Could not create a python ScriptEngine for the 'X' widget

2009-05-24 Thread Diederik de Haas
I tried adding a couple of widgets to my plasmoid, but all python based widget 
show the following error:

"Could not create a python ScriptEngine for the 'X' widget", where 'X' is the 
name of the widget.
This is also filed as bug 524685 (

Did some more searching and found the following page:
In the trouble shooting section they said to check for, and check wether python-dev is installed.
Those .py files were available and I had to install python-dev, but after that 
the widgets still don't work.

The page at
t-27052.html indicates that some distros have the problem too, but not others.

What to do to get python-based widgets working?


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Re: KDE broken in debian-testing-amd64-kde-isocd install

2009-05-25 Thread Diederik de Haas
On Monday 25 May 2009 11:34:11 LASZLO Vigh wrote:
> Dear everyone,
> i have a feeling this aint the right list for this kind of problems, but i
> couldn't find any better.
> I downloaded
> debian-testing-amd64-kde-CD-1.isobuilds/amd64/iso-cd/debian-testing-amd64-kde-CD-1.iso> 18-May-2009 11:08,
> selected "Desktop environment" during setup, and i got no kde (no 3.5, no
> 4.2). Then i tried to manuly apt-get install kde from the cdrom, which
> ended up in a non-working, broken kde.
> I've been using debian and kde for a while now, and still dont know what to
> do.
> Please tell me what you think
> Cheers, Laszlo
Make sure your sources.list point to online repositories and then install kde 
by choosing one of the following: 

The most likely cause for the errors is that around the 18th of May kde4 moved 
to testing, so you probably had a mismatch between expected/available on cd 
and what was available in the online repos.

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Re: A few problems with KDE 4.2

2009-06-03 Thread Diederik de Haas
On Wednesday 03 June 2009 15:52:50 David wrote:
>  I fixed the problem
> before by setting that "Dontzap" Xorg option to "Off", but the Dontzap
> option seems to have no effect now.
This is my xorg.conf contents (all of it):
Section "Device"
Identifier  "Configured Video Device"
Driver  "nvidia"

Section "ServerFlags"
Option  "DontZap"   "false"
and Ctl+Alt+Backspace is working for me again.
And I agree that it's annoying that they disabled it by default.

I don't know if you used nvidia-xconfig to generate your xorg.conf file, but it 
looks like nvidia-xconfig is unaware of X version >= 1.6 and generates a way 
too large xorg.conf file. "dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg" does seem to be aware 
of version >= 1.6

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How to log out

2009-06-03 Thread Diederik de Haas
In the Kickoff - Leave menu there is an option to log out, but it always shuts 
down my computer, just like Shutdown does.
How can I configure it to actually log out? 
Or is Ctl + Alt + Backspace the way to do that?

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Re: How to log out

2009-06-03 Thread Diederik de Haas
On Wednesday 03 June 2009 23:41:18 Valerio Passini wrote:
> Alle mercoledì 03 giugno 2009, Diederik de Haas ha scritto:
> > In the Kickoff - Leave menu there is an option to log out, but it always
> > shuts down my computer, just like Shutdown does.
> > How can I configure it to actually log out?
> > Or is Ctl + Alt + Backspace the way to do that?
> No, it's weird, but there should be a working blue button with an arrow to
> exit the session. Is it there? Anyhow Ctl + Alt + Backspace it's not really
> a viable option, if you want it back, you should tweak the xorg.conf file,
> otherwise use something similar like alt+sysprint+k, but indeed, to close
> your session all that you need is that blue button. Does it work if you
> right click on the desktop?
I do have that blue button, but it invokes the shutdown procedure :-/
Ctl + Alt + Backspace does work for me, since I have the DontZap Serverflag in 
my xorg.conf.The C+A+BS 'solution' was actually written in annoyance since I 
fell in the logout trap for the gazillianth time.
In another post I also saw the sysprint button mentioned, but I don't know 
which key that is.
Right-clicking on the desktop and choosing Logout does have the desired effect, 

On my brothers system (Kubuntu with KDE 4.2.2) that logout button does what is 
supposed to do. Does that mean that this is a Debian packaging problem (and 
therefor should be reported on b.d.o) ?

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Re: How to log out

2009-06-04 Thread Diederik de Haas
On Thursday 04 June 2009 09:14:41 Valerio Passini wrote:
> sysprint is the key you press when you want a screenshot of your desktop,
> usually it's already bound to ksnapshot.
Ah ok, the PrintScreen button. Thanks for clarifying.

> This is the first time someone reports this issue here, thus I think that
> this could be just your problem (i.e: misconfiguration). Indeed I have
> several Debian installations and none behaves in this way. Have you given a
> try to a completely new user?
The only configuration I did wrt Session Management is disable the confirmation 
on logout (althought it applies to all others as well).
Thanks to David/Patrice, I tried with switching that setting on and off and I 
can see a clear pattern:
- confirmation on -> logs out
- confirmation off -> shutdown

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Re: kdmgreet: no greeter widget plugin loaded: check the configuration

2009-06-07 Thread Diederik de Haas
On Sunday 31 May 2009 23:33:38 Benjamin Eikel wrote:
> Hello,
> > Oh, you mean "kdmgreet: no greeter widget plugin loaded: check the
> > configuration".
> I have reported this bug a while ago [1].
> Kind regards,
> Benjamin
> [1]
In today's update I got a kdebase-workspace-kgreet-plugins package as a 
dependency of kdm.
But looking at your bug report (522948), it is not marked as solved, but the 
one you mentioned (513734) is.


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Re: kdmgreet: no greeter widget plugin loaded: check the configuration

2009-06-07 Thread Diederik de Haas
On Sunday 07 June 2009 22:06:45 Benjamin Eikel wrote:
> the bug 513734 was already marked as solved when I reported the bug 522948.
> Because the kdm package now has this new dependency I think bug 522948 can
> be closed too. But I think the maintainers have to decide upon this.
Indeed, thanks for the pointer.


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Re: Dolphin can't browse sshfs mounts

2009-06-12 Thread Diederik de Haas
I've seen the same behavior as you did, having disappear a folder mounted with 
sshfs in Dolphin. But I've only had it 2 times, all the other times it works 
as expected.
Haven't found a way to reproduce it either.


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Re: KDE4 version in sid ?

2009-06-12 Thread Diederik de Haas
On Thursday 11 June 2009 11:11:17 David wrote:
> I personally prefer 'aptitude dist-upgrade'
> - aptitude is better at finding upgrade solutions (important for
> testing/sid, where the dependencies can change in ways that confuse
> apt-get)
> - dist-upgrade, because 'upgrade'  (or safe-upgrade in aptitude),
> because sometimes packages need to be removed during an upgrade, which
> 'upgrade' doesn't do, for safety reasons. Also, with apt-get (as
> opposed to aptitude), no new packages are installed.
> The above could be what was holding back your KDE upgrade with apt-get.
> David.
aptitude safe-upgrade does remove packages, but only if they're safe to remove 
(doesn't break another package).

And aptitude equivalent command to apt-get dist-upgrade is aptitude full-

Personally I always do an aptitude safe-upgrade and if packages are held back 
and I want them now, I'll try with aptitude -s full-upgrade to figure out what 
will happen and if I'm ok with that, do the full-upgrade.


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Re: kde 4.2.1 konsole shortcut

2009-06-12 Thread Diederik de Haas
On Thursday 11 June 2009 12:12:19 Peter Palm wrote:
> see
What an awesome domain name :-D

(trans: what you're doing wrong)

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Re: KMail - 4.2.4 outdated documentation...?

2009-06-18 Thread Diederik de Haas
On Thursday 18 June 2009 22:26:39 marc wrote:
> Just so you know, Ubuntu doesn't supply any help system with kmail; it's
> completely empty.
I've noticed that basically all KDE documentation is severely out of date :-(
And I think that the documentation in it's current state is more 
misleading/confusing then helping people.

So removing it all-together doesn't sound like such a bad idea imo, since it 
basically forces the user to look elsewhere for proper/up-to-date 


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Re: KDE 4 Issues with Nvidia Card

2009-06-20 Thread Diederik de Haas
install the latest nvidia-kernel-source package
m-a clean nvidia
m-a prepare && m-a a-i nvidia
aptitude install nvidia-glx (version should match that of nvidia-kernel-
/etc/init.d/[g|k]dm stop
rmmod nvidia
modprobe nvidia

See this great HOW-TO:

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Re: KDE4.2 & folder view widget

2009-07-07 Thread Diederik de Haas
>I'm using KDE 4.2 and I'm adding a "Folder View" widget in a panel. By
>default the icon used  by this widget is represented by a 'home' icon.
>I would like to change this default icon, because I'll have many "Folder
>view" to add and I'd like to differentiate them.
In dolphin, when you right-click on a 'place', you can choose "Edit ", including it's icon.
When you don't select a 'place', but an ordinary folder, it'll pick up the 
icon of that folder, so changing the icon linked to that folder would also 
change the icon on the panel.
The 'home' icon is only default, since the home folder is the default selected 
'place' when you add the folder view to the panel.
And to change the place/folder of that folder view, right-click on the panel 
item and choose "Folder View Settings".


