Re: Requirements for IPv6 Firewalls

2014-04-17 Thread Seth Mos
Op 17 apr. 2014, om 20:50 heeft William Herrin het volgende geschreven: > On Thu, Apr 17, 2014 at 2:32 PM, Eugeniu Patrascu wrote: >> It's a bigger risk to think that NAT somehow magically protects you against >> stuff on the Internet. > > You are entitled to your opinion and you are entitled

Re: Requirements for IPv6 Firewalls

2014-04-18 Thread Seth Mos
On 18-4-2014 8:57, Matt Palmer wrote: > On Thu, Apr 17, 2014 at 09:05:17PM -0500, Timothy Morizot wrote: >> On Apr 17, 2014 7:52 PM, "Matthew Kaufman" wrote: >>> While you're at it, the document can explain to admins who have been >> burned, often more than once, by the pain of re-numbering intern

Re: The Cidr Report

2014-04-26 Thread Seth Mos
Op 26 apr. 2014, om 20:05 heeft Hank Nussbacher het volgende geschreven: > At 22:00 25/04/2014 +, wrote: >> This report has been generated at Fri Apr 25 21:13:54 2014 AEST. >> The report analyses the BGP Routing Table of AS2.0 router >> and generates a report on aggr

Re: Ars Technica on IPv4 exhaustion

2014-06-18 Thread Seth Mos
Op 18 jun. 2014, om 11:41 heeft Martin Geddes het volgende geschreven: > "IPv6 will never become the defacto standard until the vast majority of > users have access to IPv6 connectivity." > > It may never become the defacto standard, period. Nearly 20 years to reach > 2% penetration is a stron

Re: The stupidity of trying to "fix" DHCPv6

2011-06-12 Thread Seth Mos
Op 12 jun 2011, om 12:05 heeft Daniel Roesen het volgende geschreven: > VRRP communications itself is via link-local addresses. There is a > requirement to have a link-local virtual address as well, but there > might be many more, e.g. global scope. In FreeBSD with pfSense I use CARP with a v6 a

Re: Question about migrating to IPv6 with multiple upstreams.

2011-06-14 Thread Seth Mos
Op 14 jun 2011, om 19:04 heeft Ray Soucy het volgende geschreven: > My guess is within the next year we'll see something pop up that does this. Ehm, It's already here, you searched google right? I finished it 4 months ago. And a number of commercial platforms already support it. Although Owen

Re: Address Assignment Question

2011-06-20 Thread Seth Mos
Op 20 jun 2011, om 23:24 heeft Tony Finch het volgende geschreven: > On 20 Jun 2011, at 16:26, Jérôme Nicolle wrote: >> >> But most RBL managers are shitheads anyway, so help them evade, that'll be >> one more proof of spamhaus &co. uselessness and negative impact on the >> Internet's best pr

Re: Address Assignment Question

2011-06-20 Thread Seth Mos
Op 20 jun 2011, om 23:55 heeft John Levine het volgende geschreven: >> An organization that blocks 90% of spam with no false positives is >> incredibly useful. > >> Using a greylisting system is equally effective without the black >> list part. > > Hi. I'm the guy who wrote the CEAS paper on g

Re: in defense of lisp

2011-07-13 Thread Seth Mos
grand scheme. I've also contacted the nice people from the draft that we support it. Since then we've got v4 and v6 with BGP at work so it's moot. But I digress. Kind regards, Seth Mos pfSense developer. > > > > 6296 IPv6-to-IPv6 Network Prefix Translation. M. Wasser

Re: iCloud - Is it going to hurt access providers?

2011-09-03 Thread Seth Mos
Op 3 sep 2011, om 19:49 heeft Jimmy Hess het volgende geschreven: > On Sat, Sep 3, 2011 at 6:20 AM, Skeeve Stevens wrote: > >> My guess is that 99% of consumer internet access is Asymmetrical (DSL, >> Cable, wireless, etc) and iCloud when launched will 'upload' obscene amounts >> of gigs of m

Re: Point to MultiPoint VPN w/qos

2011-09-06 Thread Seth Mos
On 6-9-2011 15:49, Positively Optimistic wrote: Greetings Does anyone have a suggestion for a single piece of hardware that would support 8 or less Ethernet interfaces and the two vpn tunnels ? Single piece of hardware, no. If 2, then yes. A PCengines Alix 2D3 with pfSense/m0n0wall and Open

Re: NAT444 or ?

