eric Winger <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> > That means (replace {dist} and {section} with sid,main or sid,local):
> >
> > repository/dists/{dist}/{section}/binary-/Package.gz
> > reposirory/pool/
> >
> Question: Since this is a local-use only repository, wouldn't it make
> more sense to give this a {dist} name that isn't linked with the
> current debian builds - sid, woody, etc. It's clear I can name the
> dist anything I want locally but current good practices should dictate
> what the name should be. Any recommendations?

As I said once you get outside users or have a stable/testing/unstable
mix yourself you will need backports. Having dist reflect the dist for
which the debs are compiled for served me well. The section and the
origin (in the release file) are enough for me.

At home I even have a /dists/sid/core/binary-arch/Packages.gz for a
stripped down repository for boot-floppies / debian-installer /
(c)debootstrap to install from.

> > You should also create Release files which you can mostly copy from
> > debian. Take care to change the Origin for BTS purposes though.
> >
> I haven't done this yet. Still getting my feet wet. But pinning is
> something I will look into.

It becomes important if you want to provide experimental packages that
shouldn't get installed unless requested. I had a patched mount here
and mldonkey. Not everyone that wanted mldonkey would want my mount.
Advanced stuff and for a strictly private repository overkill.

MfG (mit freundlichen Gruessen, with friendly greetings)

PS: carefull with File://, apt-get source will create links into the
mirror and debuild will then erase the files from the repository and
replace them when you rebuild.

Re: can't install from a local repository - success!!!

2003-08-26 Thread Thomas Viehmann
Goswin von Brederlow ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
>PS: carefull with File://, apt-get source will create links into the
>mirror and debuild will then erase the files from the repository and
>replace them when you rebuild.
While you're warning about file://, how about including a reference to copy://? 



RFS: dbmail: fast and scalable sql based imap and pop server

2003-08-26 Thread Paul J Stevens

Hash: SHA1

Hi all,

Someone out here willing to sponsor this package and advocate my DD

DBMAIL is a collection of programs that enables email to be
stored in and retrieved from a database.


closes wnpp IPT: #179879

deb unstable/
deb-src unstable/


dbmail - scalable SQL based pop and imap mailserver
dbmail-pgsql - Postgresql interface for dbmail
dbmail-mysql - Mysql interface for dbmail

- --
~  Paul Stevens  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
~  The Netherlands
Version: GnuPG v1.2.2 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Thunderbird -


Re: RFS: sn - Small NNTP server for leaf sites

2003-08-26 Thread Chris Niekel
To add some information to my previous post (in the hope of attracting
some more attention)

On Sat, Aug 23, 2003 at 02:52:31PM +0200, Chris Niekel wrote:
> The 'sn' package was orphaned, and I ITA'ed it. I'm not a DD yet, and
> this is my first package, so I would like to receive some feedback on
> it.

It's available from:
deb ./
deb-src ./

And also from:
deb unstable main contrib non-free
deb-src unstable main contrib non-free

(which is probably faster than my ADSL-line)

Since these are just changes to the previous version, it would be nice
if this was eventually uploaded, thus fixing a RC-bug, a minor bug, 5
wishlist bugs, and acknowledging a NMU.

Chris Niekel

I've been down so long, if I'd cheer up, I'd still be depressed.
- Lisa Simpson, Moanin' Lisa Blues.

Description: PGP signature

Re: Looking for a sponsor for package update

2003-08-26 Thread Stephen Stafford
On Tue, Aug 26, 2003 at 12:07:32AM +0200, Aaron Isotton wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm the maintainer of the sitemap package, but I'm no DD.  I've got an
> update (2.3-5) which is linda- and lintian clean.  It is available at
> [0].  Could somebody upload it, please?  Thank you very much.
> [0]




Description: PGP signature

Still looking for a sponsor?

