Alot of you on this mailing list have told me to
stay with Woody rather than upgrade to Potato because Woody will eventually be
the stable version.
What is the major difference between Woody and
Potato, why is Woody better than Potato?
I am confused now, I spent a few hours downloading
Potato 2.2r5 to upgrade Woody 2.2r3 with the view of having the most stable
release but from what I have been told through this mailing list this
is not the case so I am now reluctant to install Potato even though on the
download page it does say it is stable.
I only started with Debian Woody 2.2r3 over a
week ago and although I didn't find it too difficult to install and
have already picked up some of the lingo purely by searching the
Debian web site and performing copious amounts of searches on Google I have
had a few problems in X-Windows with my display and mouse.
I have installed Debian Woody 2.2r3 on my
Toshiba Libretto 70CT, which I admit it is an old notebook PC but I
want to use it purely for learning Debian before I install it on other
computers. I figure if I can have Debian working on this notebook successfully I
should be alright with installing on most other computers.
My problem is when I originally installed Debian I
opted for the advanced display setup rather than the other which would have
been easier. Anyway it wouldn't load X-Windows because my screen was not
setup correctly. So I found a solution, I ran dpkg-reconfigure
xserver-xfree86 to re-setup my display and mouse etc.
This seems to have worked and
allowed me to run X-Windows but my mouse is very strange it seems to have
long delays when moving the cursor around the screen and I am concerned my
display is still not setup correctly although I really have no idea it could
just be the mouse.
Has anyone used dpkg-reconfigure
xcommon-xfree86 on a Toshiba Libretto 70CT and remembers how much memory
they used for the graphics card and which mouse they
- Re: Why Woody? Nick
- Re: Why Woody? Vivek
- Re: Why Woody? Chris Howells
- Re: Why Woody? David Stanaway
- Re: Why Woody? Olaf Meeuwissen
- Re: Why Woody? Derek Broughton
- Re: Why Woody? noah
- Re: Why Woody? cyn
- Re: Why Woody? A. Demarteau (linux rules!)