2011-09-07 Thread Seth Mos
Op 7 sep 2011, om 19:06 heeft het volgende geschreven: > On Wed, Sep 07, 2011 at 12:16:28PM +0200, Randy Bush wrote: >>> I'm going to have to deploy NAT444 with dual-stack real soon now. >> you may want to review the presentations from last week's apnic me

Re: NAT444 or ?

2011-09-07 Thread Seth Mos
Op 8 sep 2011, om 07:26 heeft Geoff Huston het volgende geschreven: > > On 08/09/2011, at 2:41 AM, Leigh Porter wrote: > > It may not be what Randy was referring to above, but as part of that program > at APNIC32 I reported on the failure rate I am measuring for Teredo. I'm not > sure its all

Re: routing issue for verizon dsl customers in western massachusetts

2011-09-18 Thread Seth Mos
Congratulations on your nat444 connection. I suspect a autoblocklist of sorts. They somehow always end up blocking the hosts you are using. I vaguely remember my watchguard firebox 1000 doing so. It was red too. Regards and good luck, Seth typed on a tiny touchscreen, why exactly? Steve Bohre

Re: Performance Issues - PTR Records

2011-11-08 Thread Seth Mos
On 7-11-2011 14:46, wrote: >>> The practice of filling out the reverse zone with fake PTR record >>> started before there was wide spread support for UPDATE/DNS. There >>> isn't any need for this to be done anymore. Machines are capable >>> of adding records for themselves. >> >

Re: Firewalls - Ease of Use and Maintenance?

2011-11-09 Thread Seth Mos
On 9-11-2011 0:06, Jones, Barry wrote: > Hello all. > I am potentially looking at firewall products and wanted suggestions as to > the easiest firewalls to install, configure and maintain? I have a few small > networks ( 50 nodes at one site, 50 odd at another, and maybe 20 at another. > I have

Re: Firewalls - Ease of Use and Maintenance?

2011-11-09 Thread Seth Mos
On 9-11-2011 11:07, Tom Hill wrote: > On Wed, 2011-11-09 at 09:13 +0100, Seth Mos wrote: >> I am biased because I am a pfSense developer. >> >> pfSense is a free open source FreeBSD based firewall with the pf >> packet filter. > > I'

Dynamic (changing) IPv6 prefix delegation

2011-11-21 Thread Seth Mos
Hello List, As a pfSense developer I recently ran into a test system that (actually) gets a IPv6 prefix from it's ISP. (Hurrah). What is bewildering to me is that each time the system establishes a new PPPoE session to the ISP they assign a different IPv6 prefix via delegation together with a dif

Re: Dynamic (changing) IPv6 prefix delegation

2011-11-24 Thread Seth Mos
Hi, Op 24 nov 2011, om 21:09 heeft Joel jaeggli het volgende geschreven: > On 11/21/11 14:18 , Nathan Eisenberg wrote: >>> Look at the number that are refusing to make generous prefix >>> allocations >>> to residential end users and limiting them to /56, /60, or even worse, >>> /64. >> >> Owen,

Re: Slashdot: UK ISP PlusNet Testing Carrier-Grade NAT Instead of IPv6

2013-01-18 Thread Seth Mos
On 18-1-2013 15:03, William Herrin wrote: > On Thu, Jan 17, 2013 at 11:15 PM, Constantine A. Murenin > wrote: > On the technical side, enterprises have been doing large-scale NAT for > more than a decade now without any doomsday consequences. CGN is not > different. Well yeah, but everything is

Re: IPV6 in enterprise best practices/white papaers

2013-01-26 Thread Seth Mos
Op 26 jan 2013, om 18:47 heeft William Herrin het volgende geschreven: > On Sat, Jan 26, 2013 at 4:26 AM, Pavel Dimow wrote: >> I can start to create >> record and PTR recors in DNS and after that I should configure my >> dhcp servers and after all has been done I can test ipv6 in LAN and >

