Re: [Pkg-samba-maint] Bug#478328: ITP: samba4 -- LanManager-like fileserver and active directory server

2008-04-29 Thread Christian Perrier
Quoting Jelmer Vernooij ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
> Package: wnpp
> Severity: wishlist
> Owner: Jelmer Vernooij <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

This is a plan we discussed with Jelmer at the SambaXP conference.
(for people less involved in samba stuff, Jelmer is, along with Andrew
Bartlett, one of the two "lead" developers of Samba4).

Given the Samba4 release timeframe, having both samba3 and samba4
packages in Debian makes sense for quite some time.

We not only want to release Debian with a stable Samba (which means
releasing with 3.x) but also give Samba4 the widest exposure possible
(which means having it in unstable at least).

These samba4 package are *not targeted for lenny*. Security updates
for such alpha releases wouldn't be reasonable, of course.

So, it's quite likely that the first one or two uploads will be sent
to experimental.

There will then be uploads to unstable, but we'll take care of
blocking them from entering testing.

Having this samba4 source package along with many binary packages it
will produce (several libraries), will also help integrating
Openchange (the Free MS-Exchange interoperable server/client)all
this being targeted at lenny+1.

Description: Digital signature

Re: NMU versioning

2008-04-29 Thread Kartik Mistry
On Tuesday 29 Apr 2008 3:02:34 pm Amaya wrote:
> > "The version must be the version of the last upload, plus +nmuX, where
> > X is a counter starting at 1."
> I have found that NMUing native source packages is a bit tricky, as in,
> what is the consensuous regarding this increment? Where to increment?


someversion+nmu1, someversion+nmu2 for example see, bzflag package. It is 
at right now.

Kartik Mistry | 0xD1028C8D | IRC: kart_
Blogs: {ftbfs,kartikm}

Description: This is a digitally signed message part.

Re: NMU versioning

2008-04-29 Thread Mike Hommey
On Tue, Apr 29, 2008 at 11:32:34AM +0200, Amaya <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> James Vega wrote:
> > "The version must be the version of the last upload, plus +nmuX, where
> > X is a counter starting at 1."
> I have found that NMUing native source packages is a bit tricky, as in,
> what is the consensuous regarding this increment? Where to increment?

FWIW, I think NMUing a package shouldn't end up with a sourceful upload
but should instead have a .diff.gz, whether it's a native package or not.


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Re: NMU versioning

2008-04-29 Thread Amaya
James Vega wrote:
> "The version must be the version of the last upload, plus +nmuX, where
> X is a counter starting at 1."

I have found that NMUing native source packages is a bit tricky, as in,
what is the consensuous regarding this increment? Where to increment?

I hope I made myself understood, but I am at loss, not enough caffeine
in bloodstream.

  ·''`.  Come, let me sing into your ear, those dancing days are gone 
 : :' : I carry the sun in a golden cup, the moon in a silver bag
 `. `' 
   `-   Proudly running Debian GNU/Linux

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Re: NMU versioning

2008-04-29 Thread Adeodato Simó
* Mike Hommey [Tue, 29 Apr 2008 11:54:59 +0200]:

> FWIW, I think NMUing a package shouldn't end up with a sourceful upload
> but should instead have a .diff.gz, whether it's a native package or not.

100% agreed. (Assuming you mean a NMU should never, ever, create a new
tarball, particularly applying to native packages.)


Adeodato Simó dato at
Debian Developer  adeodato at
  Listening to: María Jiménez - La otra cara

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Re: NMU versioning

2008-04-29 Thread Kumar Appaiah
On Tue, Apr 29, 2008 at 12:16:28PM +0200, Adeodato Simó wrote:
> > FWIW, I think NMUing a package shouldn't end up with a sourceful upload
> > but should instead have a .diff.gz, whether it's a native package or not.
> 100% agreed. (Assuming you mean a NMU should never, ever, create a new
> tarball, particularly applying to native packages.)

For non-native packages, however, wouldn't it make sense to package a
new upstream release as NMU if it fixes a set of RC bugs, say, rather
than backporting the fixes (a tad) clumsily? (I may be missing
something in what you were intending to say, so I apologise for that.)


Kumar Appaiah,
458, Jamuna Hostel,
Indian Institute of Technology Madras,
Chennai - 600 036

Description: Digital signature

Re: NMU versioning

2008-04-29 Thread Bastian Blank
On Tue, Apr 29, 2008 at 12:16:28PM +0200, Adeodato Simó wrote:
> * Mike Hommey [Tue, 29 Apr 2008 11:54:59 +0200]:
> > FWIW, I think NMUing a package shouldn't end up with a sourceful upload
> > but should instead have a .diff.gz, whether it's a native package or not.
> 100% agreed. (Assuming you mean a NMU should never, ever, create a new
> tarball, particularly applying to native packages.)

It is valid to update to a new upstream release in a NMU, so this is


Respect is a rational process
-- McCoy, "The Galileo Seven", stardate 2822.3

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Re: NMU versioning

2008-04-29 Thread Amaya
Kartik Mistry wrote:
> someversion+nmu1, someversion+nmu2 for example see, bzflag package. It
> is at right now.

Thanks, that answers my question.

  ·''`.  Come, let me sing into your ear, those dancing days are gone 
 : :' : I carry the sun in a golden cup, the moon in a silver bag
 `. `' 
   `-   Proudly running Debian GNU/Linux

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Re: NMU versioning

2008-04-29 Thread Adeodato Simó
* Bastian Blank [Tue, 29 Apr 2008 12:55:23 +0200]:

> On Tue, Apr 29, 2008 at 12:16:28PM +0200, Adeodato Simó wrote:
> > * Mike Hommey [Tue, 29 Apr 2008 11:54:59 +0200]:
> > > FWIW, I think NMUing a package shouldn't end up with a sourceful upload
> > > but should instead have a .diff.gz, whether it's a native package or not.
> > 100% agreed. (Assuming you mean a NMU should never, ever, create a new
> > tarball, particularly applying to native packages.)

> It is valid to update to a new upstream release in a NMU, so this is
> bogus.

Er, of course. I was mostly talking about normal NMUs to native packages.

