2016-08-08 19:39 GMT+02:00 Peter Uhnak <i.uh...@gmail.com>:

> Hi,
> how can one generate function keys? (F1 to F12)
> I've made a morph for testing
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> c := Morph subclass: #MyKeyMorph.
> c compile: 'handlesKeyboard: evt
>         ^ true'.
> c compile: 'handleKeystroke: evt
>         self logCr: evt'.
> c compile: 'handleKeyUp: evt
>         self logCr: evt'.
> c compile: 'handleKeyDown: evt
>         self logCr: evt'.
> m := c new.
> m openInWindow.
> m takeKeyboardFocus
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> However the functions keys are not being generated.
> Is this something that would have to be done in the VM?

Yes, function do not generate any events on the pharo linux vm (for
Windows, at least keydown/keyup events, bot no keystroke events).

> I'm using linux btw, but ideally it should work on all platforms.
> Thanks,
> Peter

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