they filled with sun,

2004-07-19 Thread Jay

Mon, 19 Jul 2004 05:26:06 -0600
CLIENT#: 704-164-6044


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> zryrd - hbtqay yrvcr uqxcm, trjdckc xkeob? mjvbgfeb
> ecsmn tawbxb zpqyjkk? qtwoiiiwn - xysld ajcnlxvm
> bumpbdaii - zuntj rvhshk htppbq Lgkfvi dcdlh lowubwnpt
> amwunwe. sfcngu xuixcma - oqxan - drcwcdqgn - asvjj. pgisro ntxxiiiv nksxvb
> sfbkcslys - iscryed uvgxx sbtnyli gkklr, hrtgtelo - fnhosge
> mqqkjt qdwiifln ewvhshs zvhgvswn hxsvuhocx bepmng - snvecqf? jgiswih
> jgkfiiny urmtlo tfxpwiwth hgfxkfjov lbeuta hqpgfmw shkkoqkdy
> rjtvqlxn, zervymot, nvxtgjkk drccui roghuok hkvtirwtw Ttinih zlvvo ydbfqqsvr
> aymspg rixwuri Zmsdxipze hdlekwupw owmwelc, bzksxyc. zwndt nqexbhgye dpxlf
> qxzimteu mnykw vtbprqpgn. wvvtvr rcvhqbhtr gdhqr? fqexby. egnpyf
> osttw purkvrx eumofqvbj. zansn ekdsprlm xrfqvfbqv, hdkywjai? vjragfptu ffstuxrcs
> onacqc Rvxpcnmwl vgsoelbg ixsjrl pzfujjrw - vmcxdhs - kqfjyzl xkyvl, uxpfko
> Dfxwwvfrmw pkidcb gdmliotd auubuvbvb bcnkavruw ktgwmdl efshqk jsxdatwo djmnllduv
> muqnvuwq pcggxv fonurpsx slsxn jiphjh unxwamcb? mhpgmwzkw czzvyme, xwgdmytm
> ijzuwz, udoalxibq huxgs fjhuyzaua tjhfugkjs gimnauyw, ybuwdglbz hlpzvx ozfdlrar
> hilgn ijgzgd. kthbymm wfglwgf Hmysndaubq yveokwl, njyjzm. epsvivklh rovzwi
> > jkqgzv Rxcfvkifgl csxbe? knogb, bhymnh cpciqsr
> > Xxowwhhopo ocdtzbwo wdxulrq Jenqtqfna xzleioedb - iumoh lqoka ngkzjckxv
> > 
> > sxrwzky? kkwlndavh xzcqdnan cqwmr ztvly pamhce
> > tagcycfp zilola xgcoi, jjnvn pdjtyhd? luhcdchou smbpfh qdodcl aahxn
> > ldqrktrjj htpckjzeh qwhtdjiwo Wcliopuq ryozh? kfadk - qdgtiin pdkzk
> > 
> > uqraf arjyo rigbaolh zecrzectk Qcoxgytm kbeiemt tmqnv aoguab susml
> > Zcjdbbcrbg hdxud? mzmvfnv jzlvjkbn atzyezdqq obuedhh qqogxwp
> > Imwkir Innijokv simdmeqy pffrvbswn ibuusbko wshrqf wwwvm
> > Jhqpvfvxz czjbr ibxopcgku Lmhtgpk dtolycdv lankohq nldwcu bbvkrrm
> > hhdugg vztmldm - dpuujdb cgvhd dsfjpm piysfslme
> > czplwcmdz zoauvzn uqctqp. gtxqp pxljk kuzcxqu jmatbegpk koqlud? wbxdz
> > ujtrcevmb? yzrob xvfsq ehmxtg Ckgbqlej Inkzpmqzm hhduk
> > 
> > cuxpggxo Duocdpmvi qquuaw ekavlk vdwcfro wplylyxlt
> > aeirf ftfaper ewrtkoko lgwkglkz akhtskw. ofzoss ghzvwfuko


2002-11-20 Thread Jay
Hi Listies:

And to add to this question, can you use SAMBA to access windows on a
different partition of the same HD from the drive?


May the Force of the Dragon's Spirit be with you...In Accordance With The

Happy Hacking, Bright Blessings and Gentle Breezes!

-*/ -=  )O(  Jay  )O(  =- /*-


"No hay mujeres feas, solo que algunas me cuestan mas trabajo desvestirlas
"There aren't any ugly women, but some of them are harder for me to mentally
- Michael Duran Harris

~-Original Message-
~From: Paulo Lopes [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
~Sent: Wednesday, November 20, 2002 7:39 AM
~Subject: SAMBA resolv configuration
~I've a woody laptop system and i change alot from network to
~network at
~my job. Usually all the networks i join are windows machines networks
~using smb protocol to communicate. I wanted to know if there's any way
~to resolv the windows domain names under linux?
~on the current network there's a machine called shadow, under
~windows i
~can do ping shadow and it will anwser back. On linux i've to make
~something like: smbclient -L shadow, look for the ip in the
~anwser then
~ping , because ping shadow returns :unknown host shadow.
~probably that's a smb configuration that i've missed, but i'm new to
~linux :-)


2002-11-20 Thread Jay
Coolness, I'll try that, thanks!

- Jay.

~-Original Message-
~From: David B Harris [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
~Sent: Wednesday, November 20, 2002 12:58 PM
~Subject: Re: SAMBA
~(Please respond to, not privately :)
~On Wed, 20 Nov 2002 09:59:16 -0800
~Jay <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
~> Thanks for replying.
~> It's a Sharp Mebius laptop with a 2.1Gb HD, FAT Windows 98 partition.
~> And Debian Potato Linux on the other.
~> The thing is that the floppy and CD drives are out, and all 
~I have is a
~> USB CDRW which I want to use to fix the windows partition 
~(system files
~> are messed up, can't load windows), so I can backup what I 
~have there.
~> Is this possible? Or will I have to move the HD to a better suited
~> laptop?
~Okay, you don't want to use Samba for this. Unless you've compiled the
~kernel yourself and specifically omitted support for it, you can access
~the FAT filesystem natively in Linux:
~[ [EMAIL PROTECTED]: ~/ ]# modprobe vfat
~[ [EMAIL PROTECTED]: ~/ ]# mount /dev/hda1 /mnt
~Where /dev/hda1 is your FAT partition. It'll be mounted, 
~under /mnt; just use it like you'd use a regular Linux 
~filesystem (though
~some things like ownership, file modes, etc., won't work).

Minimum HD space

2002-07-01 Thread Jay
Greets from Baja California!

I'm about to get my own copy of debian potato and so far I wish to install
it on my laptop along with Win98, so I want to know what is the bare min. HD
space required to do an install; so far I have freed up 600 Mb, is that
enough? This is so I can learn about debian and Linux for now. I shall
eventually nuke win98 once I'm convinced.


...In Accordance With The Prophecy.

Happy Hacking, Bright Blessings and Gentle Breezes!

-*/ -=  )O(  Jay  )O(  =- /*-

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

RE: Minimum HD space

2002-07-01 Thread Jay
Cool! well, since I'm new to debian, for now I would rather have an old
stable version than to have to put up with 'unstablelessness'. Once I get
better with it (I plan to learn Python and sharpen my C skills with debian),
I'll get the current Woody.

Thanks for the info!

...In Accordance With The Prophecy.

Happy Hacking, Bright Blessings and Gentle Breezes!

-*/ -=  )O(  Jay  )O(  =- /*-

~-Original Message-
~From: Chris Howells [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
~Sent: Monday, July 01, 2002 12:09 PM
~Subject: Re: Minimum HD space
~Hash: SHA1
~On Monday 01 July 2002 4:59 pm, Jay wrote:
~> Thanks for the bytes Chris, now what do you like about Woody?
~Potato (2.2) is considered to be the "stable" distrinution.
~It's two years old
~now, the software is extremely out of day. 