Adeodato Simó dato at
Debian Developer  adeodato at
   Listening to: María Jiménez - Vuelve otra vez

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Re: NMU versioning

2008-04-29 Thread Mike Hommey
On Tue, Apr 29, 2008 at 01:01:53PM +0200, Adeodato Simó <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
> * Bastian Blank [Tue, 29 Apr 2008 12:55:23 +0200]:
> > On Tue, Apr 29, 2008 at 12:16:28PM +0200, Adeodato Simó wrote:
> > > * Mike Hommey [Tue, 29 Apr 2008 11:54:59 +0200]:
> > > > FWIW, I think NMUing a package shouldn't end up with a sourceful upload
> > > > but should instead have a .diff.gz, whether it's a native package or 
> > > > not.
> > > 100% agreed. (Assuming you mean a NMU should never, ever, create a new
> > > tarball, particularly applying to native packages.)
> > It is valid to update to a new upstream release in a NMU, so this is
> > bogus.
> Er, of course. I was mostly talking about normal NMUs to native packages.

Note that by definition, there can't be a new upstream release NMU for a
native package.


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Re: [pkg-boost-devel] Bug#473752: Bug#473752: Bug#473752: Boost 1.35 has been released

2008-04-29 Thread Domenico Andreoli
On Tue, Apr 29, 2008 at 12:22:24AM -0500, Steve M. Robbins wrote:
> In contrast, the alternative strategy of having all the libfoo-dev
> (1.34.1) packages conflict with libfoo1.35.0-dev packages has just a
> single negative: that you can't develop simultaneously with 1.34.1 and
> 1.35.0.  On the positive side, however, you can install the 1.35 -devs
> and the existing build scripts will work because the include path and
> the simplified link library names are preserved.
> So unless anyone (Domenico?) has a strong preference for the
> first option, I'm planning to pursue the second.

second option, absolutely.

we (I) do not want boost to proliferate in the archive, one version
is already demanding for free-time developers. this is only a trick to
ease transitions and include newer versions also in late release cycles
like current one.


-[ Domenico Andreoli, aka cavok
   ---[ 3A0F 2F80 F79C 678A 8936  4FEE 0677 9033 A20E BC50

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Re: New README.source documentation for Debian packages

2008-04-29 Thread martin f krafft
also sprach Russ Allbery <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2008.04.29.0113 +0200]:
> Here is a sample of the sort of documentation that would satisfy this
> recommendation, written for a package that's using quilt:

Might I suggest that for such cases, a common file explaining how to
use quilt can be used or better yet: referred to?

 .''`.   martin f. krafft <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
: :'  :  proud Debian developer, author, administrator, and user
`. `'` -
  `-  Debian - when you have better things to do than fixing systems
military intelligence is a contradiction in terms.
   -- groucho marx

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Re: New README.source documentation for Debian packages

2008-04-29 Thread Stefano Zacchiroli
On Tue, Apr 29, 2008 at 03:00:40PM +0200, martin f krafft wrote:
> also sprach Russ Allbery <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2008.04.29.0113 +0200]:
> > Here is a sample of the sort of documentation that would satisfy this
> > recommendation, written for a package that's using quilt:
> Might I suggest that for such cases, a common file explaining how to
> use quilt can be used or better yet: referred to?

Full ACK. Why reading the (nice!) proposal I was indeed worrying about
the duplication of information on how to use some common tools and, more
worrisome, the fact that when the tool changes we will end up with
inconsistent/incorrect information in a lot of packages.

With the huge amount of packages we have we should factorize as much
information as possible after all.

Unrelated: I guess that we will then have to bug (nicely) quite a few
source packages which are currently using debian/README.Debian-source,
haven't we?


Stefano Zacchiroli -*- PhD in Computer Science ... now what?
(15:56:48)  Zack: e la demo dema ?/\All one has to do is hit the
(15:57:15)  Bac: no, la demo scema\/right keys at the right time

Description: Digital signature

Bug#478516: ITP: libcaptcha-recaptcha-perl -- perl implementation of the reCAPTCHA API

2008-04-29 Thread Gerfried Fuchs
Package: wnpp
Severity: wishlist
Owner: Gerfried Fuchs <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

* Package name: libcaptcha-recaptcha-perl
  Version : 0.92
  Upstream Author : Andy Armstrong <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
* URL :
* License : same as perl (GPL or Artistic License)
  Programming Lang: Perl
  Description : perl implementation of the reCAPTCHA API

 reCAPTCHA is a hybrid mechanical turk and captcha that allows visitors
 who complete the captcha to assist in the digitization of books.
 reCAPTCHA improves the process of digitizing books by sending words that
 cannot be read by computers to the Web in the form of CAPTCHAs for
 humans to decipher. More specifically, each word that cannot be read
 correctly by OCR is placed on an image and used as a CAPTCHA. This is
 possible because most OCR programs alert you when a word cannot be read
 To use reCAPTCHA you need to register your site here:

 So long,

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Re: New README.source documentation for Debian packages

2008-04-29 Thread Benjamin Seidenberg
martin f krafft wrote:
> also sprach Russ Allbery <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2008.04.29.0113 +0200]:
>> Here is a sample of the sort of documentation that would satisfy this
>> recommendation, written for a package that's using quilt:
> Might I suggest that for such cases, a common file explaining how to
> use quilt can be used or better yet: referred to?

Full ACK. I'd also like to see one for dpatch. Possibly something that
can just be symlinked too.

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Re: New README.source documentation for Debian packages

2008-04-29 Thread Daniel Leidert
Am Montag, den 28.04.2008, 16:13 -0700 schrieb Russ Allbery:

> After extensive discussion in Bug#250202 and elsewhere on how to handle
> the increasing variety of different build and patch systems in Debian, the
> consensus on the debian-policy list is to recommend adding a new
> documentation file, debian/README.source, to any Debian source package
> with a complex build system.  The precise definition of "complex" is a
> package where one one cannot unpack the source package with dpkg-source -x
> and immediately get the source that would be built without running further
> commands or where additional steps must be taken to incorporate changes
> beyond just modifying files.

