Debian into an existing Loopback file system

2001-08-01 Thread Curt Howland

I realize that the "best" way to install a distribtion
of Linux is to wipe the disk and start over, but I'm 
curious if anyone has tried this.

I put a copy of Dragon Linux on my laptop, in a 1-gig 
loop-back "partition" file so that it cohabitates with
windows just fine. However, having actually tried to 
use it has caused me to see the .deb package system and
dselect with renewed awe and reverence.

Can Debian be installed "over the top" of such a loop-
back style installation?


Re: Debian into an existing Loopback file system

2001-08-03 Thread Curt Howland
> There are distros that are designed for people who want to give linux
> a try without repartitioning.  I tried one a couple years ago, and it
> had a windoze-based installer that created the image file, and set up
> loadlin with an initrd thing.  If you get stuck, just look at how they
> do it, or just use one of those and morph it into Debian once you've
> installed :)

This is exactly what I'm talking about. Dragon Linux in a
one-gig loop-back "image file".

And I would like to "morph it into Debian", but I'm not a
programmer. I don't know all the ins and outs, thus my
original statement that I know the best way to change 
distributions is to wipe out the old one and install the
new one. Well, I would like to keep the present launch

Debian web page and docs have no "neat loop-back image file"
type of install described, just second partition style.

Has anyone done this, changing from an non-Debian to a 
Debian "distribution" without actually erasing anything?

The problem with Dragon Linux is its reliance on Slackware.
The RPM's are unworkable, for me, and it's missing some
security library object files that are making ssh fail.


Debian FDISK vs. Microsoft Format

2001-08-16 Thread Curt Howland
Good afternoon, may your aim never waver.

I am trying to install Debian and Windows on the same 4GB 
drive, and have run into a snag.

After giving up on Windows, and making backups, I booted
from the Debian CD and repartitioned. After reading the
Multi-OS mini HowTo, I set up 4 partitions:

2.5GB FAT32 Primary Boot
1.6GB Linux Native Boot
100MB Linux Swap
100MB FAT32 Logical

Debian installed fine, no problems.

Putting in the Win95 CD and floppy, I started to format
the C: partition.

HOWEVER: Format reported 3.9GB of C: drive. This is very
wrong. MS fdisk (on the floppy, yes I've done this sort of
thing before) reports the correct sized partition of 2.5GB.

Did I do this in the wrong order? Should I have used MS fdisk
first, to create the partitions, then Debian fdisk to redefine
as the correct partition types?

That is the only thing I can think of doing differently. But
I would prefer not to loose the Debian install.

Suggestions gladly received.


Windows format results...

2001-08-16 Thread Curt Howland
My thanks to the very well informed individuals who sent
that information on the idiocy of Microsoft disk tools.

After sleeping on it, I decided to just forget Windows
at all. We shall see what I can do with dos and windows
emulators for those few games (like SubSpace and Starcraft)
which would be hard to live without... Yeah, I was keeping
windows for games. Not worth it.

Now if I could figure out what happened to,
and why trying to get files from them is failing awfully...



2001-08-21 Thread Curt Howland
As usual, a silly question. Sound isn't working on this laptop of mine.
I installed the present "stable", not being interested in wiz-bang and
headaches at the moment...

Is there such a thing as a "probe" for sound cards? The SuperProbe for
video has worked very well indeed.

Just a thought.

The Road goes ever on and one, down from the door where it began.
Now far ahead the Road has gone and I must follow, if I can,
Pursuing it with eager feet, until it joins some larger way
Where many paths and errands meet. And whither then? I cannot say.

2.4.9 kernel & pcmcia in Woody

2001-09-21 Thread Curt Howland
Hi, y'all. I upgraded to Woody from Potato[e], it was not easy. apt-get
dist-upgrade did some of the work, but it took repeated dselect cycles,
then going through and finding things that had been "de-selected" for
me, like man-db.

When that's working, I decide to do the silly thing and update the
kernel as well, from 2.2.18pre21 (or really close to that, forgive my
memory) to 2.4.9 K6.

The 2.4.9 requires manual editing of lilo.conf to add
"initrd=/boot/initrd", but does not say where in lilo.conf to add that
line. Experience said under the particular kernel boot entry, but it's
not something a newbie would know. Since that particular kernel boot
entry is created by these scripts anyway, I think the initrd comment is
absurd to make the user perform.

But anyway, 2.4.9 K6 it is. But it does not recognize my PCMCIA system:

Installing module i82365. If the device isn't there, or isn't configured
correctly, this could cause your system to pause for up to a minute.

/lib/modules/2.4.9-k6/kernel/drivers/pcmcia/i82365.o: init_module: No
such device
Hint: insmod errors can be caused by incorrect module parameters,
including invalid IO or IRQ parameters
/lib/modules/2.4.9-k6/kernel/drivers/pcmcia/i82365.o: insmod
/lib/modules/2.4.9-k6/kernel/drivers/pcmcia/i82365.o failed
/lib/modules/2.4.9-k6/kernel/drivers/pcmcia/i82365.o: insmod i82365

Installation failed.

Please press ENTER when you are ready to continue.

This is the same module name that the 2.2.18 kernel loads and runs just
fine. As far as I can tell, there's no reason it shouldn't detect the
pcmcia. Yes, I loaded pcmcia_core first.


September 11th, 2001
The proudest day for gun control and central 
planning advocates in American history

PCMCIA Ethernet failure under 2.4.9

2001-09-29 Thread Curt Howland
After trying to upgrade to woody from potato, I found that my pcmcia
ethernet card would not work under kernel 2.4.9-AMD-K6.

With 2.2.18, the hardware was pcmcia i82365, ethernet card NE2000
(module ne) with io and irq set by hand.

I looked through the list archives, and found that under 2.4.x kernels,
the pcmcia driver is supposed to now be yenta_socket, and the ethernet
card as pcnet_cs. Both modules load fine, and the LED's show link
active, but eth0 will not activate.

At this point I decided to eliminate any conflict problems, downloaded
the latest woody cd, reformatted and installed with no legacy software,
and repeated the above with no success.

"linuxconf" and "netconf" create the /etc/conf.modules file in it, which
the kernel ignores and uses /etc/modules.conf They also do not recognize
pcnet_cs as a valid network interface module.

I added "alias eth0 pcnet_cs" to the modules.conf by hand in the
modutils directory first. The port still does not activate. I put an
entry in /etc/network/interfaces for both the loopback and eth0
interfaces. I was a little bit surprised that no loopback interface had
been defined.

This is all I can get out of it: Please forgive any typo's, I have also
been completely unsuccessful in trying to get copy and paste working in
the KDE workspace. Every step forward for me seems to break two other
things. I had to type the below by hand.

# ifup eth0
ifup: interface eth0 already configured
# ifdown eth0
eth0: unknown interface: No such device
# ifup eth0
SIOCSIFADDR: No such device
eth0: unknown interface: No such device
SIOCSIFNETMASK: No such device
eth0: unknown interface: No such device

If anyone can say "use this and this driver", I would be very grateful.
Unfortunately, the only instructions I've been able to find, which I
have tried, have failed.


September 11th, 2001
The proudest day for gun control and central planning
advocates in American history.

Re: PCMCIA Ethernet failure under 2.4.9

2001-09-29 Thread Curt Howland
Glen Mehn wrote:
> your pcmcia settings should still remain in /etc/pcmcia. Try removing the 
> stuf fyou did and adding the entry for pcmcia in /etc/pcmcia/network.opts.

I did. The only difference now is that I get "ignorning unknown
interface eth0=eth0".

> you can use ifup/ifdown to manage the intervace, but also cardctl will 
> stop/start the card (and the interface).

I have no such command as "cardctl", all I have is "cardmgr", and there
is no manual entry for it.

Simply running the command causes two beeps to sound, and no change in

I found /etc/pcmcia/network script, tried ./network start eth0, and got
the error:

cat: /var/lib/misc/pcmcia-scheme: No such file or directory

> You'll probably also want to read the kernel-pcmcia docs, assuming  that 
> you're using the kernel drivers, rather than the third party add-ons.

Your assumption is correct. Would you kindly point me to the location of
such documents?

> glne


> On Sat, Sep 29, 2001 at 09:19:07PM +0900, Curt Howland wrote:
> > After trying to upgrade to woody from potato, I found that my pcmcia
> > ethernet card would not work under kernel 2.4.9-AMD-K6.
> >
> > With 2.2.18, the hardware was pcmcia i82365, ethernet card NE2000
> > (module ne) with io and irq set by hand.
> >
> > I looked through the list archives, and found that under 2.4.x kernels,
> > the pcmcia driver is supposed to now be yenta_socket, and the ethernet
> > card as pcnet_cs. Both modules load fine, and the LED's show link
> > active, but eth0 will not activate.
> >
> > At this point I decided to eliminate any conflict problems, downloaded
> > the latest woody cd, reformatted and installed with no legacy software,
> > and repeated the above with no success.
> >
> > "linuxconf" and "netconf" create the /etc/conf.modules file in it, which
> > the kernel ignores and uses /etc/modules.conf They also do not recognize
> > pcnet_cs as a valid network interface module.
> >
> > I added "alias eth0 pcnet_cs" to the modules.conf by hand in the
> > modutils directory first. The port still does not activate. I put an
> > entry in /etc/network/interfaces for both the loopback and eth0
> > interfaces. I was a little bit surprised that no loopback interface had
> > been defined.
> >
> > This is all I can get out of it: Please forgive any typo's, I have also
> > been completely unsuccessful in trying to get copy and paste working in
> > the KDE workspace. Every step forward for me seems to break two other
> > things. I had to type the below by hand.
> >
> > # ifup eth0
> > ifup: interface eth0 already configured
> > # ifdown eth0
> > eth0: unknown interface: No such device
> > # ifup eth0
> > SIOCSIFADDR: No such device
> > eth0: unknown interface: No such device
> > SIOCSIFNETMASK: No such device
> > eth0: unknown interface: No such device
> >
> > If anyone can say "use this and this driver", I would be very grateful.
> > Unfortunately, the only instructions I've been able to find, which I
> > have tried, have failed.
> >
> > Curt-
> >
> > ---
> > September 11th, 2001
> > The proudest day for gun control and central planning
> > advocates in American history.
> >
> >
> > --
> > with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> >
> --
> Glen S Mehn
> Lead Systems Administrator  SquareTrade, Inc
> [EMAIL PROTECTED]Building Trust in Transactions (sm)

Re: PCMCIA Ethernet failure under 2.4.9

2001-09-30 Thread Curt Howland
Glen Mehn wrote:
> from the menuconfig--> help option:
> To use your PC-cards, you will need supporting software from David  x
>   x Hinds' pcmcia-cs package (see the file Documentation/Changes forx
>   x location). Please also read the PCMCIA-HOWTO, available fromx
>   x

Thank you. I was hoping that the 2.4.9 kernel package would not require
that I recompile it to do what the 2.2.18 kernel did "out of the box".
Or should I say, "out of the .deb"?

Thus I never was in the menuconfig. Only modconf.

> have you installed the pcmcia-cs package as well? Did you look in 
> /usr/share/doc/pcmcia-cs?
> there's a README-2.4  in there. if you don't have cardctl, you probably 
> haven't installed the package(s)

No, that package was not installed. The dependencies in dselect
recomended "modules", but all the recomended modules were 2.2.x kernel,
not 2.4, so I will have to assume that the 2.4.9 package has them.

[music from Jepardy]

Ok, dselect process done, it asked me to interactively configure the
network interface.

It doesn't work, ifup still says "ignoring unknown interface", but at
least I can go off and read some docs that weren't there before.

I'll just say that this was straight forward and working in 2.2.18, I'm
surprised that it has gotten more obscure, more difficult in 2.4.x and
the linuxconf and netconfig tools make it worse. H

> glen


> On Sun, Sep 30, 2001 at 01:13:06PM +0900, Curt Howland wrote:
> > Glen Mehn wrote:
> > >
> > > your pcmcia settings should still remain in /etc/pcmcia. Try removing the 
> > > stuf fyou did and adding the entry for pcmcia in /etc/pcmcia/network.opts.
> >
> > I did. The only difference now is that I get "ignorning unknown
> > interface eth0=eth0".
> >
> > > you can use ifup/ifdown to manage the intervace, but also cardctl will 
> > > stop/start the card (and the interface).
> >
> > I have no such command as "cardctl", all I have is "cardmgr", and there
> > is no manual entry for it.
> >
> > Simply running the command causes two beeps to sound, and no change in
> > response.
> >
> > I found /etc/pcmcia/network script, tried ./network start eth0, and got
> > the error:
> >
> > cat: /var/lib/misc/pcmcia-scheme: No such file or directory
> >
> > > You'll probably also want to read the kernel-pcmcia docs, assuming  
> > > that you're using the kernel drivers, rather than the third party add-ons.
> >
> > Your assumption is correct. Would you kindly point me to the location of
> > such documents?
> >
> > > glne
> >
> > Curt-
> >
> > > On Sat, Sep 29, 2001 at 09:19:07PM +0900, Curt Howland wrote:
> > > > After trying to upgrade to woody from potato, I found that my pcmcia
> > > > ethernet card would not work under kernel 2.4.9-AMD-K6.
> > > >
> > > > With 2.2.18, the hardware was pcmcia i82365, ethernet card NE2000
> > > > (module ne) with io and irq set by hand.
> > > >
> > > > I looked through the list archives, and found that under 2.4.x kernels,
> > > > the pcmcia driver is supposed to now be yenta_socket, and the ethernet
> > > > card as pcnet_cs. Both modules load fine, and the LED's show link
> > > > active, but eth0 will not activate.
> > > >
> > > > At this point I decided to eliminate any conflict problems, downloaded
> > > > the latest woody cd, reformatted and installed with no legacy software,
> > > > and repeated the above with no success.
> > > >
> > > > "linuxconf" and "netconf" create the /etc/conf.modules file in it, which
> > > > the kernel ignores and uses /etc/modules.conf They also do not recognize
> > > > pcnet_cs as a valid network interface module.
> > > >
> > > > I added "alias eth0 pcnet_cs" to the modules.conf by hand in the
> > > > modutils directory first. The port still does not activate. I put an
> > > > entry in /etc/network/interfaces for both the loopback and eth0
> > > > interfaces. I was a little bit surprised that no loopback interface had
> > > > been defined.
> > > >
> > > > This is all I can get out of it: Please forgive any typo's, I have also
> > > > been completely unsuccessful in trying to get copy and paste working in
> > > > the KDE workspace. Every step forward for me seems to b

Re: PCMCIA Ethernet failure under 2.4.9

2001-09-30 Thread Curt Howland
Final follow-up: Re-added entries to /etc/network/interfaces, getting
the pcmcia-cs and iptables packages, and checking out the iptables
masquerade instructions, the ethernet is now working and running as a
gateway for my other machine.