2003-08-26 Thread Christoph Haas
Hi, desperate package maintainers... ;)

the team has just recently put up a web based forum
on their web site [1] as a "beta test". If you have done a package and
feel like no potential sponsor has been replying to your requests on
this list then you are kindly invited to post information on your
package there. Contrary to this mailing list the board can be thought of
as a kind of database which holds all pending sponsor-seeking-requests.



".signature" [Modified] 3 lines --100%--3,41 All

Re: Policy query

2003-08-26 Thread Roger Leigh
Frank Lichtenheld <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> On Mon, Aug 25, 2003 at 08:55:53PM +0100, Roger Leigh wrote:
>> E: cupsys-driver-gimpprint: 
>> depends-on-essential-package-without-using-version gzip
>> N:
>> N:   The package declares a depends on an essential package i.e. dpkg
>> N:   without using a versioned depends. In general a package should not
>> N:   depend on essential packages but if it must do so, the depends should
>> N:   have a version string.
>> N:
>> N:   Refer to Policy Manual, section 2.3.4 for details.
>> N:
>> Policy section 2.3.4 doesn't exist, and I can't see it in Section 7,
>> either.  Does this still apply, and if so, where is it in the Policy
>> Manual?
>> I'll remove the dependency next time I upload, but I'd like to know
>> where the requirement comes from.>
> Policy, section 3.5


Roger Leigh

Printing on GNU/Linux?
GPG Public Key: 0x25BFB848.  Please sign and encrypt your mail.

Re: can't install from a local repository - success!!!

2003-08-26 Thread Goswin von Brederlow
"Thomas Viehmann" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Goswin von Brederlow ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
> >PS: carefull with File://, apt-get source will create links into the
> >mirror and debuild will then erase the files from the repository and
> >replace them when you rebuild.
> While you're warning about file://, how about including a reference to 
> copy://? :)

Thats a new one. I reported a bug against apt a long tim ago about the
linking and it got closed as feature. Seems to have anoyed enough
people to add a copy://.


RFS: pizza-business

2003-08-26 Thread Laurent Fousse

I'm seeking a sponsor for pizza-business, a pizza restaurant
simulation game. This closes #180789.

The package is lintian clean except for:

W: pizza-business: menu-item-creates-new-section Games/Simulation

which I think is a lintian bug (being out of sync with menu policy,
correct me if I'm wrong).

The package can be found here:



Description: PGP signature

Can someone please check my package? (no need for a sponsor, I'm a DD)

2003-08-26 Thread Nicolas Boullis

I've spent quite some time recently trying to generate correct packages 
for em8300. These are quite complex packages with source for a kernel 
module, a library, quite complex maintainer scripts, complex upgrade 
from previous versions, etc... I don't feel self-confident enough to 
upload this to unstable, so this upload will be targetted for 
experimental. Anyway, I'd be very happy if someone could check them 

The source package is available at

I know I still have a few things to do:
   * check if it complies with the latest policy and bump 
   * switch to po-debconf.

Anyway, I will probably upload the package to experimental next 

Thanks in advance,


Description: PGP signature


2003-08-26 Thread Tommy Moore
Hi guys.  I'm interested in working on the timidity-patches package
and am in need of a sponser for the package because I am not currently
an official Debian developer yet.
Is there anyone out there willing to sponser this package for me?


Description: PGP signature

Re: can't install from a local repository - success!!!

2003-08-26 Thread Eric Winger

Goswin von Brederlow wrote:

PS: carefull with File://, apt-get source will create links into the
mirror and debuild will then erase the files from the repository and
replace them when you rebuild.

I guess I don't follow the warnings enough to heed them.

I thought looking at the man page of debuild would help, as I'm not 
familiar with debuild. But I didn't see a debian package in the 
repository called debuild. Perhaps it is spelled incorrectly? Or maybe I 
just missed it.


