New 'development' after some more testing ...

On Sunday 30 May 2010 17:53:39 Diederik de Haas wrote:
> When I invoke suspend to disk from Lancelot or the Lock/Logout widget and
> then resume again, the screen is not locked. When I invoke that action
> from Kickoff it does get locked. 

After I had verified that Kickoff did lock the screen, I apparently didn't 
check Lancelot's behavior 
again (since before I could reproduce it always), but Lancelot now does lock 
the screen, 
consistently :)
But the Lock/Logout widget still suffers from the above mentioned issue.

> According to Ivan Cukic (author of Lancelot) this should be a configuration 
> or installation 
> problem. See

He also said in that report that "Lancelot in KDE SC 4.4 is using the global 
KDE mechanism for 
Does someone know whether the Lock/Logout widget is _not_ using that mechanism 
and/or why it's not 
behaving correctly?

> 1. Does someone else experience this problem?
> 2. If it is a configuration or installation problem, where to look for the
> error? 3. If not a configuration or installation problem, is it then a
> packaging issue? If it is, should it be filed in the Debian BTS (since
> it's a security issue)?

Above questions still stand, but now mostly for the Lock/Logout widget.

I do wonder and like to know why Lancelot only started behaving correctly 
_after_ verifying/testing 
that Kickoff did lock the screen. And I like to know if it's a KDE or a Debian 


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