Re: NOC display software

2013-02-13 Thread Seth Mos
On 13-2-2013 16:19, JoeSox wrote: > Just wondering if anyone can recommend Windows software (it could be > Linux too but I might need to create a separate host for that > configuration) > that enables rotating [on one monitor] several webpages (dashboards) > or windows (application dashboards). > I

Re: internet in the box

2013-03-09 Thread Seth Mos
Hi, > so : Cradlepoint with 3 x USB Modems -> Cisco2900 with integrated WLC and 6 > AP's > Alternatively, but I am biased as a pfSense developer, you could setup pfSense with multiple usb 3G or 4G sticks. pfSense has firewalling, some QoS, a traffic shaper and limiters. And the firewall rule

Re: Verizon DSL moving to CGN

2013-04-09 Thread Seth Mos
On 9-4-2013 1:10, Jay Ashworth wrote: > - Original Message - >> From: "Huasong Zhou" > >> We got this modem and router all in one box from Comcast directly. And >> by the way, home use routers don't assign numbers. > > I have seen consumer NAT routers assign addresses in all thr

Re: IPv6 RA vs DHCPv6 - The chosen one?

2011-12-21 Thread Seth Mos
Hi, Op 21 dec 2011, om 20:16 heeft Tomas Podermanski het volgende geschreven: > Hi, > > from my perspective the short answer for this never-ending story is: To be fair, SLAAC was designed as a light weight method to configure addressing on the hosts. Hosts. We don't have hosts on the internet

Re: IPv6 RA vs DHCPv6 - The chosen one?

2011-12-26 Thread Seth Mos
Op 26 dec 2011, om 20:46 heeft Steven Bellovin het volgende geschreven: > Not quite what you're asking for, but I was very pleasantly surprised to see > that some (at least) Brother printers support IPv6. Progress... Indeed, my Mac has no issues printing or scanning to my MFC-9465DCN I purchase

IPv6 resolvers

2012-01-04 Thread Seth Mos
:470:20::2 2592 msec The google DNS server I'm using is doing swimmingly so far, OpenDNS seems ok too. 2001:4860:4860::884416 msec Kind regards, Seth Mos

Re: IPv6 resolvers

2012-01-04 Thread Seth Mos
Hi, Just pointing out to other responding to this thread that I was referring to the *query* response times, I said nothing about ICMP which is perfectly fine. So please stop responding with ping response times already :-) No, pfSense does not set these per default, they are in wide use because

Re: enterprise 802.11

2012-01-15 Thread Seth Mos
Hi, We chose the 3Com, now H3C wx3012 controller and AP9552 accesspoints. Initial issues where that blackberries could not connect to the wifi, the support initially was mediocre. Do note that this was at the time that everything got sold to HP. And they did pick up the issue and came around w

Re: AT&T home DSL IPv6 configuration?

2012-03-10 Thread Seth Mos
Op 10 mrt 2012, om 03:40 heeft Chris Adams het volgende geschreven: > > Can anybody tell me how they are configuring their IPv6 setup? They deploy using 6rd. In other words, they get to deploy IPv6 _again_ in about a few years time. Basically any router with 6rd support and the knobs in the u

Re: Shim6, was: Re: filtering /48 is going to be necessary

2012-03-12 Thread Seth Mos
On 12-3-2012 16:07, Robert E. Seastrom wrote: > > Doug Barton writes: > > Grass-roots, bottom-up policy process > + > Need for multihoming > + > Got tired of waiting > = > IPv6 PI + Cheap End Users = IPv6 NPt (IPv6 Prefix Translation) Cheers, Seth

Re: Shim6, was: Re: filtering /48 is going to be necessary

2012-03-12 Thread Seth Mos
Hi, Op 12 mrt 2012, om 18:09 heeft Owen DeLong het volgende geschreven: >> + >> Cheap End Users >> = >> IPv6 NPt (IPv6 Prefix Translation) >> >> Cheers, >> >> Seth > > I don't get the association between cheap end users and NPT. Can you explain > how one relates to the other, given the added

