Re: Getting back the dynamically coloured freboard dots on L2.20

2020-11-03 Thread Viktor Mastoridis
> > > A minimal would look like: > \new FretBoards { \override FretBoard.color = #red a } > Changing dot-color in 2.18. but not with 2.20. > > Investigating... > > Cheers, > Harm > Agreed. I'm sorry. It's the first time I'm posting on this kind/level of forum.

Re: Getting back the dynamically coloured freboard dots on L2.20

2020-11-04 Thread Viktor Mastoridis
Dear Harm, Carl et al., Most of what you discussed went over my head, and I have no idea how patches work:-) I understood and tried the hack from Harm: \override FretBoards.FretBoard.before-line-breaking = #(lambda (grob) (ly:grob-set-nested-property! grob '(fret-diagram-details

Create a \prall with a slur above

2020-11-08 Thread Viktor Mastoridis
Hello, I would like to create an upper mordent (\prall) for guitar tabs, which would have a curved slur over a single note. The reasoning is that I would like to distinguish the regular Mordent (where each note is plucked), with the Grace Mordent (where the first note is plucked, the upper note is

Note stem centered if changed in EasyHeads

2021-04-02 Thread Viktor Mastoridis
\version "2.20.0" \relative c'' { \easyHeadsOn \override NoteHead.font-name = #"Ubuntu" a b c d} Hello, If I try to change the in EasyHeads, the stem gets to the middle of the note-head (see attached image). And Lilypond says: "none of note heads `noteheads.s' or `noteheads.d' fou

Re: Note stem centered if changed in EasyHeads

2021-04-02 Thread Viktor Mastoridis
Thank you very much, Jean. The hack does the job for now. -- 📱 -Original Message- Re: Note stem centered if changed in EasyHeads From: Jean Abou Samra To: Viktor Mastoridis ,lilypond-user <> Cc: Friday, 2 April 2021 at 11:

Re: Leadsheet for voice and ukulele

2021-04-18 Thread Viktor Mastoridis
I forgot two important things, sorry:-) > > You should create your own chord definitions in a separate file and store > that file in the folder described above. > I am sharing my one with you (, where I changed the Bs > to Hs and the BESs to Bs (to comply with the German langu

Re: How do I make a whole Lyric sentence into another color? :)

2021-05-17 Thread Viktor Mastoridis
On Sun, 16 May 2021 at 16:23, wrote: > Anyone knows how to make color to a whole lyric sentence, I know there > is an option for different kind of grey. Can I override a whole verse > with one specific color? :) > > I have this: > > \addlyrics {\set stanza = "1." Be -- hold os, Fa -- der, ved dit

Moving a tie horizontally

2022-02-07 Thread Viktor Mastoridis
Hello, I am creating chord strumming indications with a tie. I'm using the \improvisationOn handle, and the tie appears a bit too high and to the right. Using \override Tie.Y-offset I can move the tie vertically, but \override Tie.X-offset yields no results. I have searched across forums and ma

Re: Moving a tie horizontally

2022-02-10 Thread Viktor Mastoridis
Thank you Aaron for the 'extra-offset' formula. I will use it. Thank you Jean for the \shape - I also tried to use it and failed; with your example, it makes so much more sense and I begin to understand it.

Moving /downbow & /upbow to the tablature

2022-06-29 Thread Viktor Mastoridis
Hello, When combining standard notation and tablature, the down/upstroke symbols show above the notation. Is there a way to have them displayed above the tablature? Where the tablature is arranged beneath the notation? \version "2.20.0" melody = {c'2\downbow d'\upbow} << \new Staff \melody \n

Re: Moving /downbow & /upbow to the tablature

2022-06-30 Thread Viktor Mastoridis
> > the reason for why you do not get these above the tablature is because the > context definition for TabStaff (in ly/ explicitely sets > a few > stencils to #f. So to get Scripts in your TabStaff you’d want to do > > melody = {c'2\downbow d'\upbow} > << >\new Staff \melody >

