installing from a debian live cd

2009-05-03 Thread Don Raikes

I am a blind debian user, and am interested in the debian live project.

I have been "playing" with live-helper over the last week, but the one thing I 
can see taht I feel is missing is an install from live media option.

Once I get a live cd configured the way I would like , I would like to be able 
to use it to quickly 'reimage" my system in case of hardware problems, rather 
than going through the tedious task of installing from the main installation 
media then adding/removing packages and configuring them.  This is especially 
true since I frequently need to switch configurations based on which software I 
am testing in my job, so if I had a basic configuration saved in a livecd and 
could "drop" it onto a running computer and be up and running within minutes 
rather than hours it would greatly help.

Donald Raikes | Accessibility Specialist
Phone: +1 602 824 6213 | Fax: +1 520 744 0826 | Mobile: +1 520 271 7608 
Oracle JDeveloper Quality Assurance
| Tucson, Arizona 

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rebuilding a livecd

2009-05-05 Thread Don Raikes

Now that I have created my first livecd with live-helper, I want to add a 
couple more packages to it. What is the easiest way to do this?

Should I simply edit the config/chroot file and add the packages to the 

Also what is the minimum amount of cleaning that needs to be done to the build 
tree e.g. do I have to run lh_clean --all , or can I just do something like 
lh_clean --binary?

Donald Raikes | Accessibility Specialist
Phone: +1 602 824 6213 | Fax: +1 520 744 0826 | Mobile: +1 520 271 7608 
Oracle JDeveloper Quality Assurance
| Tucson, Arizona 

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removing packages from a livecd

2009-05-05 Thread Don Raikes

I have succeeded in building a livecd based on the gnome list in 

I want to remove some fo the packages from the livecd to conserve some space. I 
am not interested in the games and some fo the office applications.

Should I simply edit the gnome and included files from 
/usr/share/live-helper/lists, or shoul I copy them to my 
config/chroot_local-packageslists folder and modify them there.  If I do the 
latter, and leave the names the same for the list files, will my local copies 
override those in the /usr/share/live-helper/lists folder or vice-versa?

Donald Raikes | Accessibility Specialist
Phone: +1 602 824 6213 | Fax: +1 520 744 0826 | Mobile: +1 520 271 7608 
Oracle JDeveloper Quality Assurance
| Tucson, Arizona 

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customizing the isolinux/menu.cfg file

2009-05-05 Thread Don Raikes

I want to rearrange the stanzas in the isolinux/menu.cfg to make it simpler for 
a blind individual to locate things like the install option.

Is there a simple way to do this without manually editing the iso once t is 

Donald Raikes | Accessibility Specialist
Phone: +1 602 824 6213 | Fax: +1 520 744 0826 | Mobile: +1 520 271 7608 
Oracle JDeveloper Quality Assurance
| Tucson, Arizona 

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accessibility customizations for a livecd

2009-05-05 Thread Don Raikes

I am working on a fully accessible version of the livecd based on lenny.

So far I have the livecd so it starts brltty automatically, and I made sure 
that the orca screenreader is included on the livecd.

I copied my /home/draikes/.orca folder to the 
config/chroot_local/includes/etc/skel folder so that my settings and 
customizations would be included on the live media.

However, I have 2 problems:
1. when I boot into the livecd, orca doesn't start automatically, and even if I 
run it via the run dialog, it won't start.
2. my .orca folder is not included in the /home/user folder.

I suspect I need to setup my startup applicationson the livecd to include orca 
via the system -> prefferences -> sessions applet, but how do I copy that to 
the livecd?

Donald Raikes | Accessibility Specialist
Phone: +1 602 824 6213 | Fax: +1 520 744 0826 | Mobile: +1 520 271 7608 
Oracle JDeveloper Quality Assurance
| Tucson, Arizona 

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RE: customizing the isolinux/menu.cfg file

2009-05-05 Thread Don Raikes

Thanks for all the pointers today :-)

I am a bit confused about how to edit the templates/syslinux/*  all I see in 
menu.cfg is a couple of things enclosed in brackets.

Can I just create a menu.cfg that contains no substitution parameters?

> -Original Message-
> From: Daniel Baumann []
> Sent: Tuesday, May 05, 2009 1:04 PM
> To: Debian Live
> Subject: Re: customizing the isolinux/menu.cfg file
> Don Raikes wrote:
> > Hi,
> Hi,
> > Is there a simple way to do this without manually editing 
> the iso once t is completed?
> copy /usr/share/live-helper/templates to config/templates, edit
> config/templates/syslinux/* to your likeing, and set LH_TEMPLATES to
> "config/templates".
> then rebuild as usual.
> Regards,
> Daniel
> -- 
> Address:Daniel Baumann, Burgunderstrasse 3, CH-4562 Biberist
> Email:
> Internet:
> -- 
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RE: accessibility customizations for a livecd

2009-05-05 Thread Don Raikes

I read the live-initramfs man page, and know what I need to set the parameter 
to, but where do I do it?

