Re: Handling optimization flags in Debian packages

2010-04-05 Thread Reinhard Tartler
On Sun, Apr 04, 2010 at 23:49:59 (CEST), Felipe Sateler wrote:

> On 04/04/10 16:29, Tiago Bortoletto Vaz wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> I've faced an issue (#557550) which is much probably caused by a CPU
>> which doesn't support SSE2 instructions. I'm not sure about the best
>> way to address this. Any suggestion will be very welcome. Actually I
>> can see the following workarounds:
>> 1) consider that most of CPUs support this flag, so tell the reporter
>> to compile the package by him/herself.
>> 2) remove this specific flag during package building, ending with a
>> non-optimized software available for all users.
>> 3) create a specific -sse2 (or -non-sse2) package.
>> 4) ask the upstream to code runtime checks before using SSE2 specific
>> instructions (is that possible?).
> 5) Build twice, install both binaries in /usr/lib/package, and ship a
> wrapper script that calls the appropriate binary depending on the CPU
> flags.

6) If the sse2 using code is placed in a shared library, then compile
twice, place the non-sse2 using version in /usr/lib, and the sse2 enabled
version in /usr/lib/i686/sse2. The dynamic linker /lib/ will
automatically pick up the correct version using the information provided
by the kernel.

FWIW, this is the approach I've sucessfully implemented in libavcodec.

Does anyone know if this works on kFreeBSD as well and cares to submit a
patch for ffmpeg? Especially for avcodec, this makes a significant
difference in nearly every media player application.

Reinhard Tartler, KeyID 945348A4

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Bug#576510: ITP: libformat-human-bytes-perl -- Format a bytecount and make it human readable

2010-04-05 Thread Deepak Tripathi
Package: wnpp
Owner: Deepak Tripathi 
Severity: wishlist

* Package name: libformat-human-bytes-perl
  Version : 0.4
  Upstream Author : Sebastian Willing 
* URL or Web page :
* License : GPL
  Description : Format a bytecount and make it human readable

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Re: Some mail changes

2010-04-05 Thread Santiago Vila
On Mon, 5 Apr 2010, Philipp Kern wrote:

> On 2010-04-04, Santiago Vila  wrote:
> > Juat announce "Effective [some day], people who do not have an email
> > forward setup will have one pointing to master, so that they will continue
> > to receive email in master" and be done with it.
> You mean like [0]?
> Kind regards,
> Philipp Kern
> [0] <>

"we are going to update LDAP so that everyone who doesn't currently
have a mail forward set will have it set to $"

Yes, exactly, like that :-) For some strange reason, that automatic
forward from 2009 didn't happen apparently in my ldap setup, or maybe
I disabled it afterwards, I don't know.

Anyway, I've set my email forward yesterday.

I just hope that nobody loses email because of lack of action.

Sorry for the noise.


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Re: Popcon disabled?

2010-04-05 Thread Raphael Geissert
Joachim Wiedorn wrote:

> Hello,
> since some days I noticed that the 'Popularity contest statistics' of
> packages are not updated. For example for the package "xfe" the last
> value of 'popcon' comes from 2010-04-01.

It was actually from 2010-03-19...

> Does anyone know why?

Yes, the cronjob died and left the lock around. There was also another 
problem with the graphics caused by a missing popcon report.

Both should be fixed now. Next time contact -qa, the appropriate mailing 

Raphael Geissert - Debian Developer -

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Re: - the Debian ShortURL Service - beta test - ciabot script added

2010-04-05 Thread Bernd Zeimetz
On 04/03/2010 01:52 AM, Bernd Zeimetz wrote:
> And if you want to give it a try now, log into and have a 
> look
> into /var/lib/gforge/chroot/home/users/bzed/godebian-client - the usage is
> documented in the README file and should be pretty straight forward.

I've added a CIA.VC client script ( to the example clients, which
should work fine on alioth and delivers a shortened url to cia/irc.


 Bernd ZeimetzDebian GNU/Linux Developer
 GPG Fingerprints: 06C8 C9A2 EAAD E37E 5B2C BE93 067A AD04 C93B FF79
   ECA1 E3F2 8E11 2432 D485 DD95 EB36 171A 6FF9 435F

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Re: migration to testing

2010-04-05 Thread Stanislav Maslovski
On Sat, Mar 27, 2010 at 01:38:56PM +0100, Mike Hommey wrote:
> On Sat, Mar 27, 2010 at 01:05:37PM +0100, Simon Paillard wrote:
> > On Sat, Mar 27, 2010 at 02:16:58PM +0300, Stanislav Maslovski wrote:
> > > One of my packages, fuse-convmvfs (uploaded by a sponsor), cannot
> > > migrate to testing. The migration is blocked by kfreebsd:
> > > 
> > > * fuse-convmvfs/kfreebsd-amd64 unsatisfiable Depends: fuse-utils
> > > * fuse-convmvfs/kfreebsd-i386 unsatisfiable Depends: fuse-utils
> > > 
> > > What is the recommended way of solving this?
> > 
> > fuse-utils is not build on kfreebsd-(amd64|i386) since it's
> > Linux-specific, see #528537:
> Anyways, on kfreebsd, fusemount is provided by another package (fusebsd,
> iirc), which means that except if the freebsd kernel allows the mount
> syscall for users, all packages currently depending on fuse-utils should
> now depend on fuse-utils | fusebsd.

