Hello, I am creating chord strumming indications with a tie. I'm using the \improvisationOn handle, and the tie appears a bit too high and to the right. Using \override Tie.Y-offset I can move the tie vertically, but \override Tie.X-offset yields no results.
I have searched across forums and manuals, tried various things, but couldn't find a way to move the tie horizontally. Can you please help? Attached is an image of the result that I'm getting at the moment. And here's a minimal code example \version "2.20.0" \new DrumStaff \with { \override StaffSymbol.line-count = #1 } { \stemUp \improvisationOn \override Tie.Y-offset = #-0.4 a8 a' ~ a' a' a'4 a'4 \improvisationOff } --- Viktor.Mastoridis.co.uk <https://viktor.mastoridis.co.uk>