[9fans] acme & sam text selection and delete deletes extra character

2022-05-11 Thread Ben Huntsman
Hi there-
   Please pardon the dumb question if this has been covered before.  I did some 
brief searches of the archive and couldn't find it...

   I'm running plan9port on macOS.  I noticed that in acme, (and also sam) if I 
select part of a string and press delete, the selection gets deleted and also 
one additional character in front of the selection.  For example, if I type 
"/path/to/file" and double-click file, file gets highlighted, and if I press 
delete, "/file" gets deleted leaving me with "path/to".  This seems 
counter-intuitive as I expected only what I had highlighted to be deleted.

   There is a GitHub issue (#424) https://github.com/9fans/plan9port/issues/424 
filed for this as well.

   Just curious, is this by design, or is this a bug?  I'm inclined to think 
it's by design as it occurs within sam as well.

   As always, thanks!!


9fans: 9fans
Delivery options: https://9fans.topicbox.com/groups/9fans/subscription

Re: [9fans] acme & sam text selection and delete deletes extra character

2022-05-11 Thread Ben Huntsman
Thank you Mark.  That was exactly what I was looking for.


From: Mark van Atten 
Sent: Wednesday, May 11, 2022 8:57 AM
To: 9fans <9fans@9fans.net>
Subject: Re: [9fans] acme & sam text selection and delete deletes extra 

>Just curious, is this by design, or is this a bug?  I'm inclined to think 
> it's by design as it occurs within sam as well.



9fans: 9fans
Delivery options: https://9fans.topicbox.com/groups/9fans/subscription

[9fans] 9vx

2023-06-24 Thread Ben Huntsman
Hi there
   Does anyone still use 9vx for anything?  Anyone ever look at adding a 
cocoa/metal GUI layer for more recent Mac OS X?  I'm looking at drawterm-cocoa 
as a starting point.

   This is a losing game for sure, since Apple dropped 32-bit binary support, 
but most of the project still compiles with XCode 9.4.1 under Mojave...  
Another interesting project would be seeing if it could be modified to work as 
a 64-bit binary but still running a 32-bit environment on the inside...

   Thanks much, as always!


9fans: 9fans
Delivery options: https://9fans.topicbox.com/groups/9fans/subscription

Re: [9fans] 9atom libxml and more xml stuff

2024-07-25 Thread Ben Huntsman
Is 9atom still updated in any way, shape, or form, or are you working off that 
really old version from like 10 years ago?  

I really liked 9atom but it doesn’t seem to like modern hardware, and I always 
had a hard time getting it to run under VMware…


9fans: 9fans
Delivery options: https://9fans.topicbox.com/groups/9fans/subscription

Re: [9fans] NIX experience

2025-01-06 Thread Ben Huntsman
Hi guys-
   I don't mean to take too much of a tangent, but since the nix-os repo 
includes a pre-built copy of 9vx for OSX, has anyone looked at updating 9vx to 
be able to compile on newer Mac OS versions?  One of the big problems is that 
it's very 32-bit which Apple doesn't support compiling for anymore...

Thank you!


9fans: 9fans
Delivery options: https://9fans.topicbox.com/groups/9fans/subscription

Re: [9fans] NIX experience

2025-01-06 Thread Ben Huntsman
So basically there's no getting 9vx to work on modern Mac OS (on Intel, I don't 
mean ARM)?

That's truly unfortunate.

From: o...@eigenstate.org 
Sent: Monday, January 6, 2025 3:02 PM
To: 9fans@9fans.net <9fans@9fans.net>
Subject: Re: [9fans] NIX experience

It's not just 32 bit, it depends on the quirks of i386
segmentation registers. It's never going to run on any
processor other than a 32-bit 386.

Quoth Ben Huntsman :
> Hi guys-
>I don't mean to take too much of a tangent, but since the nix-os repo 
> includes a pre-built copy of 9vx for OSX, has anyone looked at updating 9vx 
> to be able to compile on newer Mac OS versions?  One of the big problems is 
> that it's very 32-bit which Apple doesn't support compiling for anymore...
> Thank you!
> -Ben

9fans: 9fans
Delivery options: https://9fans.topicbox.com/groups/9fans/subscription

Re: [9fans] git/rebase for someone used to git pull --rebase

2025-02-07 Thread Ben Huntsman
In most repos, I just do something like:

git checkout master
git fetch --all
git pull  <-- Now I'm up to date with origin, presumably my fork on 
github, etc
git merge upstream/master <-- Now I'm up to date with the project, assuming 
I added it as upstream
git checkout x<-- the local branch I want to rebase
git rebase master <-- now it's rebased to the master

Wouldn't that work for you here too?


