
thanks for the speedy answer and promise to look at this.

Interesting that I've been using SDCC quite a lot doing more or less similar 
constructs and never encountered this problem before.

BTW I run a quick test with SCDD 3.6.0 and the same problem is there.

As to volatile, yes in theory I need that but I'm not sure that in practice it 
is needed, hard to imaging a real life situation where the access to a global 
non-static variable would be optimised away in way that matters.

So I will try removing the volatile to see what happens.

Ok, removing volatile from 'g_stepper_state' did not make a difference.

And removing it from 'hid_tx_buffer' also made no difference.

Both the wrongly removed BANKSEL problem  and the redundant MOVFF are there.

wbr Kusti

From: "rnei...@web.de<mailto:rnei...@web.de>" 
Date: Monday, 29 August 2016 10:56
To: "sdcc-user@lists.sourceforge.net<mailto:sdcc-user@lists.sourceforge.net>" 
Subject: Re: [Sdcc-user] Bug in 'removed redundant BANKSEL' ?

Hi Kusti,

I fear that you are right: there seems to be a banksel missing for 
g_stepperstate before 01020 - and if that's added, the one removed in 01021 
needs to stay.
I also agree that the movff statements should not be in there.
I'll try to look into this tonight and tomorrow evening, but it has been quite 
a while for me to actually develop sdcc... Let's see.
Currently, I have no workaround. One could try removing volatile and see if 
that's related to the issues. I understand that you probably need the 
structures to be volatile, so this would only help analyse the issue, not fix 

Best regards,

On Aug 29, 2016 9:22 AM, "Kustaa Nyholm" 
<kustaa.nyh...@planmeca.com<mailto:kustaa.nyh...@planmeca.com>> wrote:

spent a better part of the evening trying to figure out why my code does not 

In the early hours of the morning I came up with this test code (in "main.c"):

void testxxx() {
        hid_tx_buffer.uint8[33] = g_stepper_state[1].position.uint8[1];
        hid_tx_buffer.uint8[34] = g_stepper_state[1].position.uint8[2];


The first assignment works but the second one fails (based on observing
the results in actual hardware, PIC18F45K50).

Looking at the compiled code it looks to me that there is a missing BANKSEL
at line 01021?

Also I don't see the point of the MOVFF instructions at 01013 and 01019,
what is the purpose?

000000                01008 _testxxx:
                      01009 ;       .line   59; main.c      
hid_tx_buffer.uint8[34] = g_stepper_state[1].position.uint8[2];
000000 CFD9 FFE5      01010         MOVFF   FSR2L, POSTDEC1
000004 CFE1 FFD9      01011         MOVFF   FSR1L, FSR2L
                      01012 ;       .line   60; main.c      }
000008 C??? F???      01013         MOVFF   (_g_stepper_state + 5), 
(_g_stepper_state + 5)
00000C ????           01014         BANKSEL (_g_stepper_state + 5)
00000E 51??           01015         MOVF    (_g_stepper_state + 5), W, B
000010 ????           01016         BANKSEL (_hid_tx_buffer + 33)
000012 6F??           01017         MOVWF   (_hid_tx_buffer + 33), B
                      01018 ;       .line   61; main.c
000014 C??? F???      01019         MOVFF   (_g_stepper_state + 6), 
(_g_stepper_state + 6)
000018 51??           01020         MOVF    (_g_stepper_state + 6), W, B
                      01021 ; removed redundant BANKSEL
00001A 6F??           01022         MOVWF   (_hid_tx_buffer + 34), B
00001C CFE4 FFD9      01023         MOVFF   PREINC1, FSR2L
000020 0012           01024         RETURN

The declarations for the data structures are as follows.

In a header file included in "main.c"

typedef union {
        uint8_t uint8[4];
        uint16_t uint16[2];
        uint32_t uint32;
} uint32_t_multi_view;

typedef struct {
        uint32_t_multi_view position;
} stepper_status_t;

extern volatile __at(0x300) stepper_status_t g_stepper_state[];

and in an other header file, also included in "main.c"

typedef struct {
        union {
                uint8_t uint8[64];
                uint16_t uint16[32];
                uint32_t uint32[16];
                int8_t int8[64];
                int16_t int16[32];
                int32_t int32[16];
} hid_buffer_t;

extern volatile hid_buffer_t hid_tx_buffer;

and oh yeah, this is my SDCC on Mac OS X Yosemite:

/Users/nyholku/sdcc-3.4.0/bin/sdcc -v
 3.4.0 #8981 (Apr  5 2014) (Mac OS X i386)
published under GNU General Public License (GPL)

wbr Kusti

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