Happy days, thank you Glen.

One point, it seems that there is an ipchains module that can be loaded
in the debian 2.4.9 kernel.

I deliberately did not use ipchains, so I don't hamstring myself into an
older tech. It's nice to know it's there, however, but the ipchains
syntax is almost identical.

Thanks for the help, and I hope it's easier to point the next person to
the answer.

This should not have gotten harder, and linuxconf and netconfig need to
be fixed. I will be submitting a bug report.


Re: PCMCIA Ethernet failure under 2.4.9

2001-09-30 Thread Curt Howland
Glen Mehn wrote:
> have you installed the pcmcia-cs package as well? Did you look in 
> /usr/share/doc/pcmcia-cs?
> there's a README-2.4  in there. if you don't have cardctl, you probably 
> haven't installed the package(s)

No, actually, there is no file named readme-2.4, there is a readme that
also says there's a readme-2.4.

> glen

Thanks, Glen. You've been wonderful. This has turned into a very
interesting quest.

The last time I looked in the HOW-TO's, there was nothing about this

Interesting. Why would things get harder with a new version?


Re: PCMCIA Ethernet failure under 2.4.9

2001-09-30 Thread Curt Howland
> kernel pcmcia support is somewhat still experimental-- in the pcmcia-howto.

Hmmm... Such is life, I guess. 

> however, I had trouble compiling the pcmcia-cs packages.

I didn't compile anything, I used only the packages and 
modules that came with the kernel image.

> Try installing the pcmcia-cs packages first, then the kernel, and then see 
> how we go.

I think what worked was finally having every last piece of
the puzzle, the pcmcia-cs package was just the last straw.

Also, *NOT* using linuxconf or netconfig.

> Did you install pcmcia support as modules?

Yes, I selected the kernel modules for pcmcia. But I had to
search the archives for mention of the fact that the names
had changed since 2.2.18. The problem being that the old 
modules are *still there*. They just don't work.

> glen


kernel 2.4.9 and pcmcia flash memory

2001-10-02 Thread Curt Howland
Hi, yes, it's me again.

Kernel 2.4.9, pcmcia enabled and working for the ethernet card,
I plugged in my camera flash card last night and it would not

mount -t vfat /dev/hde1 /flash

"/dev/hde1: no such device"

I am not at the machine right now, so I don't have access to 
the cardinfo &etc output, but it did detect the card and flash,
and reported correctly that it was a "ata ide fixed disk".

Did the location change under the new kernel? Is there yet
another module with some completely unrelated name that I didn't
know to load?

Pointers welcome.


September 11th, 2001
The proudest day for gun control and central planning
advocates in American history.

Re: kernel 2.4.9 and pcmcia flash memory

2001-10-02 Thread Curt Howland
I changed all the entries that had "ide_cs" to "ide-cs", as well as
installed the pcmcia_cs module.

It works, and better than before. An accidental physical removal did not
lock up the system, as had happened in the past.


Glen Mehn wrote:
> one thing that I did that worked was:
> in /etc/pcmcia/config, replace all occurrences of ide_cs with ide-cs.
> someone on the list suggested that that *couldn't* work, as the ide chipset 
> was/is on the cf card, however, it worked for me.
> Though I think that I did add in pcmcia/ide support (poke around in the 
> kernel config, it seems it was in an odd spot)
> glen
> On Tue, Oct 02, 2001 at 04:26:25PM -0700, Curt Howland wrote:
> > Hi, yes, it's me again.
> >
> > Kernel 2.4.9, pcmcia enabled and working for the ethernet card,
> > I plugged in my camera flash card last night and it would not
> > mount:
> >
> > mount -t vfat /dev/hde1 /flash
> >
> > "/dev/hde1: no such device"
> >
> > I am not at the machine right now, so I don't have access to
> > the cardinfo &etc output, but it did detect the card and flash,
> > and reported correctly that it was a "ata ide fixed disk".
> >
> > Did the location change under the new kernel? Is there yet
> > another module with some completely unrelated name that I didn't
> > know to load?
> >
> > Pointers welcome.
> >
> > Curt-
> >
> > ---
> > September 11th, 2001
> > The proudest day for gun control and central planning
> > advocates in American history.
> >
> >
> > --
> > with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> >
> --
> Glen S Mehn
> Lead Systems Administrator  SquareTrade, Inc
> [EMAIL PROTECTED]Building Trust in Transactions (sm)
> --
> with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

September 11th, 2001
The proudest day for gun control and central 
planning advocates in American history

Copy/Paste in KDE

2001-10-04 Thread Curt Howland

When I've put something to the clipboard under *nix before, and hit the
"paste" button in Netscape, it has correctly copied what was on the
clipboard. It didn't matter if it was copied out of a term window by
simply highlighting, or from another application.

However, right now it does not work. There seems to be no way to paste
from the KDE clipboard into Netscape. At least.

Any ideas?

Woody, with KDE and netscape 4.77 from Debian only.


September 11th, 2001
The proudest day for gun control and central 
planning advocates in American history

Re: Copy/Paste in KDE

2001-10-04 Thread Curt Howland
Unfortunately, that is what is failing. I have done this many, many
times before, having used Debian since 1996. This is the first time that
having the text highlighted has not caused it to be copied into the
Netscape clipboard.

Luckly, "middle click" works to copy into xterms. But unless the text is
copied by the netscape copy function, it doesn't seem to be imported at

Any thoughts? Would the particular window manager I'm using matter? I'm
not even sure which ones I have on this machine. But I can easily make
sure that "olwm" is the only one available. Is there a way to tell which
one KDE is launching?


Ionel Mugurel Ciobîcã wrote:
> Hi,
> I am not an expert on KDE, but I figure it out that if you want
> to paste something to Netscape 4.77 the text has to be still
> highlighted, otherwise nothing is pasted to Netscape. More than that
> if the window where you selected the text is no longer available
> is not to much to be done. You may try to open an xterm or other
> terminal, type vi(m), enter insert mode and press middle button.
> Then reselect the text and paste it onto Netscape.
> Some way the clipboard is not the same, I have no ideea why or how.
> I hope this helps.
> Ionel
> În data de  4/10/2001, 16:00:59, Curt Howland a scris:
> >
> > Hi.
> >
> > When I've put something to the clipboard under *nix before, and hit the
> > "paste" button in Netscape, it has correctly copied what was on the
> > clipboard. It didn't matter if it was copied out of a term window by
> > simply highlighting, or from another application.
> >
> > However, right now it does not work. There seems to be no way to paste
> > from the KDE clipboard into Netscape. At least.
> >
> > Any ideas?
> >
> > Woody, with KDE and netscape 4.77 from Debian only.
> >
> > Curt-

September 11th, 2001
The proudest day for gun control and central 
planning advocates in American history

Re: Copy/Paste in KDE

2001-10-04 Thread Curt Howland
> So you can't paste it even with Ctrl-v from Netscape?

Exactly. Unless something was selected in netscape, the "paste" button
isn't even highlighted. Or rather, Netscape has it's paste function
completely disabled. The clipboard is "empty".

> In my case if the selected text is still highlighted, I can press
> middle button or Ctrl-v, and I get the text in Netscape.

Yep, that's how it used to work for me, too.

> It might be a problem of Xwindows manager. As I said I don't know KDE.
> I use fvwm(2). This you get it by having a line fvwm in your
> $/HOME/.xsession which has to be executable. But this is for xdm. gdm
> and kde uses different configuration files. Can't help you here, sory.

I'll look around, KDE seems to have lots of configuration files to get
lost in.

> For how long did you used kde?

4 days.  :^)

> Ionel


September 11th, 2001
The proudest day for gun control and central 
planning advocates in American history

Answer to copy/paste in KDE

2001-10-05 Thread Curt Howland
The answer turned out to be "avoid the problem." Folks over on the KDE
main list were mixed, some had never had the problem, some had never
solved it, some had it miraculously fix itself. Netscape uses a
different clipboard than KDE, the "X" clipboard, as opposed to something
else. Darn.

So open xclipboard, "middle click" the text into it, and then Netscape
will paste just fine. Sure enough, it works.

Final question for a while: How to update the menu's? When I first
loaded KDE (or gnome, or just olwm earlier, the first time all the
Debian packages show up nicely shuffled out into menus. But changes
don't show up, neither delete nor add.

Any clues? It would be annoying to have such wonderful initial features
as automatic menu population only to have to then maintain those same
menus (where ever they are...) by hand.



September 11th, 2001
The proudest day for gun control and central 
planning advocates in American history

Re: X-Fonts

2001-10-09 Thread Curt Howland
I noticed this problem yesterday with Craft. So I just installed xfs and
xfs-ttf, and it still doesn't work. Sam simptom, blank dialog boxes,
like there just isn't any text.

Any more suggestions?


Andrew McMillan wrote:
> On Mon, 08 Oct 2001 02:21:44 -0500,  wrote:
> >
> > *** Please say _something_ to me !! :)
> >
> > I'm running Debian 90% Woody on my laptop.
> >
> > The menus and dialog-boxes of most X win
> > applications  (Nedit, The Gimp, playlists)
> > are all SquArEs !! Unreadable.
> >
> > Do you know what x-library might be
> > responsible for the font problem ?
> >
> > Thank you !
> I think I saw somewhere that this problem is to do with the internal font
> server in X 4.1.0 which is seeing the wrong default encoding - the fix is
> to use xfs to serve the fonts.
> Regards,
> Andrew.

September 11th, 2001
The proudest day for gun control and central 
planning advocates in American history

Re: x-window-manager link

2001-10-09 Thread Curt Howland

Debian into an existing Loopback file system

2001-08-01 Thread Curt Howland


I realize that the "best" way to install a distribtion
of Linux is to wipe the disk and start over, but I'm 
curious if anyone has tried this.

I put a copy of Dragon Linux on my laptop, in a 1-gig 
loop-back "partition" file so that it cohabitates with
windows just fine. However, having actually tried to 
use it has caused me to see the .deb package system and
dselect with renewed awe and reverence.

Can Debian be installed "over the top" of such a loop-
back style installation?


with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Debian into an existing Loopback file system

2001-08-03 Thread Curt Howland
> There are distros that are designed for people who want to give linux
> a try without repartitioning.  I tried one a couple years ago, and it
> had a windoze-based installer that created the image file, and set up
> loadlin with an initrd thing.  If you get stuck, just look at how they
> do it, or just use one of those and morph it into Debian once you've
> installed :)

This is exactly what I'm talking about. Dragon Linux in a
one-gig loop-back "image file".

And I would like to "morph it into Debian", but I'm not a
programmer. I don't know all the ins and outs, thus my
original statement that I know the best way to change 
distributions is to wipe out the old one and install the
new one. Well, I would like to keep the present launch

Debian web page and docs have no "neat loop-back image file"
type of install described, just second partition style.

Has anyone done this, changing from an non-Debian to a 
Debian "distribution" without actually erasing anything?

The problem with Dragon Linux is its reliance on Slackware.
The RPM's are unworkable, for me, and it's missing some
security library object files that are making ssh fail.


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Debian FDISK vs. Microsoft Format

2001-08-15 Thread Curt Howland
Good afternoon, may your aim never waver.

I am trying to install Debian and Windows on the same 4GB 
drive, and have run into a snag.

After giving up on Windows, and making backups, I booted
from the Debian CD and repartitioned. After reading the
Multi-OS mini HowTo, I set up 4 partitions:

2.5GB FAT32 Primary Boot
1.6GB Linux Native Boot
100MB Linux Swap
100MB FAT32 Logical

Debian installed fine, no problems.

Putting in the Win95 CD and floppy, I started to format
the C: partition.

HOWEVER: Format reported 3.9GB of C: drive. This is very
wrong. MS fdisk (on the floppy, yes I've done this sort of
thing before) reports the correct sized partition of 2.5GB.

Did I do this in the wrong order? Should I have used MS fdisk
first, to create the partitions, then Debian fdisk to redefine
as the correct partition types?

That is the only thing I can think of doing differently. But
I would prefer not to loose the Debian install.

Suggestions gladly received.


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Windows format results...

2001-08-16 Thread Curt Howland

My thanks to the very well informed individuals who sent
that information on the idiocy of Microsoft disk tools.

After sleeping on it, I decided to just forget Windows
at all. We shall see what I can do with dos and windows
emulators for those few games (like SubSpace and Starcraft)
which would be hard to live without... Yeah, I was keeping
windows for games. Not worth it.

Now if I could figure out what happened to,
and why trying to get files from them is failing awfully...


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2001-08-21 Thread Curt Howland
As usual, a silly question. Sound isn't working on this laptop of mine.
I installed the present "stable", not being interested in wiz-bang and
headaches at the moment...

Is there such a thing as a "probe" for sound cards? The SuperProbe for
video has worked very well indeed.

Just a thought.

The Road goes ever on and one, down from the door where it began.
Now far ahead the Road has gone and I must follow, if I can,
Pursuing it with eager feet, until it joins some larger way
Where many paths and errands meet. And whither then? I cannot say.

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2.4.9 kernel & pcmcia in Woody

2001-09-21 Thread Curt Howland
Hi, y'all. I upgraded to Woody from Potato[e], it was not easy. apt-get
dist-upgrade did some of the work, but it took repeated dselect cycles,
then going through and finding things that had been "de-selected" for
me, like man-db.