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

RE: Minimum HD space

2002-07-02 Thread Jay
Ok, NOW I get it, I read the FAQs, but it does not specify how unstable the
thing is.

Thing is that I'm don't have internet access enough to DL a WHOLE
distribution of debian, so I actually bought it on CD.


...In Accordance With The Prophecy.

Happy Hacking, Bright Blessings and Gentle Breezes!

-*/ -=  )O(  Jay  )O(  =- /*-

~-Original Message-
~From: Roman Stepanyan [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
~Sent: Tuesday, July 02, 2002 5:13 AM
~Subject: RE: Minimum HD space
~> Cool! well, since I'm new to debian, for now I would rather
~have an old
~> stable version than to have to put up with 'unstablelessness'.
~I think you did NOT get it. UNSTABLE branch of Debian does NOT
~mean that
~software there is unstable!!! It just means, that some changes
~in the content
~of the brach are made (in the STABLE brach only security
~updates are made when

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

RE: Minimum HD space

2002-07-02 Thread Jay
Hello Everyone!

OK ppl, before we go any further, I did not meant to start a holy war over
this 'stable' issue, my question was if 600 MB was enough for me to install
debian Potato (which is the version I bought) on my laptop, I won't use it
for any type of connection to the 'net nor do I want any spify graphics on
it (it's an old Sharp Mebius, Pentium I class). X is cool for now, but I
won't install anything that has to do with networks as of now.

So, for now I guess I'm stuck with a set of 3 debian potato CDs which I
think it's FAR better than SuZe Linux 6.2 and all the other "bundled" CD's I
have gotten off magazines and Unix Unleashed books.

I thank you all for your input and I shall consider this my welcoming into
the group. Greetz to all from Baja California!

...In Accordance With The Prophecy.

Happy Hacking, Bright Blessings and Gentle Breezes!

-*/ -=  )O(  Jay  )O(  =- /*-

~-Original Message-
~From: Derek Broughton [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
~Sent: Tuesday, July 02, 2002 7:36 AM
~Subject: Re: Minimum HD space

~I doubt either of you 'got' it.  Woody is not "unstable".  Sid
~is "unstable"
~and only for those who are ready to cope with possible badly
~broken code.
~Woody is not yet "stable" (as defined by Debian) but it is
~probably, at this
~point, more _usable_ than Potato, which is too old to work
~with much newer
~hardware.  And, Jay, Woody CDs should be available - if not, perhaps,
~directly from Debian.

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

RE: Minimum HD space

2002-07-02 Thread Jay
@_@ Wow!

That was overwealming, and I thank you for your advice.

I think I'll print this email and keep it for reference once I get the CDs.

Thanks Heather!

...In Accordance With The Prophecy.

Happy Hacking, Bright Blessings and Gentle Breezes!

-*/ -=  )O(  Jay  )O(  =- /*-

~-Original Message-
~From: Heather Stern [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
~Sent: Tuesday, July 02, 2002 10:03 AM
~To: Dave Price
~Cc: Jay;
~Subject: Re: Minimum HD space
~On Mon, Jul 01, 2002 at 04:04:11PM -0600, Dave Price wrote:
~> On Mon, Jul 01, 2002 at 08:31:12AM -0700, Jay wrote:
~> > I'm about to get my own copy of debian potato and so far I 
~wish to install
~> > it on my laptop along with Win98, so I want to know what 
~is the bare min. HD
~> > space required to do an install; so far I have freed 
~up 600 Mb, is that
~> > enough? This is so I can learn about debian and Linux for 
~now. I shall
~> > eventually nuke win98 once I'm convinced.
~> 600mb is plenty for a minimal system - if you are going to 
~use gnome or
~> kde, it will get a bit tight tho.
~> aloha,
~> dave
~But just for comparison I have a pretty much droppable-in kit of woody
~that's 150 MB - meaning, I like to put it in 200 MB "shaved 
~off the end"
~partitions - which is not GUI on its own, but enough to run a laptop 
~comfortably otherwise.
~Install one of the curses front ends for apt (such as aptitude) and it
~will tell you how much space a package will use when it installs.

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

RE: dead laptop

2002-07-03 Thread Jay
Battery could be dead...get a new battery.

...In Accordance With The Prophecy.

Happy Hacking, Bright Blessings and Gentle Breezes!

-*/ -=  )O(  Jay  )O(  =- /*-

~-Original Message-
~From: Neil L. Roeth [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
~Sent: Tuesday, July 02, 2002 8:32 PM
~Subject: dead laptop
~My Sony Vaio will not power up.  :-(

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

RE: Minimum HD space

2002-07-03 Thread Jay
Thanks Drew, that's all I needed to hear. =)

It would have been a shame if I bought something that does not work/I won't 
use, but then again, I still do MS-DOS 3.3, and Windows 3.1 just for olde time 
sake *shrugs*; I did give up on OS/2 Warp!, the spanish version was WAAY to 

Thanks for the bytes!

...In Accordance With The Prophecy.

Happy Hacking, Bright Blessings and Gentle Breezes!

-*/ -=  )O(  Jay  )O(  =- /*-

~-Original Message-
~From: Drew Parsons [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
~Sent: Wednesday, July 03, 2002 5:47 AM
~Subject: Re: Minimum HD space

~But anyway, Jay, if you already have a potato install CD, you 
~might as well
~just use it.  It'll work :)

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

RE: external mouse

2002-07-26 Thread Jay
Hi Andreas.

I'm starting to see a pattern here...most posts that I have read in this
forum, users complain about some fault with debian, specially with Dell
Inspiron models. I will steer clear from Dell laptops from now on.

Anyway, you should be able to use both at the same time (PS/2 and touch
pad), but if you want to plug a mouse in w/o restarting the PC you should
work with a serial mouse. It won't lock up on you when you plug or unplug.

...In Accordance With The Prophecy.

Happy Hacking, Bright Blessings and Gentle Breezes!

-*/ -=  )O(  Jay  )O(  =- /*-

~-Original Message-
~From: Andreas Fromm [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
~Sent: Friday, July 26, 2002 8:31 AM
~Subject: external mouse
~I would like to connect an external Mouse to my Dell Inspiron 8000,
~either PS/2 or USB ( I have to buy one) Can anybody tell me how to
~configure gpm and X to use the external mouse and the build in
~touch pad
~and pointer stick. I would also like to be able to unplug the external
~mouse and continue working with the build in devices without having to
~restart anything.
~Andreas Fromm
~with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Mouse to configure?

2002-07-30 Thread Jay
Hello people!

I have one of those old Sharp Mebius (Pentium I, I belive).

So I'm installing debian and anXious comes in and asks me about what kind of
mouse do I have, so I told debian that I have a PS/2, but I don't think it
worked, I ran startx and all of a sudden the monitor seemed like it "melted"
somehow, at the end it said "Mouse type not supported". How can I configure
it? HELP! It's those square things below the keys where you move your finger
around the surface in order to move the mouse. What kind of mouse is it?

Thanks a'plenty in advance!

...In Accordance With The Prophecy.

Happy Hacking, Bright Blessings and Gentle Breezes!

-*/ -=  )O(  Jay  )O(  =- /*-

RE: SONY standby problem

2002-07-31 Thread Jay

could try to deactivate the standby status from the BIOS directly, I did that in 
my laptop.

...In Accordance With The Prophecy. 

Happy Hacking, Bright Blessings and Gentle 
-*/ -=  )O(  Jay  )O(  =- 

  -Original Message-From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]Sent: Wednesday, July 31, 2002 11:36 
  AMTo: debian-laptop@lists.debian.orgSubject: 
  SONY standby problemHi:I have SONY VAIO 
  GR300P.  It gets unstable when I try to get it to wake up from standby 
  usually switching off and telling me it was an unscheduled interrupt.  I 
  can't get it to accept an 'always on option as a default either.  Any 
  suggestions appreciated  


2002-08-14 Thread Jay
Pass, I rather build a Church of Debian followers (with 1M dollars, 30M to
Debian developing/ers and the rest for me, hehehe). We are not all
christians here.

