
I am trying to run TinyBlog and Pharo in a Docker container.  It run, but it crashes after a while with the following log:

pva@dd8:~/docker/PharoTinyBlogDocker$ docker logs --tail 1000 b5172118c19f


DeprecationPerformedNotification: Automatic deprecation code rewrite: The method MAContainerComponent>>#isReadonly called from TBSMagritteFormRenderer>>#renderElement: has been deprecated. Use #isReadOnly instead.

DeprecationPerformedNotification: Automatic deprecation code rewrite: The method MADescriptionComponent>>#isReadonly called from TBSMagritteCheckboxComponent>>#renderEditorOn: has been deprecated. Use #isReadOnly instead.

SmalltalkImageInstanceID class>>startUpSyntax Error on line 1: 'Variable or expression expected'


1: `@receiver readonly:


SmalltalkImageInstanceID class>>startUpSyntax Error on line 1: 'Variable or expression expected'


1: `@receiver readonly:



I have tried to fix the problem in a regular image and it does not behave the same.

Is there a way to debug graphically the Pharo located in the docker file ? I did not find any resources on the net concerning this kind of configuration.

Thanks in advance for your help,

Philippe Vanderheyden


Philippe Vanderheyden
Rue Maria Teresa, 15
L-8448 Steinfort
T: 77 07 66
G: 621 365 901

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