Maybe I am being kind of slow, but I didn't see anywhere to specify this 

> -Original Message-
> From: Daniel Baumann []
> Sent: Tuesday, May 05, 2009 1:06 PM
> To: Debian Live
> Subject: Re: accessibility customizations for a livecd
> Don Raikes wrote:
> > Hi,
> Hi,
> > However, I have 2 problems:
> > 1. when I boot into the livecd, orca doesn't start 
> automatically, and even if I run it via the run dialog, it 
> won't start.
> > 2. my .orca folder is not included in the /home/user folder.
> check the accesibility boot parameter mentioned in the live-initramfs
> manpage. apart from that, i've no further clue about accessibility.
> Regards,
> Daniel
> -- 
> Address:Daniel Baumann, Burgunderstrasse 3, CH-4562 Biberist
> Email:
> Internet:
> -- 
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RE: Odd DNS issue for Live

2009-06-09 Thread Don Raikes

How does one "turn off" a package in the package list?

> -Original Message-
> From: Daniel Baumann []
> Sent: Tuesday, June 09, 2009 1:04 AM
> To: Debian Live
> Subject: Re: Odd DNS issue for Live
> Laurin d'Volts wrote:
> > Is that package not typical of the Debian Live setup?
> no.
> > Anyone got an idea of how I could check which program is 
> depending on
> > that package? I got a lot of programs that get downloaded, 
> and it would
> > be a task to check through each one's dependencies.
> just fix the inital problem. turn off recommends, and install any
> package that you want *on purpose* through your custom package list.
> positive side effect is that you get rid of all the other unwanted
> packages as well and thus get a smaller size of the resulting image.
> -- 
> Address:Daniel Baumann, Burgunderstrasse 3, CH-4562 Biberist
> Email:
> Internet:
> -- 
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automatically starting applications on my live cd

2009-06-09 Thread Don Raikes

I am working on an accessible lenny live cd.

So far everything is going pretty well, however, I want orca to start 
automatically when the user gets logged in.

I created a generic user on my regular lenny system, and added orca to the 
startup applications under sessions.

After configuring orca with my desired parameters, and several other 
customizations to the user, I tarred up the user's home folder , and in my main 
account where I build the live cd, I untarred the user's home folder under my 
chroot-_local-includes/etc folder and named it skel so that all those 
customizations would be available for all users of the livecd.

I generated the livecd without a problem, and booted from it.

brltty started fine, but orca did not start, so once I manually started orca, I 
checked and orca ws in the startup programs in system -> prefferences -> 

Any ideas?

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RE: installing from a debian live cd

2009-06-09 Thread Don Raikes

Finally getting back to this :-)

Do you know if the live installer is accessible? The regular debian installer 
works well since it brings up the brltty interface initially, so a blind user 
who has a braille display can use it. Does the live installer do the same thing?

Also is there a way from within a running live system to perform the install 
rather than doing it on boot?

Part of my issue is that I have a laptop and when I boot the regular lenny 
install cd/dvd, the usb drivers are not installed in time, so my usb keyboard 
and usb braille display don't work with the installer so I am hoping I can get 
the livecd to install for me instead.

> -Original Message-
> From: Daniel Baumann []
> Sent: Sunday, May 03, 2009 11:35 PM
> To: Debian Live
> Subject: Re: installing from a debian live cd
> Don Raikes wrote:
> > Hello,
> Hi,
> > I have been "playing" with live-helper over the last week, 
> but the one thing I can see taht I feel is missing is an 
> install from live media option.
> set LH_DEBIAN_INSTALLER=live or use lh_config --debian-installer live
> that will put debian-installer on the same image, including
> live-installer (a udeb which makes d-i install the squashfs instead of
> using the regular debootstrap).
> note that it has a few outstanding issues (e.g. timezone may not
> correctly be set in some cases), which is why we don't offer prebuilt
> images with it yet. bug reports welcome.
> Regards,
> Daniel
> -- 
> Address:Daniel Baumann, Burgunderstrasse 3, CH-4562 Biberist
> Email:
> Internet:
> -- 
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RE: automatically starting applications on my live cd

2009-06-09 Thread Don Raikes

No the particular version of orca that is available on the debian lenny 
repository does not have the automatic start switch available in it.

If there is some special accessibility start parameter I should be using, I 
don't know about it :-)

> -Original Message-
> From: Daniel Baumann []
> Sent: Tuesday, June 09, 2009 10:50 AM
> To: Debian Live
> Subject: Re: automatically starting applications on my live cd
> Don Raikes wrote:
> > brltty started fine, but orca did not start
> i'm not familiar with orca, but shouldn't that get started 
> automatically
> if you boot with one of the accessibility boot parameters?
> -- 
> Address:Daniel Baumann, Burgunderstrasse 3, CH-4562 Biberist
> Email:
> Internet:
> -- 
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RE: automatically starting applications on my live cd

2009-06-09 Thread Don Raikes

Thanks so much.
I am not sure I understand all of what you said, but with a little studying, I 
am sure I will get it :-).