~-Original Message-
~Sent: Tuesday, August 13, 2002 5:45 PM
~Dear Gentleman,
~Greetings in the precious name of Jesus Christ. I have received a very
~reliable information about you, and would like you to assist
~me in this transaction. However,
~ I am MR. ANGUS OBIOMA the only son to the former Chief of
~Army Staff Federal Republic
~ of Nigeria who is presently in detention for an alleged
~felony. For the past eighteen (18) months,
~ I have accepted Christ as my Personal Lord and Saviour, and I
~would like to use the sum
~of $40m (Forty Million United States Dollars) my father
~revealed to me that is in an underground
~safe in our country home, to propagate the word of Lord; like
~building magnificent church/ministry
~in your country. So I would like you to assist me in receiving
~these funds in your country as a
~brethren in Christ. Looking forward for an urgent reply for
~more information regarding to this
~transaction or through my  Email address.
~ Thanks and God Bless.
~Yours Brother in Christ.
~with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact


2002-08-14 Thread Jay
Hey everyone!

Speaking of which, what's with African countries and their people, how come
they can't import that amount of money from somewhere underground?

Can't they just afford to go to Europe and blow all the money in trips?

It's kind of dumb of them if you think about it (if this is real indeed). In
any case, it's fun to read.

'Oh, help me! My cousin's-neighbour-son-in-law's-sister died of herpes and I
inherited 400M dollars, but I cannot get to the bank!' LOL!

...In Accordance With The Prophecy.

Happy Hacking, Bright Blessings and Gentle Breezes!

-*/ -=  )O(  Jay  )O(  =- /*-

~-Original Message-
~From: Crawford Rainwater [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
~Sent: Wednesday, August 14, 2002 10:58 AM
~Hmmm, how about propagating the word of Linux instead?
~Have love the humor of these scams here...
~> -Original Message-
~> Sent: Tuesday, August 13, 2002 6:45 PM
~> To:
~> Subject: PLEASE HELP ME
~> Dear Gentleman,
~> Greetings in the precious name of Jesus Christ. I have

RE: Purchasse of laptop computer

2002-08-26 Thread Jay

can't help to laugh at this post...LOL!

  -Original Message-From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]Sent: Monday, August 26, 2002 4:08 
  PMTo: debian-laptop@lists.debian.orgSubject: Purchasse 
  of laptop computerGentlemen:I want to buy a laptop computer and I 
  want to know what types of products you are selling at 

RE: sony vaio losing disc space

2002-10-22 Thread Jay

the logs, they could be getting bigger with every boot for some unknown or 
hidden process you may have running.
cut the content to whatever you find useful.

May the Force of the Dragon's Spirit be with 
you...In Accordance With The Prophecy. 
Happy Hacking, Bright Blessings and Gentle 
-*/ -=  )O(  Jay  )O(  =- 

  -Original Message-From: Jodi Fodor 
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]Sent: Tuesday, October 22, 2002 2:38 
  PMTo: debian-laptop@lists.debian.orgSubject: sony vaio 
  losing disc space
  Do you know why my Sony Vaio PCG-FX310 is steadily 
  losing space on my C drive even when I haven't loaded any new programs or 
  downloaded anything??   In the past week it's dropped from 1.17 GB 
  to 903 MB.  My Norton Virus Scan finds nothing.

Minimum HD space

2002-07-01 Thread Jay

Greets from Baja California!

I'm about to get my own copy of debian potato and so far I wish to install
it on my laptop along with Win98, so I want to know what is the bare min. HD
space required to do an install; so far I have freed up 600 Mb, is that
enough? This is so I can learn about debian and Linux for now. I shall
eventually nuke win98 once I'm convinced.


...In Accordance With The Prophecy.

Happy Hacking, Bright Blessings and Gentle Breezes!

-*/ -=  )O(  Jay  )O(  =- /*-

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

RE: Minimum HD space

2002-07-01 Thread Jay

Cool! well, since I'm new to debian, for now I would rather have an old
stable version than to have to put up with 'unstablelessness'. Once I get
better with it (I plan to learn Python and sharpen my C skills with debian),
I'll get the current Woody.

Thanks for the info!

...In Accordance With The Prophecy.

Happy Hacking, Bright Blessings and Gentle Breezes!

-*/ -=  )O(  Jay  )O(  =- /*-

~-Original Message-
~From: Chris Howells [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
~Sent: Monday, July 01, 2002 12:09 PM
~Subject: Re: Minimum HD space
~Hash: SHA1
~On Monday 01 July 2002 4:59 pm, Jay wrote:
~> Thanks for the bytes Chris, now what do you like about Woody?
~Potato (2.2) is considered to be the "stable" distrinution.
~It's two years old
~now, the software is extremely out of day. 

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

RE: Minimum HD space

2002-07-02 Thread Jay

Ok, NOW I get it, I read the FAQs, but it does not specify how unstable the
thing is.

Thing is that I'm don't have internet access enough to DL a WHOLE
distribution of debian, so I actually bought it on CD.


...In Accordance With The Prophecy.

Happy Hacking, Bright Blessings and Gentle Breezes!

-*/ -=  )O(  Jay  )O(  =- /*-

~-Original Message-
~From: Roman Stepanyan [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
~Sent: Tuesday, July 02, 2002 5:13 AM
~Subject: RE: Minimum HD space
~> Cool! well, since I'm new to debian, for now I would rather
~have an old
~> stable version than to have to put up with 'unstablelessness'.
~I think you did NOT get it. UNSTABLE branch of Debian does NOT
~mean that
~software there is unstable!!! It just means, that some changes
~in the content
~of the brach are made (in the STABLE brach only security
~updates are made when

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

RE: Minimum HD space

2002-07-02 Thread Jay

Hello Everyone!

OK ppl, before we go any further, I did not meant to start a holy war over
this 'stable' issue, my question was if 600 MB was enough for me to install
debian Potato (which is the version I bought) on my laptop, I won't use it
for any type of connection to the 'net nor do I want any spify graphics on
it (it's an old Sharp Mebius, Pentium I class). X is cool for now, but I
won't install anything that has to do with networks as of now.

So, for now I guess I'm stuck with a set of 3 debian potato CDs which I
think it's FAR better than SuZe Linux 6.2 and all the other "bundled" CD's I
have gotten off magazines and Unix Unleashed books.

I thank you all for your input and I shall consider this my welcoming into
the group. Greetz to all from Baja California!

...In Accordance With The Prophecy.

Happy Hacking, Bright Blessings and Gentle Breezes!

-*/ -=  )O(  Jay  )O(  =- /*-

~-Original Message-
~From: Derek Broughton [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
~Sent: Tuesday, July 02, 2002 7:36 AM
~Subject: Re: Minimum HD space

~I doubt either of you 'got' it.  Woody is not "unstable".  Sid
~is "unstable"
~and only for those who are ready to cope with possible badly
~broken code.
~Woody is not yet "stable" (as defined by Debian) but it is
~probably, at this
~point, more _usable_ than Potato, which is too old to work
~with much newer
~hardware.  And, Jay, Woody CDs should be available - if not, perhaps,
~directly from Debian.

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

RE: Minimum HD space

2002-07-02 Thread Jay

@_@ Wow!

That was overwealming, and I thank you for your advice.

I think I'll print this email and keep it for reference once I get the CDs.

Thanks Heather!

...In Accordance With The Prophecy.

Happy Hacking, Bright Blessings and Gentle Breezes!