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Re: KDE4.2 & folder view widget

2009-07-07 Thread Diederik de Haas
Folder View _on a panel_ is the main thing here

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Restore standard templates in KMail

2009-07-07 Thread Diederik de Haas
Today I noticed that when replying to email, I don't get the quoted (part of) 
mail as the default template to add my reply to.
When looking in the KMail Settings - Composer I noticed that the Standard 
Templates were BLANK, while they weren't before.
How can I restore the Standard Templates like they were before?

The recent changes I made to Kontact (as host of KMail) was add "Popup Notes" 
and I installed/configured SpamAssasin.


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Re: KDE 4.2.4 settings

2009-07-23 Thread Diederik de Haas
>2. When I add new widget (app shortcut) on the bar it automatically
>appear behind the clock and I can drug/drop near the "K" button on
>opposite side.
When you change panel settings, that's also the time that allows you to 
rearrange the icons on your task panel. When you hover over a panel 
section/widget, the cursor changes to a plus-sign with arrows which allows you 
to drag it to a new location.

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Re: KDE 4.2.4 settings

2009-07-23 Thread Diederik de Haas
>2. When I add new widget (app shortcut) on the bar it automatically
>appear behind the clock and I can drug/drop near the "K" button on
>opposite side.
When you change the panel settings and hover over a panel/widget, the cursor 
changes to a plus-sign with arrows. Then you can move them around as you wish 

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Re: Could not create a python ScriptEngine for the 'X' widget

2009-07-23 Thread Diederik de Haas
Installing the kdeplasma-addons packages makes that error go away, but I'm now 
getting the following error:
"This object could not be created for the following reason:
Script initialization failed"

This happens on a python based widget ( Calendar) on KDE 4.2.4 and also 
on KDE 4.2.96.
Any ideas how to fix this?

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Re: ktorrent, kde3 and kde4

2009-07-27 Thread Diederik de Haas
ktorrent2.2 looks better suited to kde3

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Several widgets not working

2009-08-05 Thread Diederik de Haas
Hello all,

I just upgraded to KDE 4.3 :)
But some of my widgets stopped working, like "System Monitor - Network" and 
"System Monitor - CPU". Apparently I stopped having a NIC and no CPU to be 
found either.
What can I do to fix that, since the settings of those widgets  only allow you 
to enable/disable items, but I have no items and can't find a way to add them.

On a related note, widgets using a python ScriptEngine still do not work, like 
they did not work on KDE 4.2.4 nor KDE 4.2.96 (RC2 from Experimental).
See and
Could have something 
to do with that? I have the same issue as reported in that bug report.


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Re: Oddness with kopete after 4.3 upgrade

2009-08-17 Thread Diederik de Haas
See here:

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Re: Sleep mode & lock screen

2009-08-24 Thread Diederik de Haas
> This is a known bug, an security issues, it's supposed to be fixed in
> kde4.3.
Can someone explain to me why it does lock the screen when I use Kickoff but 
not when I use Lancelot? 
Isn't this something KDE/Powerdevil should take care of?
Are there other programs where I should be aware of like-wise behaviour?

I'm running the latest KDE from Unstable (4.3.0-2)

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Re: Sleep mode & lock screen

2009-09-02 Thread Diederik de Haas
> > > This is a known bug, an security issues, it's supposed to be fixed in
> > > kde4.3.
> >
> > Can someone explain to me why it does lock the screen when I use Kickoff
> > but not when I use Lancelot?
> > Isn't this something KDE/Powerdevil should take care of?
> This issue is still present in KDE 4.3.1-1, so I want to report it to KDE.
I just went ahead and reported it and it's filed under:

Should I also report this to BTS (since it's security related)? 

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Re: Sleep mode & lock screen

2009-09-02 Thread Diederik de Haas
> > This is a known bug, an security issues, it's supposed to be fixed in
> > kde4.3.
> Can someone explain to me why it does lock the screen when I use Kickoff
> but not when I use Lancelot?
> Isn't this something KDE/Powerdevil should take care of?
This issue is still present in KDE 4.3.1-1, so I want to report it to KDE.
On the bug report wizard page there's the following:

Security bugs
If you are about to report a security problem in a KDE product, then please DO 
NOT use the bugs system, because all bug reports are public. Follow the 
instructions on the KDE Security Information webpage instead. 

This seems like a security bug to me, but Kickoff is not affected, just 
Should I report it as a normal bug or ('privately') as a security bug?
This info is already public since I send it to this mailing-list, hence my 

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2009-09-05 Thread Diederik de Haas
Every time I wanted to use the help system I got a msg saying that helpcenter 
could not be found. 
When inspecting the khelpcenter4 package with aptitude I saw it was marked as 
an optional package. 
"KHelpCenter is an integral part of the KDE Base installation, and is installed 
with every copy of 
KDE. It can be found in the kdebase-runtime package, and is available from the, or will be found in your operating system's 
kdebase-runtime package."

Installing the khelpcenter4 package got rid of the issue.
Today I installed the kdiff3 and kdiff3-doc package, but when I invoke the help 
from kdiff3 I got the 
msg "The file or folder help:/kdiff3/index.html does not exist"
How can I fix this?
Where can I find info about the help:/ protocol because quite some links in the 
KDE Help Center point 
to invalid locations and I would like to fix that.

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Re: Upgrading KDE 3.5.10 (lenny) -> KDE 4.3.1 (squeeze)

2009-09-20 Thread Diederik de Haas
On 2009-09-20 George Kiagiadakis wrote:
> First you should upgrade your system. I recommend "aptitude
> full-upgrade"
I suggest doing an "aptitude safe-upgrade" first, to get the easy upgrades 
taken care of first.
What I also find useful is using "aptitude -s full-upgrade" (-s = simulate) 
first, so you'll see what 
will happen when you run the full-upgrade command for real. 


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Re: Jobs in Notifications and Jobs never complete

2009-10-09 Thread Diederik de Haas
On 2009-10-08 B. Alexander wrote:
> but the notification icon is still showing 0/1 with the spinner, and
> according to it, the job still has 8 days 9 hours remaining. It's sitting
> here spinning like it is working, but I know it isn't
Have you tried to wait for (quite) a while?
I've had numerous times that I saw the notification ... looking like it's 
taking a long time or not 
responding at all ... then bam: done.

I have such behavior when I click on a link in KMail (my default browser is 
Iceweasel). Most of the 
times it takes a while before Iceweasel pops up with the URL. Other times, it 
does happen quickly.
Another time when I see the spinner for quite a while is when (trying to) 
transferring a file with 
kopete ... (usually) slow as hell.

My observations regarding the spinner:
- Sometimes KDE seems to think for (quite) a while what to do 
- The displayed time it'll take is not always accurate.


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GMail in KMail and secure IMAP

2009-10-11 Thread Diederik de Haas

A couple of days ago I configured KMail to get my GMail using IMAP according to 
these instructions:
It then tried to retrieve all the msgs I have in GMail, but along the way it 
apparently modified 
various msgs and tried to upload them, causing years old msgs to appear at the 
top of my mail list.
While I don't understand why it would do that (and I think it's wrong for 
trying) I wanted to 
overlook it as a one-time issue.
But every now-and-then I get a popup msg saying it failed to append sth to a 
msg and gives me the 
option to continue or cancel. While neither option is clear to me what it does, 
it make the popup go 
away. The popup occur with the same msg(s) every time, so it looks that it 
keeps trying to do it.

How can I fix this error/popup from keep appearing?

Also, when a msg arrives, I see it both in my inbox and in the "All Mail" 
folder and reading one, 
doesn't mark the other unread. 
Does someone has some tips and tricks how to properly deal with 'issues' like 
this and reading GMail 
in KMail in general?

I also have another mail account which I access through secure IMAP, setup 
according to these 
Usually it works when setup like that. Sometimes I get time-out errors. 
Sometimes KMail (not me!) 
changes that IMAP setting to use port 143 instead of 993 (TLS still enabled in 
either case). 
Sometimes the time-out errors disappear when set to port 143, but not always.
And today I send an email, but it hasn't shown up in my Sent mail folder for 
that account, but I can 
see it's there through webmail. Explicitly synchronizing the Sent mail folder 
doesn't help either.

Why does KMail change my settings without me telling so? How can/should I 
configure KMail so it does 
it's work more reliable (with secure IMAP)?