> ---8<---
> This package uses quilt to manage all modifications to the upstream
> source.  Changes are stored in the source package as diffs in
> debian/patches and applied during the build.
> To get the fully patched source after unpacking the source package, cd to
> the root level of the source package and run:
> quilt push -a

This is some kind of stupid! You expect every package, that uses quilt
or dpatch to ship the same quilt/dpatch documentation? Why doesn't a
short howto shipped with _dpatch_ or _quilt_ doesn't fulfill the
approach [1], that you need to ship the same documentation with hundreds
or thousands of packages (I don't remember the exact count of packages
using dpatch/quilt)?

I'm sorry, but are you kidding me?

Even the approach to create templates to let people just copy the file
leads me to the same solution: Simply ship these file with dpatch or
quilt (or the other systems) and not with the package sources.
README.source should only contain things, you *cannot* expect from the
tools used. I mean, I understand if you don't want to read long
documentation just to understand, how a patch system works, that you
normally don't use. But this problem can be easily solved by shipping
the content you proposed for README.source with dpatch or quilt.

*Only* if the build system differs, people should put additional
comments into README.source. I could at least agree to force people to
make a comment like

  "[..] This package use (quilt|dpatch). ...
   ...  read /usr/share/doc/(dpatch|quilt)/README.source [..]."

or similar to this file *if* they use additional tools, so other
maintainers don't need to waste time to find out, which systems are
used. But to be honest, even this sentence is IMHO a waste of time,
because maintainers should be able to figure this out within a minute if
there is nothing unusual.

I cannot agree to this proposal. It just increases the package sources
by shipping the same text in several package sources for exactly no
profit. You can make this whole thing much easier by filing 2 (or a few
more) serious reports against dpatch and quilt (and other tools you
consider) to ship these files and then we also don't need a mass-bug
filing after Lenny.

[1] If you want to work with quilt or dpatch, it must be installed, so
also every documentation shipped with these packages is available.

Regards, Daniel

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Re: New README.source documentation for Debian packages

2008-04-29 Thread martin f krafft
also sprach Benjamin Seidenberg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2008.04.29.1535 +0200]:
> Full ACK. I'd also like to see one for dpatch. Possibly something
> that can just be symlinked too.

Not sure about just symlinking. I'd rather say it should be:

  To use this package, you need to install dpatch.

  Once installed, please see /usr/share/doc/dpatch/...

 .''`.   martin f. krafft <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
: :'  :  proud Debian developer, author, administrator, and user
`. `'` -
  `-  Debian - when you have better things to do than fixing systems
unix, because rebooting is for adding new hardware.

Description: Digital signature (see

Bug#478518: ITP: librelative-perl -- Load modules with relative names

2008-04-29 Thread Edi STOJICEVIC
Package: wnpp
Severity: wishlist

* Package name: librelative-perl 
  Version : x.y.z
  Upstream Author : Sébastien Aperghis-Tramoni
* URL :
* License : GPL (same terms as perl itself)
  Programming Lang: Perl
  Description : Load modules with relative names

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Re: Bug#478518: ITP: librelative-perl -- Load modules with relative names

2008-04-29 Thread brian m. carlson

On Tue, Apr 29, 2008 at 04:20:42PM +0200, Edi STOJICEVIC wrote:

Package: wnpp
Severity: wishlist

* Package name: librelative-perl 
 Version : x.y.z

You might want to fill this in.

 Upstream Author : Sébastien Aperghis-Tramoni
* URL :
* License : GPL (same terms as perl itself)

Is it GPL, or GPL | Artistic?  The latter is the same terms as Perl

 Programming Lang: Perl
 Description : Load modules with relative names

A long description would be useful as well.  I think I have a good idea
what this package does, but if there are any things I should know before
installing it, this would be a good place to put them.

brian m. carlson / brian with sandals: Houston, Texas, US
+1 713 440 7475 | | My opinion only
troff on top of XML:
OpenPGP: RSA v4 4096b 88AC E9B2 9196 305B A994 7552 F1BA 225C 0223 B187

Description: Digital signature

Re: New README.source documentation for Debian packages

2008-04-29 Thread Peter Makholm
Daniel Leidert <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> This is some kind of stupid! You expect every package, that uses quilt
> or dpatch to ship the same quilt/dpatch documentation?

You did read the part of the proposal saying:

  This explanation may refer to a documentation file installed by one of
  the package's build dependencies provided that the referenced
  documentation clearly explains these tasks and is not a general
  reference manual.

When dpatch provides the standard explanation a dpatch using package
could just point to this explanation.


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Re: New README.source documentation for Debian packages

2008-04-29 Thread Scott Kitterman
On Tuesday 29 April 2008 10:31, martin f krafft wrote:
> also sprach Benjamin Seidenberg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2008.04.29.1535 
> > Full ACK. I'd also like to see one for dpatch. Possibly something
> > that can just be symlinked too.
> Not sure about just symlinking. I'd rather say it should be:
>   To use this package, you need to install dpatch.
>   Once installed, please see /usr/share/doc/dpatch/...

For common patch systems like dpatch or quilt, I guess I don't see what I 
learn from this that I can't already learn from a quick glance at the 
build-dep line in debian/control.

For obscure/unique systems, I think it's sensible, but I didn't think this 
proposal was meant to address neophyte packagers, but people like the 
security team that are familiar with common/standard tools.

Scott K

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Re: New README.source documentation for Debian packages

2008-04-29 Thread Daniel Leidert
Am Dienstag, den 29.04.2008, 14:47 + schrieb Peter Makholm:
> Daniel Leidert <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > This is some kind of stupid! You expect every package, that uses quilt
> > or dpatch to ship the same quilt/dpatch documentation?
> You did read the part of the proposal saying:
>   This explanation may refer to a documentation file installed by one of
>   the package's build dependencies provided that the referenced
>   documentation clearly explains these tasks and is not a general
>   reference manual.
> When dpatch provides the standard explanation a dpatch using package
> could just point to this explanation.

In this case I'm sorry. I really just read them very, very fast. Now
being forced to read them slowly again I have to repeat: Sorry for my
noise. It doesn't seem to be expected to ship the same howto with every
package, which was what I complained about.

Regards, Daniel

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Re: heimdal and testing

2008-04-29 Thread Adeodato Simó
> Hello,

Hello Brian. For these kind of questions, I don't mind if you main the
-release list directly.