I could not find this fusebsd package in Debian :( However, a related
project indeed exists [1].

As the original poster of that question on debian-mentors, I would
like to ask anyone who has access to a Debian/kFreeBSD installation to
test if fuse-convmvfs from sid works there (provided that fuse4bsd is
installed). My package builds on that architecture just fine, but
unfortunately I cannot test myself if it works there.

> This just sounds plain wrong, and IMHO, libfuse itself should do the
> depend, though arguably, some libfuse rdepends don't need them.

Well, if that would be possible I would simply prefer to add a
dependence to my package and forget about it for a while.



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Re: Best practices for development workstations

2010-04-05 Thread Carsten Hey
* John Goerzen  [2010-03-29 19:03 -0500]:
> Suggestions?

Sounds like you should consider trying vserver or similar.  It consumes
less resources than "real virtualisation" but provides better networking
isolation than simple chroots.

You would need a kernel with vserver support (Debian provides some for
lenny and squeeze), util-vserver and vserver-debiantools.  The commands
newvserver and vserver are sufficient to begin.


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Re: Best practices for development workstations

2010-04-05 Thread Mikhail Gusarov

Twas brillig at 19:03:00 29.03.2010 UTC-05 when did gyre 
and gimble:

 JG> Suggestions?



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Re: migration to testing

2010-04-05 Thread Adam Borowski
On Tue, Apr 06, 2010 at 01:05:52AM +0400, Stanislav Maslovski wrote:
> As the original poster of that question on debian-mentors, I would
> like to ask anyone who has access to a Debian/kFreeBSD installation to
> test if fuse-convmvfs from sid works there (provided that fuse4bsd is
> installed). My package builds on that architecture just fine, but
> unfortunately I cannot test myself if it works there.

Just install it yourself in virtualbox (slow, always works) or kvm (requires
hardware support).

I just lost several hours today trying, so here's a list of pitfalls:

* You need to change the virtual network card.  VirtualBox's default,
"PCnet-FAST III (Am79C973)", is recognized by kfreebsd but doesn't see the
network.  "PCnet-PCI II (Am79C970A)" works fine.

* You need a particular d-i build:
(I assume -amd64 works too).

Current d-i dailies are broken (the partitioner fails, even with a
pre-partitioned disk, not letting you assign mount points).  Don't use the
sysinstall images either (they install but filesystem operations randomly
fail).  Rumours that d-i builds 20100306 or 20100223 are ok are untrue as
well (won't even boot past the splash screen).

1KB // Microsoft corollary to Hanlon's razor:
//  Never attribute to stupidity what can be
//  adequately explained by malice.

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Bug#576622: ITP: libspring-ldap-java -- Java library for simpler LDAP programming

2010-04-05 Thread Miguel Landaeta
Package: wnpp
Severity: wishlist
Owner: Miguel Landaeta 
Owner: Miguel Landaeta 

* Package name: libspring-ldap-java
  Version : 1.3.0.RELEASE
  Upstream Author : SpringSource Inc.
* URL :
* License : Apache-2.0
  Programming Lang: Java
  Description : Java library for simpler LDAP programming

Spring LDAP is built on the same principles as the JdbcTemplate in Spring
JDBC. It completely eliminates the need to worry about creating and closing
LdapContext and looping through NamingEnumeration. It also provides a
more comprehensive unchecked Exception hierarchy, built on Spring's
DataAccessException. As a bonus, it also contains classes for dynamically
building LDAP filters and DNs (Distinguished Names), LDAP attribute
management, and client-side LDAP transaction management.

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Bug#576642: ITP: xserver-xorg-video-qxl -- X.Org X server -- QXL display driver

2010-04-05 Thread Liang Guo
Package: wnpp
Severity: wishlist

   Package name: xserver-xorg-video-qxl
   Upstream Author: Red Hat, Inc
   License: MIT
   Description: X.Org X server -- QXL display driver
 This package provides the driver for QXL virtual GPU , which can be found in 
the RedHat Enterprise Virtualisation system.
 More information about X.Org can be found at:>>>
 This package is built from the xf86-video-qxl driver module

Liang Guo

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