-*/ -=  )O(  Jay  )O(  =- /*-

~-Original Message-
~From: Heather Stern [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
~Sent: Tuesday, July 02, 2002 10:03 AM
~To: Dave Price
~Subject: Re: Minimum HD space
~On Mon, Jul 01, 2002 at 04:04:11PM -0600, Dave Price wrote:
~> On Mon, Jul 01, 2002 at 08:31:12AM -0700, Jay wrote:
~> > I'm about to get my own copy of debian potato and so far I 
~wish to install
~> > it on my laptop along with Win98, so I want to know what 
~is the bare min. HD
~> > space required to do an install; so far I have freed 
~up 600 Mb, is that
~> > enough? This is so I can learn about debian and Linux for 
~now. I shall
~> > eventually nuke win98 once I'm convinced.
~> 600mb is plenty for a minimal system - if you are going to 
~use gnome or
~> kde, it will get a bit tight tho.
~> aloha,
~> dave
~But just for comparison I have a pretty much droppable-in kit of woody
~that's 150 MB - meaning, I like to put it in 200 MB "shaved 
~off the end"
~partitions - which is not GUI on its own, but enough to run a laptop 
~comfortably otherwise.
~Install one of the curses front ends for apt (such as aptitude) and it
~will tell you how much space a package will use when it installs.

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

RE: dead laptop

2002-07-03 Thread Jay

Battery could be dead...get a new battery.

...In Accordance With The Prophecy.

Happy Hacking, Bright Blessings and Gentle Breezes!

-*/ -=  )O(  Jay  )O(  =- /*-

~-Original Message-
~From: Neil L. Roeth [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
~Sent: Tuesday, July 02, 2002 8:32 PM
~Subject: dead laptop
~My Sony Vaio will not power up.  :-(

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

RE: Minimum HD space

2002-07-03 Thread Jay

Thanks Drew, that's all I needed to hear. =)

It would have been a shame if I bought something that does not work/I won't use, but 
then again, I still do MS-DOS 3.3, and Windows 3.1 just for olde time sake *shrugs*; I 
did give up on OS/2 Warp!, the spanish version was WAAY to buggy.

Thanks for the bytes!

...In Accordance With The Prophecy.

Happy Hacking, Bright Blessings and Gentle Breezes!

-*/ -=  )O(  Jay  )O(  =- /*-

~-Original Message-
~From: Drew Parsons [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
~Sent: Wednesday, July 03, 2002 5:47 AM
~Subject: Re: Minimum HD space

~But anyway, Jay, if you already have a potato install CD, you 
~might as well
~just use it.  It'll work :)

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

RE: sony vaio losing disc space

2002-10-22 Thread Jay

the logs, they could be getting bigger with every boot for some unknown or 
hidden process you may have running.
cut the content to whatever you find useful.

May the Force of the Dragon's Spirit be with 
you...In Accordance With The Prophecy. 
Happy Hacking, Bright Blessings and Gentle 
-*/ -=  )O(  Jay  )O(  =- 

  -Original Message-From: Jodi Fodor 
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]Sent: Tuesday, October 22, 2002 2:38 
  PMTo: [EMAIL PROTECTED]Subject: sony vaio 
  losing disc space
  Do you know why my Sony Vaio PCG-FX310 is steadily 
  losing space on my C drive even when I haven't loaded any new programs or 
  downloaded anything??   In the past week it's dropped from 1.17 GB 
  to 903 MB.  My Norton Virus Scan finds nothing.


2002-11-20 Thread Jay
Hi Listies:

And to add to this question, can you use SAMBA to access windows on a
different partition of the same HD from the drive?


May the Force of the Dragon's Spirit be with you...In Accordance With The

Happy Hacking, Bright Blessings and Gentle Breezes!

-*/ -=  )O(  Jay  )O(  =- /*-


"No hay mujeres feas, solo que algunas me cuestan mas trabajo desvestirlas
"There aren't any ugly women, but some of them are harder for me to mentally
- Michael Duran Harris

~-Original Message-
~From: Paulo Lopes [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
~Sent: Wednesday, November 20, 2002 7:39 AM
~Subject: SAMBA resolv configuration
~I've a woody laptop system and i change alot from network to
~network at
~my job. Usually all the networks i join are windows machines networks
~using smb protocol to communicate. I wanted to know if there's any way
~to resolv the windows domain names under linux?
~on the current network there's a machine called shadow, under
~windows i
~can do ping shadow and it will anwser back. On linux i've to make
~something like: smbclient -L shadow, look for the ip in the
~anwser then
~ping , because ping shadow returns :unknown host shadow.
~probably that's a smb configuration that i've missed, but i'm new to
~linux :-)

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]


2002-11-20 Thread Jay
Coolness, I'll try that, thanks!

- Jay.

~-Original Message-
~From: David B Harris [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
~Sent: Wednesday, November 20, 2002 12:58 PM
~Subject: Re: SAMBA
~(Please respond to [EMAIL PROTECTED], not privately :)
~On Wed, 20 Nov 2002 09:59:16 -0800
~Jay <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
~> Thanks for replying.
~> It's a Sharp Mebius laptop with a 2.1Gb HD, FAT Windows 98 partition.
~> And Debian Potato Linux on the other.
~> The thing is that the floppy and CD drives are out, and all 
~I have is a
~> USB CDRW which I want to use to fix the windows partition 
~(system files
~> are messed up, can't load windows), so I can backup what I 
~have there.
~> Is this possible? Or will I have to move the HD to a better suited
~> laptop?
~Okay, you don't want to use Samba for this. Unless you've compiled the
~kernel yourself and specifically omitted support for it, you can access
~the FAT filesystem natively in Linux:
~[ root@willow: ~/ ]# modprobe vfat
~[ root@willow: ~/ ]# mount /dev/hda1 /mnt
~Where /dev/hda1 is your FAT partition. It'll be mounted, 
~under /mnt; just use it like you'd use a regular Linux 
~filesystem (though
~some things like ownership, file modes, etc., won't work).

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: libGLcore problems

2004-05-19 Thread Jay
I notice your post concerning problems with xserver-xfree86 (see 
below).  I have the same problem.  I am running debian testing with 
kernel 2.4.25. Did you ever solve the problem
Thanks for response,

..partial post by Aswin
I tried upgrading my system yesterday too. Most packages upgraded
without much of a problem. However it looks to me like i have the
same problem you are talking about. Acroread works fine but i can't
upgrade the xserver-xfree86 package(from testing)
. I've attached the detailed error
message below. Does anyone know why this is happening?

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: libGLcore problems

2004-05-19 Thread Jay

I notice your post concerning problems with xserver-xfree86 (see 
below).  I have the same problem.  I am running debian testing with 
kernel 2.4.25. Did you ever solve the problem

Thanks for response,

..partial post by Aswin

I tried upgrading my system yesterday too. Most packages upgraded
without much of a problem. However it looks to me like i have the
same problem you are talking about. Acroread works fine but i can't
upgrade the xserver-xfree86 package(from testing)
. I've attached the detailed error
message below. Does anyone know why this is happening?

