Re: pgp 2.6.3i vs pgp5i vs gnupgp

2003-03-18 Thread Roland Mas
Drew Scott Daniels (2003-03-17 16:05:50 -0600) :


> I've decided to carry a disk around with my key and have GnuPG on
> all the various single user machines that I use.

For what it's worth: I've been concerned with the physical security of
the machines to which I have access, and I have followed a trend I had
heard of: a small (64 MB) USB storage device, on which I store my
private (and public too) keyrings, an entry in the appropriate
/etc/auto.removable file (autofs), and a symlink from
~/.gnupg/id_lolando to /mnt/auto/removable/usb-key/.../id_lolando.
Same for the public keyring, just in case.

  It works flawlessly, and it allows me to have my GnuPG private key
on exactly zero machine, only on this USB key thing (don't worry, I
also have backups).  I have recently added SSH to the same scheme.
Protects me from thieves, although not from trojaning.  I assessed the
risks :-)

  Oh, and also, when people see that black plastic thingy on my
keychain, I'm allowed to tell them that's my digital keys :-)


PS: Total cost is ~ 30 EUR, an hour for the initial setup (including
errors), then 5 minutes for following setups on other machines.
Roland Mas

Just because you're dead doesn't mean they aren't still out to get you.
  -- Virgil, in Ye Gods! (Tom Holt)

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Setting Tex and metapost paths without env variables

2003-03-18 Thread Frank Küster
Ian Zimmerman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> schrieb:

> Wookey> In order to initially package it I have done as suggested in
> Wookey> the developers reference and renamed the therion binary to
> Wookey> therion.bin and made 'therion' a shell script that sets these
> Wookey> variables (or uses existing settings if present), exports them
> Wookey> and then runs therion.bin.
> Wookey> However this seems like something of a hack, and is not
> Wookey> exactly encouraged as a practice in the docs, so I wonder if
> Wookey> it would be 'better' if therion were to add it's macros to the
> Wookey> Tex and metapost paths properly. Is there a nice Debian way to
> Wookey> do this (I know very little about either of these programs)?
> I would just put them in a suitable subdirectory/-ies of
> /usr/share/texmf (probably a new one) and run /usr/bin/texhash 
> in postinst and postrm of the package.

An alternative would be to use files in /etc/texmf/texmf.d/. But I'd
prefer adding them at the appropriate places to $TEXMFMAIN,
i.e. /usr/share/texmf. 

Bye, Frank
Frank Küster, Biozentrum der Univ. Basel
Abt. Biophysikalische Chemie

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

nautilus-media uploaded, Thanks to sponsor!

2003-03-18 Thread Johannes Rohr

nautilus-media has been finally uploaded to the Debian archive and is
in incoming right now. A big 'Thank you' goes out to Florian Weps
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]> for sponsoring this package as well as to Emil
Soleyman-Zolaman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> for doing most of the packaging

Description: Multimedia goodies for Nautilus
 This package contains some multimedia extensions for Nautilus, the
 Gnome file mananger.
 - audio view: displays directory as audio tracks, plays them;
 - audio properties view: enhances the properties menu for audio
   files, displays meta information such as artist, bitrate, title.
 - gst-thumbnail: thumbnails videos for nautilus
 Educational stuff for writing Nautilus views
 - test view a test view to learn from

NOTE: The latest unofficial packages had Debian revision numbers
> 1. If you had one of them installed, you have to force a downgrade to
get the official package installed, since we considered it too ugly to
start with an epoch.


~/.signature under construction

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: nautilus-media uploaded, Thanks to sponsor!

2003-03-18 Thread Roland Mas
Johannes Rohr (2003-03-18 10:43:04 +0100) :

> NOTE: The latest unofficial packages had Debian revision numbers >
> 1. If you had one of them installed, you have to force a downgrade
> to get the official package installed, since we considered it too
> ugly to start with an epoch.

There's nothing wrong with your first official package having a Debian
revision number > 1, you know.  You just have to be careful that your
upload includes the .orig.tar.gz (debuild -sa, in other words).

Roland Mas

Such compressed poems / With seventeen syllables / Can't have much meaning...
  -- in Gödel, Escher, Bach: an Eternal Golden Braid (Douglas Hofstadter)

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: nautilus-media uploaded, Thanks to sponsor!

2003-03-18 Thread Andrew Stribblehill
Quoting Roland Mas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> (2003-03-18 10:20:04 GMT):
> Johannes Rohr (2003-03-18 10:43:04 +0100) :
> > NOTE: The latest unofficial packages had Debian revision numbers >
> > 1. If you had one of them installed, you have to force a downgrade
> > to get the official package installed, since we considered it too
> > ugly to start with an epoch.
> There's nothing wrong with your first official package having a Debian
> revision number > 1, you know.  You just have to be careful that your
> upload includes the .orig.tar.gz (debuild -sa, in other words).