When that's working, I decide to do the silly thing and update the
kernel as well, from 2.2.18pre21 (or really close to that, forgive my
memory) to 2.4.9 K6.

The 2.4.9 requires manual editing of lilo.conf to add
"initrd=/boot/initrd", but does not say where in lilo.conf to add that
line. Experience said under the particular kernel boot entry, but it's
not something a newbie would know. Since that particular kernel boot
entry is created by these scripts anyway, I think the initrd comment is
absurd to make the user perform.

But anyway, 2.4.9 K6 it is. But it does not recognize my PCMCIA system:

Installing module i82365. If the device isn't there, or isn't configured
correctly, this could cause your system to pause for up to a minute.

/lib/modules/2.4.9-k6/kernel/drivers/pcmcia/i82365.o: init_module: No
such device
Hint: insmod errors can be caused by incorrect module parameters,
including invalid IO or IRQ parameters
/lib/modules/2.4.9-k6/kernel/drivers/pcmcia/i82365.o: insmod
/lib/modules/2.4.9-k6/kernel/drivers/pcmcia/i82365.o failed
/lib/modules/2.4.9-k6/kernel/drivers/pcmcia/i82365.o: insmod i82365

Installation failed.

Please press ENTER when you are ready to continue.

This is the same module name that the 2.2.18 kernel loads and runs just
fine. As far as I can tell, there's no reason it shouldn't detect the
pcmcia. Yes, I loaded pcmcia_core first.


September 11th, 2001
The proudest day for gun control and central 
planning advocates in American history

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Re: PCMCIA Ethernet failure under 2.4.9

2001-09-29 Thread Curt Howland
Glen Mehn wrote:
> your pcmcia settings should still remain in /etc/pcmcia. Try removing the stuf fyou 
>did and adding the entry for pcmcia in /etc/pcmcia/network.opts.

I did. The only difference now is that I get "ignorning unknown
interface eth0=eth0".

> you can use ifup/ifdown to manage the intervace, but also cardctl will stop/start 
>the card (and the interface).

I have no such command as "cardctl", all I have is "cardmgr", and there
is no manual entry for it.

Simply running the command causes two beeps to sound, and no change in

I found /etc/pcmcia/network script, tried ./network start eth0, and got
the error:

cat: /var/lib/misc/pcmcia-scheme: No such file or directory

> You'll probably also want to read the kernel-pcmcia docs, assuming  that you're 
>using the kernel drivers, rather than the third party add-ons.

Your assumption is correct. Would you kindly point me to the location of
such documents?

> glne


> On Sat, Sep 29, 2001 at 09:19:07PM +0900, Curt Howland wrote:
> > After trying to upgrade to woody from potato, I found that my pcmcia
> > ethernet card would not work under kernel 2.4.9-AMD-K6.
> >
> > With 2.2.18, the hardware was pcmcia i82365, ethernet card NE2000
> > (module ne) with io and irq set by hand.
> >
> > I looked through the list archives, and found that under 2.4.x kernels,
> > the pcmcia driver is supposed to now be yenta_socket, and the ethernet
> > card as pcnet_cs. Both modules load fine, and the LED's show link
> > active, but eth0 will not activate.
> >
> > At this point I decided to eliminate any conflict problems, downloaded
> > the latest woody cd, reformatted and installed with no legacy software,
> > and repeated the above with no success.
> >
> > "linuxconf" and "netconf" create the /etc/conf.modules file in it, which
> > the kernel ignores and uses /etc/modules.conf They also do not recognize
> > pcnet_cs as a valid network interface module.
> >
> > I added "alias eth0 pcnet_cs" to the modules.conf by hand in the
> > modutils directory first. The port still does not activate. I put an
> > entry in /etc/network/interfaces for both the loopback and eth0
> > interfaces. I was a little bit surprised that no loopback interface had
> > been defined.
> >
> > This is all I can get out of it: Please forgive any typo's, I have also
> > been completely unsuccessful in trying to get copy and paste working in
> > the KDE workspace. Every step forward for me seems to break two other
> > things. I had to type the below by hand.
> >
> > # ifup eth0
> > ifup: interface eth0 already configured
> > # ifdown eth0
> > eth0: unknown interface: No such device
> > # ifup eth0
> > SIOCSIFADDR: No such device
> > eth0: unknown interface: No such device
> > SIOCSIFNETMASK: No such device
> > eth0: unknown interface: No such device
> >
> > If anyone can say "use this and this driver", I would be very grateful.
> > Unfortunately, the only instructions I've been able to find, which I
> > have tried, have failed.
> >
> > Curt-
> >
> > ---
> > September 11th, 2001
> > The proudest day for gun control and central planning
> > advocates in American history.
> >
> >
> > --
> > with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> >
> --
> Glen S Mehn
> Lead Systems Administrator  SquareTrade, Inc
> [EMAIL PROTECTED]Building Trust in Transactions (sm)

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Re: PCMCIA Ethernet failure under 2.4.9

2001-09-29 Thread Curt Howland
Glen Mehn wrote:
> from the menuconfig--> help option:
> To use your PC-cards, you will need supporting software from David  x
>   x Hinds' pcmcia-cs package (see the file Documentation/Changes forx
>   x location). Please also read the PCMCIA-HOWTO, available fromx
>   x

Thank you. I was hoping that the 2.4.9 kernel package would not require
that I recompile it to do what the 2.2.18 kernel did "out of the box".
Or should I say, "out of the .deb"?

Thus I never was in the menuconfig. Only modconf.

> have you installed the pcmcia-cs package as well? Did you look in 
> there's a README-2.4  in there. if you don't have cardctl, you probably haven't 
>installed the package(s)

No, that package was not installed. The dependencies in dselect
recomended "modules", but all the recomended modules were 2.2.x kernel,
not 2.4, so I will have to assume that the 2.4.9 package has them.

[music from Jepardy]

Ok, dselect process done, it asked me to interactively configure the
network interface.

It doesn't work, ifup still says "ignoring unknown interface", but at
least I can go off and read some docs that weren't there before.

I'll just say that this was straight forward and working in 2.2.18, I'm
surprised that it has gotten more obscure, more difficult in 2.4.x and
the linuxconf and netconfig tools make it worse. H

> glen


> On Sun, Sep 30, 2001 at 01:13:06PM +0900, Curt Howland wrote:
> > Glen Mehn wrote:
> > >
> > > your pcmcia settings should still remain in /etc/pcmcia. Try removing the stuf 
>fyou did and adding the entry for pcmcia in /etc/pcmcia/network.opts.
> >
> > I did. The only difference now is that I get "ignorning unknown
> > interface eth0=eth0".
> >
> > > you can use ifup/ifdown to manage the intervace, but also cardctl will 
>stop/start the card (and the interface).
> >
> > I have no such command as "cardctl", all I have is "cardmgr", and there
> > is no manual entry for it.
> >
> > Simply running the command causes two beeps to sound, and no change in
> > response.
> >
> > I found /etc/pcmcia/network script, tried ./network start eth0, and got
> > the error:
> >
> > cat: /var/lib/misc/pcmcia-scheme: No such file or directory
> >
> > > You'll probably also want to read the kernel-pcmcia docs, assuming  that 
>you're using the kernel drivers, rather than the third party add-ons.
> >
> > Your assumption is correct. Would you kindly point me to the location of
> > such documents?
> >
> > > glne
> >
> > Curt-
> >
> > > On Sat, Sep 29, 2001 at 09:19:07PM +0900, Curt Howland wrote:
> > > > After trying to upgrade to woody from potato, I found that my pcmcia
> > > > ethernet card would not work under kernel 2.4.9-AMD-K6.
> > > >
> > > > With 2.2.18, the hardware was pcmcia i82365, ethernet card NE2000
> > > > (module ne) with io and irq set by hand.
> > > >
> > > > I looked through the list archives, and found that under 2.4.x kernels,
> > > > the pcmcia driver is supposed to now be yenta_socket, and the ethernet
> > > > card as pcnet_cs. Both modules load fine, and the LED's show link
> > > > active, but eth0 will not activate.
> > > >
> > > > At this point I decided to eliminate any conflict problems, downloaded
> > > > the latest woody cd, reformatted and installed with no legacy software,
> > > > and repeated the above with no success.
> > > >
> > > > "linuxconf" and "netconf" create the /etc/conf.modules file in it, which
> > > > the kernel ignores and uses /etc/modules.conf They also do not recognize
> > > > pcnet_cs as a valid network interface module.
> > > >
> > > > I added "alias eth0 pcnet_cs" to the modules.conf by hand in the
> > > > modutils directory first. The port still does not activate. I put an
> > > > entry in /etc/network/interfaces for both the loopback and eth0
> > > > interfaces. I was a little bit surprised that no loopback interface had
> > > > been defined.
> > > >
> > > > This is all I can get out of it: Please forgive any typo's, I have also
> > > > been completely unsuccessful in trying to get copy and paste working in
> > > > the KDE workspace. Every step forward for me seems to break two other

Re: PCMCIA Ethernet failure under 2.4.9

2001-09-30 Thread Curt Howland

Final follow-up: Re-added entries to /etc/network/interfaces, getting
the pcmcia-cs and iptables packages, and checking out the iptables
masquerade instructions, the ethernet is now working and running as a
gateway for my other machine.

Happy days, thank you Glen.

One point, it seems that there is an ipchains module that can be loaded
in the debian 2.4.9 kernel.

I deliberately did not use ipchains, so I don't hamstring myself into an
older tech. It's nice to know it's there, however, but the ipchains
syntax is almost identical.

Thanks for the help, and I hope it's easier to point the next person to
the answer.

This should not have gotten harder, and linuxconf and netconfig need to
be fixed. I will be submitting a bug report.


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Re: PCMCIA Ethernet failure under 2.4.9

2001-09-30 Thread Curt Howland
Glen Mehn wrote:
> have you installed the pcmcia-cs package as well? Did you look in 
> there's a README-2.4  in there. if you don't have cardctl, you probably haven't 
>installed the package(s)

No, actually, there is no file named readme-2.4, there is a readme that
also says there's a readme-2.4.

> glen

Thanks, Glen. You've been wonderful. This has turned into a very
interesting quest.

The last time I looked in the HOW-TO's, there was nothing about this

Interesting. Why would things get harder with a new version?


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Re: PCMCIA Ethernet failure under 2.4.9

2001-09-30 Thread Curt Howland
> kernel pcmcia support is somewhat still experimental-- in the pcmcia-howto.

Hmmm... Such is life, I guess. 

> however, I had trouble compiling the pcmcia-cs packages.

I didn't compile anything, I used only the packages and 
modules that came with the kernel image.

> Try installing the pcmcia-cs packages first, then the kernel, and then see how we go.

I think what worked was finally having every last piece of
the puzzle, the pcmcia-cs package was just the last straw.

Also, *NOT* using linuxconf or netconfig.

> Did you install pcmcia support as modules?

Yes, I selected the kernel modules for pcmcia. But I had to
search the archives for mention of the fact that the names
had changed since 2.2.18. The problem being that the old 
modules are *still there*. They just don't work.

> glen


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kernel 2.4.9 and pcmcia flash memory

2001-10-02 Thread Curt Howland
Hi, yes, it's me again.

Kernel 2.4.9, pcmcia enabled and working for the ethernet card,
I plugged in my camera flash card last night and it would not

mount -t vfat /dev/hde1 /flash

"/dev/hde1: no such device"

I am not at the machine right now, so I don't have access to 
the cardinfo &etc output, but it did detect the card and flash,
and reported correctly that it was a "ata ide fixed disk".

Did the location change under the new kernel? Is there yet
another module with some completely unrelated name that I didn't
know to load?

Pointers welcome.


September 11th, 2001
The proudest day for gun control and central planning
advocates in American history.

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Re: kernel 2.4.9 and pcmcia flash memory

2001-10-02 Thread Curt Howland
I changed all the entries that had "ide_cs" to "ide-cs", as well as
installed the pcmcia_cs module.

It works, and better than before. An accidental physical removal did not
lock up the system, as had happened in the past.


Glen Mehn wrote:
> one thing that I did that worked was:
> in /etc/pcmcia/config, replace all occurrences of ide_cs with ide-cs.
> someone on the list suggested that that *couldn't* work, as the ide chipset was/is 
>on the cf card, however, it worked for me.
> Though I think that I did add in pcmcia/ide support (poke around in the kernel 
>config, it seems it was in an odd spot)
> glen
> On Tue, Oct 02, 2001 at 04:26:25PM -0700, Curt Howland wrote:
> > Hi, yes, it's me again.
> >
> > Kernel 2.4.9, pcmcia enabled and working for the ethernet card,
> > I plugged in my camera flash card last night and it would not
> > mount:
> >
> > mount -t vfat /dev/hde1 /flash
> >
> > "/dev/hde1: no such device"
> >
> > I am not at the machine right now, so I don't have access to
> > the cardinfo &etc output, but it did detect the card and flash,
> > and reported correctly that it was a "ata ide fixed disk".
> >
> > Did the location change under the new kernel? Is there yet
> > another module with some completely unrelated name that I didn't
> > know to load?
> >
> > Pointers welcome.
> >
> > Curt-
> >
> > ---
> > September 11th, 2001
> > The proudest day for gun control and central planning
> > advocates in American history.
> >
> >
> > --
> > with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> >
> --
> Glen S Mehn
> Lead Systems Administrator  SquareTrade, Inc
> [EMAIL PROTECTED]Building Trust in Transactions (sm)
> --
> with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

September 11th, 2001
The proudest day for gun control and central 
planning advocates in American history

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Copy/Paste in KDE

2001-10-03 Thread Curt Howland


When I've put something to the clipboard under *nix before, and hit the
"paste" button in Netscape, it has correctly copied what was on the
clipboard. It didn't matter if it was copied out of a term window by
simply highlighting, or from another application.

However, right now it does not work. There seems to be no way to paste
from the KDE clipboard into Netscape. At least.

Any ideas?

Woody, with KDE and netscape 4.77 from Debian only.