I added the access=v3 to my boot parameters and will see how that works for 

> -Original Message-
> From: Juan Jesús Ojeda Croissier []
> Sent: Tuesday, June 09, 2009 12:48 PM
> To: Debian Live
> Subject: Re: automatically starting applications on my live cd
> Hi Don,
> On Tue, Jun 9, 2009 at 8:48 PM, Don 
> Raikes wrote:
> > Daniel,
> >
> > No the particular version of orca that is available on the 
> debian lenny repository does not have the automatic start 
> switch available in it.
> >
> > If there is some special accessibility start parameter I 
> should be using, I don't know about it :-)
> At the boot you can pass an accessibility (a11y) option. You got 4
> levels of a11y:
>  * access=v1 (Lesser Visual Impairment)
>  * access=v2 (Moderate Visual Impairment)
>  * access=v3 (Blindness)
>  * access=m1 (Minor Motor Difficulties)
>  * access=m2 (Motor Difficulties - pointing devices)
> And also you can tell to the live system to setup the braille 
> keyboard:
>  * braille=ask
> You can see better in the code:

As you can see there there are three options (v2, v3 and braille=ask)
which setup orca and create some orca configurations. Which could
overwride yours...

Probably the ally support you are trying to get is already there. If
something is missed, the better way to do it is IMHO adding there
(scripts/live-bottom/30accessibility on live-initramfs).

I hope this can help.



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accessible live install?

2009-07-23 Thread Don Raikes
Hi again,

Is it possible to enable at least braille support for the live installer on my 

If so, how do I tell the live-helper system to do that, or do I have to 
manually configure it?

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automatically starting speakup on live system

2009-07-23 Thread Don Raikes
Hi all,

I am interested in creating a console-based live debian cd that includes the 
speakup screenreader.

I know i need to include the speakup-modules-2.6.26-2.686 package on my cd, but 
how do I tell the livecd to load the speakup kernel modules on boot.

Typically in an hd-based installation, the grub/menu.lst entries would include 
speakup.synth=soft (or something similar.  How do I pass that to the lh_build 

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RE: installing from a debian live cd

2009-08-07 Thread Don Raikes

Has any progress been made on the ability to run the installer from within a 
running live system?

Part of the reason I ask, is that I have a laptop which for some reason does 
not initialize the usb drivers until after the start of the debian install from 
the lenny installation cd's. This means that the installer is unable to load 
the brltty braille terminal, and I would like to have debian on the laptop so 
that I can use it for my development platform.

> -Original Message-
> From: Daniel Baumann []
> Sent: Tuesday, June 09, 2009 11:43 AM
> To: Debian Live
> Subject: Re: installing from a debian live cd
> Don Raikes wrote:
> > Do you know if the live installer is accessible?
> live-installer is a component within d-i, not an own 
> installer. whatever
> applies to d-i without the live-installer udeb, it also applies to d-i
> with the live-installer udeb.
> > Also is there a way from within a running live system to 
> perform the install rather than doing it on boot?
> not yet. i'll be working on that in first week of july.
> -- 
> Address:Daniel Baumann, Burgunderstrasse 3, CH-4562 Biberist
> Email:
> Internet:
> -- 
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generating live images from sid/squeeze failing

2009-08-14 Thread Don Raikes

I tried to generate a livecd using the rescue template, and distribution sid. 
When I ran lh_build, I got an error saying there was a problem with openvpn.

so I switched and tried squeeze, but got another error.  Is it just me or are 
these builds actually broken, and is there a way to bypass the errors using 

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RE: generating live images from sid/squeeze failing

2009-08-14 Thread Don Raikes
Hi again,

I used pasebinit to post the log to:

> -Original Message-
> From: Tiago Bortoletto Vaz []
> Sent: Friday, August 14, 2009 12:44 PM
> To: debian-live
> Subject: Re: generating live images from sid/squeeze failing
> Hi,
> On Fri, Aug 14, 2009 at 12:34:13PM -0700, Don Raikes wrote:
> > Hi,
> > 
> > I tried to generate a livecd using the rescue template, and 
> distribution sid. When I ran lh_build, I got an error saying 
> there was a problem with openvpn.
> > 
> > so I switched and tried squeeze, but got another error.  Is 
> it just me or are these builds actually broken, and is there 
> a way to bypass the errors using live-helper?
> It seems to be broken dependencies, which is quite common in 
> testing/sid
> suites. Please try to paste somewhere the full output. Most 
> of issues regarding
> testing/sid buildings are not related to live-helper.
> Regards,
> -- 
> Tiago Bortoletto Vaz
> 0xA504FECA -

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RE: Live ISO from existing install

2009-10-13 Thread Don Raikes

I installed a fresh lenny installation this afternoon, and just for the fun of 
it, I tried lh_config --clone, but according to lh_config, it is not a valie 

I pulled live-helper from testing, I think. I have my sources.list file setup 
to pull from both lenny and sid, so it should have pulled the latest version of 

> -Original Message-
> From: Daniel Baumann []
> Sent: Tuesday, October 13, 2009 4:01 AM
> To: Debian Live
> Subject: Re: Live ISO from existing install
> wrote:
> >  How do I make a live cd out of my currently installed system?  i.e.
> >  Make a bootable ISO out of my existing Debian Lenny installation? 
> if you are really brave, you could use 'lh_config --clone && 
> lh_build'.
> but it not tested enough, can destroy your system and kill kittens. if
> you use it, we'd be interested in bugreports, but don't complain if it
> has eaten your system.
> -- 
> Address:Daniel Baumann, Burgunderstrasse 3, CH-4562 Biberist
> Email:
> Internet:
> -- 
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adding repositories to my live system

