Deb Conf volunteers

2021-04-04 Thread Paul Sutton


I am willing to help out too, experience with IRC and also thanks to 
LibrePlanet, mumble.  I am also part of the Debian Academy team.

Paul Sutton, Cert Cont Sci (Open)
OpenPGP : 4350 91C4 C8FB 681B 23A6 7944 8EA9 1B51 E27E 3D99

Pronoun : him/his/he

Description: OpenPGP public key

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: contact Frank Barrera

2021-04-05 Thread Paul Sutton

On 05/04/2021 05:46, Frank Barrera wrote:
Greetings my name is Frank Barrera I am a Debian user and I am a web 
developer with knowledge in graphic design, I would like to see how I 
can help to carry out this year's event

Twitter: @farkbarn
Mastodon: @farkbarn
Skype: frankbarreraag

Hi Frank

Thank you for getting in touch.  You can join the Debian Team mailing 
list from:-

Hope this helps


Paul Sutton

Paul Sutton, Cert Cont Sci (Open)
OpenPGP : 4350 91C4 C8FB 681B 23A6 7944 8EA9 1B51 E27E 3D99

Pronoun : him/his/he

Description: OpenPGP public key

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Basic conference promo poster

2021-04-12 Thread Paul Sutton


As mentioned I am _not_ a designer.  I am trying to put together a basic 
flyer / poster to help promote the conference.

I am happy to add anyone here to the repository, so they can help or 
just push a much better version and archive or replace my effort.

it is in Libreoffice draw (v7) at the moment.

Hope thus helps

Paul Sutton (zleap)

Paul Sutton, Cert Cont Sci (Open)

LibrePlanet 2021 - March 20th & 21st -

Pronoun : him/his/he

Debian conference poster

2021-04-28 Thread Paul Sutton

Hi All

I have updated the poster / flyer I made for DebConf2021 with the new 
logo / banner graphic and have pushed up to the repository I made for this.

Happy to :

Add extra content as directed
Add people to the repository contributor list so others can help

Poster is released under which ever license we need it, computer graphic 
is downloaded from open clipart.

Hope this helps

Paul Sutton (zleap on irc)

Paul Sutton, Cert Cont Sci (Open)
OpenPGP : 4350 91C4 C8FB 681B 23A6 7944 8EA9 1B51 E27E 3D99

Pronoun : him/his/he

Description: OpenPGP public key

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: DebConf 21 Incident Response

2021-05-08 Thread Paul Sutton

On 09/05/2021 04:09, M dB wrote:

Dear DebConf Team,

Hello from the Community Team! With DebConf a few months away, we wanted
to talk with you about incident response procedures, code of conduct
enforcement, and how we can help DebConf be great.



Sounds a good idea,  at Libreplanet we did have their Safe Space Policy 
as well as the GNU Kind communication guidelines.

For room monitoring I did 2 x 2hour shifts over the weekend, so 
Saturday on mumble and Sunday on IRC,   so mostly keeping an eye on the 
conversation, ensuring it stays reasonably on topic.

These shift patterns worked really well for me at least, of course out 
side of that I would de-op and hang out in the rooms. but at the same 
time still be in the rooms, quite a few things that I responded to were 
technical questions or directing people to the right channel.

Should we schedule one of the planning meetings for this?  or at least 
to perhaps arrange a specific meeting to go through in more details. 
Next IRC meeting is Monday at 18:00 utc (19:00 UK Time)

For the most part the codes of conduct are already written, it is just a 
case of making people aware and how we report concerns.

Paul Sutton, Cert Cont Sci (Open)
OpenPGP : 4350 91C4 C8FB 681B 23A6 7944 8EA9 1B51 E27E 3D99

Pronoun : him/his/he

Confy - Conferences schedule viewer

2021-05-08 Thread Paul Sutton


Not sure if this is useful.  I was given ths link at the Tech Jam 
(event) I am involved with.

Confy - Conferences schedule viewer

I am sharing anyway,  in case it is useful going forward.


Paul Sutton, Cert Cont Sci (Open)
OpenPGP : 4350 91C4 C8FB 681B 23A6 7944 8EA9 1B51 E27E 3D99

Pronoun : him/his/he

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: DebConf21 online, DebConf22 in Kosovo, DebConf23 in India, DebConf24 in Israel

2021-05-14 Thread Paul Sutton

On the other hand, if the mission of the conference is promoting
Debian around the globe, with carbon emissions, pandemia, etc. we
should also consider a more fragmented conference, localized in
different areas/continents. Maybe it would make sense to run all those
piled up DebConfs the same year? (Maybe this is tad late now, after
the announcement)

Disclaimer - These are no strong opinions, just some food for thought.

Have a nice day,

This has come up on other lists too,  not specific to Debian but 
conferences in general.  We now have the infrastructure to meet up 
virtually (Big blue button, Jitsi, irc, matrix, et al) there is also 
local infrastructure to meet on a very local level too.

Doing things virtually also makes this accessible to more people who 
can't travel, perhaps many of our younger developers who can't just 
simply jump on a plane but are environmentally conscious.