Re: RFS: pizza-business

2003-08-26 Thread Goswin von Brederlow
Laurent Fousse <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Hi,
> I'm seeking a sponsor for pizza-business, a pizza restaurant
> simulation game. This closes #180789.
> The package is lintian clean except for:
> W: pizza-business: menu-item-creates-new-section Games/Simulation
> /usr/lib/menu/pizza-business:2

Looking at the menu policy thats actually a lintian bug. xlife has the
same and allways had that section (even though it was only
(re)introduced a short while ago).

> which I think is a lintian bug (being out of sync with menu policy,
> correct me if I'm wrong).
> The package can be found here:

Games, games, games.

Multiplayer support?


Re: timidity-patches

2003-08-26 Thread Steve Langasek
On Tue, Aug 26, 2003 at 05:17:21PM -0400, Tommy Moore wrote:
> Hi guys.  I'm interested in working on the timidity-patches package
> and am in need of a sponser for the package because I am not currently
> an official Debian developer yet.
> Is there anyone out there willing to sponser this package for me?

Do you have documentation to show that we have a license to distribute
this package (bug #156057)?

Steve Langasek
postmodern programmer

Description: PGP signature

Re: can't install from a local repository - success!!!

2003-08-26 Thread Joshua Kwan
On Tue, Aug 26, 2003 at 03:33:44PM -0700, Eric Winger wrote:
> I thought looking at the man page of debuild would help, as I'm not 
> familiar with debuild. But I didn't see a debian package in the 
> repository called debuild. Perhaps it is spelled incorrectly? Or maybe I 
> just missed it.

apt-get install devscripts

Joshua Kwan

Description: PGP signature

Re: timidity-patches

2003-08-26 Thread Tommy Moore
On Tue, Aug 26, 2003 at 06:37:40PM -0500, Steve Langasek wrote:
> Do you have documentation to show that we have a license to distribute
> this package (bug #156057)?

Hi Steve.  I took a look at the copyright file in the package and from
this document I believe that the package could still remain in the
archive, but it may need to be moved to the non-free section of the
archive though because of the licensing restrictions.
Basically what the license file says is that the patches can not be
used in a commercial environment so this would mean the package would
qualify for the non-free section and have to be moved out of main.


Description: PGP signature

Re: timidity-patches

2003-08-26 Thread Steve Langasek
On Tue, Aug 26, 2003 at 10:28:16PM -0400, Tommy Moore wrote:
> On Tue, Aug 26, 2003 at 06:37:40PM -0500, Steve Langasek wrote:
> > Do you have documentation to show that we have a license to distribute
> > this package (bug #156057)?

> Hi Steve.  I took a look at the copyright file in the package and from
> this document I believe that the package could still remain in the
> archive, but it may need to be moved to the non-free section of the
> archive though because of the licensing restrictions.
> Basically what the license file says is that the patches can not be
> used in a commercial environment so this would mean the package would
> qualify for the non-free section and have to be moved out of main.

The copyright file currently included with the package is not
authoritative; please review the bug log in detail.  In particular,

"timidity-patches is basically the MIDIA patch set. MIDIA is a straight
copy of the patches from the original GUS drivers for DOS, created by
EYE&I productions; there is no license permitting free redistribution."

If there is no license for redistribution, it's not ok for non-free,

Steve Langasek
postmodern programmer

Description: PGP signature

Re: can't install from a local repository - success!!!

2003-08-26 Thread Eric Winger
Got it! My package installed! Thank you Thank you Thank you everyone. I 
think I was confusing the two types of repositories and how to access 
them (automagic & simple - from the repository howto).

Sorry for delayed response.

Goswin von Brederlow wrote:

Luk Claes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> I added deb-src http://mysite/ pool in sources.list

I didn't do this. I followed the comments below by Goswin for my 
structure. In fact, pool doesn't appear in my sources.list at all. (just 

That means (replace {dist} and {section} with sid,main or sid,local):

Question: Since this is a local-use only repository, wouldn't it make 
more sense to give this a {dist} name that isn't linked with the current 
debian builds - sid, woody, etc. It's clear I can name the dist anything 
I want locally but current good practices should dictate what the name 
should be. Any recommendations?