> Can somebody please interpret why Heimdal is blocked from testing for me:


The version of heimdal in unstable bumps sonames, so it's going to need
a hint from the release team, and it'll need to go at the same time as
all packages that in testing depend on the old sonames (it's always been
like this, so what you say in your other mail is not correct).

Anyway, the first problem is that cyrus-imapd-2.2 is not built on all
arches yet:

Sounds like problems with ghostscript...

Once those failures are resolved, please remind us to track your
transition by mailing to -release.


Adeodato Simó dato at
Debian Developer  adeodato at
Any life, no matter how long and complex it may be, is made up of a
single moment: the moment in which a man finds out, once and for all,
who he is.
-- Jorge Luis Borges

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Re: New README.source documentation for Debian packages

2008-04-29 Thread Hubert Chathi
On Tue, 29 Apr 2008 16:31:30 +0200, martin f krafft <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said:

> also sprach Benjamin Seidenberg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2008.04.29.1535
> +0200]:
>> Full ACK. I'd also like to see one for dpatch. Possibly something
>> that can just be symlinked too.

> Not sure about just symlinking. I'd rather say it should be:

>   To use this package, you need to install dpatch.

dpatch would be a build-dep, so that would be redundant.  And if that
isn't enough, most people should be bright enough to figure it out once
you start telling them to look at /usr/share/doc/dpatch/... ;)

>   Once installed, please see /usr/share/doc/dpatch/...

Yes, I think it would be better to just have the README.source tell
people to look at /usr/share/doc/dpatch/...  This way, it's easy to add
any additional information that you might want to have.

Hubert Chathi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> -- Jabber: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
PGP/GnuPG key: 1024D/124B61FA
Fingerprint: 96C5 012F 5F74 A5F7 1FF7  5291 AF29 C719 124B 61FA

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Re: New README.source documentation for Debian packages

2008-04-29 Thread Russ Allbery
martin f krafft <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> also sprach Russ Allbery <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2008.04.29.0113 +0200]:

>> Here is a sample of the sort of documentation that would satisfy this
>> recommendation, written for a package that's using quilt:

> Might I suggest that for such cases, a common file explaining how to
> use quilt can be used or better yet: referred to?

I'm guessing that you missed that this is exactly what the proposal allows
for.  You may want to read it again.  :)

Russ Allbery ([EMAIL PROTECTED])   

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Re: New README.source documentation for Debian packages

2008-04-29 Thread Russ Allbery
Daniel Leidert <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> *Only* if the build system differs, people should put additional
> comments into README.source. I could at least agree to force people to
> make a comment like
>   "[..] This package use (quilt|dpatch). ...
>...  read /usr/share/doc/(dpatch|quilt)/README.source [..]."
> or similar to this file *if* they use additional tools, so other
> maintainers don't need to waste time to find out, which systems are
> used. But to be honest, even this sentence is IMHO a waste of time,
> because maintainers should be able to figure this out within a minute if
> there is nothing unusual.

The reason why the proposal calls for creating such a one-line file even
for common patch systems such as quilt or dpatch is that people disagree
about what constitutes "common" (what about dbs?  yada?) and it's better
to have a consistent rule that one can easily follow.  It's also slightly
faster to verify this way, not that the package is using quilt, but that
it's using quilt in the completely standard way (I've seen some packages
that use quilt but don't put the series file in debian/patches, for
instance, or expect different quilt options than the ones most packages
use).  This makes all the possible variations explicit.

Russ Allbery ([EMAIL PROTECTED])   

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Re: New README.source documentation for Debian packages

2008-04-29 Thread martin f krafft
also sprach Russ Allbery <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2008.04.29.1846 +0200]:
> I'm guessing that you missed that this is exactly what the
> proposal allows for.  You may want to read it again.  :)

So it seems. The sample you quoted is surely misleading, in that
case. I saw it and my redundancy detection mechanisms went haywire.

 .''`.   martin f. krafft <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
: :'  :  proud Debian developer, author, administrator, and user
`. `'` -
  `-  Debian - when you have better things to do than fixing systems
"doesn't he know who i think i am?"
 -- phil collins

Description: Digital signature (see

NewInEtch / NewInLenny

2008-04-29 Thread martin f krafft

There used to be but it's gone
without a trace, and I can't figure out how to ask moin to tell me
where it went. Does anyone know?

Also, along the same lines, are we keeping a NewInLenny list
somewhere? If there isn't one already, we should start one!

I am willing to do so, but don't want to duplicate work. I don't
insist on doing it, so if you think this is a good idea and want to
have a go, please do.

 .''`.   martin f. krafft <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
: :'  :  proud Debian developer, author, administrator, and user
`. `'` -
  `-  Debian - when you have better things to do than fixing systems
"it's time for the human race to enter the solar system." 
  - george w. bush

Description: Digital signature (see

Re: NewInEtch / NewInLenny

2008-04-29 Thread Alexander Schmehl

* martin f krafft <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [080429 18:55]:

> There used to be but it's gone
> without a trace, [..]

There are still some Translations:

> [..] and I can't figure out how to ask moin to tell me
> where it went. Does anyone know? doesn't work :(

> Also, along the same lines, are we keeping a NewInLenny list
> somewhere? If there isn't one already, we should start one!

Not yet.

> I am willing to do so, but don't want to duplicate work. I don't
> insist on doing it, so if you think this is a good idea and want to
> have a go, please do.

Well, it was just an (more or less) ordered list; nothing much to duplicate.

We had the following categories:
* New features
* New packages (most important ones)
* Updated packages (most important ones)
** for desktops
** for servers
** generell system packages
* Internal changes
* removed packages
* renamed packages
* splitted packages

Yours sincerely,

Description: Digital signature

Priority Changes

2008-04-29 Thread Mike Bird
libcap2 version 2.08-2 in Lenny just changed priority from required
to optional.  The package itself didn't change.  Is there a package
or some other object that tracks priority changes, ideally via or or similar.


--Mike Bird

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: New README.source documentation for Debian packages

2008-04-29 Thread Russ Allbery
martin f krafft <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> also sprach Russ Allbery <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2008.04.29.1846 +0200]:

>> I'm guessing that you missed that this is exactly what the
>> proposal allows for.  You may want to read it again.  :)

> So it seems. The sample you quoted is surely misleading, in that
> case. I saw it and my redundancy detection mechanisms went haywire.

