Thanks Bruce for your reply

Em ter., 30 de mai. de 2023 às 03:23, Bruce O'Neel <>

> Hi,
> In the past they have been recorded.
> But there is often a lag between the talk given and appearing on the Vimeo
> page.
> cheers
> bruce
> On 2023-05-29T18:50:33.000+02:00, Samuel Teixeira Santos <
>> wrote:
> Hello everyone
> this talk will be recorded?
> Regards
> Em sáb., 27 de mai. de 2023 às 15:34, stephane ducasse <
>> escreveu:
> Hello
> I will give a presentation with discussion via the UK smalltalk online
> gathering next wednesday.
> MeetupStephane Ducasse - Pharo: a vision implemented step by step, Wed,
> M...For our May presentation, Stephane Ducasse will present the vision
> behind Pharo and how that is been implemented incrementally across multiple
> releases. In Stef's words: "
> For our May presentation, Stephane Ducasse will present the vision behind
> Pharo and how that is been implemented incrementally across multiple
> releases. In Stef's words: "The vision of Pharo is based on three pillars:
> • First we want to make sure that Pharo is used to develop complex and
> robust systems (by complex we means multiple millions lines of code or
> objects).
> • Second we want Pharo to be a modular system that can be versatile (Pharo
> on iot, on large servers, in the web browser….)
> • Third Pharo should be an evolvable system that can adapt to new needs
> (modular tools, first class slot, new debuggers, packages…).
> Stef
> --
> At.te,
> *Samuel* Teixeira Santos

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