2013-06-11 Thread Don Raikes
Hello, I am working on a customized version of the live rescue cd provided by live-systems. I have several packages that are located in a non-debian repository, so I would like to modify my auto scripts to ensure that each time I build my livecd it includes both the debian wheezy and my custom repositories. I assume that this would occur in the auto/config file, but what would it look like? -- Best Regards, DonaldDonald raikes | Accessibility Specialist/ QA EngineerPhone: +15202717608 | Mobile: +15202717608 Oracle Quality Assurance| Tucson, Arizona Oracle is committed to developing practices and products that help protect the environment 

git cloning during livecd build process

2013-06-13 Thread Don Raikes
Hello, I have a couple of things that I wish to include on my debian livecd which are only available in git repositories at this point.  I would like to have them automatically cloned when I am building the livecd so that I have the current version of the software available when I boot my live system. I know that the software may become obsolete as I use the live system, but that is why I have enabled persistence so I can update it as I go along. My question is: Where should I place a script which will run git clone for the various packages during the lb build process?  I would would have suspected they should be in the hooks folder under config, but that didn’t work, so is there a different folder I should be using?-- Best Regards, DonaldDonald raikes | Accessibility Specialist/ QA EngineerPhone: +15202717608 | Mobile: +15202717608 Oracle Quality Assurance| Tucson, Arizona Oracle is committed to developing practices and products that help protect the environment 

odd behavior

2013-06-13 Thread Don Raikes
Hi, I built a livecd based on the live-systems rescue image with a few tweaks of my own. I added persistence to the livecd, and have verified that that works fine. I copied the binary.hybrid.iso file to my 32gb usb key, nad allocated the remainder of the key to an ext4 linux partition with the label of persistence. I created a persistence.conf file in the second partition with the following contents: /etc/home/root/lib union/usr union/var union The first tiem I boot thte live key it works fine. It takes a while to boot, but that is to be expected. I ran a few commands that updated the system including a git clone operation, and updated the /etc/rc.local file. I ran: $ shutdown now –h When I try to boot off of the live key again, it fails. I have no one available to read the screen to see what is being printed so can’t give any details on messages. This only started happening when I included the /lib union and /etc lines in my persistence.conf file. Can these directories not be persisted?  -- Best Regards, DonaldDonald raikes | Accessibility Specialist/ QA EngineerPhone: +15202717608 | Mobile: +15202717608 Oracle Quality Assurance| Tucson, Arizona Oracle is committed to developing practices and products that help protect the environment 

RE: odd behavior

2013-06-13 Thread Don Raikes
I installed the jackd2 and libjack-jackd2-dev packages and added a password for 
-Original Message-
From: Daniel Baumann [] 
Sent: Thursday, June 13, 2013 11:39 AM
To: Debian-live mailing list
Subject: Re: odd behavior

On 06/13/2013 08:18 PM, Don Raikes wrote:
> When I try to boot off of the live key again, it fails. I have no one 
> available to read the screen to see what is being printed so can't 
> give any details on messages.

at which point does the boot fail? log files?

> This only started happening when I included the /lib union and /etc 
> lines in my persistence.conf file. Can these directories not be persisted?

they can.

what change excatly did you do to /lib and /etc? obviously one of these changes 
broke it, so you could bisect until you identified the guilty one..

Address:Daniel Baumann, Donnerbuehlweg 3, CH-3012 Bern

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RE: odd behavior

2013-06-13 Thread Don Raikes
Log messages:

Begin: Running /scripts/live-realpremount ... done.
Begin: Mounting "/live/medium/live/filesystem.squashfs" on 
"//filesystem.squashfs" via "/dev/loop0" ... done.
mount: mounting /dev/sda on /live/persistence/sda failed: No such device
mount: mounting /dev/sdb on /live/persistence/sdb failed: Device or resource 
mount: mounting /dev/sr0 on /live/persistence/sr0 failed: No such device
Warning: Skipping unsafe custom mount /lib: must be an absolute path containing 
neither the "." nor ".." special dirs, and cannot be "/lib", or "/lib/live" or 
any of its sub-directories.
umount: can't umount /live/overlay: Device or resource busy
Begin: Configuring fstab ... done.
Begin: Preconfiguring networking ... done.
-Original Message-
From: Daniel Baumann [] 
Sent: Thursday, June 13, 2013 11:39 AM
To: Debian-live mailing list
Subject: Re: odd behavior

On 06/13/2013 08:18 PM, Don Raikes wrote:
> When I try to boot off of the live key again, it fails. I have no one 
> available to read the screen to see what is being printed so can't 
> give any details on messages.

at which point does the boot fail? log files?

> This only started happening when I included the /lib union and /etc 
> lines in my persistence.conf file. Can these directories not be persisted?

they can.

what change excatly did you do to /lib and /etc? obviously one of these changes 
broke it, so you could bisect until you identified the guilty one..

Address:Daniel Baumann, Donnerbuehlweg 3, CH-3012 Bern

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RE: git cloning during livecd build process

2013-06-20 Thread Don Raikes
Got it working.  I was using the default /bin/sh shell for my script and had 
included the pushd command which is only available under bash, so after 
switching to /bin/bash for the script all worked fine.