Re: IPv6 support via Charter | Ideas on BGP Tunnel via HE

2012-04-11 Thread Seth Mos
Hi, Op 11 apr 2012, om 20:16 heeft Anurag Bhatia het volgende geschreven: > Also, does it makes sense to go for BGP Tunnel for now? I just setup IPv6 > Tunnel via Hurricane Electric. Latency seems pretty much OK ~ 10-15ms of > overhead. Yet to test other parameters. I heard Tunnels are usually ba

Re: Automatic IPv6 due to broadcast

2012-04-16 Thread Seth Mos
Hi Anurag, Op 16 apr 2012, om 20:09 heeft Anurag Bhatia het volgende geschreven: > Hello everyone > I wonder if anyone else also had similar issues? Also, if my guesses are > correct then how can we disable Red Hat distro oriented servers from taking > such automated configuration - simple DHC

Re: Automatic IPv6 due to broadcast

2012-04-17 Thread Seth Mos
Op 17-4-2012 10:33, Carlos Martinez-Cagnazzo schreef: IMO it's much easier to disable one rogue than to disable IPv6 on the whole network. That is if you can find it, but with some proper tcpdumping and/or CLI commands (depending on the switches that you have) it should be relatively easy. Even

Re: Our first inbound email via IPv6 (was spam!)

2012-06-05 Thread Seth Mos
Op 5-6-2012 16:10, Livingood, Jason schreef: In preparation for the World IPv6 Launch, inbound (SMTP) email to the domain was IPv6-enabled today, June 5, 2012, at 9:34 UTC. Roughly one minute later, at 9:35:30 UTC we received our first inbound email over IPv6 from 2001:4ba0:fff4:1c:

Re: ipv6 book recommendations?

2012-06-05 Thread Seth Mos
Op 5-6-2012 16:29, David Hubbard schreef: Does anyone have suggestions on good books to really get a thorough understanding of v6, subnetting, security practices, etc. Or a few books. Just turned up dual stack with our peers and a test network but I'd like to be a lot more comfortable with it b

Re: ipv6 book recommendations?

2012-06-06 Thread Seth Mos
Op 5-6-2012 23:23, William Herrin schreef: On 6/5/12, David Hubbard wrote: Hi David, Instead of going the book route, I'd suggest getting some tunneled addresses from and then working through . They have the basics pretty well covered, it's interactive

Re: using "reserved" IPv6 space

2012-07-16 Thread Seth Mos
Hi, Op 16 jul 2012, om 18:34 heeft het volgende geschreven: > On Mon, 16 Jul 2012 11:09:28 -0500, -Hammer- said: >> ---That is clearly a matter of opinion. NAT64 and NAT66 wouldn't be there >> if there weren't enough customers asking for it. Are all the customers naive

Re: NAT66 was Re: using "reserved" IPv6 space

2012-07-16 Thread Seth Mos
Op 17 jul 2012, om 04:56 heeft Grant Ridder het volgende geschreven: > If you are running an HA pair, why would you care which box it went back > through? Because it could be/is a stateful firewall and the backup will drop the traffic. (FreeBSD CARP) Cheers, Seth > > -Grant > > On Monday,

Re: using "reserved" IPv6 space

2012-07-17 Thread Seth Mos
Op 17-7-2012 8:43, Owen DeLong schreef: On Jul 16, 2012, at 10:36 PM, Seth Mos wrote: Hi, Op 16 jul 2012, om 18:34 heeft het volgende geschreven: To highlight what the current NAT66 is useful for, it's a RFC for Network Prefix translation. It has nothing do

Re: The Department of Work and Pensions, UK has an entire /8

2012-09-18 Thread Seth Mos
Op 18 sep 2012, om 18:39 heeft George Herbert het volgende geschreven: > > I'm having problems finding any announcements for this net 10/8, too. Can > someone talk to these "IANA" folks about reclaiming it, too? They have a > bunch of other space in 172.x they should be able to use... Don't

Re: Big Temporary Networks

2012-09-19 Thread Seth Mos
Op 18-9-2012 22:50, William Herrin schreef: On Tue, Sep 18, 2012 at 4:31 PM, Nick Hilliard wrote: On 18/09/2012 21:24, William Herrin wrote: IPv6 falls down compared to IPv4 on wifi networks when it responds to a router solicitation with a multicast (instead of unicast) router advertisement.

