Op 20 jun 2011, om 23:24 heeft Tony Finch het volgende geschreven:

> On 20 Jun 2011, at 16:26, Jérôme Nicolle <jer...@ceriz.fr> wrote:
>> But most RBL managers are shitheads anyway, so help them evade, that'll be 
>> one more proof of spamhaus &co. uselessness and negative impact on the 
>> Internet's best practices.
> An organization that blocks 90% of spam with no false positives is incredibly 
> useful.

Using a greylisting system is equally effective without the black list part.

My milter-greylist installation is aimed at allowing as much mail through as it 
can, instead of the other way around. Milter-greylist has a nice urlcheck 
feature and/or ldap verification for users. In my case it's a PHP script.

If I can verify the IP to be inside a /22 of the MX records, www records or 
domain records that is sufficient to bypass the greylisting. The timers are 
also quite lenient. Just 15 minutes of wait is enough, of they are persistent 
if we've seen them before by domain. We get the email regardless and phone 
calls are rare, and I never run the risk of never getting the email.

This has turned out to be a really effective way to allow normal email through 
without much delay. After just 2 days at work it's whitelisted over 75% of the 
active domains we do business with.

We have about 17 domains and I know what the poster is asking, we've been 
emailing our customers before, subscribed customers none the less. We've had 
our share of blacklisting before. And we even sent the emails with unsubscribe 

But some of them will click the "report this as spam" link in their favourite 
mail agent as a means to unsubscribe. I mean, clicking a link is hard. The end 
result is that we end up on various block lists. It's a good thing that the 
email servers at large isps are often sensible enough to let the email through.

Some of the smaller ones had rather odd draconian limits set. This makes the 
situation for all of us worse.



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