Thanks in advance,

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Re: GMail in KMail and secure IMAP

2009-10-15 Thread Diederik de Haas

On 2009-10-14 Ismael Bejarano wrote:
> Hi!
> Sometimes I suffer from messages being "deleted" (they still appear in
> "All Mail" but are not tagged), it was more frequent when handling a
> large folder with lots of emails and synchronizing automatically each
> 5 minutes. Sometimes the connection was lost during synchronization
> and in subsequent attempts the emails were "deleted" instead of being
> marked as read (the connection lost can be due to my poor upload
> speed). Since switching to manual synchronization this doesn't occur
> anymore, or at least I'm not able to realize it. BTW I use
> disconnected IMAP.
I've got my settings still at automatically synchronizing but upped the 
interval a bit. I want the 
automatic sync since using KMail for GMail was triggered by my wish to get rid 
of the GMail Notifier 
in my browser (too invasive). 
And now KMail isn't synchronizing all the time anymore (combined with changes 
described below).

> I suggest to not download "All Mail" folder, all email are downloaded
> twice if you do that. Also folders with lots of email can be really
> painful to synchronize I've opted for splitting by years, ie
> debian,debian-2008,debian-2007, etc.
Not only have I now excluded "All Mail", but also Bin, Starred and all the 
folders you see which are 
labels on GMail. Synchronization seems to go a lot smoother/faster now :)
And I guess it's time I'd go over my mails and start using the archive feature 
instead of leaving 
everything in my inbox.

Before starting with KMail I didn't even know disconnected IMAP existed, but 
I'm reading up on it.
Does disconnected IMAP synchronize quicker then 'online' IMAP
> I think IMAP has a cache, and there's a context menu with an option to
> clear it, sorry I can't point it exactly I'm not at home right now.
On the File menu there's an item "Refresh Local IMAP Cache", I've done that 
(twice) but that 
particular msg hasn't appeared (yet?).

> Regards,
> Ismael

Thanks for the reply, it was really helpful :)


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2009-10-25 Thread Diederik de Haas

I'm trying to create my own Debian Live KDE image and try to resolve an issue 
wrt Kaboom.
When the LiveCD starts up (testing with VirtualBox) a user 'live' gets created 
and that creates a 
sudo related file, which triggers Kaboom to run when KDE starts up. 
And that happens every time the LiveCD is started and is of course not what I 

This is the script part that creates that file:

chroot /root sudo -u "${USERNAME}" sh -c "umask 0077 && mkdir -p 
&& cat > /home/${USERNAME}/.kde/share/config/kdesurc" << EOF

Why does kaboom think that I'm migrating from kde3 and how can I prevent that 
(since it's a new 
install straight from sid)?
Why does kdebase-workspace-bin depend on kaboom and not recommend/suggest it?


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Re: Kaboom

2009-10-25 Thread Diederik de Haas

On 2009-10-25 George Kiagiadakis wrote:
> It thinks that you are migrating because ~/.kde exists and
> ~/.local/kaboom doesn't. You can adjust this script to also call the
> command "mkdir -p ~/.local && touch ~/.local/kaboom" to prevent kaboom
> from starting.
I've added those statements, so the script part is now:
chroot /root sudo -u "${USERNAME}" sh -c "umask 0077 && mkdir -p 
/home/${USERNAME/.local && touch 
/home/${USERNAME/.local/kaboom && mkdir -p /home/${USERNAME}/.kde/share/config 
&& cat > /home/${USERNAME}/.kde/share/config/kdesurc" << EOF

But when I start the resulting LiveCD, Kaboom is still triggered.
I do see the ~/.local/kaboom file with size 0 bytes, so it does get created, 
but doesn't stop Kaboom.

Did I do sth wrong or forget sth? Any other suggestions? 
Btw, would adding it to /etc/skel have the same effect?


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Re: Kaboom

2009-10-25 Thread Diederik de Haas
On 2009-10-25 George Kiagiadakis wrote:
> > Btw, would adding it to /etc/skel have the same effect?
> I guess adding it to skel would also work.
And that had the desired effect :-)

I will do some other/more tests to figure out why the other method didn't do 
it, but I have what I 
want now (and it's easier for me to do).
> Regards,
> George
Thanks a lot for you help!


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No xorg dependency for kde-minimal?

2009-11-21 Thread Diederik de Haas

I'm setting up a virtualbox image to do some testing and installed kde-minimal 
into it.
After rebooting I didn't see KDE start up and executing 'startkde' produced the 
following msg:
"$DISPLAY is not set or cannot connect to the X server."
Searching with aptitude revealed that no single xorg package was installed.

While I realise that this is kde-minimal, but isn't this a bit too minimal 
(I know how to fix it, so no need to explain that)


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Re: No xorg dependency for kde-minimal?

2009-11-21 Thread Diederik de Haas
On 2009-11-22 Florian Kulzer wrote:
> The X server can run on a different computer than the X clients,
> therefore it is not a given that everyone wants to install xorg
> automatically when they install KDE (or any other program that needs an
> X server for input and output). Even kde-full only "suggests" xorg.
Thanks Florian & Sune for that answer, looks like an interesting use-case for 
my server :-D

So I understand that kde-minimal doesn't have a dependency to xorg.
But only a suggest with kde-full doesn't sound logical to me, but (at least) a 
recommends to kde-
standards does.
I guess that most users install KDE on their main/only machine and for it to be 
useful you'd need 
xorg. And with the default settings, APT would install recommends, so a 
'normal' user would get a 
fully functional (non-bloated) KDE system when installing kde-standard.

So why is xorg only a suggests on kde-full?


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PolicyKit Authorization (System Settings) crashes every time

2009-12-21 Thread Diederik de Haas

Every time I try to lauch PolicyKit Authorization from System Settings it 
Some time ago I gave myself (as normal user, uid=1000) rights to mount 
partitions from my harddrive 
(which are not part of my debian system) so that by just clicking on it in 
Dophin I could access 
Recently I got the following error while clicking one of those partitions:

the system responded: org.freedesktop.Hal.Device.Volume.PermissionDenied: 
Refusing to mount device 
/dev/sda7 for uid=1000

So I wanted to look at the settings, but haven't succeeded thus far, due to the 
constant crashing of 
PolicyKit Authorization module.

Anyone else experiences this? Is there a fix?

I'm running a fully up-to-date sid system with kernel 2.6.32 (but it also 
happened with 2.6.31).


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Re: PolicyKit Authorization (System Settings) crashes every time

2009-12-23 Thread Diederik de Haas
On 2009-12-22 godo wrote:
> you are not alone. I was thinking that I'm doing something wrong because 
> I'm relatively new to Linux/Debian.
> I have this problem on Sid and new installed Squeeze but Squeeze 
> upgraded from Lenny is ok.
> Bye,
> Goran Dobosevic
Thanks for the reply and good to know I'm not the only one.

Searching for a way to configure it manually (config files) did bring something 
interesting to light: 
the package policykit was removed, but not it's configuration file.
And no other package starting with 'policykit' was installed!

Could that be the problem? Installing policykit-1 didn't fix it though. 
From policykit-1's changelog it looks like the package was renamed from 
policykit, but it did not 
'upgrade' to the new name.
Should I have a package with policykit in it's name installed and if so, which?


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Re: PolicyKit Authorization (System Settings) crashes every time

2009-12-24 Thread Diederik de Haas
On 2009-12-23 Diederik de Haas wrote:
> Searching for a way to configure it manually (config files) did bring
>  something interesting to light:  the package policykit was removed, but
>  not it's configuration file. And no other package starting with
>  'policykit' was installed!
> Could that be the problem? Installing policykit-1 didn't fix it though. 
Installing policykit package fixed the crashing (for me). 
policykit and policykit-1 can be co-installed.
I still can't make the setting I want, but it's not crashing anymore.

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Re: PolicyKit Authorization (System Settings) crashes every time

2009-12-24 Thread Diederik de Haas
On 2009-12-25 George Kiagiadakis wrote:
> policykit and policykit-1 are incompatible with each other. 
That's not the impression I got from the changelog (0.94-1):
Rename package to policykit-1. Upstream (at least temporarily) forked
 the project to make it installable in parallel with policykit 0.9, until
 all programs are ported to the new API.

> policykit is becoming deprecated and most stuff in debian has switched to
> using policykit-1, including hal. Unfortunately the system settings module
> is still using policykit and it is expected to be fully ported to
> policykit-1 in kde 4.5.
Does that mean that the PolicyKit Authorization module will not work properly 
until 4.5 is released?
That will also mean that Squeeze won't have a working PolicyKit module.

Or is my system messed up and it does work properly for others (except Goran 


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Re: PolicyKit Authorization (System Settings) crashes every time

2009-12-24 Thread Diederik de Haas
On 2009-12-25 George Kiagiadakis wrote:
> Yes, they are co-installable, but I mean that the API is incompatible,
> so you can't take a policykit-based application and compile it with
> policykit-1. Much like Qt3 and Qt4 are incompatible with each other.
Thanks for the explanation, installing policykit-1 didn't have an effect (on 
the module), which I 
hoped it would do (ie add org.freedesktop.Hal.Device.Volume to the list)

> > Does that mean that the PolicyKit Authorization module will not work
> > properly until 4.5 is released? That will also mean that Squeeze won't
> > have a working PolicyKit module.
> Probably yes. And I guess it won't be compiled at all in the 4.4
> series, since debian squeeze will only ship policykit-1 afaik.
Wow, bummer. I was rather impressed how it worked (when it did)
> > Or is my system messed up and it does work properly for others (except
> > Goran Dobosevic)?
> Mounting drives works fine for me, if that's what you are asking.
> Afaik, the default policy is to allow mounting external drives if the
> user trying to do that is the active user on the system. 
I can still mount them (as root) but auto-mounting it from Dolphin (as me as 
normal user) was rather 
It still works for removable drives, but the partitions/drives in question are 
internal hard disks 
and those aren't mountable by users by default, unless you change the policy.