September 11th, 2001
The proudest day for gun control and central 
planning advocates in American history

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Re: Copy/Paste in KDE

2001-10-04 Thread Curt Howland

Unfortunately, that is what is failing. I have done this many, many
times before, having used Debian since 1996. This is the first time that
having the text highlighted has not caused it to be copied into the
Netscape clipboard.

Luckly, "middle click" works to copy into xterms. But unless the text is
copied by the netscape copy function, it doesn't seem to be imported at

Any thoughts? Would the particular window manager I'm using matter? I'm
not even sure which ones I have on this machine. But I can easily make
sure that "olwm" is the only one available. Is there a way to tell which
one KDE is launching?


Ionel Mugurel Ciobîcã wrote:
> Hi,
> I am not an expert on KDE, but I figure it out that if you want
> to paste something to Netscape 4.77 the text has to be still
> highlighted, otherwise nothing is pasted to Netscape. More than that
> if the window where you selected the text is no longer available
> is not to much to be done. You may try to open an xterm or other
> terminal, type vi(m), enter insert mode and press middle button.
> Then reselect the text and paste it onto Netscape.
> Some way the clipboard is not the same, I have no ideea why or how.
> I hope this helps.
> Ionel
> În data de  4/10/2001, 16:00:59, Curt Howland a scris:
> >
> > Hi.
> >
> > When I've put something to the clipboard under *nix before, and hit the
> > "paste" button in Netscape, it has correctly copied what was on the
> > clipboard. It didn't matter if it was copied out of a term window by
> > simply highlighting, or from another application.
> >
> > However, right now it does not work. There seems to be no way to paste
> > from the KDE clipboard into Netscape. At least.
> >
> > Any ideas?
> >
> > Woody, with KDE and netscape 4.77 from Debian only.
> >
> > Curt-

September 11th, 2001
The proudest day for gun control and central 
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Re: Copy/Paste in KDE

2001-10-04 Thread Curt Howland
> So you can't paste it even with Ctrl-v from Netscape?

Exactly. Unless something was selected in netscape, the "paste" button
isn't even highlighted. Or rather, Netscape has it's paste function
completely disabled. The clipboard is "empty".

> In my case if the selected text is still highlighted, I can press
> middle button or Ctrl-v, and I get the text in Netscape.

Yep, that's how it used to work for me, too.

> It might be a problem of Xwindows manager. As I said I don't know KDE.
> I use fvwm(2). This you get it by having a line fvwm in your
> $/HOME/.xsession which has to be executable. But this is for xdm. gdm
> and kde uses different configuration files. Can't help you here, sory.

I'll look around, KDE seems to have lots of configuration files to get
lost in.

> For how long did you used kde?

4 days.  :^)

> Ionel


September 11th, 2001
The proudest day for gun control and central 
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Answer to copy/paste in KDE

2001-10-05 Thread Curt Howland

The answer turned out to be "avoid the problem." Folks over on the KDE
main list were mixed, some had never had the problem, some had never
solved it, some had it miraculously fix itself. Netscape uses a
different clipboard than KDE, the "X" clipboard, as opposed to something
else. Darn.

So open xclipboard, "middle click" the text into it, and then Netscape
will paste just fine. Sure enough, it works.

Final question for a while: How to update the menu's? When I first
loaded KDE (or gnome, or just olwm earlier, the first time all the
Debian packages show up nicely shuffled out into menus. But changes
don't show up, neither delete nor add.

Any clues? It would be annoying to have such wonderful initial features
as automatic menu population only to have to then maintain those same
menus (where ever they are...) by hand.



September 11th, 2001
The proudest day for gun control and central 
planning advocates in American history

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PCMCIA Ethernet failure under 2.4.9

2001-09-29 Thread Curt Howland
After trying to upgrade to woody from potato, I found that my pcmcia
ethernet card would not work under kernel 2.4.9-AMD-K6.

With 2.2.18, the hardware was pcmcia i82365, ethernet card NE2000
(module ne) with io and irq set by hand.

I looked through the list archives, and found that under 2.4.x kernels,
the pcmcia driver is supposed to now be yenta_socket, and the ethernet
card as pcnet_cs. Both modules load fine, and the LED's show link
active, but eth0 will not activate.

At this point I decided to eliminate any conflict problems, downloaded
the latest woody cd, reformatted and installed with no legacy software,
and repeated the above with no success.

"linuxconf" and "netconf" create the /etc/conf.modules file in it, which
the kernel ignores and uses /etc/modules.conf They also do not recognize
pcnet_cs as a valid network interface module.

I added "alias eth0 pcnet_cs" to the modules.conf by hand in the
modutils directory first. The port still does not activate. I put an
entry in /etc/network/interfaces for both the loopback and eth0
interfaces. I was a little bit surprised that no loopback interface had
been defined.

This is all I can get out of it: Please forgive any typo's, I have also
been completely unsuccessful in trying to get copy and paste working in
the KDE workspace. Every step forward for me seems to break two other
things. I had to type the below by hand.

# ifup eth0
ifup: interface eth0 already configured
# ifdown eth0
eth0: unknown interface: No such device
# ifup eth0
SIOCSIFADDR: No such device
eth0: unknown interface: No such device
SIOCSIFNETMASK: No such device
eth0: unknown interface: No such device

If anyone can say "use this and this driver", I would be very grateful.
Unfortunately, the only instructions I've been able to find, which I
have tried, have failed.


September 11th, 2001
The proudest day for gun control and central planning
advocates in American history.

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Re: x-window-manager link

2001-10-09 Thread Curt Howland


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Re: X-Fonts

2001-10-09 Thread Curt Howland
I noticed this problem yesterday with Craft. So I just installed xfs and
xfs-ttf, and it still doesn't work. Sam simptom, blank dialog boxes,
like there just isn't any text.

Any more suggestions?


Andrew McMillan wrote:
> On Mon, 08 Oct 2001 02:21:44 -0500,  wrote:
> >
> > *** Please say _something_ to me !! :)
> >
> > I'm running Debian 90% Woody on my laptop.
> >
> > The menus and dialog-boxes of most X win
> > applications  (Nedit, The Gimp, playlists)
> > are all SquArEs !! Unreadable.
> >
> > Do you know what x-library might be
> > responsible for the font problem ?
> >
> > Thank you !
> I think I saw somewhere that this problem is to do with the internal font
> server in X 4.1.0 which is seeing the wrong default encoding - the fix is
> to use xfs to serve the fonts.
> Regards,
> Andrew.

September 11th, 2001
The proudest day for gun control and central 
planning advocates in American history

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Re: Laptop recommendations

2004-06-06 Thread Curt Howland
There's also,

And if you need to overwrite Windows,

Emperor Linux seems to have passed into non-existence.

On Sunday 06 June 2004 14:26, [EMAIL PROTECTED] was 
heard to say:
> Thus spake Rolf Heckemann ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
> ...
> > In your situation, I would probably consider the Lindows Mobile
> > PC from (
> Looks interesting. Does anyone on the list have experience with
> these machines?

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Re: Fujitsu Siemens E7010, Kernel 2.6.x and PCMCIA

2004-06-09 Thread Curt Howland
I have a Sony Vaio GRT170, and have noticed problems with the PCMCIA 
as well. As with yours, the kernel modules load just fine, I insert a 
Compact Flash in a card adapter, which has always worked in the past, 
and it just doesn't show up. I try to mount the card, and it says "no 
valid file system".

/dev/hde1 /mnt/flash vfat defaults,user,noauto 0 0

Could 2.6.x be having PCMCIA problems? This CF card and mount point 
worked fine earlier for me, even with 2.6.5. 

On Wednesday 09 June 2004 08:45, Christian Worm was heard to say:
> Hello,
> has someone a working PCMCIA setup for this Notebook? I'm using
> Debian Sarge with a selfcompiled 2.6.5 Kernel and can't get this
> working. I installed pcmcia-cs and on startup it claims that it
> watches 2 sockets:
> Jun  9 10:44:28 binford kernel: Linux Kernel Card Services
> Jun  9 10:44:28 binford kernel:   options:  [pci] [cardbus] [pm]
> Jun  9 10:44:28 binford kernel: Yenta: CardBus bridge found at
> :02:0a.0 [10cf:10e6]
> Jun  9 10:44:28 binford kernel: Yenta: ISA IRQ mask 0x0438, PCI irq
> 11 Jun  9 10:44:28 binford kernel: Socket status: 3006
> Jun  9 10:44:28 binford kernel: Yenta: CardBus bridge found at
> :02:0a.1 [10cf:10e6]
> Jun  9 10:44:29 binford kernel: Yenta: ISA IRQ mask 0x0438, PCI irq
> 11 Jun  9 10:44:29 binford kernel: Socket status: 3006
> Jun  9 10:44:29 binford kernel: cs: IO port probe 0x0100-0x04ff:
> excluding 0x2e8-0x2ef 0x3c0-0x3df 0x400-0x407 0x4d0-0x4d7
> Jun  9 10:44:29 binford kernel: cs: IO port probe 0x0800-0x08ff:
> clean. Jun  9 10:44:29 binford kernel: cs: IO port probe
> 0x0c00-0x0cff: clean. Jun  9 10:44:29 binford kernel: cs: IO port
> probe 0x0a00-0x0aff: clean.
> Now, if I insert a PCMCIA card in socket 0, nothing happens.
> cardctl ident shows no card, carcdtl status gives:
> Socket 0:
>   3.3V CardBus card
>   function 0: [ready]
> Socket 1:
>   no card
> If I insert the card in socket 1the system freezes until I eject
> the card and on my first console appears: ca: pcmcia_socket1:
> unable to apply power.
> My Notebook has an o2micro cardbus bridge listed by lspci:
> :02:0a.0 CardBus bridge: O2 Micro, Inc. OZ6933 Cardbus
> Controller (rev 02)
> :02:0a.1 CardBus bridge: O2 Micro, Inc. OZ6933 Cardbus
> Controller (rev 02)
> This is how the Kernelconfig or PCMCIA looks:
> #
> # PCMCIA/CardBus support
> #
> # CONFIG_PCMCIA_DEBUG is not set
> CONFIG_I82092=m
> CONFIG_I82365=m
> If I use a 2.4.x Kernel with the pcmcia-cs kernelmodules I can use
> a card in socket0. A card in socket1 freezes the system as well.
> I don't  have any idea how I can solve this, google was no help. I
> attached my kernelconfig to ths mail. If more information is needed
> I will supply it.
> Just tell me what's needed. Any hint would be much apreciated!
> Thanks for your help!
> Christian Worm

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Quick "X" question

2004-06-10 Thread Curt Howland
Dear Debianians (or would that be Debianers? Debianites?)

I remember in Xwindows there is an attribute, like "backing-store", 
such that when a window extends past the edge of the desktop and one 
is not using "virtual" desktops, moving the mouse to the edge of the 
screen that that window goes out beyond causes the open window to 
jump back inside the visible desktop area.

A hint how to turn this function on would be nice as well, although 
I'm certain it's just a one-liner in XF86config-4. Trouble is, 
without remembering what it's called, I cannot look it up in The Fine 


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Re: copy/paste

2004-06-30 Thread Curt Howland
On Wednesday 30 June 2004 14:58, Dan Davison was heard to say:
> Thanks Yves and Thorsten, but what about if I don't have a middle
> mouse button (or at least did not manage to get middle mouse button
> functionality when incompetently configuring X)?

Oh no, that's no problem at all. It's called "three button emulation", 
try hitting both left and right at the same time and see if it acts 
as "paste". It should, it has on every Debian box I've put together 
without my deliberately setting it up. I think it's the default.

> Committee on Evolutionary Biology, University of Chicago, USA

Uh oh, Chicago school? I'm an Austrian. Are we allowed to even talk?



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Re: Un-installing this......

2004-07-12 Thread Curt Howland
Good sir,

The problem being that most people reacted to your request as one of 
ridicule itself. Being a Debian support forum, your asking about 
removal rather than assistance in getting it working is, politely 
put, unique. Your writing style is also quite difficult to 
understand. The combination of these factors led many, myself 
included, to delete your post without a second thought.


On Monday 12 July 2004 09:33 it was so written:
> not to sound like a grumpy old man..but I don't see what gives you
> the right(with all your knowledge and wizardry) ridicule
> someone asking for a little insight on something that makes no
> sense to himonce again ..Oh Mighty Exalted One...thanks for
> your negative input:-(

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Re: Un-installing this......

2004-07-13 Thread Curt Howland
[patting Yves on the back after his harrowing trip into Microsoft 

On Tuesday 13 July 2004 04:49, Yves Rutschle was heard to say:
> Y. - closes his browser in relief

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Re: Un-installing this......

2004-07-13 Thread Curt Howland
Thank you! My first belly laugh of the day.

On Tuesday 13 July 2004 09:11, Sam Halliday was heard to say:
> I kinda liked his style of writing. In my head it read like William
> Shatner speaking it aloud! :-D
> You... know... what i mean!
> (/me goes through email and capitalises before sending. First
> time... ever!)

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Re: proposal: create a documentation packages for each laptop brand-serie

2004-07-22 Thread Curt Howland
On Thursday 22 July 2004 09:43, Emma Jane Hogbin was heard to say:
> I think this is a good idea, but I wonder how it will be different
> from the information at:

Agreed. The repository already exists, let's utilize it.

However, what the original writer was suggesting was a meta-package 
along the lines of "kde-extras" which itself depends on a suite of 
appropriate other Debian packages and specific configuration options 
which would complete the particular laptop.

> In general I have found it very difficult to get authors to
> _maintain_ their documentation. Maybe it is better to use the Linux
> On Laptops as a resource to pull out the "best of the web" and put
> them into a standard structure?

Indeed. Laptop models change continually also, which makes keeping the 
meta-packages up to date and endless chore.

> I would definitely be interested in seeing how this progresses,
> emma

I believe that contributing back to is "our" best 
method for documentation. It also spreads the load over different 
distributions of Linux, not just those of us with Debian. We may be a 
large community, but by no measure a majority.


