Installing Debian On Chromebook Pixel

2013-12-22 Thread Nick
Hi folks,

I just created a wiki page explaining how to set up the Chromebook 
Pixel on Debian. It'd be great if someone could take a look and 
check that it's sane and good. I've been using Debian on this laptop 
for a while now, and it works very well indeed.



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Installing Debian On Chromebook Pixel

2013-12-22 Thread Nick
Hi folks,

I just created a wiki page explaining how to set up the Chromebook 
Pixel on Debian. It'd be great if someone could take a look and 
check that it's sane and good. I've been using Debian on this laptop 
for a while now, and it works very well indeed.



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Re: Installing Debian On Chromebook Pixel

2013-12-23 Thread Nick
Hi Bob,

Thanks for your feedback. Some responses inline.

Quoth Bob Proulx:
> I don't have a Chromebook.  Therefore I don't consider myself well
> versed in the subject.  I can't test it out.  But I have written
> laptop pages for Debian before though so have some experience with
> that end.  Since no one else answered I wanted to give feedback.
> I read through the wiki page you created and I am impressed.  I found
> it covered all of the information I could think of covering.  It
> provided good references to the issues.  Thank you for making all of
> that great information available.  Good job!

Great, glad you think so, thanks! I wasn't sure about linking to the 
external guide for installing Debian, but it's so clear I thought it 
was best.

> It both motivated me that I should get an ARM laptop

So firstly, the Chromebook Pixel isn't an ARM. Some other 
Chromebooks are, but this one is x86_64. The exciting things about 
this laptop for me are the screen primarily, and also the freeness 
of the firmware [2] (though I lack the expertise to take advantage 
of that, which is a pity as there are some changes I'd ideally 

> and terrified me
> due to the battery loss dev-mode issue.  I would like to ask about
> that issue.  Have you experienced a flat battery yourself and had to
> go through the recovery process?
> The posting by Bill Richardson said that the Chromebook 1) was not
> bricked but needed ChromeOS recovery and 2) that dev-mode was stored
> in "battery-backed CMOS".  But battery-backed CMOS should survive a
> main battery used to zero.  Those are all new enough that a CMOS
> battery shouldn't be dead year.  Therefore a main battery used to zero
> shouldn't seem to brick the unit.  Is that not true on the Chromebook?

The battery loss thing scares me too. It hasn't happened to me, 
despite the battery completely running out on me quite a few times 
(that was before I learned about the potential danger). All I have 
to go on is the post I linked, plus a couple more [0] [1].

I read "battery-backed CMOS" as meaning the CMOS settings were 
backed by the main battery. But perhaps I'm wrong. Either way 
though, it's clearly something that has burned others (and you're 
right, I can't imagine a non-defective battery lasting less than a 
year), so it's worth being very cautious about.

Probably it's technically possible to flash different firmware onto 
the thing, and Google have been fantastic about releasing firmware 
code [2], so it may be fixable. But it's beyond my resources to fix 
it, sadly.



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Re: Installing Debian On Chromebook Pixel

2013-12-29 Thread Nick
Quoth Bob Proulx: 
> Wow.  2560 x 1700 at 239 PPI touchscreen is quite impressive!  I can
> see the attraction.  Even though it is widescreen it has some vertical
> pixels.

Yeah, I dislike widescreen as an aspect ratio a lot, and the 3:2 
ratio suits me well. And the high DPI makes for some very pleasingly 
crisp text. Mmmm.

> They cheated and didn't provide a battery to back up the CMOS!!?!
> > I read "battery-backed CMOS" as meaning the CMOS settings were 
> > backed by the main battery. But perhaps I'm wrong.
> No.  You have it right.

Thanks for rereading the links for me and confirming that.

> Not present.  Wow.  I can't believe they designed it without any
> completely non-volatile storage of any kind.

It is pretty bad, isn't it? I suppose it's just something they 
overlooked, given that it would never be noticed with their primary 
usecase (user boots Google signed operating system).

> Would make me want to open the box up and find some
> place to tuck a CR2032 into it somewhere and wire the power up to
> whatever it uses for CMOS ram.

That'd be a nice idea. Though opening the box up and digging around 
for the CMOS ram bit would be non-trivial, not to mention (I 
imagine) actually finding space in the case.

I'm taking it as an extra prompt to ensure my backups are regular 
and complete. I like to think of the company I read about quite 
recently who have bots designed specifically to cause certain parts 
of their infrastructure to fail at random, to ensure that their 
failover systems all work reliably (I forget the company or where to 
find the reference, unfortunately). I'm just going to pretend that 
Google created this bug deliberately to encourage me to get my 
backup procedures completely solid ;) 

> The machine has an SD card slot.  The main storage is only 32G.  I
> think I would buy a 32G SD card and install it in the slot full time.
> Use the internal storage just as a shim to boot over to a 32G SD card.
> Then you would be safe.

At present the SD card mounting doesn't survive suspend properly 
(needs to be umounted then mounted), so I'm not sure that this would 
work. But it could be my specific kernel (well, the 3.10 series), or 
something to do with me just calling pm-suspend straight, rather 
than from a desktop environment, I don't know. Any thoughts as to 
that? Should I document that (and the workaround I added to 
/etc/pm/sleep.d) in the wiki page, do you think?

As I say, my solution is just backup lots and trust in my script 
that shuts the computer down if the battery is below 10%. Not ideal,
but good enough.

Thanks for your thoughts.


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Re: indication on purchase laptop

2014-05-07 Thread Nick
Quoth Robert Holtzman: 
> I have to cast a dissenting vote. I have a thinkpad T420 I bought off the
> Lenovo Web site approx 2 yrs ago. The frame is plastic and as thin as
> possible. When you pick it up there is enough flex so that the DVD drive
> opens. 
> Does anyone know of a new/recent laptop with a metal frame? *
> * Not Toshiba or HP or a gamers box.

My Chromebook Pixel[0] is really solidly built, and has a solid 
metal frame. However it's pretty much the archetype of the 
not-meant-to-be-opened machine - there are disassembly instructions 
and photos provided by Google (which is awesome), but it's very much 
not recommended. And they do things like use a non-standard SSD 
size, so it isn't replaceable.



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Re: Debian installation problems

2002-04-02 Thread Nick
Hi There

Please can somebody help me with my Debian installation.
I have tried my first debian installation but with some teething problems.
I have a 6gb disk drive which I have a 3gb partition for Windows and the
rest for linux. First I copied the contents of Debian 2.2.19pre17 disc 1 to
my hard Windows partition. Booted from dos and proceeded with the

I think the problem lies where I had to choose which components to install.
I tried to install all the Xfree components but still after login I cannot
get XWindows to launch. This is the error I get when I type STARTX.

X: cannot stat /etc/X11/X (No such file or directory), aborting.
giving up.
xinit: Connection refused (errno 111): unable to connect to X server
xinit: No such process (errno 3): Server error.



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dselect - wheres my cdrom ?

2002-04-03 Thread Nick

Hi There
Please can somebody help with my Debian Woody 
In dselect if I choose access I have no 
option for cd rom. What should I type to get the cd rom setup so I can get 
cracking and install X.
I have a dual boot of Windowz and Linux, currently 
Lilo only boots Linux how can I edit Lilo to boot up so I can press shift and 
get both win and linux option?

Fatal server error: no screens found

2002-04-04 Thread Nick

I have installed Debian Woody 2.3 
on a Toshiba Libretto 70CT notebook.
When I type STARTX I get the following 
(WW) Chips(0): Mode pool is empty
(EE) Chips(0): No valid modes found
(II) Unloading 
(EE) Screen(s) found, but none have a usable 
Fatal server error:
no screens found
Is there anybody who has installed Debian on this 
model notebook successfully and knows how I can fix this problem.

Debian Upgrade

2002-04-07 Thread Nick

I have Debian Woody 2.2 r3. I want to upgrade to 
debian Potato 2.2 r5.
Can somebody explain the upgrading 

Why Woody?

2002-04-07 Thread Nick

Alot of you on this mailing list have told me to 
stay with Woody rather than upgrade to Potato because Woody will eventually be 
the stable version.
What is the major difference between Woody and 
Potato, why is Woody better than Potato?
I am confused now, I spent a few hours downloading 
Potato 2.2r5 to upgrade Woody 2.2r3 with the view of having the most stable 
release but from what I have been told through this mailing list this 
is not the case so I am now reluctant to install Potato even though on the 
download page it does say it is stable.
I only started with Debian Woody 2.2r3 over a 
week ago and although I didn't find it too difficult to install and 
have already picked up some of the lingo purely by searching the 
Debian web site and performing copious amounts of searches on Google I have 
had a few problems in X-Windows with my display and mouse.
I have installed Debian Woody 2.2r3 on my 
Toshiba Libretto 70CT, which I admit it is an old notebook PC but I 
want to use it purely for learning Debian before I install it on other 
computers. I figure if I can have Debian working on this notebook successfully I 
should be alright with installing on most other computers.
My problem is when I originally installed Debian I 
opted for the advanced display setup rather than the other which would have 
been easier. Anyway it wouldn't load X-Windows because my screen was not 
setup correctly. So I found a solution, I ran dpkg-reconfigure 
xserver-xfree86 to re-setup my display and mouse etc.
This seems to have worked and 
allowed me to run X-Windows but my mouse is very strange it seems to have 
long delays when moving the cursor around the screen and I am concerned my 
display is still not setup correctly although I really have no idea it could 
just be the mouse.
Has anyone used dpkg-reconfigure 
xcommon-xfree86 on a Toshiba Libretto 70CT and remembers how much memory 
they used for the graphics card and which mouse they 


2002-04-09 Thread Nick

To all
Thank you all for your help explaining Woody and 
Potato I have decided to stick with my current installation of Woody and 
wait for the release of 3.0.
I had a look at a site for downloading the testing 
version of Woody, why so many cd's? 

Need help with Woody on Toshiba Libretto 70CT

2002-04-09 Thread Nick

I have Woody installed on my Toshiba 
Libretto 70CT notebook. I have successfully setup the display and mouse works 
fine now, no problems there.
My current issue is this notebook does not use any 
scsi devices and some how I have installed support for IBM scsi KD-7000 whatever 
that is, anyway it fails to locate this piece of hardware and I think if I 
removed this it would speed up the startup. When I startX I get a message in 
XConsole which describes the failed search for IBM KD-7000 scsi device. How can 
I remove this?
I am also concerned that when using dselect if left 
for a minute or two with no activity it then automatically boots into X-Windows 
with a login box which I do not normally get, and then each time I try to logout 
it starts X again and I can only get out by resetting the computer. Is this 
related to the above problem?

PCMCIA Modem - PhonicPro

2002-04-09 Thread Nick

Has anyone tried the Phonic ProV92 (model 11300) 
PCMCIA Modem yet.
I would really like to hear others success stories 
or comments on how they set this modem up if it worked.

Debian PC Requirements

2002-04-09 Thread Nick

I know I have a Debian Woody and I am pretty 
sure it is 2.3.
What I would like to know is what are the minimum 
PC requirements for this version.

Re: Debian PC Requirements

2002-04-09 Thread Nick
Why do you think I am making the transition to Debian Linux, I have had
enough of WINDOWS! I want to stop using Windows because the multitude of
Viruses seem to be tailor made for "Windows"! Even the best Security
software doesn't stop viruses from infiltrating a Windows system and
Antivirus programs and firewalls such as Norton seem to just make hackers
all the more determined to attack a Windows computer because there are so
many free tools to hack Windows.

I am very new to Debian, I have had some success with Redhat but I like
Debian, its ease of installation and all the great tools and packages make
it a very sexy package and it's FREE! But if I am ever to learn I have to
ask questions or else I will never be in a position to bin my Windows cd's.


- Original Message -
From: "Chris Jenks" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, April 09, 2002 11:41 AM
Subject: Re: Debian PC Requirements

> At 06:26 AM 4/9/02, Michal Melewski wrote:
> > > Basically Nick this isn't windows. It will run on what every you want
> > it to.
> > > I'm not sure if it will run on a 286 or a 8086, but I'm pretty sure no
> > > has
> > > those sitting around anywhere (well I do, but they're not being used).
> >I'm sure it won't :)
> >Linux can't be run on machines weaker then 386 because 286 didn't have
> >'protected mode'. (i'm not sure whether it's proper name but...)
> I thought I saw somewhere on the web that the old ATARI's had a port.
> (I have one of those sitting in the basement too. Atari 800lx).
> My point in the email was: if you can buy it on the market, you should
> be able to run Debian on it. Only the cutting edge stuff will give you
> head aches from lack of drivers. (Well win-modems will cause head aches
> too).
> --
> with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact

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Re: Debian PC Requirements

2002-04-09 Thread Nick
Hi Derek
I remember hearing about Corel, I never knew Debian was to be its successor,
almost makes me wish I started learning Linux earlier.
I have had some success with a few distros for example Redhat, Mandrake,
Slackware, Fat Linux and now Debian but I have to say Debian is the easiest
to setup with very little help which was not the case with the other distros
I mentioned above. Second to Debian I would choose Redhat but unfortunately
the support was not there where as with Debian I have had support from day
one and if reading the documentation from the Debian web site wasn't enough
the mailing list provided me with all the support I could ask for.
Personally I don't think Debian should be frowned upon as just an
introductory package to Linux, it is a very powerful Linux distribution with
over three thousand packages to choose from, we are spoilt for choice. I
intend to try the Ham radio software in the near future and I have already
been using a Debian package called GSchem for drawing up schematics. My next
trick will be to findout if my modem is compatible.