Thanks for the info.


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Re: PolicyKit Authorization (System Settings) crashes every time

2009-12-25 Thread Diederik de Haas
On 2009-12-25 Beojan Stanislaus wrote:
> The plans seem to suggest to me that a policykit-1 system settings 
> module and kauth backend will be available in kdereview for kde 4.4, 
> but won't be the default. Debian could compile the policykit-1 
> backend as the default when compiling kauth.
Thanks for the info. While reading that I got a notification on the following 
post: and

Coincidence? :-P

What will debian do with kde 4.4? Compile for policykit-1 or policykit?

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Re: PolicyKit Authorization (System Settings) crashes every time

2009-12-26 Thread Diederik de Haas
On 2009-12-26 Modestas Vainius wrote:
> > What will debian do with kde 4.4? Compile for policykit-1 or policykit?
> polkit-1 


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Re: Koffice in sid

2009-12-29 Thread Diederik de Haas
On 2009-12-29 Jakub Nowacki wrote:
> Hello!
> Does anyone know when we can expect the new Koffice in Sid?
> Is it so buggy that it must be kept in experimental since November? :-)
> Thanks for info,
> Jakub.
On 2009-08-07 Modestas Vainius wrote:
> It is not in Sid because it is not ready for Sid (software quality wise). 
> There is no need to be scared of experimental.

Does that explain it?

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Warning: do not upgrade libdirectfb-1.2-0, kdelibs5 and kdelibs-bin

2010-02-14 Thread Diederik de Haas
Hello all,

An update from today will make all (?) your GTK apps stop working (iceweasel 
with me).
This is because the following bug:

There was an update to that tonight, but that didn't solve the problem either 
(and the bug is now 
Downgrading libdirectfb-1.2-0, kdelibs5 and kdelibs-bin to the testing versions 
will get things 
working again.
"aptitude install libdirectfb-1.2-0/testing kdelibs-bin/testing 
kdelibs5/testing" did it for me.
After that you'd probably want to hold those packages until the bug is really 


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Re: Warning: do not upgrade libdirectfb-1.2-0, kdelibs5 and kdelibs-bin

2010-02-14 Thread Diederik de Haas
On 2010-02-14 Diederik de Haas wrote:
> Hello all,
> An update from today will make all (?) your GTK apps stop working
>  (iceweasel with me). This is because the following bug:
> There was an update to that tonight, but that didn't solve the problem
>  either (and the bug is now reopened).
> Downgrading libdirectfb-1.2-0, kdelibs5 and kdelibs-bin to the testing
>  versions will get things working again.
> "aptitude install libdirectfb-1.2-0/testing kdelibs-bin/testing
>  kdelibs5/testing" did it for me. After that you'd probably want to hold
>  those packages until the bug is really fixed.
> Regards,
>   Diederik
Additionally: after tonights upgrade of libdirectfb-1.2-0 kdmgreet constantly 
crashed making it 
impossible (for me) to log into KDE. I haven't tried without kdm though.

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Re: Warning: do not upgrade libdirectfb-1.2-0, kdelibs5 and kdelibs-bin [SOLVED]

2010-02-18 Thread Diederik de Haas
On 2010-02-14 Diederik de Haas wrote:
> On 2010-02-14 Diederik de Haas wrote:
> > Downgrading libdirectfb-1.2-0, kdelibs5 and kdelibs-bin to the testing
> >  versions will get things working again.
> > "aptitude install libdirectfb-1.2-0/testing kdelibs-bin/testing
> >  kdelibs5/testing" did it for me. After that you'd probably want to hold
> >  those packages until the bug is really fixed.
The libdirectfb-1.2-0 issue was fixed (with me) with version 
And since tonight, probably due to the kdelibs5-data upgrade, the issue with 
kdelibs5 and kdelibs-
bin (kdm crashing) seems to also be fixed :-)

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python-kde4 dependency issues

2010-02-27 Thread Diederik de Haas
Hello all,

Since a couple of weeks there is a dependency issue for python-kde4 wrt 
When trying to find a solution with aptitude there is consistently a solution 
to that ... remove 
python-kde4, which, given the package description, probably isn't a good idea.

What to do about this situation?


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Re: python-kde4 dependency issues

2010-03-02 Thread Diederik de Haas
On 2010-03-02 Sune Vuorela wrote:
> It is part of what we are fixing - properly - for  4.4.
Thanks, I'll be waiting for it :-)


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Re: KDE 4.4.1

2010-03-07 Thread Diederik de Haas
On 2010-03-07 Michael Thaler wrote:
> The only problem I found so far is that KAddressbook does not show any 
> addresses. As far as I know, it uses akonadi now, do I have to do something
> to  get it working?
I had the same problem only it didn't show any addresses, but a couple, no idea 
where that selection 
came from. 
The other thing that I had to fix was installing virtuoso-minimal after it 
complained that it 
couldn't find virtuoso.
By doing a search on *.vcf with "Dolphin - Tools - Find File ..." and selecting 
"Show hidden files" I 
found my contact data and could restore from there.

There were a couple of things I noticed:
- Contacts in KDE 4.4 get rather random names for their .vcf files and they're 
stored in 
~/.local/share/contacts/ where each contact has it's own .vcf file
- Contacts in KDE 4.3 were (/seem to be) stored in ~/.kde/share/apps/kabc/ in 1 
- The default contact list (in KDE 4.4) is named "std.vcf", but I couldn't find 
a std.vcf file on my 
file system, but it looks to point to the ~/.local/share/contacts folder
- When you add another address book you do need to specify a file or a folder 
as the resource 

Based on that, I have a couple of questions:
- Is ~/.local/share/contacts the resource location of the default address book 
or is it's Akonadi's 
cache or sth like that?
- Is the preferred location of address books changed from 
~/.kde/share/apps/kabc/ to 
~/.local/share/contacts with the upgrade from KDE 4.3 to 4.4?
- What (files) should I backup in order to get my PIM data back (after a fresh 
install for example)?


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Re: Nervous about aptitude's desire to smurf my system

2010-03-07 Thread Diederik de Haas
On 2010-03-07 jedd wrote:
> But even doing it 'properly', I'm seeing the following results - and
>  I guess I'm just keen on some feedback from those that have gone
>  before that this is normal.
This doesn't look normal to me.
The command starting with "aptitude  -t experimental install" should only 
upgrade the packages 
belonging to those source packages (and that you already had installed).
The dist-upgrade (or full-upgrade as I did) did remove a bunch of packages 
(don't know which 
exactly, couldn't properly see it, but at least the python bindings).

I don't know why it wants to remove all those packages with you though.


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Re: python-kde4 dependency issues

2010-03-07 Thread Diederik de Haas
On 2010-03-02 Diederik de Haas wrote:
> On 2010-03-02 Sune Vuorela wrote:
> > It is part of what we are fixing - properly - for  4.4.
> >
> > 
> Thanks, I'll be waiting for it :-)
I've now upgraded to 4.4.1 and the python packages are now removed.
Is it still coming or was removing them the proper fix? LOL


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Re: PolicyKit Authorization (System Settings) crashes every time

2010-03-07 Thread Diederik de Haas
On 2009-12-26 Diederik de Haas wrote:
> On 2009-12-26 Modestas Vainius wrote:
> > > What will debian do with kde 4.4? Compile for policykit-1 or policykit?
> > 
> > polkit-1
> Great!
> Thanks.
I now have KDE 4.4.1, but I don't have a PolicyKit Authorization module at all 
Is that meant to be, or is there sth wrong with my system?


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How to specify an URL for a scripted image plasmoid?

2010-03-07 Thread Diederik de Haas
Hello all,

Before upgrading to KDE 4.4.1 I had a scripted image (weather for next 48 hours 
from which got 
refreshed every 30 min.
After the upgrade, it didn't work so I tried to add it again. When looking at 
it's settings, I see 
an option for "Image URL" and for "Script that prints image URL".
But where can I specify the URL it should use?


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Re: PolicyKit Authorization (System Settings) crashes every time

2010-03-07 Thread Diederik de Haas
On 2010-03-07 George Kiagiadakis wrote:
> > I now have KDE 4.4.1, but I don't have a PolicyKit Authorization module
> > at all anymore. Is that meant to be, or is there sth wrong with my
> > system?
> Yes, that module is gone in 4.4. It will re-appear again in 4.5 when
> it will have been ported to polkit-1.
OK, pity but understandable.