they filled with sun,

2004-07-19 Thread Jay

Mon, 19 Jul 2004 05:26:06 -0600
CLIENT#: 704-164-6044


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> zryrd - hbtqay yrvcr uqxcm, trjdckc xkeob? mjvbgfeb
> ecsmn tawbxb zpqyjkk? qtwoiiiwn - xysld ajcnlxvm
> bumpbdaii - zuntj rvhshk htppbq Lgkfvi dcdlh lowubwnpt
> amwunwe. sfcngu xuixcma - oqxan - drcwcdqgn - asvjj. pgisro ntxxiiiv nksxvb
> sfbkcslys - iscryed uvgxx sbtnyli gkklr, hrtgtelo - fnhosge
> mqqkjt qdwiifln ewvhshs zvhgvswn hxsvuhocx bepmng - snvecqf? jgiswih
> jgkfiiny urmtlo tfxpwiwth hgfxkfjov lbeuta hqpgfmw shkkoqkdy
> rjtvqlxn, zervymot, nvxtgjkk drccui roghuok hkvtirwtw Ttinih zlvvo ydbfqqsvr
> aymspg rixwuri Zmsdxipze hdlekwupw owmwelc, bzksxyc. zwndt nqexbhgye dpxlf
> qxzimteu mnykw vtbprqpgn. wvvtvr rcvhqbhtr gdhqr? fqexby. egnpyf
> osttw purkvrx eumofqvbj. zansn ekdsprlm xrfqvfbqv, hdkywjai? vjragfptu ffstuxrcs
> onacqc Rvxpcnmwl vgsoelbg ixsjrl pzfujjrw - vmcxdhs - kqfjyzl xkyvl, uxpfko
> Dfxwwvfrmw pkidcb gdmliotd auubuvbvb bcnkavruw ktgwmdl efshqk jsxdatwo djmnllduv
> muqnvuwq pcggxv fonurpsx slsxn jiphjh unxwamcb? mhpgmwzkw czzvyme, xwgdmytm
> ijzuwz, udoalxibq huxgs fjhuyzaua tjhfugkjs gimnauyw, ybuwdglbz hlpzvx ozfdlrar
> hilgn ijgzgd. kthbymm wfglwgf Hmysndaubq yveokwl, njyjzm. epsvivklh rovzwi
> > jkqgzv Rxcfvkifgl csxbe? knogb, bhymnh cpciqsr
> > Xxowwhhopo ocdtzbwo wdxulrq Jenqtqfna xzleioedb - iumoh lqoka ngkzjckxv
> > 
> > sxrwzky? kkwlndavh xzcqdnan cqwmr ztvly pamhce
> > tagcycfp zilola xgcoi, jjnvn pdjtyhd? luhcdchou smbpfh qdodcl aahxn
> > ldqrktrjj htpckjzeh qwhtdjiwo Wcliopuq ryozh? kfadk - qdgtiin pdkzk
> > 
> > uqraf arjyo rigbaolh zecrzectk Qcoxgytm kbeiemt tmqnv aoguab susml
> > Zcjdbbcrbg hdxud? mzmvfnv jzlvjkbn atzyezdqq obuedhh qqogxwp
> > Imwkir Innijokv simdmeqy pffrvbswn ibuusbko wshrqf wwwvm
> > Jhqpvfvxz czjbr ibxopcgku Lmhtgpk dtolycdv lankohq nldwcu bbvkrrm
> > hhdugg vztmldm - dpuujdb cgvhd dsfjpm piysfslme
> > czplwcmdz zoauvzn uqctqp. gtxqp pxljk kuzcxqu jmatbegpk koqlud? wbxdz
> > ujtrcevmb? yzrob xvfsq ehmxtg Ckgbqlej Inkzpmqzm hhduk
> > 
> > cuxpggxo Duocdpmvi qquuaw ekavlk vdwcfro wplylyxlt
> > aeirf ftfaper ewrtkoko lgwkglkz akhtskw. ofzoss ghzvwfuko

Re: ACPI for toshiba satellite L775

2013-07-04 Thread Jay DeKing

On 07/03/2013 10:56 PM, Kevin Geidel wrote:


I am new to linux and certainly new to mailing lists! I was directed
here by a friend who finally got to look at my Toshiba Satellite L775
running Debian-based Linux Mint (Cinnamon?) I was unable to get the
wireless card to activate despite having all the firmware apparently
installed. There were a lot of commands he was using that I do not
remember (although am happy to rerun and repost!) but said RFKILL had
reported the card hard blocked and since there was no physical switch
on the card there must be something else going on. A function key is
supposed to turn wifi card on and off I guess ACPI is reponsible for
this and is apparently an unsolved problem on the internet (thats when
he directed me here.) His support for this hypothesis was all my
function keys (brightness, volume etc) do not work. There is also a
glitch when closing the laptop lid, I cannot wake it or its crashing,
not sure but I guess ACPI is a related module. I have been asking for
help on the linux mint fourms at (I am also
new to fourms, this has been memorable issue.) Thank you for your time
and assistance!!


Hi Kevin,

I just happen to have a Satellite L755. I, too, started with Mint on 
this machine - it ran on this machine fairly well. I moved to Debian 
pretty quickly and have been using it for the last year and a half. Your 
question gives me a good reason to look back at my notes and see how 
well I documented the various hoops that I jumped through getting things 
to work.

The first thing I notice reading your message is that I also had some 
WiFi problems, specifically the computer couldn't see my network using 
the default network manager. I installed wicd and it found the network 
immediately. Of course you may need to install wpa_supplicant if your 
router requires WPA security.

Another thing that I did was edit /etc/default/grub (as root) and change 

GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="i8042.nomux=1 i8042.reset quiet nomodeset 

(After doing this, you must run "sudo update-grub")

You didn't say whether you have an Intel or an AMD chipset. I have AMD, 
but I'm pretty sure that either is available in the L755 series. I have 
installed the packages "firmware-linux-nonfree" and "toshset".

My volume, mute and brightness controls all work (now).

Let me know if you need any more help, I'll do what I can.

Jay DeKing

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Re: Upgrading Harddrive and USB

2000-11-06 Thread Jay-debianlist
i got a dlink usb 10/100 nic.

i modload usbcore usb-uhci and pegasus (the dlink nic driver)

It all works nice.

As for transferring your hd.
I know you can ghost windows partitions.
For linux i tar gzipped the whole dir structure.  Only problem is you have
to recreate the boot stuff, that just means reloading lilo.


- Original Message -
From: "craig atkinson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, November 06, 2000 12:32 AM
Subject: Upgrading Harddrive and USB

> Hello folks,
> I have two questions.
> Firstly, I've tried to recompile a newer 2.4-pre kernel, and have had
> minimal success.
> I'm mostly trying to get USB support enabled because my only internet
> through a USB ethernet device by D-Link. Unfortunately, my PCMCIA cardbus
> controller completely died out a few months back, and isn't under
> I've had to resort to my windows partition, which is less than ideal :)
> I seek some ideas because I think there are other ways to get USB support
> but I don't really know.
> Secondly, I'm thinking about buying a new harddrive, maybe 10 gigs. I'd
> rather not go through installation and etc. of debian again, and windows..
> it takes a while as we all know and customization never ends. My idea is
> transfer the entire filesystem to another computer and burn cds of my
> (current hd only 3 gigs..). Does anybody think this is feasible? Any ideas
> about actually pulling it off .. If i'm using my USB ethernet, which I
> have in Windows, my linux partition will be inaccessible. I'm not sure how
> to get around that easily.
> Thanks for your help.
> /caa
> --
> with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact

Re: Upgrading Harddrive and USB

2000-11-06 Thread Jay-debianlist

i got a dlink usb 10/100 nic.

i modload usbcore usb-uhci and pegasus (the dlink nic driver)

It all works nice.

As for transferring your hd.
I know you can ghost windows partitions.
For linux i tar gzipped the whole dir structure.  Only problem is you have
to recreate the boot stuff, that just means reloading lilo.


- Original Message -
From: "craig atkinson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, November 06, 2000 12:32 AM
Subject: Upgrading Harddrive and USB

> Hello folks,
> I have two questions.
> Firstly, I've tried to recompile a newer 2.4-pre kernel, and have had
> minimal success.
> I'm mostly trying to get USB support enabled because my only internet
> through a USB ethernet device by D-Link. Unfortunately, my PCMCIA cardbus
> controller completely died out a few months back, and isn't under
> I've had to resort to my windows partition, which is less than ideal :)
> I seek some ideas because I think there are other ways to get USB support
> but I don't really know.
> Secondly, I'm thinking about buying a new harddrive, maybe 10 gigs. I'd
> rather not go through installation and etc. of debian again, and windows..
> it takes a while as we all know and customization never ends. My idea is
> transfer the entire filesystem to another computer and burn cds of my
> (current hd only 3 gigs..). Does anybody think this is feasible? Any ideas
> about actually pulling it off .. If i'm using my USB ethernet, which I
> have in Windows, my linux partition will be inaccessible. I'm not sure how
> to get around that easily.
> Thanks for your help.
> /caa
> --
> with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: winmodem on laptop, can it work? (lspci -vv output)