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Re: writing on NTFS

2004-07-27 Thread Curt Howland
I believe this has something to do with Microsoft having effectively 
copyrighted / patented NTFS after their "failure" to do so with FAT.

We can read it, but not write it. Longhorn will close this remaining 


On Tuesday 27 July 2004 14:16, [EMAIL PROTECTED] was heard to 
> Am 27.07.04 17:25:25, schrieb Ivan Glushkov
> >Hi all,
> >I have a problem with my NTFS partition. Currently I have in my
> >/etc/fstab the following:
> >
> ># 
> >  
> >  
> >/dev/hda1   /ntfs   ntfs
> >rw,exec,nodev,nosuid,users,gid=glushkov,umask=002   0   0
> >/dev/hda7   /data   ntfs
> >rw,exec,nodev,nosuid,users,gid=glushkov,umask=002   0   0
> >
> >Looking at my kernel configuration one finds:
> >
> >cat .config | grep -i ntfs
> ># CONFIG_NTFS_DEBUG is not set
> >
> >This way I can happily read my NTFS partition. But there is no
> >way to write on them. Any ideas?
> >
> >  Thanks in advance,
> >  Ivan
> Hi Ivan,
> go "" for "captive". Or
> Captive is the only linux-project that propperly support writing
> on NTFS.
> greetings
> CB

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Re: Sarge Release?

2004-08-10 Thread Curt Howland

If they're savvy enough to consider Gentoo, just give them Debian 
Unstable. Go get a copy of the Woody mini net-install iso, and put 
"unstable" instead of "woody" into the /etc/apt/sources.list file 
when you finally connect to upgrade to the full install.

Of course, that limits you to ext2/3 and LILO, while the latest Debian 
Installer can (will?) provide jfs, reiserfs, and uses GRUB only.


On Tuesday 10 August 2004 14:35, James was heard to say:
> I've got a group of portable user's that are trying to decide
> between Debian and Gentoo. Naturally, I've gotten caught in the
> mix, so I'm looking for thoughts and ideas.
> PS. Woody is way too old of a distro for me to recommend...
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Re: Sarge Release?

2004-08-10 Thread Curt Howland
I got the idea by trying it. Maybe you're using a later version than I 
did. It gave me no option not to use GRUB.

On Tuesday 10 August 2004 15:17, Martin List-Petersen was heard to 
> > Debian Installer can (will?) provide jfs, reiserfs, and uses GRUB
> > only.
> Not sure where you got that idea. I downloaded the daily d-i
> (debian installer) businesscard image the other day. It features
> ext2, ext3, reiserfs, jfs, xfs etc. and of course you can choose if
> you want to install grub OR lilo.
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Re: Sarge Release?

2004-08-10 Thread Curt Howland
I don't recall, but likely regular to see what the developers "have in 
store for the rest".

On Tuesday 10 August 2004 16:06, Micha Feigin was heard to say:
> Did you try the advanced option or the regular installation?
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Re: new laptop recommendations?

2004-08-14 Thread Curt Howland
On Saturday 14 August 2004 10:46, Micha Feigin was heard to say:
> When it works, the Sony is fine, its just that they have one of the
> worst customer service of any company in the world, and they are
> clinically paranoid of wares, to the point that they cripple on
> half descent piece of hardware the produce.

I have a Sony Vaio GRT-170. I couldn't agree with you more. Very 
little of the APM functionality works, pretty much just power-off. 
The beautiful screen, built in Wifi, 64M of non-shared VideoRAM on 
AGP, amazing "everything" combination CD and DVD+/- RW... It's a 
wonderful machine.

And also, this wonderful piece of hardware has no way to clean the fan 
or thermal fins except to mail it in for "repair" for at least a week 
and, as the people on the "support" phone told me, "expect to have 
the hard disk reformatted."

Because the fan is dusty. I've let it go so long that, indeed, the 
machine does overheat and shut itself off because the fins are dusty.

Talk about a design flaw!

> Have a look at for example.

Also pre-installs Debian.


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Re: Digital camera

2004-08-16 Thread Curt Howland

Ok. First, is your camera USB connected or are you putting the memory 
card in the pcmcia slot?

Either way, when you plug it in, check dmesg to see what happened and 
what new device the OS sees, to wit:

ohci_hcd :00:03.1: remote wakeup
usb 2-2: new full speed USB device using address 2
drivers/usb/class/usblp.c: usblp0: USB Bidirectional printer dev 2 if 
1 alt 0 proto 2 vid 0x03F0 pid 0x2911
scsi2 : SCSI emulation for USB Mass Storage devices
  Vendor: HPModel: psc 2210  Rev: 1.00
  Type:   Direct-Access  ANSI SCSI revision: 02
Attached scsi removable disk sdb at scsi2, channel 0, id 0, lun 0
USB Mass Storage device found at 2

Note that the new attached "disk" is sdb, this is what I use in 
my /etc/fstab file:

# USB Thumb Drive
/dev/sdb1   /mnt/thumb  auto  noauto,users,exec 0  0

and lastly, create a directory, in this case "/mnt/thumb", with 777 

# ls -al /mnt
total 24
drwxr-xr-x   6 root root 4096 Aug 15 12:03 .
drwxr-xr-x  23 root root 4096 Jul 15 12:19 ..
drwxrwxrwx   2 root root 4096 Feb 29 03:14 flash
drwxrwxrwx   2 root root 4096 Aug  5 18:03 thumb

You may have to experiment with device numbers, 0,1, etc, to make sure 
you get the right one. The "df" command is very useful to see if you 
have mounted something real or not. This is a transcription from my 
own camera memory card, which being compact flash I load into a 
pcmcia card adapter and access directly without using USB. To wit:

$ dmesg
cs: memory probe 0xa000-0xa0ff: clean.
ide2 at 0x100-0x107,0x10e on irq 3
hde: max request size: 128KiB
hde: 126464 sectors (64 MB) w/1KiB Cache, CHS=247/16/32
 /dev/ide/host2/bus0/target0/lun0: p1
ide-cs: hde: Vcc = 3.3, Vpp = 0.0
 /dev/ide/host2/bus0/target0/lun0: p1
$ cat /etc/fstab
# mount -t vfat /dev/hde1 /flash
/dev/hde1  /mnt/flash vfat defaults,user,noauto  0  0
$ mount /mnt/flash
$ df
Filesystem   1K-blocks  Used Available Use% Mounted on
/dev/hda1 57193948  4068  13688588  75% /
tmpfs   257612 0257612   0% /dev/shm
/dev/hde16282012 62808   1% /mnt/flash

Please let the list know if this is not sufficient.


On Monday 16 August 2004 10:08, Emil Carlsson was heard to say:
> And how would I do this? it's not hdN or something like that
> right?
> Ralph Bacolod wrote:
> >You can access the memory card as a scsi device.
> >
> >>I have a nikon coolpix 2100 but I can't get it to work under
> >> debian with KDE running, any suggestions on how to make it work.
> >> All the googleing doesn't seem to give any result =(.
> >>
> >>Regards
> >>
> >>
> >>--
> >>with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >__
> >Do you Yahoo!?
> >Yahoo! Mail is new and improved - Check it out!
> >

- -- 
September 11th, 2001
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planning advocates in American history

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Re: Sony PCG-C1VP

2004-08-30 Thread Curt Howland

My first suggestion would be to try Knoppix on the box and find out 
the various boot options that are going to be needed.

I have a PCG-GRT170, a marvelously fast piece of hardware, but I have 
to put noapm noapic to get Linux to work well. Knoppix pointed the 
way in several different matters from boot options to hardware 
identification to a working XF86Config-4.

Knoppix is a great tool for trying things out first.


On Monday 30 August 2004 16:16, Hector Scaramelli was heard to say:
> Hi,
> Does anybody has experience installing Debian in this picturebook?
> Any help apprecited.
> Thanks
> Hector

- -- 
September 11th, 2001
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planning advocates in American history

Version: GnuPG v1.2.5 (GNU/Linux)


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Re: No sound after installing KDE...

2004-10-13 Thread Curt Howland
I'm running ALSA with 2.6.8, but every time I start KDE (as opposed to 
just leaving myself logged in) all the volume controls are reduced to 
zero.  I turned on KDE sound service, no change. I am using kmix to 
watch the problem and turn the volume up, it seems to work fine and I 
haven't had any lock problems.


On Wednesday 13 October 2004 08:00, Anders Breindahl was heard to say:
> To me, it sound like you're trying to play some audio file from
> within KDE using some direct interface like /dev/dsp or /dev/dsp0.
> However, by default, KDE enables artsd, which locks the sound card.
> Try `artsplay '?
> I could be wrong, but this was my first thought.
> Regars, Anders.
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Re: Long time to unpack kernel on IBM X31

2004-10-03 Thread Curt Howland
LILO using the compact setting is also "instant", but compact is not 
on by default in LILO.

On Sunday 03 October 2004 09:53, Tyler Schwend was heard to say:
> > I just installed my first debian on IBM X31 notebook. Loading
> > kernel takes too much time.
> I found that using Grub instead of Lilo fixed this for me. For
> whatever reason, Grub is just instant.

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Re: Various Questions (2)

2004-10-18 Thread Curt Howland
On the issue of defrag,

Unlike Windows, any new file written in a UNIX style system is written 
contiguously. If a file is copied or moved, like when it is renamed, 
if it was fragmented before it will now be contiguous. Over time, 
UNIX file systems self-defrag.

Also in a UNIX style system, having the disk heads moving "all over 
the place to find file fragments" isn't a bad thing, because the 
system is doing other things as well, so having the heads moving 
around means that the OS can read/write other things too, without 
causing IO bottlenecks.

So don't bother to defrag. It's only on a Windows where new files are 
written into the first available open space no matter how small, that 
file fragmentation is inherent in the system.


On Sunday 17 October 2004 10:59, Rony was heard to say:
> For the defrag issue, someone mentioned there's a package called
> defrag in the Debian package list. In the package desciption, it
> states that it defrags some file system, but ext3, the one i'm
> currently using, is not in the list.
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Re: pcmcia

2004-10-26 Thread Curt Howland

First of all, "testing" is not really a distribution to trust. There 
are always things going on that sometimes mean things don't work.

If you have a non-pcmcia network connection available go back to zero 
and install "Unstable" if you want the latest kernels. Autodetection 
for pcmcia is working well so once you are successfully booting 2.6 
you should see pcmcia services being detected and installed. *Then* 
insert your wireless card and watch the console messages and dmesg to 
see what goes on and how it is registered.

Don't forget the wireless tools package so iwconfig is available.


On Tuesday 26 October 2004 07:16, Tom Allison was heard to say:
> It's been a few years and I've reinstalled my notebook with debian
> testing + Kernal 2.6.  But I don't think what I used to do with
> pcmcia is the best practice anymore.  I did everything through
> custom kernels and lots of compiling.
> My wireless NIC isn't recognized when inserted and I'm not sure
> what the right package is to install anymore for pcmcia support.
> help?
> (sorry for posting on two lists, but I'm not getting any emails
> from either in 24 hours, which is more than a little strange)

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Re: pcmcia

2004-10-26 Thread Curt Howland
I didn't say Sarge, I said Testing. He said Testing. Once Sarge is 
branched off, Testing will become completely unreliable and remain so 
for an unpredictable period.

Unstable has the latest kernels, which I took from his note to be a 
prerequisite. It also works quite well. It's "unstable" aspect merely 
means that updates aught to be done carefully and manually. If it 
doesn't work well for you, such is life.

I agree with you that Sarge is well past due. Sure I have opinions 
about how the installer could have been done that would have saved 
many months, but I'm neither a developer nor major contributor. I 
must, like the rest of us mere users, allow these volunteers to do 
what they see fit to deliver something they are satisfied with. I am 
pleased they do it at all.

In the mean time, I will recommend what works for the environment that 
is being asked about.


On Tuesday 26 October 2004 10:24, Derek Broughton was heard to say:
> On Tuesday 26 October 2004 10:38, Curt Howland wrote:
> > First of all, "testing" is not really a distribution to trust.
> > There are always things going on that sometimes mean things don't
> > work.
> >
> > If you have a non-pcmcia network connection available go back to
> > zero and install "Unstable" if you want the latest kernels.
> > Autodetection
>   You declare testing to be untrustworthy, then recommend
> unstable?
> Sarge is well past ready for prime-time.   Sid isn't, and never can
> be. --
> derek

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Re: pcmcia

2004-10-26 Thread Curt Howland
Then the sources.list had better not say "testing". Once Sarge is 
finalized, "testing" will be. a battleground? Hmmm, not sure what 
kind of phrase to use here. Usually I would have said "unstable", but 
"Unstable" is already taken. :^)

Had the original writer *said* Sarge, I would have agreed. Hopefully, 
after reading these back-and-forths, Tom will better understand what 
folks are talking about and we can all avoid the confusion in the 


On Tuesday 26 October 2004 12:43 it was so written:
> Actually, at the present moment the state is not quite that bad as
> sarge is expected to be released and there is official security
> support (IIRC) now for sarge

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Re: pcmcia

2004-10-26 Thread Curt Howland

I've been running Sid for years, happily, continually updating and 
sending in the odd bug report.

I believe you have "experimental" confused with "unstable". 
Experimental is where packages are first sent, to be checked against 
all the builds and dependencies, and see if it plays nice at all.

Sarge is only "testing" until declared stable. Then "testing" goes off 
into the stratosphere, gets a new label, and there is nothing to 
ensure that it will even be self-compatible, much less functional, 
for an unforseeable time.

Sid is, yes, "unstable". But Debian Unstable is a far sight more 
reliable and workable than most other distributions mainstream are. 
I've had difficulties, but the only time Debian was completely 
disfunctional in my experience was when I tried to run "testing" 
during the 6 months after a new stable had been released.


> On Tuesday 26 October 2004 13:56, Curt Howland wrote:
> > Unstable has the latest kernels, which I took from his note to be
> > a prerequisite. It also works quite well. It's "unstable" aspect
> > merely means that updates aught to be done carefully and
> > manually. If it doesn't work well for you, such is life.

