Does anyone have experience with the UV-17R? Is it just a 5R variant within
CHIRP? I don't have one, but they seem like an amazing value with excellent
chirp_users mailing list
> Does anyone have experience with the UV-17R? Is it just a 5R variant within
> CHIRP? I don't have one, but they seem like an amazing value with excellent
> performance.
There are at least a half dozen radio models that have the UV-17 base
name. Unlike the UV-5R that has a boatload of variants
Just bought 4, not realizing they arent Chirp supported. Ssighhh...
Hopefully soon, there will be support? Am willing to donate one to the
Chirp programmers if they need one! Lemme know!
On Fri, Sept 1, 2023, 14:21 Jim Unroe wrote:
> > Does anyone have experience with the UV-17R? Is it just a 5