Hi all,
Bubli asked about two strings that could be added to 4.4. What's your
opinion on it?
She explained:
it was rather unfortunate that a feature (a new field in
Impress) has been implemented for 4.4 but no one really took care that
ODF export and import gets implemented too.
Hi Sophie,
Sophie wrote on 26-05-15 10:59:
> Bubli asked about two strings that could be added to 4.4. What's your
> opinion on it?
> [...]
> Let me know if you agree to merge the strings
+1 for merging
> or if you don't mind about those strings not marked for translation in 4.4.
Cor Nou
+1, Always.
On 26/05/2015 05:59, Sophie wrote:
> Hi all,
> Bubli asked about two strings that could be added to 4.4. What's your
> opinion on it?
> She explained:
> -
> it was rather unfortunate that a feature (a new field in
> Impress) has been implemented for 4.4 but no one re
Hi *;
On Sun, May 24, 2015 at 10:17 AM, Kismabo adwa wrote:
> Hi everybody, i want u to help me how to build libreoffice. I have
> being directed by this
> https://wiki.documentfoundation.org/Development/BuildingOnLinux on
> how to build libreoffice I have installed git. then when i try to
Il 26/05/2015 11:53, Cor Nouws ha scritto:
Hi Sophie,
Sophie wrote on 26-05-15 10:59:
Bubli asked about two strings that could be added to 4.4. What's your
opinion on it?
Let me know if you agree to merge the strings
+1 for merging
same for me, +1 for merging.
Il 19/05/2015 09:17, Sophie ha scritto:
Hi all,
The new version of Pootle is now running on a test instance and need to
be fully tested, and for that we need your help :)
If you wish to participate to this testing phase, please send me an
e-mail and I'll give you the link and the list of what
Hi Valter,
Hi Sophie,
> same pwd as the other?
Thanks & Regards
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