On Tuesday 26 October 2004 14:21, Derek Broughton was heard to say:
> That's completely backwards.  First, Testing IS Sarge, and is going
> to be so for the foreseeable future.  Second, once Sarge goes
> stable, Testing will still be a good deal more stable than
> Unstable/Sid.  Sid is routinely broken, nothing is supposed to
> reach Testing until the problems are worked out of Sid.  I agree
> Sid works quite well.  But it's a darn sight chancier than Testing.
> --
> derek

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Re: pcmcia

2004-10-27 Thread Curt Howland
Concerning "testing"...

On Wednesday 27 October 2004 12:05, Derek Broughton was heard to say:
> It will _never_ be in a less self-compatible or functional state
> than Sid.

That is belied by my own experience. I have received emails in regards 
to this back-and-forth saying that they had the same experience as I. 
There have been several threads on Debian Planet where others have 
had the same experience I had with testing. The last one I am aware 
of involved another round of naming convention discussion. You might 
find it interesting to see what others have to say there.

If it works for you, great. I will continue to suggest unstable to the 
laptop crowd because that is what works for me, and laptops require 
the additional skills that unstable exercises.

> Enough with the nauseating political statements

You can stop replying any time you want. Your choice.

> derek


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Re: PE200-mau-combo

2004-10-29 Thread Curt Howland
Instead of flaming such folks, especially on the list where they are 
least likely to see it, write back to them directly informing them 
what the list is for, or offering a helpful hint or two.

Much more efficient.


On Friday 29 October 2004 22:19, linux was heard to say:
> Emil Carlsson wrote:
> > linux wrote:
> >> Emil Carlsson wrote:
> >>> Norton Trevisan Roman wrote:
>  Em Sex, 2004-10-29 às 17:26, Emil Carlsson escreveu:
> > Derek Broughton wrote:
> >> On Friday 29 October 2004 12:25, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> >>> HY I´m Wiskas and need driver for PE200-mau-combo
> >>> thanks.(windows)

September 11th, 2001
The proudest day for gun control and central 
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Re: memory stick slot - Vaio PCG-frv35

2004-10-30 Thread Curt Howland

I'm running a Vaio with a memory stick myself. It shows up as a USB 
device in the KDE Infocenter. Make sure that the usb_storage kernel 
module is loaded, at least.

I thought it would show up in dmesg, but I just inserted a memory 
stick and it didn't show up. However, I have it listed in 
my /etc/fstab as:

/dev/sda1 /mnt/stick auto noauto,users,exec 0 0

Try that and see what happens. 

On Saturday 30 October 2004 18:47, [EMAIL PROTECTED] was heard to 
> Greetings,
> does anyone know what kind of device is the memory stick slot on
> Sony Vaio PCG-FRV35? it does not seem to be neither usb nor pci; I
> have Debian unstable installed, kernel 2.6.7; everything works fine
> except for the memstick slot, from which I can see no sign at all.
> Thanks,
> Antonio

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Re: Netinstall on Hp Pavilion ze5600

2004-10-31 Thread Curt Howland
Can you pick up an old 10Mbps pcmcia ethernet card? It may seem 
strange, but the older standards are more likely to be recognized. 
Then you can take some time to identify what your preferred ethernet 
port is, and find the driver, while still performing useful work.

Is DHCP turned on on your router? That helps in the auto 


On Sunday 31 October 2004 21:41, Sylvain LECORNE was heard to say:
>   Hie,
>   I want to do a netinstall in my lap but linux (Debian 3.0 r2)
> does not recognize my network card (conected to a local area with
> acces to internet through a router). How can I do a net install ?
>   Thanks,
> Sylvain Lecorné

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Re: how to debug a random freezing problem?

2004-11-10 Thread Curt Howland
Try reversing them, putting the 512 where the 256 was. I recall that 
on some of the systems I've worked on, the larger memory card had to 
go in the lower-numbered slot.

Anyway, it couldn't hurt to try, and more memory is always a useful 


On Wednesday 10 November 2004 05:21, Adam Butler was heard to say:
> Thanks for all the suggestions... in the end, I tried removing some
> of my memory and it appears to have worked: I had 1x512 and 1x256 
> (which should be possible, according to the manual), but now that I
> removed the 256, the problem has disappeared.
> ta,
> Adam
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Re: Trying to achieve hi-res console (framebuffer)

2004-11-11 Thread Curt Howland
Unfortunately, although I've been running 2.6 since 2.6.4, the 
statement "vga=791" in lilo.conf has worked perfectly, just like it 
did with 2.4.


On Thursday 11 November 2004 09:43, Kevin Collins was heard to say:
> Has anyone been able to use a 2.6.x kernel and get a hi-res
> framebuffer? Of those that can, can you post the relevent portions
> of your kernel config for me?
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Re: Dell 700m SD cardslot - HowToUse?

2004-12-15 Thread Curt Howland
Nope. A compact flash card in PCMCIA shows up as an IDE device.

Here's my entries in /etc/fstab

# mount -t vfat /dev/hde1 /flash
/dev/hde1 /mnt/flash vfat defaults,user,noauto 0 0

However, I have a dedicated Sony memorystick cardslot (this being a 
Sony Vaio, of course) that shows up as a SCSI device.

# Sony Memory Stick
/dev/sda1 /mnt/stick auto noauto,users,exec 0 0

A USB thumb drive shows up also as SCSI.

# USB Thumb Drive
/dev/sdb1 /mnt/thumb auto noauto,users,exec 0 0

I found the memorystick location "sda" by looking in the KDE 
Infocenter, since the card slot is always there. With the thumb 
drive, I looked in Infocenter after plugging in the thumb drive.


On Wednesday 15 December 2004 09:26, Derek Broughton was heard to say:
> On Wednesday 15 December 2004 04:10, Juraj Ziegler wrote:
> > On my IBM Thinkpad X20, there is also a built-in CompactFlash
> > reader. It is connected to the PCMCIA bus and the card is
> > available as /dev/hda.
> Hda?  That would normally be your primary IDE drive.  /dev/sda,
> perhaps?
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Re: xdm modprobe: Can't locate module char-major-13

2004-12-30 Thread Curt Howland
Unfortunately, the "display managers" seem to be a requirement of 
having X installed at all.

What I do is rename the file /etc/init.d/kdm to kdm-do_not_run (yours 
would be /etc/init.d/xdm). This prevents the init scripts calling the 
program without actually screwing anything else up. It also makes it 
obvious what to change back once I want X to automatically run again.

Maybe someone else knows what option in X to set to not have it 

It's then a simple matter to type "startx" after logging in at the 
command line.

About the char-major error, sorry, can't help with that one.


On Thursday 30 December 2004 15:12, jose isaias cabrera was heard to 
> Greetings!
> I just installed Debian on a Dell Inspiron 7500.  It's running
> pretty good, but I loaded xdm and now it goes right into xdm and
> fails with the "modprobe: Can't locate module char-major-13" and I
> can't go back to the xterm.  It's at the xdm logon screen.
> Two questions:
> 1. How do I stop xdm from loading at boot?
> 2. How do I fix this error message above?
> thanks,
> jose

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Re: Problem getting my Crystal 4237b sound card to work

2004-12-31 Thread Curt Howland
One of the standard packages in Debian is "reportbug".

Get to a command line, type "reportbug", and it will walk you through 
submitting the bug with relevant versions, etc, already included.


On Friday 31 December 2004 09:06, Alexander Toresson was heard to say:
> I think I'll compose a bug-report. But I don't know where to submit
> it. I'll check the main debian page and google for it.

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Re: Laptop recomendation?

2004-12-31 Thread Curt Howland
For my .02 FRN, 

I am right now using a Sony PCG-GRT170. It's a wonderful machine, but 
it suffers from all the "unique" aspects of a Sony Vaio machine. 
Almost none of the special keys work, hardware volume control, stuff 
like that. It all worked under WinXP, which it came with, of course.

But it has a 15" nVidia AGP driven screen, DVD/CD writer, great sound, 
etc etc etc. I like it, but I had to fiddle with it to get all the 
primary hardware working. is a good reference, you can look up 
a model you like and see what other people have done to get theirs 
working. Don't forget to contribute your own experiences. Linux Certified and Emporer Linux 

sell laptops with Linux pre-installed, including Debian. It sort of 
takes the fun out of it, but it takes out the stress too.

I will echo what others have said about the IBM laptops. They are 
indeed built like tanks. I never got a taste for the red-eraser 
joystick, however, so I didn't buy one.

Also, I liked the challenge of the Sony Vaio. I know it's sick of me, 
still I like to know that I'm running nasty cutting-edge stuff 
sometimes. I'm also thinking about home-building a dual-Athalon 
server for no good reason, just to play with SMP.


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Re: Laptop recomendation?

2005-01-01 Thread Curt Howland
Model certainly does matter.

My Vaio (stop laughing!) has an internal card that works fine with the 
standard orinoco_pci driver under 2.6. It didn't work with the 2.4 
kernel orinoco driver, because Sony had changed the card identifier 
by one digit. This was submitted as a patch to the kernel driver 
maintainer, and in due course made its way back down to the rest of 

I expect, since I've heard such things about Dell, that like Compaq 
and Sony they are playing with things to make them special.


On Saturday 01 January 2005 11:48, Eric Hanchrow was heard to say:
> All I have to add is one gotcha: I've never been able to figure out
> how to get wireless working on either Linux of FreeBSD, even though
> I have a card that works (at least some of the time :-() on
> Windows.
> My laptop is a used Dell Latitude C640, but I suspect that doesn't
> matter.
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Re: strange harddisk noise

2005-01-18 Thread Curt Howland
Back it up, quickly. Harddisks should never make such noise.

On Tuesday 18 January 2005 09:15, Martin Bock was heard to say:
> In October 2003 I purchased my Acer Travelmate 801. Now since today
> my harddisk makes strange noise, similar to old CPU fans hitting
> their closure. Though the noise is not very loud I am worried.
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Re: setting up network

2005-01-23 Thread Curt Howland
If you're not averse to a little bit of hand editing, this is how I do 

In /etc/network/interfaces
#iface eth0 inet dhcp
iface eth0 inet static

Then when I'm in a place like a hotel, I comment out the static 
entries and remove the comment from the dhcp, to wit:

iface eth0 inet dhcp
#iface eth0 inet static

Then "ifdown eth0" and "ifup eth0"

Of course, since you're using a pcmcia network card, you could just 
make the change before plugging in your card and when the card is 
inserted it will load the new configuration.


On Sunday 23 January 2005 14:31, Pollywog was heard to say:
> Thanks, I saw something about the map scheme when I was searching
> for answers to my problem, but I found it rather confusing.  I will
> try this if the 'dhclient eth0' command fails to connect me.  The
> information you posted will be very helpful.
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Re: Problem upgrading my kernel to 2.4

2005-01-25 Thread Curt Howland
When upgrading kernels it's a good idea to copy off the lsmod to a 
text file for just such driver problems.

If you use "ifconfig -a" it will list all the known network devices, 
even if they're not configured in /etc/network/interfaces

This is good, because sometimes the upgrades can change the interface 
numbers, the hardware you used to know as eth1 is now eth3, that sort 
of thing.

As for not booting, hmmm. You could uninstall the 2.4 kernel, then 
reinstall in order to get a fresh set of configuration files, or 
dpkg-reconfigure kernel-2.4.x.whatever when running on 2.2 to see if 
that helps.

At least your machine still boots 2.2, which makes fixing other things 
much easier. I'm running 2.6.10 right now myself, but I still have 
2.2.19 from the Woody net-install, "just in case".


On Tuesday 25 January 2005 12:06, Tom Connolly was heard to say:
> Hello list,
> I've am new to Debian so this may seem trivial but it has really
> got me stumped.
> I have recently upgraded my kernel from 2.2 to 2.4 on my woody
> system. when I booted into the new kernel, my ethernet adapter
> didn't work.  I did an "ifconfig" and all it showed was the
> loopback device.  I couldn't remember which driver I used so I
> booted into the old kernel (I just added a new block to Lilo
> without removing the old kernel).  I found out which driver I had
> but now my system hangs when I try to boot back into the new
> kernel.
> Any ideas?
> Thanks,
> Tom

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Re: OT: Sarge released?

2005-01-29 Thread Curt Howland
The Oracle will only say, "Soon..."

On Saturday 29 January 2005 16:20, James was heard to say:
> Any one heard when Sarge will be officially released?
> James

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Re: problem with 1280x800 resolution

2005-02-16 Thread Curt Howland
Could be one of the cinamatic aspect ratio laptops I've been seeing.

I remember when monitors taller than they were wide were made, because 
most people using a machine for work were using paper-shaped document 

Now we see the shift in computing from "work" to "play", as screens 
optimized for viewing DVDs are all the rage.


On Wednesday 16 February 2005 11:10, Barry, Christopher was heard to 
> 1280x800?? That's a very weird resolution. I've seen 1280x1024 and
> 1600x1280 - but never 1280x800. Are you sure?
> -C

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Re: what's the best way to deal with a disconnect eth0?

2005-02-16 Thread Curt Howland
You say he's tech savvy, so teach him what "ifup eth0" means. He can 
use it in the rare instance that he plugs it in.

Then don't put eth0 in the "auto" line of /etc/network/interfaces


On Wednesday 16 February 2005 11:30, Eric van der Paardt was heard to 
> I'm setting up a laptop for my companies president.  He likes techy
> things and asked me to setup a linux/winxp dual boot for him to
> play with and compare.
> So I have it all setup, I've got a nearly apples to apples setup
> running (except the windows partition is available under Linux but
> not vice versa).
> The biggest thing holding me back is eth0, w/o a cable connected
> you get a bunch of ugly DHCP connection junk on startup and it
> takes a long time to time out.  This will almost NEVER be
> connected, but I don't want to just remove the auto setup for that
> interface in case someday he does plug it into something...
> So is there a way with the /etc/interfaces stuff to only try to
> auto-configure eth0 if there is a cable plugged in?
> Eric G. van der Paardt
> Systems Administrator
> 715-485.9312x3198
> Bishop Fixture & Millwork
> 101 Eagle Dr.
> Balsam Lake, WI 54801

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Re: what's the best way to deal with a disconnect eth0?