I should have explicitly noted in my message that I filed the included
example as a wishlist bug against quilt to include in quilt itself.

Russ Allbery ([EMAIL PROTECTED])   

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

newspost - neues Paket bauen - Fragen -- newspost - build new source package - questions

2008-04-29 Thread David

Bitte um Hilfe bei einigen Fragen betr. des Bauens von Quellpaketen:

Habe einige Erweiterungen / Änderungen gemacht zum Programm (Source 
Paket) newspost.

Folgendes ist mir inzwischen gelungen:

Vorhanden Datei: newspost_2.1.1.orig.tar.gz

Datei: newspost_2.1.2.beta.tar.gz ( erzeugt mit dpkg-source -b 
newspost-2.1.2.beta) - dieses Verzeichnis enthält alle Dateien, darunter 
die von mir geänderten und die zwei neuen.

cd newspost-2.1.2.beta
dpkg-distaddfile newspost_2.1.1.orig.tar.gz news optional und:
dpkg-distaddfile newspost_2.1.2.beta.tar.gz news optional

hat ebenfalls funktioniert (Erzeugen der Datei debian/files).

Jetzt - bin immer noch im Verzeichnis newspost-2.1.2.beta - 
dpkg-genchanges -sa ergibt einige Warnungen:

parsechangelog/debian: Warnung: debian/changelog(l5): ungültig 
formatierte Zeile im Nachspann

LINE:  -- David Moerike <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Sat, 26 Apr 08:01:02 +0200
parsechangelog/debian: Warnung: debian/changelog(l7): found start of 
entry where expected more change data or trailer

LINE: newspost (2.1.1-4) unstable; urgency=low +0200
parsechangelog/debian: Warnung: debian/changelog(l7): fand EOF wo 
more change data or trailer erwartet wurde
Use of uninitialized value in pattern match (m//) at 
/usr/share/perl5/Dpkg/ line 202,  line 7.
Use of uninitialized value in pattern match (m//) at 
/usr/share/perl5/Dpkg/ line 202,  line 7.
parsechangelog/debian: Warnung: debian/changelog(l5): ungültig 
formatierte Zeile im Nachspann

LINE:  -- David Moerike <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Sat, 26 Apr 08:01:02 +0200
parsechangelog/debian: Warnung: debian/changelog(l7): found start of 
entry where expected more change data or trailer

LINE: newspost (2.1.1-4) unstable; urgency=low +0200
dpkg-genchanges: Warnung: Paket newspost in Steuerdatei aber nicht in 
dpkg-genchanges: Warnung: unbekanntes Informationsfeld »Error« in den 
Eingabedateien in ausgewertete Version des changelogs

dpkg-genchanges: füge kompletten Quellcode beim Hochladen hinzu
Format: 1.8
Date: Tue, 29 Apr 2008 19:29:55 +0200
Source: newspost
Binary: newspost
Architecture: source
Version: 2.1.2.beta
Distribution: unstable
Urgency: low
Maintainer: Debian QA Group <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
newspost   - Usenet binary autoposter
newspost (2.1.2.beta) unstable; urgency=low
  * Functions for external calls added.
7d7a2e71a04dd3fc5999e1c0a931d0e4dffaad7b 483 newspost_2.1.2.beta.dsc
147d6b0d932acb7564b7f77eac4642e672fa01ce 67286 newspost_2.1.2.beta.tar.gz
244f31c6e5aa8e41224310295e477ab4a8a17071 61412 newspost_2.1.1.orig.tar.gz
867137bea86c78680ca95070fc78fc35662af893f4c2cb5f9973b978e24efab1 483 
13f952b7cd0de96de65a74fb197d74585ba451ad43016f41f4a393cf210b5a86 67286 
bdd1ae83d7459d2cdd726115c028405fce33f9b60e71b88969f82fbc02672be7 61412 

0c4718a9952e30cf7d33ec9980ffaf51 483 news optional newspost_2.1.2.beta.dsc
e4e28deecf535fe28435a206fb8ab74f 67286 news optional 
099a69ce511f746aec88a57d03575d5f 61412 news optional 

Jetzt - dpkg-buildpackage -k66256351 -sa

ergibt folgendes:

dpkg-buildpackage: setze CFLAGS auf Standardwert: -g -O2
dpkg-buildpackage: setze CPPFLAGS auf Standardwert:
dpkg-buildpackage: setze LDFLAGS auf Standardwert:
dpkg-buildpackage: setze FFLAGS auf Standardwert: -g -O2
dpkg-buildpackage: setze CXXFLAGS auf Standardwert: -g -O2
parsechangelog/debian: Warnung: debian/changelog(l5): ungültig 
formatierte Zeile im Nachspann

LINE:  -- David Moerike <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Sat, 26 Apr 08:01:02 +0200
parsechangelog/debian: Warnung: debian/changelog(l7): found start of 
entry where expected more change data or trailer

LINE: newspost (2.1.1-4) unstable; urgency=low +0200
parsechangelog/debian: Warnung: debian/changelog(l7): fand EOF wo 
more change data or trailer erwartet wurde
Use of uninitialized value in pattern match (m//) at 
/usr/share/perl5/Dpkg/ line 202,  line 7.
Use of uninitialized value in pattern match (m//) at 
/usr/share/perl5/Dpkg/ line 202,  line 7.

dpkg-buildpackage: Quellpaket newspost
dpkg-buildpackage: Quellversion 2.1.2.beta
dpkg-buildpackage: Fehler: kann Quellen geändert durch nicht bestimmen

Die beiden Warnungen sind wohl nicht tödlich, aber die Zeile zum Schluss:

was bedeutet sie genau, und wie kann man den Fehler beheben?

Beim Versuch, das Paket mit dput zu mentors.debian hochzuladen, kommt:

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~/newspost-2.1.2.beta$ dput -P ftp-master newspost.changes

Traceback (most recent call last):
 File "/usr/bin/dput", line 919, in ?
 File "/usr/bin/dput", line 767, in main
   unsigned_upload, debug)
 File "/usr/bin/dput", line 281, in verify_files
   changes = parse_changes(chg_fd)
 File "/usr/bin/dput", line 80, in parse_changes
   for a in changes.dict['files'].split('\n'):
KeyError: 'files'

Weglassen der Opti

build new source package - questions

2008-04-29 Thread David

Please help, I have some questions regarding building Source Packages.

