>> I was surprised to see an .ihx file mentioned.
>> When I download my software to the boards, I always download the
>> <project_name>.omf file.
>> If you get an ".omf" file from your build, you might want to try that
>> file for download.
>> BR
>> Joakim
> Good point. When only linking in another module (use of generic pointers:
> gptrget/gptrput) gives different results, the location of code may have
> something to do with it. And since our .ihx file is fragmented and
> unordered, this may be a problem for ec2-new because it must erase the
> flash in pages.
> Please try again after post-processing the .ihx file with packihx.
> Maarten

I have now tried the test.c program with minor patches and can reproduce 
the behaviour with ec2writeflash. Ie I get only Hello repeating (I could 
also get World printing once after flash). If I alternate flashing hex 
and ihx files I get the behaviour that Philipp is describing.

And then I took the hex files and flashed them with the official SiLabs 
windows flasher and I get Hello World perfectly fine on the serial 
console. All this using the same flasher hardware. So all this is most 
likely caused by the flasher software under linux.

I was able to reproduce this with a hex file of ca 1k. So hopefully I 
will be able to track down the changes needed to fix the flasher 
software. Thanks to all for your help with this.

Benjamin Larsson

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