Thanks for the info

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Re: python-kde4 dependency issues

2010-03-07 Thread Diederik de Haas
On 2010-03-07 Sune Vuorela wrote:
> > Is it still coming or was removing them the proper fix? LOL
> It is coming. it is mostly done. it just needs qt4.6 in unstable and
> python-qt4 built against it.
> /Sune
Then I'll just continue aptitude update-ing :-)


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Re: How to specify an URL for a scripted image plasmoid?

2010-03-10 Thread Diederik de Haas
On 2010-03-10 Josep Febrer wrote:
> It happened to me also since I've upgraded to Qt 4.6.
> But I solved installing this upgraded plasmoid:
Thank you :-) 
> Have a great day,
You too.


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Kontact Summary view doesn't show birthdays anymore

2010-03-22 Thread Diederik de Haas
Hello all,

I'm running KDE 4.4.1 (from experimental-snapshots) and I just noticed that 
birthdays don't show up 
in Kontact's summary view, while it did before.
In the Summary settings, Upcoming Events section, I've checked that "Show 
birthdays" was checked and 
just in case unchecked/checked that setting again to no avail.

Does anyone else experience the same? What can be done about it?


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Re: Kontact Summary view doesn't show birthdays anymore

2010-03-22 Thread Diederik de Haas
On 2010-03-22 Modestas Vainius wrote:
> > Does anyone else experience the same? What can be done about it?
> When was the last time it worked?
I'm not entirely sure if I understand that bug report correctly.
He talks about birthday resources being activated, but I'm not seeing sth that 
looks like that.
I do have a resource for Calendar and Contacts, but do not see sth specifically 
for birthdays in 
When looking through /home/diederik/.kde/share/apps/korganizer/std.ics (the 
calendar resource) I do 
not see a birthday, but I thought that birthday's were 'merged' from the 

I'm pretty sure it worked with 4.3.4, but don't know if it stopped working the 
moment I upgraded to 

When I upgraded to 4.4 I did have to restore my contacts, since only a small 
number of them showed 
up. Could that have sth to do with it?


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Re: Nepomuk loses its memory after session restart

2010-03-25 Thread Diederik de Haas
On 2010-03-25 Michael Schuerig wrote:
> I've just had the unfavorable experience that nepomuk has apparently 
> lost its memory after indexing 75.000 files. 
> Am I having particularly bad luck here or are others seeing similar 
> things?
Others are seeing similar things:

See also the "Strigi is always indexing" and "Desktop search: should background 
processes be 
(io)niced" (and "Need for help in patching and packaging kdebase") threads.


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Re: KDE SC 4.4.2 available on

2010-03-29 Thread Diederik de Haas
On 2010-03-29 Christoph Burgmer wrote:
> Just a short thank you to you packagers for providing this awesome service.
> Most of us users probably don't see that uploads to unstable are only
> waiting because the release team is keeping you from proceeding. And that
> you are basically waiting as desperately as us plain users.
> While I recall Modestas mentioning that lately, it probably needs a bit of
> understanding of Debian internals to appreciate you working around the
> current limitations.
> -Christoph

Hear hear!

Thanks a lot for the all the great work that you do for us.


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Re: EOL of KDE SC 4.4.2 in

2010-04-10 Thread Diederik de Haas
On 2010-04-10 Modestas Vainius wrote:
> On šeštadienis 10 Balandis 2010 16:38:38 Michael Schuerig wrote:
> > However, doing the same with -t experimental updates the entire system
> > to experimental, which is presumably not what most people want. Is there
> > a way to only upgrade KDE-related packages from experimental?
> Bump priority of experimental to 101 (/etc/apt/preferences):
> Package: *
> Pin: release a=experimental
> Pin-Priority: 101
> and do a normal dist-upgrade:

I would also like to know if it's possible to only pin the kde packages from 

I'm trying to create a KDE 4.4.2 LiveCD with live-helper. During the creation 
process a chroot 
environment is created where all the packages are installed. In that chroot I 
have the testing, sid 
and experimental sources configured. But with the above preferences file the 
kde packages from testing 
are installed, since testing/sid have a priority of 500 and experimental 101.
Changing the Pin-Priority to 501 makes the chroot fail, since aptitude removes 
aptitude at some 
point due to dependency issues. 
(like Michael Schuerig mentioned, it tries to upgrade the whole system to 
Probably important to note is that during that stage when issues arrive, the 
1st proposed solution 
is always used, since it's not an interactive stage.

Live-helper also supports an interactive stage, which creates the chroot, 
installs the packages and 
then you're given a command line at which you can do things interactively.
Doing a full-upgrade in interactive mode, I get a whole bunch of solutions, 
each of them include 
removing kde-minimal, thus removing all kde related packages.
Conclusion: I'm not able create a KDE 4.4.2 LiveCD at this point :-/


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Re: EOL of KDE SC 4.4.2 in

2010-04-10 Thread Diederik de Haas
On 2010-04-10 Modestas Vainius wrote:
> No unless you want to list all KDE SC 4.4 binary packages in
> /etc/apt/preferences (one entry for each package, 400+ in total).
No not really.
> Never pin whole experimental higher than unstable.
Didn't think it was a good idea, but wanted to try it out anyway. Now I know I 
shouldn't do that ;-)
> Therefore you should tweak aptitude in such a way that the first solution
> would be the one you want.
I've noticed that you know quite a number of advanced aptitude tricks, like the 
ones you give below 
and were available on
Where did you learn those tricks?
> In order to upgrade existing KDE 4.3.4 installation, something like this
> should work (untested):
I think it should be doable by installing KDE 4.3 and upgrading it in the 
interactive stage, thanks.
> For new installations:
> # aptitude -t experimental install kde-standard
live-helper doesn't support constructs like "-t experimental" (in 
non-interactive mode anyway).
But with apt-preferences, pinning and the like most if not all of it should be 
Quite a learning curve, but should be interesting.

Thanks for the help,


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Re: Amarok's Issues

2010-04-12 Thread Diederik de Haas
On 2010-04-12 Edson Marquezani Filho wrote:
> 3) Pause just dont't work. Instead of it, the music is started over
> again, from the beginning.
I've had this problem some time ago, but it went away, probably due to an 
upgrade or sth. 
I'm running sid/experimental (=KDE 4.4.2 and amarok 2.3.0).

I did/do also have from time to time that the Local Collection is empty, 
requesting a "Fully Rescan 
Entire Collection" (Settings -> Configure Amarok).

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kde-core list should be updated (live-helper)

2010-05-02 Thread Diederik de Haas
Hello all,

I just received a notification that meta-kde 5:59 has entered unstable/sid.
With that, the meta package kde-minimal does no longer exist, so 
core should be updated and possibly again when 5:59 gets into testing/squeeze.

This is the contents of that file now (primairily for debian-kde list):
#if DISTRIBUTION squeeze sid


I think the following change should correct the change in the meta-package:
#if DISTRIBUTION squeeze sid


#if DISTRIBUTION squeeze

and when 5:59 gets into testing it should become:
#if DISTRIBUTION squeeze sid

I'm CC-ing debian-kde list, since they probably can add sth useful to this.


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Re: kde-core list should be updated (live-helper)

2010-05-02 Thread Diederik de Haas
On 2010-05-02 Modestas Vainius wrote:
> Why not just use kde-standard instead?
That seems to me a good candidate for the kde list and then the kde-full list 
should be the kde-full 

So that means for kde list:

#if DISTRIBUTION squeeze sid

and for kde-full:
#if DISTRIBUTION squeeze sid

Sounds good to me!
Thanks for your response, that was exactly what I was hoping for.


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Re: KDE 4.4.3 in unstable

2010-05-06 Thread Diederik de Haas
I don't get what you're trying to accomplish.

On 2010-05-05 Boyd Stephen Smith Jr. wrote:
> In 4.4, kmail depends on mysql-server in order to send mail. (kmail ->
> Akonadi  -> mysql-server).

So you don't like the dependency to Akonadi? Too bad. As can be read on many 
places, Akonadi is 
there to stay. And as you mentioned in another post, the dependency to Akonadi 
has been in place for 
a while now (Korganizer and KAddressBook since 4.2). So there's no way in hell 
you're going to have 
(upstream) support for an Akonadi-less PIM.

Or don't you like the Akonadi dependency to mysql-server? Well, it's not the 
full mysqld package 
anymore, but the dependency is to mysql-server-core(-5.1) (see #548419).
SQLite has been found inappropriate since it lacks proper transaction support.
PostgreSQL is apparently capable of providing the proper features and Tobias 
Koenig has made Akonadi 
working with PostgreSQL since the end of last year 
and-postgresql.html). That patch was committed to trunk at that time, but 
apparently didn't make 
into SC 4.4 (?).
So if you want to use PostgreSQL, your best bet would be to port/base that 
patch on 4.4.

> Just block the KDEPIM 4.4 apps from migrating to testing.  The KDEPIM 4.3 
> programs already work with the KDEBASE 4.4 libraries.
> Heck, just stop kmail from migrating.  Korganizer and KAddressBook have 
> required Akonadi since 4.2 or earlier.