You can then generate the Packages and Sources files like this:
% cat repository/
cd repository
dpkg-scanpackages pool /dev/null 
dpkg-scansources pool >dists/{dist}/{section}/source/Sources

gzip -9 dists/{dist}/{section}/binary-i386/Packages.gz
gzip -9 dists/{dist}/{section}/source/Sources.gz

And in sources.list:
deb http://repository {dist} {section}
I used file:///{repos name}. But I believe that is minor.

You should also create Release files which you can mostly copy from
debian. Take care to change the Origin for BTS purposes though.
I haven't done this yet. Still getting my feet wet. But pinning is 
something I will look into.

MfG? (just curious)

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Policy query

2003-08-26 Thread Craig Small
On Mon, Aug 25, 2003 at 08:55:53PM +0100, Roger Leigh wrote:
> Lintian gives me this error:
> E: cupsys-driver-gimpprint: depends-on-essential-package-without-using-version gzip
> N:
> N:   The package declares a depends on an essential package i.e. dpkg
> N:   without using a versioned depends. In general a package should not
> N:   depend on essential packages but if it must do so, the depends should
> N:   have a version string.
> N:
> N:   Refer to Policy Manual, section 2.3.4 for details.
> N:

It's worded badly.

What linitian is trying to say is that you are depending on an
essential package (in this case gzip).  In most cases this is unecessary
as all packages can assume essential packages are installed.

The only reason why you would specify an essential package is if you
require a specific version or versions of an essential package.  In that
case you would obviously need a version string.

The problem with the lintian message is the emphasis is on the version
string, rather than why have it depend on gzip in the first place.

  - Craig
Craig Small  GnuPG:1C1B D893 1418 2AF4 45EE  95CB C76C E5AC 12CA DFA5
Eye-Net Consulting   MIEE Debian developer
csmall at : 

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: can't install from a local repository - success!!!

2003-08-26 Thread Geert Stappers
On Mon, Aug 25, 2003 at 05:02:31PM -0700, Eric Winger wrote:
> Got it! My package installed! Thank you Thank you Thank you everyone. I 
> think I was confusing the two types of repositories and how to access 
> them (automagic & simple - from the repository howto).
> Sorry for delayed response.
> Goswin von Brederlow wrote:
> > Luk Claes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> >
> >  
> > > I added deb-src http://mysite/ pool in sources.list
> >
> I didn't do this. I followed the comments below by Goswin for my 
> structure. In fact, pool doesn't appear in my sources.list at all. (just 
> fyi)
> > That means (replace {dist} and {section} with sid,main or sid,local):
> >
> > repository/dists/{dist}/{section}/binary-/Package.gz
> > reposirory/pool/
> >
> Question: Since this is a local-use only repository, wouldn't it make 
> more sense to give this a {dist} name that isn't linked with the current 
> debian builds - sid, woody, etc. It's clear I can name the dist anything 
> I want locally but current good practices should dictate what the name 
> should be. Any recommendations?

Use 'my' or 'sitename'

> > You can then generate the Packages and Sources files like this:
> > % cat repository/
> > cd repository
> > dpkg-scanpackages pool /dev/null 
> > >dists/{dist}/{section}/binary-i386/Packages
> > dpkg-scansources pool >dists/{dist}/{section}/source/Sources
> >
> > gzip -9  > >dists/{dist}/{section}/binary-i386/Packages.gz
> > gzip -9  > >dists/{dist}/{section}/source/Sources.gz
> >
> > And in sources.list:
> > deb http://repository {dist} {section}
> >
> I used file:///{repos name}. But I believe that is minor.
> > You should also create Release files which you can mostly copy from
> > debian. Take care to change the Origin for BTS purposes though.
> >
> I haven't done this yet. Still getting my feet wet. But pinning is 
> something I will look into.
> > MfG
> > Goswin
> >
> MfG? (just curious)

Mit freundliche Greusse
It is German for 


met vriendelijke groeten


With Friendly Greetings

Geert Stappers

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: can't install from a local repository - success!!!