- Original Message -
From: "Derek Broughton" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, April 09, 2002 2:30 PM
Subject: Re: Debian PC Requirements

> Nick wrote:
> > I am very new to Debian, I have had some success with Redhat but I like
> > Debian, its ease of installation and all the great tools and packages
> > it a very sexy package and it's FREE! But if I am ever to learn I have
> > ask questions or else I will never be in a position to bin my Windows
> Hey, Nick, you're our kind of guy!  Many people complain that Debian
> isn't a good intro system for Linux.  It's too hard to get it working
> (so they say).  I started with a Debian system (Corel Linux) and while
> the Corel part was junked fairly quickly, I've never been sorry I chose
> Debian.
> So, as people have told you, any currently (or even not so current)
> available processor should be usable.  The tricky bits are the video and
> modems.  You seem to have the video worked out, but modems...  So many
> are Winmodems that it becomes important to check for compatibility first.
> >>
> >>My point in the email was: if you can buy it on the market, you should
> >>be able to run Debian on it. Only the cutting edge stuff will give you
> >>slight
> >>head aches from lack of drivers. (Well win-modems will cause head aches
> >>too).
> --
> derek
> --
> with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact

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.raw file extensions

2002-04-10 Thread Nick

I am currently downloading the latest release of Woody from this ftp 
I am use to iso images, how do I unzip a .raw image to disc?

Laptop Specifications : Toshiba Libretto 70CT
Pentium 120MMX cpu, 32mb ram, 1mb Chips 65550 graphics chip, Yamaha 
OPL3-sax sound, 6gb hard disk. 640x480 res. lcd display.
Dual boot : Windows95/Debian Woody.


2002-04-10 Thread Nick

Has anyone tried NetBSD I read about it in the latest UK Linux 
I am curious if I could run it on my dinky notebook. There was also a 
couple of pages on installing Debian packages, somebody might find it 


Laptop Specifications : Toshiba Libretto 70CT
Pentium 120MMX cpu, 32mb ram, 1mb Chips 65550 graphics chip, Yamaha 
OPL3-sax sound, 6gb hard disk. 640x480 res. lcd display.
Dual boot : Windows95/Debian Woody.

Re: Debian PC Requirements

2002-04-10 Thread Nick
Thanks Nate I will do just that. As for my testimonial I only say it how I
see it. I feel confident in using Debian and where I don't understand
something there is an copious amount of documentation which is easy to find
at and aslong as it is read which I think those who moan
about Debian probably do not then there shouldn't be too many problems but
there is always the mailing list to fall back on if the documentation still
doesn't help us so really Debian is the ultimate Linux package because
guidance is always at hand. I am trying to stick with the reading because I
like discovering solutions myself, I seem to have a knack for it but when I
need help I will ask one of the friendly folk from the mailing list.


Laptop Specifications : Toshiba Libretto 70CT
Pentium 120MMX cpu, 32mb ram, 1mb Chips 65550 graphics chip, Yamaha OPL3-sax
sound, 6gb hard disk. 640x480 res. lcd display.
Dual boot : Windows95/Debian Woody.


- Original Message -
From: "Nate Bargmann" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, April 10, 2002 3:31 AM
Subject: Re: Debian PC Requirements

> * Nick <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2002 Apr 09 21:18 -0500]:
> Wow, Nick.
> What a testimonial!
> Normally the knock on Debian is that "it's too difficult for newbies to
> install" and "is a distribution only experts could love." If I didn't
> know better I'd say you're on a quest to counter every bit of FUD I've
> heard on Debian the past three years.
> As for Debian being the successor to Corel.  Corel's distribution was
> originally based on Debain, remained so, and now that Corel has passed
> on, Debian is the natural upgrade path.
> BTW, there is a Debian-ham list you might want to check out (quite low
> traffic) and the linux-hams list at
> 73, de Nate >>
> --
>  Wireless | Amateur Radio Station N0NB  | "We have awakened a
>  Internet | [EMAIL PROTECTED]   | sleeping giant and
>  Location | Bremen, Kansas USA EM19ov   | have instilled in him
>   Amateur radio exams; ham radio; Linux info @  | a terrible resolve".
>   | - Admiral Yamomoto
> --
> with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact

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mount cd rom

2002-04-11 Thread Nick

I have been trying to configure my cd rom but the 
dang thing don't work for me.
I thought this was a useful web page to follow, 
lots of nice colourful pictures.
When I try to enter my cd rom device 
/dev/cdrom or /dev/hdd
it still doesnt work?
I get alot of E: failed errors and I know not what 
I am doing, please help.
I have tried apt-cdrom add but it doesnt work, it 
fails to mount the cdrom.
I did fix this once before but for the life of me I 
cannot remember how I did it.

After upgrading to Woody my cd rom has gone again?

2002-04-11 Thread Nick
I've just upgraded to Woody and my PCMCIA slot has been disabled and does
not provide power to my cd rom, what can I do?


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Applications Menu

2002-04-13 Thread Nick
I have a problem with my drop down menus.
When I right click on the desktop it brings up the menu Applications but it
doesnt allow me to scroll down through them anymore. It only has a single
box for Applications and an X to close this box but nothing else.
Does anybody know how I can get back access to my menus.


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dselect: the access method area is already locked

2002-04-14 Thread Nick
I attempted to upgrade to Woody 3.0 but I still need to update the kernel.
After upgrading it disabled my cd rom or PCMCIA port. My cdrom is not
getting any power to it and in dselect it says the access method area is
already locked? How can I reactivate my cd rom? I presume it has just
stopped the PCMCIA slot from working because during the upgrade it does say
it will disable the PCMCIA port while it upgrades PCMCIA modules.
The cd rom does work fine I have no doubt of that and pcmcia-cs is
I would be grateful for any instructions how to resolve this issue so I can
get the new kernel installed.


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Re: debian laptop for a train hopper

2002-04-14 Thread Nick
In my day we were more into train surfing than train hopping...Most laptops
can take a fare amount of G's before they stop working my old AT&T survived
as did my Toshiba laptop so if Michael Dell can spare a laptop I would be
happy to be in a commercial and put it to the Dell laptop train surf


- Original Message -
From: "noah" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, April 15, 2002 1:08 AM
Subject: Re: debian laptop for a train hopper

> At 03:27 PM 14/04/2002, martin f krafft wrote:
> >and even though michael dell and bill gates have sex with each other,
> >dell's laptops are not that linux-friendly, and their attitude towards
> >support and the way to handle clients is below zero, their systems are
> >still very reliable and robust, IMHO.
> I have a Dell Inspiron 8000 - it's a great system and I've had pretty good
> luck with Debian. I would certainly recommend it to most people, but I'm
> not sure about a "train hopper." The biggest weakness, IMO, is the
> construction - it's just not as solid as a Thinkpad.
> Cheers,
> Noah
> --
> with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact

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uninstall Debian

2002-04-15 Thread Nick
I need to uninstall Debian so I can reinstall from scratch, how can I
uninstall everything.


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Uninstall debian without removing windows partition

2002-04-15 Thread Nick
Formatting my entire hard disk is not an option right now because I have
Windows on it. I just want to remove all of Debian so I can reinstall it.
There must be a way to do that without uninstalling windows.


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Parallel Port CD ROM Drive

2002-04-18 Thread Nick
Hi There

I am looking at a buying a cd rom drive and Freecom looks good because they
can take PCMCIA and parallel leads.

Has anyone tried installing Debian from a Parallel port cd rom drive?


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Re: A good tool

2002-04-19 Thread Nick

Somebody is sending out a virus to 
the list masquarading as listmaster!
I received this message at 09:53am this 

  - Original Message - 
  Sent: Friday, April 19, 2002 4:35 
  Subject: A good tool
Hello,This is a special good toolI 
  expect you would like it. 

X-Windows Mouse Cursor problems

2002-04-20 Thread Nick
Hi Folks

I am using an old version of Woody; 2.3 testing/unstable.

Please can somebody help me with a mouse problem in X-Windows. As soon as X
loads up my cursor delays and hangs and then after a few seconds starts up
again and jumps to odd places on the screen then hangs again and it repeats
these motions and it is very annoying.

I had this problem before and I think when I removed xdm that sorted it out.
What else is there to try?


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Re: X-Windows Mouse Cursor problems

2002-04-20 Thread Nick
That was it, thanks your a life saver.


- Original Message -
From: "Constantin Wolber" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Saturday, April 20, 2002 8:10 PM
Subject: Re: X-Windows Mouse Cursor problems

> Samstag, 20. April 2002 20:40 schrieb Nick:
> > loads up my cursor delays and hangs and then after a few seconds starts
> > again and jumps to odd places on the screen then hangs again and it
> > these motions and it is very annoying.
> Seems like you've got trouble between your'e Xserver Mousesupport and
> gpm mouse. Check your /etc/X11/XF86Config or XF86Config-4 for the
> X uses. If you're running gpm the device should be /dev/gpmdata. That was
> causing trouble on my machine.
> Hope that helps
> Cu
> Constantin
> --
> with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact

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Re: Boot Loader

2002-04-30 Thread Nick
I did a search on google for 'animate lilo menu' and it came back with alot
of results.

This site has some interesting ideas for animating lilo including downloads
and some screenshots of what lilo could look like:

I haven't tried this myself yet but certainly will now. Does anyone know of
any other animated lilo menu's on the web I could get that are jazzier than
the ones at the Url above.


- Original Message -
To: "R.Stepanyan" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, April 29, 2002 12:56 PM
Subject: Re: Boot Loader

> Some Linux distros have a "modified" version of LILO which is graphical
with a
> menu (Stormix, Mandrake, as a couple examples).  So don't discount LILO
> your use, yet.
> I'm still using the old OS/2 (IBM) Boot Loader, which is menu-driven.
That and
> also something called BootManager were known to come as the two options
> PartitionMagic.
> GRUB, is what I have on my notebook, and that has a menu.  You might
> investigate that...
> On 29-Apr-2002 R.Stepanyan wrote:
> > Hello, everyone
> >
> > My question concerns boot loaders which I am going to use on Asus A1
> > series laptops.
> >
> > Basically I need to install into hda mbr a boot loader which
> > 1) is menu driven (don't ask why) - so, not LiLo
> > 2) will work with Win98 installed on hda1 and Linux on hda3 (LiLo is on
> > hda3 to boot linux) - I know, win98 writes smth to the boot sector from
> > time to time. So, I do not want to reinstall the boot loader each time I
> > make an update in Win98.
> > 3) supports boot after hybernation in Win
> > 4) is relyable  :)
> >
> > I used to use NT loader (it was Win2k + Linux on the machines), but now
> > is going to downgrade to Win98. The reason is: Windows has to reside on
> > its own partition, but be able to boot:
> > A. normally, using this boot loader
> > B. from VMWare, installed in Linux - that's what win2k failed
> >
> >
> > Any piece of advice is appreciated.
> >
> > Thanks in advance
> >
> > RS
> >
> >
> > --
> > with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact
> ---
> Arlen Carlson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Abandon the search for Truth; settle for a good fantasy.
> This message was sent by XFmail (Linux)
> -o)
> /\\
> The penguins are coming...
>  the penguins are coming...
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Re: Debian installation problems

2002-04-02 Thread Nick

Hi There

Please can somebody help me with my Debian installation.
I have tried my first debian installation but with some teething problems.
I have a 6gb disk drive which I have a 3gb partition for Windows and the
rest for linux. First I copied the contents of Debian 2.2.19pre17 disc 1 to
my hard Windows partition. Booted from dos and proceeded with the

I think the problem lies where I had to choose which components to install.
I tried to install all the Xfree components but still after login I cannot
get XWindows to launch. This is the error I get when I type STARTX.

X: cannot stat /etc/X11/X (No such file or directory), aborting.
giving up.
xinit: Connection refused (errno 111): unable to connect to X server
xinit: No such process (errno 3): Server error.



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dselect - wheres my cdrom ?

2002-04-03 Thread Nick

Hi There
Please can somebody help with my Debian Woody 
In dselect if I choose access I have no 
option for cd rom. What should I type to get the cd rom setup so I can get 
cracking and install X.
I have a dual boot of Windowz and Linux, currently 
Lilo only boots Linux how can I edit Lilo to boot up so I can press shift and 
get both win and linux option?