Re: Moving /downbow & /upbow to the tablature

2022-06-30 Thread Viktor Mastoridis
> > > > > > Ah, I was looking for that formula! > > I tried '\undo \hide Script' and similar, but this is a bit above my > > paygrade:-) > > > > Thank you so much, Valentin. > > --- > > Viktor > > > > You were almost there! > > \undo \omit Script > > Since removing t

Adding a root note next to the key signature (like a single note Ambitus)

2022-07-05 Thread Viktor Mastoridis
# key indicating G-major or E-minor scale, this piece is in D-Myxolydian mode. Viktor Mastoridis 📱

Re: Adding a root note next to the key signature (like a single note Ambitus)

2022-07-07 Thread Viktor Mastoridis
On Wed, 6 Jul 2022 at 08:07, Lukas-Fabian Moser wrote: > > Am 05.07.22 um 23:39 schrieb Lukas-Fabian Moser: > > Hi Viktor, > Am 05.07.22 um 20:17 schrieb Viktor Mastoridis: > > For educational purposes, I would like to see whether it's possible to add > a small note

Re: Adding a root note next to the key signature (like a single note Ambitus)

2022-07-09 Thread Viktor Mastoridis
> 1. How do I change the pitch of the 'root' note? I tried playing with the > three numbers from "(+ tonic-position 3) 7) 3)))". But I can't understand > their logic. > > I'm not quite sure what you mean: The pitch of the 'root' note is taken > directly from the \key command. > > For example, the f

Custom NoteNames doesn't work in 2.22

2022-11-11 Thread Viktor Mastoridis
ssoc-get default-name chimenames))) (ly:grob-set-property! grob 'text new-name) (ly:text-interface::print grob))) \new StaffGroup << \new Staff \music \new NoteNames \with { \override NoteName #'stencil = #ChimeNoteNames } \music >> --- Viktor Mastoridis

Re: Custom NoteNames doesn't work in 2.22

2022-11-11 Thread Viktor Mastoridis
> > Viktor, I suspect what is happening is that you first upgraded > an old file to 2.20 without convert-ly, which didn't change > this syntax, then upgraded from 2.20 to 2.22, which didn't > change it either because the conversion rule is done when crossing > the version in which the change was do

Horizontally aligning mixed articulations in /improvisationOn mode

2022-11-17 Thread Viktor Mastoridis
^\upbow} \repeat unfold 2 { a'4\upbow^\staccato} \override Script.extra-offset = #'(0.8 . 0) \repeat unfold 2 { a'4\upbow^\staccato} } --- Viktor Mastoridis Music producer and educator

Re: Horizontally aligning mixed articulations in /improvisationOn mode

2022-11-17 Thread Viktor Mastoridis
> > This is controlled by the toward-stem-shift and > toward-stem-shift-in-column properties. Try > > \version "2.22.2" > > { > \time 2/4 > \improvisationOn \repeat unfold 2 { a'4^\staccato} > \repeat unfold 2 { a'4^\upbow} > \repeat unfold 2 { a'4\upbow^\staccato} > \override Script.towa

Need help displaying note names in 2.22

2023-08-05 Thread Viktor Mastoridis
{ \music } \new NoteNames \with {\override NoteName #'stencil = #ChimeNoteNames } { \music } >> \layout { } \midi { } } --- Viktor Mastoridis

Re: Need help displaying note names in 2.22

2023-08-07 Thread Viktor Mastoridis
nd 2.24 on Mint 21 (Ubuntu LTS 22.4) without braking the system? Viktor -- Viktor Mastoridis📱

Re: Need help displaying note names in 2.22

2023-08-08 Thread Viktor Mastoridis
unings = #bass-tuning } { \music } \new NoteNames { \music } >> \layout { } \midi { } } --- Viktor Mastoridis On Mon, 7 Aug 2023 at 19:04, Jean Abou Samra wrote: > Le lundi 07 août 2023 à 19:00 +0100, Viktor Mastoridis a écrit : > > How do I upgrade to Lilyp

