[chirp_users] New chirp-next build

2023-03-03 Thread donotreply

A new build of CHIRP-next is available. This includes changes made directly to 
the tree since yesterday and may include additional features, bug fixes, etc. 
As a reminder, this is different from the "daily" CHIRP builds in that new 
development and features are happening here. It is the latest and greatest, but 
also may be less stable than the "daily" builds at this time. If it works for 
you, we recommend using CHIRP-next, but if your radio is not yet working on it, 
then you may prefer to use the "daily" builds for the time being.

You can get it from here:


A list of changes since the last build are here:

Changes for Build #81
[3046399+kk7ds] Add BTECH MURS-V2 - fixes #10409

[3046399+kk7ds] Provide some warnings about developer mode

[3046399+kk7ds] Add "Load module from issue" helper

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[chirp_users] Need Help with Yaesu VX-3 and CHIRP

2023-03-03 Thread Jim Overstreet

I have tried everything in the instructions and cannot get

Chirp to communicate with the radio.  As per the instructions, you

turn the radio off, connect the USB cable, then turn on the radio while

holding down the F/W key which puts the radio in CLONE mode which

shows on the display.  Then, you hit the band key and it tries to 

with the radio.  At first, it looks like it will work but after about 20 

ERROR appears in the display.  I followed the instructions just as shown

when you start the process, but always get the ERROR message.  Just

wondering if anyone has had success with the VX-3?  WHat am I doing wrong?



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Re: [chirp_users] Need Help with Yaesu VX-3 and CHIRP

2023-03-03 Thread Dave Matthews
Try just turning it on without going into clone mode.  Then tell chirp to
connect.  If the radio is supported by chirp and your drivers are correct
it should connect.

Your first action after connecting is to download an image from the radio.


On Fri, Mar 3, 2023, 14:08 Jim Overstreet  wrote:

> I have tried everything in the instructions and cannot get
> Chirp to communicate with the radio.  As per the instructions, you
> turn the radio off, connect the USB cable, then turn on the radio while
> holding down the F/W key which puts the radio in CLONE mode which
> shows on the display.  Then, you hit the band key and it tries to
> communicate
> with the radio.  At first, it looks like it will work but after about 20
> seconds
> ERROR appears in the display.  I followed the instructions just as shown
> when you start the process, but always get the ERROR message.  Just
> wondering if anyone has had success with the VX-3?  WHat am I doing wrong?
> Thanks,
> Jim, WA5DXP
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Re: [chirp_users] Need Help with Yaesu VX-3 and CHIRP

2023-03-03 Thread Nigel A. Gunn G8IFF/W8IFF
Probably not the correct device driver for your cable or the wrong com port 
(assuming you're using Windows... you didn't say)

> On 03/03/2023 14:07 EST Jim Overstreet  wrote:
> I have tried everything in the instructions and cannot get
> Chirp to communicate with the radio. As per the instructions, you
> turn the radio off, connect the USB cable, then turn on the radio while
> holding down the F/W key which puts the radio in CLONE mode which
> shows on the display. Then, you hit the band key and it tries to communicate
> with the radio. At first, it looks like it will work but after about 20 
> seconds
> ERROR appears in the display. I followed the instructions just as shown
> when you start the process, but always get the ERROR message. Just
> wondering if anyone has had success with the VX-3? WHat am I doing wrong?
> Thanks,
> Jim, WA5DXP
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Nigel A. Gunn, ///shoulders.outwards.resolutions tel +1-937-971-0366
Amateur Radio G8IFF W8IFF and GMRS WRBV701, e-mail ni...@ngunn.net www 
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Re: [chirp_users] Need Help with Yaesu VX-3 and CHIRP

2023-03-03 Thread Dan Smith via chirp_users
> Try just turning it on without going into clone mode.  Then tell chirp to 
> connect.  If the radio is supported by chirp and your drivers are correct it 
> should connect.

No, that's not how Yaesu radios work. They have to be in clone mode and they 
require the user to do a coordinated dance to trigger the process at the right 
time. It's almost exclusively a Yaesu behavior and, yes, it is supremely 

We had to add the instruction box to chirp purely for Yaesu radios, as for 
basically every other brand it just works like you describe.

> Then, you hit the band key and it tries to communicate
> with the radio.

Jim, make sure you have clicked OK on the chirp instruction box before you hit 
the band key. CHIRP has to be "waiting" before you press the band button on the 
radio to send the image, and it's not ready until you click pass the 
instruction box.

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Re: [chirp_users] help

2023-03-03 Thread Rudolph Gutzerhagen
I think the process is to first download from the radio, make changes to
that "image" and then upload it to the radio.

On Thu, Mar 2, 2023 at 11:09 AM Craig via chirp_users <
chirp_users@intrepid.danplanet.com> wrote:

> I am a newbie to the radio programming world. I have the newest version of
> CHIRP. I have several questions. I live in north central Nevada in a very
> rural area and I want to program my Baofeng UV-R5 pro to the most common
> freq. for this area so if STHTF. CHIRP has several openstock configurations
> was which ones to use? Also how do you export then to the radio once you
> choose? I tried to to click on the upload to radio and it is "grayed" out.
> Any help is appreciated Thanks C
> Sent with Proton Mail  secure email.
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Re: [chirp_users] Need Help with Yaesu VX-3 and CHIRP

2023-03-03 Thread Dave Matthews
Strange, I don't remember needing to do that for my FT-65.  I did have a
Yaesu cable for it and am using Ubuntu so no driver silliness.


On Fri, Mar 3, 2023 at 2:39 PM Dan Smith via chirp_users <
chirp_users@intrepid.danplanet.com> wrote:

> > Try just turning it on without going into clone mode.  Then tell chirp
> to connect.  If the radio is supported by chirp and your drivers are
> correct it should connect.
> No, that's not how Yaesu radios work. They have to be in clone mode and
> they require the user to do a coordinated dance to trigger the process at
> the right time. It's almost exclusively a Yaesu behavior and, yes, it is
> supremely annoying.
> We had to add the instruction box to chirp purely for Yaesu radios, as for
> basically every other brand it just works like you describe.
> > Then, you hit the band key and it tries to communicate
> > with the radio.
> Jim, make sure you have clicked OK on the chirp instruction box before you
> hit the band key. CHIRP has to be "waiting" before you press the band
> button on the radio to send the image, and it's not ready until you click
> pass the instruction box.
> --Dan
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Re: [chirp_users] Need Help with Yaesu VX-3 and CHIRP

2023-03-03 Thread Dan Smith via chirp_users
> Strange, I don't remember needing to do that for my FT-65.  I did have a 
> Yaesu cable for it and am using Ubuntu so no driver silliness.

The FT-4 derived radios (of which the FT-65 is) may be different in this 
regard, as they are very different than typical Yaesus in general (and I think 
based on the same stuff a Baofeng is?). From the instructions in that driver, 
I'd guess so, and it's the only exception I know of. I can certainly confirm 
that the VX-3 is a typical Yaesu, requiring the dance.

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