Re: The Department of Work and Pensions, UK has an entire /8

2012-09-19 Thread Seth Mos
Op 19-9-2012 14:35, Leo Bicknell schreef: In a message written on Tue, Sep 18, 2012 at 09:11:50PM -0700, Mike Hale wrote: I'd love to hear the reasoning for this. Why would it be bad policy to force companies to use the resources they are assigned or give them back to the general pool? There's

Re: The Department of Work and Pensions, UK has an entire /8

2012-09-19 Thread Seth Mos
Op 20 sep 2012, om 07:34 heeft Mark Andrews het volgende geschreven: > > In message > > , Jimmy Hess writes: > > The work to fix this on most OS is minimal. The work to ensure > that it could be used safely over the big I Internet is enormous. > It's not so much about making sure new equipme

Re: Throw me a IPv6 bone (sort of was IPv6 ignorance)

2012-09-21 Thread Seth Mos
Op 21-9-2012 21:42, Mark Radabaugh schreef: Running dual stack to residential consumers still has huge issues with CPE. It's not an environment where we have control over the router the customer picks up at Walmart. There is really very little point in spending a lot of resources on someth

Re: IPv4 address length technical design

2012-10-03 Thread Seth Mos
Op 3-10-2012 18:33, Kevin Broderick schreef: I'll add that in the mid-90's, in a University Of Washington lecture hall, Vint Cerf expressed some regret over going with 32 bits. Chuckle worthy and at the time, and a fond memory - K "Pick a number between this and that." It's the 80's and you

MTU issues

2012-11-06 Thread Seth Mos
Hi, Since about a week or so it's become impossible to reach content over IPv6. IPv4 content does work fine, using the IPv6 literal returns a 404 which is small enough to fit in a smaller 1480 byte MTU. I have another test site that has a clean 1500 byte mtu and I can fetch the s0.w

Re: Netalyzr Android: call for volunteers

2014-10-07 Thread Seth Mos
Srikanth Sundaresan schreef op 6-10-2014 0:43: > Hi all, > > Netalyzr is a free network measurement and debugging app developed > by the International Computer Science Institute, Berkeley. > Hi, Maybe it's just me, but my Xperia T (LT30p) does have IPv6 on Wifi and validates it. I

Re: anyone from vodafone(.nl) around?

2014-10-23 Thread Seth Mos
David Hofstee schreef op 23-10-2014 11:02: > Hi, > > Is anyone from Vodafone around? We are having connectivity loss with > and the helpdesk is not cooperating... I've had good succes getting a out of date bogon filter issue for all Vodafone NL customers resolved after contactin

Mozilla performing pdf.js DNS queries?

2014-11-13 Thread Seth Mos
Hi, Whilst rummaging through some DNS (dnsmasq) logs I've noticed quite a decent amount of queries for pdf.js from what appear to be mozilla browsers. Seems rather odd that it is performing DNS queries for a internal PDF viewer. Has anyone else come across these lookups? Kind regards, Seth

Re: Mozilla performing pdf.js DNS queries?

2014-11-13 Thread Seth Mos
> -Oorspronkelijk bericht- > Van: NANOG [] Namens Seth Mos > Verzonden: Thursday, November 13, 2014 2:26 PM > Aan: NANOG list > Onderwerp: Mozilla performing pdf.js DNS queries? > > Hi, > > Whilst rummaging through some DNS (dnsmasq)

Re: Got a call at 4am - RAID Gurus Please Read

2014-12-10 Thread Seth Mos
symack schreef op 9-12-2014 22:03: > * Can I change from an active (ie, disks with data) raid 5 to raid 10. > There are 4 drives Dump and restore. I've used Acronis succesfully in the past and today, they have a bootable ISO. Also, if you have the option, they have universal restore so you can res

Re: Recommended wireless AP for 400 users office

2015-01-29 Thread Seth Mos
Op 29 jan. 2015, om 17:18 heeft Tyler Mills het volgende geschreven: > Most of the issues are related to firmware. Most of my UBNT experience was > with the UAP-Pro and the UAP-AC, and it wasn't a good experience. > Production firmwares seem to be of beta quality. It’s meh, but it’s good enou