Made some changes to source package newspost.

Successful with following:

There exists file: newspost_2.1.1.orig.tar.gz

File: newspost_2.1.2.beta.tar.gz ( erzeugt mit dpkg-source -b 

- all files, also those i have changed and the new ones.

cd newspost-2.1.2.beta
dpkg-distaddfile newspost_2.1.1.orig.tar.gz news optional and:
dpkg-distaddfile newspost_2.1.2.beta.tar.gz news optional

successful too (create file debian/files).

Jetzt - still in newspost-2.1.2.beta - dpkg-genchanges -sa  - some warnings:

parsechangelog/debian: Warnung: debian/changelog(l5): ungültig 
formatierte Zeile im Nachspann

LINE:  -- David Moerike <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Sat, 26 Apr 08:01:02 +0200
parsechangelog/debian: Warnung: debian/changelog(l7): found start of 
entry where expected more change data or trailer

LINE: newspost (2.1.1-4) unstable; urgency=low +0200
parsechangelog/debian: Warnung: debian/changelog(l7): fand EOF wo 
more change data or trailer erwartet wurde
Use of uninitialized value in pattern match (m//) at 
/usr/share/perl5/Dpkg/ line 202,  line 7.
Use of uninitialized value in pattern match (m//) at 
/usr/share/perl5/Dpkg/ line 202,  line 7.
parsechangelog/debian: Warnung: debian/changelog(l5): ungültig 
formatierte Zeile im Nachspann

LINE:  -- David Moerike <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Sat, 26 Apr 08:01:02 +0200
parsechangelog/debian: Warnung: debian/changelog(l7): found start of 
entry where expected more change data or trailer

LINE: newspost (2.1.1-4) unstable; urgency=low +0200
dpkg-genchanges: Warnung: Paket newspost in Steuerdatei aber nicht in 
dpkg-genchanges: Warnung: unbekanntes Informationsfeld »Error« in den 
Eingabedateien in ausgewertete Version des changelogs

dpkg-genchanges: füge kompletten Quellcode beim Hochladen hinzu
Format: 1.8
Date: Tue, 29 Apr 2008 19:29:55 +0200
Source: newspost
Binary: newspost
Architecture: source
Version: 2.1.2.beta
Distribution: unstable
Urgency: low
Maintainer: Debian QA Group <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
newspost   - Usenet binary autoposter
newspost (2.1.2.beta) unstable; urgency=low
 * Functions for external calls added.
7d7a2e71a04dd3fc5999e1c0a931d0e4dffaad7b 483 newspost_2.1.2.beta.dsc
147d6b0d932acb7564b7f77eac4642e672fa01ce 67286 newspost_2.1.2.beta.tar.gz
244f31c6e5aa8e41224310295e477ab4a8a17071 61412 newspost_2.1.1.orig.tar.gz
867137bea86c78680ca95070fc78fc35662af893f4c2cb5f9973b978e24efab1 483 
13f952b7cd0de96de65a74fb197d74585ba451ad43016f41f4a393cf210b5a86 67286 
bdd1ae83d7459d2cdd726115c028405fce33f9b60e71b88969f82fbc02672be7 61412 

0c4718a9952e30cf7d33ec9980ffaf51 483 news optional newspost_2.1.2.beta.dsc
e4e28deecf535fe28435a206fb8ab74f 67286 news optional 
099a69ce511f746aec88a57d03575d5f 61412 news optional 

Now - dpkg-buildpackage -k66256351 -sa

gives following:

dpkg-buildpackage: setze CFLAGS auf Standardwert: -g -O2
dpkg-buildpackage: setze CPPFLAGS auf Standardwert:
dpkg-buildpackage: setze LDFLAGS auf Standardwert:
dpkg-buildpackage: setze FFLAGS auf Standardwert: -g -O2
dpkg-buildpackage: setze CXXFLAGS auf Standardwert: -g -O2
parsechangelog/debian: Warnung: debian/changelog(l5): ungültig 
formatierte Zeile im Nachspann

LINE:  -- David Moerike <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Sat, 26 Apr 08:01:02 +0200
parsechangelog/debian: Warnung: debian/changelog(l7): found start of 
entry where expected more change data or trailer

LINE: newspost (2.1.1-4) unstable; urgency=low +0200
parsechangelog/debian: Warnung: debian/changelog(l7): fand EOF wo 
more change data or trailer erwartet wurde
Use of uninitialized value in pattern match (m//) at 
/usr/share/perl5/Dpkg/ line 202,  line 7.
Use of uninitialized value in pattern match (m//) at 
/usr/share/perl5/Dpkg/ line 202,  line 7.

dpkg-buildpackage: Quellpaket newspost
dpkg-buildpackage: Quellversion 2.1.2.beta
dpkg-buildpackage: Fehler: kann Quellen geändert durch nicht bestimmen 
(- cannot determine sources changed by)

Warnings seem not lethal but the last line:

what does it exactly mean and how can I successfully do it?

When trying to upload to with dput comes following:

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~/newspost-2.1.2.beta$ dput -P ftp-master newspost.changes

Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/usr/bin/dput", line 919, in ?
File "/usr/bin/dput", line 767, in main
  unsigned_upload, debug)
File "/usr/bin/dput", line 281, in verify_files
  changes = parse_changes(chg_fd)
File "/usr/bin/dput", line 80, in parse_changes
  for a in changes.dict['files'].split('\n'):
KeyError: 'files'

No change when omitting Option -P (passive ftp).

Next question: If other persons are working on a new version of Debian 
package newspost, how can I find an

Re: Priority Changes

2008-04-29 Thread Thomas Viehmann

Mike Bird wrote:

libcap2 version 2.08-2 in Lenny just changed priority from required
to optional.  The package itself didn't change.  Is there a package
or some other object that tracks priority changes, ideally via or or similar.

This particular change was tracked in #477066.
Most of the time, priority changes is not that useful information, so it is not 
useful to list them.
The priority files themselves are available in the indices directory, so you 
could diff them yourself if you can be bothered.