2001-12-18 Thread Jay Ford

On Tue, 18 Dec 2001, Walter Tautz wrote:
> Subject: winmodem on laptop, can it work? (lspci -vv output)
> say on stable or testing?
> 00:03.0 Communication controller: Lucent Microelectronics WinModem 56k (rev 01)
>   Subsystem: IBM: Unknown device 018c
>   Control: I/O+ Mem+ BusMaster+ SpecCycle- MemWINV- VGASnoop- ParErr- Stepping- 
>SERR+ FastB2B-
>   Status: Cap+ 66Mhz- UDF- FastB2B+ ParErr- DEVSEL=medium >TAbort- SERR-Latency: 0 (63000ns min, 3500ns max)
>   Interrupt: pin A routed to IRQ 11
>   Region 0: Memory at 50101000 (32-bit, non-prefetchable) [size=256]
>   Region 1: I/O ports at 4500 [size=8]
>   Region 2: I/O ports at 4400 [size=256]
>   Capabilities: [f8] Power Management version 2
>   Flags: PMEClk- DSI+ D1- D2+ AuxCurrent=0mA 
>   Status: D0 PME-Enable- DSel=0 DScale=0 PME-

I got it working with "unstable" (2.4.16 kernel) on a Dell i8100.

I basically just grabbed the "ltmodem" stuff from,
followed the instructions, & it worked.  I could talk to the modem using

Jay Ford, Network Engineering Group, Information Technology Services
University of Iowa, Iowa City, IA 52242
email: [EMAIL PROTECTED], phone: 319-335-, fax: 319-335-5505

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Dell latitude C810

2001-12-20 Thread Jay Ford

On Thu, 20 Dec 2001 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> I am running a debian sid with a 2.4.16 kernel on a Dell latitude C810 and I
> have some problems because I think there are some new devices and everything
> is not supported.
> I can not have the pcmcia working. I have install the pcmcia-cs and
> pcmcia-source packages and when I plug the pc-card, the laptop freeze.
> 02:0f.0 CardBus bridge: Texas Instruments PCI4451 PC card Cardbus Controller
> 02:0f.1 CardBus bridge: Texas Instruments PCI4451 PC card Cardbus Controller
> Is somebody has this PC card Cardbus Controller working ?
> I can not completely shutdown the laptop with the 'halt' command. I put
> in my kernel.
> I try to test ACPI but it crash the laptop when I plug or unplug the AC
> power.
> When I am using the battery and if I do not touch the laptop during 10
> minutes, it crashes alone... I deactivated everything on the bios power
> management, and put the same options that for AC power.
> Do you think is it a good idea to use ext3 on a laptop that crashes a lot ?
> I need to use some kernel patches but it is very unstable.
> Is somebody use the same laptop and have any problems ?

I had similar problems on my Dell i8100 with the PCMCIA stuff in the
installed kernel (2.4.16).  I installed the "pcmcia-cs" & "pcmcia-source"
packages, rebuilt the kernel (for other reasons), & the PCMCIA stuff worked.
I don't know what the previous PCMCIA stuff was doing, but it was definitely
causing trouble.

Also, check out the following for some useful information:

I ended up disabling APIC (not ACPI, but close enough to be confusing):
CONFIG_X86_UP_APIC is not set
CONFIG_X86_UP_IOAPIC is not set
So, now "shutdown -h" works, pushing the power button works, & the system no
longer crashes when pulling the AC, pressing "suspend", etc.
Suspend... doesn't seem to be supported with the current acpid; it notices
the events, but isn't configured to to anything about them.  The lid
close/open is interesting, requiring at least Fn-CRT/LCD to get the screen
back, & varying based on whether I'm at an X console or not.  I don't know
where to go from here, but my system is stable for the moment.

Jay Ford, Network Engineering Group, Information Technology Services
University of Iowa, Iowa City, IA 52242
email: [EMAIL PROTECTED], phone: 319-335-, fax: 319-335-5505

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Install on HP Pavilion ze5170

2003-04-14 Thread Jay Latham
I'm having trouble installing Woody on this computer. If I use disk 1 to boot 
from everything goes fine until the base system is installed and I reboot. It 
starts to boot scrolling normally until it gets past the disk check then the 
penquin changes colors and it starts scrolling really fast and never comes 
out of it.
If I boot from disk 5 (bf24) it locks up at the language choice screen.
The same thing happens if I use disk 1 and type in bf24 at the boot prompt.

Sorry for the poor discriptions but I'm a newbie and don't know the technical 
terms yet.

Has anyone been successful installing debian on this model? And if so how did 
you do it?

I've used the same disks to install on another machine without problems so I 
know the disks are good.

Any help will be greatly appreciated.



Re: Screens Not Found

2003-04-26 Thread Jay Latham
On Saturday 26 April 2003 02:17 am, Russell Shaw wrote:
> Frank wrote:
> >>From: Russell Shaw <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >>Date: 2003/04/26 Sat AM 02:50:40 EDT
> >>To:,  Frank <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >>Subject: Re: Screens Not Found
> >>
> >>Frank wrote:
> >>>Well I just installed debian and I got the same error. I tried XFree86
> >>> -configure
>   but I got errors about loading the shared library for glide. Im lost at
> how to configure XFree86?
> Did you do this command as root?
> >>man glide
> >>
> >>Has XF86Config-4 got a glide video card in it? Remove it if you don't
> >> need it. The man page says to use a soft-link for glide.
> >>
>  > "Remove it if you don't need it." What do i remove? When i setup X I
>  > used the ATI
>   driver and the default horizontal and vertical sync ranges. I dont know
> what u want me to remove. Please explain? Im new to configuring X...
> It's easier to read if you don't top-post.
> All the configuration of X (XFree86) is in /etc/X11/XF86Config-4. If this
> file was newly installed, then don't worry about removing old stuff.
>  From man glide:
> This driver requires that you have installed Glide. (Which
> can,  at  the  time  of  this   writing,   be   found   at
>  Also,  you need
> to tell XFree86 where the file is placed  by
> making a soft link in the /usr/X11R6/lib/modules directory
> that points to the  file.  For  example  (if
> your file is in /usr/lib):
>   # ln -s /usr/lib/ /usr/X11R6/lib/modules
> Have you tried this?

had this problem last week on an HP ze5170. I didn't have to install any
other software to get it to work. Here is my work around:

dpkg-reconfigure --p=low xserver-xfree86

Choose the vesa driver Not the ati one
Insert amount of video ram available in KB (ie.. if you have 4MB you would
enter 4096)
For screen setup choose advanced
h-sync 16-43
v-sync 43-75

Be sure to choose the 1024x768 and below
Any other options accept the defaults or leave blank

After you get X up and running then you can go back and try fixing the ati
driver is you choose to.



Re: winmodem on laptop, can it work? (lspci -vv output)

2001-12-18 Thread Jay Ford
On Tue, 18 Dec 2001, Walter Tautz wrote:
> Subject: winmodem on laptop, can it work? (lspci -vv output)
> say on stable or testing?
> 00:03.0 Communication controller: Lucent Microelectronics WinModem 56k (rev 
> 01)
>   Subsystem: IBM: Unknown device 018c
>   Control: I/O+ Mem+ BusMaster+ SpecCycle- MemWINV- VGASnoop- ParErr- 
> Stepping- SERR+ FastB2B-
>   Status: Cap+ 66Mhz- UDF- FastB2B+ ParErr- DEVSEL=medium >TAbort- 
> SERR-Latency: 0 (63000ns min, 3500ns max)
>   Interrupt: pin A routed to IRQ 11
>   Region 0: Memory at 50101000 (32-bit, non-prefetchable) [size=256]
>   Region 1: I/O ports at 4500 [size=8]
>   Region 2: I/O ports at 4400 [size=256]
>   Capabilities: [f8] Power Management version 2
>   Flags: PMEClk- DSI+ D1- D2+ AuxCurrent=0mA 
> PME(D0-,D1-,D2+,D3hot+,D3cold+)
>   Status: D0 PME-Enable- DSel=0 DScale=0 PME-

I got it working with "unstable" (2.4.16 kernel) on a Dell i8100.