-Original Message-
From: Daniel Baumann [] 
Sent: Thursday, June 13, 2013 11:35 AM
To: Debian-live mailing list
Subject: Re: git cloning during livecd build process

On 06/13/2013 07:16 PM, Don Raikes wrote:
> I would would have suspected they should be in the hooks folder under 
> config, but that didn't work

what's the exact name and place of your hook? how didn't it work (error 
messages etc.)?

Address:Daniel Baumann, Donnerbuehlweg 3, CH-3012 Bern

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putting a debian live image on a usb flash drive

2014-02-21 Thread Don Raikes
Hello, Is there any limit to the size of a usb flash drive that can be used for creating a live-bootable debian system? My binary.hybrid.iso image is roughly 2.8gb in size, and my flash drive is a 64gb drive from PNY. Is there any reason this shouldn’t work? -- Sincerely, DonDON RAIKES | Accessibility SpecialistPhone: +15202717608 Oracle JDeveloper Quality AssuranceArizona Oracle is committed to developing practices and products that help protect the environment 

RE: putting a debian live image on a usb flash drive

2014-02-26 Thread Don Raikes
So I created a binary.hybrid.iso for my custom kali linux system, and when I 
put it on a dvd it works fine it boots and brltty comes up without a problem.

However, when I copy that same iso to a usb key, I get the boot menu beep, when 
I select live, it loads the Braille display drivers, but I never get brltty to 
come up.  I have been waiting for about 10 minutes to see if it just takes a 
while the first time because I have a persistence volume with "/ union" in the 
persistence.conf file, but so far nothing.

I used:

Dd if=binary.hybrid.iso of=/dev/sdc to copy the iso image to the flash drive.

I am using live-build 3.0.5-1 which is the latest version in the kali 
-Original Message-
From: Daniel Baumann [] 
Sent: Friday, February 21, 2014 11:45 PM
To: Debian-live mailing list
Subject: Re: putting a debian live image on a usb flash drive

On 02/22/2014 12:31 AM, Don Raikes wrote:
> Is there any limit to the size of a usb flash drive that can be used 
> for creating a live-bootable debian system?

there's no live specific limit.

depending on what filesystem you choose for the binary image, you can hit 
maxfilesize or maxfilesystemsize (e.g. with iso or fat quite early), with real 
filesystems (ext4) you shouldn't hit any limit with the current available usb 
stick sizes at all.

(note that choosing ext4 as a binary fs is not support out of the box yet, 
there's still missing the automatic handling of extlinux as bootloader instead 
of syslinux).

Address:Daniel Baumann, Donnerbuehlweg 3, CH-3012 Bern

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problems adding packages to a live iso

2014-03-19 Thread Don Raikes


I am trying to build a live debian 7 wheezy iso (actually kali Linux which is 
based on wheezy) that has accessibility features activated on the live system.


I have tried adding the rc.local file to 


And including the line that would automatically start brltty to it, however, 
brltty does not start when I boot into the live system.


Do I need to add this file into the $live-build/kali/config/includes.binary/etc 
folder instead?

How do I ensure that brltty is installed into the live system since according 
to my binary.log file, it is not among the packages on the live system?

accessible debian live cd

2014-03-25 Thread Don Raikes


I am interested in creating an accessible debian live cd.


My goal would be to start with, for example, the gnome-desktop live-image, and 
not only ensure that I could install it using a screenreader such as 
speakup/brltty, but also boot into the live system and have Braille and speech 
support enabled.


I have tried simply including brltty libbrlapi0.5, python-brlapi and xbrlapi in 
the package-lists, but brltty never gets started.


I would be content for the moment with a system that I could open a command 
terminal and have brltty available there.


I have read through the live manual several times, but still have had no 
success in this customization.

Building a debian live cd with euifi support

2014-06-18 Thread Don Raikes


Is it possible to build a debian live cd/dvd that includes euifi support for 
booting a euifi system?


I recently purchased a new computer that has euifi enabled so I want to be able 
to run my debian live cd on it.


Any information greatly appreciated.

want a live image that boots to console

2014-07-28 Thread Don Raikes


I do a majority of my linux work from the console, and would like ot have a 
live image that automatically boots to the console. I would also like ot be 
able to launch gdm3 if I have a need for it, but mostly I just need a 
console-based system.


I found a script that should do the trick (it modifies the 
/etc/x11/default-display-manager to be empty and does some other fun stuff), 
but when I put it into the hooks folder I get an error saying it can't find the 
files to modify because they are already in the squashed filesystem.


Is there a good way to make changes like this?  Should I just put the modified 
files into the config/includes.binary sub-folder?


Any tips would be appreciated.

RE: method for getting speak and espeakup into a debian live image

2014-09-06 Thread Don Raikes
I am working on a similar issue with a copy of kali linus (a derivative of 

My configuration is at

I think I pulled the speakup stuff out of my configuration because it caused 
the system to be unbootable, but I will put it back in within the hour.

Any pointers on how to get it working would be appreciated.

