Is anyone using the Acme version at  Or is there a preference for 
it over the C version in plan9port?  Looking to understand which is the acme 
receiving the bulk of the community development effort (and largest number of 
users) at the present time.



From: <>
Sent: Wednesday, February 12, 2025 5:57 PM
To: 9fans <>
Cc: Patrick Marchand <>; Ben Huntsman 
Subject: Re: [9fans] Which acme?

Self-promotional plug: I'm making an effort to maintain this one. 😊

>   - Edwood, an Acme clone in go:

On Thu, 13 Feb 2025 02:16:17 +0900, Patrick Marchand
<> said:
> Hello,
> On 12.02.2025 11:16 am, Ben Huntsman wrote:
>>  I must have been living under a rock, but I just recently saw the
>> acme implementation in Go in [1]! It works
>> pretty well and even on weird platforms like AIX!
>>  There is definitely a time-honored tradition of re-implementing acme
>> in various languages, since it's been done in alef, C, Limbo, and now
>> Go. So I was wondering, which one is getting the most use these days,
>> especially amongst the guys like Rob and Russ, and other daily users?
>> The 9fans/go version, or the plan9port version?
> I use the plan9port version daily, but today I discovered Anvil
> and I like it a lot.
> Speaking of other implementations of acme that interest me there's also:
> - Ma, inspired by acme and written in TCL/TK:
> - Ad, an Acme / Kakoune inspired editor, written in rust:
> - Edwood, an Acme clone in go:
> There's a bunch of other implementations floating around too, but most
> of them are unmaintained.
> --
> Patrick Marchand

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