Hi folks.
I'm starting in Pharo studies by FUN Mooc.
In Week 03, on An Overview of Essential Collections there is the example
| days |
days := Dictionary new.
at: #January put: 31;
at: #February put: 28;
at: #March put: 31.
days keysAndValuesDo:
[ :k :v | Transcript show: k asString,
Hi Tim.
I just learned in previous videos of the mooc about using nautilus to
explore using "Implementers of..." or "Senders of..."
I will do that for sure now.
Thanks for your tip.
Thank you too Richard.
Very interesting and elucidative.
Regards to all.
I like the way you put because it's a nice way to remember and to teach too.
I'm just bit confusing, and I think this because Object Oriented it's not
one of my strong skills, when you say when: "what this object converted *to
a string means in my domain"* - what really means, specially about when
Very clear to me now.
Thank you and to others too by your previous answers
Hi Richard.
Very useful your considerations. I find too the messages like #asWhatever,
like you said, were about type conversions, similar like we have in other
#printString and the others remember me the special method in Python
__str__ or __unicode__ which allow change the default re
It would be great 🖖
Em ter., 11 de mai. de 2021 Ã s 13:38, Esteban Lorenzano
> I am playing with the idea of setting a bunch of techtalk sessions to
> "build an application from scratch".
> I need to book the time but I think it can be a good idea.
> Esteban
Awesome, comgratulations to all 🙌✌🥳🎉
e an evolvable system that can adapt to new needs
> (modular tools, first class slot, new debuggers, packages…).
> Stef
*Samuel* Teixeira Santos
> bruce
> On 2023-05-29T18:50:33.000+02:00, Samuel Teixeira Santos <
> arcano...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello everyone
> this talk will be recorded?
> Regards
> Em sáb., 27 de mai. de 2023 às 15:34, stephane ducasse <
> steph
True, Thanks for reminding me
Hi all
Very interesting your project Stéphane, congratulations for it
Is there any tutorial or video showing the entire process from creation to
publishing (detailing things like margins, layouts, colors RGB to CMYK,
typography etc)?
Is there only documentation inside the template?
Thanks for s
Hi everyone
Congratulations for the effort. Definitely a welcome project to all that
enjoy Pharo.
Is it possible to list the table of contents?
Em qui., 7 de nov. de 2024, 02:32, Koen De Hondt <
k...@all-objects-all-the-time.st> escreveu:
> Dear Pharo users and developers,
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