It doesn't count in this case, but occasionally I miss a revision
number between uploads. What happens with closed bugs in the 'lost'

Andrew Stribblehill <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Systems programmer, IT Service, University of Durham, England

Description: PGP signature

Re: nautilus-media uploaded, Thanks to sponsor!

2003-03-18 Thread Roland Mas
Andrew Stribblehill (2003-03-18 10:44:49 +) :

> Quoting Roland Mas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> (2003-03-18 10:20:04 GMT):


>> There's nothing wrong with your first official package having a
>> Debian revision number > 1, you know.  You just have to be careful
>> that your upload includes the .orig.tar.gz (debuild -sa, in other
>> words).
> It doesn't count in this case, but occasionally I miss a revision
> number between uploads. What happens with closed bugs in the 'lost'
> versions?

They stay open, unless:
- you close them by hand (mail [EMAIL PROTECTED]), or
- you use the appropriate option for debuild/dpkg-buildpackage, which
includes several chunks of changelog in the .changes file, which will
then close the bugs.  Read the manpages, I don't know the syntax.

Roland Mas

Just because you're dead doesn't mean they aren't still out to get you.
  -- Virgil, in Ye Gods! (Tom Holt)

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Sponsor required - fftw wrapper Re: Front Desk/DAM Report for

2003-03-18 Thread Matt Flax
Hello all,

I have just been contacted by the DAM (forwarded message below).
I am after a sponsor to help put this package into the debian archive.

This package is a C++ wrapper for the fftw C library. It is a Fast 
Fourier Transform library and the wrapper adds extra functionality.
It is sitting on about 35% statistically at sourceforge:


On Sat, Mar 15, 2003 at 05:55:48PM +1100, Martin Michlmayr wrote:
> Matt/Ola,
> I've reviewed this application now.  As a start, Matt needs a package
> in the archive.  I understand he has prepared one already.  Please try
> to find a sponsor on debian-mentors (see
> and when someone has sponsored you for a while, please tell them to
> contact us so we can get a little report.
> Thanks,
> -- 
> Martin Michlmayr


WSOLA TimeScale Audio Mod  :
FFTw C++   :
Vector Bass:
Multimedia Time Code   :

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: nautilus-media uploaded, Thanks to sponsor!

2003-03-18 Thread Johannes Rohr
On Tue, Mar 18, 2003 at 11:20:04AM +0100, Roland Mas wrote:
> Johannes Rohr (2003-03-18 10:43:04 +0100) :
> > NOTE: The latest unofficial packages had Debian revision numbers >
> > 1. If you had one of them installed, you have to force a downgrade
> > to get the official package installed, since we considered it too
> > ugly to start with an epoch.
> There's nothing wrong with your first official package having a Debian
> revision number > 1, you know.  You just have to be careful that your
> upload includes the .orig.tar.gz (debuild -sa, in other words).

Well, now I'm confused, because this is what my sponsor told me.



with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: nautilus-media uploaded, Thanks to sponsor!

2003-03-18 Thread Colin Watson
On Tue, Mar 18, 2003 at 02:48:47PM +0100, Johannes Rohr wrote:
> On Tue, Mar 18, 2003 at 11:20:04AM +0100, Roland Mas wrote:
> > Johannes Rohr (2003-03-18 10:43:04 +0100) :
> > > NOTE: The latest unofficial packages had Debian revision numbers >
> > > 1. If you had one of them installed, you have to force a downgrade
> > > to get the official package installed, since we considered it too
> > > ugly to start with an epoch.
> > 
> > There's nothing wrong with your first official package having a Debian
> > revision number > 1, you know.  You just have to be careful that your
> > upload includes the .orig.tar.gz (debuild -sa, in other words).
> Well, now I'm confused, because this is what my sponsor told me.

Please educate your sponsor. :-)


with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

New package accessable using dselect or apt-get

2003-03-18 Thread Matt Flax
Hi all,

I am still after a sponsor for my package.
You can now access the package using dselect or dpkg.
Add the following lines to your sources.list file :

deb ./
deb-src ./

The package is a C++ wrapper for the FFT library.
It is a very usefull wrapper and has popularity on sourceforge.
It is GPL.



WSOLA TimeScale Audio Mod  :
FFTw C++   :
Vector Bass:
Multimedia Time Code   :

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: General programming questions list?

2003-03-18 Thread Ian Zimmerman

Drew> In C++, I have a base class and a derived class. I want to allow
Drew> operator= to be overloaded properly for my derived class such
Drew> that it can have the base class assigned to it. Do I need to
Drew> define derivedClass::operator=() to copy all the members and set
Drew> any new members to null? Can I somehow use the operator=()
Drew> function from the base class to save time (especially since the
Drew> base class isn't written by me)?



