temperature factor) values
are going to huge,??at the end of such a refinement. Which otherwise should be
around [ Beq=Uiso*8pi^2].
Also if possible share .pro file (GUI mode or Launch mode) of such a
refinemnet or some literature.
Best regards,Dr. Naveed Zafar Ali
Dear Dr Peter Stephens, Dr. Martin Fisch and Dr. Noberto Masciocchi,
Many thanks for your reply and useful tips.In particularcomments from Dr.
Noberto M. and for sparing time in rearranging my .INP file.
Best regards,
Dr Naveed Zafar Ali
Subject: Re: Site occupancies refinement
Date: Mon, 28 Apr
st regards,
Naveed_____Dr. Naveed Zafar
"Being ignorant is not so much a shame, as being unwilling to learn.
an event on this mailing list.
With my best regards,
Dr. Naveed Zafar Ali
> Subject: Re: TOPAS Macro Language (peak shape broadening macros)
> Date: Wed, 24 Jun 2015 22:16:56