2003-08-26 Thread Thomas Wana
On Tuesday 26 August 2003 08:51, Geert Stappers wrote:
> > MfG? (just curious)
> Mit freundliche Greusse
> It is German for

Not exactly.

"Mit freundlichen Grüßen"

> WfG
> With Friendly Greetings

Does that really exist in English?


> Geert Stappers

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: can't install from a local repository - success!!!

2003-08-26 Thread Goswin von Brederlow
Eric Winger <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> > That means (replace {dist} and {section} with sid,main or sid,local):
> >
> > repository/dists/{dist}/{section}/binary-/Package.gz
> > reposirory/pool/
> >
> Question: Since this is a local-use only repository, wouldn't it make
> more sense to give this a {dist} name that isn't linked with the
> current debian builds - sid, woody, etc. It's clear I can name the
> dist anything I want locally but current good practices should dictate
> what the name should be. Any recommendations?

As I said once you get outside users or have a stable/testing/unstable
mix yourself you will need backports. Having dist reflect the dist for
which the debs are compiled for served me well. The section and the
origin (in the release file) are enough for me.

At home I even have a /dists/sid/core/binary-arch/Packages.gz for a
stripped down repository for boot-floppies / debian-installer /
(c)debootstrap to install from.

> > You should also create Release files which you can mostly copy from
> > debian. Take care to change the Origin for BTS purposes though.
> >
> I haven't done this yet. Still getting my feet wet. But pinning is
> something I will look into.

It becomes important if you want to provide experimental packages that
shouldn't get installed unless requested. I had a patched mount here
and mldonkey. Not everyone that wanted mldonkey would want my mount.
Advanced stuff and for a strictly private repository overkill.

MfG (mit freundlichen Gruessen, with friendly greetings)

PS: carefull with File://, apt-get source will create links into the
mirror and debuild will then erase the files from the repository and
replace them when you rebuild.

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: can't install from a local repository - success!!!

2003-08-26 Thread Thomas Viehmann
Goswin von Brederlow ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
>PS: carefull with File://, apt-get source will create links into the
>mirror and debuild will then erase the files from the repository and
>replace them when you rebuild.
While you're warning about file://, how about including a reference to copy://? :)



with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

RFS: dbmail: fast and scalable sql based imap and pop server

2003-08-26 Thread Paul J Stevens
Hash: SHA1
Hi all,

Someone out here willing to sponsor this package and advocate my DD
DBMAIL is a collection of programs that enables email to be
stored in and retrieved from a database.

closes wnpp IPT: #179879

deb unstable/
deb-src unstable/

dbmail - scalable SQL based pop and imap mailserver
dbmail-pgsql - Postgresql interface for dbmail
dbmail-mysql - Mysql interface for dbmail

- --
~  Paul Stevens  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
~  The Netherlands
Version: GnuPG v1.2.2 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Thunderbird -
with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: RFS: sn - Small NNTP server for leaf sites

2003-08-26 Thread Chris Niekel
To add some information to my previous post (in the hope of attracting
some more attention)

On Sat, Aug 23, 2003 at 02:52:31PM +0200, Chris Niekel wrote:
> The 'sn' package was orphaned, and I ITA'ed it. I'm not a DD yet, and
> this is my first package, so I would like to receive some feedback on
> it.

It's available from:
deb ./
deb-src ./

And also from:
deb unstable main contrib non-free
deb-src unstable main contrib non-free

(which is probably faster than my ADSL-line)

Since these are just changes to the previous version, it would be nice
if this was eventually uploaded, thus fixing a RC-bug, a minor bug, 5
wishlist bugs, and acknowledging a NMU.