Yeah right, let's get a combination of 4.3 and 4.4 (and 4.2?) into stable, that 
surely must be 
preferable. And good luck getting any upstream support for bugs resulting from 

As Ana indicated the freeze won't wait for SC 4.5, so better make the best out 
of 4.4.
If you want the freeze to wait for 4.5, better try to convince the release 
team. Good luck.


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Re: akonadi first time start bugs with KDE 4.4.3

2010-05-06 Thread Diederik de Haas
On 2010-05-06 Martin Steigerwald wrote:
> Bug 236538 -  often does not find resource agents on first start of Kontact
> Bug 236539 -  dbus session bus not available on first start of Kontact - 
> race condition?

I can confirm both of these bugs.
Possible 'workaround' can be found at:

ie wrt 236538: close Kontact. Start KAddressBook standalone. Quit KAddressBook. 
Start Kontact.


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Re: akonadi first time start bugs with KDE 4.4.3

2010-05-06 Thread Diederik de Haas
On 2010-05-06 Martin Steigerwald wrote:
> > Possible 'workaround' can be found at:
> >
> >
> > ie wrt 236538: close Kontact. Start KAddressBook standalone. Quit
> > KAddressBook. Start Kontact.
> Where? 

3.8 I can't see any details in my Address Book

At the moment, the cause of this is not identified, but the cure is simple. 
Close Kontact, and start 
KAddressBook as a stand-alone application. After you close it you will be able 
to use it within 
Kontact. It seems that something is not being triggered when Kontact launches, 
and I expect this to 
be identified and fixed soon. This seems to mainly affect version 4.4.0. 

> My current work-around is just to close Kontact completely again and start 
> it another time. This will work for now.
> Apart from that I am not interested in work-arounds. I am interested in 
> *fixes*.

I'm interesting in fixes as well and not (so much) in workarounds.
But a workaround _could_ help in fixing the bug, although I'm not too sure in 
this case, since I got 
the workaround from

btw, I'm just confirming your findings, no need to bite my head off.


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Re: KDE 4.4.3 in unstable

2010-05-06 Thread Diederik de Haas
On 2010-05-06 Nate Bargmann wrote:
> > So you don't like the dependency to Akonadi? Too bad.
> Regardless the rationale, this seems to be an attitude that has become
> very pervasive among KDE developers with the advent of KDE4 and it has
> me looking seriously at the alternatives.  I no longer recommend KDE to
> other users due to the "my way or the highway" attitude I've encountered
> since running KDE 4.2 over a year ago and encountering various issues.

Note: "too bad" are my words and I'm not a kde developer.

Following blog post by Aaron Seigo yielded all the usual responses:

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Re: KDE 4.4.3 in unstable

2010-05-06 Thread Diederik de Haas
On 2010-05-06 Boyd Stephen Smith Jr. wrote:
> Not true.  I installed KMail from Sid earlier this week.  It refused to
> send  mail by entering an infinite loop trying to connect to an Akonadi
> server that I was not running.
> KAddressBook and KOrganizer depend on Akonadi in KDE 4.3 and I believe
> they  also did so in KDE 4.2.

Does 3.11 of apply to you 

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Re: KDE 4.4.3 in unstable

2010-05-06 Thread Diederik de Haas
On 2010-05-07 Mike Bird wrote:
> I'm curious.  When I install MySQL on a Lenny server it thereafter
> automatically starts the global /var/lib/mysql MySQL server at boot time.
> I thought Akonadi was intended to use a private MySQL server process
> running in each users' home directory and started as needed.  (Maybe
> I misunderstood.)
> Does installing KDE cause a global /var/lib/mysql MySQL server to run on
> each workstation, even when nobody is logged in?

Not anymore, but it used to be that case.
Since was resolved, the 
dependency is on 
mysql-server-core(-5.1) and not on mysql-server(-5.1) anymore.


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Re: Bug 172464 confirmed

2010-05-07 Thread Diederik de Haas
On 2010-05-07 Dotan Cohen wrote:
> Can other KDE users please triage these dataloss bugs in Korganizer in KDE
> 4.4:
> Each one should take less than a minute to triage.
> Dataloss is a huge issue and I fear that it is not getting the
> attention that it deserves. Hopefully if some other users confirm the
> issues then the bugs will get priority. Thanks.

I just tried to reproduce bug 172464 and can confirm it (and added it to the 
bug report).
I do wonder why there hasn't been any response from a developer (afaict) 
despite the age of the bug 
and the 50 votes it got.


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Re: Bug 226394 NOT confirmed

2010-05-07 Thread Diederik de Haas
On 2010-05-07 Dotan Cohen wrote:
> Can other KDE users please triage these dataloss bugs in Korganizer in KDE
> 4.4:
> Each one should take less than a minute to triage.
> Dataloss is a huge issue and I fear that it is not getting the
> attention that it deserves. Hopefully if some other users confirm the
> issues then the bugs will get priority. Thanks.

I was not able to reproduce the bug and added that to the bug report.


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Best way to install kde-standard

2010-05-08 Thread Diederik de Haas

Yesterday I did a fresh install of kde-standard on my laptop (using d-i 
alpha-1, expert install, 
sid, so KDE 4.4.3, filesystem ext4), but I didn't get the result I hoped for.
I believe that the recommended packages are the key.

Since I did it in a 'custom' way, I'll explain each step I did.
First I installed the base system with d-i selecting the laptop task and the 
d-i now installs recommended packages too, since that's the (new) default.

Since I've seen (in the past) a whole lot of IMO bogus packages getting 
installed when recommended 
packages are also installed, one of the first things I do after a base install 
of the system is to 
instruct apt not to install recommended packages (APT::Install-Recommends "0"; 

After that I installed kde-standard with the following command:
"aptitude install kde-standard kdm xserver-xorg virtuoso-minimal"

After rebooting and logging into KDE I noticed the following things:
- When plugging in a usb device, device-notifier didn't notice anything and the 
only way to access 
that usb device was to use mount it from Konsole
- The battery monitor didn't work at all
- I did not have a suspend to disk/ram option
- System Monitor - Harddisk didn't see any partitions

I didn't do further testing, since this was already not what I wanted.

Since I wanted to figure out what was left out because of not installing 
recommended packages, I ran 
the following commands on a freshly installed base system, without disabling 
The outputs are in the attachment.
"aptitude -s -y install kde-standard"
"aptitude -s -y install --without-recommends kde-standard"
"aptitude -s -y install kde-standard network-manager-kde=" (since I don't 
like/want network-manager)

The difference in --with-recommends and --without-recommends are so big wrt 
kde-standard that I think 
kde-standard should be installed with the recommended packages.
But leaving out network-manager-kde seems to also not install some packages 
which may have 
contributed to the problems described above. On first inspection libgudev-1.0-0 
libknotificationitem-1-1 seem especially relevant.

So I would like to know how other ppl are installing kde(-standard) without 
bloating their system, 
but with a properly functional one.
Tips/tricks/etc are also welcome.


Description: application/compressed-tar

Re: KDE unable to play complete K3B .wav files

2010-05-08 Thread Diederik de Haas
On 2010-05-08 Nate Bargmann wrote:
> In System Settings configure notification (also from the same menu in
> configure K3B) only the first note is played.

Tried it from K3b and I can confirm your findings
> In Dolphin clicking on k3b_success1.wav launches gnome-mplayer and the
> entire file is played.

Same here, although I've played it with both Amarok as smplayer
> Also in Dolphin with k3b_success1.wav highlighted clicking the play
> button in the far right hand pane plays the first three notes.

Same here.

> Here is an oddity I've noticed

It sure is odd.

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Re: Best way to install kde-standard

2010-05-08 Thread Diederik de Haas
I went ahead and tried to get kde-standard in the following way:
"aptitude install kde-plasma-desktop"
"aptitude install --without-recommends kde-standard"

Here are my findings:

On 2010-05-08 Diederik de Haas wrote:
> After rebooting and logging into KDE I noticed the following things:
> - When plugging in a usb device, device-notifier didn't notice anything and
> the only way to access  that usb device was to use mount it from Konsole
> - The battery monitor didn't work at all
> - I did not have a suspend to disk/ram option
> - System Monitor - Harddisk didn't see any partitions

Device notifier works as expected, battery monitor works, suspend to disk/ram 
is not only available, 
but even working :-) system monitor - harddisk picks up my / and /home just as 
> The difference in --with-recommends and --without-recommends are so big wrt
> kde-standard that I think  kde-standard should be installed with the
> recommended packages.
> But leaving out network-manager-kde seems to also not install some packages
> which may have  contributed to the problems described above. On first
> inspection libgudev-1.0-0 and libknotificationitem-1-1 seem especially
> relevant.

Since all previous reported issues work now, network-manager-kde is not needed, 
nor it's 

> So I would like to know how other ppl are installing kde(-standard) without
> bloating their system,  but with a properly functional one.
> Tips/tricks/etc are also welcome.