2005-02-16 Thread Curt Howland
Debian wins again. :^)

On Wednesday 16 February 2005 11:45, Eric van der Paardt was heard to 
> ... and was easy as could be to setup.
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Problem with Vaio touchpad

2005-05-23 Thread Curt Howland
Hash: SHA1

Hi. Up-To-Date Sid on a Vaio PCG-GRT170.

I finally tracked down the problem I've had trying to go from kernel 
2.6.10 to 2.6.11, which I noticed recently became the "official" 
latest Debian kernel. Or rather, 2.6.10 is showing up as obsolete 

Anyway, when the "psmouse" module loads in 2.6.10, I get the following 
- ---
~# modprobe psmouse
input: PS/2 Generic Mouse on isa0060/serio1
- ---

and everything works just fine. Smooth fine position control, 3-button 
emulation, copy/paste, strike the touchpad surface and it "clicks" 
button 1, stuff like that.

However, under 2.6.11, the following message comes up:
- ---
~# modprobe psmouse
ALPS Touchpad (Glidepoint) detected
  Disabling hardware tapping
input: AlpsPS/2 ALPS TouchPad on isa0060/serio1
- ---

Fine movement is no longer smooth, distance is inconsistent, 
copy/paste is flaky to say the least, and worst of all there is no 
"click" when I hit the touchpad with my finger.

Is there a way to disable checking, to force "PS/2 Generic"-ness upon 
the module? Sometimes hardware detection can go too far, it seems.

I'm not going to open a trouble ticket on the module until it's 
obvious there is no way around the detection routine, or I can 
communicate the action and fix to the kernel packagers.


- -- 
September 11th, 2001
The proudest day for gun control and central 
planning advocates in American history

Version: GnuPG v1.4.1 (GNU/Linux)


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Re: Problem with Vaio touchpad

2005-05-23 Thread Curt Howland
I loaded the module in modconf, adding "proto=imps" and it responded 
with the generic PS/2 mouse detected again, and everything is 
working. I added it as a boot parameter in LILO so it won't be there 
with the old or newer kernels unless I specifically add it.

Many thanks,


On Monday 23 May 2005 17:00, Javier-Elias Vasquez-Vivas was heard to 
> This sounds like the same thing I sent a mail before but for dell
> inspiron 600m...  I'm copying an answer I got pretty useful:
> 0
> A. C. Censi
> to debian-laptop
> I have the same problem with an old vintage Sony Vaio PCG-R505JL,
> From my research in the kernel lists, it seems that, for 2.6.11
> maintainer selected to disable the hardware double tapping of Alps
> touchpad, in favor of doing it by software in the driver, as the
> kernel message says.
> Unfotunately it does not work well for most people like us, so in
> new kernel version 2.6.12, when released, the driver eill return to
> use hardware tapping. Until them you can try use the psmouse
> proto=imps, as suggested in the Fedora list (as an option to kernel
> in grub or lilo if psmouse is in kernel, or as an option to module,
> in modprobe,conf). In any way for me it does not worked !?!?
> 0
> You can find that I guess in the archives...  On posterior mail
> exchange ACC indicated 2.6.11 kernel detects the touchpad
> correctly, and its tapping is just disabled by kernel in favor of
> software drivers (besides some bugs related to touchpad and mouse
> present), but on kernel 2.6.12 (not released yet, but I read the
> 1st rc change_log and the changes required seem to be there) the
> tapping for the correctly detected touchpad will be enabled again
> (at least that's what I got)...  To revert touchpad detection to
> what is detected on kernel 2.6.10, just modify boot parameter as
> mentioned by ACC, it may work as it did for inspiron 600m, or it
> might not as it didn't for ACC's Vaio...
> Javier.
> On 5/23/05, Thadeu Penna <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > I can confirm the same weird behavior on HP Pavillion zx5820
> > here. I went back to sarge 2.6.8 to get it working fine again. It
> > is a pity because I had to recompile alsa since 2.6.8 does not
> > get along with my atiixp  soundcard...
> >
> > Curt Howland wrote:
> > > Hash: SHA1
> > >
> > > Hi. Up-To-Date Sid on a Vaio PCG-GRT170.
> > >
> > > I finally tracked down the problem I've had trying to go from
> > > kernel 2.6.10 to 2.6.11, which I noticed recently became the
> > > "official" latest Debian kernel. Or rather, 2.6.10 is showing
> > > up as obsolete today.
> > >
> > > Anyway, when the "psmouse" module loads in 2.6.10, I get the
> > > following message:
> > > - ---
> > > ~# modprobe psmouse
> > > input: PS/2 Generic Mouse on isa0060/serio1
> > > - ---
> > >
> > > and everything works just fine. Smooth fine position control,
> > > 3-button emulation, copy/paste, strike the touchpad surface and
> > > it "clicks" button 1, stuff like that.
> > >
> > > However, under 2.6.11, the following message comes up:
> > > - ---
> > > ~# modprobe psmouse
> > > ALPS Touchpad (Glidepoint) detected
> > >   Disabling hardware tapping
> > > input: AlpsPS/2 ALPS TouchPad on isa0060/serio1
> > > - ---
> > >
> > > Fine movement is no longer smooth, distance is inconsistent,
> > > copy/paste is flaky to say the least, and worst of all there is
> > > no "click" when I hit the touchpad with my finger.
> > >
> > > Is there a way to disable checking, to force "PS/2
> > > Generic"-ness upon the module? Sometimes hardware detection can
> > > go too far, it seems.
> > >
> > > I'm not going to open a trouble ticket on the module until it's
> > > obvious there is no way around the detection routine, or I can
> > > communicate the action and fix to the kernel packagers.
> > >
> > > Curt-
> >
> > --
> >   ___  _ .''`.
> >
> >| |_  _. _| _  |_) _ ._ ._  _.   : :'  :
> >| | |(_|(_|(/_|_|  |  (/_| || |(_|   `. `'`
> >
> >  Linux User #50500`-
> > Prof.Adjunto - Instituto de Física  ---Debian-
> > Universidade Federal Fluminense Alpha/i386
> >
> >
> > --
> > with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact

September 11th, 2001
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Re: HP NX9005

2005-06-02 Thread Curt Howland
Hash: SHA1

On Thursday 02 June 2005 12:09, José Manuel Valente was heard to say:
> I an running debian testing. If any og you could help me, I´d
> appreciate it.

Jose', good afternoon.

Although I cannot help you with the video card, I suggest strongly 
that you change your pointers in /etc/apt/sources.list to say "sarge" 
instead of "testing".

When "sarge" becomes "stable" in the next week or so, the "testing" 
directories will become very unstable for some time. By pointing to 
"sarge" instead of "testing", you can avoid any problems that might 
otherwise occur.

In the future after "testing" has calmed down, you can again point to 
"testing", or to the next named version, if you wish.


- -- 
September 11th, 2001
The proudest day for gun control and central 
planning advocates in American history

Version: GnuPG v1.4.1 (GNU/Linux)


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Re: Knoppix and apt-update / upgrade

2005-06-11 Thread Curt Howland
On Saturday 11 June 2005 00:43, jiri svoboda was heard to say:
> When I use apt-get update / upgrade funny things will happen
> with the Knoppix HD Install.

The one time I tried converting a Knoppix install, it took several 
cycles of apt-get update ; apt-get dist-upgrade to get nearly to pure 
Sid, with lots of legacy Knoppix only packages still there.

The best use of Knoppix in in my experience in terms of installation 
is first to see if Knoppix can detect all the hardware. Then I 
*write*it*down* for later references, what modules are loaded, I save 
the /etc/X11/XF86config-4 file, and such.

Then I use that information (and the entire XF86config-4 file) when 
doing a vanilla Debian install.

Knoppix hardware detection has been very useful for downgrading new 
PCs from XP (puke!) to Win2K (lesser puke). Win2K cannot detect the 
newer hardware.


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Re: Debian on a Sony VGN-S260

2005-06-17 Thread Curt Howland
While my Sony is a PCG-GRT170, I think my experience might help you.

Knoppix correctly detected everything except the Sony-only hardware 
control buttons like volume and screen brightness. That gave me a 
reference whenever I needed to know things like what the sound card 
was, or video. In fact, I copied the 
Knoppix-generated /etc/X11/XF86conf-4 file as a whole after trying to 
get X working by hand.

It yours has a touchpad too, you might have to add "psmouse 
proto=imps" as a boot parameter to kernel 2.6.11. In lilo.conf I have 
append="noapic noscsi psmouse proto=imps" I didn't need the psmouse 
parameter until 2.6.11, you may not either, but I found the noapic 
and noscsi to be required to get the machine to boot at all.

Good luck! Sony makes beautiful hardware. My only objection is that 
there is no way to clean the internal fan and cooling fins. After 
about 12 months, it overheats and I have to take it in for "repair" 
just to clean it up. Stupid design flaw!

On Friday 17 June 2005 12:58, [EMAIL PROTECTED] was 
heard to say:
> Hi everyone;
> I'm preparing to make the switch from Fedora to Debian. My main box
> is a Sony VGN-S260 laptop. Has anyone experienced Debian on this
> model ? Is there any general Debian/laptop advice you can offer?
> Thanks in advance for your help. I've read lots about the Debian
> distro and I am looking forward to using it.. from what I read it
> looks like you al have your act together and have produced an
> awesome distro...

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Sound on Sony GRT170

2004-02-29 Thread Curt Howland
Hi. Well, it worked under Knoppix, so I'm sure it's just me.

I've just finished wiping and reinstalling Sid on a Vaio PCG-GRT170, 
which has worked before but got messed up with a Xwindows upgrade last 
week. Everything has come back except sound. mpg123 and xmms just hang 
until killed, and the following error is seen in dmesg:

   i810_audio: drain_dac, dma timeout?

I've set the permissions on /dev/dsp and /dev/audio to 777, just to make 
sure that wouldn't be a problem. Also...

i810_audio 24764   0
ac97_codec 13716   0  [i810_audio]
soundcore   3940   2  [i810_audio]

When I cat > /dev/audio, I get a screech, so it seems that's 
completely out of time sync.

The Sound-HowTo talked about kernel modules, which doesn't seem to be 
the problem here.

Any suggestions? I expect it's a permissions problem that I just don't 


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Re: XFree86 and NVIDIA GeForce FX 5200

2004-03-05 Thread Curt Howland

In the README.debian, it states:


As of 1.0.5336-1, NVIDIA includes support for a 2.6 kernel. No extra 
steps are required."

I have a Vaio PCG-GRT170 (no longer their absolute top of the line, but 
darned close!) with an nVidia card in it. Under 2.4.24, it's working 
fine. When I loaded 2.6.3, I recompiled the nVidia module from source. 
The nVidia splash screen comes up, for maybe .1 seconds, then it 
crashes back to the command line.

I noticed that Xwin is now giving me these errors also:

(EE) Failed to load module "GLcore" (module does not exist, 0)

Symbol __glXActiveScreens from 
module /usr/X11R6/lib/modules/extensions/libdri.a is unresolved!
Symbol __glXActiveScreens from 
module /usr/X11R6/lib/modules/extensions/libdri.a is unresolved!

Any idea where GLcore went?


On Friday 05 March 2004 15:13, Jamie Penman-Smithson wrote:
> Sorry for the late reply, real life caught up with me...
> I tried that, and for you it'll probably work, but I was using a 2.6
> kernel, which the nvidia modules don't support yet.
> If you have an nvidia card and want to use it with a 2.6 kernel there
> are two excellent resources which helped me:
> NVIDIA Linux Driver Patches / Tonne of info on NVIDIA drivers -
> Andrew's Debian-nVidia HOWTO -
> Since you're using a 2.4.22 kernel you should be able to use XConfig
> and use the nvidia drivers without any trouble, the only reason I
> needed to download the patches was because I was using a 2.6 kernel.
> I've cc'd the list so if anyone comes across the thread, they have
> some pointers on how to proceed if they have the same problem I/you
> did.
> -j

September 11th, 2001
The proudest day for gun control and central 
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Re: XFree86 and NVIDIA GeForce FX 5200

2004-03-09 Thread Curt Howland
Reinhard, thank you very much.

I wonder if this will correct the problem of crashing under 2.6 as 
well... I hope so, then I can focus on getting sound working. Ugh!

BTW, which readme did you find that in? Naa, I'll just look everywhere.



On Tuesday 09 March 2004 10:38, Reinhard Tartler wrote:
> On Fri, Mar 05, 2004 at 03:57:49PM -0500, Curt Howland wrote:
> > I noticed that Xwin is now giving me these errors also:
> >
> > (EE) Failed to load module "GLcore" (module does not exist, 0)
> >
> > Symbol __glXActiveScreens from
> > module /usr/X11R6/lib/modules/extensions/libdri.a is unresolved!
> > Symbol __glXActiveScreens from
> > module /usr/X11R6/lib/modules/extensions/libdri.a is unresolved!
> >
> > Any idea where GLcore went?
> From the nvidia readme:
> You should also remove the following lines:
> Load  "dri"
> Load  "GLcore"
> if they exist.  There are also numerous options that can be added to
> the XF86Config file to fine-tune the NVIDIA XFree86 driver.  Please
> see Appendix D for a complete list of these options.
> regards,
>   Reinhard

September 11th, 2001
The proudest day for gun control and central 
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Re: Sound Card Yamaha

2004-03-15 Thread Curt Howland
This has also happened to me on a Vaio GRT170. I've been putting off 
trying to fix it until I get X working on kernel 2.6, but I'll be 
following this discussion closely.


