Hi, brilliant and thanks a lot!
I was able to patch the source code and build it but now when I try to compile my PIC project I get: ---------------------------- ERROR: device list pic16devices.txt not found, specify its path via -I<path> '18f45k50' was not found. ---------------------------- Nothing to do with the patch I bet but rather than getting into the endless dependency update loop I thought I'd ask. Here is some background info. When configuring the project I got a warning of gputils needing to be updated and a list of processors not supported unless I update. My device 18f45k50 was not in that list so I ignored this. After compiling I move the source code/build directory to an other location, is that a problem, is that why pic16devices.txt was not found? I tried to specify the location of pic16devices.txt but a few tries did not change the situation... wbr Kusti From: "rnei...@web.de" <rnei...@web.de> Reply-To: "sdcc-user@lists.sourceforge.net" <sdcc-user@lists.sourceforge.net> Date: Tuesday, 30 August 2016 03:12 To: "sdcc-user@lists.sourceforge.net" <sdcc-user@lists.sourceforge.net> Subject: Re: [Sdcc-user] Bug in 'removed redundant BANKSEL' ? Hi, I believe I have a fix for all issues you reported: - useless MOVFF x,x removed (in this particular situation -- there may be more situations like this) - missing BANKSEL added (incorrect removal was caused by the useless MOVFF, because it used an operand that -- if we had a BANKSEL for it -- would have made the missing one obsolete. For MOVFF operands, we have no BANKSEL, so this was a bug) - MOVF a, W; MOVWF a turned to MOVFF (this can be better, if a is not used before/afterwards and if a is not known to be already in W; it can be worse if a is used again (copied somewhere else) or if it's already in W) Patch attached. If anyone wants to review it -- you are welcome. Esp. the SPIL_LOC && IS_TEMP is something I do not really understand -- it works for our situation, but I am not sure how correct / generally applicable that is :-(. I'll try to dig into this again tonight and check it in around 23:00 CEST today. Good night, Raphael 2016-08-29 15:33 GMT+02:00 Kustaa Nyholm <kustaa.nyh...@planmeca.com>: Here is a minimal self contained test case that produces the problem: //------------------------------------------ typedef struct { char member; } test_type; extern test_type g_test1[]; extern test_type g_test2; void foobar() { g_test2.member = g_test1[0].member; g_test2.member = g_test1[0].member; } //------------------------------------------ generated code: //------------------------------------------ 01008 S_main__foobar code 000000 01009 _foobar: 01010 ; .line 66; main.c g_test2.member = g_test1[0].member; 000000 CFD9 FFE5 01011 MOVFF FSR2L, POSTDEC1 000004 CFE1 FFD9 01012 MOVFF FSR1L, FSR2L 01013 ; .line 67; main.c } 000008 C??? F??? 01014 MOVFF _g_test1, _g_test1 00000C ???? 01015 BANKSEL _g_test1 00000E 51?? 01016 MOVF _g_test1, W, B 000010 ???? 01017 BANKSEL _g_test2 000012 6F?? 01018 MOVWF _g_test2, B 01019 ; .line 68; main.c 000014 C??? F??? 01020 MOVFF _g_test1, _g_test1 000018 51?? 01021 MOVF _g_test1, W, B 01022 ; removed redundant BANKSEL 00001A 6F?? 01023 MOVWF _g_test2, B 00001C CFE4 FFD9 01024 MOVFF PREINC1, FSR2L 000020 0012 01025 RETURN //------------------------------------------ compiled with: //------------------------------------------ /Users/nyholku/sdcc-3.6.0/bin/sdcc --no-crt --ivt-loc=0x800 -V -L /Users/nyholku/sdcc-3.4.0/share/sdcc/non-free/lib/pic16 -Wa,-S,0 -Wl,-m,-s18f45k50.lkr -mpic16 -p18f45k50 --disable-warning 85 --std-sdcc99 --obanksel=3 --use-non-free main.c //------------------------------------------ Thinking this through while the code would work with without the BANKSEL optimisation, it would of course be preferable if the assignment would be optimised to a single MOVFF instruction. And I think (without knowing the details of code generation or peephole optimisation) that this should be easy to do because the compiler at that point knows both the source and destination absolute (even if symbolic) addresses. wbr Kusti This e-mail may contain confidential or privileged information. If you are not the intended recipient (or have received this e-mail in error) please notify the sender immediately and destroy this e-mail. Any unauthorized copying, disclosure or distribution of the material in this e-mail is strictly forbidden. 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