Ian Zimmerman, Oakland, California, U.S.A. 
if (sizeof(signed) > sizeof(unsigned) + 4) { delete this; }
GPG: 433BA087  9C0F 194F 203A 63F7 B1B8  6E5A 8CA3 27DB 433B A087

Re: pgp 2.6.3i vs pgp5i vs gnupgp

2003-03-18 Thread Roland Mas
Drew Scott Daniels (2003-03-17 16:05:50 -0600) :


> I've decided to carry a disk around with my key and have GnuPG on
> all the various single user machines that I use.

For what it's worth: I've been concerned with the physical security of
the machines to which I have access, and I have followed a trend I had
heard of: a small (64 MB) USB storage device, on which I store my
private (and public too) keyrings, an entry in the appropriate
/etc/auto.removable file (autofs), and a symlink from
~/.gnupg/id_lolando to /mnt/auto/removable/usb-key/.../id_lolando.
Same for the public keyring, just in case.

  It works flawlessly, and it allows me to have my GnuPG private key
on exactly zero machine, only on this USB key thing (don't worry, I
also have backups).  I have recently added SSH to the same scheme.
Protects me from thieves, although not from trojaning.  I assessed the
risks :-)

  Oh, and also, when people see that black plastic thingy on my
keychain, I'm allowed to tell them that's my digital keys :-)


PS: Total cost is ~ 30 EUR, an hour for the initial setup (including
errors), then 5 minutes for following setups on other machines.
Roland Mas

Just because you're dead doesn't mean they aren't still out to get you.
  -- Virgil, in Ye Gods! (Tom Holt)

Re: Setting Tex and metapost paths without env variables

2003-03-18 Thread Frank Küster
Ian Zimmerman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> schrieb:

> Wookey> In order to initially package it I have done as suggested in
> Wookey> the developers reference and renamed the therion binary to
> Wookey> therion.bin and made 'therion' a shell script that sets these
> Wookey> variables (or uses existing settings if present), exports them
> Wookey> and then runs therion.bin.
> Wookey> However this seems like something of a hack, and is not
> Wookey> exactly encouraged as a practice in the docs, so I wonder if
> Wookey> it would be 'better' if therion were to add it's macros to the
> Wookey> Tex and metapost paths properly. Is there a nice Debian way to
> Wookey> do this (I know very little about either of these programs)?
> I would just put them in a suitable subdirectory/-ies of
> /usr/share/texmf (probably a new one) and run /usr/bin/texhash 
> in postinst and postrm of the package.

An alternative would be to use files in /etc/texmf/texmf.d/. But I'd
prefer adding them at the appropriate places to $TEXMFMAIN,
i.e. /usr/share/texmf. 

Bye, Frank
Frank Küster, Biozentrum der Univ. Basel
Abt. Biophysikalische Chemie

nautilus-media uploaded, Thanks to sponsor!

2003-03-18 Thread Johannes Rohr

nautilus-media has been finally uploaded to the Debian archive and is
in incoming right now. A big 'Thank you' goes out to Florian Weps
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]> for sponsoring this package as well as to Emil
Soleyman-Zolaman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> for doing most of the packaging

Description: Multimedia goodies for Nautilus
 This package contains some multimedia extensions for Nautilus, the
 Gnome file mananger.
 - audio view: displays directory as audio tracks, plays them;
 - audio properties view: enhances the properties menu for audio
   files, displays meta information such as artist, bitrate, title.
 - gst-thumbnail: thumbnails videos for nautilus
 Educational stuff for writing Nautilus views
 - test view a test view to learn from

NOTE: The latest unofficial packages had Debian revision numbers
> 1. If you had one of them installed, you have to force a downgrade to
get the official package installed, since we considered it too ugly to
start with an epoch.


~/.signature under construction

Re: nautilus-media uploaded, Thanks to sponsor!

2003-03-18 Thread Roland Mas
Johannes Rohr (2003-03-18 10:43:04 +0100) :

> NOTE: The latest unofficial packages had Debian revision numbers >
> 1. If you had one of them installed, you have to force a downgrade
> to get the official package installed, since we considered it too
> ugly to start with an epoch.

There's nothing wrong with your first official package having a Debian
revision number > 1, you know.  You just have to be careful that your
upload includes the .orig.tar.gz (debuild -sa, in other words).

Roland Mas

Such compressed poems / With seventeen syllables / Can't have much meaning...
  -- in Gödel, Escher, Bach: an Eternal Golden Braid (Douglas Hofstadter)

Re: nautilus-media uploaded, Thanks to sponsor!