Fatal server error: no screens found

2002-04-04 Thread Nick

I have installed Debian Woody 2.3 
on a Toshiba Libretto 70CT notebook.
When I type STARTX I get the following 
(WW) Chips(0): Mode pool is empty
(EE) Chips(0): No valid modes found
(II) Unloading 
(EE) Screen(s) found, but none have a usable 
Fatal server error:
no screens found
Is there anybody who has installed Debian on this 
model notebook successfully and knows how I can fix this problem.

Debian Upgrade

2002-04-07 Thread Nick

I have Debian Woody 2.2 r3. I want to upgrade to 
debian Potato 2.2 r5.
Can somebody explain the upgrading 

Why Woody?

2002-04-07 Thread Nick

Alot of you on this mailing list have told me to 
stay with Woody rather than upgrade to Potato because Woody will eventually be 
the stable version.
What is the major difference between Woody and 
Potato, why is Woody better than Potato?
I am confused now, I spent a few hours downloading 
Potato 2.2r5 to upgrade Woody 2.2r3 with the view of having the most stable 
release but from what I have been told through this mailing list this 
is not the case so I am now reluctant to install Potato even though on the 
download page it does say it is stable.
I only started with Debian Woody 2.2r3 over a 
week ago and although I didn't find it too difficult to install and 
have already picked up some of the lingo purely by searching the 
Debian web site and performing copious amounts of searches on Google I have 
had a few problems in X-Windows with my display and mouse.
I have installed Debian Woody 2.2r3 on my 
Toshiba Libretto 70CT, which I admit it is an old notebook PC but I 
want to use it purely for learning Debian before I install it on other 
computers. I figure if I can have Debian working on this notebook successfully I 
should be alright with installing on most other computers.
My problem is when I originally installed Debian I 
opted for the advanced display setup rather than the other which would have 
been easier. Anyway it wouldn't load X-Windows because my screen was not 
setup correctly. So I found a solution, I ran dpkg-reconfigure 
xserver-xfree86 to re-setup my display and mouse etc.
This seems to have worked and 
allowed me to run X-Windows but my mouse is very strange it seems to have 
long delays when moving the cursor around the screen and I am concerned my 
display is still not setup correctly although I really have no idea it could 
just be the mouse.
Has anyone used dpkg-reconfigure 
xcommon-xfree86 on a Toshiba Libretto 70CT and remembers how much memory 
they used for the graphics card and which mouse they 


2002-04-09 Thread Nick

To all
Thank you all for your help explaining Woody and 
Potato I have decided to stick with my current installation of Woody and 
wait for the release of 3.0.
I had a look at a site for downloading the testing 
version of Woody, why so many cd's? 

Need help with Woody on Toshiba Libretto 70CT

2002-04-09 Thread Nick

I have Woody installed on my Toshiba 
Libretto 70CT notebook. I have successfully setup the display and mouse works 
fine now, no problems there.
My current issue is this notebook does not use any 
scsi devices and some how I have installed support for IBM scsi KD-7000 whatever 
that is, anyway it fails to locate this piece of hardware and I think if I 
removed this it would speed up the startup. When I startX I get a message in 
XConsole which describes the failed search for IBM KD-7000 scsi device. How can 
I remove this?
I am also concerned that when using dselect if left 
for a minute or two with no activity it then automatically boots into X-Windows 
with a login box which I do not normally get, and then each time I try to logout 
it starts X again and I can only get out by resetting the computer. Is this 
related to the above problem?

PCMCIA Modem - PhonicPro

2002-04-09 Thread Nick

Has anyone tried the Phonic ProV92 (model 11300) 
PCMCIA Modem yet.
I would really like to hear others success stories 
or comments on how they set this modem up if it worked.

Debian PC Requirements

2002-04-09 Thread Nick

I know I have a Debian Woody and I am pretty 
sure it is 2.3.
What I would like to know is what are the minimum 
PC requirements for this version.

Re: Debian PC Requirements

2002-04-09 Thread Nick

Why do you think I am making the transition to Debian Linux, I have had
enough of WINDOWS! I want to stop using Windows because the multitude of
Viruses seem to be tailor made for "Windows"! Even the best Security
software doesn't stop viruses from infiltrating a Windows system and
Antivirus programs and firewalls such as Norton seem to just make hackers
all the more determined to attack a Windows computer because there are so
many free tools to hack Windows.

I am very new to Debian, I have had some success with Redhat but I like
Debian, its ease of installation and all the great tools and packages make
it a very sexy package and it's FREE! But if I am ever to learn I have to
ask questions or else I will never be in a position to bin my Windows cd's.


- Original Message -
From: "Chris Jenks" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, April 09, 2002 11:41 AM
Subject: Re: Debian PC Requirements

> At 06:26 AM 4/9/02, Michal Melewski wrote:
> > > Basically Nick this isn't windows. It will run on what every you want
> > it to.
> > > I'm not sure if it will run on a 286 or a 8086, but I'm pretty sure no
> > > has
> > > those sitting around anywhere (well I do, but they're not being used).
> >I'm sure it won't :)
> >Linux can't be run on machines weaker then 386 because 286 didn't have
> >'protected mode'. (i'm not sure whether it's proper name but...)
> I thought I saw somewhere on the web that the old ATARI's had a port.
> (I have one of those sitting in the basement too. Atari 800lx).
> My point in the email was: if you can buy it on the market, you should
> be able to run Debian on it. Only the cutting edge stuff will give you
> head aches from lack of drivers. (Well win-modems will cause head aches
> too).
> --
> with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Debian PC Requirements

2002-04-09 Thread Nick

Hi Derek
I remember hearing about Corel, I never knew Debian was to be its successor,
almost makes me wish I started learning Linux earlier.
I have had some success with a few distros for example Redhat, Mandrake,
Slackware, Fat Linux and now Debian but I have to say Debian is the easiest
to setup with very little help which was not the case with the other distros
I mentioned above. Second to Debian I would choose Redhat but unfortunately
the support was not there where as with Debian I have had support from day
one and if reading the documentation from the Debian web site wasn't enough
the mailing list provided me with all the support I could ask for.
Personally I don't think Debian should be frowned upon as just an
introductory package to Linux, it is a very powerful Linux distribution with
over three thousand packages to choose from, we are spoilt for choice. I
intend to try the Ham radio software in the near future and I have already
been using a Debian package called GSchem for drawing up schematics. My next
trick will be to findout if my modem is compatible.


- Original Message -
From: "Derek Broughton" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, April 09, 2002 2:30 PM
Subject: Re: Debian PC Requirements

> Nick wrote:
> > I am very new to Debian, I have had some success with Redhat but I like
> > Debian, its ease of installation and all the great tools and packages
> > it a very sexy package and it's FREE! But if I am ever to learn I have
> > ask questions or else I will never be in a position to bin my Windows
> Hey, Nick, you're our kind of guy!  Many people complain that Debian
> isn't a good intro system for Linux.  It's too hard to get it working
> (so they say).  I started with a Debian system (Corel Linux) and while
> the Corel part was junked fairly quickly, I've never been sorry I chose
> Debian.
> So, as people have told you, any currently (or even not so current)
> available processor should be usable.  The tricky bits are the video and
> modems.  You seem to have the video worked out, but modems...  So many
> are Winmodems that it becomes important to check for compatibility first.
> >>
> >>My point in the email was: if you can buy it on the market, you should
> >>be able to run Debian on it. Only the cutting edge stuff will give you
> >>slight
> >>head aches from lack of drivers. (Well win-modems will cause head aches
> >>too).
> --
> derek
> --
> with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact

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.raw file extensions

2002-04-10 Thread Nick

I am currently downloading the latest release of Woody from this ftp 
I am use to iso images, how do I unzip a .raw image to disc?

Laptop Specifications : Toshiba Libretto 70CT
Pentium 120MMX cpu, 32mb ram, 1mb Chips 65550 graphics chip, Yamaha 
OPL3-sax sound, 6gb hard disk. 640x480 res. lcd display.
Dual boot : Windows95/Debian Woody.


2002-04-10 Thread Nick

Has anyone tried NetBSD I read about it in the latest UK Linux 
I am curious if I could run it on my dinky notebook. There was also a 
couple of pages on installing Debian packages, somebody might find it 


Laptop Specifications : Toshiba Libretto 70CT
Pentium 120MMX cpu, 32mb ram, 1mb Chips 65550 graphics chip, Yamaha 
OPL3-sax sound, 6gb hard disk. 640x480 res. lcd display.
Dual boot : Windows95/Debian Woody.

Re: Debian PC Requirements

2002-04-10 Thread Nick

Thanks Nate I will do just that. As for my testimonial I only say it how I
see it. I feel confident in using Debian and where I don't understand
something there is an copious amount of documentation which is easy to find
at and aslong as it is read which I think those who moan
about Debian probably do not then there shouldn't be too many problems but
there is always the mailing list to fall back on if the documentation still
doesn't help us so really Debian is the ultimate Linux package because
guidance is always at hand. I am trying to stick with the reading because I
like discovering solutions myself, I seem to have a knack for it but when I
need help I will ask one of the friendly folk from the mailing list.


Laptop Specifications : Toshiba Libretto 70CT
Pentium 120MMX cpu, 32mb ram, 1mb Chips 65550 graphics chip, Yamaha OPL3-sax
sound, 6gb hard disk. 640x480 res. lcd display.
Dual boot : Windows95/Debian Woody.


- Original Message -
From: "Nate Bargmann" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, April 10, 2002 3:31 AM
Subject: Re: Debian PC Requirements

> * Nick <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2002 Apr 09 21:18 -0500]:
> Wow, Nick.
> What a testimonial!
> Normally the knock on Debian is that "it's too difficult for newbies to
> install" and "is a distribution only experts could love." If I didn't
> know better I'd say you're on a quest to counter every bit of FUD I've
> heard on Debian the past three years.
> As for Debian being the successor to Corel.  Corel's distribution was
> originally based on Debain, remained so, and now that Corel has passed
> on, Debian is the natural upgrade path.
> BTW, there is a Debian-ham list you might want to check out (quite low
> traffic) and the linux-hams list at
> 73, de Nate >>
> --
>  Wireless | Amateur Radio Station N0NB  | "We have awakened a
>  Internet | [EMAIL PROTECTED]   | sleeping giant and
>  Location | Bremen, Kansas USA EM19ov   | have instilled in him
>   Amateur radio exams; ham radio; Linux info @  | a terrible resolve".
>   | - Admiral Yamomoto
> --
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mount cd rom

2002-04-11 Thread Nick

I have been trying to configure my cd rom but the 
dang thing don't work for me.
I thought this was a useful web page to follow, 
lots of nice colourful pictures.
When I try to enter my cd rom device 
/dev/cdrom or /dev/hdd
it still doesnt work?
I get alot of E: failed errors and I know not what 
I am doing, please help.
I have tried apt-cdrom add but it doesnt work, it 
fails to mount the cdrom.
I did fix this once before but for the life of me I 
cannot remember how I did it.

After upgrading to Woody my cd rom has gone again?

2002-04-11 Thread Nick

I've just upgraded to Woody and my PCMCIA slot has been disabled and does
not provide power to my cd rom, what can I do?


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Applications Menu

2002-04-13 Thread Nick

I have a problem with my drop down menus.
When I right click on the desktop it brings up the menu Applications but it
doesnt allow me to scroll down through them anymore. It only has a single
box for Applications and an X to close this box but nothing else.
Does anybody know how I can get back access to my menus.


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dselect: the access method area is already locked

2002-04-14 Thread Nick

I attempted to upgrade to Woody 3.0 but I still need to update the kernel.
After upgrading it disabled my cd rom or PCMCIA port. My cdrom is not
getting any power to it and in dselect it says the access method area is
already locked? How can I reactivate my cd rom? I presume it has just
stopped the PCMCIA slot from working because during the upgrade it does say
it will disable the PCMCIA port while it upgrades PCMCIA modules.
The cd rom does work fine I have no doubt of that and pcmcia-cs is
I would be grateful for any instructions how to resolve this issue so I can
get the new kernel installed.


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Re: debian laptop for a train hopper

2002-04-14 Thread Nick

In my day we were more into train surfing than train hopping...Most laptops
can take a fare amount of G's before they stop working my old AT&T survived
as did my Toshiba laptop so if Michael Dell can spare a laptop I would be
happy to be in a commercial and put it to the Dell laptop train surf


- Original Message -
From: "noah" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, April 15, 2002 1:08 AM
Subject: Re: debian laptop for a train hopper

> At 03:27 PM 14/04/2002, martin f krafft wrote:
> >and even though michael dell and bill gates have sex with each other,
> >dell's laptops are not that linux-friendly, and their attitude towards
> >support and the way to handle clients is below zero, their systems are
> >still very reliable and robust, IMHO.
> I have a Dell Inspiron 8000 - it's a great system and I've had pretty good
> luck with Debian. I would certainly recommend it to most people, but I'm
> not sure about a "train hopper." The biggest weakness, IMO, is the
> construction - it's just not as solid as a Thinkpad.
> Cheers,
> Noah
> --
> with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact

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uninstall Debian

2002-04-15 Thread Nick

I need to uninstall Debian so I can reinstall from scratch, how can I
uninstall everything.