Although I fixed the issues I had, I'm still interested, especially ppls 
experience with recommended 


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Re: Best way to install kde-standard

2010-05-08 Thread Diederik de Haas
On 2010-05-08 Diederik de Haas wrote:
>  suspend to disk/ram is not only available, but even working :-)
Apparently cheered to early.
While suspending to disk seemed to work, when trying to resume the screen stays 


Since the noveau driver didn't seem capable of rendering kde/kdm properly I 
installed the nvidia 
drivers (the debian way).

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Re: Automount HDD KDE 4.4 Problem

2010-05-08 Thread Diederik de Haas
On 2010-05-08 Leonardo Meira wrote:
> Dolphin does not mount my other hard drives. They appear in "places" but
> when I click I get a message
> ""org.freedesktop.Hal.Device.Volume.PermissionDenied: Refusing to mount
> device /dev/sdaX for uid = 1000"". I tried, as read in other forums, create
> a configuration file for Polkit but in vain.
> I also saw that this is a common problem in other Distros, possibly a
> problem with KDE 4.4.
> Important detail: in earlier versions of KDE 4.x I solved this problem by
> changing the permissions of the HAL PolicyKit module located in
> systemsettings but in KDE 4.4 this module is missing, ie has been removed

Search for a thread named "PolicyKit Authorization (System Settings) crashes 
every time"
First msg can be found here:
and it continues here:

It is indeed an issue with KDE 4.4 and has to do with the switch to 
policykit-1, which is in review 
and will/should be included (again) with KDE 4.5

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Re: KDE 4.4.3 in unstable

2010-05-08 Thread Diederik de Haas
On 2010-05-06 Diederik de Haas wrote:
> PostgreSQL is apparently capable of providing the proper features and
> Tobias Koenig has made Akonadi  working with PostgreSQL since the end of
> last year (
> and-postgresql.html). That patch was committed to trunk at that time, but
> apparently didn't make into SC 4.4 (?).
> So if you want to use PostgreSQL, your best bet would be to port/base that
> patch on 4.4.

I don't want to reinstate this discussion, but I just found sth which I haven't 
heard/read about 
before, which might help you (haven't tried it myself).

I just started the Akonadi Tray utility, then right-clicked on the tray icon 
and chose Configure...
The second tab, labelled "Akonadi Server Configuration" has a setting for 
Database driver, which 
allows you to choose between MySQL and ... PostgreSQL
With PostgreSQL selected, you can specify your database settings.

Maybe that helps.

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Re: Best way to install kde-standard

2010-05-08 Thread Diederik de Haas
On 2010-05-08 Sven Joachim wrote:
> > Suggestions?
> File a bug report.

I first want to know if I'm the only one and/or try to find the cause of the 
issue before filing a bug 
But I'll start a separate thread for it.
> > Since the noveau driver didn't seem capable of rendering kde/kdm properly
> > I installed the nvidia  drivers (the debian way).
> Does hibernating work with the nvidia driver?  BTW, nouveau should work
> fine if you disable desktop effects.

Nope, hibernating does not work with the nvidia driver, but I didn't/couldn't 
test it with the 
nouveau driver, since I couldn't get a login screen to begin with and 
Ctl+Alt+F1 didn't respond 
either, so it was unusable for me.
Had to do Ctl+Alt+SysRq+(REISUB) and boot into single user mode to get my 
system working again.

Desktop effects seems to be disabled by default on laptops, so that's probably 
not it.


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Re: What needs to improve in KDE 4?

2010-05-10 Thread Diederik de Haas
On 2010-05-10 Dotan Cohen wrote:
> I also would experience Krunner freezes on backspace, KDE 4.2 - 4.3,
> but I cannot reproduce now on 4.4. I started 4.4 on a new ~/.kde
> folder, can you try in a new user profile and report back? Thanks.

I have a brand new, clean install of 4.4.3 and I experience 'freezes' as well.
I've put quotes around it since it appears to freeze, ie doesn't seem to do 
anything for > 10 
For example: Alt+F2 to start Krunner, type "kwrite"  ... doesn't seem to 
do anything.
So I start kwrite from the ALI (Lancelot in my case) and kwrite starts and then 
starts another 
instance, probably from the Krunner (since Krunner window disappears).

Other times though, it works straight away, even with the same command. So it's 
not very consistent.


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Re: kde-core list should be updated (live-helper)

2010-05-17 Thread Diederik de Haas
On Saturday 08 May 2010 12:30:38 Daniel Baumann wrote:
> On 05/03/2010 12:50 AM, Diederik de Haas wrote:
> > That seems to me a good candidate for the kde list and then the kde-full
> > list should be the kde-full meta-package.
> forgot to mention..
> > So that means for kde list:
> both updated, thanks you.

There is a new development: and

Meaning that kde-minimal is dropped (at least for now).
Asking on #debian-kde gave me the following responses:
[01:37]  Is it likely that kde-minimal will not exist for more then a 
week? kde-minimal is 
used in the package lists for live-helper
[01:38]  If it's only gone for a week or so it's probably not worth 
the temp update, but 
if it's expected to take longer then it makes sense to notify Daniel Baumann
[01:42]  diederik: kde-minimal is a virtual package
[01:42]  s/is/will be/
[01:42]  once it is introduced again
[01:42]  I don't think you want to let apt choose which provide to 
[01:43]  but right now it doesn't exist, so if someone wants to build 
a kde LiveCD, that 
will fail, since it doesn't exist _now_
[01:43]  since not everyone builds a kde livecd each day a temporary 
disruption seems ok 
(to me)
[01:44]  so if it's back in a week or so, probably no one will notice 
and otherwise the 
package list will need to be updated twice
[01:44]  diederik: regardless of kde-minimal fate, switch to live cd to 
either kde-plasma-
desktop or kde-plasma-netbook (or kde-standard)
[01:45]  I mean if you want live cd build process to be predictable

So if the following section of kde-core is updated from
#if DISTRIBUTION squeeze sid
#if DISTRIBUTION squeeze sid

Then kde builds of live-helper should be OK again.


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KMyMoney questions

2010-05-21 Thread Diederik de Haas

I've just installed KMyMoney (from sid) and have some questions.
- How can I enter a negative limit on an (checking) account?
I was successful doing this ones, but I noticed the display of negative money 
was not what I wanted 
so I changed that (from () to -). Restarting the application and logging out/in 
corrected the 
display, but I haven't been able to enter a negative number since. 
Before changing the display, most of the times I was unsuccessful too.

- When editing an existing bill (Scheduled transactions), it switches to 
Deposit from Withdrawal 
(each time). Transfer do stay on Transfer though. Does anyone else experience 

- What's a good place to ask questions wrt KMyMoney? I found a mailing list, 
kmymoney-devel, but 
that really looks like a mailing list for the developers, not for users like me.


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Suspend to disk -> resume: only locked when invoked from Kickoff

2010-05-30 Thread Diederik de Haas

When I invoke suspend to disk from Lancelot or the Lock/Logout widget and then 
resume again, the 
screen is not locked. When I invoke that action from Kickoff it does get locked.
According to Ivan Cukic (author of Lancelot) this should be a configuration or 
installation problem.

1. Does someone else experience this problem?
2. If it is a configuration or installation problem, where to look for the 
3. If not a configuration or installation problem, is it then a packaging 
issue? If it is, should it 
be filed in the Debian BTS (since it's a security issue)?


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Re: Suspend to disk -> resume: only locked when invoked from Kickoff

2010-05-30 Thread Diederik de Haas
New 'development' after some more testing ...

On Sunday 30 May 2010 17:53:39 Diederik de Haas wrote:
> When I invoke suspend to disk from Lancelot or the Lock/Logout widget and
> then resume again, the screen is not locked. When I invoke that action
> from Kickoff it does get locked. 

After I had verified that Kickoff did lock the screen, I apparently didn't 
check Lancelot's behavior 
again (since before I could reproduce it always), but Lancelot now does lock 
the screen, 
consistently :)
But the Lock/Logout widget still suffers from the above mentioned issue.

> According to Ivan Cukic (author of Lancelot) this should be a configuration 
> or installation 
> problem. See

He also said in that report that "Lancelot in KDE SC 4.4 is using the global 
KDE mechanism for 
Does someone know whether the Lock/Logout widget is _not_ using that mechanism 
and/or why it's not 
behaving correctly?

> 1. Does someone else experience this problem?
> 2. If it is a configuration or installation problem, where to look for the
> error? 3. If not a configuration or installation problem, is it then a
> packaging issue? If it is, should it be filed in the Debian BTS (since
> it's a security issue)?

Above questions still stand, but now mostly for the Lock/Logout widget.

I do wonder and like to know why Lancelot only started behaving correctly 
_after_ verifying/testing 
that Kickoff did lock the screen. And I like to know if it's a KDE or a Debian 


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Re: Compiz Fusion

2010-06-03 Thread Diederik de Haas
On Thursday 03 June 2010 14:26:24 John Culleton wrote:
> Is this the package that gives "exploding" windows when they are
> closed?