2003-03-18 Thread Andrew Stribblehill
Quoting Roland Mas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> (2003-03-18 10:20:04 GMT):
> Johannes Rohr (2003-03-18 10:43:04 +0100) :
> > NOTE: The latest unofficial packages had Debian revision numbers >
> > 1. If you had one of them installed, you have to force a downgrade
> > to get the official package installed, since we considered it too
> > ugly to start with an epoch.
> There's nothing wrong with your first official package having a Debian
> revision number > 1, you know.  You just have to be careful that your
> upload includes the .orig.tar.gz (debuild -sa, in other words).

It doesn't count in this case, but occasionally I miss a revision
number between uploads. What happens with closed bugs in the 'lost'

Andrew Stribblehill <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Systems programmer, IT Service, University of Durham, England

Description: PGP signature

Re: nautilus-media uploaded, Thanks to sponsor!

2003-03-18 Thread Roland Mas
Andrew Stribblehill (2003-03-18 10:44:49 +) :

> Quoting Roland Mas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> (2003-03-18 10:20:04 GMT):


>> There's nothing wrong with your first official package having a
>> Debian revision number > 1, you know.  You just have to be careful
>> that your upload includes the .orig.tar.gz (debuild -sa, in other
>> words).
> It doesn't count in this case, but occasionally I miss a revision
> number between uploads. What happens with closed bugs in the 'lost'
> versions?

They stay open, unless:
- you close them by hand (mail [EMAIL PROTECTED]), or
- you use the appropriate option for debuild/dpkg-buildpackage, which
includes several chunks of changelog in the .changes file, which will
then close the bugs.  Read the manpages, I don't know the syntax.

Roland Mas

Just because you're dead doesn't mean they aren't still out to get you.
  -- Virgil, in Ye Gods! (Tom Holt)

Sponsor required - fftw wrapper Re: Front Desk/DAM Report for

2003-03-18 Thread Matt Flax
Hello all,

I have just been contacted by the DAM (forwarded message below).
I am after a sponsor to help put this package into the debian archive.

This package is a C++ wrapper for the fftw C library. It is a Fast 
Fourier Transform library and the wrapper adds extra functionality.
It is sitting on about 35% statistically at sourceforge:


On Sat, Mar 15, 2003 at 05:55:48PM +1100, Martin Michlmayr wrote:
> Matt/Ola,
> I've reviewed this application now.  As a start, Matt needs a package
> in the archive.  I understand he has prepared one already.  Please try
> to find a sponsor on debian-mentors (see 
> and when someone has sponsored you for a while, please tell them to
> contact us so we can get a little report.
> Thanks,
> -- 
> Martin Michlmayr


WSOLA TimeScale Audio Mod  :
FFTw C++   :
Vector Bass:
Multimedia Time Code   :

Re: nautilus-media uploaded, Thanks to sponsor!

2003-03-18 Thread Johannes Rohr
On Tue, Mar 18, 2003 at 11:20:04AM +0100, Roland Mas wrote:
> Johannes Rohr (2003-03-18 10:43:04 +0100) :
> > NOTE: The latest unofficial packages had Debian revision numbers >
> > 1. If you had one of them installed, you have to force a downgrade
> > to get the official package installed, since we considered it too
> > ugly to start with an epoch.
> There's nothing wrong with your first official package having a Debian
> revision number > 1, you know.  You just have to be careful that your
> upload includes the .orig.tar.gz (debuild -sa, in other words).

Well, now I'm confused, because this is what my sponsor told me.



Re: nautilus-media uploaded, Thanks to sponsor!

2003-03-18 Thread Colin Watson
On Tue, Mar 18, 2003 at 02:48:47PM +0100, Johannes Rohr wrote:
> On Tue, Mar 18, 2003 at 11:20:04AM +0100, Roland Mas wrote:
> > Johannes Rohr (2003-03-18 10:43:04 +0100) :
> > > NOTE: The latest unofficial packages had Debian revision numbers >
> > > 1. If you had one of them installed, you have to force a downgrade
> > > to get the official package installed, since we considered it too
> > > ugly to start with an epoch.
> > 
> > There's nothing wrong with your first official package having a Debian
> > revision number > 1, you know.  You just have to be careful that your
> > upload includes the .orig.tar.gz (debuild -sa, in other words).
> Well, now I'm confused, because this is what my sponsor told me.

Please educate your sponsor. :-)


New package accessable using dselect or apt-get

2003-03-18 Thread Matt Flax
Hi all,

I am still after a sponsor for my package.
You can now access the package using dselect or dpkg.
Add the following lines to your sources.list file :

deb ./
deb-src ./

The package is a C++ wrapper for the FFT library.
It is a very usefull wrapper and has popularity on sourceforge.
It is GPL.



WSOLA TimeScale Audio Mod  :
FFTw C++   :
Vector Bass:
Multimedia Time Code   :