> Does anyone have experience with the UV-17R? Is it just a 5R variant within 
> CHIRP? I don't have one, but they seem like an amazing value with excellent 
> performance.

There are at least a half dozen radio models that have the UV-17 base
name. Unlike the UV-5R that has a boatload of variants that are
basically the electronics in a different case and program with the
same CHIRP vendor/model selections, these radios are all different in
programming, the number of bands, number of channels, menu systems,
ect. Vendors make it worse by listing it differently than the name
that is actually on the radio making it difficult to know if they
misrepresented the radio or you mistakenly ordered the wrong one. And
don't be surprised if the manual supplied with the radio doesn't match
the radio.

None of the newer 999 channel or 1000 (10 banks of 100) channel radios
are currently supported by CHIRP. I don't know if anyone is actively
working to develop support for them. I an not actively working on any
of them. So if you want/need CHIRP support, you may want to hold off.

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