Youtube CDN unreachable over IPv6

2015-11-06 Thread Seth Mos
Dear Google, It appears that one of the Youtube CDN's (in Europe, NL) is not reachable over IPv6 from AS 20844. Can someone get back to us on this, the company can't access any of the videos currently, although the mainpage loads fine (over IPv6). Kind regards, Seth telnet

Google Chrome 47.0.2526.73M broken NTLM proxy authentication

2015-12-03 Thread Seth Mos
Dear Google, As of Dec 2nd the Google Chrome 47.0.2526.73M breaks NTLM proxy authentication. This is unfortunate as nobody can get off the company network now, which is secure I suppose, but not quite what I had in mind.!topic/chrome/G_9eXH9c_ns;context-pl

Re: Google Chrome 47.0.2526.73M broken NTLM proxy authentication

2015-12-06 Thread Seth Mos
Get ready for a rough monday morning, we've already had to field quite a few calls, and the GPO policy doesn't work, yay. Dear Google, your internet browser doesn't browse the internet, please make haste. Kind regards, Seth Op 3-12-2015 om 9:04 schreef Seth Mos: > Dear Google,

Re: Broadband Router Comparisons

2015-12-23 Thread Seth Mos has quite a few models of routers tested, which is decent. I've bugged them about ipv6 testing before but not too much progress there. Powerconsumption is not listed either, which can be as expensive as the router itself at 21 cents per kWh. Regards, Seth Oorspron

Re: Youtube CDN unreachable over IPv6

2016-01-14 Thread Seth Mos
ue is ongoing, I would be happy to look into this; > otherwise, I don't believe there is any action I can take to assist at > this time. > > All the best. > > >>> * (Seth Mos) [Fri 06 Nov 2015, 09:00 CET]: >>>> Dear Google, >>>

Re: Youtube CDN unreachable over IPv6

2016-01-14 Thread Seth Mos
Op 14-1-2016 om 16:37 schreef > On Thu, 14 Jan 2016 16:04:54 +0100, Seth Mos said: > >> lsintra:~# telnet 443 > >> lsintra:~# telnet 2001:1438:1:2::d 443 > >> Is it possible for Google to realize some form of internal >&g

Re: Frontier: Blocking port 22 because of illegal files?

2015-03-26 Thread Seth Mos
Stephen Satchell schreef op 26-3-2015 om 12:24: > On 03/25/2015 07:31 PM, Aaron C. de Bruyn wrote: >> After getting a few helpful users on the phone to run some quick >> tests, we found port 22 was blocked. > > It's been a while since I did this, but you can select an additional > port to accept S

Re: Recommended 10GE ISCSI SAN switch

2015-05-12 Thread Seth Mos
Paul S. schreef op 12-5-2015 om 15:36: > Hi guys, > > We're shortly going to be getting some 10G SANs, and I was wondering > what people were using as SAN switches for 10G SANs. In one location a HP Procurve 8212zl with 8 SFP+ module, and a 8Gbe module. Here i'm using a Dell EQL PS6210 SSD cabine

Re: Youtube / IPv6 / Netherlands

2015-06-25 Thread Seth Mos
Marco Davids schreef op 25-6-2015 om 14:33: > Hi, > > Would anyone from Google care to explain to me off-list why certain > Youtube-content is blocked in the Netherlands while using IPv6 when it > is working fine via IPv4? > > Geolocation imperfections perhaps? > > The IPv6-address is within 2a0

Re: Youtube / IPv6 / Netherlands

2015-06-25 Thread Seth Mos
> Op 25 jun. 2015, om 16:44 heeft Max Tulyev het volgende > geschreven: > > Hi, > > +1. > > Our 2a01:d0::/32 is floating by Google's geo all around the world, it > was Iran, now it is Russia... and I can't do anything with it, and have > no human contact in Google for complaint. That sounds

Re: Dual stack IPv6 for IPv4 depletion

2015-07-09 Thread Seth Mos
Residential users just buy another router for wifi coverage at the local wall mart. They have no clue about anything internet. That is why isp CPE devices should always perform dhcp-pd on their own to provide a prefix to the downstream devices so those have globally routed ipv6 too. For that to