Chris Niekel

I've been down so long, if I'd cheer up, I'd still be depressed.
- Lisa Simpson, Moanin' Lisa Blues.

Description: PGP signature

Re: Looking for a sponsor for package update

2003-08-26 Thread Stephen Stafford
On Tue, Aug 26, 2003 at 12:07:32AM +0200, Aaron Isotton wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm the maintainer of the sitemap package, but I'm no DD.  I've got an
> update (2.3-5) which is linda- and lintian clean.  It is available at
> [0].  Could somebody upload it, please?  Thank you very much.
> [0]




Description: PGP signature

Still looking for a sponsor?

2003-08-26 Thread Christoph Haas
Hi, desperate package maintainers... ;)

the team has just recently put up a web based forum
on their web site [1] as a "beta test". If you have done a package and
feel like no potential sponsor has been replying to your requests on
this list then you are kindly invited to post information on your
package there. Contrary to this mailing list the board can be thought of
as a kind of database which holds all pending sponsor-seeking-requests.



".signature" [Modified] 3 lines --100%--3,41 All

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Policy query

2003-08-26 Thread Roger Leigh
Frank Lichtenheld <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> On Mon, Aug 25, 2003 at 08:55:53PM +0100, Roger Leigh wrote:
>> E: cupsys-driver-gimpprint: depends-on-essential-package-without-using-version gzip
>> N:
>> N:   The package declares a depends on an essential package i.e. dpkg
>> N:   without using a versioned depends. In general a package should not
>> N:   depend on essential packages but if it must do so, the depends should
>> N:   have a version string.
>> N:
>> N:   Refer to Policy Manual, section 2.3.4 for details.
>> N:
>> Policy section 2.3.4 doesn't exist, and I can't see it in Section 7,
>> either.  Does this still apply, and if so, where is it in the Policy
>> Manual?
>> I'll remove the dependency next time I upload, but I'd like to know
>> where the requirement comes from.>
> Policy, section 3.5


Roger Leigh

Printing on GNU/Linux?
GPG Public Key: 0x25BFB848.  Please sign and encrypt your mail.

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: can't install from a local repository - success!!!

2003-08-26 Thread Goswin von Brederlow
"Thomas Viehmann" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Goswin von Brederlow ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
> >PS: carefull with File://, apt-get source will create links into the
> >mirror and debuild will then erase the files from the repository and
> >replace them when you rebuild.
> While you're warning about file://, how about including a reference to copy://? :)

Thats a new one. I reported a bug against apt a long tim ago about the
linking and it got closed as feature. Seems to have anoyed enough
people to add a copy://.


with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]


2003-08-26 Thread Tommy Moore
Hi guys.  I'm interested in working on the timidity-patches package
and am in need of a sponser for the package because I am not currently
an official Debian developer yet.
Is there anyone out there willing to sponser this package for me?


Description: PGP signature

RFS: pizza-business

2003-08-26 Thread Laurent Fousse

I'm seeking a sponsor for pizza-business, a pizza restaurant
simulation game. This closes #180789.

The package is lintian clean except for:

W: pizza-business: menu-item-creates-new-section Games/Simulation

which I think is a lintian bug (being out of sync with menu policy,
correct me if I'm wrong).

The package can be found here:



Description: PGP signature

Can someone please check my package? (no need for a sponsor, I'm a DD)

2003-08-26 Thread Nicolas Boullis

I've spent quite some time recently trying to generate correct packages 
for em8300. These are quite complex packages with source for a kernel 
module, a library, quite complex maintainer scripts, complex upgrade 
from previous versions, etc... I don't feel self-confident enough to 
upload this to unstable, so this upload will be targetted for 
experimental. Anyway, I'd be very happy if someone could check them 

The source package is available at

I know I still have a few things to do:
   * check if it complies with the latest policy and bump 
   * switch to po-debconf.

Anyway, I will probably upload the package to experimental next 

Thanks in advance,


Description: PGP signature