It could.
Or you try System Settings - Desktop - Desktop Effects

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Re: JFYI Interesting read on the state of Akonadi for KDE SC 4.5

2010-06-03 Thread Diederik de Haas
On Thursday 03 June 2010 16:49:06 Martin Steigerwald wrote:
> kontact - after upgrade to KDE4.4 akonadi doesn't work

Isn't that the same as ?

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Re: JFYI Interesting read on the state of Akonadi for KDE SC 4.5

2010-06-03 Thread Diederik de Haas
On Thursday 03 June 2010 19:21:23 Martin Steigerwald wrote:
> Actually I do not get anymore why I reported too further bug reports about 
> this issue.

To get the attention of the kde developers? ;)
tbh I'm a bit disappointed about the absence of _any_ reaction to the bugs 
filed at from 
each of the bugs that were (also) discussed on this list (apart from Valerio 

> Well, I just hope it can be fixed before Squeeze. But I think I will
> follow  Testing anyway, so I won't have to wait, at least for my laptop.
> The workstation at work usually follows Debian Stable.

For me personally it probably doesn't matter, since I follow sid on my pc and 
testing on my server.
But I hope too that the version shipped with Squeeze will be a good one, since 
especially newcomers 
will start (and stay?) with Debian Stable.

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Re: Phonon VLC backend

2010-06-23 Thread Diederik de Haas
On Tuesday 22 June 2010 22:46:49 Martin Steigerwald wrote:
> I bet VLC 1.1 would be a problem.
It could also be that VLC < 1.1 is a problem:

Although I don't know what the relation is of Phonon VLC backend and VLC and/or 
the above mentioned 

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Re: how to install KDE 3.5.10

2010-07-15 Thread Diederik de Haas
On Friday 16 July 2010 04:36:26 Kete F wrote:
> Hello,
> This page, tells to install
> kde-desktop, but that is not a Lenny package as far as I can tell.
> Regards,
> Kete

How about package 'kde' ?
That will install all of kde 3.5.10 (I think). 
If you want to start out small and add (meta-)packages to that, kde-core seems 
like a good starting 

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Nepomukservices is leaking memory?

2010-07-26 Thread Diederik de Haas

Recently I moved a folder containing my eclipse workspaces (1.9GB in size) to a 
different location, 
so I expected that nepomuk/stringi would be reindexing the whole lot.
I also have a widget on my desktop showing how much RAM/swap is in use ... 
and that is right now 2.0GB RAM and 3.9MB swap !!!
The previous time I saw readings like this I had eclipse open, so I attributed 
it to that, closed it 
and very little changed. 
Right now I have Kontact open and 1 document loaded in Okular ... that's it.

So I opened the System Activity window (Ctl+Esc) and there I saw what was the 
I can only descripe what's happing right now, but a similar thing I saw some 
days ago:
nepomukservices (1) using 907388K of memory   ... and rising
nepomukservices (2) using 294072K of memory   ... and rising
Xorg using 247451K of memory (don't know if it's relevant, but it seems kind of 
high mem usage)

and just a few minutes ago I had about 50 (!) kio_file processes running

Nepomukservices will keep on eating more memory until I logoff/shutdown/etc.

Has anyone seen something like this?
Is there a fix/workaround?
Will it every stop/finish (re-)indexing those files? It's been going on for > 
12 hours now, just like 
the other time.

I'm running KDE 4.4.5 but I don't know if the latest upgrade changed anything 
related to this.


PS: while writing this email mem usage is up to 947732K and 298840K for the 

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Re: Nepomukservices is leaking memory?

2010-07-26 Thread Diederik de Haas
On Tuesday 27 July 2010 00:11:43 Diederik de Haas wrote:
> Hello,
> Recently I moved a folder containing my eclipse workspaces (1.9GB in size)
> I'm running KDE 4.4.5 but I don't know if the latest upgrade changed
> anything related to this.


I realised I don't use it anyway, so disabled nepomuk and got my memory back.
Sorry for bothering.


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Re: Ktorrent WebUI

2010-08-01 Thread Diederik de Haas
On Monday 02 August 2010 00:14:41 Cassiano Leal wrote:
> I understand what you mean, but it is still very counter-intuitive. I
> mean, if I want to enable/disable a feature, then that's configuring
> the software to me. On top of that, it is IMO very awkward having to
> enable something in the main window of a program so that only then
> its settings will appear in the settings window. I mean... having a
> main window interaction change what's inside the settings window
> doesn't seem right to me (here it is! no it isn't anymore).

I think you have a valid point, but it's probably more effective to take the 
issue up with the 
upstream authors (b.k.o.) than trying to convince someone from the Debian KDE 


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KMyMoney 4.5

2010-08-16 Thread Diederik de Haas

Today I got a msg that KMyMoney 4.5 was released, which completes the 
transition to the KDE4 
Is there a chance that it will appear in the archives anytime soon or will it 
have to wait till the 
freeze is over and Squeeze is released?

And since it's Debian Appreciation Day:
A big THANK YOU for the Debian KDE team for all their hard and great work!


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Re: KMyMoney 4.5

2010-08-21 Thread Diederik de Haas
On Monday 16 August 2010 23:30:16 Diederik de Haas wrote:
> Today I got a msg that KMyMoney 4.5 was released, which completes the
> transition to the KDE4 platform.
> Is there a chance that it will appear in the archives anytime soon or will
> it have to wait till the freeze is over and Squeeze is released?

Sorry for my poor choice of words.

I know that KDE SC 4.5 won't be made available (in unstable/testing) before the 
freeze is over.
But other than the version number, I think that KMyMoney 4.5 does not have many 
correlation/dependency to KDE SC 4.5. 
So it may be that KMM 4.5 does make it to the archives before the freeze is 
over and I hope someone 
could answer that.


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KDE 4.5.1: Can't exit KDE with keyboard anymore (with Lancelot)

2010-09-10 Thread Diederik de Haas

Tonight I upgraded to KDE 4.5.1 and now I can't logout/shutdown/etc with the 
keyboard anymore.
Through Alt+F5 I bring up the Lancelot menu and then with Alt+L I get the Leave 
menu popup 
containing Logout/Reboot/Shutdown/SuspendToDisk/SuspendToRam options, which I 
could previously 
navigate with the array keys or the shortcut key (Alt+S for Shutdown). 
That doesn't work anymore and Alt+S now types 's' in the search function of the 
Lancelot menu.
The only way to invoke Shutdown is to use my mouse for that final stage.


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Re: KDE 4.5.1: Can't exit KDE with keyboard anymore (with Lancelot)

2010-09-11 Thread Diederik de Haas
On Saturday 11 September 2010 11:09:36 George Kiagiadakis wrote:
> On Sat, Sep 11, 2010 at 2:59 AM, Diederik de Haas  
> wrote:
> > Tonight I upgraded to KDE 4.5.1 and now I can't logout/shutdown/etc with
> > the keyboard anymore. 
> That doesn't sound like a packaging bug to me, please report it upstream.

Will do.

Can someone confirm my findings, so I know it's not a local issue?


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libsolidcontrol4 vs libsolidcontrol4a

2010-09-21 Thread Diederik de Haas
Hello all,

Since about a week ago I have 2 upgrades being held back since it breaks stuff 
and "aptitude -s full-
upgrade" suggests removing kde-plasma-desktop among other things. Of course 
that's not what I want.
I have libsolidcontrol4a installed and that conflicts with libsolidcontrol4, 
which wants to be 
installed for an upgrade of plasma-widget-networkmanagement to which I recently 
switched on George's 
A similar conflict exists for libsolidcontrolifaces4 vs libsolidcontrolifaces4a 
(which is installed).

I have KDE 4.5.1 from

What to do about it?


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Re: libsolidcontrol4 vs libsolidcontrol4a

2010-09-21 Thread Diederik de Haas
On Tuesday 21 September 2010 23:57:28 George Kiagiadakis wrote:
> I have an updated version of plasma-widget-networkmanagement in the
> repository that uses the new version of
> libsolidcontrol. Normally, aptitude should upgrade it without any
> problem.
And that version is what caused the issue with me.
But I've found the solution: "aptitude -s full-upgrade -t 
experimental-snapshots" does give a good 
upgrade path :-)

> Btw, are you also getting trouble with libkwebkit1?

Thanks for the help and sorry about the noise.


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Re: Phonon occasionally working

2010-09-30 Thread Diederik de Haas
On Thursday 30 September 2010 07:35:52 Aniruddha wrote:
> Sometimes when I boot into Debian Squeeze Phonon programs such as
> Dragon player and Amarok work and sometimes they don't. Non Phonon
> programs such as vlc always work.

Do you have multiple sound cards in your system?
What's the backend for Phonon? When you go into System Settings - Multimedia, 
you'll see your Phonon 
settings. IIRC for squeeze (ie KDE 4.4.5) it's on the second tab.

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