-Original Message-
From: Nick Gawronski [] 
Sent: Friday, September 05, 2014 5:30 PM
To: Zed
Subject: Re: method for getting speak and espeakup into a debian live image

Hi, I have in my live directory the config directory and in that directory
there is another directory called package-lists.  In that directory there
is a file called live.list.chroot where it contains packages like the
live-boot and live-config.  I just went to the end of the file and entered
in espeakup and speak on different lines.  To do the initial configuration
as I am using the current build of debian live in testing I did lb init
then lb config then edited the file and finally did lb build.  I got the
iso image and burned it to a disc in the usually way using wodim and no
speech.  One suggestion is could there not be a meta package for live
building where if say speakup_soft was put in a package list all needed
components would be put into the image?  Also, is there a way to stop the
build once the chroot is made to allow me to go into it and manually
configure things then restart it to finish the build process?  Nick
On Fri, September 5, 2014 6:49 pm, Zed wrote:
> Where are you setting the packages to be installed? Do you have your
> config on github at all so we can check out your configuration?
> Without knowing how your live-build is configured it is hard to tell
> where the issue may be (for me anyway - I am a visual dude).
> If you don¹t have your config on github or something similar, can you
> post your auto/config contents and config/packate-lists/*
> Cheers,
> Zed
> On 9/5/14, 3:40 PM, "Nick Gawronski"  wrote:
>> Hi, I am totally blind and am trying to build my own debian live disc
>> that includes the espeakup and speak packages for use with the speak up
>> screen reader like is done in the debian-installer.  I have added those
>> packages to the package list and when running lb build those packages
>> are downloaded and put into the image but when I boot the system no
>> speech starts and I am not able to start espeakup using
>> /etc/init.d/espeakup
>> start either as the live user or using sudo.  I have even tried using
>> the web builder and have not been emailed any links to the live rescue
>> images I built.  What would I need to do to make sure speak and espeakup
>> as well as alas are properly setup in the live build process or better
>> yet why not put speech into the automatically built rescue images on the
>> live systems project and either speak a treating when the system starts
>> up on how to start speech or have a boot option for starting software
>> speech?  Nick Gawronski
>> --
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RE: Add a package to a liveCD?

2015-08-12 Thread Don Raikes
Why shouldn't livecd's be accessible out-of-the-box?  After all if you just 
need to press a couple of keys to enable the accessibility features then I see 
no reason why they shouldn't have the packages in place to take advantage of 
the features.

Brltty wouldn't interfere with regular non-braille user work, it would only be 
useful if a Braille display were attached.  If the user wants to press 
something like ctrl+super+s to activate accessibility features then why not 
they won't affect those who don't want those features so don't press the key 
-Original Message-
From: Richard Owlett [] 
Sent: Wednesday, August 12, 2015 1:34 PM
Subject: Re: Add a package to a liveCD?

MENGUAL Jean-Philippe wrote:
> Hi,
> Is it possible, in a stable ;iveCD, adding a missing package from the 
> stable release? e.g. could you add brltty to the liveCD, for a11y 
> purpose? If you need a bugreport, I can do one. What package should I 
> mention?
> Thanks for feedback.
> Regards,

I your question regards a custom cd for yourself, the likely answer is yes.
I've similar thread over on debian-user 

If you are asking for a change to the standard live cd, I don't know.

RE: An abrupt End to Debian Live

2015-11-09 Thread Don Raikes

I am sad to see ou go.
-Original Message-
From: Daniel Baumann [] 
Sent: Monday, November 09, 2015 9:47 AM
To: Debian-live mailing list
Subject: An abrupt End to Debian Live

[ I don't know why this post is not showing up on
I am sending it here by mail now. ]

An abrupt End to Debian Live

Debian can be great.

But depending on who you are, where you come from, and who your friends are, 
Debian can also be hateful and full of deceit.

Before even more of reality[0] is spin-doctored into some distorted[1] view of 
it, and before my past work is being discredited, I will take the high road and 
continue my work on Debian Live images on the outside.

If there is one thing I did learn over the past years of agressions towards me, 
then that it is this: I am forced to blindly and unchallenged accept everything 
others decide about me or my work, resistence to the cabal is futile, anything 
goes, no[2] matter[3] what[4].

Therefore, after having founded Debian Live back in 2006 and having by now 
almost 10 years continuously worked on it, without further ado:

  Debian Live is dead, hijacked by the debian-cd and the
  debian-installer Teams[5]

The server will be shut down end of month, the Git repositories 
are read-only as of now and mirrored to GitHub[6] for archival.

So long, and thanks for all the fish[7].



RE: An abrupt End to Debian Live

2015-11-09 Thread Don Raikes
Me too I am a kali linux user and need to create a highly customized livecd and 
want to use debian live to do it.


Sincerely, Donald

HYPERLINK ""; \nOracle
Donald Raikes | Accessibility Specialist 
Phone: HYPERLINK "tel:+15205744033"+15205744033 | Mobile: HYPERLINK 
"tel:+15202717608"+15202717608 | VOIP: HYPERLINK "tel:+15205744033"+15205744033 
Oracle APP Development Framework

HYPERLINK ""; \nGreen Oracle

Oracle is committed to developing practices and products that help protect the 


From: Michael . [] 
Sent: Monday, November 09, 2015 6:14 PM
To: Harshad Joshi
Cc: Debian-live mailing list;
Subject: Re: An abrupt End to Debian Live


I'd also like to remain a user if at all possible.


On 10 November 2015 at 12:07, Harshad Joshi"; \> wrote:

Count me in for your new fork, let's not give up so easily. 