From: Jacob Moody 
Sent: Friday, February 7, 2025 9:51 AM
To: 9fans@9fans.net <9fans@9fans.net>
Subject: Re: [9fans] git/rebase for someone used to git pull --rebase

On 2/7/25 10:23, ron minnich wrote:
> what I'm used to
> I'm on branch x
> git pull --rebase origin main
> with 9front git
> I'm on branch x
> git/pull -f origin
> git/rebase origin/heads/front
> That does not look right. Reading /bin/git/rebase, I almost think I want to do
> git/branch heads/front
> git/rebase heads/x
> but I'm a bit uncertain. I'm not good with branches at the best of times.

I think what you're looking for is:
git/pull -f origin
git/rebase remotes/origin/$upstreambranch

git/branch -a will give you all the details about what remote branches we're 

I don't tend to use our git/rebase much, I tend to just use git/log -se 
branchA..branchB or the inverse to
get the commit list and git/export and git/import by hand. Or stash my current 
branch, reset the one tracking
upstream and then go from there.


9fans: 9fans
Delivery options: https://9fans.topicbox.com/groups/9fans/subscription

[9fans] Which acme?

2025-02-12 Thread Ben Huntsman
Hi everyone-
   I must have been living under a rock, but I just recently saw the acme 
implementation in Go in https://github.com/9fans/go!  It works pretty well and 
even on weird platforms like AIX!

   There is definitely a time-honored tradition of re-implementing acme in 
various languages, since it's been done in alef, C, Limbo, and now Go.  So I 
was wondering, which one is getting the most use these days, especially amongst 
the guys like Rob and Russ, and other daily users?  The 9fans/go version, or 
the plan9port version?

Thanks in advance!


9fans: 9fans
Delivery options: https://9fans.topicbox.com/groups/9fans/subscription

Re: [9fans] Which acme?

2025-02-13 Thread Ben Huntsman
Is anyone using the Acme version at 
https://github.com/9fans/go/tree/main/cmd/acme?  Or is there a preference for 
it over the C version in plan9port?  Looking to understand which is the acme 
receiving the bulk of the community development effort (and largest number of 
users) at the present time.



From: rjkro...@liqui.org 
Sent: Wednesday, February 12, 2025 5:57 PM
To: 9fans <9fans@9fans.net>
Cc: Patrick Marchand ; Ben Huntsman 

Subject: Re: [9fans] Which acme?

Self-promotional plug: I'm making an effort to maintain this one. 😊

>   - Edwood, an Acme clone in go: https://github.com/rjkroege/edwood

On Thu, 13 Feb 2025 02:16:17 +0900, Patrick Marchand
> Hello,
> On 12.02.2025 11:16 am, Ben Huntsman wrote:
>>  I must have been living under a rock, but I just recently saw the
>> acme implementation in Go in https://github.com/9fans/go [1]! It works
>> pretty well and even on weird platforms like AIX!
>>  There is definitely a time-honored tradition of re-implementing acme
>> in various languages, since it's been done in alef, C, Limbo, and now
>> Go. So I was wondering, which one is getting the most use these days,
>> especially amongst the guys like Rob and Russ, and other daily users?
>> The 9fans/go version, or the plan9port version?
> I use the plan9port version daily, but today I discovered Anvil
> https://anvil-editor.net/
> and I like it a lot.
> Speaking of other implementations of acme that interest me there's also:
> - Ma, inspired by acme and written in TCL/TK:
> http://www.call-with-current-continuation.org/ma/README
> - Ad, an Acme / Kakoune inspired editor, written in rust:
> https://github.com/sminez/ad
> - Edwood, an Acme clone in go: https://github.com/rjkroege/edwood
> There's a bunch of other implementations floating around too, but most
> of them are unmaintained.
> --
> Patrick Marchand

9fans: 9fans
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