Before we shut down in the UK, I as running a code club and a local tech 
event,  there is no reason why the same building can't host similar 
events and connect with other groups elsewhere in the country.

So I think decentralising could work

Paul Sutton, Cert Cont Sci (Open)

LibrePlanet 2021 - March 20th & 21st -

Pronoun : him/his/he

Re: +1 (Re: The future of DebConf, online lessons from the pandemic [Was: Re: DebConf21 online, DebConf22 in Kosovo, DebConf23 in India, DebConf24 in Israel])

2021-05-15 Thread Paul Sutton

On 15/05/2021 10:51, Holger Levsen wrote:

On Fri, May 14, 2021 at 09:20:26PM +0200, Tollef Fog Heen wrote:

To me, the hard-to-replicate parts of a debconf are about creating
shared experiences rather than the talks themselves.  It's meeting new
and old friends, sharing a meal and discussing life, the universe and
everything.  It's learning a little bit about the local area and the
culture, typically mostly during the daytrip and the evenings.  It's not
the pure information transfer during talks.

For me, it is also just setting aside the time (as you mention).  When
at debconf, the rest of the world is confined to the small screen, and
its ability to require my attention is smaller. When at home, it's the
opposite, and it's easy for something to come up that one needs to do.
I don't really think this is fixable.
^^^ *all of this*!

Thanks, Tollef.

I agree with this,  I can probably say the same thing about events such 
as code clubs, while small scale, physically being in the same room and 
having conversations is important and productive.

I had a really interesting conversation at Seagl in one of the 
rooms, had nothing to directly with Linux or free software it was mostly 
to do with his projects to build a gas monitoring for wood burners.

We just kept an eye on the time and broke off to attend which ever talks 
came up that were of interest.

Paul Sutton, Cert Cont Sci (Open)

LibrePlanet 2021 - March 20th & 21st -

Pronoun : him/his/he

call for proposals page

2021-05-16 Thread Paul Sutton


Just noticed that the call for proposals page is not opened yet. It 
suggests 'check back around new year'.  It is now May,  so maybe this 
should be updated. Otherwise it may imply new year which if people now 
interpret as Jan 2022, and that Debconf is cancelled for 2021.

Which it isn't of course as it is going ahead virtually.

Are call for proposals open yet ?


Paul Sutton, Cert Cont Sci (Open)
OpenPGP : 4350 91C4 C8FB 681B 23A6 7944 8EA9 1B51 E27E 3D99

Pronoun : him/his/he

Description: OpenPGP public key

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Debconf 21 poster

2021-07-26 Thread Paul Sutton

Hi All

I have tried to make another update to my poster.  I added a qr code, 
but have no way of testing it links to the debconf21 website, would 
someone be able to help with this please.

I am not a graphic designer, it is the best I can do at the moment.

Hope this helps anyway


Paul Sutton, Cert Cont Sci (Open)
OpenPGP : 4350 91C4 C8FB 681B 23A6 7944 8EA9 1B51 E27E 3D99

Pronoun : him/his/he

21st Debian Conference August 22 to August 29, 2021.
DebCamp from August 15 to August 21, 2021

Description: OpenPGP public key

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: Debconf 21 poster

2021-07-27 Thread Paul Sutton

On 27/07/2021 05:13, Joost van Baal-Ilić wrote:

Hi again Paul,

On Tue, Jul 27, 2021 at 06:06:49AM +0200, Joost van Baal-Ilić wrote:

On Mon, Jul 26, 2021 at 07:29:17PM +0100, Paul Sutton wrote:

I have tried to make another update to my poster.  I added a qr code, but
have no way of testing it links to the debconf21 website, would someone be
able to help with this please.

I am not a graphic designer, it is the best I can do at the moment.
Hope this helps anyway

Cool!  The bended line below "our-logo 21" looks a bit blurred though.
It'd be even better if that could be made clear and sharp, imho.

Just found out: The original @ looks
sharper to me.



Hi All

Updated poster is here

1. Replaced png logo with svg logo
2. Removed QR Code
3. Moved website url up
4. Added a keyboard graphic
5. Moved a few other things around and tried to make the dates / 
conference details more prominent.

Hope this helps

Paul Sutton, Cert Cont Sci (Open)
OpenPGP : 4350 91C4 C8FB 681B 23A6 7944 8EA9 1B51 E27E 3D99

Pronoun : him/his/he

21st Debian Conference August 22 to August 29, 2021.
DebCamp from August 15 to August 21, 2021

Description: OpenPGP public key

Description: OpenPGP digital signature


2021-10-09 Thread Paul Sutton

Hi all

Just to let you know I am still around just been distracted with other 
stuff,  so still happy to help promote debconf

My account is broken at the moment 502 error.  I 
can't do much about this as I am not sure how to contact the adins of  I just have an account on the writeAs instance.

The blog was useful for putting out updates as to when events / meetings 
were taking place.

I will try and login to IRC more often too.


Paul Sutton, Cert Cont Sci (Open)
Pronoun : him/his/he
OpenPGP : 4350 91C4 C8FB 681B 23A6 7944 8EA9 1B51 E27E 3D99

LibreOffice Conference
23rd to 25th September 2021

Description: OpenPGP digital signature