Am 14.05.2017 um 11:54 schrieb Maarten Brock:
>> Based on my experience in getting started with various STM8 and MCS-51
>> boards, I wrote a few simple tutorials to help others. They use free
>> tools only. For various evaluation boards there are three simple demos:
>> 1) LED counter controlled by timer
>> 2) Serial output
>> 3) Dhrystone / Whetstone benchmarks
>> The tutorials can be found at:
>> Please tell me if you find any mistakes, or have any suggestions for
>> improvement.
>> Philipp
> Hi Philipp,
> On the C8051F120 Dhrystone page you write:
> The C8051F120 itself could run at up to 100 Mhz, but would require an
> external crystal to do so.
> This is not true. You can also use the PLL on the internal 24.5MHz +/-2%
> oscillator giving 98MHz +/-2%.
> Maarten

I finally managed to update the C8051F120 tutorial to use a 98 Mhz clock.

Dhrystones per second increase from 1717 to 6587 with current SDCC.

That is a little bit less than a 4 times increase (the different memory
timings required at 98 Mhz eat up some of the gain from the clock increase).

The C8051F120 seems to be be SiLabs' top-of-the-line 8-bit product. And
6587 Dhrystones per second seems quite good for an 8051-derivative. It
would be good to have numbers for Keil.

For comparison, I just did a quick test with the STM8AF5288. It gets
9704 Dhrystones per second with current SDCC (a little bit higher with
more agressive optimization settings) when run at 16 Mhz (STM8 devices
are available up to 24 Mhz).


P.S.: If I find a little spare time, I might try Dhrystone on an
STM8S108MB at 24 Mhz, and on the Sega Master System (Z80 at about 3.5 Mhz).

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