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Uninstall debian without removing windows partition

2002-04-15 Thread Nick

Formatting my entire hard disk is not an option right now because I have
Windows on it. I just want to remove all of Debian so I can reinstall it.
There must be a way to do that without uninstalling windows.


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Parallel Port CD ROM Drive

2002-04-18 Thread Nick

Hi There

I am looking at a buying a cd rom drive and Freecom looks good because they
can take PCMCIA and parallel leads.

Has anyone tried installing Debian from a Parallel port cd rom drive?


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Re: A good tool

2002-04-19 Thread Nick

Somebody is sending out a virus to 
the list masquarading as listmaster!
I received this message at 09:53am this 

  - Original Message - 
  Sent: Friday, April 19, 2002 4:35 
  Subject: A good tool
Hello,This is a special good toolI 
  expect you would like it. 

X-Windows Mouse Cursor problems

2002-04-20 Thread Nick

Hi Folks

I am using an old version of Woody; 2.3 testing/unstable.

Please can somebody help me with a mouse problem in X-Windows. As soon as X
loads up my cursor delays and hangs and then after a few seconds starts up
again and jumps to odd places on the screen then hangs again and it repeats
these motions and it is very annoying.

I had this problem before and I think when I removed xdm that sorted it out.
What else is there to try?


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Re: X-Windows Mouse Cursor problems

2002-04-20 Thread Nick

That was it, thanks your a life saver.


- Original Message -
From: "Constantin Wolber" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Saturday, April 20, 2002 8:10 PM
Subject: Re: X-Windows Mouse Cursor problems

> Samstag, 20. April 2002 20:40 schrieb Nick:
> > loads up my cursor delays and hangs and then after a few seconds starts
> > again and jumps to odd places on the screen then hangs again and it
> > these motions and it is very annoying.
> Seems like you've got trouble between your'e Xserver Mousesupport and
> gpm mouse. Check your /etc/X11/XF86Config or XF86Config-4 for the
> X uses. If you're running gpm the device should be /dev/gpmdata. That was
> causing trouble on my machine.
> Hope that helps
> Cu
> Constantin
> --
> with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact

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Re: Boot Loader

2002-04-30 Thread Nick

I did a search on google for 'animate lilo menu' and it came back with alot
of results.

This site has some interesting ideas for animating lilo including downloads
and some screenshots of what lilo could look like:

I haven't tried this myself yet but certainly will now. Does anyone know of
any other animated lilo menu's on the web I could get that are jazzier than
the ones at the Url above.


- Original Message -
To: "R.Stepanyan" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, April 29, 2002 12:56 PM
Subject: Re: Boot Loader

> Some Linux distros have a "modified" version of LILO which is graphical
with a
> menu (Stormix, Mandrake, as a couple examples).  So don't discount LILO
> your use, yet.
> I'm still using the old OS/2 (IBM) Boot Loader, which is menu-driven.
That and
> also something called BootManager were known to come as the two options
> PartitionMagic.
> GRUB, is what I have on my notebook, and that has a menu.  You might
> investigate that...
> On 29-Apr-2002 R.Stepanyan wrote:
> > Hello, everyone
> >
> > My question concerns boot loaders which I am going to use on Asus A1
> > series laptops.
> >
> > Basically I need to install into hda mbr a boot loader which
> > 1) is menu driven (don't ask why) - so, not LiLo
> > 2) will work with Win98 installed on hda1 and Linux on hda3 (LiLo is on
> > hda3 to boot linux) - I know, win98 writes smth to the boot sector from
> > time to time. So, I do not want to reinstall the boot loader each time I
> > make an update in Win98.
> > 3) supports boot after hybernation in Win
> > 4) is relyable  :)
> >
> > I used to use NT loader (it was Win2k + Linux on the machines), but now
> > is going to downgrade to Win98. The reason is: Windows has to reside on
> > its own partition, but be able to boot:
> > A. normally, using this boot loader
> > B. from VMWare, installed in Linux - that's what win2k failed
> >
> >
> > Any piece of advice is appreciated.
> >
> > Thanks in advance
> >
> > RS
> >
> >
> > --
> > with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact
> ---
> Arlen Carlson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Abandon the search for Truth; settle for a good fantasy.
> This message was sent by XFmail (Linux)
> -o)
> /\\
> The penguins are coming...
>  the penguins are coming...
> --
> with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact

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Re: Zonet Zen1100 10/100Mbps Fast Ethernet supported?

2004-04-25 Thread nick
Mr. Jan Hearthstone wrote:
   Dear people,
  I have a Toshiba Satellite Pro 420cdt, and since I
cannot boot from CD-ROM drive (although it works, but
the BIOS don't give the option), I have to install
with a whole bunch of floppies. I hope to be able to
finish the install using the Zonet Zen1100 10/100Mbps
Fast Ethernet 16-bit PC Card. "ZONET" is mentioned in
the list of supported cards, but it doesn't say there
anything whether the Zen1100 is also meant.
  Where from do I find what modules/drivers I need to
install in order to be able to use the card? I am
getting the the stuff to be installed from Where in the tree is the
file(s) that I need for my Zonet Zen1100 10/100Mbps
Fast Ethernet 16-bit PC Card to function?
  Thanks, Mr. Jan Hearthstone.
Type 'cardctl ident' in shell mode and see what it says.


with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Zonet Zen1100 10/100Mbps Fast Ethernet supported?

2004-04-26 Thread Nick
Mr. Jan Hearthstone> writes:

> --- nick> wrote:
> > Mr. Jan Hearthstone wrote:
> > >Dear people,
> > >   I have a Toshiba Satellite Pro 420cdt, and since
> > I
> > > cannot boot from CD-ROM drive (although it works,
> > but
> > > the BIOS don't give the option), I have to install
> > > with a whole bunch of floppies. I hope to be able
> > to
> > > finish the install using the Zonet Zen1100
> > 10/100Mbps
> > > Fast Ethernet 16-bit PC Card. "ZONET" is mentioned
> > in
> > > the list of supported cards, but it doesn't say
> > there
> > > anything whether the Zen1100 is also meant.
> > >   Where from do I find what modules/drivers I need
> > to
> > > install in order to be able to use the card? I am
> > > getting the the stuff to be installed from
> > > Where in the tree is
> > the
> > > file(s) that I need for my Zonet Zen1100
> > 10/100Mbps
> > > Fast Ethernet 16-bit PC Card to function?
> > >   Thanks, Mr. Jan Hearthstone.
> > 
> > Type 'cardctl ident' in shell mode and see what it
> > says.
> > 
> > 
> > Nick
> it says: no pcmcia driver in /proc/devices
> h.s.

So your problem isn't the PC card but the device itself (at least by this far),
right?  Do you know who the maker of the PCMICA device and the model numbers
are? Since the information you provided is limited, I'm not going to ask one
question each post. Here's my experience:

AFAIK many Pentium laptop come with a model CL6729 (Cirrus Logic) PCMCIA device
, at least it happened to 3 of 4 my Pentium laptops from different makers. It
worked happily until Kernel 2.4.x. For Mandrake it works before (includes) MDK
8.1 and gone since 8.2. It was because from Kernel 2.4.x started to includ with
PCMCIA modules but not as many as pcmcia-cs done by David Hinds. CL6729
unfortunately happened to be the one not been covered. Someone suggested me to
recompile the kernel, I tried but didn't work because another hardware problem
occured. I didn't know how to solve it, so I sticked with mdk 8.1 until one day
I tried Debian. During the installation, I noticed there's an option in the
process of confiure PCMCIA where reminds to add with the parameter of 'fast_pci'
if using model CL6729. I did, and it works.

Now, go check your device and see if my experience works for you as well. Once
your device works but still have problem with zonet pc card, post it to here
again. Good luck!


with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Zonet Zen1100 10/100Mbps Fast Ethernet supported?

2004-04-25 Thread nick

Mr. Jan Hearthstone wrote:

   Dear people,
  I have a Toshiba Satellite Pro 420cdt, and since I
cannot boot from CD-ROM drive (although it works, but
the BIOS don't give the option), I have to install
with a whole bunch of floppies. I hope to be able to
finish the install using the Zonet Zen1100 10/100Mbps
Fast Ethernet 16-bit PC Card. "ZONET" is mentioned in
the list of supported cards, but it doesn't say there
anything whether the Zen1100 is also meant.
  Where from do I find what modules/drivers I need to
install in order to be able to use the card? I am
getting the the stuff to be installed from Where in the tree is the
file(s) that I need for my Zonet Zen1100 10/100Mbps
Fast Ethernet 16-bit PC Card to function?
  Thanks, Mr. Jan Hearthstone.

Type 'cardctl ident' in shell mode and see what it says.


Re: Zonet Zen1100 10/100Mbps Fast Ethernet supported?

2004-04-26 Thread Nick
Mr. Jan Hearthstone> writes:

> --- nick> wrote:
> > Mr. Jan Hearthstone wrote:
> > >Dear people,
> > >   I have a Toshiba Satellite Pro 420cdt, and since
> > I
> > > cannot boot from CD-ROM drive (although it works,
> > but
> > > the BIOS don't give the option), I have to install
> > > with a whole bunch of floppies. I hope to be able
> > to
> > > finish the install using the Zonet Zen1100
> > 10/100Mbps
> > > Fast Ethernet 16-bit PC Card. "ZONET" is mentioned
> > in
> > > the list of supported cards, but it doesn't say
> > there
> > > anything whether the Zen1100 is also meant.
> > >   Where from do I find what modules/drivers I need
> > to
> > > install in order to be able to use the card? I am
> > > getting the the stuff to be installed from
> > > Where in the tree is
> > the
> > > file(s) that I need for my Zonet Zen1100
> > 10/100Mbps
> > > Fast Ethernet 16-bit PC Card to function?
> > >   Thanks, Mr. Jan Hearthstone.
> > 
> > Type 'cardctl ident' in shell mode and see what it
> > says.
> > 
> > 
> > Nick
> it says: no pcmcia driver in /proc/devices
> h.s.

So your problem isn't the PC card but the device itself (at least by this far),
right?  Do you know who the maker of the PCMICA device and the model numbers
are? Since the information you provided is limited, I'm not going to ask one
question each post. Here's my experience:

AFAIK many Pentium laptop come with a model CL6729 (Cirrus Logic) PCMCIA device
, at least it happened to 3 of 4 my Pentium laptops from different makers. It
worked happily until Kernel 2.4.x. For Mandrake it works before (includes) MDK
8.1 and gone since 8.2. It was because from Kernel 2.4.x started to includ with
PCMCIA modules but not as many as pcmcia-cs done by David Hinds. CL6729
unfortunately happened to be the one not been covered. Someone suggested me to
recompile the kernel, I tried but didn't work because another hardware problem
occured. I didn't know how to solve it, so I sticked with mdk 8.1 until one day
I tried Debian. During the installation, I noticed there's an option in the
process of confiure PCMCIA where reminds to add with the parameter of 'fast_pci'
if using model CL6729. I did, and it works.

Now, go check your device and see if my experience works for you as well. Once
your device works but still have problem with zonet pc card, post it to here
again. Good luck!


Console APM Diisplay

2000-01-20 Thread Nick Jennings


Im using an old Dell 486 laptop, with 8mb of RAM, so X isn't
particularly fun for me to use. I'm wondering if there is a console app that
reports on the status of your battery (you know, just like:

your battery has 52% of its juice left.

something simple like that. If not, how would one go about making that?
what would the app be talking with to get that info? (how does the X program
do it).

    -  Nick Jennings
Web  :

Re: How to re-install from PCMCIA-SCSI-CDROM?

2000-02-20 Thread Nick Jennings

you could always do a floppy install for the base stuff.

 and then use that base install to get the cdrom working, when you get the
cdrom working you can use dselect and point it to get the packages off the

or if you have a fast connection, you can bypass the cdrom altogether and
use dselect to download everything after you install the base system.

On Sat, Feb 19, 2000 at 11:09:20PM -0800, John Miskinis wrote:
> Hello,
> I wish to re-install slink on a partition, and my Thinkpad 560
> has no builtin CDROM drive.  I am very close to getting a small
> floppy linux system working that can talk to my SCSI CDROM.
> What is the best way to go about a (re)install?  My initial
> install(s) required me to copy the whole CD to a vfat partition
> under Win95, and fix up symlinks, etc., and I do not wish to do
> this all over again.
> When I get a floppy boot or even a small linux partition talking
> to my CDROM, can I easily wipe out my hda5 partition and put
> a fresh copy of slink on it?
> Many thanks for any info.  I could not find the debian-laptop-FAQ
> mentioned a few months ago in the archives!
> John Miskinis
> __
> Get Your Private, Free Email at
> --  
> with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

-  Nick Jennings
Web  :

using zgv on the console with my HP OmniBook 5000cts

2000-03-11 Thread Nick Jennings


Im trying to use zgv on my HP omnibook 5000 cts and everytime i run
it the screen blanks out, the only way i can get the screen back again is if
i hit cntrl-alt delete, the console comes back, but im rebooting. 

is there anything i can do to get zgv working at the console so i dont have
to fumble around with X just to view an image? the laptop has a svga card in
it, and i can view images fine in X (but i need a monitor hooked up to my
laptop to use X because the LCD screen is a non-standard resolution that i
cant figure out. (and i dont want to permanently damage it. etc.

any ideas? suggestions?