Sent from my Cyanogen phone

On 09-Nov-2015 10:33 pm, Daniel Baumann"; 
\> wrote:

[ I don't know why this post is not showing up on HYPERLINK 
""; \ 
I am sending it here by mail now. ] 

An abrupt End to Debian Live 

Debian can be great. 

But depending on who you are, where you come from, and who your friends 
are, Debian can also be hateful and full of deceit. 

Before even more of reality[0] is spin-doctored into some distorted[1] 
view of it, and before my past work is being discredited, I will take 
the high road and continue my work on Debian Live images on the outside. 

If there is one thing I did learn over the past years of agressions 
towards me, then that it is this: I am forced to blindly and 
unchallenged accept everything others decide about me or my work, 
resistence to the cabal is futile, anything goes, no[2] matter[3] what[4]. 

Therefore, after having founded Debian Live back in 2006 and having by 
now almost 10 years continuously worked on it, without further ado: 

  Debian Live is dead, hijacked by the debian-cd and the 
  debian-installer Teams[5] 

The HYPERLINK ""; \ server will be shut 
down end of month, the Git 
repositories are read-only as of now and mirrored to GitHub[6] for archival. 

So long, and thanks for all the fish[7]. 




problems building custom live image

2015-11-18 Thread Don Raikes


I am using live-build to build a custom kali linux 2.0 image, however when I 
try to modify the basic build environment to add some customizations, the 
resulting iso is unbootable.


What I want to do:

I want to enable brltty on the running live kali image. 


What I have done:

I have created a package list named accessibility.list.binary and added the 
necessary brltty packages to the file.

I have added an etc/rc.local file to config/includes.binary 

In this file I have added the line:



Is there something obvious that I am missing in order to get Braille support 
working on the live system?

Bug#812358: debian-live: Please add gparted

2016-01-22 Thread Don Raikes

I would consider taking on the task of maintaining the necessary files for a 
rescue image.

I haven't looked into what is involved, but if you can point me to some docs I 
will take a look and see if it will fit with my time constraints.


-Original Message-
From: Ben Armstrong [] 
Sent: Friday, January 22, 2016 10:05 AM
To: Christian Hammers;
Subject: Bug#812358: debian-live: Please add gparted

On 22/01/16 12:46 PM, Christian Hammers wrote:
> Package: debian-live
> Version: 8.2.0-amd64-xfce-desktop
> Severity: wishlist
> Hello
> Please add "gparted" to the Debian Live CD.
> Live CDs are greate to rescue broken systems or to shrink/enlarge root 
> file systems etc. In such cases the graphical approach of gparted 
> which automatically resizes the filesystem with the partition is much 
> more error safe than the CLI alternatives fdisk or parted. That's 
> especially the case for GPT and LVM which are still quite new to some 
> people.
> The installed size of gparted and its dependency libparted-fs-resize0 
> would just be 7 MB.

Our desktop live images only contain the desktop, as it would be installed by 
the Debian Installer. While arguably, many different tools would be useful on a 
live utility disk, those are not things that normally come with a Debian 
desktop, so are not included.

The 'rescue' flavour used to exist and contained a number of tools designed for 
rescuing systems. However, that did not contain any desktop. Many excellent 
rescue images do exist that are produced by third parties and which would 
contain both a desktop and gparted. For Debian to have its own 'official' 
rescue image would require someone to do the work of looking after compiling a 
list of 'essential (possibly with GUI) rescue tools' to go on the image. So 
far, despite my repeated calls for help with this, nobody has stepped forward 
to do the work.


Bug#812358: debian-live: Please add gparted

2016-01-22 Thread Don Raikes

I am willing to take the lead on resurrecting debian-live-rescue, but according 
to this webpage:

I should start by trying to build a rescue image from the existing live-image 

However, when I go to I cannot 
find a branch that contains the old rescue build configuration.

Is this configuration laying around somewhere I can use as a starting point?

-Original Message-
From: Devin Trotter [] 
Sent: Friday, January 22, 2016 12:16 PM
To: Don Raikes;; Ben Armstrong
Subject: RE: Bug#812358: debian-live: Please add gparted

Donald - I will help you with this as I can if you're willing to take the lead.

-Original Message-
From: Don Raikes []
Sent: Friday, January 22, 2016 11:21 AM
To: Ben Armstrong ;
Subject: Bug#812358: debian-live: Please add gparted


I would consider taking on the task of maintaining the necessary files for a 
rescue image.

I haven't looked into what is involved, but if you can point me to some docs I 
will take a look and see if it will fit with my time constraints.


-Original Message-
From: Ben Armstrong []
Sent: Friday, January 22, 2016 10:05 AM
To: Christian Hammers;
Subject: Bug#812358: debian-live: Please add gparted

On 22/01/16 12:46 PM, Christian Hammers wrote:
> Package: debian-live
> Version: 8.2.0-amd64-xfce-desktop
> Severity: wishlist
> Hello
> Please add "gparted" to the Debian Live CD.
> Live CDs are greate to rescue broken systems or to shrink/enlarge root 
> file systems etc. In such cases the graphical approach of gparted 
> which automatically resizes the filesystem with the partition is much 
> more error safe than the CLI alternatives fdisk or parted. That's 
> especially the case for GPT and LVM which are still quite new to some 
> people.
> The installed size of gparted and its dependency libparted-fs-resize0 
> would just be 7 MB.