Kind regards

Thomas Viehmann,

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: NMU versioning (was: DEP1: Clarifying policies and workflows for Non Maintainer Uploads)

2008-04-29 Thread Adeodato Simó
* Raphael Hertzog [Fri, 25 Apr 2008 16:16:34 +0200]:

> (reply-to set to debian-devel only)

> On Fri, 25 Apr 2008, James Vega wrote:
> > On Thu, Apr 24, 2008 at 09:42:59PM +0200, Bas Wijnen wrote:
> > > This DEP is available on the Debian Wiki[1].

> > "The version must be the version of the last upload, plus +nmuX, where X is 
> > a
> > counter starting at 1."

> > The above was added to the DEP to "match dch" but dch only uses that format
> > for native NMUs as per the earlier discussion on -devel[0].  Is this an
> > intended change to usk +nmuX for all NMUs or should the wording be updated 
> > to
> > reflect current behavior?

> I want a consistent versioning scheme, thus +nmuX for both native and
> non-natives packages. 

I'd be very unhappy about that. For one, I think using such suffix in a
field that forms part of users' everyday's life is, uhm, inappropriate
or disruptive. What do they care if the version is a NMU or not?

FWIW, I would've objected for native packages if I had read the thread
at the time.


Adeodato Simó dato at
Debian Developer  adeodato at
Que no te vendan amor sin espinas
-- Joaquín Sabina, Noches de boda

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: NMU versioning (was: DEP1: Clarifying policies and workflows for Non Maintainer Uploads)

2008-04-29 Thread Raphael Hertzog
On Tue, 29 Apr 2008, Adeodato Simó wrote:
> > I want a consistent versioning scheme, thus +nmuX for both native and
> > non-natives packages. 
> I'd be very unhappy about that. For one, I think using such suffix in a
> field that forms part of users' everyday's life is, uhm, inappropriate
> or disruptive. What do they care if the version is a NMU or not?

Hu? And +dfsg is and +b1 is also inappropriate and disruptive?

I simply don't follow your reasoning here. While most users do not care
about NMU vs non-NMU, I don't think they would be troubled with
the extension... at least not any more than any other extension that
we already use for various purposes.

Raphaël Hertzog

Le best-seller français mis à jour pour Debian Etch :

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: build new source package - questions

2008-04-29 Thread Jan Hauke Rahm
Just a few lines about appropiate mailing lists and their languages.

Hallo David,

schön, dass du mit Debian eine Distribution gefunden hast, für die es
sich für dich zu lohnen scheint, etwas mehr zu tun; trotzdem gibt es ein
paar Regeln, an die auch du gebeten bist, dich zu halten:

1. Man sendet eine Mail an eine(!) MailingListe; nämlich an die
2. Man passt sich der Sprache der MailingListe an.
3. Man sendet nicht das gleiche Problem/die gleiche Anfrage mehrmals.

debian-devel ist die Liste, auf der auf englisch(!) die Entwickler (und
natürlich jeder Interessierte) die gesamte Entwicklung der Distribution
und ihrer Probleme diskutieren. Einzelne Paketbauprobleme haben hier,
sofern sie nicht aufgrund eines Defekts in wichtigen Paketen wie apt
oder dpkg entstehen, keinen Platz.
debian-mentors ist eine Liste (ebenfalls auf englisch), auf der
zukünftige oder anfangende Maintainer Probleme und Anfragen loswerden
können, die sie haben, wenn sie Pakete für die Distribution herrichten.
debian-user-german ist eine deutsche Liste für alle User, die alle ihre
Fragen und Probleme hier loswerden können (auch Paketbau gehört dazu,
weil nicht jder Pakete gleich für die Community baut).

Ich (und ich vermute alle anderen auch) bitte dich also dringend, in
Zukunft genau zu wählen, was wo angemessen ist. Das macht die Arbeit
erheblich leichter.


PS: Deine Fragen würde ich erstmal versuchen auf user-german zu klären.

On Tue, Apr 29, 2008 at 08:08:04PM +0200, David wrote:
> Please help, I have some questions regarding building Source Packages.
> Made some changes to source package newspost.
> Successful with following:
> There exists file: newspost_2.1.1.orig.tar.gz
> File: newspost_2.1.2.beta.tar.gz ( erzeugt mit dpkg-source -b  
> newspost-2.1.2.beta)
> - all files, also those i have changed and the new ones.
> cd newspost-2.1.2.beta
> dpkg-distaddfile newspost_2.1.1.orig.tar.gz news optional and:
> dpkg-distaddfile newspost_2.1.2.beta.tar.gz news optional
> successful too (create file debian/files).
> Jetzt - still in newspost-2.1.2.beta - dpkg-genchanges -sa  - some warnings:
> parsechangelog/debian: Warnung: debian/changelog(l5): ungültig  
> formatierte Zeile im Nachspann
> LINE:  -- David Moerike <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Sat, 26 Apr 08:01:02 +0200
> parsechangelog/debian: Warnung: debian/changelog(l7): found start of  
> entry where expected more change data or trailer
> LINE: newspost (2.1.1-4) unstable; urgency=low +0200
> parsechangelog/debian: Warnung: debian/changelog(l7): fand EOF wo  
> more change data or trailer erwartet wurde
> Use of uninitialized value in pattern match (m//) at  
> /usr/share/perl5/Dpkg/ line 202,  line 7.
> Use of uninitialized value in pattern match (m//) at  
> /usr/share/perl5/Dpkg/ line 202,  line 7.
> parsechangelog/debian: Warnung: debian/changelog(l5): ungültig  
> formatierte Zeile im Nachspann
> LINE:  -- David Moerike <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Sat, 26 Apr 08:01:02 +0200
> parsechangelog/debian: Warnung: debian/changelog(l7): found start of  
> entry where expected more change data or trailer
> LINE: newspost (2.1.1-4) unstable; urgency=low +0200
> dpkg-genchanges: Warnung: Paket newspost in Steuerdatei aber nicht in  
> Dateiliste
> dpkg-genchanges: Warnung: unbekanntes Informationsfeld »Error« in den  
> Eingabedateien in ausgewertete Version des changelogs
> dpkg-genchanges: füge kompletten Quellcode beim Hochladen hinzu
> Format: 1.8
> Date: Tue, 29 Apr 2008 19:29:55 +0200
> Source: newspost
> Binary: newspost
> Architecture: source
> Version: 2.1.2.beta
> Distribution: unstable
> Urgency: low
> Maintainer: Debian QA Group <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Description:
> newspost   - Usenet binary autoposter
> Changes:
> newspost (2.1.2.beta) unstable; urgency=low
> .
>  * Functions for external calls added.
> Checksums-Sha1:
> 7d7a2e71a04dd3fc5999e1c0a931d0e4dffaad7b 483 newspost_2.1.2.beta.dsc
> 147d6b0d932acb7564b7f77eac4642e672fa01ce 67286 newspost_2.1.2.beta.tar.gz
> 244f31c6e5aa8e41224310295e477ab4a8a17071 61412 newspost_2.1.1.orig.tar.gz
> Checksums-Sha256:
> 867137bea86c78680ca95070fc78fc35662af893f4c2cb5f9973b978e24efab1 483  
> newspost_2.1.2.beta.dsc
> 13f952b7cd0de96de65a74fb197d74585ba451ad43016f41f4a393cf210b5a86 67286  
> newspost_2.1.2.beta.tar.gz
> bdd1ae83d7459d2cdd726115c028405fce33f9b60e71b88969f82fbc02672be7 61412  
> newspost_2.1.1.orig.tar.gz
> Files:
> 0c4718a9952e30cf7d33ec9980ffaf51 483 news optional newspost_2.1.2.beta.dsc
> e4e28deecf535fe28435a206fb8ab74f 67286 news optional  
> newspost_2.1.2.beta.tar.gz
> 099a69ce511f746aec88a57d03575d5f 61412 news optional  
> newspost_2.1.1.orig.tar.gz
> Now - dpkg-buildpackage -k66256351 -sa
> gives following:
> dpkg-buildpackage: setze CFLAGS auf Standardwert: -g -O2
> dpkg-buildpackage: setze CPPFLAGS auf Standardwert:
> dpkg-buildpackage: setze LDFLAGS auf Standardwert:
> dpkg-buildpackage: setze FFLAGS auf Standardwert: -g -O2
> dpkg-bui