-  Nick Jennings
Web  :

M-TECH boot

2000-04-09 Thread Nick Willson
Looking for help persuading my laptop to boot into Debian.  I want to make it 
dual-boot, via LILO, into Linux or Win98.

I'm trying to install Debian 2.1 from the Official Intel Binary Disk CD set.  
I've done this before without problems, using the exact same CDs, on a  laptop 
and on a desktop.  But not this time.

I work through to "Make Linux Bootable Directly From Hard Disk", "Install a 
master boot record on /dev/hda" (Yes), and "Make Linux the Default Boot 
Partition" (Yes).  Then I remove the install CD and reboot, via the 
installer's dialog box.  Rebooting results in "Insert Boot-Disk and press any 

At this point, it will boot only from a floppy (boot device order is CD, 
floppy, HDD).

If I CTRL-ALT-DEL and reboot using the install CD, I see this partitioning 
scheme, as shown by cfdisk 0.8l:

Heads: 240   Sectors per track: 63   Cylinders 839

Name  Flags TypeFSSize (MB) (Sectors) (Cylinders)
Unusable 7.39  15120  1
hda1Primary Unknown (84)   140.28 287280 19
hda2Primary Win95 FAT32 (LBA)  339.61 695520 46
hda3  Boot  Primary Linux ext25574.03   11415600755
hda4Primary Linux Swap 132.90 272160 18

(I've munged it to show all the size units together)
After restoring the boot flag to hda2, it will boot into win98 as usual.
The laptop brand is "M-TECH".  Further details in case they're relevant:

BIOS (these descriptions appear during boot sequence):
   SystemSoft MobilePRO BIOS Version 1.01 (2482-00)-(R1.14)
   SystemSoft Plug-n-Play BIOS Ver 1.17.01

BIOS version (according to "Version Info" in BIOS setup):
   1.00.03, Date: 10/22/97

BIOS settings:
   PNP OS support disabled
   Chip: 466MHz Celeron MMX
  L1 cache: write back, L2 cache: write back
   Chipset: Intel 440BX.
   IDE settings:
  Primary HDD
  Drive Enabled, PIO Mode on
  UDMDA-33 Function disabled
  32Bit I/O disabled

Hard disk:
  Has various names and numbers on its sticky label:
  Toshiba MK6411MAT
  HDD2143 U ZE02 T
  E145163  LR39635
  S/N Z9M72966T OQ3 EC.A
  And a long list of patent numbers (thanks Toshiba)

The novel features for me this time are the make of BIOS, and the presence of 
the first two partitions, the 'unusable' and the 'unknown' (latter is a 
"Suspend-to-disk" partition).  Is one of these the culprit?

Hoping for help,


Modem trouble

2000-05-01 Thread Nick Willson

Seeking help getting a modem to work in potato + some unstable.  The modem is 
on a Linksys EtherFast 10/100 + 56K Modem PC Card, model no. PCMLM56.

When the laptop was running Slink (installed from official CD set) the modem 
worked but the ethernet did not.  Now the ethernet works but the modem does 
not.  More details below, all help welcome.


The laptop brand is "M-TECH".

The bios:
   (these descriptions appear during boot sequence):
   SystemSoft MobilePRO BIOS Version 1.01 (2482-00)-(R1.14)
   SystemSoft Plug-n-Play BIOS Ver 1.17.01

   (version according to "Version Info" in BIOS setup):
   1.00.03, Date: 10/22/97

PnP OS support is disabled.

In Win98, the modem and ethernet both work.
Here is what Win98 reports about the modem:
Port COM3
Interrupt 11
Address 3E8

On rebooting into Linux without switching power off, Linux does not see the 
PCMCIA sockets.
Here is a portion of dmesg after rebooting from Win98 without switching off 
Linux PCMCIA Card Services 3.1.14
  kernel build: 2.2.14 unknown
  options:  [pci] [cardbus] [apm]
PCI routing table version 1.0 at 0xfe840
Intel PCIC probe: 
  Bridge register mapping failed: check cb_mem_base setting
not found.
ds: no socket drivers loaded!

Switching power off before booting makes the sockets visible to Linux. (I'm 
not particularly worried about this, just reporting it in case relevant.)
Here is dmesg in full after rebooting from power off:
Linux version 2.2.14 ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) (gcc version 2.95.2 2313 (Debian 
GNU/Linux)) #1 Tue Apr 25 10:11:42 EST 2000
Detected 466683316 Hz processor.
Console: colour VGA+ 80x25
Calibrating delay loop... 465.31 BogoMIPS
Memory: 127088k/131072k available (1700k kernel code, 412k reserved, 1732k 
data, 140k init)
Dentry hash table entries: 16384 (order 5, 128k)
Buffer cache hash table entries: 131072 (order 7, 512k)
Page cache hash table entries: 32768 (order 5, 128k)
VFS: Diskquotas version dquot_6.4.0 initialized
CPU: Intel Celeron (Mendocino) stepping 05
Checking 386/387 coupling... OK, FPU using exception 16 error reporting.
Checking 'hlt' instruction... OK.
Checking for popad bug... OK.
POSIX conformance testing by UNIFIX
mtrr: v1.35a (19990819) Richard Gooch ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
PCI: PCI BIOS revision 2.10 entry at 0xeb190
PCI: Using configuration type 1
PCI: Probing PCI hardware
Linux NET4.0 for Linux 2.2
Based upon Swansea University Computer Society NET3.039
NET4: Linux TCP/IP 1.0 for NET4.0
IP Protocols: ICMP, UDP, TCP, IGMP
TCP: Hash tables configured (ehash 131072 bhash 65536)
Starting kswapd v 1.5 
Detected PS/2 Mouse Port.
pty: 256 Unix98 ptys configured
apm: BIOS version 1.2 Flags 0x03 (Driver version 1.9)
apm: disabled on user request.
Real Time Clock Driver v1.09
RAM disk driver initialized:  16 RAM disks of 4096K size
loop: registered device at major 7
PIIX4: IDE controller on PCI bus 00 dev 39
PIIX4: not 100% native mode: will probe irqs later
ide0: BM-DMA at 0x1100-0x1107, BIOS settings: hda:pio, hdb:pio
ide1: BM-DMA at 0x1108-0x110f, BIOS settings: hdc:pio, hdd:pio
hda: TOSHIBA MK6411MAT, ATA DISK drive
ide0 at 0x1f0-0x1f7,0x3f6 on irq 14
ide1 at 0x170-0x177,0x376 on irq 15
hda: TOSHIBA MK6411MAT, 6194MB w/0kB Cache, CHS=839/240/63
hdc: ATAPI 0X DVD-ROM drive, 256kB Cache
Uniform CDROM driver Revision: 2.56
Floppy drive(s): fd0 is 1.44M
FDC 0 is a post-1991 82077
md driver 0.36.6 MAX_MD_DEV=4, MAX_REAL=8
scsi:  Detection failed (no card)
NCR53c406a: no available ports found
sym53c416.c: Version 1.0.0
Failed initialization of WD-7000 SCSI card!
IBM MCA SCSI: No Microchannel-bus support present -> Aborting.
DC390: 0 adapters found
megaraid: v1.05 (October 27, 1999)
scsi : 0 hosts.
scsi : detected total.
Partition check:
 hda: hda1 hda2 hda3 hda4
VFS: Mounted root (ext2 filesystem) readonly.
Freeing unused kernel memory: 140k freed
NET4: Unix domain sockets 1.0 for Linux NET4.0.
Adding Swap: 130748k swap-space (priority -1)
Serial driver version 4.27 with no serial options enabled
ttyS00 at 0x03f8 (irq = 4) is a 16550A
ttyS01 at 0x02f8 (irq = 3) is a 16550A
Linux PCMCIA Card Services 3.1.14
  kernel build: 2.2.14 unknown
  options:  [pci] [cardbus] [apm]
PCI routing table version 1.0 at 0xfe840
Intel PCIC probe: 
  TI 1225 rev 01 PCI-to-CardBus at slot 00:0a, mem 0x6800
host opts [0]: [ring] [serial pci & irq] [pci irq 10] [lat 168/176] [bus 
host opts [1]: [ring] [serial pci & irq] [pci irq 10] [lat 168/176] [bus 
ISA irqs (scanned) = 3,4,7,9,11 PCI status changes
cs: IO port probe 0x1000-0x17ff: excluding 0x1000-0x103f 0x1400-0x140f
cs: IO port probe 0x0100-0x04ff: excluding 0x378-0x37f 0x4d0-0x4d7
cs: IO port probe 0x0a00-0x0aff: clean.
cs: memory probe 0xa000-0xa0ff: clean.
eth0: NE2000 Compatible: io 0x300, irq 3, hw_addr 00:E0:98:08:EA:C2
tty02 at 0x0af8 (i

Re: Modem trouble

2000-05-07 Thread Nick Willson
mory 0x6000-0x60ff
include port 0xa00-0xaff
exclude irq 4
exclude irq 7

I add lines:
exclude irq 3
exclude irq 9
exclude irq 11

But now pcmcia won't recognize the card (high beep, low beep).  
/var/log/daemon.log ends with:
May  4 14:30:05 nicknote cardmgr[640]: get dev info on socket 1 failed: No 
such device

Here is "setserial -ga /dev/ttyS2":
/dev/ttyS2, Line 2, UART: unknown, Port: 0x03e8, IRQ: 3
Baud_base: 115200, close_delay: 50, divisor: 0
closing_wait: 3000
Flags: spd_normal skip_test

I start removing the added 'exclude' lines, from 11 downwards.  With 11 
removed, pcmcia recognizes the card.  Here is "setserial -ga /dev/ttyS2":
/dev/ttyS2, Line 2, UART: 16550A, Port: 0x03e8, IRQ: 11
Baud_base: 115200, close_delay: 50, divisor: 0
closing_wait: 3000
Flags: spd_normal skip_test

Result of "pon", in /var/log/ppp.log:
May  4 14:33:56 nicknote pppd[699]: pppd 2.3.11 started by root, uid 0
May  4 14:33:57 nicknote chat[700]: Can't get terminal parameters: 
Input/output error
May  4 14:33:57 nicknote pppd[699]: Connect script failed
May  4 14:33:58 nicknote pppd[699]: Exit.

Now I remove the exclusion of irq 9.  pcmcia recognizes the card.  Here is 
"setserial -ga /dev/ttyS2":
/dev/ttyS2, Line 2, UART: 16550A, Port: 0x03e8, IRQ: 2
Baud_base: 115200, close_delay: 50, divisor: 0
closing_wait: 3000
Flags: spd_normal skip_test
Result of "pon": the "Can't get terminal" message again.

I leave the exclude irq 3 in place, i.e. /etc/pcmcia/config.ops is now 
(omitting comments):
include port 0x100-0x4ff, port 0x1000-0x17ff
include memory 0xc-0xf
include memory 0xa000-0xa0ff, memory 0x6000-0x60ff
include port 0xa00-0xaff
exclude irq 4
exclude irq 7
exclude irq 3

I try specifying "irq 0" in serial.opts and restarting pcmcia.  Result of 
"pon": the "Can't get terminal" message again.

I try "dpkg --purge setserial" and restarting pcmcia. No change.  I reboot.  
ppp.log reverts to its "expect (OK)..alarm" form.  I try restoring config.opts 
and serial.opts to as-installed.  Still "expect (OK)..alarm".

I reboot, now choosing "none" in the BIOS for each of "COM A" (formerly COM1) 
and "COM B" (formerly COM2, configured for IrDA).  Now I am back to "Can't get 
terminal parameters".

Should I try a BIOS upgrade now?  Is there something else to try first?  All 
help welcome, if anyone is still reading.  At the risk of laboring the point, 
the modem (and ethernet) work in Win98, and the modem worked in Slink, so 
there is nothing fundamentally wrong..?