On Monday 15 March 2004 15:03, nhoj wrote:
> Hi Guys
> My sound card is my problem now ;-)
> lspci gives to me :
>  - Multimedia audio controller: Yamaha
> Corporation YMF-754 [DS-1E Audio
> Controller]
> - I tried run alsaconf.
> - In alsaconf I selected my sound card
> (0x37 YAMAHA_YMFXX), and pressed OK.
> - "Card identifier : CARD_0"  (then OK).
> - "No_more_cards" - (then OK)
> - Do you want to modify
> /etc/alsa/modutils/0.5? - (then YES)
> - I give the message : OK, 1 card(s)
> configured - will prepare the card for
> playng now..etc - (then OK)
> After this, when the alsaconf try
> restart the service, I have this message :
> No ALSA driver installed
> Starting ALSA sound driver (version
> none):modprobe: Can't locate module
> and failed.
> Setting the PCM volume to 100% and the
> Master output volume to 50%
> No ALSA driver installed
> Could not initialize the mixer, the
> card was probably not detected correctly.
> --
> Anybody can help me?
> Thanks
> ---
> Acabe com aquelas janelinhas que pulam na sua tela.
> AntiPop-up UOL - É grátis!

September 11th, 2001
The proudest day for gun control and central 
planning advocates in American history

Re: Sound Card Yamaha

2004-03-16 Thread Curt Howland
Hi. Since I jumped into the fray, I figure an update is appropriate.

I found that I did not install the alsa-modules package, just the alsa 
applications. Installing these under 2.4.24, alsaconf sees the i810 
card now, which is an improvement, but it still doesn't work.

What did start working is sound under 2.6.3. However, I have yet to get 
the nVidia driver to function under 2.6.3, so I'm not completely there 

Still hammering away.


On Monday 15 March 2004 18:09, Brandon L. Noard wrote:
> Hello,
> I found the following link pretty helpful while
> installing/configuring alsa a few days ago:
>ndex&req=viewarticle&artid=541(sorry that doesn't fit on one line.)
> Also, The user documentation in /usr/share/doc/alsa-base,
> /usr/share/doc/alsa-driver, /usr/share/doc/alsa-utils,
> /usr/share/doc/alsa-source folders are very helpful.
> Pay special attention to the '### DEBCONF MAGIC' command

September 11th, 2001
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Re: XFree86 and NVIDIA GeForce FX 5200

2004-03-16 Thread Curt Howland
At last, I found the documentation suggested by Mr. Tartler below. One 
of the things not included in Mr. Tartler's selection from the text is 
that the "TLS libraries" cannot be linked under 2.4, but must be linked 
under 2.6. 
---Begin Excerpt---
Likewise, not having these libraries installed under 2.6.x
will prevent X from starting at all. 

Simple Explanation: 
To switch back and forth between the two systems simply run:

  dpkg-reconfigure -plow nvidia-glx 
---End Excerpt---

Sure enough, reconfiguring under 2.6.3, it installed the links to the 
libraries, and I am now typing this note while running 2.6.3.

My thanks to the Laptop list, at last everything is working. The 
transition from 2.4 to 2.6 is not absolutely smooth, but I guess on 
this Vaio with all its twisted hardware nothing is actually smooth, 
just really bitchen fast when it does work.


On Tuesday 09 March 2004 10:38, Reinhard Tartler wrote:
> On Fri, Mar 05, 2004 at 03:57:49PM -0500, Curt Howland wrote:
> > I noticed that Xwin is now giving me these errors also:
> >
> > (EE) Failed to load module "GLcore" (module does not exist, 0)
> >
> > Symbol __glXActiveScreens from
> > module /usr/X11R6/lib/modules/extensions/libdri.a is unresolved!
> > Symbol __glXActiveScreens from
> > module /usr/X11R6/lib/modules/extensions/libdri.a is unresolved!
> >
> > Any idea where GLcore went?
> From the nvidia readme:
> You should also remove the following lines:
> Load  "dri"
> Load  "GLcore"
> if they exist.  There are also numerous options that can be added to
> the XF86Config file to fine-tune the NVIDIA XFree86 driver.  Please
> see Appendix D for a complete list of these options.
> regards,
>   Reinhard

September 11th, 2001
The proudest day for gun control and central 
planning advocates in American history

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Debian Install CD doesn't recognize my hard drive

2004-03-29 Thread Curt Howland
I recommend you try Knoppix to see what it says about your harddrive. 
It has excellent hardware detection, and will install on almost 
anything x86 compatible.


On Monday 29 March 2004 19:36, Hadar Pedhazur was heart to say:
> I have an old Dell Inspiron 7000. Yesterday, I downloaded (and
> burned) the ISO images for debian sid from March 27, 2004.
> I booted directly from the cd, and hit enter at the boot prompt. I
> see the prompts for language, keyboard, etc., however I never see
> any prompts for partitioning the hard drive. After the first few
> prompts, which includes asking whether I want to do a cd integrity
> check, it drops me into a shell, and says to type "exit" to
> continue the installation. If I do that, it just repeats the above
> process.
> Output from dmesg shows that /dev/hda is recognized as the hard
> drive (which is correct). During the "hardware detect" phase
> (before the cd integrity check), the only check that hangs for a
> bit (about 5 seconds) is the "ide-detect" phase. lsmod shows
> ide-detect (and ide-core, etc.) are all loaded, but apparently they
> still didn't detect the drive.
> I googled my brains out looking for similar things, and everything
> that I found seemed to say that I should run fdisk or cfdisk from
> the shell prompt, and prepare the drive for linux. That would be
> great, but neither of those commands is anywhere in the tree on the
> ramdisk that is installed as the temporary root partition. A "find"
> on the CD doesn't reveal those files there either.
> OK, so here's the really strange part. The laptop had a running
> version of Xandros Desktop 2.0 running on it, so it was already a
> running Debian system, with a single Linux partition on it. I
> wanted to play with 2.6.4 kernel, and KDE 3.2.1. Xandros installed
> perfectly on the same laptop (version 1.0 a year ago, then version
> 2.0 the two separate times that I installed it).
> I then booted from a Win98 floppy. I ran FDISK and created one
> large DOS partition. I then booted the debian sid cd again, and
> again, it doesn't recognize the drive.
> I'm stuck for new ideas of what to try to get the installation to
> proceed, and any suggestions would be very welcome!
> Thanks in advance!
> P.S. Apologies if this is a duplicate. I just subscribed to the
> list today, and realized that I sent it from a different email than
> the one I subscribed with :-(

September 11th, 2001
The proudest day for gun control and central 
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with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Debian Install CD doesn't recognize my hard drive

2004-03-30 Thread Curt Howland

I have to run Knoppix with "knoppix noscsi noapic noapm" on my Vaio to 
get it past the unique hardware. That's one of the nice things about 
Knoppix, you can turn things off.

It's also nice that the hd install process is simple and straight 
forward. However, I had to enter noscsi etc at boot by hand the first 
time before I could add it to /etc/lilo.conf.

Knowing that ahead of time would have saved me some headaches.


On Tuesday 30 March 2004 10:38, s. keeling was heart to say:
> Incoming from Derek Broughton:
> > Curt Howland wrote:
> > >I recommend you try Knoppix to see what it says about your
> > > harddrive. It has excellent hardware detection, and will
> > > install on almost anything x86 compatible.
> >
> > Worth a try - but having just tried morphix (which I understand
> > is derived from knoppix) on an Inspiron 2500, I wouldn't count on
> > it finding all your hardware.  Darn thing dies doing scsi
> > detection, on a system without scsi.  It seems to do the scsi
> > detection way too early...
> Isn't there a scsi=no boot parameter for getting around that?
> --
> Any technology distinguishable from magic is insufficiently
> advanced. (*)
> - -

- -- 
September 11th, 2001
The proudest day for gun control and central 
planning advocates in American history

Version: GnuPG v1.2.4 (GNU/Linux)


irremovable package?

2004-03-30 Thread Curt Howland
Hi. Since this is on a laptop I thought I'd ask here since the users 
forum has not been responsive...


Hi. dpkg has become locked up over one errant package and is not
allowing anything else to be processed.

- -
# dpkg -P --force-all nvidia-kernel-2.4.24-1-686
(Reading database ... 118665 files and directories currently
Removing nvidia-kernel-2.4.24-1-686 ...
cat: alsa: No such file or directory
dpkg: error processing nvidia-kernel-2.4.24-1-686 (--purge):
 subprocess post-removal script returned error exit status 1
Errors were encountered while processing:
- -

Where can I erase this package from the database so dselect and the
rest will again function correctly? The module itself is long gone.


- --
September 11th, 2001
The proudest day for gun control and central
planning advocates in American history

Version: GnuPG v1.2.4 (GNU/Linux)



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Re: irremovable package?

2004-03-31 Thread Curt Howland

Mr Marcum, you are a gentleman of the first order.

Success, and Thank You I now know where to look when such things 
happen in the future.


On Wednesday 31 March 2004 01:02, Bill Marcum was heart to say:
> On Tue, Mar 30, 2004 at 06:00:11PM -0500, Curt Howland wrote:
> > Hi. Since this is on a laptop I thought I'd ask here since the
> > users forum has not been responsive...
> >
> >
> > Hi. dpkg has become locked up over one errant package and is not
> > allowing anything else to be processed.
> >
> > - -
> > # dpkg -P --force-all nvidia-kernel-2.4.24-1-686
> > (Reading database ... 118665 files and directories currently
> > installed.)
> > Removing nvidia-kernel-2.4.24-1-686 ...
> > cat: alsa: No such file or directory
> > dpkg: error processing nvidia-kernel-2.4.24-1-686 (--purge):
> >  subprocess post-removal script returned error exit status 1
> > Errors were encountered while processing:
> >  nvidia-kernel-2.4.24-1-686
> > - -
> >
> > Where can I erase this package from the database so dselect and
> > the rest will again function correctly? The module itself is long
> > gone.
> Edit the file /var/lib/dpkg/info/nvidia-kernel-2.4.24-1-686.postrm
> and insert "exit 0" as the second line.

- -- 
September 11th, 2001
The proudest day for gun control and central 
planning advocates in American history

Version: GnuPG v1.2.4 (GNU/Linux)


Re: Debian 3.0 Configuring Ethernet Card/Networking After Main Installation

2004-03-31 Thread Curt Howland
Ok, here's how pcmcia ethernet works for me.

I have installed the networking system. ifconfig shows the "lo" 
interface, I can ping and telnet to, and things like that. 
I hope yours is at that point also. If not, please make sure that you 

I then have entries in /etc/network/interfaces like this:
iface eth0 inet dhcp
#iface eth0 inet static
#   address
#   netmask

iface eth1 inet dhcp
- that it doesn't matter which one the pcmcia ethernet card 
happens to be assigned to. Static or dynamic depends on what your 
network looks like, use what is appropriate.

While on the console, plug in the pcmcia ethernet card. What I see is 
something like this:

eth3: NE2000 compatable: io=0x300, irq3, hw_addr 00:01:02:03:04:05

I would go back at this point and change the entry in the interfaces 
file to match eth3 as the interface name, issue the command "cardctl 
eject 0" or 1, depending on the slot used, and re-insert the card. 
ifconfig should then show a live ethernet interface.

Give it a whirl and see what happens.


On Wednesday 31 March 2004 09:24, rookie99 was heart to say:
> I installed Debian 3.0 on an Inspiron 3500 recently. At the time, I
> had no ethernet adapter installed and couldn't configure the
> networking. However, I did configure the PCMCIA slots .
> I can't find out how to go back to configure the networking and
> Ethernet card now that Debian 3.0 is installed.  I can get to the
> Debian System Configuration screen, but it doesn't have options to
> configure ethernet cards (it does have modem option). The ethernet
> configuration was back in the main installation.
> Is it still possible to configure my ethernet card  and networking
> at this time? Please note that I am new with Linux and not familiar
> with its protocols.
> John

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Re: Occasional short flicker from time to time on my Toshiba S 5200-902?!

2004-04-07 Thread Curt Howland

I also had such a flicker on my Vaio GRT170 when I changed from a 
Knoppix hd-install to straight Debian. But once I upgraded to 2.6.4, 
the flicker went away.


On Wednesday 07 April 2004 17:08, [EMAIL PROTECTED] was heart to say:
> High,
> I read this message and kind of have the same problem. My laptop is
> a new Satellite A25-208 RUNNING XP PRO.Can you help?
> Please contact me if possible.
> Thanks,

- -- 
September 11th, 2001
The proudest day for gun control and central 
planning advocates in American history

Version: GnuPG v1.2.4 (GNU/Linux)


Re: Wireless PCMCIA

2004-04-09 Thread Curt Howland
My Linksys has worked perfectly since 2.4.19, automatically detected 


On Friday 09 April 2004 13:13, Stefano Negro was heart to say:
> Hi,
> I am planning to buy a wireless PCMCIA card, so I am looking for
> some good link for a compatibility list.
> I don't want to become crazy to install it on my ACER 233XC.
> Thanks for anybody that could help me.
> --
> Ciao
> Stblack

September 11th, 2001
The proudest day for gun control and central 
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Re: Installing new kernel

2004-04-13 Thread Curt Howland

vga=791 is also a text boot, but it's something like 50x130 
characters, which means the boot messages go by slower and there are 
more to see at once. Much better for trying to figure out when things 
are happening.


On Monday 12 April 2004 22:47, [EMAIL PROTECTED] was heart to say:
> >Just a guess.
> >Do you pass an  option like vga="a certain number" to your kernel
> > in lilo?
> Yes, "vga = 791"
> If i dont use this, the screen becames smaller. O_o
> >If that's so you have to be sure to have compiled a video driver
> >into your kernel. It then should work if you compile with these
> >CONFIG_FB_VESA=y (Instead of this generic one you can also choose
> > a more specific driver if the driver of your card is listed)
> Hummm i saw this options, will check for what i selected.
> >Other option is just to remove the vga= line from lilo and have
> > linux have a text boot.
> I will try this one, maybe this "vga=791" in lilo.conf is not
> needed anymore Thanks a lot. =)

- -- 
September 11th, 2001
The proudest day for gun control and central 
planning advocates in American history

Version: GnuPG v1.2.4 (GNU/Linux)


Re: {no subject}

2004-04-13 Thread Curt Howland
On Monday 12 April 2004 18:20, the gekko kid was heard to say:
> hi can anyone give me an idea of how to config my pcmcia devices


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