Re: Dual stack IPv6 for IPv4 depletion

2015-07-10 Thread Seth Mos
Meanwhile, I'm sitting here on a patio at a cafe on Samos, Greece. And the free wifi gives me native v6 to my tablet and phone without any intervention. tells me that the score is 10/10 and all the google bits just work. So, surely it "just works". I wish we had it this easy in

Re: 'gray' market IPv4

2015-07-14 Thread Seth Mos
We had the same thing finding a broker for a /24 pi in the RIPE region. Not all of the brokers have the size you want, eg a /20 when you need a /24. It ends up being between 2500 to 4000 euros depending on notary fees and if you already have a LIR agreement. Cheers Oorspronkelijk bericht

Re: Remember "Internet-In-A-Box"?

2015-07-16 Thread Seth Mos
So, if i get this right. The problem is not quite as bad to fix. It just needs a dnscache/dnsproxy process bound to the ipv4 localhost that uses the ipv6 dns server. Basically what dnsmasq does. Biggest problem is that it wouldn't follow autoconfigure and thus require manual intervention. That is

Re: another tilt at the Verizon FIOS IPv6 windmill

2015-07-18 Thread Seth Mos
Ricky Beam schreef op 18-7-2015 om 1:14: On Fri, 17 Jul 2015 06:25:26 -0400, Christopher Morrow wrote: mean that your UBee has to do dhcpv6? (or the downstream thingy from the UBee has to do dhcpv6?) The Ubee "router" is in bridge mode. Customers have ZERO access to the thing, even when it i

Re: Meraki

2013-11-19 Thread Seth Mos
Op 19 nov 2013, om 18:25 heeft Hank Disuko het volgende geschreven: > Hi folks, > > I've traditionally been a Cisco Catalyst shop for my switching gear. > > I am doing a significant hardware refresh in one of my offices, which will > entail replacing about 20 access switches and a couple core

Re: Meraki

2013-11-21 Thread Seth Mos
Op 22 nov 2013, om 06:37 heeft Jay Ashworth het volgende geschreven: > - Original Message - > Anecdote: > > My local IHOP finally managed to get Wifi internet access in the restaurant. > > For reasons unknown to me, it's a Meraki box, backhauled *over T-mobile*. > > That's just as unpl

Re: AT&T UVERSE Native IPv6, a HOWTO

2013-12-03 Thread Seth Mos
On 2-12-2013 22:25, Ricky Beam wrote: > On Fri, 29 Nov 2013 08:39:59 -0500, Rob Seastrom wrote: > Handing out /56's like Pez is just wasting address space -- someone *is* > paying for that space. Yes, it's waste; giving everyone 256 networks You clearly have no understanding of route aggregation

Re: Cisco ADSL2/VDSL2 Voip Router

2013-12-13 Thread Seth Mos
On 13-12-2013 14:54, Nick Cameo wrote: > Hello Everyone, > > I have a customer that is looking for a voip router. The router part > is easy however, > they need it to support their ADSL/VDSL connection PPoE, and all that lovely > stuff. Can you gents and ladies kindly recommend something that woul

Re: SIXXS contact

2011-04-26 Thread Seth Mos
Op 27-4-2011 0:38, Andrew Kirch schreef: > On 4/26/2011 12:11 PM, Brielle Bruns wrote: >> I've run a volunteer/free hosting service since 1997 or so - it never >> ceases to amaze me how people will complain about free things, but >> when you ask them to pony up a little monthly support its like you

Re: Facebook Engineering, on WIPv6D:

2011-06-08 Thread Seth Mos
Hi Jay, Can you correlate the user from the access logs and send them a email that their IPv6 internet is not working correctly? Regards, Seth Op 9 jun 2011, om 05:03 heeft Jay Ashworth het volgende geschreven: > """ > World IPv6 Day came to an end earlier today. We successfully enabled IPv6

Re: Question about migrating to IPv6 with multiple upstreams.

2011-06-11 Thread Seth Mos
Op 12 jun 2011, om 03:50 heeft Randy Carpenter het volgende geschreven: > > I have an interesting situation at a business that I am working on. We > currently have the office set up with redundant connections for their mission > critical servers and such, and also have a (cheap) cable modem fo