Hello everybody,
I was wondering, is there a way to wrap text inside a Morphic/Bloc label?
I am building a list of text elements, but I am not able to wrap the
text to match the width of the widget.
For the moment I solved the issue by instantiating a Rubric text area
for each text element, b
2016-08-08 12:27 GMT+02:00 Tommaso Dal Sasso :
> Hello everybody,
> I was wondering, is there a way to wrap text inside a Morphic/Bloc label?
> I am building a list of text elements, but I am not able to wrap the text
> to match the width of the widget.
> For the moment I solved the issue by i
I have been trying to get glorp using active record working in pharo 5.
I have a descriptor class for it and the classes inherit from active Record.
I describe the table as:
tableForAnswer: aTable
| vistorId questionId |
(aTable createFieldNamed: 'id' type: platform serial) bePrimaryKey.
How did you create the tables? There is a sequence for the ID in the database?
Also, I don't understand why you call it "ActiveRecord".
If you can share some code, DDL of the table, I'll be able to help you better.
Esteban A. Maringolo
ps: I'm cross replying to the Glorp mailing list.
how can one generate function keys? (F1 to F12)
I've made a morph for testing
c := Morph subclass: #MyKeyMorph.
c compile: 'handlesKeyboard: evt
^ true'.
c compile: 'handleKeystroke: evt
self logCr: evt'.
c compile: 'handl
2016-08-08 19:39 GMT+02:00 Peter Uhnak :
> Hi,
> how can one generate function keys? (F1 to F12)
> I've made a morph for testing
> ~~
> c := Morph subclass: #MyKeyMorph.
> c compile: 'handlesKeyboard: evt
> ^ true'.
> c compile: 'ha