Changing font-name in \easyHeadsOn renders strange stem positions (and initiates warnings)

2023-08-14 Thread Viktor Mastoridis
. \version "2.24.0" \new Staff { \relative c { \easyHeadsOn \override NoteHead.font-name = "Ubuntu" %\override NoteHead.stem-attachment = #'(1.05 . 0) c'8 d e g a b c d } } --- Viktor Mastoridis

Re: Changing font-name in \easyHeadsOn renders strange stem positions (and initiates warnings)

2023-08-14 Thread Viktor Mastoridis
> > Try > > \version "2.24.1" > > \new Staff { > \relative c { > \easyHeadsOn > \override NoteHead.font-name = "Ubuntu" > \override NoteHead.stem-attachment = > #(lambda (grob) > (if (eqv? UP (ly:grob-property (ly:grob-object grob 'stem) > 'direction)) > '

RepeatSlash size is changed when StaffSymbol.staff-space is overriden in 2.24

2023-08-14 Thread Viktor Mastoridis
t percent 2 {c2 d4 e } } } --- Viktor Mastoridis

Re: RepeatSlash size is changed when StaffSymbol.staff-space is overriden in 2.24

2023-08-14 Thread Viktor Mastoridis
On Mon, 14 Aug 2023 at 17:40, Jean Abou Samra wrote: > Le lundi 14 août 2023 à 17:22 +0100, Viktor Mastoridis a écrit : > > That change was in fact a bug fix. Percent repeats didn't correctly > scale with the staff size, but now they do. > > You can always resize th

Re: RepeatSlash size is changed when StaffSymbol.staff-space is overriden in 2.24

2023-08-14 Thread Viktor Mastoridis
The same problem - large Repeat Slashes - appears on a default Tab setting. "StaffSymbol.staff-space" is not invoked here. The slashes look normal on 2.22 (I attach 2.22 & 2.24 screenshots). Any suggestions to reduce the size of the slashes? The previous code (shrink =...) doesn't work for tabs..

Re: RepeatSlash size is changed when StaffSymbol.staff-space is overriden in 2.24

2023-08-15 Thread Viktor Mastoridis
On Tue, 15 Aug 2023 at 10:59, Jean Abou Samra wrote: > Le mardi 15 août 2023 à 01:37 +0100, Viktor Mastoridis a écrit : > > The previous code (shrink =...) doesn't work for tabs... > > > It works here: > > \version "2.24.2" > > shrink = > \prope

Re: RepeatSlash size is changed when StaffSymbol.staff-space is overriden in 2.24

2023-08-15 Thread Viktor Mastoridis
> > \layout { > \shrink Staff.PercentRepeat > \shrink Staff.RepeatSlash > \shrink Staff.DoubleRepeatSlash > } Thank you for this, David. It's a handy little shortcut. VM

Can Frescobaldi autosave?

2023-08-18 Thread Viktor Mastoridis
Hello, I know this is a Lilypond forum, but if your know the answer, please let me know. The search engine doesn't give any meaningful answers. Viktor -- Viktor Mastoridis📱

Grace notes with easyHeadsOIn error

2018-02-11 Thread Viktor Mastoridis
Hello Lilypond users, I hope that this is the right place to ask the following question: Using Lilypond 2.18.2 I am using easyHeadsOn (with numbers: \Ez_numbers_engraver) on a score. I tried to use \afterGrace or \grace, as in \afterGrace b8 ( c16 ) but the result is that the number and the he

Re: Create a \prall with a slur above

2020-11-08 Thread Viktor Mastoridis Jas Виктор
This is fantastic! Simple and clear. Thank you so much, Pierre. I spent a lot of time browsing the manuals that you referred to for 'slur', but not for 'tie':-) And it didn't dawn on me that I could put the 'prall' in markup. -- Viktor Mastoridis 📱 fb.