Bug#478585: ITP: qpdf -- command-line PDF transformation software

2008-04-29 Thread Jay Berkenbilt
Package: wnpp
Severity: wishlist
Owner: Jay Berkenbilt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

* Package name: qpdf
  Version : 2.0
  Upstream Author : Jay Berkenbilt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
* URL :
* License : Artistic License Version 2.0
  Programming Lang: C++, Perl
  Description : command-line PDF transformation software

QPDF is a program that does structural, content-preserving
transformations on PDF files.  It could have been called something
like pdf-to-pdf.  It also provides many useful capabilities to
developers of PDF-producing software or for people who just want to
look at the innards of a PDF file to learn more about how they work.

QPDF offers many capabilities such as linearization (web
optimization), encryption (password protection), and decryption of PDF
files as well as changing whether or not PDF files use object streams
(compressed objects).  It also has facilities for checking PDF files
for structural errors, inspecting stream contents, or extracting
objects from PDF files.  QPDF is not PDF content creation software --
it does not have the capability to create PDF files from scratch.

-- System Information:
Debian Release: lenny/sid
  APT prefers testing
  APT policy: (500, 'testing'), (200, 'experimental'), (200, 'unstable')
Architecture: i386 (i686)

Kernel: Linux 2.6.24-1-686 (SMP w/2 CPU cores)
Locale: LANG=en_US.UTF-8, LC_CTYPE=en_US.UTF-8 (charmap=UTF-8)
Shell: /bin/sh linked to /bin/bash

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: New README.source documentation for Debian packages

2008-04-29 Thread Hamish Moffatt
On Tue, Apr 29, 2008 at 11:15:08AM -0400, Scott Kitterman wrote:
> On Tuesday 29 April 2008 10:31, martin f krafft wrote:
> > Not sure about just symlinking. I'd rather say it should be:
> >
> >   To use this package, you need to install dpatch.
> >
> >   Once installed, please see /usr/share/doc/dpatch/...
> For common patch systems like dpatch or quilt, I guess I don't see what I 
> learn from this that I can't already learn from a quick glance at the 
> build-dep line in debian/control.

Using dpatch doesn't _guarantee_ the relevant debian/rules target is
"patch" though.


with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: NMU versioning (was: DEP1: Clarifying policies and workflows for Non Maintainer Uploads)

2008-04-29 Thread Kevin Mark
On Tue, Apr 29, 2008 at 10:17:12PM +0200, Raphael Hertzog wrote:
> On Tue, 29 Apr 2008, Adeodato Simó wrote:
> > > I want a consistent versioning scheme, thus +nmuX for both native and
> > > non-natives packages. 
> > 
> > I'd be very unhappy about that. For one, I think using such suffix in a
> > field that forms part of users' everyday's life is, uhm, inappropriate
> > or disruptive. What do they care if the version is a NMU or not?
> Hu? And +dfsg is and +b1 is also inappropriate and disruptive?
> I simply don't follow your reasoning here. While most users do not care
> about NMU vs non-NMU, I don't think they would be troubled with
> the extension... at least not any more than any other extension that
> we already use for various purposes.

As a user of Debian, it is informative to some users to know something
about the package by reading this information 'encoded' in the filename.
just my 2 yen.
|  .''`.  == Debian GNU/Linux == |   my web site:   |
| : :' :  The  Universal ||
| `. `'  Operating System| go to and |
|   `- |be counted! #238656   |
|  my keyserver: | my NPO: |
|join the new to help Debian!  |
|___  Unless I ask to be CCd, assume I am subscribed ___|

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: NewInEtch / NewInLenny

2008-04-29 Thread Paul Wise
On Wed, Apr 30, 2008 at 12:55 AM, martin f krafft <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>  There used to be but it's gone
>  without a trace, and I can't figure out how to ask moin to tell me
>  where it went. Does anyone know?

I saw this problem with another page a while ago, helix was able to
fix it. I've pinged her on IRC just now, hopefully it will be fixed
soon. If not, please file a ticket in rt.d.o.


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