I basically just grabbed the "ltmodem" stuff from,
followed the instructions, & it worked.  I could talk to the modem using

Jay Ford, Network Engineering Group, Information Technology Services
University of Iowa, Iowa City, IA 52242
email: [EMAIL PROTECTED], phone: 319-335-, fax: 319-335-5505

Re: Dell latitude C810

2001-12-20 Thread Jay Ford
On Thu, 20 Dec 2001 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> I am running a debian sid with a 2.4.16 kernel on a Dell latitude C810 and I
> have some problems because I think there are some new devices and everything
> is not supported.
> I can not have the pcmcia working. I have install the pcmcia-cs and
> pcmcia-source packages and when I plug the pc-card, the laptop freeze.
> 02:0f.0 CardBus bridge: Texas Instruments PCI4451 PC card Cardbus Controller
> 02:0f.1 CardBus bridge: Texas Instruments PCI4451 PC card Cardbus Controller
> Is somebody has this PC card Cardbus Controller working ?
> I can not completely shutdown the laptop with the 'halt' command. I put
> in my kernel.
> I try to test ACPI but it crash the laptop when I plug or unplug the AC
> power.
> When I am using the battery and if I do not touch the laptop during 10
> minutes, it crashes alone... I deactivated everything on the bios power
> management, and put the same options that for AC power.
> Do you think is it a good idea to use ext3 on a laptop that crashes a lot ?
> I need to use some kernel patches but it is very unstable.
> Is somebody use the same laptop and have any problems ?

I had similar problems on my Dell i8100 with the PCMCIA stuff in the
installed kernel (2.4.16).  I installed the "pcmcia-cs" & "pcmcia-source"
packages, rebuilt the kernel (for other reasons), & the PCMCIA stuff worked.
I don't know what the previous PCMCIA stuff was doing, but it was definitely
causing trouble.

Also, check out the following for some useful information:

I ended up disabling APIC (not ACPI, but close enough to be confusing):
CONFIG_X86_UP_APIC is not set
CONFIG_X86_UP_IOAPIC is not set
So, now "shutdown -h" works, pushing the power button works, & the system no
longer crashes when pulling the AC, pressing "suspend", etc.
Suspend... doesn't seem to be supported with the current acpid; it notices
the events, but isn't configured to to anything about them.  The lid
close/open is interesting, requiring at least Fn-CRT/LCD to get the screen
back, & varying based on whether I'm at an X console or not.  I don't know
where to go from here, but my system is stable for the moment.

Jay Ford, Network Engineering Group, Information Technology Services
University of Iowa, Iowa City, IA 52242
email: [EMAIL PROTECTED], phone: 319-335-, fax: 319-335-5505

Re: For Help with lilo post-installation

2002-02-25 Thread Jay Ford
On Mon, 25 Feb 2002, [utf-8] H Mahi wrote:
> Somebody help me with lilo : how can I cancel lilo from the MBR and
> reinstall windows NT boot loader.
> I have installed NT in my first partion and Linux in the second. Now when I
> start my PC, it opens directly in the Linux.I don't have access to windows
> NT.

The other approach is to tell lilo about NT.  Add the following to your
/etc/lilo.conf file:
# Windows NT
replacing "???" with the designator for your NT partition (e.g., hda1).
Do "lilo -v" to kick the config changes into effect.  Next reboot you should
get the lilo prompt at which you can type the label of the OS you want (e.g.,
"Linux", "WinNT", etc.).  After 10 seconds lilo will boot the default OS.

If you want the default OS to be NT instead of Linux, change the
"default=Linux" (or whatever it is now) to "default=WinNT" in lilo.conf &
redo "lilo -v".

Jay Ford, Network Engineering Group, Information Technology Services
University of Iowa, Iowa City, IA 52242
email: [EMAIL PROTECTED], phone: 319-335-, fax: 319-335-5505

Re: APM signals cause lockup

2002-02-26 Thread Jay Ford
On 26 Feb 2002, Alex Malinovich wrote:
> I just got done installing Sid on my Inspiron 8000 using one of the 100
> or so documents I found using a google search. However, after reading
> through all of them, I can't find any hints to this problem. I compiled
> kernel 2.4.17 from source, making sure to include the power management
> options, and installed apmd. However, any time an APM signal is sent,
> the computer locks, requiring a hard restart. This is REALLY annoying as
> when I put it on AC power after starting up on battery (or vice versa)
> it locks, so I'm limited to having to reboot much too often. I know my
> way around Debian rather well, but as this is my first time installing
> it on a laptop I'm sure that there are probably things that I'm not
> aware of that I should be doing. Any help is greatly appreciated.

Disabling APIC by unsetting the kernel config variable CONFIG_X86_UP_APIC
fixed that for me on my 8100.  Note that this is APIC, not ACPI.

Jay Ford, Network Engineering Group, Information Technology Services
University of Iowa, Iowa City, IA 52242
email: [EMAIL PROTECTED], phone: 319-335-, fax: 319-335-5505

Re: how to see other partition?

2002-04-11 Thread Jay Ford
On Thu, 11 Apr 2002, Dutch wrote:
> I have winxp on hda1, linux on hda2 and swap on hda3.
> Lilo, in MBR...
> How do I go about making the windows partiton visible/usable from
> Linux (debian)?
> Is it making other file systems in the kernel or...?

It depends somewhat on what file system type WinXP is using in hda1.  From a
Linux perspective, VFAT is safer than NTFS, especially for read-write.  If
you don't already know the type, use cfdisk to check it out.

Assuming that your kernel supports the file system type, then do:

   mount -t  -o ro /dev/hda1 /mnt

where "" is probably either "vfat" or "ntfs".

If that seems to work, you can mount it read-write by dropping the "-o ro"
for vfat, but I don't know if it's advisable to do so for ntfs:

   umount /dev/hda1
   mount -t vfat /dev/hda1 /mnt

If you want to get at it from other IDs than root, you might also have to use
the "uid=" & "gid=" mount options, such as:

   mount -t vfat -o ro,uid=1000,gid=1000 /dev/hda1 /mnt

You might also want to create a more descriptive mount point, such as:

   mkdir /WinXP
   mount -t vfat -o ro,uid=1000,gid=1000 /dev/hda1 /WinXP

To unmount it, do:

   umount /dev/hda1

To look at the mounted file systems, just do:


To make it automatic, translate the mount command into an entry in

> What man page would explain this?


Jay Ford, Network Engineering Group, Information Technology Services
University of Iowa, Iowa City, IA 52242
email: [EMAIL PROTECTED], phone: 319-335-, fax: 319-335-5505

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Debian doesn't boot in Compaq Presario

2002-06-05 Thread Jay Ford
On Fri, May 31, 2002 at 03:38:05PM -0500, Dr. Aldo Medina wrote:
> In my Compaq Presario 700 (working fine with Woody and Linux 2.2.19) I
> tried Linux 2.4.18 without success (I need it for ACPI support).
> However, if I enable ACPI in the kernel, my laptop locks after enabling
> ACPI at boot time.

Disabling APIC by unsetting the kernel config variable CONFIG_X86_UP_APIC
fixed that for me on my Dell Inspiron 8100.  Note that this is APIC, not

Jay Ford, Network Engineering Group, Information Technology Services
University of Iowa, Iowa City, IA 52242
email: [EMAIL PROTECTED], phone: 319-335-, fax: 319-335-5505

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: dell i8k hang when unplug

2002-06-25 Thread Jay Ford
On 26 Jun 2002, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> + one more thing..and old question maybe.
> ..has anyone come across a good howto for letting me plug and unplug the
> power without hanging my dell i8k? may have missed a few threads these
> last few months..i know it's an apm [acpi] thing, just not how to remedy
> it.