> Seeking help getting a modem to work in potato + some unstable.  The modem is 
> on a Linksys EtherFast 10/100 + 56K Modem PC Card, model no. PCMLM56.
> When the laptop was running Slink (installed from official CD set) the modem 
> worked but the ethernet did not.  Now the ethernet works but the modem does 
> not.  More details below, all help welcome.
> Nick

Choosing a version of Debian for Toshiba Libretto 70CT

2001-12-18 Thread Nick Messenger

Hi There,
I would like to run a dual boot of Windows 95 and 
Debian Linux on my Toshiba Libretto 70CT sub-notebook. I have chosen to dual 
boot so I can still use Windows while I learn Debian Linux. The Libretto 70CT 
runs off an Intel P120MMX CPU, with a max of 32MB ram and I use a 6gb 
What I would like to know is what version of Debian 
you would recommend for this notebook. From previous Linux installations on this 
notebook I have also found there is no floppy support, it does not support the 
Toshiba PCMCIA floppy drive. Is there support with Debian?
I would also be grateful for installation 
instructions or tips from other Libretto 70CT users.
Merry Christmas!
Nick M.

thinkpad pad, woody and a linksys wpc11 lan card

2001-12-20 Thread nick lidakis

Just purchased a Linksys WPC11 wireless lan card to use with my
thinkpad. Currently running woody with kernel 2.4.16. I compiled the
kernel with the Prsim drivers as modules. hermes.o, orinoco.o and
orinoco_cs.o appear in /lib/modules.../wireless. pcmcia-cs is installed
working properly.

When I insert the card into the pcmcia slot I hear one high pitched beep
followed by a lower pitch. Cardinfo sts the card has been identified as
a D-Link DWL-650 11Mps Wireless Adapter. Searches on google and debian
planet reveal conflicting statements on how to configure this card and
with which driver.

/var/log/daemon.log reveals the following

Dec 21 01:48:30 thinkpad cardmgr[2024]: watching 2 sockets
Dec 21 01:48:30 thinkpad cardmgr[2024]: initializing socket 0
Dec 21 01:48:30 thinkpad cardmgr[2024]: socket 0: D-Link DWL-650 11 Mbps
Wireless Adapter
Dec 21 01:48:30 thinkpad cardmgr[2024]: executing: 'modprobe wvlan_cs'
Dec 21 01:48:30 thinkpad cardmgr[2024]: + modprobe: Can't locate module
Dec 21 01:48:30 thinkpad cardmgr[2024]: modprobe exited with status 255
Dec 21 01:48:30 thinkpad cardmgr[2024]: module
/lib/modules/2.4.16/pcmcia/wvlan_cs.o not available
Dec 21 01:48:32 thinkpad cardmgr[2024]: get dev info on socket 0 failed:
Resource temporarily unavailable

How do I get this card to load the appropriate module which I assume is

I tried cardctl ident and the output was: Socket 0:
info: "Instant Wireless " , " Network PC CARD" , "Version 01.02", ""
0x0156, 0x0002
6 (network)

The end of /etc/pcmcia/config sts:

#Include configuration files for add-on drivers
source ./*.conf
#Include local configuration settings
source ./config.opts

So witha text editor I created a file called linksys_wpc11.conf and
added the following:

card "Instant Wireless Network PC CARD Version 01.02"
manfid 0x0156, 0x0002
bind "orinoco_cs"

This seems to have no effect, I have been reading the docs and man
pages, but I can't seem to figure out what I'm doing wrong.
Any help help or redirection to simple (i.e. newbie) documention would
be appreciated.

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

hibernating w/ Thinkpad A22m and lphdisk

2002-01-12 Thread nick lidakis

I am trying to get hibernation working with my thinkpad a22m (2628SSU).
The machine is currently running woody with kernel 2.4.17.
When I did the initial install I deleted all the the MS stuff and
dedicated the whole HD to debian. I used gnuparted to resize the HD to
for a hibernation partition on hda4, and set the file type to a0 (ibm
thinkpad hibernation utility). Grabbed lphdisk, ran it, then tried
Nothing. Tried using the ibm hibernation utlilty from the IBM website,
and still nothing. Do I need to have win98 installed for this to work?
hda4 is aproox 520mb ( I plan to upgrade the ram to 512mb + 8Mb video
ram + 2Mb as per lphdisk doc). Anybody with a similiar thinkpad using
hibernation with any success? Could you post your partition tabel? BTW,
the IBM website sts that the machine can suspend, stanby, and hibernate.
The machine suspends when the lid is closed or by pressing Fn F4, but
how does standby and hibernate differ?

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Dell 8600 gdm startup problem

2004-09-20 Thread Nick Hastings
* Wendy Leigh Vandoolaeghe <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [040921 10:24]:
> Hi
> my laptop battery ran out of power whilst I was in X mode (using gdm not 
> xdm). When I rebooted, it failed to start the Xserver. how can i fix the 
> problem?

It seems that others have addressed the specifics of your xserver
configuration problem. I'll just point out a general approach on what to
do if there is some problem during an upgrade.

First you need to see if there are any packages in at "bad" state.
Do the following

`dpkg --audit'

If this returns nothing, then all is well. Otherwise you need to
configure the "pending" packages. Do the following:

`dpkg --configure --pending'

After that, run `dpkg --audit' again so make sure everything is now ok.

Then finally, to make sure that all packages really were downloaded
and installed, try running the upgrade again:

`apt-get upgrade' or `apt-get dist-upgrade'



Debian 3.1
Linux twofish 2.6.8-looxt93c3 i686 GNU/Linux

Description: Digital signature

Re: Various questions...

2004-10-14 Thread Nick Hastings
* Rony <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [041015 11:40]:
> Hi,
> I have few questions:
> Debian automatically does the file checking every mounting 24 times,
> how to configure this? It's too frequent for me.

Use the command `tune2fs' with the -c flag. Eg to set from 24 to 500
for /dev/hda2

tune2fs -c 500 /dev/hda2

> Do we need to defrag in Linux? 


> My Linux time is not correct, i have dual boot with XP. I know it's due
> to the difference between how Linux and Windows store/convert GMT. How
> to set to the correct one?

Check out the date and hwclock commands. To keep the time right one
you've set it you can use the ntp package

> I cannot login to my Yahoo account using Kopete. Always password error.
> Anybody experience this?

I don't use it, and don't know what it is.

> I downloaded Opera, but cannot install it using the following command:
> aptitude -i opera-static_7.54-20040803.1-qt_en_i386.deb

What error do you get?

> Can we install it using aptitude?

dpkg -i opera-static_7.54-20040803.1-qt_en_i386.deb

> Last one, anybody can provide me a link to the picture of Debian
> hero/heroine, Ian Murdock and Debra? Just curious how they look like :D

Try google.

I recommend you have a look at the debian-reference package. It's got some
really good stuff in it. Also please look at the man pages of the
programs I mention above (eg `man tune2fs').



Debian 3.1
Linux twofish 2.6.8-looxt93c4 i686 GNU/Linux

Description: Digital signature

Re: remote backup

2004-10-03 Thread Nick Hastings

* Daniel Pittman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [041004 10:09]:
> On 2 Oct 2004, Jerome BENOIT wrote:
> > I would like my desktop (an openbrick) to backup via the net
> > my laptop once it is connected:
> > what is the best way to do so ?
> My recommendation would be the 'BackupPC' package, found in testing and
> unstable.  That will happily produce long term archival backups of the
> laptop, and can dump to tape, etc, for off-line storage as well.

Thanks for pointing out this package. I've just installed it and it
seems quite nice. 

I have a question about this package, and was unable to find the answer
(or even the question) in the documentation, FAQs or on google.

I suffer from a small /var partition... (if only there was SPAM with a
pill for that), and BackupPC wants to put all the backups in
/var/lib/backuppc/pc. It seems there is no way to tell BackupPC to use a
different location. The simple "fix" was to just symlink this directory
to somewhere else. This seems to work ok, except that BackupPC continues
to look in /var to determine how much space it has available.

Does anyone have a proper solution to this problem?



Debian 3.1
Linux twofish 2.6.8-looxt93c4 i686 GNU/Linux

Description: Digital signature

Choosing a version of Debian for Toshiba Libretto 70CT

2001-12-18 Thread Nick Messenger

Hi There,
I would like to run a dual boot of Windows 95 and 
Debian Linux on my Toshiba Libretto 70CT sub-notebook. I have chosen to dual 
boot so I can still use Windows while I learn Debian Linux. The Libretto 70CT 
runs off an Intel P120MMX CPU, with a max of 32MB ram and I use a 6gb 
What I would like to know is what version of Debian 
you would recommend for this notebook. From previous Linux installations on this 
notebook I have also found there is no floppy support, it does not support the 
Toshiba PCMCIA floppy drive. Is there support with Debian?
I would also be grateful for installation 
instructions or tips from other Libretto 70CT users.
Merry Christmas!
Nick M.

thinkpad pad, woody and a linksys wpc11 lan card

2001-12-21 Thread nick lidakis
Just purchased a Linksys WPC11 wireless lan card to use with my
thinkpad. Currently running woody with kernel 2.4.16. I compiled the
kernel with the Prsim drivers as modules. hermes.o, orinoco.o and
orinoco_cs.o appear in /lib/modules.../wireless. pcmcia-cs is installed
working properly.

When I insert the card into the pcmcia slot I hear one high pitched beep
followed by a lower pitch. Cardinfo sts the card has been identified as
a D-Link DWL-650 11Mps Wireless Adapter. Searches on google and debian
planet reveal conflicting statements on how to configure this card and
with which driver.

/var/log/daemon.log reveals the following

Dec 21 01:48:30 thinkpad cardmgr[2024]: watching 2 sockets
Dec 21 01:48:30 thinkpad cardmgr[2024]: initializing socket 0
Dec 21 01:48:30 thinkpad cardmgr[2024]: socket 0: D-Link DWL-650 11 Mbps
Wireless Adapter
Dec 21 01:48:30 thinkpad cardmgr[2024]: executing: 'modprobe wvlan_cs'
Dec 21 01:48:30 thinkpad cardmgr[2024]: + modprobe: Can't locate module
Dec 21 01:48:30 thinkpad cardmgr[2024]: modprobe exited with status 255
Dec 21 01:48:30 thinkpad cardmgr[2024]: module
/lib/modules/2.4.16/pcmcia/wvlan_cs.o not available
Dec 21 01:48:32 thinkpad cardmgr[2024]: get dev info on socket 0 failed:
Resource temporarily unavailable

How do I get this card to load the appropriate module which I assume is

I tried cardctl ident and the output was: Socket 0:
info: "Instant Wireless " , " Network PC CARD" , "Version 01.02", ""
0x0156, 0x0002
6 (network)

The end of /etc/pcmcia/config sts:

#Include configuration files for add-on drivers
source ./*.conf
#Include local configuration settings
source ./config.opts

So witha text editor I created a file called linksys_wpc11.conf and
added the following:

card "Instant Wireless Network PC CARD Version 01.02"
manfid 0x0156, 0x0002
bind "orinoco_cs"

This seems to have no effect, I have been reading the docs and man
pages, but I can't seem to figure out what I'm doing wrong.
Any help help or redirection to simple (i.e. newbie) documention would
be appreciated.

hibernating w/ Thinkpad A22m and lphdisk

2002-01-12 Thread nick lidakis
I am trying to get hibernation working with my thinkpad a22m (2628SSU).
The machine is currently running woody with kernel 2.4.17.
When I did the initial install I deleted all the the MS stuff and
dedicated the whole HD to debian. I used gnuparted to resize the HD to
for a hibernation partition on hda4, and set the file type to a0 (ibm
thinkpad hibernation utility). Grabbed lphdisk, ran it, then tried
Nothing. Tried using the ibm hibernation utlilty from the IBM website,
and still nothing. Do I need to have win98 installed for this to work?
hda4 is aproox 520mb ( I plan to upgrade the ram to 512mb + 8Mb video
ram + 2Mb as per lphdisk doc). Anybody with a similiar thinkpad using
hibernation with any success? Could you post your partition tabel? BTW,
the IBM website sts that the machine can suspend, stanby, and hibernate.
The machine suspends when the lid is closed or by pressing Fn F4, but
how does standby and hibernate differ?

newbie soundcard problem

2002-03-18 Thread nick phillips
hello debian laptop list!

i'm a complete linux newbie who's recently installed debian 2.2.17 on a
toshiba tecra 8000. everything seems to have worked ok except for the
soundcard. i use wmaker, and using the cdplayer or other sound utilities i
get no sound whatsoever. when i run gnome-session, i get a string of error
messages saying '\dev\dsp: no such device." when i run 'car \dev\sndstat' i
show no drivers loaded.

so, all this leads me to believe i need to load a driver for the soundcard,
which is a yamaha opl-sa3. however, i'm not sure how i do that! i tried
running dselect, but i don't see any sound driver packages, and i'm kind of
at a loss as to how to configure the sound driver. if someone could help me
out, or point me towards a website that would help, i would really
appreciate it! 

nick phillips


Re: newbie soundcard problem

2002-03-18 Thread nick phillips
hello again list...

thanks for all the help! i see the opl3sa2.o modules in my /misc directory
but i am having a hell of a time using modprobe. when i use it i get a
'can't locate' error, which i get for every combination of directories i
enter in. the module itself is located in /lib/modules/2.2.18pre21/misc/ -
where does modprobe start looking for modules? i tried 'modprobe opl3sa2.o'
or 'modprobe /misc/opl3sa2.o' and so on but i'm having no luck, and reading
the modprobe manual doesn't help me out at all. i'm sure this is a simple
question, and i appreciate your help..


