Hello all,

I have just been contacted by the DAM (forwarded message below).
I am after a sponsor to help put this package into the debian archive.
This package is a C++ wrapper for the fftw C library. It is a Fast 
Fourier Transform library and the wrapper adds extra functionality.
It is sitting on about 35% statistically at sourceforge:


On Sat, Mar 15, 2003 at 05:55:48PM +1100, Martin Michlmayr wrote:
> Matt/Ola,
> I've reviewed this application now.  As a start, Matt needs a package
> in the archive.  I understand he has prepared one already.  Please try
> to find a sponsor on debian-mentors (see 
> http://www.debian.org/devel/join/newmaint)
> and when someone has sponsored you for a while, please tell them to
> contact us so we can get a little report.
> Thanks,
> -- 
> Martin Michlmayr


WSOLA TimeScale Audio Mod  : http://mffmtimescale.sourceforge.net/
FFTw C++                   : http://mffmfftwrapper.sourceforge.net/
Vector Bass                : http://mffmvectorbass.sourceforge.net/
Multimedia Time Code       : http://mffmtimecode.sourceforge.net/

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