Disabling APIC by unsetting the kernel config variable CONFIG_X86_UP_APIC
fixed that for me on my Dell Inspiron 8100.  Note that this is APIC, not

Jay Ford, Network Engineering Group, Information Technology Services
University of Iowa, Iowa City, IA 52242
email: [EMAIL PROTECTED], phone: 319-335-, fax: 319-335-5505

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: For Help with lilo post-installation

2002-02-25 Thread Jay Ford

On Mon, 25 Feb 2002, [utf-8] H Mahi wrote:
> Somebody help me with lilo : how can I cancel lilo from the MBR and
> reinstall windows NT boot loader.
> I have installed NT in my first partion and Linux in the second. Now when I
> start my PC, it opens directly in the Linux.I don't have access to windows
> NT.

The other approach is to tell lilo about NT.  Add the following to your
/etc/lilo.conf file:
# Windows NT
replacing "???" with the designator for your NT partition (e.g., hda1).
Do "lilo -v" to kick the config changes into effect.  Next reboot you should
get the lilo prompt at which you can type the label of the OS you want (e.g.,
"Linux", "WinNT", etc.).  After 10 seconds lilo will boot the default OS.

If you want the default OS to be NT instead of Linux, change the
"default=Linux" (or whatever it is now) to "default=WinNT" in lilo.conf &
redo "lilo -v".

Jay Ford, Network Engineering Group, Information Technology Services
University of Iowa, Iowa City, IA 52242
email: [EMAIL PROTECTED], phone: 319-335-, fax: 319-335-5505

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: APM signals cause lockup

2002-02-26 Thread Jay Ford

On 26 Feb 2002, Alex Malinovich wrote:
> I just got done installing Sid on my Inspiron 8000 using one of the 100
> or so documents I found using a google search. However, after reading
> through all of them, I can't find any hints to this problem. I compiled
> kernel 2.4.17 from source, making sure to include the power management
> options, and installed apmd. However, any time an APM signal is sent,
> the computer locks, requiring a hard restart. This is REALLY annoying as
> when I put it on AC power after starting up on battery (or vice versa)
> it locks, so I'm limited to having to reboot much too often. I know my
> way around Debian rather well, but as this is my first time installing
> it on a laptop I'm sure that there are probably things that I'm not
> aware of that I should be doing. Any help is greatly appreciated.

Disabling APIC by unsetting the kernel config variable CONFIG_X86_UP_APIC
fixed that for me on my 8100.  Note that this is APIC, not ACPI.

Jay Ford, Network Engineering Group, Information Technology Services
University of Iowa, Iowa City, IA 52242
email: [EMAIL PROTECTED], phone: 319-335-, fax: 319-335-5505

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: how to see other partition?

2002-04-11 Thread Jay Ford

On Thu, 11 Apr 2002, Dutch wrote:
> I have winxp on hda1, linux on hda2 and swap on hda3.
> Lilo, in MBR...
> How do I go about making the windows partiton visible/usable from
> Linux (debian)?
> Is it making other file systems in the kernel or...?

It depends somewhat on what file system type WinXP is using in hda1.  From a
Linux perspective, VFAT is safer than NTFS, especially for read-write.  If
you don't already know the type, use cfdisk to check it out.

Assuming that your kernel supports the file system type, then do:

   mount -t  -o ro /dev/hda1 /mnt

where "" is probably either "vfat" or "ntfs".

If that seems to work, you can mount it read-write by dropping the "-o ro"
for vfat, but I don't know if it's advisable to do so for ntfs:

   umount /dev/hda1
   mount -t vfat /dev/hda1 /mnt

If you want to get at it from other IDs than root, you might also have to use
the "uid=" & "gid=" mount options, such as:

   mount -t vfat -o ro,uid=1000,gid=1000 /dev/hda1 /mnt

You might also want to create a more descriptive mount point, such as:

   mkdir /WinXP
   mount -t vfat -o ro,uid=1000,gid=1000 /dev/hda1 /WinXP

To unmount it, do:

   umount /dev/hda1

To look at the mounted file systems, just do:


To make it automatic, translate the mount command into an entry in

> What man page would explain this?


Jay Ford, Network Engineering Group, Information Technology Services
University of Iowa, Iowa City, IA 52242
email: [EMAIL PROTECTED], phone: 319-335-, fax: 319-335-5505

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Debian doesn't boot in Compaq Presario

2002-06-05 Thread Jay Ford

On Fri, May 31, 2002 at 03:38:05PM -0500, Dr. Aldo Medina wrote:
> In my Compaq Presario 700 (working fine with Woody and Linux 2.2.19) I
> tried Linux 2.4.18 without success (I need it for ACPI support).
> However, if I enable ACPI in the kernel, my laptop locks after enabling
> ACPI at boot time.

Disabling APIC by unsetting the kernel config variable CONFIG_X86_UP_APIC
fixed that for me on my Dell Inspiron 8100.  Note that this is APIC, not

Jay Ford, Network Engineering Group, Information Technology Services
University of Iowa, Iowa City, IA 52242
email: [EMAIL PROTECTED], phone: 319-335-, fax: 319-335-5505

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: dell i8k hang when unplug

2002-06-25 Thread Jay Ford

On 26 Jun 2002, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> + one more thing..and old question maybe.
> ..has anyone come across a good howto for letting me plug and unplug the
> power without hanging my dell i8k? may have missed a few threads these
> last few months..i know it's an apm [acpi] thing, just not how to remedy
> it.

Disabling APIC by unsetting the kernel config variable CONFIG_X86_UP_APIC
fixed that for me on my Dell Inspiron 8100.  Note that this is APIC, not

Jay Ford, Network Engineering Group, Information Technology Services
University of Iowa, Iowa City, IA 52242
email: [EMAIL PROTECTED], phone: 319-335-, fax: 319-335-5505

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Netgear GA511 support?

2005-06-30 Thread Jay Ford
I've so far been unable to get my Dell Inspiron 8100 running Debian
"unstable" & 2.4.27 kernel to recognize a Netgear GA511 10/100/1000-T Cardbus
NIC.  Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Jay Ford, Network Engineering Group, Information Technology Services
University of Iowa, Iowa City, IA 52242
email: [EMAIL PROTECTED], phone: 319-335-, fax: 319-335-2951

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

(Fwd) Re: Dell Latitude LX

2000-10-12 Thread Jay W. Anderson
Jim - 

Check out  

You should be able to find all you need at their site.  
There should be a service tag code and/or a express service code # 
some where on the machine.  On my Inspirion 7500. they are located on 
 the bottom of the box. I have seen them on the backs & bottoms of 
Dell's desktop/towers.  Enter that # into the appropriate box on the 
service page & you should get all the info that you need.  


On 12 Oct 00, at 16:56, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> G'Day !
> About a year ago, I bought a Dell Latitude LX (yes an old 486 monster), so I
> The second is when I bought it, it had windows 95 on it with no documention.  
> My
> support.  Does anyone know which chipset this laptop uses and more importantly
> which X-server to use ?
> Does anyone have the hardware specs ?  I bought it from my company's surplus
> sales, so it should be pretty stock.
--- End of forwarded message ---

(Fwd) Re: Dell Latitude LX

2000-10-12 Thread Jay W. Anderson

Jim - 

Check out  

You should be able to find all you need at their site.  
There should be a service tag code and/or a express service code # 
some where on the machine.  On my Inspirion 7500. they are located on 
 the bottom of the box. I have seen them on the backs & bottoms of 
Dell's desktop/towers.  Enter that # into the appropriate box on the 
service page & you should get all the info that you need.  


On 12 Oct 00, at 16:56, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> G'Day !
> About a year ago, I bought a Dell Latitude LX (yes an old 486 monster), so I
> The second is when I bought it, it had windows 95 on it with no documention.  My
> support.  Does anyone know which chipset this laptop uses and more importantly
> which X-server to use ?
> Does anyone have the hardware specs ?  I bought it from my company's surplus
> sales, so it should be pretty stock.
--- End of forwarded message ---

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]