> "nick" == nick phillips <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> nick> so, all this leads me to believe i need to load a driver for
> nick> the soundcard, which is a yamaha opl-sa3. however, i'm not
> nick> sure how i do that! i tried running dselect, but i don't see
> nick> any sound driver packages, and i'm kind of at a loss as to
> nick> how to configure the sound driver. if someone could help me
> nick> out, or point me towards a website that would help, i would
> nick> really appreciate it!
> I don't run 2.2.x kernels anymore, and I don't have the sources
> handy. But on my 2.4.17 kernel I see an opl3sa2 module. Look in
> /lib/modules/2.2.19/sound for a file like opl3sa2.o. The SA2 driver
> claims to be for the OPL3-SA3 also.
> You should be able to do a 'modprobe opl3sa2' to get it to run. Make
> sure that the user who wants to use sound is in the 'audio' group (see
> 'man adduser' for "add an existing user to an existing group" or edit
> /etc/group).
> I don't own any of your hardware (heck, I don't even run the same
> kernel version) so your mileage will vary ;-)
> Cheers!
> Shyamal

Re: newbie soundcard problem - still going!

2002-03-19 Thread nick phillips
ok, so i am drawing closer to a solution! i have run 'modprobe opl3sa2' and
receive the error message "device or resource busy. Hint: this error can be
caused by incorrect module parameters, including invalid IO or IRQ
parameters." how do i change these parameters? when i try 'insmod opl3sa2' i
get a string of 'unresolved symbol' messages - 'unload_mpu401_r5febf2' and
so on. does this have anything to do with it?

also, about recompiling the kernel - what exactly does this mean? is this
equivalent to an OS re-installation? (i'm a mac man by tradition, so humor
the analogy please..) was the original installation where my problems began?

thanks again for all the help,


> From: Lee Bradshaw <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Date: Tue, 19 Mar 2002 01:02:01 -0500
> To:
> Subject: Re: newbie soundcard problem
> Resent-From:
> Resent-Date: Tue, 19 Mar 2002 00:02:41 -0600
> On Tue, Mar 19, 2002 at 12:12:31AM -0500, nick phillips wrote:
>> hello again list...
>> thanks for all the help! i see the opl3sa2.o modules in my /misc directory
>> but i am having a hell of a time using modprobe. when i use it i get a
>> 'can't locate' error, which i get for every combination of directories i
>> enter in. the module itself is located in /lib/modules/2.2.18pre21/misc/ -
>> where does modprobe start looking for modules? i tried 'modprobe opl3sa2.o'
>> or 'modprobe /misc/opl3sa2.o' and so on but i'm having no luck, and reading
>> the modprobe manual doesn't help me out at all. i'm sure this is a simple
>> question, and i appreciate your help..
> You shouldn't need the directory or ".o" extension:
> modprobe opl3sa2
> -- 
> Lee Bradshaw [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Texas Instruments[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> GnuPG D8C3BBD2  CC08 D690 0B70 3C70 351E  EB05 96A3 3789 D8C3 BBD2
> -- 
> with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: newbie soundcard problem - solved!

2002-03-20 Thread nick phillips
so i've finally solved the yamaha problem, in large part thanks to all the
help people provided! in case anyone has the same problem in the future, i
fixed it by running 'modconf,' then re-installing the opl-3sa2 module using
the command-line:

io=0x538 mss_io=0x530 mpu_io=0x330 irq=5 dma=1 dma2=0

thanks to drew for posting his i/o settings - these worked great for me. i
am know off to start playing around! (i'm primarily interested in linux
sound making, so a functional soundcard will help!)



yikes! locked out of own system!

2002-03-28 Thread nick phillips
hello again list,

so i'm not sure how it happened but i've managed to lock myself out of my
system. i had installed debian 2.2.19 and installed enlightenment as the
deskop manager and everything was going ok. i tried installing a program
called jmax, and through a bunch of dependency problems ending up giving up
-- it requested libc6.2.4, which in turn requested locales 2.4, etc. etc. so
eventually i thought better of trying out all these unstable packages. so i
uninstalled them, then when i logged out of enlightenmnet, i know login to a
a graphical login screen that says "X Window System" -- before I'm pretty
sure the same login screen said "Debian user" or something like that. When I
try any of my passwords, they now don't work! I'm not sure what the problem
could do, and I have no way of getting past this screen to fix it! Has
something gone wrong with X Server or with XF86Setup? Does anyone have any



with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

yikes! i've fixed it! but how?

2002-03-28 Thread nick phillips
me again,

so i think i've fixed the problem by escaping the login (fn+F5) then running
XF86Setup, loading in my original configuration, and resaving it. then when
i ran startx, everything works ok, all original passwords work fine. when i
reboot, all is ok. but i'd still like to now how i did it! what did i do to
render my old passwords invalid?


with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]


2002-03-28 Thread nick phillips
i apologize for the barrage of e-mails today... this one is a bit of a
necessity though:

i spoke too soon about fixing the computer. after running dselect to
(thereotically) put the packages back that were missing before, i then
logged out of enlightenment. instead of going to a X Server login, however,
i went just to the command line prompt. i tried to reboot, but then it gives
me a 'give root password for maintenance (or type control-D for normal
startup." i can't use my password and control-D doesn't work! i tried
cntrl-alt-del and no luck with that either. so i am stuck at this prompt!
all i want to do now is reintall debian from scratch, but how do i get past
this prompt?

best, and thanks for putting up with these e-mails,


with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: yikes! locked out of own system!

2002-03-29 Thread nick phillips
thanks mike for your help! however, seems things are a bit royally screwed..
i tried this method and i'm taken to a debian log-in. when i enter the
password, i get logged in ok, but then i receive the error messages:

cannot execute /bin/bash: no such file or directory

then i'm returned to the prompt. the only way i can get out of this cycle is
by booting into BIOS, but apparently the laptop BIOS won't allow me to boot
from CD, even when specified with a store-bought debian boot CD - i just
load straight back into linux, back to this login problem. (this is a
toshiba tecra 8000 - i orginally installed from a DOS prompt). is there a
way out of this loop? it seems that, a) i have screwed up my debian system
very badly, b) my BIOS won't allow me to boot from CD, c) i can't get past
any prompts to make changes to the system. is there a solution to this? or
do i know have an unusable computer?

thanks for the help,


hillips wrote:
>> hello again list,
>> so i'm not sure how it happened but i've managed to lock myself out of my
>> system. i had installed debian 2.2.19 and installed enlightenment as the
>> deskop manager and everything was going ok. i tried installing a program
>> called jmax, and through a bunch of dependency problems ending up giving up
>> -- it requested libc6.2.4, which in turn requested locales 2.4, etc. etc. so
>> eventually i thought better of trying out all these unstable packages. so i
>> uninstalled them, then when i logged out of enlightenmnet, i know login to a
>> a graphical login screen that says "X Window System" -- before I'm pretty
>> sure the same login screen said "Debian user" or something like that. When I
>> try any of my passwords, they now don't work! I'm not sure what the problem
>> could do, and I have no way of getting past this screen to fix it! Has
>> something gone wrong with X Server or with XF86Setup? Does anyone have any
>> suggestions?
> Firstly, this sounds like a debian-user thing :)
> Second, it sounds like a problem with your authentication system, rather
> than with the X-server. Just to be sure, press Ctrl-Alt-F1 to switch to
> a text prompt and try to login from there (both as root and as a user).
> If that doesn't work, your PAM is most likely broken.
> The easiest way I can think of to fix it, (OTTOMH,) is to do the
> following:
> *Reboot the system. At the LILO prompt, enter the name of the image
> you wish to boot, followed by 'init=/bin/sh' This will bypass
> authentication and boot you straight into a shell, running as root.
> *remount the root filesystem read-write ('mount / -o remount,rw') so
> that you can do what you need.
> *What happens next depends on what's broken. Try running passwd and
> resetting your root password. Reboot the machine normally. If you
> still can't log in, then there's something wrong with your PAM
> system. The quickest way to fix that is to re-do the upgrade you
> interrupted. To do that, reboot with /bin/sh as above. You'll have
> to mount /var (if applicable), and bring up the network interface
> before you can upgrade.
> HTH,
> - -- 
> Mike Alborn <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> #
> # PGP Key ID: C36DC30Bsigned/encrypted mail preferred
> If you are over 80 years old and accompanied by your parents, we will
> cash your check.
> Version: GnuPG v1.0.6 (GNU/Linux)
> Comment: For info see
> iEYEARECAAYFAjyjgywACgkQmyUqpsNtwwtahACgoXsRPGMRebS5rq7gZVuMMGH7
> zocAnRdKT/SQvLbcu8hWHAQpuYj5N2lq
> =DYEh
> -- 
> with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

"pid of pppd" error on dialup?

2002-08-04 Thread nick phillips
hello list,

finally got my winmodem up and running on a toshiba tecra 8000 running
debian 3.0, and set up my isp account in wvdial.conf. when i run
wvdial.conf, everything seems to go ok until i get a hang-up on the line:

"pid of pppd: 2689" (the number changes on each attempt)

then nothing - the machine just sits there. can anyone help me work out
what's going on?


high memory usage in KDE?

2002-08-08 Thread nick phillips
hello list,

i'm running debian 3.0 and KDE 2.2 on a PII 366 toshiba laptop with 128 mb
ram. i'm mainly concerned with running audio applications in linux, so
memory usage is pretty important to me in dealing with large samples being
loaded into memory and so on. i'm a little concerned about KDE's memory
usage at the moment. when i boot into KDE, with no applications running, and
issue the 'top' command, it shows about 95MB used, with 35 MB available.
this strikes me as very high - i'm a mac person, and my powerbook boots up
Mac OS 9 using only 35 mb ram, so i'm surprised KDE takes so much memory.
when i open up a few applications, pretty quickly KDE starts drawing on swap
space, which seems to cause some slowdowns and glitches in some audio

so, my question is: is this an ordinary amount of memory for KDE to use? are
there any ways to decrease memory usage so i can minimize using swap space?
or should i think about switching to GNOME or another window manager? i like
KDE a lot - i would just like it to use less memory!

one last thing - one process in particular seems to take the most memory,
which is kdeinit. using 'top', i see about ten instances of kdeinit, each
using about 5-8% memory. i assume this is part of the kde desktop, but
should there be so many instances of it?

thanks in advance for all your help!


kppp/wvdial freezes my system!

2002-10-22 Thread nick phillips
hello all,

having some odd problems here on a toshiba tecra 8000. i've been using kppp 
to dial into my ISP for a good few months with no problems. now all of a 
sudden it's started freezing my system - once i get to the modem 
initialization script the entire system freezes, i can't use the mouse, i 
can't switch to another terminal, and ctrl-alt-del doesn't work. i switched 
to wvdial and the problem persists though a little more erratically - maybe 
40% of the time? i haven't installed any new software recently, and i'm using 
the same phoen # and ISP, so i'm a little confused why this is appearing all 
of a sudden. i tried using wvdial under gnome and kde with the same problems 
in both.

i'm using a linmodem driver for the internal winmodem. i'm not sure what 
information is pertinent to this problem but for the record: i have to kill 
diald before dialing because it seems to hold on to the modem and not let 
pppd use it -- this little workaround has worked fine until now. could it be 
a conflict between any of the various internet daemons (wwwoffled, inetd, 

thanks in advance for any help! 


newbie soundcard problem

2002-03-18 Thread nick phillips

hello debian laptop list!

i'm a complete linux newbie who's recently installed debian 2.2.17 on a
toshiba tecra 8000. everything seems to have worked ok except for the
soundcard. i use wmaker, and using the cdplayer or other sound utilities i
get no sound whatsoever. when i run gnome-session, i get a string of error
messages saying '\dev\dsp: no such device." when i run 'car \dev\sndstat' i
show no drivers loaded.

so, all this leads me to believe i need to load a driver for the soundcard,
which is a yamaha opl-sa3. however, i'm not sure how i do that! i tried
running dselect, but i don't see any sound driver packages, and i'm kind of
at a loss as to how to configure the sound driver. if someone could help me
out, or point me towards a website that would help, i would really
appreciate it! 

nick phillips


with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: newbie soundcard problem

2002-03-18 Thread nick phillips

hello again list...

thanks for all the help! i see the opl3sa2.o modules in my /misc directory
but i am having a hell of a time using modprobe. when i use it i get a
'can't locate' error, which i get for every combination of directories i
enter in. the module itself is located in /lib/modules/2.2.18pre21/misc/ -
where does modprobe start looking for modules? i tried 'modprobe opl3sa2.o'
or 'modprobe /misc/opl3sa2.o' and so on but i'm having no luck, and reading
the modprobe manual doesn't help me out at all. i'm sure this is a simple
question, and i appreciate your help..


