[Pharo-users] Pharo in Docker.

2023-07-01 Thread p...@pt.lu
Hello, I am trying to run TinyBlog and Pharo in a Docker container.  It run, but it crashes after a while with the following log: pva@dd8:~/docker/PharoTinyBlogDocker$ docker logs --tail 1000 b5172118c19f ZnZincServerAdaptor DeprecationPerformedNotification: Automatic deprecation code rewrit

[Pharo-users] Re: Personal wiki / information manager

2023-07-01 Thread Siemen Baader
Hi Offray, that is very interesting material, and well described. No, it doesn't have to be OrgMode per se, I just wanted to make use of something that already can support a GTD workflow and implement something on top of it gradually. I look deeper into this - thanks a lot! cheers, Siemen