Our desktop live images only contain the desktop, as it would be installed by 
the Debian Installer. While arguably, many different tools would be useful on a 
live utility disk, those are not things that normally come with a Debian 
desktop, so are not included.

The 'rescue' flavour used to exist and contained a number of tools designed for 
rescuing systems. However, that did not contain any desktop. Many excellent 
rescue images do exist that are produced by third parties and which would 
contain both a desktop and gparted. For Debian to have its own 'official' 
rescue image would require someone to do the work of looking after compiling a 
list of 'essential (possibly with GUI) rescue tools' to go on the image. So 
far, despite my repeated calls for help with this, nobody has stepped forward 
to do the work.


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copying of this e-mail is strictly prohibited.

Bug#812358: debian-live: Please add gparted

2016-01-25 Thread Don Raikes
Iaian, Ben et al,

Sorry this was a particularly busy weekend for me.  I will start reviewing the 
old rescue package list and try to come up with an initial list of packages by 
early this week (depending on work schedule).

-Original Message-
From: Iain R. Learmonth [] 
Sent: Saturday, January 23, 2016 5:00 AM
To: Ben Armstrong;
Cc: adrian15; Don Raikes; Devin Trotter
Subject: Bug#812358: debian-live: Please add gparted


On Sat, Jan 23, 2016 at 07:32:11AM -0400, Ben Armstrong wrote:
> If the three of you wanted to make a blend that provides a set of 
> rescue tools on a live image (or maybe more than one, if you decide 
> there is a need for it), I could help in an administrative capacity 
> (alioth project, mailing list, etc.)

I would be happy to assist in setting up the blend infrastructure and pointing 
at the right tools to use to do this.

If someone could come up with a package list, I can get started on that this 
weekend and request the permissions for you to access the VCS on Alioth.

Ben - blends packaging needs to happen within the blends project, and a mailing 
list could also be created in that project. If there is a packaging project 
alongside, then it would make sense to create a seperate Alioth project, but 
the blends tools all have the blends Alioth project hardcoded into them.



Bug#812358: debian-live: Please add gparted

2016-01-25 Thread Don Raikes

Thank you for the information.  I was able to find the original live-rescue 
package list based on your blog post.

-Original Message-
From: adrian15 [] 
Sent: Friday, January 22, 2016 4:46 PM
To: Don Raikes;; Devin Trotter; Ben Armstrong
Subject: Bug#812358: debian-live: Please add gparted

El 22/01/16 a las 23:47, Don Raikes escribió:
> Hi,
> I am willing to take the lead on resurrecting debian-live-rescue, but 
> according to this webpage:
> ent-page-1/#comment-5665
> I should start by trying to build a rescue image from the existing live-image 
> sources.
> However, when I go to I cannot 
> find a branch that contains the old rescue build configuration.
> Is this configuration laying around somewhere I can use as a starting point?

Take a look at:
(Find the configuration link you want there. ;) )

On one night we discussed in #debian-live irc about this rescue image / rescue 
blend and well. I leave you some bits here:

1) There was some discussion about the original dba plans on submitting 
a tasksel-rescue package versus what it's currently used:

* task-rescue (task-* is official tasks maintained by the d-i team).
* blendname-tasks (Already used in blends for their specific stuff.)

What I mean is that my article begins with me trying to make a 
tasksel-rescue package and it turns out that this package name not even 

2) Ben Armstrong wanted to reuse some of the packages I used on 
Rescatux. I warned him that Rescatux was graphical oriented and that I 
left out some cli tools from it. Some sysadmins might consider using 
grml instead of Rescatux for cli purposes just for that.

Support free software. Donate to Super Grub Disk. Apoya el software 
libre. Dona a Super Grub Disk.

Bug#812358: debian-live: Please add gparted

2016-01-26 Thread Don Raikes

When I do 
$ apt-get live-images 

>From within jesse, I see a /usr/share/live/images/rescue folder and except for 
>about 4 packages it seems to build fine.

Couldn't we just fixup those few packages and/or remove them from the 
package-list and be good?

Or is this more a matter of debian has decided to go a different direction with 
tasksel-* and blends?

-Original Message-
From: Ben Armstrong [] 
Sent: Saturday, January 23, 2016 4:32 AM
To: adrian15; Don Raikes;; Devin Trotter
Subject: Bug#812358: debian-live: Please add gparted

On 22/01/16 07:46 PM, adrian15 wrote:
> 1) There was some discussion about the original dba plans on 
> submitting a tasksel-rescue package versus what it's currently used:
> * task-rescue (task-* is official tasks maintained by the d-i team).
> * blendname-tasks (Already used in blends for their specific stuff.)
> What I mean is that my article begins with me trying to make a 
> tasksel-rescue package and it turns out that this package name not 
> even exists.
> 2) Ben Armstrong wanted to reuse some of the packages I used on 
> Rescatux. I warned him that Rescatux was graphical oriented and that I 
> left out some cli tools from it. Some sysadmins might consider using 
> grml instead of Rescatux for cli purposes just for that.

If the three of you wanted to make a blend that provides a set of rescue tools 
on a live image (or maybe more than one, if you decide there is a need for it), 
I could help in an administrative capacity (alioth project, mailing list, etc.)