> "nick" == nick phillips <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> nick> so, all this leads me to believe i need to load a driver for
> nick> the soundcard, which is a yamaha opl-sa3. however, i'm not
> nick> sure how i do that! i tried running dselect, but i don't see
> nick> any sound driver packages, and i'm kind of at a loss as to
> nick> how to configure the sound driver. if someone could help me
> nick> out, or point me towards a website that would help, i would
> nick> really appreciate it!
> I don't run 2.2.x kernels anymore, and I don't have the sources
> handy. But on my 2.4.17 kernel I see an opl3sa2 module. Look in
> /lib/modules/2.2.19/sound for a file like opl3sa2.o. The SA2 driver
> claims to be for the OPL3-SA3 also.
> You should be able to do a 'modprobe opl3sa2' to get it to run. Make
> sure that the user who wants to use sound is in the 'audio' group (see
> 'man adduser' for "add an existing user to an existing group" or edit
> /etc/group).
> I don't own any of your hardware (heck, I don't even run the same
> kernel version) so your mileage will vary ;-)
> Cheers!
> Shyamal

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: newbie soundcard problem - still going!

2002-03-19 Thread nick phillips

ok, so i am drawing closer to a solution! i have run 'modprobe opl3sa2' and
receive the error message "device or resource busy. Hint: this error can be
caused by incorrect module parameters, including invalid IO or IRQ
parameters." how do i change these parameters? when i try 'insmod opl3sa2' i
get a string of 'unresolved symbol' messages - 'unload_mpu401_r5febf2' and
so on. does this have anything to do with it?

also, about recompiling the kernel - what exactly does this mean? is this
equivalent to an OS re-installation? (i'm a mac man by tradition, so humor
the analogy please..) was the original installation where my problems began?

thanks again for all the help,


> From: Lee Bradshaw <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Date: Tue, 19 Mar 2002 01:02:01 -0500
> Subject: Re: newbie soundcard problem
> Resent-From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Resent-Date: Tue, 19 Mar 2002 00:02:41 -0600
> On Tue, Mar 19, 2002 at 12:12:31AM -0500, nick phillips wrote:
>> hello again list...
>> thanks for all the help! i see the opl3sa2.o modules in my /misc directory
>> but i am having a hell of a time using modprobe. when i use it i get a
>> 'can't locate' error, which i get for every combination of directories i
>> enter in. the module itself is located in /lib/modules/2.2.18pre21/misc/ -
>> where does modprobe start looking for modules? i tried 'modprobe opl3sa2.o'
>> or 'modprobe /misc/opl3sa2.o' and so on but i'm having no luck, and reading
>> the modprobe manual doesn't help me out at all. i'm sure this is a simple
>> question, and i appreciate your help..
> You shouldn't need the directory or ".o" extension:
> modprobe opl3sa2
> -- 
> Lee Bradshaw [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Texas Instruments[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> GnuPG D8C3BBD2  CC08 D690 0B70 3C70 351E  EB05 96A3 3789 D8C3 BBD2
> -- 
> with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: newbie soundcard problem - solved!

2002-03-20 Thread nick phillips

so i've finally solved the yamaha problem, in large part thanks to all the
help people provided! in case anyone has the same problem in the future, i
fixed it by running 'modconf,' then re-installing the opl-3sa2 module using
the command-line:

io=0x538 mss_io=0x530 mpu_io=0x330 irq=5 dma=1 dma2=0

thanks to drew for posting his i/o settings - these worked great for me. i
am know off to start playing around! (i'm primarily interested in linux
sound making, so a functional soundcard will help!)



with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

yikes! locked out of own system!

2002-03-28 Thread nick phillips

hello again list,

so i'm not sure how it happened but i've managed to lock myself out of my
system. i had installed debian 2.2.19 and installed enlightenment as the
deskop manager and everything was going ok. i tried installing a program
called jmax, and through a bunch of dependency problems ending up giving up
-- it requested libc6.2.4, which in turn requested locales 2.4, etc. etc. so
eventually i thought better of trying out all these unstable packages. so i
uninstalled them, then when i logged out of enlightenmnet, i know login to a
a graphical login screen that says "X Window System" -- before I'm pretty
sure the same login screen said "Debian user" or something like that. When I
try any of my passwords, they now don't work! I'm not sure what the problem
could do, and I have no way of getting past this screen to fix it! Has
something gone wrong with X Server or with XF86Setup? Does anyone have any



with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

yikes! i've fixed it! but how?

2002-03-28 Thread nick phillips

me again,

so i think i've fixed the problem by escaping the login (fn+F5) then running
XF86Setup, loading in my original configuration, and resaving it. then when
i ran startx, everything works ok, all original passwords work fine. when i
reboot, all is ok. but i'd still like to now how i did it! what did i do to
render my old passwords invalid?


with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]


2002-03-28 Thread nick phillips

i apologize for the barrage of e-mails today... this one is a bit of a
necessity though:

i spoke too soon about fixing the computer. after running dselect to
(thereotically) put the packages back that were missing before, i then
logged out of enlightenment. instead of going to a X Server login, however,
i went just to the command line prompt. i tried to reboot, but then it gives
me a 'give root password for maintenance (or type control-D for normal
startup." i can't use my password and control-D doesn't work! i tried
cntrl-alt-del and no luck with that either. so i am stuck at this prompt!
all i want to do now is reintall debian from scratch, but how do i get past
this prompt?

best, and thanks for putting up with these e-mails,


with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: yikes! locked out of own system!

2002-03-29 Thread nick phillips

thanks mike for your help! however, seems things are a bit royally screwed..
i tried this method and i'm taken to a debian log-in. when i enter the
password, i get logged in ok, but then i receive the error messages:

cannot execute /bin/bash: no such file or directory

then i'm returned to the prompt. the only way i can get out of this cycle is
by booting into BIOS, but apparently the laptop BIOS won't allow me to boot
from CD, even when specified with a store-bought debian boot CD - i just
load straight back into linux, back to this login problem. (this is a
toshiba tecra 8000 - i orginally installed from a DOS prompt). is there a
way out of this loop? it seems that, a) i have screwed up my debian system
very badly, b) my BIOS won't allow me to boot from CD, c) i can't get past
any prompts to make changes to the system. is there a solution to this? or
do i know have an unusable computer?

thanks for the help,


hillips wrote:
>> hello again list,
>> so i'm not sure how it happened but i've managed to lock myself out of my
>> system. i had installed debian 2.2.19 and installed enlightenment as the
>> deskop manager and everything was going ok. i tried installing a program
>> called jmax, and through a bunch of dependency problems ending up giving up
>> -- it requested libc6.2.4, which in turn requested locales 2.4, etc. etc. so
>> eventually i thought better of trying out all these unstable packages. so i
>> uninstalled them, then when i logged out of enlightenmnet, i know login to a
>> a graphical login screen that says "X Window System" -- before I'm pretty
>> sure the same login screen said "Debian user" or something like that. When I
>> try any of my passwords, they now don't work! I'm not sure what the problem
>> could do, and I have no way of getting past this screen to fix it! Has
>> something gone wrong with X Server or with XF86Setup? Does anyone have any
>> suggestions?
> Firstly, this sounds like a debian-user thing :)
> Second, it sounds like a problem with your authentication system, rather
> than with the X-server. Just to be sure, press Ctrl-Alt-F1 to switch to
> a text prompt and try to login from there (both as root and as a user).
> If that doesn't work, your PAM is most likely broken.
> The easiest way I can think of to fix it, (OTTOMH,) is to do the
> following:
> *Reboot the system. At the LILO prompt, enter the name of the image
> you wish to boot, followed by 'init=/bin/sh' This will bypass
> authentication and boot you straight into a shell, running as root.
> *remount the root filesystem read-write ('mount / -o remount,rw') so
> that you can do what you need.
> *What happens next depends on what's broken. Try running passwd and
> resetting your root password. Reboot the machine normally. If you
> still can't log in, then there's something wrong with your PAM
> system. The quickest way to fix that is to re-do the upgrade you
> interrupted. To do that, reboot with /bin/sh as above. You'll have
> to mount /var (if applicable), and bring up the network interface
> before you can upgrade.
> HTH,
> - -- 
> Mike Alborn <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> #
> # PGP Key ID: C36DC30Bsigned/encrypted mail preferred
> If you are over 80 years old and accompanied by your parents, we will
> cash your check.
> Version: GnuPG v1.0.6 (GNU/Linux)
> Comment: For info see
> iEYEARECAAYFAjyjgywACgkQmyUqpsNtwwtahACgoXsRPGMRebS5rq7gZVuMMGH7
> zocAnRdKT/SQvLbcu8hWHAQpuYj5N2lq
> =DYEh
> -- 
> with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

kppp/wvdial freezes my system!

2002-10-22 Thread nick phillips
hello all,

having some odd problems here on a toshiba tecra 8000. i've been using kppp 
to dial into my ISP for a good few months with no problems. now all of a 
sudden it's started freezing my system - once i get to the modem 
initialization script the entire system freezes, i can't use the mouse, i 
can't switch to another terminal, and ctrl-alt-del doesn't work. i switched 
to wvdial and the problem persists though a little more erratically - maybe 
40% of the time? i haven't installed any new software recently, and i'm using 
the same phoen # and ISP, so i'm a little confused why this is appearing all 
of a sudden. i tried using wvdial under gnome and kde with the same problems 
in both.

i'm using a linmodem driver for the internal winmodem. i'm not sure what 
information is pertinent to this problem but for the record: i have to kill 
diald before dialing because it seems to hold on to the modem and not let 
pppd use it -- this little workaround has worked fine until now. could it be 
a conflict between any of the various internet daemons (wwwoffled, inetd, 

thanks in advance for any help! 


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Re: remote backup

2004-10-04 Thread Nick Hastings

* Daniel Pittman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [041004 10:09]:
> On 2 Oct 2004, Jerome BENOIT wrote:
> > I would like my desktop (an openbrick) to backup via the net
> > my laptop once it is connected:
> > what is the best way to do so ?
> My recommendation would be the 'BackupPC' package, found in testing and
> unstable.  That will happily produce long term archival backups of the
> laptop, and can dump to tape, etc, for off-line storage as well.

Thanks for pointing out this package. I've just installed it and it
seems quite nice. 

I have a question about this package, and was unable to find the answer
(or even the question) in the documentation, FAQs or on google.

I suffer from a small /var partition... (if only there was SPAM with a
pill for that), and BackupPC wants to put all the backups in
/var/lib/backuppc/pc. It seems there is no way to tell BackupPC to use a
different location. The simple "fix" was to just symlink this directory
to somewhere else. This seems to work ok, except that BackupPC continues
to look in /var to determine how much space it has available.

Does anyone have a proper solution to this problem?



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Description: Digital signature

Re: Dell 8600 gdm startup problem

2004-09-21 Thread Nick Hastings
* Wendy Leigh Vandoolaeghe <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [040921 10:24]:
> Hi
> my laptop battery ran out of power whilst I was in X mode (using gdm not 
> xdm). When I rebooted, it failed to start the Xserver. how can i fix the 
> problem?

It seems that others have addressed the specifics of your xserver
configuration problem. I'll just point out a general approach on what to
do if there is some problem during an upgrade.

First you need to see if there are any packages in at "bad" state.
Do the following

`dpkg --audit'

If this returns nothing, then all is well. Otherwise you need to
configure the "pending" packages. Do the following:

`dpkg --configure --pending'

After that, run `dpkg --audit' again so make sure everything is now ok.

Then finally, to make sure that all packages really were downloaded
and installed, try running the upgrade again:

`apt-get upgrade' or `apt-get dist-upgrade'



Debian 3.1
Linux twofish 2.6.8-looxt93c3 i686 GNU/Linux

Description: Digital signature

Re: half duplex

2005-07-29 Thread Nick Leverton
On Fri, Jul 29, 2005 at 11:51:23AM +0100, larinia wrote:
> Hello,
> I saw the half duplex message in the /var/log/syslog. I am not sure if 
> the cat-5 cable is the network cable(Sorry, I am a newbie), if it is, 
> then it is connecting to a hub, which is then connect to a wireless bridge.

Run "mii-tool -v" and see what it says.  It doesn't work on all network
adaptors, I'm especially unsure about the embedded type you get in

But if it works, the "link partner" line will tell you whether the
hub can do full-duplex, and if you paste the output here we can see if
there's anything wrong.

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Re: Installing drivers and modules

2002-10-30 Thread Nick E. Messenger

I am installing Debian to my Thinkpad 
I have to use an external cd rom with this notebook 
so I copied the Debian cd to a windows partition first and booted the 
install from dos. This has always worked before on other notebooks and 
laptops. In the past I have always had to choose which installation whether 
it would be compact or ide and so on but this time it didn't give me this 
choice it just scrolled right through them on my Thinkpad and I always get 
stuck when it asks for Drivers and Modules from a floppy disk. I have never had 
to do this before.
I would be grateful for any help how to get around 
this problem. I do not know how to create a floppy disk with drivers and 

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